8 THF OTlKi^u-rTE ITEWS, MARCH 27^ 1911 “Tell it to The Town Through THE NEWS.” ONE 1 CENT PER WORD WANTED: For Sale, For Rent, Lost, Found, Stolen, To Let. Phone 115. HASTINGS & MITCHELL CO.. new store building. Work is progressing rapidly on our new store. When complete it will be one of the nicest furniture stores in Charlotte. Bar gain hunters and close purchasers e-hould take advantage of our special sale which will continue a few days longer. Phone 897-J. 3-16-eod-tf .A.TTENTION EAGLES—There will be a special called meeting Monday night at S o’clock. Business of import ance. Roy Page, W. P. 26-21 V/ANTED roR HK.\T—(Jne six-room apartment, No. '.o;* K. 5th St., $22.5C mouth, i'rndri’.'' i.and Co. 27-ot 1 FOR RENT CHEAP—Xlce store room ' on \V, 4th, near Tryon. W. C. Dowd. r(:p 31 1 ;;n - ■ ,\V'A.\’TKi ai'i! 'i‘ "I Pv-: -\n rx;'frfom'eit Tnulor at Alovi-h'';ui 25-lt at News office. 8-21-tf 1 a Sli.'tian,i I'on.v. Si;ito UiiC ■jtit, 111, I'l’irt' V^alit^.‘ll, *’ti‘. ^ i?-J l-t I j FOR RENT—One good barn, also car riage house; will rent cheap. Su. Church. 2S-lf WA N ti n C li 'Fa.- »■ -J; nv rrivjiit' i-i>vrui.‘- wi'i t\ !' luouiii.'^' \\ iiKiu.'^',)U liuiiu- ;;:t o; > ^L-euci \\'AS \ i'i>- M'I- ' l-'.c ' ' \1h 1 fur iro\in.; s tii w\'rk. • . \;i. ' (.ii ithili \liiv- I-.. Oil. I'T-if ♦ ^ FANCY BRED POULTRY AND ♦ !♦ EGGS. ♦ ■ ♦ ' ‘M ri!"' H.VHRKD ROCK a tieiiiiiii, 7‘mi N. C'ollest* street. 27-lt TREES OF ALL KINDS for sale on cornor of Poplar and 4th. 10-tf MONEY ON LOAN on anyth)cg. State particulars. Box 292, Charlotte, N. C. 12-tf. ATTEN^'fON EAGLES—There will be a special called meeting Monday night at 8 o'clock. Business of import ance. Roy Page, W. P, 26-2t ClJ’i’ RATES! Rooms, board, finest location, close in. All conveniences. Apply quick—Save money. ’Phone 1S70-L. 9-tf I CALL FOR, repair and deliver your shoes. Phone 953-J. P. A. Bowden, 1)^2 East Trade. 12-27-tf PH«,')NE 921—Special sale of fixtures, (.lobe Electric Co. 3-19-tf PHONE 2538 for aJl kinds of wood. M, O. Dowd. 6-tf .SEND IN your name to The News if you would like to have two tickets to Edisonia—free. \Va \ i U-.a;: ^ ‘ V A.\ ' COLr.MBi.AN ^\'yandotte.'5 are ’j(‘au- ties aud i;ood layer.s too. Eggs for t-alo. A. P. White. Myer= Park. City. 2-20-mon-t'ri-tt' :i:—Tti ^o^! •••'» a iiae new \',1 ar.d 0 i>onuj ?'air of pii- : il. UvtiCvl. Turnt'r ;r. ',''1 t'c'-.ulKT L.-nle;-I'i: \ i’.'St. 8-.*-ood-tI' P'OR RIO.XT—Modern seven-room Hats COME TO THE CENTRAL Barber Shop and get your work done. You (ion't have to wait. We have seven fii.-t-olass barbers, from S to 25 years o'.perience. Give us a call and we '.vil! ilo the rest. Green & Young, Proprietors. 2l-tf Mr, Wt'd Avi*. \V. J. P'-ire. IS-tf V \ V. \ ' iuu r.'.an > to ' ears ; I . T • -iii'tic, an\io-;S i > , '’U (.-ii'’'- • ' p aeslrable ju: not i ''oo.' = n-. V AT''i'i\- a’’ once! 13. X , care Nc"-\.'.i 27-lt j I .-('I v'i',(l-’p,.Tnd set ('fj FOR SAI.F—White Le.ghorn eggs, 75 (-■('n'.s scLiiu.q, pure strain. I’i’.oae I'OiH-V. 9-tf T\VO-}fOR.c;E J. S, .Alyers Cotton Farm to rent. , S02 F.ast Avenue. 