THE WANTS ARE READY TO SERVE YOU AND AT SLIGHT EXPENSE—SEE PAGE EIGHT Edition Latest Edition 43. NO. 6990 CHAKLOTTfc, N. C. FR1DA\ EVENING, MARCH 31. 1911 PT? ) In Charlotte, ’ cent^ a Cnpy 1 Outside Gharlottfl, 5 Cents a r>iiTv—.'■f'fn)F *^unday copy Daily and Svnday Is Arrested icwss The Line And Brought HJt Pa. diticnal 'irtuaily Revoked is (\^ ')u. fter a Scarch 'fc'n Days, '' *' ) f Porter Locates ms r. fs Chief he Sti: m an > Bearirg Pnsoner ■ ■ . . V. rr- (tiii. in ll'.c M.‘cklenh\ii'i nit :iii\vhilt' Kdwavtl (', • . O' • I’.iif s a ('('ll ill the i;nl ;n'(i .i.'KS iliat ho he al- l-a>i' t'u siaip after t'eil 'w’.ni nnd his otht'i’ posses- File I IS HAD FffiFlEHT .i.iys i.i : 1- : V. r ; 1; s ' \-snci.'it ed T’;ess. !'l h :’l. Advices (1 I he ll-'i'aM i iMr.-; ?.!a.!;(ialena. Sono- 1';;, t.,> 'iKiil. doc'.aie ihai Mondav s ' a! .■ : i'lii !''''! I’ri'ia As^i;;; rri('ta as . a V'''(m’-' I'or It'.!' i'e'.ic'rals, Wiss really ' ' v:*' ory I'or i ii" r*'' lusw a l heiii • aiiihusiied them- ■ii ;;l!>' rebels anihiisiied liie led- r?!’ - -’f Sai'. Rat^el, aivi the federals \' v(' drivrii ’n a aiill a; Sania Rosa, ;he vvhelr: ;-:irrounde!l them, ■ avs til! v'd !> s;/.>iid('Ul. 'I'heii reiii- r* ‘?- I'- ; n a I. i-h- :anie olit t'roni Hernio- was rasitis on o ' We:; ^ ^ ia;. i: i ,ie leUer was v, ril lian le IV a 1 f i 1 . an n K-m "fi’>n ha i :: or thir.;’s to'in'v a!M y(>si.'r(}ay from ller- the ihai is Deiiijr fought is tiv- most imi'ort.ini ; he rt-\oluiion in this ,1111 revoIiM ioiiists anti I rais. Ii is a stand-up i' seV'Tal ’ . ■ f'-.- ‘i IwK ii. z- ;; ■ ‘:-M :• ih >>i!a ’ 'd. '’'he!’ It s'u''iff or Ml , : ;oP: :-rs; . a; d I f .i-. . •• ' :r.ti 111 ‘ ■!i: p'> \\ifh Mie ’ in 'f-n days, so h-'uld deeni- e t': ^'I•ve oni : re 'if his term f‘--" - nhlir- f'hain- . iio .'I t; -r was is- :m'.: Ii:: le ihan ;] ii ^ i:--;’;- r L 1 th.M ]i; i' r-5 and ; • or urity t:i M. i\ !>f in- II , ■ s ('>f i\^') V '• I' ■. r> w:’’ ; ’ 1 !lO- (' iiPfii'ie :jiil)or for iun;r> •M- ‘'ii" \'as held r .• hitifuis '■if a r, ; a -s.; il 5;' ; • ■ 'ned ■ ■ u:Mvern'- i 1 - r'- ii’y 1. t. ^h-'Tift ‘ i Ti' id ee 'Ml ■ Riid a-ain Vi'^- • ’''ilt • V ,1 , aw y, n l.i a; '^ \-ney a d :;r‘ ;n--.( ma^ ' * ' ii i* . ■ " ■i.-i Ildf’l ‘)f t ■r ’-■•■w nr •! - til-" ‘ :i and wl;»'ii tIh y . I ■: ri’ ? 'list . • ;m •dir: Dep- ' I f - oaN h • a ;’ai’i v 'l : ni;:r!inir -ayiiiji; ri .• lit ll.-M'c in I ‘ n \ e: few j in, .( lit r -‘eii- * >n i f’.t »'• ■ ln‘' M A- ’ T’- are 1,'I'MI M'd Tiic' 1 oiut ionists knew the s wete coming to the at lack sit)i)(i liieir si'^^nnd. ast ni.^ht th(; f;oveinment here is .iK'd a h'.illetin laimir,that m th;- liaiilf 7s rev()ii:ii->n:sts had tje-n ki'ied, atid ti':'.; tl?e fiovernmeiil had In-i I ; Lilled ■•iiul J'2 woir.ided. i'l'iis n.■'rl'l;n^ tiVty-si\ badly vi.iu-ded f -d;'i;'ls arrivid here from ■ f!('nt. A''*e.' tliree da>.s of fight- i!i, li A'lvc: MiMent has issued no new hnli.'tiiHi or eiaimed the vic->. Tile eiiy is waiting. All know the news I:-, had for the government. ‘■'I'iiere is a riunor that the 200 Vaqni-; • hf; '. mo well aimed hy tiie govern: iiav(> gone over in a lo I iu' I'i vt'h'iioiiists.” I Thousand Reported Killed. ; I'li' r'in. ,\ri/., Man h tlioii- Isaiiil :ii(‘i> have been killed on both .^id(-• in liaitie lie'ween federal.^; and rr!