-T*F. ANTS ARE READY TO SERVE YOU AND AT SLIGHT EXPENSE-SEE PAGE EIGHT THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. Vse CHARLOTTE. N, C.. SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 26, 1911 PRICE 5 CENTS Lives Snuffed Into Eternity Yo} k Factori, mdred Injured JC' Ot'CS L.:t. Fi.e I rcm \r,e- ; i;i in a liu-1 ■ ,1 r-crivpd Iloir wages ' .■''■‘a V a>- ;^bo\U uv .'e 'n i-i'^liday. The ‘ w.;.; ■' o'^’lcok find mair' . hS'i lei’’ tii-'ir woi'lk in.i; '0 20 liome 'Ah'-n i, iis 'M the riook itorntod ■ li- ih.'ro fl wtiiif ,.p,o t‘v' noov. a nim- .. a f' 'H «■.!' name. of Pn-ic, i s : 'Pfl'n th'' s.iar’Ti I t^-ar aiid ri' O’' T!'’0 airi ■.vor."'.cii il -sp3ir'^jr frnigglo fcr .t; •'.'If t'-ip fifp chipf , b cr-'G vainiv lor ado- ^ . • ! ; r-oer hiii'^ian liio.' •'■T-’i'd fit thoir diszy ;Tai:"3' from : ■ t’l'' ^vomen ■ \ d V ns b:>r'''d bv ihat ' ’V, n rci'lii'iTnon' to areod ' M ;niM?n life eaeap. T' t -' HeatH. v;'V”''>v fii'p u: ■■ n’’- -■ ,'ii'd 'r "V.ia'ih'-? -'nr'’, r::;! -1 '■> ;-hal., ri,(- i' .(I 't The li'u'id lit iu- •' I - ' i"t thai prtivo'] .o I'-? a H., 'Jn;' ;v y .ir\e , : j- i,; .'’iiiv 'va .. ai'.-’ I ^ ;'>-'Mdev ’ ii■■ ■ or . r/i,.-.. -c i: li'' I ‘ tlr. ‘ir Ml 1 1 i:;ir '' j!‘i Si; .111 . fcr YJ r.c'. '-'-r.. -u ■ luf ' "af th'^'ii' ' 1 • , , . i Ko , : i ■ >1^ tbi. -im . ki . lu' " oi'iiou and pirl? ’ . i': ■ i :.l( and " itbiii brce ;• H! 1 i'le alarm bad been ]i, Ira. ''crl d n» nzitd ''oni-‘ I' 1,01 !> ieait irt'ai the Aindowjs. \ ii-:- !. ■'!iu iri:m the s^trcet had seen 1 ; I ' ;moke ironi the eighth M'i ■■ r;.’n o r>”(>ad'''ay and d i;' I he ala''m. I.ookin.i; back . ' ■- .-s .uia-i. Hud ibcn another. ■ . II ’I! I : e I'.inih storv window. He d ae . i^rm auaui and again, and ■ n ra h-d ba« k. The two falling , -i .. surprif'-ed a teamster, w-ho a.'dng btlow the guilding. He . .i ii and sa’v ih- windows of ihe ; in'b and t -nih floors peo- ‘ ir ; jv■ pale tnv’e;' of women, u : ;.n.j ..ui -ly h^^: rd :heir agonized cries, '\e‘ I’i*; d moke were cuniiujj irom ; ; 1 th-' e V iiidows. 1 ; Rescuer ?t Work. : The t-.j^!uster, V'lo ]i:;r] the bear» -1- i ano c'lrni: of a true man and vahied i ■ I ! liMan li >' more that ihe wretched! ► ']- ' an, ’’ho had tailed fo ?are?’iard, ■i’’ r ,f- liv-:• nt the wnraen and men '■'hoi ' ' ,:ff> * nr- ing to ennch them, stopped - h-'vVp dud c^inpped the anim^il of i .- ida!ik*-t. Two or three other men ; hi* l':ad r'ln up ^..aw his plan and ^ i'iK'oei't ihe>’ "ere holding the iff ■ kei far below the windows where iTvic-n \\ero rortprina. One jumped ^ tvni,. be ninib M-ior, struck the blank- . r- >• : a"d l.i'onght the men down in a ■ yn h'. !-^l'o war. killed instantly. ( .1 * (i.iipr,- nil 'ip and again the blank- i '‘•(.re ft . r> stre^rhrd. .Another woman . imni ed and t he 'oo brought down ihe m.^n* '^bo beld the blanket and wae '''li'"'''!'’ iiL -K; /'■ ' liMlI . ll! ‘ flllljiiiillii' ■ , 'ii' „ I'll ilj i|H :,;i ., ,,, ... FIGURES IN CAMORRIST TRIAL the Italian autl^oiitica at VUerbo* Itsly. son,a Of .hoso who ,lgu.. pro | '^rholl^ha/girwrihnhr",,- ly in the great Camorrist, or ‘-Black ; cennaro Cuoccolo. to revenge Hand” trial, now in progress before ' an offense agamst tt’e Cammorra, Erricone Alfano, leader of thn soci- Below elv accused v/it!i complicity in ;be murder; and Caoiz^utl, the Italian detective who risked his life to fer ret out the secrets of the dreaded Gociet;'.. the right, is,-Abbateiamggio, who v.nile iccked in the same call with Capizzuti, secu'’ed a confession of the Cuodcolo murdpr*. and Vet- ezze. a priest, accused of .shielding the Camorra from the authcrities,.. Athman Stevens Thiriks him- antcufs Policy is Progies. sive And Iheir is a Fai? Chance of Peace Resulting Soon in Mexican Scrap. i New Cabinet to Be Free oj Ob- jectionable Ministers And Diaz Will Give Gut Reassur^ mg Statiment to People Im- mediately. {F.y QTHF.MAN JjTEVEr-lS.') ?iIex!co Cit^, .