THE WANTS ARE READY TO SERVE YOU AND AT SLIGHT EXPENSE-SEE PAGE EIGHT Edition NEWS. Latest Edition NO. 6985 CHAKLOTFE. N. C. SATURDAY EVENING. MARCH 25, 191 I 'P’D i Charlof.t* cent"? a Copy Daily— -Cents Sunday '( Outside Charlotte. 5 Cents a copy Daily and Sunday ie Fiyer Plunge^ From Trestle Into The River-Many Lives Lost twus Ti a in eck Neai Ocilla, tQ. On a. C. L. [t 11 0*clock nr- I'••'•'I*'!' wt A nuinbor A'id It 4U L lVCS \ l’assrnc;ei s injiirrd. Cause of Accident, riio acf-iili'iu V, ;is caiwseil b>' tl'.p jj . i en'-jiup ilrj\ iiii; wli-^ol axle breaking \CS J2Q.0. ijCtTl I I'ff, aii!i.)u;:ii tho eiisiino reniajnrd (in , t j'' ' Ht's-it;i! iraiiis wei’e ponf lOV: I', Q.ICT Afl(i \ ; (>,!i the' lire laispiuil at Wa>- M ross tn III;' of ilie wreck with ' -oi tois ami I’uisos 011 tn):\rd. 'I'liis ■ '.lain If't' W'avv at S;40 o’t’lock. Docutrs were a'.sii stnu rrom I'it '^ht'd 1c tnn ('11 a sppcial tcain and the i. r,:w- iian,\- ('('i iovs t'n'in ■\Villa('0(K niH' went ui'aVOTinO to '" ‘ ‘Oi a iuuuicar. ^ ' I • 1.! n Of Missing' ^ *■ i 1 lu‘ (load iiniis bcforp the Ira(^^ And Trainmen, PlVSS. 23th- W. C. CULPEPPER. Tifton. Ga. O. F. RONMWART. Hende.’son, Ky. MRS. V/. D. FLETCHER. Rowland. I tR'stlo ()\ ('r i\ er near liore ’i^'S morning >onLic‘rs. Fi\e uiTiiik (I. CoNUUCTOR CHARLES J. PAR NELL. S .T V1 n (1 a h. (>ti tlu* \{~ express NiESSENGER WOOD- ’ ’ ^ , WARD. H KailrOLUi; fireman LUCIliS ELLIS. colori^d. ! POHTF.R Vi/IDDEN, colored. I In^uriid: I Expi'sss P^1ess(?n?er -jnd Baggage- * fTia?t2:' Po'.V«n, VV. T. Perkin.=5, Gatliesbiirg, Ky. I '•i'?. O. F. Bon-r.wart, Henderson. Ky. ; N:ck Vandonmeulen. Grand P.apids, M i r h. ’ \ ,• a; ;i i.j > Gerlcfs. Holton, T/Iich. n,' .■,! J- P- Klein .nnd t.hree year old ■1. .'riiia'tion ’ Louis. •.>'k Il'.alj Crawfordville. Ind. f'.eu M'ai S'ipct'iiiicr(!» nt Braird >t tht' At Coa;-' Iji'.e i'^rt here Mri:^ iiinri’iir.u .1 si.fciai ualii tor th- sco;ie •):' ac( uit'u; .iiui Mrs. Tar- n« .•■'lu was ihai her ht:.-.- 'ti'i'.i aro it !i u.irii s.- : he (fi tn'. I I'.c The Injured Removed. \il ai! , (ia.. ;J.'.--Infonna- t«" r:\i-d ;»■ (iisiaiice teh-- ! ' . (la., is *■ I tii;;: snni'' 01 'ho i;a,sseii- inurou :n ii,;» v re^’k of th(^ lv( iHiir Oi illa. this moinin.?:, .i;i\f !)'*( i! r. !uii.i;i to lae hospital ::: W h a'^ocht'e. 15:ji;f:a^* inasier Puw »■ !, ()! ( oi'n’iii' '. 'ia.. wiio was. re- hiiioi.;; ihe ■njii'cil. is said ti.' i.av.- I ten laUcu troni the wreckage 1. ; la-i iiT',' (■ tl'.el > 'n’l. It 's! i I. • '' a' ■('c'l I ■ . : a-;’ioa 1 ■ '.M' t li'; . : •n :er • ■■ jr V r 0 between ‘ , ,, Vi i 1 : I'n M 'e. Fla.. w«is i 1 e cr the Alapa- .it 7:20 o'z'ock th^s i rrd rjcc:'d cij^ss I St Pu 1 i'an sleeper i e. . cari yirg away j ’ trestie. j 0' I Ls of son^e of to Ocilla tre i . V.,.t ?'-.y Aa-n ng ^ l')t edl ‘.c 0* ai’ •' ■.* en m d /■ ay ot ; C0-1-*hr*; in the ■:st ur-jer wster] ': dead rray be ' km THERE WONT BE ENOUGH PENNANTS TO GO ROUND THIS SEASON 1 BATTING ORDER OF DAVIDSON AND CAROLINA FOR THIS AFTERNOON'S GAME. Davidson Carolina: tlackney. cf • 'alnips, li>. indt-ny. ss. I'Msvards. -"lb. tsV'>', ^1) iiauf'S. rl If. \ i'h'M inston, c Klutlz, li k’.ooe, .'U) s'ashion. ‘f. labor, lb. 'A'hiiiiner. 