‘*ls in the vieiniiy if San Rafael and l ies. Ai^xieo. sinee Monday ac- i rordin‘2 to a dispaich to a local pa- i per f!-om .'.'ogah's. Tlu' oilieer who is anthori!'- f r the news is said to liave giv n ihi;-. re))ort to fellow ofli- cers ujion leeeipl of advices from j I [ermosillo. I Reports Denied. K1 r.Tsn.'I'e.xas. March 1 .--Althongii ■reports reeeived here indicate heavy Ifiglitirig a! I'res, Sonora, reports of M Mean lactious declare the re ports ‘-'i botii Mexican factions de- .-iaie lh(- report that 1.000 men had been killed on eatdi side is without fontida;''i;;. liepresentatives of the in siivredo junta here, in c1ok-3 toucii iwiiii the war /one, declare the insnr- hriiu foi; e V iiich might have been eu- :'.a.., d on bo; h sides. ^ Tiie siaieiiunt from Tucson that the ■if)wn of ^an |{afacl had been destroyed ' h lire is discredited, as the town !conr-i?,is almost entirely of adobe lious- es. with mud roofs, which arc fi"e I ,ir .ctf. It i.-: brlieved the loss has been i h: avy, I:m\. e\ or. ''t'ir » i Alleged Camonist Chief Denied All Accusations Hy Associated Press. Viterbo. Italy, March iVl.—Enrico ,\!- fap.o, commonly known as Krricoiu-. accused aS’ being the real hea! of tiie Neaupolitan C’amorra, ])e haps tlu- nu)si powerful and certainly ihe inos' feared man in southern Italy, was call- i ed for iiiterrogatiuu in the court oi the A.'-sizes iuda>' where :;r> oi hi,s al legt.d as.s -ciates are on trial. 'I'iie ciinii s laid at this man's door are numberiess and Ihe machiuations wivh whi.'li I’e i^ creuiied are almost beyviiid b-‘lief. 'j he cuuri room was crowded to the dooia -md the interest was intcn.-e. I iider ihe .urueii'ng tcjday, Knifc'^ie maintained iiie insolent assurance which, if not di^•aT•ming susjiicicni, re- .jeaiedly s-ived liiin from arrest. At Lis !iead((u:u'tei s in the (,'afe i'^orliui!), wi-ere he received his agents. Isis vie lii'is and ihe tudice, ]]rricone wa. W(..nt to,s;iiile Ijlandly uj/on those v li-? lueniioued ti;e t'amorra. and say: “i)n you really believe there iirajg? Why, those are s-;ori liiijes." The prisoner was well r>rep:ired fo," iuda'- ’s examina'i(ui, wliic ii was a thor- ough one. He denied every accusation tnade against him and lidicuiled thr- tradition of his power. i iLrriceue has had a checkered careerj Many times arrested, he waB invariabl}^. dlsciiargid Lt -.i.uso cf luc . of evidence or, at tile wors-t, received liglit pun-| ishuient. 'I'iu'se escapes are said to have been due to his inilueiK:e with fha a.itlioriiies. many of whom owed their'. oTieos to his control over the votes ol! tiie poorer >.la.-:ses, whom he ofteii; he 1 Old. Foliowii;^ tiie miirder of (lennaro' C'uoi-culo, r.'rricone w;is a.rre.sted aiiclj cliais-'d \vi;;i ;!>.•••:igatiug (lie c-.iime, but u v.iiy t-.- ru'.ease was iound in thoj :‘;5': e testimony of tlie priest, Ciru Vi-; to;-.zi. ; lreing lo AuKrica ho wa.s-i re arrest* ti in Hrooklvn by PoHc.' teiiaiit I'etrosino, a^ul has never boer. a fr*/*e man. Abb:-' i eTi'.a,:;' a-s'ifird I lull i'.rricone tippn^ved • seuteiu-^:-: of d;,£l!i iiauu^':id up'ui his^ n-aitorouK assei iaios, ucnnaro Ciiocc;>-(' lo and wi’e, and affor the dee.d w?.** i sucii ai done disiributed snu; s of other I the as.sasii^s. I 'I’he^-j allega.tions, as '.veil as that coru-ernin.g i.ds jiosivion in the Camor-j ra. 10n;icone ie-nied in replvi lo the questions of PresideTit P.ianchi' and the ciowi) prosecutor today. lice L}eu«^ ■ I ihe inforiuer, ha«j t ht» of money arno»',yi hati Q f rtitniQ n End Deadlock Albany, March 31.