Edition THE WANTS ARE READY TO SERVE YOU AND AT SLIGHT EXPENSE—SEE PAGE EIGHT r Latest Edition V3. NO. 698« CHAKLOTFE. N. C. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 29. 191 1 p-ti i PO T(^pi'J In Charlo!;t3. • cftnt^ ri Copy Daily----^'rpn*p Sunday ^ I Outside Charlutta, ) Cents a copy Daily and Sunday i ^ V T ^ A, J (ITS i i ll-l -n J.r-'r. Y'JU C’;‘-.V • n ? ill '■ -'v (a\.u' o. Jh: t W'! ^ ^ -.•iii Clli t. 1 1 t 1 nv'in ''n- ■ iT . !l (i t’-H' p.ieni )'f li: ■ ': > 111 illt'-i’O'I ^ : r!oor. li;" .! !■ il. 1 l> (U ■ ; iir' r ami :'.n\ ?h‘- ■(ill! a !'■ ' V.' ('V Cii; i ' •■!l 11,1- M :a> ‘‘ It. ,• \\v a- !:s ■ • .x'^ ' t i ■ 'inj;. )n;-“ >i - ' A: I. ()■' Hyra !-e - ■ ' .1 lil-‘ SicHt' . ; ' r ■ - ,r ‘s -''iio-, • -i m liavo « .M' . ! i > y i' . i: i Hi ■ ■ ,u i' ■ ;i 1 lie l!la^s of ■1 i-. Three Msn RerO'te,! '■'!. ■ ’1^ lii ^ ; :;tl- ;• c; n ' ■ >' ,i ' 'Vr,, !t ^ ' ;i ;i' '• . v ::ii ' w. .A I It woR Wn I 3 DOWHMy«ICM 606rRLS'^HJMPE0 P f Af- DOOK SV rALLiNG BODlF.g^l^ S SCftSCHlHG FOK o's ««(?» At'ccfttKS { iCHlEf C^OKt(e ( »Ht.TU >.■ »tg» Methodist Conference Opens-Many Delegates In At tendance sms THERE IS. OyGER OF EREftT SCENES AT FIRE. The accompanying photos show views at the scene of the fire. The hole In the pavement was caused by the impact of falling bodies, reveal ing the force of their fa!!. The eleva tor door shown was pushed aside by frantic gifis, and sixty of them plunged down the shaft over 100 feet to their death. Fire Chief Edward Croker did not hesitate to express the alarming opinion that there were many build ings in the city every bit as dangerous as the Asch buiiding. a caii ti crs rpatiitilHioni ( f ihi* fa!.i;uis Ta.i ;:i; t -1■ il'n'cd in i:;'’A:alial ill Oi.i'm - '■•all ii. a sii- 'i, 'i.i^ ;m;-. : !ie:'' n flcr-ron 1 I’rt-arh •':'c';>'pci an . -i af ; n;; i; : a; ■ i- :ii‘ ii'f a as con ■ t"'. :;.i ii. clo-e i--iil-irujt !- con; rol iii> ('aii'es lu oko ti -‘UH !! liMo hai’i!:n;>, v. ali i'? low-1 iis(‘-'voied a iin.'’ blaze near his desk. 'ri!-:i'v‘ iiad iieFii a coi.nplaint filed (Ini-ini^- ihe day that an electric twitch v\a^: out of 0'(ier ara; 'b: io sii])iJosed i(.) iiave siarted the i. Rviiiniiii;’ out iTi';o liie c'orridoi’ ilie ■ i).\ '( !t ' O'H a.':esh in ill*' i nMn.c, of nl'.; assei\'- cK>i’k suiuniotied a iiijiiii walvhman ■I'd !-> We i!U-:W!> "ha ra i,;M. 'liio niomen inuLhi iiu' aii'i v,iih tlw' a'sislauce of two news- ' ' - !: lii C'!l\ Oiii' ^ja:!•Ov.• Escrjp?'. ■'I !. :>ieM)ia • fi ;:a iii,' liarre; alio\e i>iii ii |,a|'(M‘ men, elToii;- wo!(> I'lade Ui jsut I ]'!■'» ' .^I’lliboru lhai ihe\' iiad , oiii liie Hi'e, '.vliich |iri;ba’>iy coiild have ! ililVie!:'! \ i'i tinr^.ll.v c onrroliini.' ir. ' heoa done luul a Hi'' e;*.tiiiuiiislier or ’I'liou^ii ihe fuo !i;'(I hi^en nronnunc ' a. l)iK‘kei of water beoii availalde. Laok- ( iiKier conti'o!. tl'.° iii.-ide of ;he tliese i!ie t’ajoes snread mitii the ! ; ' - i>i’ ' 'H ni weic ^ i.ol on tlio u|ij>ei' iia)i’s of the \vest fuoiu with iis l'urjiioliini,s and nai/crs in u corridc-■- :ind I wiuL; w a^ ^!ill a see; i'ivi!;' mas? of, were ablaze. ; . o ("r ‘ Hi iJ : •-! n-inu - Taat sent biilo" s n,’ >;nole ‘ l( was .