2b ;ic hard son rf .Madiijon. c., y. iiler. (I. Wolfe. '1. I);ih^ p Winsluii. y. Insurrectos Will Not Lay Down Arms Until Diaz Is Out RUSSm M>K£S T By Associated Pres.s. Peking. Mari'h 2.'). —M. Korostovetz, the Ru-ssian minister to China, today presented to the Chinese foreign board a note from his government de manding a full and unequivocal com pliance with the Russian senii-tilti matuni of February It!. Double Killing In Des Moines By Associated Press. DesMoines. Iowa, March 2.'). -Dr. H. B. Kelly, of Council Bluffs, shot and killed Deputy Sheriff Clarence Wollman today and a short time later shot and killed Kdward, a Des Moines bartender. Dr. Kelly was being tken by the deputy sneriff 10 an ineliriaie hospiial So Says Senoi Gonzales Gar- zar, Insurrecto Secretary or State — E_ffect oj Cabinet Resignation is Commen ted' Upon, Revolutionists Junta Declares There Will Be no Cessation of Hostilities—Maneuver Camps at San Antonio^ Drenched, By Associated Press. ICl Pa&o, Texa.s, March 2.t.—"We will not lay down our arms until Diaz is out.' This was the declaration made toda.v by Seiior (!ouzal(‘s Carza, insurrecto secretary of state. In s])ite of the resignation of the Mexican cabinet the revolutionists junta here declared today that there, would be no cessati(m of hostilities in. Die war zone, it is declared Madero will coiitiiiue to prevent railroad and' iele}-'rai)hi(^ coinmuiiication throughout:' at Knoxvilk-*. '^I’he two men occupied | *i*>i'h .Mexico and will endeavor to cap- the same room at ;iie Kirkwood hotel i ture more towns as basis of supplies. The demand that Diaz declare null, his last election and a^^ree to a new election for president will not be re- liiKitilshed and poi)itlHr ballotting for governors of tflates and jefes politico will be insisted upon. Tlie jiinia declarts any negotiationH must be conducted under an armed I nice. The junta is confident that the resig-j nation of the cabinet means the end! of ilie present political regime oC^ Mexico ai^d the institution of great re forms. but insurrecto chiefs are stillj i.iiccrtaiii as to (he Immediate resultsj wlii(-,h mav follow tlie nainiiig ol a ne'A's n D' MINT STDEET .^^rs. .lohn F. Canii'iiell. throuL'h tJie real es'ate firm of .1. K. Murjihy Com pany. has transfprred u> the Piedmont Ti-action Comnan: . a liouse and lot in Churcii street lieiween r irst and Stone wall .-tiefts. The consideration is nam ed at ‘Si’.aOO and other valual)le con Presbyterians Celebrate. \-social‘Ml Pre"^.-'. I'iiar] --ion. S, ,\!ar. I'. 2.'.—,\l ..iiir . ;Mc. !■ :n.’rro-'.'. I’n'sbyte;- Mi Oil ',L.a;iMi wil! ci'le'ira'O iiie iit.nivcrsary of i's loiinding. ap- ropi iat. ' \erci-;(s being arranged for is cleari’d 'I 'l. o. t a^i TiK> origiiial chur h w ts •n lecov^red by |l--f a' I lorciicst (>i, a revoluti(Uiary brought I to ,. 11 nil tli ’ ''iM'* i V-'hle} river, total!'.' t-> t'‘e Atlantic [ abandor.C'! tiiati.' ' cars aro. i sfiuhabi- t Wa>crosr. Ga.iiatus havii’v, from Massachi's-'K were tole-ts. M?.ny of the traditions of the ■.ti.e tram went! ipoti.f-r chutch have survived through j offered for the property and re- : forty were yc^rs and these are clierished by 1 •V were inju'ed. i|.p ju’c-'i'nt-day congre.uaiion. | ;\ii-s. Campbell has today piirchased - a house and lot in Temiileiou avenue Prisoners Held Court. f,,]- .'j],f).">o. The proiierty is tv.'o blocks information was ; jjy ,\ssociated Pk ss. from the Boulevard and considered to Chatianoo.aa. Tonu.. .Marcli 2.'j.