3-25-tf EASTER WMBERS Ladies’ Horae .Fournal is row on sale by the Blind .'Ian, on Independence Square. Ticket Sale Fot Miss Mary Gatden The ticket sale for the coming en gagement in this city of Mary Garden went on at Hawiey’s dr .g store and there was an immediate rush for the tickets, giv'ng the positive assurance that one of the largest crowds in the history of the local house \vill me in attendance when this noted actress gives her concert. This tour' is Miss Garden’s first tour of thisr countrj’. and the idea is being hailed with delight by all lovers of the best in music. To make it possi ble for her to come to this city the management of the Academy of Music has to guarantee Miss Garden’s mana gers a large sum of money and it is becaus’e of this that the ticket sale was opened so far in advance of the date of the entertainment, April 6th. Kalem’s latest feature picture at the Amuse U today. ■—Hosts of friends are glad to know that Mr, Joe Garibaldi is able to be out again. He was well enough to at tend the Davidson-Carolina ball game on Saturday. Mother’s .Toy never falJs to cure croup and pneumonia. For sale by R. H. Jordan & Co. eod ANNOUNCEMENT \\’e hereby announce ourselves as candidates lor School Commissioners in Ward 8, sub.iect to the action of the Democratic primary to be held April 4th, 1911. J. R. PURSER, 27-9t F. M. OSBORNE. Sports Charlotte Team Lost. (From Wilmington Star.) Members of the first basket ball team of the local Y. M. C. A. made good their promise to turn the tables on the first team of the Charlotte Y. M. C. A; by winning a fast and furious contest in the gymnasium of the asso ciation last night by a Srcore of 47 to 32. The game was well played throughout. At times the visitors played superb ball but were unable to keep up the pace set by the home team. ANNOUNCEMENT 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for Alderman ior Ward One, sub.iect to the action of the primary -April 4lh, 1911. R. F. STOKES. A 1.5-CENT AD in this column may bring you $100.00 in businses. Vi i. 1 a; t i-p ’ Tr, l.in^: tlmr isj , . n i', I'..one J''. 1-^ P.' .r.a ( 0. v'ffico nnd P;un' 27-t I , I J.nn'.f'iiia;';' , :rni)h' ] ;in,i salary exi'^c'-: Sc'.retarv, cave .\rA>.| 2‘%2t! ♦ ► ♦ FOR SALE ♦ ♦' FOlk cALi:—Delaware. Niagara, Con-! >’(i and .Tames gi ape^. Call 70v j FOR A NO^AR^ 'Phone 11-^. rUBLIC quick— 24-tf E. V\’oourufT', ■U FOR SALE—One brooder, cheap. \K- \ ^ i'M fU -p A l'\HM ■:b'i' ’I'll, .■‘■aiiii.i ii> N. C FOR S.VLE—One niillioii loot. t,f staii-l- ini; i:ak I'nil pine- timber in .Mecklon- hnrg ciainiy. Address Timber, care Twenty to' Ne'vs. lO-eod it 1;. i 1 (V f ro ni ! V' J Afidre.-^.-^ I ^ —^•ne up-tu-date brirk nia- 27-’. T I cnn;e. Sullavan, Crowse, N. C. \T '!'--M ‘.n and wife or twa !a-|‘ • r '::.i aiid hoaj in privat*'! 'v iiJiM K. 1th. 25-:’.! V« \ I h iir I'lU' \V \ Vi I’.irt.n a:o A I' :• l-.Mierieni'P ii' AiM'5 !'•,'I T.-’h'i'liniK' _7-il pr:>ilc at Jiiuht. I’ll',' I r riie ;• ''Ut (Ti in i liO - v.iadcNillo ev- , 1-c. 2:-7l d''!-; in piiva’' ion. ' i ionie. " MARCH 18TH Hie: bhiijiacut of Horses and Mules recf'ived. i'rices and t^frmss: ria:ht. J. W. Wadswcrth’s Sons Co. S.\I,E—(Jne nf the niosc ile'^ira- iil.' ?iT \- 071 railroad in city; ^uita-i bie tor .>toK>, ^^■arpl'lOllse, machine :jh(;i)s. etc. i'orner Railroad and Sth Streets. Apply W. c. Dcwd, at X''\\s oiTic''. 3-16-eod-5i J. D. Richardson Entertained. By -Nssori.att d Pies.'. Savannah, (ra., Tilarch 27.