-omc lime before the liren':eu ■ ! • ■’ !i -ir h>' , iiii;- sk\ \vr.: d and sb-i.-v.ered (iie arriN ^d an(i i/el’oje tliey eonld . ' !' 1-"-' w- -■ ..■I'P ; V. j;n; st'ciioTis wiiu Ki^iall [Ui r-; s! i'ea ;'i s pla^inu', liie llanies weie rae- i’. wv.'i .. jiari ol it :c--■ uf (iiairoi; ^aj-,’!'. . in.u' toward the sia'^e lil.-rary. i’ ■ »ill. . * V* .1. t. w'lis; ;t)ii'‘it ‘ 1 *1'mi tt>- I he '’I'ano si' ir(*ase. wni*^*h • f'.t! ■■ nok’ 5,0 ill tiia; tiiey !:;:• A p- I ),•■ : •> ':i . C ^ li.i: cf Ar(;h;■ec^ure -^^an'b- s ’r')e:t‘ was ."'^e aladon ns to' ■ i'. • iK^ i fire w(i''i',l iia'e on tiie r(‘U'i',vded as one (•! nc most i)eaii- na^'tria’ siinaiion. 'i’lie as:enii)ly •■'ul hi ihe world. ocr:n;)iod tlie center rh;iniiuM- was Hood d \vi:h water ImiV of the western ;;nd consisted of :;>• assi iu!'i\- narior on |;easi ■ iiuniettse double siaii'wax c; sand U'ommm- oi- tt-r b-.iildini; was unscathed clahoratelv carved. It was snr- -i,d i; v.a,-; decided to hold ’i^e miad-j rnoiu’tcd !>y i\ t^la/ed doni- wiiich soon d d -iiiocia.tic ( aticas as v.eli :;s It liiay i:av{ to i.-e rebuilt. '''"'t..‘ oini hallo; at noon. j Si ate coniaiissi(>ner of educaT i(ai \n- Tl'.- nmm* l»« 11.1 no, a!-'«"« SIIIL PROBINC THE NEW YORK PMyFlRE By A«sociatfd Press. New York, March 29.—There was no lot no toda; in the official probing of last ^alarday’s factory fite. The death of one victim daring r-'ght Inoii^ht the total dead nii to 14'^ Tv;en!y i)odies still are unidentified. Uu Satt’.rday these bodies, or sticli o{ them as relati'es and friends have b.\ that time been nttable to identi fy. will be buried in Mount Sinai cem etery. District Attorney Whitman in an effort to fix res})onsibility for the ca tastrophe, summoned many witnesses Ui i'.is oiTice to get tl\eir testimony m shai)e for presentation to the grand jury. Fire ?\Tarshal Beers continued the e.xaininarioit of witnesses in his in vest igat ion. ■ rc ■ I Hiion ' ii'"- , 1 I'Mon A I.’"' i • \ \ iWI l!; . 1' is f; '! I ■■ I 1 • (I II ea ; aii;! j •O', if' r>c'-e.-. j !i ii iy I o'cl'jc!^ ;;nd ;i f^w .'.f.nf' in il'*' ' ‘ ''1:1'I; ioii j t‘r^ '( ;n:i!!'^“’ in i'e t'tnl'.iii.r; I' V. ,s r; -; oc p. iiC'n 'ii - fti-'' biT'tl-a' o'l'. ..-V f :■ .l.ii'iiaiy .\u aM.Vrii--' of nie ;iSiv'!);My !i!';-ar\ 1. .-/.T .uxMlcclu/e say I retni nin^' for some overlooked jjaiier.-i : ci;:ii;:iiK-'i (’oO.DOn ■'.•o;-, .'‘'s, rOO.t.'Od I'ami'hlir'ls and ‘‘100.000 ii;s',oricai man- ;U'Orii)ts. Two .'‘■'ars a:40 ''oi;iiiii; sioncr i _ I fontlii'.it d. on XIne. m FAIR CHANCE FOR RECOVERY OF THE STOLEN JEWELRY. By Associated Press. X-^w Voik. March 29.—.Jewels val ued at siulen from the home of A\'i!liani i'!. iiisttin are in a fair way toua to lie recovered, according to the (ietective bureau. Valuables worth 'H)i| W'-i'f- at first rei)orter missing and coi.'sidetaiile n!yster.\- was attached i(> i’lri'- disappearance and to the identity of tho family robbed. Later, v.licn the story v;as ntade pul)lic. it wjj stated that some of the jew-elry aiiead.\ had iieon traced, and that an arrest was exj.ected. By .Associated Press. l.