—The j he very valuable. ' T^en Pent to the i p;-iMi;!. ;'-• contiiV'd ii' th(' Dawson. Ga.. j jijp transfer to the I’iedniont ! ifton and W'ill-1 pj-jstm yestcr(ia'. organi/.i'd a court and ,jqji ('ompan.'. (or J^ieiiniont f: J tnat it 'AIII be I jvj(.(i ot their lellow prisoners l‘Ji’^ dicate). all sites needed for the two e t nc^5 ? e cleared. I (1;.oi'df^i’iy conduct. He '\as convicted ; pasgfuger stati(jns for the inlerurban Recovered. j withon' right of ai)r.eal, fined 25 cents | save two. have been acquired. The coachcs ' .'-'tc- Ten bodies * c l ~,o far but r.'any to be beneath tlis T'.>.‘ fireman of the p ,, 1 • 1 ■ non, he know,1,S'."" . jscapjd while '"Iiviccd liy a jur.v of 1,; - '■ reen ts reported SEND OFFICERS TO THE BORDEfi is in a rer.'iote :i It w^s several and gi\'i*n L’.’> by the court niar-jmake it impossible to ^h:tl The offending prisoner was f^ora-lf,^ake transfers with the Stewart and mirted for drunkenness and was in | Xornian propeity on Mint street as '-•i!''h a hilarious condition all night | that the others could not slocii. How- Special trains ca'"- i phy.-jicians ha'-e e scene from nea^ jo'ted Dead. ; -lie ported in • here ihat eight au'l t hree I rain- 1, ''ic '\rck on At-i a in near ()cilla to- j I f^ed to Scene. I M. rc'i .\tlanticj ■ . I'lctors b'ft here | Dixi«' fl.'er wr(ckj ' -ons are t eported I ''Of l'r;!i!‘dl of Sa- FUiyRES OF Hv .\ssr>riated Press. Savannah, (la.. Match 25.—The na val stoi('s .situation at the oiiening lo trainmissing. I „iarket in Savannah today pre- i> the scene senis iiianv spectacular fcatuies. The spirits market of course is the one ACCOUNT. ; ^(J attract the greatest attention. Spii .'. ii riie .At- its aie (|UOted at 1-2 a .gallon •_:« i!Mal suiiorin-' today and that is (lie hi.ghest price ot on: ’iu’ following th‘ season has not been reached is I (k (•; the Dixieconceded bv all who have anything nf ,to do with the market. The naval Uu!e wrapping or sack ^^as made ot ,. c n- the Dixie; stores* .vear ends on March ."ilst but it ^ I ( .iir aco to .lack i is freely predicted before the date ar- w: c(-i.;c(| on th*“| rives sjiirits will be selling at SI.10 ■lirT' niiU'.s sou'h 1 a gallon. "11 1 iio Uriinswickj Futures for .Ma.v. August deliveo m:i of ill.* .Atlantic' have been sold at 82 cents and the de- ■ :i ;i; T;2> o'clock j inaiul at this price has not been met. ,' i.'i'.r; carried down . The rosin market is etpiall.v spectacu- n| ill.* ir.'stle. Thejlar. Today's rosins opened with but K-'i I oped and llie! l.'» cenLs difference per barrel in the . 'oacii*'s andjhiuhest l.rade and t he lowest. 'I he low- 'i . ping ( ar fell j esi gi ado of rosin—t he once despised ! |{--is selling now' at $S a barrel while A'-r Mis-jing. |\V \V, the most elite of the rosins "c ). Parnell, whose! grades is bringing bur $8.45. The rea- ' ..niiah. and a negro I son is the raj)id decrease in the produc- ^ nrpi linn of Ihe II or ihuli rosins uP.Uer ^ ^ ^ ^ | Special to The News. Raleifih, March 2.'>.—The I'ni'ed State.s war departnieni having official ly iKititied Ad.jutrnt (^enetal l.«insrer of the North Carolina national guard, (hat this state is invited to send fonr ofl'.cers to the ol)servalion man^-uvers at San .