12 THE CHABLOTTE NEWS. MARCH 26. I9II NEWS OF FOREIGN CAPITALS Unval Memorial As Cwtain Raiser For Great Coronation PHILLIP EVERETT.I M.i.iili Thp ;iii\oilinc th*‘ Ifjul sIipII^; aro (iro])|)in8 to I'ieces-. I ".Nn buricils n:n»’ iakoii plac‘‘ in ihe I cr.v pr for itu' insi 7n yoars 1 am inUl. Moirnrj.’il ro Qween \ idoria ]i cMraoi'iiiiiHr'' that citiriu'^ ii'kiniiiiam pala( P. which >houlrl o\or ha\r biii'ii't) iii innt . jilaor on May ir->th. will av t lit: 1(1 .ho inamiifiooiit I •n ,sti ■, i':t s, ' ' at have al-1 ■' , old ( Mv of i a s:a''- ol fo^♦ ^ih I'viir-' - .i, or 'voriimon aro al : ,1. „ (i iwn rlw s. affoldiULr I \ 1. (ina III. i Imi ■ u l'r>( 11 an f’v.'soiv ;o ihf d' ' a’ i; K i\iii;:ham. and .1” : • I ’ ' ii. > irpan uvmii i-; .( L ■' ' o; i!ii^ iin- ' r » .! ilo I'ond'u '»'d with 1,1 ■ ' II >-:ai' ’rr-'T'Tiin_\. . « 1- .' (1*' I Ni' k i 1' P' d .( M' , !)• M;'> ’• }%ri' I'^ii I !' a! ■ • Kiii'i'r* an ■' I dipli'Mia- la-'l ii''!! in liie crxpi. Tliesi' art* not c-oftins wlii'di havo heen iiiuvf^l into th*' r> ))i IroiM I ho ciiui rhyard. lie- fa ;^(' non tho rhurchv ard as rloar- od o'' iIk' flrad, iho hodi'f- «t'ro iraiis- forrod Ml a 'cmotory in tiie -ouii- t''^. ■'I'lio i'liiu'oii\ ard is nov ono of the opon spaoos in i no ho’'ongh. in the nmnio'' ii is > warnun^' with children, and jr is r. S'anda' th.at this I'nu ti- ially opon pit .-i;’>:ild i)o in Hioir I inid>t ;o-;d k.iipot'i' ;'l: Kmv; (I-t'iirj.'( : ,;vt i>a’: ;^',a 1'* F’l-r. : i’! Iv*' a * ^{.":r 1 I'.t'^ca;. loi tiv r \ r ,'V:a Itar.ia :>• . 'If' in M:>> :r, ■ r> w iioh' a:,d inunT al r''i' of oT-. a! i;C'. ' rn. , ■;’ 'o ht. tn'isr FMrniincham. tho \ory srrnns;hoid if ' proi• i:»ii i’l, . l-;ncland. .Toscoh C’lia'n- ln riaiit's ;in|ir,'anablo is lo i!>a\-‘ I'm' rails fm- th^ o\.l ov.sion of its ]>ticar systoin innt'o ii' ('iorniau'>. and al’ tlio ,roo trade papers of t:nu- 'a:ui aiP liaviiu; fun I'f the cii.' coun' i! Mhai to sa^o a.n anioiint of St.'ino iTave .'iwavd-d tilt' coin.act oT sni)i)ly'ni: lln- i r;ii.> afur satisfvinp itsel’' thai ilo' paid iho (rornian ’.vorkiniinion , \'no niak; il'o rails aro ):a'd 'vrn Im'I- ■rc!' wasros thp.’'. lu'ir Knslisii hr? 'ni\ '',. Xfvr \'i'ho'U reason I 'lo pa pci s s iy iio:i;!\ ilia' the heli;''f of H'”;nin.£:liani in I ,ai';"' Vf^i'orui is ver'' llnii'od ?nri di.^ -iiDcfi’x ali''crthor di’vcil> the pooide find i' lonclio-; tlioir ov.n i»oi k»'t. Bra'Jftrcet's Povicw. Xo’v ^'o^k March I'l'aiNtrcct •n-—non'. > ruiiav n, a ■or a ' pa - r cotn lar' • I. o > ■ a.o rpi,^ned '■'r: av. d i • r ■> ia'*ridriii of liTio >a?. s; I’o ro.-i’ P: la's 1 s ;o’,v s .1' K: do r.ot differ niaioi ial- { m; and wh’lo i^'di’, 'u’la! 1 ;• \ .ii i:i' i -I’ . 'n:>.inoss | K.-- Mu '! i'lO O V 'tor : ^ . of I ali ’ 'M i fo|- •|V. ' e d t.' or. ‘ rfai; ha'll': 'trd '.1 I - nr.ld scar - d miuh personal H (■ -ICO idrn o >o nio'.' :s rpii^^ :;nd ; ii'^rf- if'!;VC. uai'. 1 ' Miia'l i ratio j ' ac- ! ,h.r.l a'C* desires the well beins of the latter. But facts are stronger than words and. accordine; to the Yonng Turks, the facts point the other way. Who is Turkey’s one ev- Bulgaria, whose Monarch assumed a whjch implies his rule over a large jiart of Macedonia—the Bulgaria ir redenta—once the patrimony of P.ul- ,i;arian Czars, and which is Bulgaria herself? One of the extremities of the Russian Cf)lossus in the South of H^urope. 