—James n. Riciiardfon, iic*ad ol' t!ie Scottish Ri'e .Mapoiif, vim ims been here sinct- Fr!da>. i:; spending the time very (piieiix- because he i.s not )iliysically strong, since liis ilines' sorae time ago. lie is to be entcrtainsd v.ith lianqne' the excrnplitlcation of I no IStii decree mi Tiiursday nighl, NO PARDON FOR MORSE OR WALSH. r.y .A.'-'soeint jd Press, \A’ashington, .Marcii 27.—From sonrc- e.= elo->e to the pie;-^iden'. it was learn ed today rhai the i.ardon apppals of the two convicted bankers, O’aarie^ W. Morse, oi' Nev.- York, and .John R. Walsh, of Chiea.'^o, iiiuioulitedly wotild i)e denied. It wa;= stated that ,the rornev -j;enoraI's recomrnandations in Iiorli eases was ad\ei'sc and the presi dent would follow its fuidings. ANNOUNCEMENT V\ e hereby announce ourselves can didates for Alderman and School Com missioner, resj)ectively, in Ward 5, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary to be held April 4, 1911. L. E. ANDERSON, 25-tf J> J. WILLIAMS. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce mysell as a can didate for . Iderman for W ard Eleven, subject to the action of the primary Apiil 4th, 1911. 25-6t L. W. WINGATE. ANNOUNCEMENT 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for .\lderman for Ward Eleven, st'.bjeci to the action of the primarv .\ni-:l 4th, 1911. ^o-Gt J. R. ANDERSON. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Aledrman for Ward Five, subject to the action of the primarv AjM-il 4tii, 1911. 2.5-6t JOE E, ORR. After international Polo Cup. By Associated Press. London, March 27.— King George gave further stimulus to the already widespread interest in the forthcom ing attempt to win back tl>e interna tional polo cup by receiving at Buck ingham Palace today Capt. Hardress Lloyd and the others of the English challenging team who will sail for New York next week. His Majesty is keenly interested in the effort to recover the ’^^ize which Queen Mary handed over to the Whitney team in 1909 and chatted at length with the rfiember.sfi inquiring and advising in regard to the ponies and the practice. He told Capt. Lloyd that he looked to him to bring home the trophy. AMUSEMENTS When Mary Garden Trips the Festive Dance, “Salome.” From the Evening Wisconsin, one of the leading Milwaukee dailies un der date of December 10,1910. I saw Miss Mary Garden trip the develish dace, Salome— (At least so it is known from Flori da to Nome.) But I failed to see the horror of the wiggle-twisted dance. ‘Twas but a light clad creature with an educated prance. There w5re stories hy the column ' f the naughty, naughty thing. Of tempting foot and snowy arm and gleam of costly ring, and body in abandon, but 1 think I failed to see. that a sight of this Salome put a moral crimp in me. Methinks ye milde press agent, him of the fertile brain Did conjure up the naughtiness, but for box office gain. And, oh, how v,e did fall for him, in quite the usual way. For ])shaw, it isn’t half as bad as ye press agents say. I went, I saw, I listened, yet mv moral views still hold: Though, of course the moves of :\Iary are not exactly cold. ^et I fancy that the whittlings who sought an orgy wild, w-ere in our common parlance ‘•stung," by the exhibit miid. —BY JEREMIAH QUINN. Do You Want The Kind of Printi That Leaves, I Artistically I Indellible Impression ir^' ii Kalem’s latest feature picture at the Amuse U today. Big Cocking Main. By Associated Press. El Paso, Tex., March 27.