\ntonio, Texas, non. Leinster, with the ajjproval of Governor Kit ch in has forwarded tlie following nomi nations for this mi'.ch sottght-aftcr siderations." It is known that $4,.300 trip: Col. .T. T. Gardner, Shelby, in fantry field officer: Major E. B. Glenn. .Asheville, medical corps: Cajit. ,\. I>. Miil, Company B, second in fantry. \^■ins^on; and Cai)t. Wade H. Phillips, Company .A. third infantry, l>exington. The war department stip ulated that the nominations must be one field officer, two company officers and one medical officer. The letter of instructions to Gen. Leinster is to the effect that the officers are to report at San Antonio April .I. Their names are to be furnished at once to the department and transportation will be furnished. They will carry field equipment, the two field officers to carry liorse equipment and procure mounts in Texas at ihe expense of the gu.'ird. Fourteen da\s service will be required. They will receive regu lar pa.\', Avhich is $11.11 per day for the colonel: $8.o8 for major and $(>.0)7 each per day for the two com pany captains. The ))iobability is understood to be that there will be an additional al lotment of men for this maneuvre service liefore the Texas demonstra tion is over. The North Carolina Na tional Guard has accepted a comiiany just formed at Dunn. Harnett county to succeed the late Wadesboro com pany as Company M. second regi ment, and March 28 is fixed for mus tering in the new company. Major J. .T. Barnard to perform this service. The nomination for officers of the new company are: captain, D. C. Parker; lieutenants. J. M. Riley and A. M. Hollingsworth. The formality of an election will have to be gone through with before these officers are commissioned. Ill health has necessitated a two months’ leave of absence for Manager H. O. Bannister, of the Western Union office here and he is succeeded for the time by C. R. Wade, of Beati- fort. Mr. Bannister has gone to his old home at Richmond, where he re cently burled his wife and littlec hi Id who lost their lives in their hath room here through defective gas wa ter eater. .lust when the syndicate officials will begin work is not known, and the ab sence from Charlotte of Vice President and General Manager I^ee adds more mastery to the case. Choice Treasure Secured. By Associated Press. Washington, March 25.—An addi tion which is regarded by officials of the bureau of ethnology of the Smith sonian Institution as “one of their choicest treasure.e" has been made to their collection in the form of four sacred bundles, or packs of the Osage Indians. They were secured for the institution by Francis Laf- lesche, an educated Omaha Indian employed by theb ureau of ethnology from an Indian in Oklahoma to whose care they have been entrusted. The sacred bundle represents the holiest fetich of the tribe and are generally guarded by a special priest or med icine m.m. They are opened at cer tain times and the contents w^orship- ped amid most elaborate ceremonies. One of the bundles has been open ed by Dr. Walter Hough, a curator of thf' Smithsonian Institution. Tho ovit- biown hair from the Buffalo. It was boinid with buckskin, decorated with httman scalps and the legs of an eagle. Inside was a buckskin bag which contained a haversack in which was a pipe decorated with scalps, a tobacco bag, a braided cord made of woolen fabric and a bundle of buf falo bladers with a thong ornamented with a scalp and one other bundle wliich represented the ‘’holy of holies.” Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., March 25.—Turiien- .Mexico City, Mav(‘h 25.