'Piirkey cannot therefoie, con ciliate Czar Ferdinand's people with out making concessions derogatory to her national dignity; nor can she tac kle the Bulgarians on the field without provoking the Russians. To the statesmen of the Porte, these things are self-evident. Russia, as the embodiment of all the political and religious forces, hos- title which implies his rule over a large iviny reality. Their relations to that sectilar enemy constit.tite the motive ]»o\ver of all their foreign policy. H’hc international status of Turkey oriemat- Generally Thought The French Cabinet Will Be Shortlivi ™ R«sla«-»rdK. The fr,™.|Hl,ip recent- pleasant joii'riieys in .he ly siruck uji between Constamuiople, ' \i ■ ,.V,l lierlin iva. the inevitable Obuoi.s.y, the socialistic , (By GEORGE DUFRESNE.) Pans, .March 25.—Very few people here prophecy for the new cabinet, a long lease of life, while if is generally expected that Briand will again be back in office before very long. M. Briand is the one strtMig and broad-minded man left in the French political arena since the giant de parted in Waldeck-Rousseau. and M. Clemenceau, as your readers know to their advantage, finds time to nn- otil or i'c.igiojs- nuoicrs, ar.,! • I'reach not oi.ly toll i-ri; ^bsolui^d> n.M'ded iu but also the philo.sui.;:,\ nosiicisni. whid, in;>s; i..; sons \yill (onsi'iler iia , mem U>r hai'os- this a 11! i-cp.j i:.;i, cords (cnaii: well-d.-d,.- imdonbtedl.'. has;*,!; the rotmn o)' .m. p.ria-,:,; tw) dangers nn^nacc • ' iaut. Tiie one i.-- o V' come of the fears, the hoiies and tht? I is some-. socialism and i:s rou which Russia’s attitude to-| embarras-:,ing it he would gam j ti'y n-i-Hircngili; tiiv^' a reputation as a conservative states- national difficiiltio-. bill his immediate past—his raised up. strivings w;irds Turkey called into being. And in j spite f)f the reconciliation, which has I quite largely been effected between the Finance Minister. David Bey. and the Ottoman Bank, those misgivings and aims still exist. Ir s]ute of the ostentations love of Turkey displayed nots" and his handling of measures of "Peace, retrenchmen and reforrn "—is all to hi& c;redit in such a capacity, and will constitute his best certifl- bv the Russian ambassador on thei'^^’^^^ character. golden horn, who has gone so far as top romise the renunciation of the caj)- itIllations by his government, the steady jiuisssant policy of hostility to Russia persists. And it is fed daily by incidents. So long as Macedonia continues to be misrules, Russia will continue to be dissatisfied, and Bulgaria to be incer.s- ('([ to the point of making peprisals. .\i!(l. accotding to impartial outsiders, tlio C'hristians of Macedonia are be ing subjected to worse treatment than was meted om to them under the The present, cabinet is suffering from a lack of uniformity, the oualities of man: uu,. nijs nmuetiiaie iiasi—aisiraiscd u)i. irw id('n:ai!\ triumi»hant struggle with the “chemi-1 ence of M I)ocln-^^> I ^ • V J fj. ct I I I, j ^ ■I 11 is great - lit tie tnai, ' : the l’'ranco-i',ritisli r,-.-. French scntiniom is M. Cambon, the i';'oii i, in J..ondon, is a dr r,oi. p -. . , cold, i.'ei-sistoni, weddfd m , . absolmely incon-unii’.!.- its members being terribly unequal, great manv small .