(\s .Angeles, Cal., .Match That theie is danget of war between the I'r.iteu States and .lapan was statd l)y iiaron I)'li:stonrnel1es de ('onstant, member (jf the F^rench senale and representative of France at Tln^ Hague peace conference, in an ad dress before the city club last night. After referring to conditions in ('al- ifornia he said; ‘ But there is a storm hanging over your heads, a battle that threatens destruction f>f all this loveliness an.l it is of this 1 have come lo warn >ou. Jaijan docs not want Avai- any more tlir.n you do, but may be driven into it by the force of circumstances that seem lo be involving you b()th. “Let me tell you that Japan does noi want war with you or any other country and never will there be a war between this country and .lapan tinless it is stirred up by ignorance in both nations.” The baron then stated that ttie two conniries, being in a period of con struction. needed all their energies for development along peaceful lines. Express Messenger Disap pears —Also $50,000 Missing By Associated Press. K1 I’aso. 'I'exas, March 29.—W. A. Hawkins, Weli^Fargo express messen ger on the El Paso and Southw'estern railway has mysteriously disa))peared and officers of the express company state that $r)0,00u is also mising. The money i» alleged to have been taken between Nogales, Ariz., and Mezatlan, Mexico, on March 20th, while Hawkins was employed on that run. The money was being shipped from llermosiilo to Mazatlan. T' WiLL FLY FROM AIKEN TO CHARLESTON By Associated Press. .\il\cn, S. C.. -March 29.— Frank Cof- fyn, the \\'ri;-;ht aviator, announced to day that he wo-.ih) attem|)t, a flight with a ])asseri.;-:ei from licre tf) (’harleston, S. a dista.nce of miles. He inrr-nds making the start as soon as conditions favor a long cross-country trill. !' is probalile that Thomas Hitch- c(;l(, .Jr.. will be the ]>assenger. Run Over and Killed. By -Associated Press. Florence, S. March 2ft.—C. H. Blocker, aged (U*. of St. Petersburg, Fla., was run over and UiMed by train .\o. N(’«. the north-bound Atlantic Coast Line Palmetto limiteci as it was jnilling into the union station here. Mr. Block er was a jiasseniier on the train. He was the father of Mayor A. T. Blocker of Sr. Petersburg and left last Mon day for his old home in Scarborough, X. C'. The body will be sent to St. Petersburg for burial. E IN CIISE OF LORiMER By .Associated Press. Washington, March 2!).—Denial w.ns made here today by friends of Pres ident Tafr of the report from Sin'ing- field, 111., that Mr. Taft had .joined with Senator Aldrich in urging tiie election of NA'iliiam Ijorimer to the Fnited States senate. Ed\^ard Hines, a Chicago lumber man with big interests in the South, at the Lorimer hearing in Spring field yesterday testified that Sena tor Aldri( h had told him that Mr. Taft aas anxi()Us that Mr. i.,orimer be selected. It was stated here today thaf a siniilar reiort became cut rent last Eepteuiber and that President Taft thf-n, in a letter to an Illinois friend. (a.02;orical!y denied the statement^ in that letter the pre.sident said among other things, that “the ru- nif>r, resport or statement that 1 conspicuously lent any of the weight of the administration to the election of Lorimer is wholly untrue.” Publisher Makes Statement. Siiringfield. IH., March 29.