—The con st ruction of A’exicfj's new catiinet wiiich witli i!i^ siKhien 'fsignaiioii ol li." (-‘iiiiic '.ast iii^'iU was Jie l(-li!ef topic of ( u!i vt-r-aI ion toda.v throughout the rep'iblic, did not tak' ))!ace during the early hours of the I day. j 'I’he announcement of the resigna- j lion wiiile \'agiioly forseen fi.'i some I time, -aiitt' v^■i•it (li-'iin'"! suddeum-ss I .‘’,11.1 caused mori- lU' less surpi'ise last iiiialit. 'Die completeness of the I ci\ange also was noted as ilie resigna- I lions comprised the entire ministry, namely: .Minister of loreigu affaits, Hnrique C. ('reel. Mi)iisi>‘r of rtnanee and juibiic cred it. .lose Vves Limautour. Minister of .Justice, .lustino Fernan dez. J\linister of ptiblic inst ructi.')u, .Tus- to Sil■r^!. Minisif'r of government, Oiogario Molina. Minister of communication and public works. Leandro Fernandez. Minister of war and marine, Gener al Manuel G. Cosio. The resi,gnaiious also etnbrace that of .Ha.tnon f\)rral as a member of the cabinet but not as vice iiresident. Tiie official leasoii given for the resignations was the belief that it would assist iii re-eslablishing peace and in faciliiatiug reforms. during ti^e night. 'This morning Kelly awakened, exiractc(l a revjlver from the pocket of itie deptity sheriff and fired three shots into the body of the latter as he lay asleep. Kelly then unlocked the door to the room and hastened down the stveet. He entered a saloon and d'e- mtiuded a drink. Sterzing, the bai- tender, refused to sive him the li(|Uor. ■■'I'ou saloon ke»*p('rs have made an inebriate of me and now you reftise me a drink,” Kelly said as he drew the revolver, which he had reloaded and fired five shots into St(-‘r:/.ing\s body. Sterzing died an hoar later at ,\U‘rcy hospital. |cai)inei. Kelly was caught wiihiu a short 1 'I'hp sel-^clituis made by President distance from the saloon and locked! Din/ for lu '.v ad\is!?rs, it is thought,, uj! in the city hall. He is thirty yearsiwill have an imporiant bearing on the old and well known in (^ouncil j insurrection. a promi-i .Miguel Ahiunada. now governor of' I Ihe state of Chiinial'.ua, v^ho has- been, i')(,'k(.‘! U|i()ii ufi a ii()ssjtjle itiinister 'i it he intei'ior, is regarded by the insur- ' rectos as a i'-ad'.'r of ihe reform move ment. Senor .lose Ives Limantour and Ber- :;ardo lve.\ es, former minister of war,. ———- I now in l']uropf' on a ‘'military mis-^ Rv .\ssociated Piess. j rion," arc regarled as men who wlllj, lial.v, March 2."i. 'The p.Hor-j h.giiic pi’-ntiiiM iit l,\’ in tlsc new (.-abinetj neys for the defeu;>e Hocked to tliojif I'le v.ishcs ot the insuri(’ct(^s aio' Santa Maria in Gradi today to consiilt j coiisid(*red. with their clients (ui the counter at-j “It i-^ imuositible at pre>=:ent for ; tack to be made ujion the informer iio liiaw d 'tiniie ( niiciusiouf* from the (Jennaro .AiibaH'inag.iiio when ilie trial I cabit!-:*' rcsignai i.;n." sa;d Setior (Jon-, of the ;!0 Caniorrists i.s resumed m^xt | :'.a!c.-, Cai'/a. "Wo arc no. vet eertaiii' Tuesday. j ih..; it is I'fH a n:se iniHiid'^d to ap- With a fine show of indignation the ; ./case !i'' revoi’iiionisls wiUiout graiu- accused declared that when permiited j inu ottr di'ir.ands.'’ to speak, they would refute their foi’-j 'i'iie d(n(d!)j);iieiits at Mexico Cit.v mer astioc iale's “in vent i(s!s." Duriti.gia' e ri garde.I as a (lir('-: result of So- rhe I'ecital saiil i1h'.\ had coiii>ios-1 n.