-.i-n h-^ Delcasse. Caillaux and Fiertaux are; age. liajrpilv Adin'^i .v I'ri' all brilliant and talented statesmen, j rere has now brtnr’i': ■ ''! bul the others-, including the premier,! fair state of oroairi'/fM ..h. -i M. Moiiis, are men without distinction, j lose nothing in' tba; dii -',' possesodng none of the qualities noees-!ihe hcadsliiji'o;' m Vw, : sary to jiilot the French shl)) of stare j tennincd to sc. ap-i ' i li, through the dangerous course ahead.; and develop tlio iiv,‘'f |i i;' .'/ M. .\Ioni.'-. himself a very smart and 1 !atignable linie successful lawyer, is politically an ex act copy of Emile Combes, whose overnment was the most disastrous l lamidian regime. Now they are liable jpvej. foisted upon the P'rench since to torture: and man> of them have L’,g e.'^rfablishment of the Third Repub- bron sub.iocted to it without an effi-1 jj(. [^'nder liis administration the in- PR! ^’C S 5*^/> Ar-.’':> MAUD !P IT#; acif)iis i>rotest from any of the great [•jjowers. Germany could not be expect- i ed to complain. F'rance has cards of Rnother suite. None of the Entente powors can venture to afford Turl^ey's diunity with any hone of carrying the point. Bulgaria, alone, can do some thing. and that something reduces it self to be sorry business of conniving at the riggin.g out of a few heroic bands resolved to carry on partisan .'^rincesSEs Alcxandrr- (on tie iefi) .-^r.ri Maude of Fife, who have returned !Turks. i:o "Litir?.p S.qua.'-c to prepare for a round ''f entertainments incident to ! ■-'•'e C'-:fe*;liviti'2S. Priiicess Alexandra i*^ already out. but prin cess will inake her appcarance in court circles for the first time tl'iic cearon. ^ iKHvy gi'i'ds. 110 shco tr.UiO .■■>11 cihe;- '.•1 a h ■ Q 1 n V- l!-p n'-i a’ hare of .''.i'h imtise- \ l.i.ii.ff"! 1^ 'lu' a'"*; I' ” I'.i-. i', he ret irt s ... , ; -jfi ■ ^ Cnip.p’-'- oi: ;i: w'l:, th^' ! •' ei. in* :.i a- * tl . f ’>!■■ ri and opiert or l,'.--s rearly rm- • • f -’a or-‘ ipns. \' vy hard. fli‘ s'a^onanle pv ; i( i lieol ■ ^ ibniiding souk •■••. ha'. Reiiorts from ihe j ■ lotiding ind”-tvies are n->t nu'.tori.'lh j ci'rp-rd. ■’ p.. . coal ti'iide liu- been ' ,di;!l. I' 'T :'i '1 steel -'vw rio o’Ty.ro.'Sive ! ga;!i ir. aci;vi> -'. ■ F.i'iiii-s b'i,'in;; ,'e-j .s',' ■■[. f;.’:!: o]ieraTi"’is r.re \ hosv I VO. ■ a^o. there a:'o four tinios ias r.;an\ ito-- cars. anl rri •oool.i.. - :ii Emope’s Political Eyes Directed To Paris At Piesent Potter Family Riled Over Elopement cffable Andre and the amazing Pelle- tan ruled over the army and navy with such effect that every decent-minded officer was disgusted at the espionage that flourished like an evil gi'owth. and did inestimable damage to the fleets of France. M. Combes’ ])rincipal achievement, or course, was the driving out of the orders-. It is hardly likely that the country would stand a repetition of the scenes, which then occurred in monasterie*", and certain that the new brooms man is no. grafa ;it. the NN’iliiclnisti'assc-. four years ago, his wcrd a the (^uai d'Uis^y, :!w. Kai-i !- emissar.'' to ]\1. R(.iu\]\ v u. i-j] ■ consequences of reiainiim .\i, ; Like the pruder.t financi^ r ti; , M. Declasse was ■■un.uuiiinH-.i ■' expressve idiorn. Siu';l!;c i neither s-ide has forgot on i.i!;- en. Tho apita ion in tjt r;r.ai;y ■ recruiiing of tlie i-';v.iicli Fo-c gion may ije tak. n h . Berlin never forgets, 'fhe in. Morocco IS months ar;,) in coi, with Gei'man deseriors from :i eign l.egion was il!t)uuhi :o ba. nunneries, but it is l inverrcd satisfacKn-ily, h is show a vivj.(l inn,licit!'