—The great est cocking main ever held in the southwest was fought in Juarez l?.'3t night. The main was between Texas and .Mississii)!)i !)irds and included 17 events. Large sums were? wagered on each event. Texas v.on the main by a scorc of 10 to 7. FOR RENT FOR J^ALK- caliv u* \v. nx37-inch safe. Practi- 15ary;ain. Phone 9i;!. 9-tf W.-\NTEn-To b’iv revolving: book ca^c aii'i I!-t I.',” ue.- r;. J. F. Flow, r-, 5'''^ Tr^Kt 'Phone H-tt ■Vj'.A (’oui.i« *jr room and i>. a; d; h€ >t. location, seven bic>ck3 frum -iCiu.'iro. 'I'hcne 1318-J. 2^-vf \V'AN . ElJ—irou ten feather b'ar ' i;vr one free, i ui'uer ^ ' . I'..-. -vi cj. Cuiitiie St., Char- : It.;, N. C. 12-tf. ♦ ' ♦ MISCELLANEOUS ♦ I T tMNC is an an. For artistic tun-' ing, ca'l Stieff. Phone 19G. j CALL I'S for Sewer Pipe, Concrete— eb.-,t m?de S” to 24" in diameter: La\^n \ as»'s, Copinsr, Tvo'iciis. Car- r!ag“ Block:-. Anythinc; made of con- C!-ete, Piedmont Concrete Companv. 27-3t-eod OF THE SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE, LOAN &. TRUST COMPANY. s-room tlat over Sarratt's store. .'.-room tiwolling 12rh St. (new) dwellin.s; 2Jm St. (new) dwelling, 2(^2 E, ]\Iore- St dwelling Belmont c(Utago College & Lid- ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a candi date for Sciiool Comnii.‘^yioner in Ward 2, subject to the action of the Dem ocratic' primary to be held April 4th, 1911. 25-11 T, T, SMITH. :U).00 10.no S.OO 22.50 7.00 ♦ LOST ANO FOUND. ♦ ♦ jU*v. • 1 I M IM ;>ur'e containing ovl-i' • : ;ii I :■ iicaui. pin.?, ' ii i-iivelope. n;v name on it.; :i! for d'-livtiy to Flora Jones,' Ave. 27-U WHO SAVED any very large water melon seed last year? I want them. Planting I mile of melons for vou Charlorreans. 'Squire Hailes. Pine- vilie, N. C. 27-11 GO TODAY and see the Alligator Ex hibition at 224 North Tryon St. 27-4t ♦ ♦ ♦ FOR RENT ^ FOR RENT—Furnished room Si-.N.X S Tl Nl.VG is unqualifiedly en dorsed by pianists, teachers, con- duciors_ vocalists and profeasional- ists. Senn, the Tuner. Phone 15G9. 27-tf , TYPEWRITERS FOR 1 eat. tV o blork-s from square. No. S ■'A' Third St. 27-3t TO i.ET-Apartment, unfurnished. 4j Garland Court. 27-3t] RENT — For quick service, best machines and largest stock to select from, see J. E. Crayton & Co., 217 S. Tryon. ll-30t-eod FOR RENT—F'urnished room with or without board. 'Phone 2tS:!-.F. i'7-2t FOR RF].\T-322 N. .Mcflowell, 4 rooms,! modern w-inveniencfs, $1i,()0. McD.' Watkins. 25-tf-eod' -■^^-L'IGATOR HANK wants to see vou at 224 North Tryon. 27-4t lOSinON as housekeeper wanted. Reference given. Address Mrs, H. L. H., care News. 25-3t FOR RICXT—Two connecting front ror)ms, furnisti*.fi, first fioor over store Ynrko Bros. A: Rof^orH. Private hath. G, W, Bryan. 24-71 Tl'NlNG—Theory of tuning with 20 years experience in its practical ap plication gets the best. Senn, the Tuner. Phone 15C9. 21-tf FOR RENT—1 cottage. Aj>ply 406 1 So, Church St. J^arge garden. j 27-2t| (FOR RF^NT—3-room cottage near my I r‘*Hldence In Elizabeth Heights. Tu-1 bulhr well and garden, |1.50 peri ^f*ek. McD. Watkins. 