>i- i.ii.nan^our't-conrcrcnf i -.s i^ii insur ed themselves witii discretion i recto iiis in .W-w V >rK, i-'rancisco in order not to disturi) the serenit.\ ; j Ala-iero. s-nioi'. and (3U.-'’avo A. of ti'.e court, which certainly must ■ _\ia(iero. i'.uher and broili' r nf the! Miuffs. He is a meml)er of nent family. Camo rrisis Plan Defense' aciuio\ ledge their inno -•(;-(• ill“d hrf)visi:),ia! pr(‘K-dfiit . had, been fnllv acuuaitued tl;rougli the jutt- :a here of tiie lerms ut which the rev-, o'iUtionarv h'tider would make peac3' und laid iilain sHiement of lii'^t 'dans b'‘:'(‘’-e S' lior I.i-iu'.nto'.ir a' t’u'lr STOP ANTI-JAPANESE LEGISLATION. By Associated Press. Sacramento, Cal.. March 25.—A mes sage from President 'I'aft to Governor •lohnson has had tho effect of stojiping anti-.Iapanese legislation and it is said there will be no action on the bill to prohibit Jajianese aliens from owning lard in this state. The exact nature of the message from the presi dent has- not been divulged by Mr. •lohnson. The Icitter was brought to the atten tion of the legislature through the ac tion of the comiujitee on the judiciary. The committee made a favorable report on the bill to prohibit aliens from owning real estate. Yesterday the committee was called together and asked to rescind that action. The committee rescinded its action and the bill still remains on the files. eventualfy cence. | .Abbatemaggio’s cleverness in telling liis stoT'y ,\esterday fi]led the (';inior-l rists with rag(*. P.!-in,g as a iieniient I prepared, if need l)e, to .give his life 1 in expiation for iiis critnes. the infor- j mer made a deep impression and the| Resigns. ! law.\ers feu- tlie defense today decided] Wash in;;'‘-n. i> C,, .\’"i(h 2.". Off’- j upon a long list of ('uesliwiis to l»e pui ^,5.^1 aunnunccnien' ( f ihe rf'signatioii to him on ci'oss-e.\;imiiiaiion in the | cabinet in .Mi'xico r('acl;- hojie of discreditin.g hi.s testinion,\’. Wasliiiij-’ion tnda'i’ in iIh* foriii of 'Fhe ])iiest, (.'iro N'itozzi. during tl'ei^ (iispa?ci; "^11 out I'lnriijiie Creel, minis- conference witli his lawyers deliv(M-ed i (,t "loreign affaii’s, K; Senor de La to the latter the memoirs which Me.’cTcaii ainbassad(u- to tlie has been occupied in iireparing during s.tatfs. his confinement. TMacinsi the manu- scrijit in the hands of his advisors, i 1k’ priect said: “They are flesh of my flesh. Th.ey are the cry of a man.\r wliose spotl:^ss conscience must aiipeal to justice." The memoirs contained a rejietition ; of matters already known, an attack ! on jailers at Najiles who are described I as “worse than those of the iiuiui- I sition" and wind u|> with an ettlogv i of the author, who apiiears to be ; consumed with self pity. His whoie life he says has been devoted to “reclaim ing lost lambs to the fold.” snppjsed to bej gaihei'ing nietliods. Condition of Tom Johnson. By Associated Press. Cleveland, O., March 25.—Although weaker last night, former Mayor Tom Johnson who suffered a relapse in his illness over a week ago. gained an other good night's rest and today was reported as feeling as well as yester day morning, when he was said to be better than at any time for a week. Game at Charleston. By Associated Press. Charleston, S. C., March 25.