. Tiio Ccv-ir;’' certain anti-clerical activity in order I pj^in of th,e v. av I'rance . i , is in reports from rej'aii ihops , : 'II ,t, iiT l' ^>-'r s, \ liiid but lit- of '^ome ’eadin>; lines. i _ _■ I.) ’:;re:u. and by tlio Tie rtciiu i* visions of oric e.s of col-| FPtDtRICK VVERNF.R.) ' * ■ ’;r>; 'ance*: thev remained ' top "oodp do nor apnea'- to have ina-i Borlin, March —The jiolitical a I'■ •T' '.V. tic ■ac’Kground I Tr: i.illy inr-vc di-i i'i'm ;•'!! a.s >ot,;py~s of aH i‘hiro|)e ai'e directed lo- •ini; ” ' la; f (•'■•;n. I* ' on ror-jl,\;: . r.ie’- spi-inu \^ ( atht';- is confi-' wards Paris, wliero iho now cabinet rii rh«' a a >onio five r sixi.iei’’;. ■•vpt :t‘^d ic> s-.'e':I iIk- rrade at : ru ?.l. .Monis has added a new factor ea: .5 aeo the majority of the ladies j tho !o'»'’or prices. Curtailment is still j for goofl or evil ro those wiio hold our •■osenf ^ad a’^'^ained to th*? digniry j widely in evidence. Collections still i future in their hands, and the states- ' trandm-iM’erhood. I are no hotter than fair, while many men of eveiy country are eagerly T! Vip.s, and o'-ern verv much cmters r. port them slow. waiting to seew hat French foreign Bnsin-ss failures i]\ the I'nited * politics are going to oe. States for iho weok ending .Ma.'ch 31 j One rl.ing is sure, the change of wore L’::.', against 2.'!1 in tho like week governnicui. in Fiance iias caused un- Lakewood, X. J.. March 2-">.—'Fhe eloriement of .Miss Elso iiorner and Lorimer E. Graham, both of Washing ton. D. C., and their wedding in Br.lti- niore is still causing dissension in the Portner family, due to the opposition to the match ol the bride's mother, .Airs. Robert W. Portner, of this city. Several conferences were held with the mother today by various members of the family hut the outcome is not known. A iiimor says the mother hjis threatened to disir.herit her daughter; ! another rumor says Miss Elsa was en- to justify their existence. They have ridden into office on the sorry jade of religious pers'ecurion, and the poor beast must be pricked into something like a gallop, or the passengers will complain of tho ])ace. All the church schools will i.e closed and Catholic parents submit to having their o ff- springs taught “moral instruction" in the uncolored manner of the socialist dominie. In his recently imblished book. M. Charlemagne Bracq very valiantly un dertakes th.e defense of this same in struction. Far be ir from trse to say that the whole of ihe state schol astic body is affected by Free Thought: that would hot be true — more aip.hority on the nresent Arabian; gaged to a young Xew York million- ^ question than T’rofessor Alois Musil,U'>’f^ ^'^ve had a brilliant at'""tL Sorb^^^^ (;f Vienna, who for n^arlv twenlv vears'in June. . leaching at the Soibcn.ie. At the lived among the nktiins j.ractically 1 Immediately after the wedding in time the atmospacrc ot tli^ whom 1 have I - Mrs. Graham start- common school is hostile lathei than •p T!Vip.s, and o'-ern very much cmtors r. port them slow than their prcdecessc'rs on r , a more .'’outhful a'mos- n ■•o 'aii'h' P'irrotird the •i'.an hap b. . n the oq.!e for some|ot '.13'' 'i’',. ir maje. ties' personal i r-.i,d The members of their! Miss Doherty Comes Tomorrow. •I'oho’i ! fovop the mop* part are r*f>f ar age wj'h Mien.