^larcb 23.—On be half 01 Amevicrin!:? iu Mexico our ,gov- ernaicnt sboulu be inipresrcd with th““ neeesr-'ii,v iot' i'ati^nce and the avoidance of ri eclpitate or irritating mcasureP. 1 can snv ;oosili\ci,' tb.^t Minister Ijiinar.ioir;' s policy 1? pro gressing w'it’i a \cry i';uv chance of pence veK’ib'in.g. i'.u inierierence on our p?rt now would ruin ihe pro^- iocis for nrrv? ,ind probabl> bring about pxirerne peril. The nc'-' c.">i>ineT 'Aoi'di is to hp formed tn-,i;:hl or tomorrow '■? cer tair. to bo pvogrespive, and devoid oi ob.iection^bt^ miiiis'ers. I’resident Diaz, in a. mestiage ti’) ('ougre^s nevt. eek. will ar,no”n"e the cv rrr.inent ^ 1 pui-iiot^"? and there every re-is'm to bel:p\-p that ili''?e will br .'u"h as 1o imi'r"'s? the r,po'ole wiih ibe ad- ■\ance oi’ demoeja’ic -'riurij lef. fin a sincere basi^. The program hi- f-hide electoral rrform. «’rr-pcn hv Fiales of governors and retnrniatioii of the powers of ,1efe« politicos. There will be no puvrv’nder to armed revolutionist?, but the program will toim an appeal to well intentioned citizen?. 1 believe thore 1? ^ good '•ha’n'e of the a^'oidance of ’ivil war by ihe gen eval public accepting the iuie-ntlop of the government to advance in keep ing with awakened publie opinion. Minister Lirnantour today expressed the hope and belief tha; all diffl cullies will soon be solved to the satisfaction of pptnotic citizens. He said that the adminiptratlon is pre pared to take such measures and im plant such reforms as will satisfy Lhe best pn.blic opinion and that, while meeting force v;itli foree. it- vdll leave nothing undone in the present ‘irenmstance8 to unita all good Mexicans. "\ Ignited Mexico is our watch- i' '■ Large Furniture Plant Burns At Thomasville, K C. SEfififfll H'lL- SON m. VISIT POLITIGIL ll ijiht th'' . v..r, re ■ '^1 i Mbd t > ?; (hi'^," he ■ ' ll li ad'^ r. c apt . . I’f lieiitf'd : 'i:!'-. in ill .11:’....- thi--? . nployj.s in I'Mi propfjrly • ,;t V d'>r>h not '■■-’•n. ib.e lav.’ i . I bo Ui'.tst my care r as ('•n-ul hai)tcr f- ire. TriHiiglr fVniv • , be.-iijpsr por- -i and f'liJii- ^vork in I be big t ■ i ; afi'rii«)on ■ 31 , a."! i ill; laT’.tly killed. The men realized ’n,\ , t !'■ i n pitiiul effort wa>s theirs, and • H' r,'!lv ; V look d like an invitation to death : 1 o i^pread the blank*;! again, they stood ' >iv»:d »■ i'III iiolidc.-'i ly • I i''rom I'elow it could be Fccn that i xA/ ;' fj.“ ! the women at the vindoN'^s were . , did beat’na out th-' flarncs thai now and hf ■: ' * ai',gh' ;i'‘'ir dresses. One woni- ,i, , ! I'.or cloibin.u afire, threw her pocket , :1*. , 1; and tliei'i her hat from the win- •-! •.■■ iM' 11" 'dr. v She then hurled herself after I i .-1 : "m'^n ,,uo»ri. . M r'.-ri ' i>r. hTeci'e. of St. Vincent's horipiial, ;inu ' i f'lr ! V.-;* ' dM\ iii.U past, in the ambulance i ti'iloi.g j r\\o mf>re bodies of women fell to tlr pavi uieni. He jumped out and ran . n.t; bbiine.iup. My this time there wa& six lying • :ulv ''t.ion I Ik* sidewalk. Ho found signs ot ahni.i iifo in ihrec of them. \ taxicab drew ui) Dr P - fc placed t''o of the women m rbe laxieab and ihe other in the i,uii)ulai;re and started lor the ho.spital. 'Ihe woman in the ambulance died, and one ,n the taxicab died while Tir Kerfo wan Avorking over her. The oMier uno died after reaching the hos- lital. I‘r. Ke.'ff: returned to the tfene and other ambulances were ca Tnside the buildin gthe t'^o passen- and two fr^'ight elevatorsy were rnntiing. The on»^ fire escape vUh human beings, swaying Ui diz- zv height, and ending abrnptly above a depressed area way some 1*> fccr fnmi the ground. Men and were dropping or being p'lshed iiom it to the coiK-rete flooring of tUe ftrea way. some of them to rise and pear. and others to remain huddled up, f*ileni or groftning. All this had hai)pened in h-ucb small space of time that the first piece an. rnoon. of apparatus had not reached the ; ov. r lo Hiis soen,‘. A lio«e L aD om 11 and men, the screech of the thistles of the f'ontiuued on Pag« lo- Special to The N'^w?. _ ' ThomasviiK'. X- C., March ?