V 9 m r Whiff up, boys. ^ This 1 LID, the grandest old king Tobacco you ever ia a spike or cram- iij a hod.” it’s the word in every town this side of v^ii and Dixon. ? [JD has ^em all hanker- for more. It’s a new py in the smoking line. lilD is real Piedmont intry tobacco, full of nat- ^ flwor, a clean, soiind I.e. but light and cool. JD in cigarettes won’t ir. your fingers any more cigars. That’s because i^ure tobacco. No dope 11 iiug. Equally good for v -j^.arecte or pipe. c^'M n A-iL - ,rS)S II Tsx Ss ipf (f Get hepl E' sty tijne you amm a whiim harse buy a bsj of S7I/0. THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, MARCH 27, 1GH rouie I'ur i'.ie iu'>v liiu' nn.'ses wii 1i' e mil's of tlif .ui'f'nt Wl'ititoy ■tn\\'o hut hern Raihoad la I K;'!- . -I. ; cny •)H! hPfil \\i;i( ii u ;li bo, y. iicu (.'.jtuaUicHi, I i uio Ip.riios-l Iiydrnelorf i’k- |)owct tii.v.t i i.-.on.li ot tlu' Xiiijiara ^.irf-au." i .1 iuiiiil)ci' cive in aiioi! oil lieej) f u i Hav.' rivei', j aiid till' new liiic- will (I'Mnaud their traffle. •) in ’liC •: i: mid fas' l.»‘:-eo!'.un:r I i]ia; a r.-.v'.d !;as in.t hei'i' b ali i’rrouvj.i 'ndiistrial and fin-1 ihe «.cciii)n ('f \h\ lO'.ite le.-. i.'. Ci-iit^T. a':r;!- is iieoido I'roTn •;5ll ; ii.o\v. 'I'he laei is 'heft 1 .u ior Mf i!if> and a : iu)!i: ical nisiioeu'-eriii;.;?^. Iho 11' aih. tv. L -:!d'>n. i ■ " 'I . i.'ill- i la II- w. a;. , :1> >ru, .>■' a f e > a s^r« : an( ial ■ '‘I' ' > I greii; \n| >!no ot' iM'S'uess ioi‘ railv'ads i i, \cr l-uili in .\oiiii Cai'ol'ua v.oalU O'i i!'e in' rvtains lown.-j alon^i t lii.s ; P'-'i'iiaiiH-l-a\e he • n btuit >!\.r \o!\ ih'- larsif^^i Alb(*niar!e. with a j iieuiiM’ j' ;i']'!ilati‘Hi (»!' aboiit 7,'‘bn 'I'iii.-; town j *here. 1 be fa'"'! lemains ib.^it !';i> i'al a p'.'enoTniiial si'owil’, havia.e: i nt the state .-■ most ;* i d in ,>^)iuihM!(>n in a;n.»'.;f !b;a lai'.ue aroa ro:ii Tnn io 'i'iie cortoii \Jhe Drugless Aget (Ey CARL BYERS.) There are seven sources of lifennon which Hoven mear.K ot healing are leased as follows: 2. W'at er—Hy d ro pat hy. 2.—\^■aler—Hydropathy. Air—Aeroi-'athy. 4. l^ighr—Foto))athy. r> Ha}'i)ine&o—Psychotherapy. 0. KxeriMse—Kincyiojiaihy. 7. flest—Sabbatisni. Food, water, air. light, hai>i»mess, mental control, exercise, rest. Biology. Father means life-giver. The nioilier I'urniiihes only tlie ix>{iy. After birth, I'roiu wliai we gather from I eason and Sciiiitiire, the sources of life are food, air and hojie. iJfe aiul health are the same, so are disease and deaili. To heal is to give life. What ever does not give life or add thereto does not heal. If the above principles are true, drugs cannot possibly give or add to life and, ihei'efore, cannot heal. 1. "The blood is the life.” Blood is made i’roni food. Bad food, bad blood. Excepting pure water, what ever is not food is ijoison. The wise mf'.n abstains from llesh, especially the unclean kinds, such as hog meat, car-tixh, oysters, eels, crabs, toads and bed bugs. .Most people eat too much and too rapidly. One should be a strict Fletcherite—eat only when hun gry and chew thorotighly. il. Wafer is the great solvent and blood '!)urifier of the system. As a pitiiiicr it is useful taken Internally— at the rate of a gallon a day; as an injection and as a bath, to ])romote excroiion througli the skin. Almost; if. not all dis; ase.