^olves, t \r, or thro- da: s’ tirrip. when • Prin. p of Wales and his sister, Uh .; \la; v H e old t-nough to i>ar-j thee ity tomorrow. •,1-^te i,-i '-ocial paiti^s. ;he younger' f '-nr will rcme to the front in a' I’ whir’ Mas nor been ^een at the ;’i oiiurt sin^e the day& of George -Miss M.a'^ee Doherty, trimmer at Litrle-I.ong's, who was called to Scranton, Pa., by the illness and death of her sister, will return to I easiness evcr.\ v. hcre and no where I prahably more th.^n in the Kaiser's j oapiral. .lust now' we Germans, govern- I ment as well as tho loading pa];ers. 'are r-roh-ndin”- to be absolutely caim -and u'laffectcd, i)ut we are very much I conscious fif the fact that what the j press calls ‘ the rc: surrection of Del- : casse." is the dominating feature of a talk with, as he passed | Ijakewood to seek the parental neutral, as Jules Peir.v insisted, in blessing but the bride’s sister, Miss Nanna Portner, headed them off, say ing Mrs. Portner had been seriously ill announcement might make her worse. Mr. and Mrs. Gi’aham then went to 'I M*". Ix-.ri-'las Mawpon. who accom- : ar/'-'J Sr ‘-^ne^t Shtcki«:on on h*B \ nt.'i’-'^ric Exteditlon and shared Its I n ames' dangers and oucceB&es, la ■ (■ K In Loudon, compl»Tliig arrange- • ; nts for nil Australasian eipedition •o fh- so :rh. :?' lentiflc research acd th* discov- . ry of f'>nin-'f»rclal possibilities are Its •^■:a1r' oi.jocff* p\)r thl? Mr. Mawaon rx^eiitinr.allv well-equivi>el. He lis ■1 KTRduate in mining engineering, Jir.fi wh* n h» Joined the Shackleton • ipedirion I p was lerturer in mlner- r. ;ogv an petrology at Adelaide L’ni- \ rr'-ir V ■ Thi= IK iiot a South Pole expedl- oTi ,said Mr, Mawson to me. "Wbaf • '• warit to do Is to efl^ahMnh *2.4int ’ dr.- of unknown coast line and fix ' on >.ho map. Most of Caim Adare to a;;: herg. the rterman Antarctic expe ; headquartera, and bf;yond it T f ^oa?t line of the Antarctic conti- : Ir 'inknow. There ma.v, however. r-»- possihllitlen tn it. and Anstalia .--oMld hav» the cbance of thes-p.’ f»r, .MawsoD hopes to start in Nov- • mber and spend two wimmprs and ■lie u'inter on th« expedition. The cost. )' i': eRtimate>d. will be about S200.fn>‘'. and this sum is being raised in Aus tralia. Thirty thousand dollars was «ubflrribed in live day». • • • If; Bermondsey, within a at one's throw of Tower bridge stands a church a crypt which is a charnel house. Eight hundred mouldering coffins are T'»ckexl away in the crypt with only a thin layer of earth above ihem. and 'he clergy are now applying to to the local government board to have them fif moved. ‘ There may be anything up to L^OO fofflns in the crypt,” said one of the clergy today. “No one can say posl- Mvely how many there are. You can only estimate the number. They are itacked away one above the other like hiscultd in a tin. At the top is a thin layer of earth. I don’t think this top ' oating of earth was more than a loot in depth, and now it is little more r iibslantlal than a sprinkling of gravel 111 idaces. The wooden cofllns have lonp ssince mouldered away, and now as ono Of ju.st had through Berlin, returning from a series of lecturers at the University of Co- iienhagen. "If you ask me.” the professor said, "how much a Fioduin cares for a meiuber of TurKiisii parliament. 