—H. H. Kohlsaat, I'ublisher of the ('hicago Record-Herald. told the senate inves tigating committee today that iie knew $100,000 had been used to procure the election of William Lor imer to the United States senate. H#^ then refused to give the committee the source of his information, not- withstandins tliat the committee lu.s the iiower to imprison him Ijecause of his refusal. “Would you denounce any citizen who takes the stand you have taken here?’’ asked Senator Burton. “Any man w'ho will violate a confi dence is not worth a snap. I would not let my court reporter violate a confidence. Xo newspajier man can violate a confidence. That is m-y code of morals." replied the publisher. The committee then went into an executive conference. Before he was excu.':ed Mr. Hohl- saat was informed b.v the committee tliat its members had agreed that ne mnst answer the questions regarding the money. B.v Associated Ptc'ss. ('lift on F(U-.i;e, \’a., ^larch 2!K — A number of iiui>ortant iird)lems, in cluding the appoiuntient of two pre siding elders, vxill ('oine liefore the Baltimore conference of the Metho dist l^piscopa! Chni\‘h, South, which bf'.iian iis sessions here today. Min isters iroin the c:onference territory, embracing the District of Columbia, parts of Virginia, AA’est A'irginia. Maryland and Pennsylvania w’ere pj'esent. P,ishon E. E. Moss, of Nash- viil(\ I'enn., presided. Discussion over the Randoljih-.Macon (\)llege, which caused stich a tumult at the last con ference. probably will be renew’od. Big Conference Opening. Washington. .March 29.—The 127th annual conference of tlie fialtimore conference of the Methodist Episco pal Churh oiiened here today for a five days session with Bishop Wil liam F. Anderson, of Chattanooga, Tenn., presiding and 2.ti) ministers from Pennsylvania, Maryland, Vir ginia and West Virginia In attend ance. Tomorrow% the 25th anniversary of the womens' foreign missionary so- city will be observed and on Friday there will be a meeting at which sev eral hundred laymen from the four states will bep resent. Police Believe Boys Killed Man I’y Associated Press. Omaha, Xeb., March 29.—Evidence unearthed today makes the police be lieve that three boys, each 17 years old. arrested last night, char^’cu with Iietit larceny, are th#* i .derers of Herman 13, Cohn, wi.-- ■. killed iiffar ills home last Sati.;' night, and also the perpetrators of a ’^’limber of hold up in the q£ the city during th i. eeks. The boys are 1 em ’ ^ alias L. .Andrews; ('art L. a',,] Henry Sieinger. They ar,; fr.,j,, gV WANT FARMERS Ic LiNE UP AGAINST RECIPROCITY* By .Associated Pre'i%j_ Nashville, Teni' , ,\Tarc.h 29.—Peti* tions are being =" Maury count, this r'tatt' .'nt^^iHsted par-- ties to secure f.he Jg of farm ers who are oppcsed \ m p,.Q. viding for recipr cit^ v.ia Canada. The i)etitions, wii-l’ intended lo send to the senate . .„;;j vfp,.esen- tatives in congress, ,_v.at the bill is an iniquHous niraame, and that it ])laes the ax a disad vantage which it wi;' take years for him to overcome. By Associated Press. Pittsburg, Pa., March 29.