-’, can be cured by the t!illii;l use of v.a:?r—iiydrotheva’py. in. Air is culled the “breath of life,” that is. life-giving breath. It is (oniposed cT oxgcn and nitrogen, of v,hich t'x..geu i,-; tlie active i)viuciple. Si.'ice air is absolutely necessary to life, it is roasoaal>le vo believe that the more air we l tite move life. ieiice. i]'.t lungs shoiild be exp-anded ;»y (.nliivation and houses should be vv'eil venL'latrd. One should live, as much as possilde, in the oiien air. I’jiie, coo! air, coming iu contact with the persoi'i, couves insomnia. is a nalural nerve siii'ii- idaiii —;i''iilii ie-r- iiu‘ onl,'.' otie. Sin«'e r.io;j ; ai ic.i in all Ihiiigs is the v. ^se I.ion's iiiie. of cour?e i; is iiossible lO l'a^o tO(i )r;i! -l’ life. o.-MJCCiali.v for I,loud:'., 'i'he blond and the black are ai>rtcruui I. \ . ' !:t‘ niiji.d lias r wOiiderfiil iU- ilucnci' (,', ^ r ihe IhxI . . Mope. aci-(n d- i’.ig to the S;;Ci'(-'{l wriiiags, is a tree ol life. Haiipiness si inriiiutes tiie or gan of vitatiness, iocaitd und^r lht> iv.astoid process, which gov('ras the viu.i ovvans, ihu.s increasing the ac- tit.a oi' ,he iieavt. lungs aiid o'her viia! or;,:'>as. llocUih ’produces hapi.i- a-.'ss and ha'tiiiness jaoduces hc.il’.ii. I'lienial i;riii, i'*i>siqai o:' !?!enial, to a Unite iieitig is im ncissiale. Anger, envy, s(.rrou atul ft'ar i.ioduce p'jiHons in iiir i-.O'i'.'. 'I'he (irst j-eqai.-ite (m' ''.iTiliii is puriiv. Iviiulness, cheeri'ulne;'^ aid sane (h^-u-aiils. \'F. •'He iiath (usethi to him thali be r;iv.>n," 'he ia.w ol' nature. ,'v jnrt a';!!.-.I'd. ';ilL atrofy. K.\E'i.'cLs,o is. vigoromi I'l. auii. ’I'i'.is should be. as far pos- ''ii'la, ii. 'aral. ii!;e a'! the i-hy-^ipathic ;euie;iia-. b'U .li,i jitsu av.d Sweiiisi: ‘.novemei.i a’e !)orh asetiil. Tlie lat- ler f'(|aaii,a’s Ju- '■■ii';‘ula!ion ana liiis reli-'vc;- !)ui!i !';\ii-revp.ia aiul anemia, .(i'i ii!: M -"'ongi lieii;' iiiP n:u;,cli s \vith- j uai ap!>i‘ra.tu.-: of a’.;' kimi. I \'ii. acLuowk'd-!’ lhat w- are This elegant, substantial and useful three-piece mission Hal! Suit delivered anyhere In the South for $17.00. Upholstered in green or brown imiiation leather and will wear almost as well as any covering you can get. ‘ ’ Send us your order at once. We have the gr;atest proposition for young heard of. Call or write and let us explain. housekeepers Lubin Furniture EVERTHING FOR THE HOME Any pugilist will tell you there is (luite a difference betv.c'-n being sluggi.sii and being slugged. Scuthern Railway Offers Extremely Low Round Trip Rates to Little Reck, Ark., On Account Annual Reunion United Confederate Veterans May 15-Sth, 1911. Tickets for this occasion vcill be sold on -May in, 14. and 1.'), v.'ith final return j I'.iay i;.'5rd, wiilr privilege of an exten-1 sion of rettirn limit until .lune 14th, i by depositing ticket with joint agent i and payment of uH cents. The follow- ing round trip rates will appiy frojn j s’aiions uanipd: ritarlotie, X. C ?17.1.“ Concord. N. C 17.o0 l)avid.-;on. X. C’ 17.1.'» (Ire'Misboro. X. C Ts.liO (ia.-ionia. X. C Itvtir. High Point. X. C is.do Stateaville. X. C 17.1.-* Sa!isbu>'y. X. C 17.:!>i fa>v-. I’oi iid trii) rates fi'om ail other piiirts o!i Southern ilailway on same i)a'is. riouib.ern Ra.ilway has double (h-ilv ti’.iG'i:;ii service for T^ittle Fiock. A rl a.nd niiuiMiam and AkaupLis. For fui 'iier inforinat ion, veserva- iions. ctc., api)ly to any Sv>uthern Raihvay Asierit. vv. wriie. U. 1j. Vernon -4- . f’.