1 must say Lhat ho considers a good Atlantic City and sent for Oscar Port- camel vastly more valuable and use-jner to break the news to the mother, ful. The desert governs the Bediiins,? He did so. and returned with the ad- who laugh at the idea tiiat any ])arlia-} vice to stay away. He stated today mom in Constantinople has any right that his mother did not object so much to lay down laws to them. I to Mr. Graham but to the manner of ■‘Tile present campai.gn in the des-'the wedding. He said the bridegroom err will be and must be disastrous to'and the elder Portner had been as- ihe Turks, who will never acconijilish j sociated in the lithograph business in jthe sii.nation !or Germany, and a ))ap-, anything in Yemen, although they | Washington for some time, or like ’ Die Post" has not hesitated have 40,000 men. the pick of the Turl-i- to sa> oiieuly that it is the duly of' ' the Kaiser's government to be ready for all kinds of unpleasant siiriirises from the man wlio created the friend ship betv.een France and England. Foitimately for Germany, our Minis ter of Foreign Affairs Herr Von Kider- leu-Waechter is probably the only (jerman diplomat who is in anyway a match for .M. I). Delcasse, whom he greatly resembles in belligerent strength of character. Like the French minister he thrives in an at mosphere of controversy and is said lo be overjoyo(j al the i>rosT)ects of In Defense of Coca Cola. Chattanooga. Tenn., March 25.—One and shV feared the shock of the the witnesses at the Coco Cola GENERAL “BUTCHER” WILER General Wyler, better known as “Butcher” Wyler, who has asked King A Ifo snotoreleeivETAOINN King Alfonso to relieve him of the post of Captain General Catalonia, as he wishes to be on hand in the event of the fall of the Conalejas ministry. Many statesmen believe that the Premier will not be able to bring about a peaceful settlement of the Vatican troubles, and in the event of his failure, a dangerous situation would be precipitated. In that contingency, is is believed the King will ask General Weyler to form a new ministry. ish army, it is said, there. I hope for|jOHN F. GAYNOR the Turks that these troojts are not the pick of their army, for thev desert hearing was Dr. R. C. Emerson, form erly of the Ha^^ard Medical School, now of Boston. He testified that the effects of caffeine on the human or ganism w^as stimulating. Injury, if any, depends on the amoiiat taken. John F. Sweeney, of St. l.,ouis, the next witness for the day, presented some figures he had compiled as to the use of caffeine. These Included world's production of coffee and tea by years. He raid there were 7,000 ! .crains of caffeine to the pound of 1 coffee. her German recniits. '^I'ii” I'vi repl.^', deny the cliargos made them and declare liiai i.ic • jtrndence is obsei’vt d In ;o . . subjects, who avf- warned - : ' service is a hard onr-. An, German subjects join rlie Kroi . eign Legion every .'ear. 'I'iic : nor an agreeable ono for p, .goveruDieni. b'rance d m pc ^ ■ of her way for them' fiui s::;- i|,,i s fool called uj)on to rofu.-c tli. conditions arc accoiited. RETURNS TO HIS HOIVIE. many a hot fight with his coleague on n hey can reach the two chiefs, and the let! bank of the Seine. in the winter months it is bitterlv In Vienna, too, the change of cabi-|-oid there. F’urther. the Turkish of- Dr. R. A. Wilthouse. of Xew York, a i)harniacologist and taxicologist, w as by the score everv dav and return to' Gla.. March 25.