-r—ibis evening ar aitout T o'clock the alarm five ■'’■as gi^ en and in 5 few -minntoo ; tlie ■^'h^le town ■^'as lit up bj the blaze coming from the Lambeth Fnrni ture rompan>. The plant was on and almost a total mass of flame;’ be-^ fore any one could reach the sccne^ | The people were helpless as the Arc' had gained sueh headway tb:-it all the, available efforts rould not subdue the raging flames and in less Hian an hour th*-' machine room and fnishmg d'"“parltneiit. wiiirh wa--: uj? blcurs, v.cie, burned to the ground. RALEIGH FUND FOR Y. M. C. GROWS. Speeial lo The .News. Raleigh, N. C., March 2u,—At the cUv-o cM the second day of the eani- p.iign f'»r f'^r Christian Association l)ui'ding, the fund has grown to anri the man- ageinent io well l»lea^cd with the prog- ess. The loss is estimated at between $.'’,.1,000 and -;10.000 and nearly 100 jco- ple are thrown out, ot employment. This plant manufactured kit'ben safcr^ and was one of the mo;--t suc cessful plants in the town. Mr. J. ^V. Lambcih was principal owner. There was onl.% about $S,000 insur ance. The origin of the fire is unkno\vn as the entire building w,is a nias--- of flames almost liefore it was discovered- It is rot definitely known but it i'. thought that the plant will be rebuilt at an early date. Claude Broughton Dropped Dead “BEAT” AGAIN Ui.' and at it again, suslaining ■* its reputation of giving Chai- lotte news whiie it nows. - This is what The News did again last night when it printed and put oui over 1200 extras gi'ing accotmt of the fearful loss of ♦ life and destnioti(ui of propcitN ^ in New York and whil^ the tiro ♦ was still raging and firemen ♦ and policr' were fighting the ♦ flames in that city. ^ \t The News v.-'is given ^ . the story over its 1-ased wire ♦ . direct from the New \ork of- ^ . fice of the International Press ^ • Association and at S o'clock pa- ^ . pers were on the streets and . before 0 o’clock more thaii -SOO ^ ► of the 1200 run bad been sold b> ♦ ► its “bunch” of hustling news ♦ ► bov«, inoluding “T ^ ► Man on Hie Square.” A good ♦ ► bunch of the extras were sent ♦ ► fiouth on the outgoing trains ♦ ► The extra also earned a full ♦ . ac>;ount of the Carolina-David- ♦ ► son baseball game. ► Thus The Nevs adds some ^ ► more clean “biat6 on everj- ► thing else iii itf> ftcld. Special ti) The News. Raleigh, N. C., March -W hilo di.-mounting froni ;i bi-'vde this after noon on Payettevillo street, Clau.de Eiroii.ghton, electrical engineer, inothc;' of the 1>. Lcii Ci. Houghton, Baptist minister of Atlanta, died suddenly of apoplexy. fie was 40 >ear? old. and leaves a vife and three children. The News Bureau. Congress Hall, Washington. March 25. (By M. E. C. BRYANT.) Secretary Wil?on. of +he department Oi agriculture, going to visit certain sections of North Carolina and other ! f'^outhern states next summer to look lover ihe country with a view to pur- i chasing lands f('>r tbr purpo&e of "con- I serving the navigability of navigable , streams." j The last congress, it will be recall ; ed, passed the ■'Appalachian and White mounTain forest reserve bill, which enables an,N r;taic to co-operate \Aiih any other state or states, or with the L'nit.ed States, lor the protection of the watersheds of navigable streams and provides for a commission com- I ]>osed of the secretaries of war, inter ior and agriculture, two senators and jtwo representatives lo acquire the de- j sired lands. BlPflOEED PRINCE’S MATRIMONAL INTENTIONS ARE CHECKED. Paris. :\rarcb 2.’5.