22-tf I bORLS OF LIVE Alligators, including old Wicked .loe and numerous other South Florida wild animals, all alive, (’onie^ today. Admission 10 cents. 224 North Tryon. -4t for R?:nT—One alx-room house. No. 17 Sf)'itb Cpdar St., $25.00 montii, Traders’ I,rfind Co. 27-3t typewriter REPAIRING — AH makes machines, rebuilt, cleaned, or adjusted by factory experts In the largest an^ best eq.lipped typewriter repair shop in the South. J. E. Crayton & Co., 217 S. Tryon St. ll-30t-eod jFOR RE.y-April Ist, modern seven- MONEY-Money to lend on improved rJom home, all conveniences. 9(i7) real estate nuiJiuvtu West 4th. door. Apply W. S. Dorr next 21-tf FOR RENT—One seven-room house, •\orth Prevard St., $20.00 month. 1’rad**rs' [.and Co. 27-3t FOR RENT—Modern seven-room in any amounts, from $200.00 up. Also if you have money that you want to lend on good real estate security I can place it for you at a good rate of interest, and gtiarantee payment of principal and interest. Address A. C. W., in care of News. 3-20-24t house, all conveniences. 203 Victoria SEWING MACHINES for sale and Avenue, Woodlnwn, Dorr. f>n corner Apply W. S. 21-tf FOR RE.N’T—Four rfwms, steam-heat-1 j ed avartmentb. Phone 2583. 23-tfi rent, $2.00 month. Needles, shuttles and bobbins for all makes of ma chines always on hand. I..awing-l(ob- bins Furniture Co. ’Phone 214. 16-tf ,)-i oom 7-ro(ii\i head 5-i'OOi'ii 4-1 oom ;1p!! . . . 8.00 '-ir-oni c(-trago So, Myo^rs St.... 8.00 ^roir.ri cottage .\o. 12 Catherine St 8.U0 1-rnom cottage No. i:', Cat'ncriiie St 8.00 4-room cottage. Belmont .. .. S.dO 4-room cottage, Belmont .. .. 5.00 4-room cottage, Seversville .... 5.0U :]-room cotrage, Belmont .... 4,000 40.000 feet of warehouse space on the Southern Railway on 5th street. Apartments in large brick building on 5th St., below Southern Railroad. Several offices in the new Howell Ar cade. All new, ground floor. Use the Phone 236. 27-tf FOR SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candi date for School Commissioner for Ward 3, su’ojeci to the action of the Democratic primaries. E. F. CRESWELL. ANNOUNCEMENT. We. the undersigned, hereby make api)lication for School Commissioners for W'ard 1, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary April 4th, 1911. W. H. BELK, W. A. NEAL, 25-4t D. R. YARBORO. Large Crowd of Boys Heard Mr. J. D. McCatt The prophecy that yesterday's meet ing at the boys' department, of the Young Men's Christian Association would be the best of the series, was moi'c than realized in spite of the in clement weather. 1 he day was observed as Mothers’ dav. and although the weather made it iinitossiblo for a large number of moihors to attend, the boys turned out in force, .and the mothers who did at t end were amply repaid for their ef- foii. ^1 r. .T. D. McCall, in a very strong address, imitressed upon the boys the relaticniship which should exist be tween themselves and their mothers, and also in a forceful style imi)ress- ed the mothers ’-vith their re3i)onsil.)ili- ty in training their sons to grow up into Christian, law-abiding citizens. A very ativaciive musical i)rogiam was endored '.y a boys' orch.estra. and male quarter. The cornet solo liy George Ivey, also added much to this part of the scrvicc. Kalem’s latest feature picture at the Amuse U today. Cut this out. It is worth