—John F. on the stand testifying as to the use their tribes. > Gaynor, who was released yesterday of caffeine and its properties when “The secret of this war in Yemen! federal penitentiary after court adjourned until Mondav. is that the Araos will not accept ‘ the I Sultan in Constantinople as Kallf and'harbor irauds and taking a Day on the Campus, descendant of Mahomet, and the two Abanian chieftains, who ate the lead ers of the war are therefore, fighi- ing a “holy war." In those circumstanc- ^s the Turkish campaism is hopeless. The - a mountain harbor frauds and taking the pauper’s oath relieving him of his Mr. Edward Keesler, Jr.. yesterday ^.jTo.OOO fine, left this afternoon at pilotted a crew of prettv comrailes to 2: L5 o’clock over the Southern Rail- Davidson, in his car. Besides A^r. road for New. York, .\fter spending Keeesler there were in the party: _ there with his compan- Caldwell Young, Mebsne Long, fohn Turkish troo]is are bound to passM*^^*’ benjamin D. Greene. Avho Vvas re- Carr, Fred McCall and other eleventh iiuitain range of IS 40(» feet before Thursday under the same pro- grade boys of the High School. cedure. he will go to his old home in Messrs. Keesler and Long stand higli- Syracuse. X. Y. est in their class. net in France, is interpreted to s])ell "breakers ahead" before long and for- seeing that ne was likely to get a rest later on the .^linister of Foreign .\ffairs Count Von .A.ehrenthal has wisel> gone away on a two months’ .atation now. Xo .\ustrian minister ever worked harder than Count Von Aehrenthal has done ever since he was called from a life of luxurious ease at St. Petersburg to labor of the most arduo us kind at Had))jalz. where he was helped to make Euroi^ean history from the very day f>r bis arrival, always lighting bitter and deadly enemies on all sides. •At homo in the Delegations and with the opposition and coalition in Hungary, and abioad with the oppon ents of the Bosnian annexation, where he even had to risk the peace of Europe. At last victory came to Cour* Von Aehrenthal all along the line, and he left his work in the con sciousness of having achieved a dis tinct success. If he consulted his ow^n wi.shes He would probably retire entire ly from the heavy burden of office which has rested on his shoudlers. But the country and his soverigns will not allow this step, for they feel that they cannot spare the man who has stood in the centre of European poli tics for over two years and raised the position of Austria-Hungary enormous ly. Count "Von Aehrenthal looks upon M. Delcasse as a man most dangerous to European peace, and Austria sincere ly desires peace, having every reason imaginable to he satisfied with the present political situation. No man has the right to speak with fleers do not know the country, and are not in possession even a man. The wells are dislant f^'om one anotlier. The oases are the only hope of the troops, but in the long run they w'ill be insufficient for the w’anls of a greater force. ’’Over and over again the Beduins will attack the I’urkish troops: rob them of their provisions, and disap pear. They will poison the wells b.v throwing a camel cargo of dead grass hoppers into them. I know myself the teiTible poisoning which follows (pien- ching one's thrist with the water. And yet it would be an easy matter to pacif.\ the Arabs if the systetm itself was not as bad as had can be. If only I nrkey would keep her promise and conclude an alliance with the tribes. I know' how easily it can ’oe done. Al liance and peace with the Heduin is ih#» only solution for Turkev in Arab ia. Russia's next political move will be in Turke.