—The i.v^niaac v--’ the state capiiol building as 'a result or lt".e fi":' may reach $19,000,000. The west and north win^s are total Ios?£j.. w!'i!e great damage has been ^cne to every part of t^-:e great structure. The state library, which was totally destroyed, contained many p: icefi= : relics. Ti'e av -c r.bly tind sen^.tr i.sjra- ries, v.ith .uii their valuable* do"' 'rnents, *il~o '.•'c cji.e. The bu.r. c. juildihg .vi:; l .v;'c,t as eostiy as t!:c national capitol at Washington. ,OCO.OCG havinq been spent on it. It was 300 feet north zr.d .south by 400 feet ea t and west and covered three acres. The first stone was laid in 1869, and the building was formally occupied in 1879. [ News litireau. Congress Hall. (H. E. C. BRYANT.) \\'a!?hington, March 31.—“We will have the wool schedule ready for the house when it meets Tuesday if it wants ir," said an active member of the Wa\s and Meatis committee after a recent session. •■'I’he rest of the iwogram can be ar ranged in a short time. The reduction in duties^ on wool and woolen goods will be suirKient. leaving the lari If less than half what it is now. We think that this should be dcuie. "Fann impliments, barb wire, and Fast Automobile Races To-day By"iated Press. I'ablo Beach, i'la., March 31.—The featttre of today's automobile races along the sandy course was tiie mile event i'or cars (jf cubic inches or less. The prize was .$1,000 cash. The starters, as announced before the start, were Btirman (Prince Henry Henz). Aycraft ( Marciuette-Buick) Ev ans ( Warren-lJetroit 1, 'l ower (Warren- De'roit), Merz (National) Wilcox (Na tional i, iDsbrow (Pope-l^l art ford), and Sirang (Case). The second event of imiiortaiice will be the record trial for two miles in one minute for a lot valued at $.‘>00. Al so there v>, ill be two .Viiiile events for cars of ^iuO inchet+ and less and to oOO inches, and a 10-miIe free-for-ail handicap for class 1). non-stock cars. The First Race. Pablo. Mtach. ?'la.. March 111.— First race, 1^00 miles: Disbrow i I’ojie llaiiiord), leading av end of fifiieiii moat foodsS wU^ a c/eparate Time r.T:2n_5)o. Wilcox (Xatiou- ^ii: ia'l n.. n ->n Autcmobiie. ■ d ■ M’. - ci’y V "It;- ;il''! : I WM: ill' in ediate' v ' . in I i;-’ -:iil. He ' ■ i; I' :i I f or: cr I ■) a ' . d hiru t'er | : i • r'-Mfi a lo: The j :i lOll' me " was hi:-; I fi' li- r hings tuat j • ; .1 itreI ai v. j i f: days I he I • a.- St ! I ■ ■ ii Siie! lif Pori'-r. | ■ . - (• --OI 'e ,:.-,.vi St 3*1^0 , ,- ^ ' rune from a man! * :lle who livofl U! a. II til Hie one uiion W,:,pt:,^ i !:ii.. mornin!” ! v. a coining out of i - re and w.- were ;if. .;irds Hom him. He !■ :e ly one of US until - Ml 1:^1." L I: lo plead before ; :■ th:it ilu' order -a!ls :i:'iei tiie service of the r h ■! h“ lias revoealed >ai larlon ten days after • • of it. as a plea in ex- n;!cy. I ■ \ .1III ■ o I alk, for th‘ 1 I'(U 1 • i li id, he has been l. r,\ iMiict by attorneys e|:'- eiii him in the court nfi rwards inquire into not he is Riiilty of what •\f u ve has ordered his or 1'r what the people President To Open D. A. R. Congress T)V Associated Press. W'tshington, I). t\. Marcdi ;>!.—'Ihe »'(Uii inental (’ongress of the I). A. R., wi ich mof'ts here on .