- . and U- DeHuiis, T. A., ( iiarioiie X. C. :>-i::5-t(; m m ever i ^ L J.: 1 -> M u I V i\n • ju i ikt i ci/v, a . : via both Asiieville, C!:attanooga 1 Mtnip.bis. aiul via Atlanta, l;ii 1 mm If You Want Dry Coal, Buy Sta^ndard ■ COAL [i IS. all under shed and protected from the weather. ^ ^ P'Hon© IQ or 7:2 ®'2 Standard Ice & Fuel Co. M. A. BLAND, Sales A^ent ( Vvr-. ]• !N J'£CTiOH 11 oil T.* r ^ mlll.s, ■i A] : U'U ■! , !:n> a :-r 01 biiilt !., a^• I .'naii .ition in \ il. i! pa -s , b ( til" V'-’.. (if kno 'V n ill knitting mills, and furnitnr>-> i ,» :i s o!' this to'.v 1 already fui'nisit a uV'c.- :rt ig;-,T tiatli( ; the number of :|!. ia; M.ri-„s is in. .easing every y ar. Asiitbi ro. the next largest town r'l-i.g the rouie. i- a splendid town and for the past il» cade has t)cen grow, iii^ rapidly. Tiiis lovvii is locjted in linber b It and a great atton- the i'Hst has been giuii to ; Miaiiufact uring tmiluing material. A , I large and fertile surrounditig te; ritory ; makes .Asl'eboro a splendid trade cen- I jier and ih* mercantile l)usiness of f' 'lie town rivals that of any town of its : size in Xortli Carolina. 'I'he wood-, i workfi's of A.sheboro. however, would r^,,lr,,ad ^ '*'e »ew railroad the greate.st aaation !of iraftic. ’ IMitsboro, which is one of the old to\'iis of the Slate, is the next largest ] ciitmg th(' new road. Althoiigh an old >own. iPttsbaro has, of recent years-, taken on new life and has, within the l)ast few months, voted rnunicipal bond.s for street and other Improve ment. 'I'his to^^n has for a number of vcars been the great trade center for ra ii'tr , lai'gi> |.‘ soil, of .'rigii'.ai lO'i'Si of tim ber, a si)lend:d territory v.iih iinlimi:- (d !'asources is S'andiug tod.a> with C’Ut a si'^'gle so!itar\' railroad whfise coiir.-e is east and west, .nass^in.g iti;roiigh i's hca'Kls; aa.d ’I'.'' owiiei'*? 'of tliese uiideveloped resourcr.^ hava been looking for an opf);'ru!riiy o' developing them ami I'ntii n.oNv have leoked in vain. All along the line al ready supt)ort is iiled"'ed to Ihe nev.' cut fpi'-5e and althouy:h ^lie }iroject ! ha.' it.- birth v.iibiti tite pa-r tew j mohiiiR. the promoters of no iicv,- rail- 'S' l''i bt ings. Oniy an inuriort;; 1 c;ur I'oud j :>r e\ u play tOrevei Vv'ith:.'Ui lesi. If th(' angeis never ce:,se work, I hey rest v,-hiie tliey Vi'ork. This can not i;: !uV.c i)\- animals, such as it'.e inh;ibi( antof ib.is earth. The enaft- ment of ib' Sr^bbath. the sai»'’aticj \eai‘. an 1 the jubiieo ;,ltov.' the rica-j t()i's ('aiio'-semerit of tins pianripie. Rest is no ’.aure a pana.eea ilian eititei'! (if nie orber above mentioned princi-j )>!es. bat- ',(ai cr.n no more b.ave per-■ tect ii-'a.itb v-ithoul resting one-1 seventh of >our time. ai leas*.—]iossi-j illy mote, than you can make iierfcct j mtisic wi h only six noies. Re.st is i the pupren;e lilessing promised to iiie | i.ieople of Cod—"ihere remaineth j therefore a sabbatisinos for the |)eo]>Ie ' of Gorl." • j.et a.~ hear the conclusion of the MOST OBSI'sr'.ATi:^ CAsns . ■ r:!,rr trrr.;r m GCu'*' E'! ALL DHUGC;!ST:^. a 1 (((iinect- a prod I d iii th ■ ‘ a . i'-a tc ; o these a r ally be I'jr." ltd tha» thi> ■ II i'lo; ne- i ; ..nlyi‘1 lar!.-e jmrt of Chath.-ni county. As Charloi.c Asiienoro. it also is in a great timber all iMrseut ; i \siil !-aV(‘ . . ;n passenger _ I b' t ;cen Hal- ,at 'hi--^ i'' onl.'-' r -II, .•ni^'iice al- (.,■■11 'I'Im town-’ li i ir t in ai;-': 'I uitii a a. i v est line. f>ad' ■ ■. 1‘ n etion and the lumber industry would iutnish a siilentUd trafTic lor a new railroad. i’here are a number of other small town I’ittsboro has, of recent years. .