—Securely bound with straps Dickinson McAllis ter, foiuierly president* of tiie Metro politan Elevanted Bailway, of Chicago, was taken from a Panhandle railroad train here late yesterday afternoon and removed to a hosp-ital after a battle with ijolice o cers- and two of his friends. It is said that McAllister was on hla way from Chicago to Ikirrisburg in company with I. -M. Jordan and John C. Hays, of (’hicago. When the train was between (.■olumbiis and Dennison, Oh if), -Mr. .Mc.Allisfer is ti-aid to have kicked the lights out of his state room, leaving the ])lace in darkness, and was attempting to jump through napoeu window v.hen he was detected. Advices from Chicago state that he has brooded since the family horne at Harrisbur.g, to wiiich he was attached, was sold. To Stop Use Blasphemy. By Associated Press. Sa.c'irjiah, C5a., i.rarch 20.--.At the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist toinght there will be organized among the Catholic men of the city a Holy Name Society, the oi-ject if the or ganization being to stoj) the use of blasphemy as much as possible among men. TRE TWO CE«1 RATE OEGLAREO SEARCHING FOR FIRE \/!CTIMS. • , x ■. 1... virtin^s of the trn story loft bui'd,n5 fi,e v.’hich caused ths licath of 150 New Yo-'k factory girls, for en,en ''I' ' plunge from the windows of the bu.viing buii cii^ig, cghi, nine and ten stones fhirfire cius the death of 150 factory giris, moit of whom met their death in a wild piunae from the top of windows of building. No Choice for Senator. By Associated Press. Albany. X. V.. March 29.—There was no choice for Tnited States senator at today's .ioiiit ballot. The democratic caucus will reconvene tonigh* in an attempt to name a conipromise can- J didate. I By Associated Press. ! St. Louis, March 29.—The two cent I passenger rate in Oklahoma was de- ! dared to be confiscatory and was held : invalid by a' decision of the United i States circuit court of appeals handed 1 down here today. Died of Wounds. By .Associated Press. Savannah. (Ja., March 29.—The re mains of (3-^orge W. Tuten. of Fur man, who died in Savannah jyeste.ay afiernoon of jtneumonia, brod' nt on by vvounds received at ; th' .lands of an uniiiiown party near his home three wck.s ago w’ere taken to Stafford, (in.. for interment today. Tuten died with(jut knowipg who shot him although he had engaged in a quarrel witli onother man some time before the shootiiig. Detective Died From Wound. By Associated Press. Middlesboro. Ky., March 29.—Green Rose, the railroad detective who was shot at Baxi.er, Harlan county. Ken tucky, from ambush lasi Saturday, died here today. Rose was acting as^ a guard duiing the recent strike of white fire men on the Cincinnati, Xew' OOrleans and Texas railroad and was shot while in tlie cab of an engine. His murder er has not been arrested. Jury Has Truskett Case. By .Associated Press. Independence. Kan., March 29.—The jur.v in the case cf Truskett, of Caney, Kan., Ciiarged v.ith killing J. I). S. Xeeley, of Lima, Ohio, bad nc.r reach ed a verdict when court opened this morning. Ii has been out since o’clock last night.

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