-\pril 17--2. will be lormaliy iecei\ed by President and Airs. Taft at tiie white house Wednes day afternou’, Ai>ril luh. and along . i'll other members of the organiza- lion ci'.id of the Sous oi the Atneiican Ue\olutioii, l)y Ml-'- Matthew '1'. Scott, iirc-iideni ,»;e!ierai of the I). A. R., on ,\lo;idav evening, April 17lh. I’!!ward‘d of l.-"o delegates are ex- pec'ed to the congress. Aveiaged Over 90 Miles An Houi By As^o. i.-ited Press. Issv-Les .Mouiinat:.\, France, March :’1. — Pierre N'edrine left Poitiers in a m(:tio))lane at t>:lS oClock this niorn- iiiR and art ived lu re at S:r!0 o clock, having maintained an average speed of !»().2 miles an hour. As soon as some minor repairs to his machine can be made Vedr;ne will start again for Pan in an at tempt to win the Aero Club’s cup for the best flight from f’aris to Pan. N'edrine began the flight Tuesday but met with an acci dent which compelled him lo d(^- scend at f’oitiers. He Lad made ITu miles in tl.ree hours and ten minutes. Ijlbourne. France, March 1.—The military aeronauts reached here this morning, 110 miles on their way from Pau to Paris and 20 miles from iJor- deaux. bill, bu( they musi come in free. "ir the (lemocrais to a man do not Hue up with us and help to put our program through the house or the Semite declines to jiass our measures, or the president to sign them sotiie- body will i'o in a hole. "It is our juirpose to present a prop osition that no democrat can turn down and President Taft, if consistent, fail to eiidort^e. That is what we are lal'Oiing over.” al) second, time :^.T: 49.73. Famous Libel Suit Is Diopped By .'\ssociated I^ress. Washington, March .“^l.—The cur tain was rung down today on the Panama libel suits against the New f hose who would revise the entire j ^ World and ihe 1 ndianai/olis tariff at the extra session are out ofiN^'^'vs when Cnited bta:es Ailorne:* tnne with the ccmimittee htii. t heir! V'’ilson requested permission of .lus- numbers increase. The prospect is'tice Wright, in criminal coutt No 1 bri.-ht for a long session. I nless the! to enter a nollee nrosse. The I ni ed caiu-us tomorrow'results in a lovefeast, | States supreme court had decideu and tills seems a reniore possibility, | the cases in 1a\or of the defend- tlie detuocrais will not present a unit- ed from to the enemy. •'One lull'd red democratic members,” decdaved a prominent leader of the h(!iis(* tonight, "will not vote fu- reci ])iocity aloi'.e. They think it should be a pait of the tariff bill. The committee sliould fraiiie a tarilf bill 'I'he indictments nolle prossed to day charged lliar tiie newspapers libelled President Taft, former Pres ident Roosevelt, Charles P. Taft and William Nelson Cromwell, when they ptiblished an statement that in the purchase of the Panama canal $4u. By Associated Press. i .iille Rof k’. Ark, March .T1.— i,itile R(«ck was siiaken by an earilKjuake this morning at lu:"0 o’clock. Mirrors were shaken from walls, desks and chairs in (rlic-s rolled about and windows clattered. A near panic oc- ciiired in the Suuthwestern Telcgrapii & Telephone building. H. F. Alciator. section director of the weathei luueau, wliose ottic(»s are iocaied on he t;-nlh floor of the Houtlierii T;'ii-'i nuihiin," ic^poiied con siderable s way in t liat iiuilding. The Cnion railroad station, built of heavy concrete and si one, was rcK-ked ))er- ceptibly. Pine P.ltiff, Dumas and V\'iimar also reported as having experienced sliocks. No serious damage has so far been reported Feit at Vicksburg. Vicksburg, .Miss Mai'ch :!1.