money to You. RUBBER TIRES This clipping, with $11.00 in cash will get one set 7-8 inch best giade FIRESTONE BUGGY TIRES 50 sets only on these terms, to advertise the superior quality of FIRESTONE RUB BER. This price expires April 1st or as soon as the 50 sets are taken. First come first served. W. R. STROUPE 211 West Fourth St. Charlotte, N. C. U K Business Builders GROCERS SUNNY SOUTH HOGLESS LARD 9 3-lc in buckets. This is the best lard on the market. Most people i^re- fer it. to the nog lard and it's very much ciicaper. Buying canned fruits and vegetaoles in car load lots we can retail them at wholesale prices and save you 3c to 5c on the can. Half pound cans 22c. This is the whole longue. Briagers Co. ■*03 w. Trade St. PLUMBING AND HEATING Repair Work, Terra Cotta and Flue Pipe, Wall Coping. HACKNEY BROS. 6 and 8 West Fifth St. Phone 312 FOR RENT 1 5-room cottage, 712 E. 2th St. Mod ern conveniences. 1 6-room house, 21G N. Myers St. Mod ern conveniences. 6-room house 404 West Eleventh, modern. 5-room house, modern conveniences, 520 N. McDo>veil. 4-room house, city w'ater, 508 N. Mc Dowell. J. P. & L. L. HACKNEY Phone 312. 6 W. 5th St. In the Public Eye. There has been a great deal of ac tivity in suburban real estate EAST OF THE CITY in the past few weeks, and there is big money being made by those who have anything to sell. We believe that the tide is just be ginning to set that way and are our selves investing heavily in that sec tion. We now have options on several attractive propositions in both vacant and Improved lots that we cannot han dle ourselves and offer at close prices. See this at once: 7 rooms, new, slate roof, heated, beautifully finished, car line, high level lot, 52x175, now rented to desirable tenant at $30.00 per month. Terms easy. Price for quick sale, $4700.00. Union Loan and Realty Company MORRIS E. TROTTER, Manager. 16 East Trade 8t. Phone 349. ANNOUNCEMENT We hereby announce the candidacy of Chas. F. Alexander for school com missioner of Ward 8, subject to the action of the voters on April 4th. DILWORTH VOTERS. 3-24-fri-sun-wed-5t ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of Mayor of the City of Charlotte, subject to the action of the Primary lo be held April 4, 1911. 23-lOt CHAS. A. BLAND. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a candi date for School Commissioner in Ward 7, subject to the action of the Dem ocratic primary to be held April 4th, 1911. 24-9t F. R. CATES. ANNOUNCEMENT. We hereby announce ourselves as candidates for Aldermen in W'ard One, subject to the action of the Primary to be held April 4, 1911. J. P. CARR, W. F. STE'VENS, W. H. HALL, 23-lOt W. R. MATTHEWS, ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Alderman for Ward eight, subject to the action of the primary April 4th, 1911. W. THOMPSON. 22-7t E. ANNOUNCEMENT. We hereby announce ourselves as candidates for Aldermen in Ward 8, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. J. L. SEXTON, 22-7t ANNOUNCEMENT. I do hereby announce myself a can didate for Alderman in 6th Ward, sub ject to the voters on the 4th of April, 191. 20-7t J. A. AUSTIN. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as candi date for Alderman of 3rd Ward, sub jection to the action of the Democratic primaries of April 4th, 1911. 