—Prince de i^a Tour D'Auvergne. insistent suitor for the hand of Mi-'S Martha Bacon, daughter of the American ambassa dor to the French republif'. is being held baek by his family, Paris bears, from going too far too precipitaie- ly- . . ., ■\pcorflin^ P3.^is it iri* permitted to be understood bv the D’Auzergnes that the young man has been induced to draw' the rein upon his impulse and bring himself (0 a standstill at the very brink of a proposal. KEEP marriage report ON UNSOLVED MYSTERY. Washington. March 2.3.-^-Billy Hitt and Miss Katherine Elkins, whom their society friends persist are mar ried still contribute to the tantaliz- in- ’bewilderment of their friends by leaving the report of their marriage on unsolved m}stei>. It is learned from these young people today that they regard such reports as -their own Imsiness and that they are not firm or deny any such delightful stories. , Chief I'orester Graves, talking with me the other da>’, said that no landb v.'ould be i)uvchascd except from those V, ho desire to sell. In other words no one will be forced to give up his old home. Already proposals of sale have I been received. The authorities here j expect more offers than they can take I care ot and, therefore, efforts will be I made to encourage certain sections on- 1 Iv to offer lands in order to save time land labor. The flr.st step is to get de sired proposals. The next move will be I to &?iid experts to look the laud over j and pass ui>on its vaiuo. After this the geological survey will have its ex- I perts examine the lands for minerals, i The board, composed of cabinet om- j cers and congressmen, will then be j New York, March 2o.—That two bar relled investigation, of V'olitical corrup- tiou in Hudson county, New' .lersey. x^'ill be made now seems almost cer^ tain. Senator Jo&sph S. Freelinghu- sen. republican leader of the senate at Trenton, wbicb is stiii imder tiie control of his party, said today that he would press his resolution at the meet ing of the senate Monday night, call ing for a searching innu-isition by a bi-}>artisen committ'ee of that br-.dy. fn .fers-ey Cit,.- today former friends and political lieutenants of ' P-ob" Davis, the long time bo.'^s nf that democva'ic stronghold, wIlosc doith, .January [i, has precivutated a maze of complica tions. political, iinancial and social, started a determined movement to checkmate the efforts of the republi can senate to make the proposed ■in vestigation by ins-Isting ihat the whole subject be submitted to supreme cotirt justice, Swaysee, himself a republican. County (,’ounsel .lohn Criffin earnestly urged the board of [feehoiders at a special meeting today to preseut the matter to .justice bwsysee. At Trenton ibis- evening (iovernor Wilson manifested a siron.g disposition i to i)articipaie in v^liatever I'.rogram finally may be adopted. The governor said he was in accord A\ith "the pro posed investigation, •'but declined to specify the tril)unal wliich in his opin ion should be entructed vvitii its prose cution. ers ana cougM3«.-.u..-M, : 1‘ending preprations both in .lersey i called upon to consider the proposals, tity and Irenton lor a uiorough m- Und if it thinks the prices all right, * nuesi into sue pobucai method;, and 'the'attorney general wilt be asked to results of the old Davis macbiuc, the investigaie'the titles and arrange the lawyers rei.resenting the v.idow and , j children of the dead boss at-e ^.citing Aboiit $1,000,000 a year, for at least j ready for a complete aiiin.g ol t he do- three vears. will be invested in such mestic aifairs involved, .