^. of this no one. who at- tenti\ely follows the same of inter national politics, has any serious doubt. The clash is not far off. Tha cabinet troubles in Constantinople ^ndered the moment unpropitious for Kussian action, but the crisis had only Jeen delayed, not hindered. Say what you will: a feeling among the'young been been growing steadily tna.t Russia, the protectress of the Bal- vans. w’hose political aims—consecrat- ?« by a religious mission—cannot be 'o untarily abandoned, is the unique enemy of the Ottoman Empire, power and race. She represents the Cresent against the Cross. One may object that issia liarbours no designs against ouug Turkey, nay that she positively Among the many claim n.,,; ; Princess I.ouiso, of Holirii'jr, ' suit to obtain her fa'lioi's wc;! .. the Belgian govon;;rcnt ocnu' ly in May, .uorhaps the uio.r! a- ishing is- one from an . hotel keeper, who. krM>wing tiii. si;;, stitions of the priiuc'^s. offei’liv .S'tone from the River .Jordan. - was guaranteed to bring ;hc good luck. Princess Loui.se a(- e, the talisman, and shortly aft'’) '';t. King Leopold died. The hotelkeei)er. instead of ';ii ' to see if the itrinces.s socurs tune, is- now' suing her for an i:-- ■■ ity for the good luck his iuck has already brought h?^r. The pr-- • > es lawyer has rof-ised sa.\ii'.=: ' ' deatl; of a father i-, not locall-. i nized as a stroke of r^ood foni;:.e. !» * An ex-iniiiistoi’ of tiic drpo- d ' of Turke,^■. who lias a Inn:?' Champs-Flysoes. hP.s li?d livf. ■ ■ plaints lodged against him: wealthy American lad,\'. ano‘'.‘’ jeweler, and the third by a sion agev;!. 'I'he iady sa.vs ‘ arc divorce proceedings tio:'.>. self and her husband, sho coii!: .' fortune, consisting of s'-rin no". , : ' at aboin .$lrtM.oou. a;i(' iiMi.niiii a. of jevv’elrA'. to the Paslia. as : ■ ed to ha\e it in s-afo k( t-p. . that sho cannoi got all tli^' back. The cx-ministor. f(‘r ^ declares that s)ic sold Mi'- liim, uiiile a.s for tho j'w 'r\ h* ed it in London at her own rf^ • The jewelers comjilaint is 3Ui)i)liod s-.ome trinkets :o : ■ for which he has not i'of ii I'a ' the commission ag^ nt .'ays 'lim which iho ox n • duces to $1.20P. .-Ml tho ii:ir- been confronted with oacn ' the exaniiniipG fat-’. • sticks to his or her \ersion o!' fairs. The mayor of hry -.M. •! lant—who is also a d^'pn'y. od more "civic bai>tisnis" \h- day. When iic s!a;;eJ »!’. = ' : ■ jieople cracked jokes a' hi,-. ■ But the Free-thinker:-- weh new iilan. and during las' mayor ])orformcd :wenr>-: tisms. There were f'is:ii' 'M ,i and four more havc’ no-.v 1>k to the list. There should ha ■ ten. but as a result of floods six families had to pf>s', christening cerenion\ of rh :; The Christening^.- wore mad- casion of a fete. "I'lio niun.ic:^ v-’as in attendance, and a so( , . composed of I'lO lioy-^. caps, sang jiicces. The nia ■ was attended b.’-' s-'veral councillors, delivered an adii: read out the nainos- of t!ic and their ju-otcctors. 'I'lie and godmothers had to niak- lowing promise:-- "In ihe nan.c man solidarity on>.;a.r;o ;o . under-mentioned child, to ■ lirotect it in all tiie dini(u'' ■ sion, in accordance with roa-oi sense, honesty, and love of v.ori- the Republic.’’ Then following a oonoert; • w'hich medals presented to o:.i • ' men, prizes- to school ''■hildr. certificates to persons who ha ' ^ ‘ evidence of courage and devoP .‘n iag the floods.