—Chars. Bender and Jack Combes, heroes of the world’s championsliip series last au tumn, will pitch for the Philadelphia Americans against the Charleston team this afternoon, the weather being rather unfavorable for baseball. As the Athletics have bee:: playing In uncommonly good form here, follow ers of the sport have been aroused to a very high pitch of enthusiasm. The fans are jileased at the gameness of the IcK-al squad and it is believed that it will s-tand up well in the South At lantic pennant race. GUARD ON FREIGHT TRAIN SHOT THREE TIMES.' By Associated Press. Somerset, Ky., March 25.—Paul Suggs, a special guard on a freight engine of the Cincinnati, New Or leans & Texas Pacific Railroad, whose white firemen are on strike, was shot three times near Kings Mountain, Ky., last night. He was brought to a hospital here today. His condition is serious. The train was in motion when the shots were fired from amlnish. Two bullets struck Suggs in the back and one in the leg. The engineer and fireman of the train escaiiea bullets by falling to one side of the boiler. 'Die dis|iaicii a;inonneed that yc'ster- day the ciiiir‘ caliinet had presented their r(‘i-ignal ions 10 !’resid(-‘nt Miaz, who had r(C(iv('d tliem witii Hie dec laration liiai he reserved tlie liglit, to accept tluin or reject iheni, accord ing to hi' c.)n'enien'e. Senor 'reel added that thi.^ action of iih(' cabinet iiad iieen well received b./ Die public, as coni l ibut iiig to defini'e I’efornts and a las'iti.g jx^ace. Rain Soaks Camps. San .\ntonio, Texas, March 2;).-—The fie(|uei:tly dienehed maneuver camp at Fort Sam Houston and tiie brii^ade; tield camp at '.eon Sprinas were agaiuj soaked by heavy rain last night and| ihe downi)(;ur connnuefi' today. At I.eon Springs General Smith hasj only shelter tents whose protection is | not of the fullest. To kceti dry in theinj one must lie at full length. There have been tiirec heavy rain>»j since the manoeiiver camp sprang in-( to existeiK'e. It is said the rain;-i are un precedented. Storm Warning. By Associated Press. Mobile. Ala., March 25.—The local weather observer received the follow ing siiecial storm warning today: Hoist northwest storm warnings at 10 a. m. Atlantic coast Savannah to Miami and on gulf coast Mobile to Key W>st. Brisk and probably high easterly wind.s. Disturbance appar ently developing over west gulf. Eleven Deaths From Plague. By Associated Press. Moy, China, March 25.—Eleven deaths from bubonic plague and six deaths from smallpox were reported within the city during the two past weeks. Exhibit Old Pictures. By Associated Press. Charleston. S. C., March 25.—Rosa Bonheuer’s famous painting “Old Dar by.” said to be worth fifty thou.sand dollars is being exhibited here, at- 1 tracting much attention. Six Bulgarians Arrested. Special to The News. Portland, Ore.. March 25.—Six Bui-1 garians were arrested last night andj warrants Issued for six others in , connection with a murder which haa. inizzled the police since 1909, when Theodore Atjam, a Macedonian, was, murdered here. .According to Information given tho, district attorney, the murder was tha outcome of a feud of long standing int Bulgaria, in which -50 persons are al-j leged to have been killed. i The Truskett Trial. By Associated Press. Independence, Kas,, March B5.—Th» defense began its testimony In the trial of A. A. Truskett, the aged Cattey. Kas., business man for killing J. D. 8. Neeley, a millionaire oil man ©f Ltma^ O., todaj’,

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