—A slisiht earth((uake shock was t'elt here ^oda.^■. Earth Shocks Recorded. By Associated Press. Meiu])his, 'I'enn.. y^arch :;i. 'I'ho lo cal wea;her liureau toda>' i'eporied two slight earth tremors occutriu:: ai !0;.')7, o'clock. The vibrations w\'re very j slight. ! _ I BODY OF Fi^iE VICTIM j WAS FOUND TODAY. I By .\ssociated Press'. Albany. N. V., March 31.—Supreme Court .Justice .lames A. 0‘(^crman, of New York, probably will be the next senator frcun New York if the insurg ent democrats in the legislature will acce])t him. .lustice O'Gorman was announced as the organization candidate this ;norn- ing ujion the arrival from New York of Charles F. Murijh.y, leader of Tam- ruanv iiall. Tiv instrrgents on the ground said that they W(>re not su‘li- ciontly familiar with O'Corman’s re cord tu act intelli.t.’rent !>, broug'.it about a jiost ])onem('Ut of a final caucus vote. 'i'iifc vote at noon today resulted in no choice, a quorum not being pres ent. Alban.v, N. Y.. March IH.—C'harles F. Murphy arrived here this morning io take personal cha>'^e of the oif;ani- zaiion forces in today's c:t. -us, wh.ich may prove the crucial battle of the long fight to elect a Cnlted Slates sren ator. Foremost among the the reasons why the r(*giilar democrats wci> anx ious to break the ileadioc!: today the proximity of .April -tth. and the as sembling of the sjiecial session of con gress. The legis-lators feared popular criticism w'ould follow a failure to send a new senator to Wasliington in lime to .give New ^'ork its full repre- seiitat ion. A second reason w as the o .ert ur(^s the republicans ate niaking to the democratic insurgents and the threat of the latter that the tpiei-tion is not settled today they will acceiit reimb lican aid to elect an "independent democrat" hostile to'rainmany Hall. The inconvenience of ct)nducting legisaltion in the tem])orary (piarters to which the members have been driv en by tlie fire at the capitol and the expectation that if the deadlock was settled ioda\ a riM'C'ss could be taken until the re.^tilar senate and assem bly chambers were ’’.’ady for use made for hoi)e of a settlement at once. 'I'he caucus tliis morning was .ate in assembling. Soon after Mr. .Murph.' s arrival a report was circulated that suiireuie (•(jiirt .justice, .lames .A. O (lorman, ol New York, was the latest n-nme to re ceive serious consideration by tiie oiganization leaders. After ar conference with .Mr. .\Tiirphy, ! Senators Ferris, of Ttica. and Saxo of : .\'ew York, the hitter an insurgent, ! went to tiie home of Senatoi’ Rooseveii jto sound the insurgent leader as to whether the name of ,Jnstice 0’(lorman wt>ul(l be an acceptable addition to th« Ii.'t to be considered at. tlie caucus. , Twetity-lwo insurgents were asseni-' Ided at Senator Rtxtsevelfs housaj when Saxe and l-’erris arrived. Afteri a short discussion they turned downi tile (> tiorman proposition until the.V^ (.•ould look uj) liis record. The insurgents declaring that theTi could muster enou.gV. strength to pre vent O’Corman’s eleclion al today’* caucus. On this proposititm they ex«( peeled aid from some of the Sheehan men who have threatened to join th«; insurgenls in riM'iisin.g to caucus it tU«( oi.!.aui:ation insisted in forcing U Uor- nian's name upen them. At 10:;jj the or^aui/.ation leaders were in coufcTence with Mr. Murphy. 