20-7t F. O. LANDIS. ANNOUNCEMENT We hereby announce ourselves can didates for the office of Aldermen from the Third Ward subject to the action of the Denaocratic Primaries, April 4th. R. J. SIFFORD, A. M. QUILLET. Cliarlotta, March 20, 1911. The Initiative and Referendum Special to The .News. Greensboro. March 27.—The board of aldermen Saturday night passed the first oidina.ncc tinder the amended charter or commission form of gov ernment.being subject to the new prin- ci))le of the initiative and referendum clause of the new charter. The ordi nance was drawn lo regulate the use of vapor lighting systems and was prepared some months ago by Alder man Clendonin at the request of the fire commission. Plans for the annex to the court house, in the shape of a new ofilce building have been completed. The building will set six feet from the. Mendenhall building and will cost be tween $5,000 and .?6,000. LTnited States District Judge Boyd Saturday afternoon signed a decree confirming the report of the apprais ers appointed some time ago to ascer tain the true value of the land con demned by the government for an ad dition to the Winston post office. Yesterday J. Van Lindley, the noted nurseryman and expert horticulturist, returned from a three days’ inspection of his orchards at Southern Pines. He reports that unless there is a later freeze or heavy frost, the peach crop will be the best in five years. IF YOU WANT something good to drink just try a bottle 01 Dales Hawaiian Pineapple Juice. S. R. LENTZ Fred Cochrane, Mgr. 'Phone 251 TAKE THIS WITH YOU Saturday, Fresh asparagus, rhubarb, string beans, beets, egg plant, iiead lettuce, parsley, new irisn potatoes, tomatoes, radishes, celery, turnip sal ad, spinach, onions, salsify, beU pep pers, cucumbers. All kinds of fruits rn season. Miller-Van Ness Co. "The Place." l^ c are ,s/r;v.;- ■ patience to prr;./, , ktrtd that H you to that w good and cat, yet bus th/^ i artistic touches ■ sary to make il antly impre3i>ii us your next M^e are plea.^i: .: and mil do ihc for i;ou. H P. L. GARNE: SUPERINTENDENT 'Phone 1530. 29 South Tr;. NANCY ii \ • .'11 Myers Early Vineiess Norv ,r. ■> Catawba Prolific SWEET POTATO PLANTS, $1.50 per 1,000—Cash With O: -!' Tomato and Cabhago Plan i List for the ask'';:;. THE WAKEFIELD FAHi^S Charlotte, N, C. 2-10-30da. SPECIAL PRICES ON EAS“xR SUITS $14.50 to $33.00, Cu.^tom cr M" ' chant Taiiorsd. V/ork.fTans,i’.,,. and Fit Guaranteed, GREATER CHARLOTTE PRESSING CLUB. 19 West 4th St. Phone r.1?. North Carolina Roe Herring 30c Per Dozen. Fine Mackerel. W. M. CROWELL Phone 1062. 200 E. Morehead St. Our Daddies Knew Best They bolted flour and sifted meal, Xowaaays many millers bolt their meal, it looks awiuil pretty, out wm not make good bread or musa. W e sitt our tht! oid-fashioued way and an our customers like it. Get the best. Ask your grocer lor Alexander Bros , meal and accepc no oiner. ii ne does not keep u, uotiiy us and you snaii oe suppiiea. ALEXANDER SROS. ‘Phone ii561. Profess! on li Cards J* M* IWcMichael ARCHITECT Rooms 505-505 Trust Buildinj^ CHAKI-Orrc, N. u Dr. H. C. HenOereon, Dr. L- i. Gidne.y. HENDERSON & GiDNEV DENTISTS. Office, Hunt BIrig., N. Trvc i S‘, 'Phori 216. Y. M. C. A. in Contest. By Associated Pr«ss. Savannah, Ga., March 27.