\hi(h would he benefit led, and which in tijne will be a source of revenue road! for the en;er!»rise; worthy of especial menti'>n is Haniseur, in Ilandolpii coun- IV which has already a cotton mill ninnin-r a broom factory and a novelty factory ; int.’-; 'I'ix' country sections along thislmej . . 1 lialeiub and and their resources are of especial • ast" and interest to this enteri)rise. Three lar.go ■ I I ""l ' of the counties will be practically intercep - . : : •!;,,gM pas- ed. These are, Chatham, Randolph . I and vice and Stanl> . ^ ^ , f.-. b' M miles,' Xo more fertile soli or finer haia- •; ai I west for'wood timber is found anywhere than a sf'i.oiis But ill i'“P famous Hickory mountain sec- ■ 1 - • ■ ■.■ ■.'i(h d tion of Chatham county, ►aoine oi ..■. road and Xorth Carolina's finest wheat land is ,r..ugh which foui.d in Ihe Deep river and Parmei .s i on sections of Randolph county^ . I te with And the corn and cotton fields of , p .,ve- in the Yadkin valley and I^ocust level sec- ■ and pa-'es tions of Stanly county are not suijtass- „ ‘pr!l.ressiv^ ed bv any in the So.tth. Great torests ,ig ‘o'lngtown- or original growth "offish ■ I ill til., thir.l of oak, of hickory, ol poplar of asli. of and of cedar, are found all along this road ever had more gratifying co-op- eratioii and ])'’omi‘-‘-rs of move loyal stii)poit. than the men who are behind this comjiany. and peihaps no men nave ever undertaken a more piausjblc pro])osition. (iet a Xorth ('arolina map and for this last as.-'enion .see for yotirself. Adding a great deal to the atiractive- ness of this propo.'--ition is the fact that a branch line can be rr.n irom I’ittsboro, up Haw river, io (Ireens- boro. This braiu h road passing as it would through northern Chatham and intersecting Alamance county would come in touch with nutnerous cotton mills and traverse new and undevel oped territory as well asr territory already deve!o])ed, and a teriiiory whose resources are almost auliinited. William J. Best, of Xew York, made a survey of a part of this route several years ago when he '{'ntemplated run ning a direct line from Goldsboro to Salisbury. His stirvey, made throtigh l^iitsboro and Asheboro. and had h' been rtmning for Charlotte instead of Salisbury the survey would have made through Albemarle. M’he bu.=;iness people along this new route have joined hands in this pro ject. .A. great area of the very best of the famous Piedmont section is about to be opened to the business channels of the country. Already the promoters of the road are in touch with Northern capitalist, and with the aliled co-operation of all tov.'ns and all sections concerned, the Raleigh. tTiarlottP and Southern railroad will be pushed to uliimate success. W. L. MANN, Alamance, N. C., March Kith. whole nuitter,—" Fill your life with work and iilay Oat of doors, 'nearh nature's sway Led by !iaide's resplendent ray,— Live ancl live in ernest. “Had dyspepsia or indigestion for years. Xo ai)petite. and what I did eat di.^tressed me terribly. R'lrdock Blood Bitters cured me."—J. H. Waliv- er, Sun bury, Ohio. Don't let the baby su.Ter from ecze ma, sores or any itching of the skin. Doan's Ointment gives instant relief, cures quickly. Perfectly safe for chil dren. All druggists sell it. Constipation causes h.eadaches. nau sea, dizriiness. languor, heart jialiiita- tion. Drastic physics gri])e. sicken, weaken the bowels and don’t cure. Doan’s Regulets act gently and ctire constipation. 