'I'he confereiH'e in Mr. Murphy’s! room emk'd at II :!.■!). 'I'he understand ing at this time was that .liistice ()’(Jor- nian's name would lie prc'sented to tho' caucus as the or.gani/.:ition candidate., 1'lie leaders raid tiiey thcaight they! could deiiend on twelve or thirteea insur.geiit votes. By .‘\ssocdat ed Pi ess. ^ (’hicago, .March :;i. -Phillip Purpnr-| lia, a former commission merchant, to day c-onfess('d to the police that he had! witnessed no less than letters to* persons of South (’liicago demanding] money and signing the eftisfles “the black hand." Some of these were successful, he, Siiid. I’lirpurpa was arrested yesterday; when he went to a designated spot anrti took a dummy package which had beenj dweijosited there b.\- the recipient of! a blac-lv hand letter, in accordance withil the direction.s enchased. Caucus Adjourns Until 3 O’clock. .-\lbany, N. Y., .March :H.—'1'^‘ie dem-i ocratic senatorial c;aucus adjoirned at lL’::iO o'clock until M o’crlock this af ternoon without taking a ballot. Coca Cola Case Uninteresting (*oi)iuiiiT6e snouKi uaint; ci tctiiit imh i ^ * i , i i and include the reciprociTy agreement | Oou,00u liad been made by the s.wi with ('anada. If this is done President j dicate which bought it fioni t ne Taft will nor be in jiosition to veto owners and tiansfeiied the it. The democrats should ncjt stop at the woo! and cotton schedules. 'I'iiey cannot afford lo reject the farmers.” 'riie "progressive members” of the ays and Means Committee are afrai'l that the republican insurgents j of the senate would amend the reci- procitv bill if it were sent over by it- .scdf aiid get the credit for tho revision of certain impoi't^'nt schedules. "'I'his is our work.” said one of them and we will see that it is done well iie- foie tho senate has a chance al it.” I 'I'here is considerable s])eculation here as to the role the new- speaker will play. He will be the presiding offi cer pure and simple, those w'ho siip- (lorted ihe propo.sition to tne rules say. His position is likened to that of the moderator of a Presbyteri an genedal assembly. Some friends of the speaker-to-be. Champ Clark, do not believe that the is taking kindly Continued on Page 11. projierty to the United States. Bad Fire at Danville, HI. By .\ssociated Press. Danville, 111., March :‘.1.—Fire wliicii broke out at 4 o'clock this morning and for several hours threatened the' retail district of this cit.^■, destroyed the Stahl-l'rban Overall factory on North Hazel street, valuted at $175,000. Crossed electric wires is sui)i)osed to have been the cause, 'i'he fire was. under control by 10 o’clock. Attempts 500 Mile Flight. B.v Associated Press. Pan, France, .March .11.—Captain Bellanger and Lier.tenants de Malheri>e and de Rose, the French military aer onauts, started at 7 o’clock this morn ing in an attempt to make a flight of about 500 miles from Pau to Paris by way of Boredeaux. De Rose's aeroplane ^led the way M. Albany, N. Y., March ,>1.—'I'he I'.ody | of Samuel .f. Alibotr, the only viciim ; By .Associated t^ress. oi’ the 'Uai“ cai;itol fire, was I'oii’id ! Chattanooga, '1 onii.. March ril.