—The Sa vannah Y. M. C. A. is preparing to enter with great enthusiasm on Wednesday the contest between the associations of this city, Jacksonville and Charlotte, N. C., to capture the membership trophy. The cor*est for new members is to last a week and the contestants are to report to the Charleston association, the referee, each night, by long distance tele phone. Death of B. J. Garfunkel. By Associated Press. Savannah. Ga., March 27.—Benja min J. Garfunkel, one of the oldest residents of Savannah and the father of former chief of police Charles Garfunkel, died early this morning at his home on Barnard and^ Harris streets. ACADEMY SCHLOSS THEATRE ORCUiT Thursday Night, April 6th, The Greatest Musical Attraction That Has Ever Come South The World's Greatest Prima Donna MARY GARDEN And Her Own Company Seat sale starts this morning at Hawley’s Pharmacy at 10 o’clock sharp. Not more than 10 tickets sold to any one person, PRICES: ♦3,00, $2,M, »2.00, *1,50, $1,00. 76c, Ml&CELLAMiuUS FOR RENT. 4-room house L. at., $2.00 wk; o-room nouse A. C oL, wk; u- loom nouse a. ij be., w k; u-ruoui iiouse zud a. regram at., wk.; 4-room nouse, b, narreli &i., .pj.iiS wk,' o-room nouse iUast 1st St., ^2.ou wk.; 4-room nouse N. Pegram bt., $2.50 wk. Janoemaker «. Wallace. 225 X. Iryou St. ’Ptiones, office 243, itesideuce 444-J; 5bl-J. DR. A D. GLASCOCi; OO» C.Or'ATH Office* Sixin Floor ot riea' j B!i Hours 9 to 1; arid 2 ;o 4, And cy Appoi.atmciiL Cfiice ’phone i07di. ivesiilei.* •. Cuusultaiion Siea. Office 'Pl'iCk e 326. rvCsivc: :- 1, W\ Jarnifc?i»cn DENriSI, f09 Realty Bulidiny, Chii.-: ’ Or* P* 0&T« He.' ROOFING We put on Slate, Tin, Tar and Grav el Hoonng. When you build or repair get our estimate. C. F. SHUMAN ’Phone 111. ;ioo N. College St. THE GEM HOTEL AND CAFE Up-to-date dining room, seating 100 persons, a luncn counter unequaied iu South. Conveniently locatea on Soutn Tryon street. Strictly iiiuropean. MOVED I have moved my Terra Cotta Pipe Ya u to East 5th bt., between College St. and the railroad, "in the Heart of the City” where you will find every thing in pipe and tilings. Flue pipe. Chimney lining^ VV^all coping etc C. V. FURR, Office and Yard East 5th St. Between College and K. R. Realty Buiicimy. • Hours si to. U, lo 5 Phone» Offiotfi 830J Keuicit ■' Ccn»Jit«iton Omce, F.LBONFOEV AR&rin C.CT. 6upervlk>on of Constiu Office 211 N. Tryon Ro‘ HUGH W. HARii AVTuhNfcy Law Building. Cl'*af’0' ANOTHER FRESH SUPPLY Sherrill Mineral Water, the friend of suffering humanity, just in. Phone orders 91S. SHERILL MINERAL WATER CO. 211 S. College 8t. AutoTir VULCANl^C' RECOVERED. Inner Tubs* Vuicanlz-fd. Wd guaraut»Hs they wiii i:*.' where wu vuieanlzt/ them. First puncture. 50 cents Second puncture, 2h centj. Third puncture, 25 centB All alzes new tires carried U' Relay M’fg. Cc £31 and 233 E. Tryon 8*. :‘OCi tov Souths [' i pst on . or/, ton J;. ragman, i^a n;’ hi - . ady, ■ si Cfti 01 i P1 ' l. r‘ ■ . r( nei T- vai ;.. • >ich o tlie ' ".''f'-r; l^y 'i-'St d ' " rs w]i i - ' I’eaE-p -‘y of ti i- hich ^act tha '-‘ly on in the .■‘■'1' Iron /’'’>ativo ar - them R The 'V Associal / ‘ Insui 'f-raiic j ' • ' d Stat f'l''■ hegan i,' ■'*' todav "^5" '^enat. ^t-nator E I ^^laed thal ^^^ence wa »oslUon o7 j Agreed i Hr. ^ Ikior^ ^’hom