•\nuie loppm I'lnds ' ^ Davis-, who married ‘ Boss Bob on bis The following named congressmen ! death bed. is claiming her full dower are on the commission: Senators right in whatever there may be left Smith, of Maryland, and Gallin,ger, of New Hampshire, and Representatives Lee, of Georgia, and Hawley, of Ore gon. Senator Overman was slated for the commission, but, it is said, his vote against Lorimer defeated him. of the estate after tlie hundreds of thousands of claims now potu’ing in shall have been settled. The two sets of children by ffu’mer marriages arc contesting her claim. .James R. Bowen, the widow's s-ounsel, said lo- day that although his client is acting as one of the administrators of the The law’yers will clash in court Aprli estate, she thus far has not been able 12th. when it is expected that all the family skeletons will be brought out and given a severe shaking up for the delectation of the communit.>> which for so many years felt and feat‘ed the power of its former political ma&ter. to collect any part of the income. It appears also that an inventory of the osiate has' not yet iie n made, the only part that has been formally in ventoried being ihc household furni ture. word.” be continued. “1 a?.k all pa- frion'f and I'vogressive Mexicans to 1)0 pa' ien! and. v, bile thf* govern ment is \\ftri.if!r;, ai the iiroiijf’m?? be- forcjt, to practicailv display the 1o”e C'f th'' ffji iTei'land, 'V'Tijfh bi)«; been rnui mu-t he the ijasic nrinripl® of ]\'e:>,ico's prt-ui] irohit’on in 'h^ world, 'J'l'ie puttin'’ aside of all nrr''Ona,l re- sentm'.nis is imiierativel,'. demanded and a conir;ion raui-r> to over'.ome a national dif!ic;ilty ir, a ner'e.s.i'y. ■‘If the citizms .';nd friendH of jVIexico continue U) prove their de votion to Ihe glorious past and prom ising feature of this n.'!*i(>n In ^ brief tinif' ail !'r>mpl"''‘itif'' an read ily be o^ err OHM'. The Mexi-an ppo- ])ie and the E:'ivonim‘^nfs friendly to us must I'elle^’e, find T s'ly thi? in all sol^mnif:y nf veritv, that tbe p;(^vprnnicnI is delerniinerl ti-‘ proper ly .and pri'igressivel> s?.ti?*>' all legit- iiiiate fleni^'u P.- tor rpnu’mativ.e meas ures and tl;at If is ^T>inE fhir, in its lino of dut; as a representai-ive of governn^'nt' honestly, sincerely and fp-at tessl,\.” That was all tli'it the minleter . could say nov.- fo." puldicati(ji,'>, and i he demanded that he be ouo*^ed sim* I ply as a citizon, a:; pending af’tion i on thf cabin^’t resignations it would ' be iiiipropcT for riim to spean a?- ■" 1 minister, but I can assure the Arner- ' jean pul'ilic that, in view of the dil- fieiiit.y Mexico is in. it will bf’ ihe part of [ai;ness and hoivsry, for us to avoid exciting further apprehen- Hion. I can assure the publi*' that ail incidental in,iui i‘‘S that may arlfc. during bordf"r conflicts vhen peace is restoied will be considrrcd fairly and honestly b.'i the Mexiea.n govern ment. I can also assure the insurrecto leadeis that they can with safely show the highest patriot ism i),v aiding the Limantuor poliry. .'Vctivuty of insurrecto?, continues lo emphasizf' the nocessity of jji'ompt action b.v the government, but the formation of the new cabi net, and the departure for i':uiope on April 1:: of V iee-i'residpnt Kamon Corral, and his implied aljandonment of his oflicial [lo.-ition iogi;th«r with the iem')val of Sec.or Fhn'in'to ^ i Creel from ofliciai life, rnak^s a 1 strong probalulity f)f the .nn's of ! the pC'jple being read> to abide by the promises of the government. Riglitly OI- wrongly, Senor Creel anfl Hcpor Ci'rral are ihe m"»s't di?(' liked govcnnn^'nt officials on tb=‘ part of the progre^-isive ,s:roup and a settlement i.f the trouble which include them in power \'Ould be ini |)iacticable. The statement of Limaniour is the most flat fo(»ted, uneipiivov.al an- nouncen’ent of the governmeni 3 pn’’* poses yet made It is consid*‘red cer tain here that it will quiet for the Time those inclined to turbulent action against the governmeni and if followed, as it promises to be, by serious and convincing pledges of the advocacy of reforms outlined, will create a modus viveritl which can lead to peace. If it fails, a piti- j ful tragedy must be played.