2") cents. Ask your dryg- gist. Home Sweet Home” Not mt’ch sweeiness on wa^-li- day wiih steam permeating the atmosphere and the smell of soaji hanging 'round your iio.se. Why Not Let Us Do Your Wash?,! Besides unplea'^-ant odors w^e can save you worry and money. Special prices for the home Avash. “FLAT WORK” and “POUND WORK.” Sanitary Steam Laundry 473- -Phones- -800 Xever can tell when you’ll mash a finger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or scald. Re ])iepared. Dr. Thomas’ Kclectic Oil instantly relieves the pain —quickly cures the wound. ■ ■ L !■ sections ' of : iml)* r un- line, aid by rivers In i. DOW- line will cro.ss ' . .■ .n'rv Ra'- whid. are capable of furnishing a won- .,(• tp, s'at.> derful amount of water :or a «M--a' ble amoiig these streams are Hd« i V ,n I, Irom all er and Rocky river, in Chatham coun- ' ry year, Hui,^ ty. Deen river, in rralf.c for tv. Charlotte traversing these counties the new a nuiViber of streams ■ of furnishing s Not a* Randolph county, road.s and Yadkin river and Roclcy fjj the Stanly county. The present proposed IViirwIng 3Io4her« nnd .Malaria. The Old Stancianl OKOVE’S T.4ST.^- T..FSS rrmai 'I'ONTC, driv''.i out maic.- ';.nd builds up the sy3?tem. For 1(1 children, 50c. ria grown people and CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tiie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of .Simply the “Supreme Court.” By Associated Press. Vv'ashington. .March 27.—X’^o longer will lie heard the announcement: “The chief justice and the associate justi ces of the supreme court of the T'nited States," as the members of the high est tribunal in the land file into take their })laces. The niodesty of Chief .lustice White forbids. J’'ollowing the death of the late Chief Justice Fuller and during tlie time when Associate Jtistice Harlan presided the court w'as hailed merely as “the supreme court of the United States.” That the revised form was good enough for him was the decision of Chief Justice White when it was projiosed to resume the old time prac tice. Ssving Time. “Wliat t^how shall we take in to night, v.ife?’’ ‘I’ll try to make uj) my mind be- tvs'cen now and dinner." “Make up your complexion at the same time, will you?"—Grand Rapids Chronicle. THE SELWYN HOTEL • EUROPEAr** Room* $1.50 per ^ay and U«», Rooms with Private Bath 92.Q0 Per Day and Up. CAFE OPEN UNTIL 9:30 P. M. Prices Reasonabit. 150 El«8'3nt Rucms. 75 Private Baths> Located la the heart ot Char* lotte, conveuiout to railroad station, ;treet cars and the busi* uess aud isiiopping centre. Cater to iiigh-class C'umerciai aad loiu'ist trade. Pure Water from our Artesiaa Weli, U03 1-2 feet deep, for sale, 5c gallon at Hotel. 10c gallon in 5-sallon lot» Deiivered in Charlotte or at R K. Station. BDCAR B. MOORE, Proprl#*c?c We ask you to call and see oitr line of 5 and 10 Cent Goods We handle only first quality good and do NOT carry a line of seconds or cheap stuff. A look will convince you. ee Our Window. Weddington Hardware Co. INCORPORATED 29 East Trade Street Tickets to Edisonia or Amuse-U Free Do you want two Tickets to the Edisonia | or Amuse-U given you FREE' h i V Enter your name on lines below and cut j | this out and send to NEWS office. Your 2 i—i name will be entered on the list and will appear amongst the Want Ads. Watch for your name. “First come, first served” Name - —1 Address

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