- '1 tie todav on the I’fiurth floor in the south-j early jiart of the morning hearing iii west corner of the building where the' the coca ccda C'ase ii. !o i::;lera. flames raged fiercest. | c’ourt was ratlier uninteresting. Jx)ca! A volunteer saivage corps, including , physicians, including Dr. b. H. Brown, ofiicers of the s'ate library, and i lormer food inspector; Dr. .1. \N . .lohii- h«.'aded b.v Library Director .lames L. i sou, an insurau'^e examiner, and I)r. Wyler. Jr.. and X. H. Stoke'^-Phelps, Cooper Holtzciaw and Dr. P>. S. Wert, of New A'ork, continued today the ' ])ractitioners, were on the stand and search of ilie debris for valuai>le man-' tli^-y all gave it as their ojiinion that uscripfs. i a moderate use of coc‘a cola was not I injurious to health. BLACK HAND ! Drs. Brown, Hoitzclaw and Wen ARTISTS BUSY.! in H'lO conducted an examination on ‘ 100 coca cola drinkeis. All were males By Associait 1 Press. ^ ranging in age from 14 to r>« yeats Nev.- ^'ork. .March A it hcjti.ah I and the.v diank frcjm one io 1 .'5 glaiis writers >f blac’K hand tlir.?atoning' es of coca co'a daily. The results letters demanding f l,000 of an Ital-' was that f»n sevont.v-six subjects it ian storeke?i!pr had ueglected to' had no effect; on 11 it stimulated: specif.v where the mone.v should be; eight were kei»r awake at night ar.d handed over, their threats of w!iat ‘ one v a.s nervcjus, the others showing would happen if the money was nor! minor effects. received were carried out earh’ to-j Dr. Hoitzclaw had during his lo::‘ day when a bomi) was exploued in , jiractice (Jiily treated one patient fo front of the tenement. The explosion! coc-a cola drinking and she suffer>: shattered windows, cracked walls. 1 from indigestion because of improi;.' blow down partitions and caused a j f(ivl and excessive use of coca coi.; panic among tho hundreds of dwellers tea and coffee. These drinks wet • in the five-story building. ; sLoi ped aud tiie patient recovered. J. NEW HEAD OF UNITED MINE V/ORKERS.! By Associated Press. Indianapolis, Ind., March —John' i\ While, of Iowa, arrived in this i city today to begin his duties as j president of the Cnited Mine Work- | ♦ “I S of .\nierlca, succeeding Thomas j i.. Lewis, of Bridgeport, O., who will' go out of office at midnight. 'Phere will be no formal ceremonies c^onnect- cd witli til!' tnining over the keys and records by retiring President I-'i ank i laves and Secret ary-Treasurer i:dwiii f'( rr- v. i-re re-elec-ted and will, continiu' in oi'lice. ^ Rates on Cotton Seed. j iJv .\spcjf-ia(e(l Press. I Washington, March .‘ii. Freight rates On cotton seed were attacked to- ^ day in corn.nlainT, filed with the inter-. !-iate (tornmerco commission by tho- Loiiisvillo Cotton Seed Products C.»m' panw Th,j comTilru'nt was directed a;rainst' the Louisville &■ Nashville Railroad ’ and other Southern carriers, and al leges tiiat the rate of fifteen cents a hundred jiounds on cotton .seed ship ped from .Memidiis to Louisville, Ky.,' is ( xcessive and should not exceed ten ctnls. Baby Held Foj Large Ransom By Associated Press. Las Vegas, N. M., March 31.—The ■ aby of A. 'r. Rogers, a lawyer of this it,'', was kidnapped a few days ago ii!(l held for ransom of $17,000. 'I'he money was paid over by Roger» midnight, at a remote spot In the iountains surrounding the city, lild was returned to him. The

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