N THE CHARLOTTE NEWS MARCri 31. 1311 3 dottc Gets 3od Cleaning Upon This Day mentor The i\ub Carry Out ■lade Some Days Co-Operation. Company is to ad Debris — u.C'S Will Be i:cs Awarded to (t lie j liiil!! !*!*' I . '' is f.uM j , all.'VS.! ?\.l t'tllOl’ i ‘I"' i f's ■ I'nisli.n’i ‘ . i: t!ip I t \• . ti- ' il I■' • aU I'V f|l. l,4)\s t : > ' . !h ■ liv- .'s liul.. .. ■ T-> i I t ul'."!: "r- ’’ l'|i I'.i' !'•! S' I I 'lat'. ■ r -I'liif I .■ .■•I v.pir, sa''i'ar> , ■I- *’ii> ' ' Hr: aiu ' ■ ' '1'.. r»p ' •’ which; ' - I'M -i i;-' v.iirk I lie child whn rakes up the most din will receive $2:.. The next best debris collector will get $15, the next nrst $in and the next beat So. Sani tary nfficer.s of iho ciiv will jiass judgment upon which boy nas filled, the most barrels or baps of dirt, tin! ans. elc. Thr otlicei s will. .f cours^^.; (>e "ovorued to somo extent bv the omciaK oi th.> Waste Paper 'Com-i pany who are to haul away all of the 1 •■things" touufl. * I f lean l j) Day in Charlotte was! uiHde tiimou--' i wo x'cars a^o jiud it j lollows K'tions of a similar nature! taktMi in other siatos. Throuj^h the iu- t0:0sted efforts ot the ladies of the! \^ Oman s Club here it is made ])ossi-! bl(' a;;ain in the ()ueeti City, and tcvj d;'y :» work of ajl the ('hildren who| havo made .-iptiiications at many I homes to be allowed t(> “set away i .vour tin cans ant] old ra^s and diri i too" liave n freqtiont. the da\ is not a vory ple:is-j nni ouo. however, it is luit thoui?ht | a>. muc’h ir.isii will be niov‘'d away; iri.'iu thi' city as Ici't the incorporate! limits two years ai^o. j llerotofoT'e it has lieen a law thati wl'.oie a jaarba.::;!' ran or i,ai rel of I iiiC' iirt’.ire wcs placed near a h'ure.j ;i charge of five' cents wa^; resisiered | auains: each resident. Tiiit liar,"e' is «-iinmir.l*'i by the fact thai tliej ''liiirln'. tr> \\ a.stf Couip;iuy has I as t.'J to haul all thp dol-ris awayj ii' chari>*' ill t!ie event it is! plarcd in sonu' kind of r''Cv^iu;;cU\ j ■ I To Incline To\*ard Mercy. lim had ^»^er, far from a svood boy dniin^ the day, and toward iiisjhifall he realizc'I thp fact fully. Heins: well a((!u'uu‘ed wihe the wo'kint^s of the faa'iily discipline, he essa>ed a little i dinloiuM!-, . I "Shall ;. ou te’I father about me :"| he inquired of his mother. | "t Vrtainl;.' ' shall ir-ll him," respond-1 ed I'.is motl!.=‘r. wi:h sorrov.-ful firmness. • ‘Snail ■ i;ii tell him liefore diunei'| or af'er dinupr?" asked thr culprit, j After dinner," was the unnounce-i m*nt. 1 "Mother." and Tim cave a wiicale of j auii; i; at ion. •■couldn’t you I'.ave a blue- j beirx- piuUlin^ for his dessert? Couhl-i n't you do tii'ti much for me mother?' — Votith’s CoMiianion. Gonsumpflon Chackad and in Early Stages, Cured by MILAM the great JReconistructive toriie and blood renovater We c > not set forth MILAM as a cure for consumption, but it has proven so bene ficial to such patien;a that we bel'.eve, and are supported in our belief by a practicinjj physician, that MILAM will airest incip ient tuberculosis or consumption in its eariv stages. We know that it greatly benefit* even those in the advanced stages. Read the following Scrofulitic t Consumption City of Danville, State of Vir^^inia—To-wit; 1. tdmund B. Meade, Notary Public in and for the City of Danville, State of Vir ginia, do hereby certity that Abram Word, of Danville, Va., to me well known, did ap pear before me, and being duly sworn, d«- poseth and says as follows: "For ten years prior to August, 1909, 1 was under the care of a regular physician. Last spring this doctor told me he could do me no good, and I tried another for four months without receiving any benefit from him. In August, 1909, I began taking Milam, and am now able to do my work without diiTiculty, my appetite is good, and I can er:t and digest any food. My tnnib.e was said to be Scrofuiitic Consumption, and I was wasted away to a sr.ado'.v, I was so weak t!i;.t i could hard ly valk when I commenced on MILAM, i regard AHLAM as a truly valuable reme dy in I'.ll of blood trouble, whether eruptive, oi proceeding from a luck of full, 1' ee t'ir''ulr'.ti)n. i have recommended MILAM to about t'renly of my ftiead-^ and so far as I ha.e i. 'en or heard fiom them, they ail speak in the highest te: nis of it, and are recommend ing it to their friends. It was particularly beneficial to me in a;.!- ing digestion and buiidi’.ig up an appetice. ’ (Signed) ABRAM WORD. In witne;s to ihe above, I Invc h^'minto tot nr - hant! aii?i t,h'- .seal oi inv oi rlee. .i'. - ’.iS' u (i,iv of .Maroli, A. D.. 1010. EDMUND 15. N.K.ADE. ’ Notary Public. M.,’ commission expires .Ian. 14. lf»14. Ask your druggist or write for booklei MOam Medicine €o. Jrse. D&nvine, va. /f Step Lively Stetson-Shoe your step- •pcrly for lively stepping. '• 'y —a medium high tee, smart Stetson 1 a snappy appearance that appeals rri'cular dresser and comfort-giving ’lat make it attractive to all. an opportunity to demonstrate to -.riority of Stetson Styles for lively n cr- M o ore Com pa ny 1() South 'I'ryon Street f tiunr by the pair, hut less by the year. LX'FEREST QUARTER I ’ll. l.‘st v.ill he a new interest ' t-r. Inciease yc'in* balance all an before April 5th. Depos- iitde before that date will draw ■ at 4 percent from April 1st. 1 rn Loan & Savings Bank u. Pres. W. L. Jenkins, Cashier. We HslVC Reduced 1 Presses and Evening ns we used at our open- 'tr show window pur- nncl will be glad to show to you and feel sure the riions we have made will l^lease and surprise you. 1. P. A. Interesied- Officials Coming National And State Offices to Meet Here luesday —Or ganization Numbers 40,009 Men in 1 he United StaU>. The \-isit to f'harloite of il'.e l al'.ou- :;i pvci;ii!eui oud iv iiriuil dircclovs ol' ti:.'' Trav('h rs' rtive \s.~(;oiatior ' f Anierif,’ aii.I oI"r-fs )ii ni'Xi Tiio^day is tn'- ii'-C !'( ! ;'d lov--a;'(i '■) ' / iii‘ 'ocnl '1'. P. A.'s wi;i) ;i vie;-.! oi iuieres: :'.iid ij'cii. ' ;e. ■ihi:- or;/;!;)^:uiioi; t') tia.^liur; i'iC’i i\ /w iiuuiu. is (>\-r i '.'-il 1!'. iiic ruit • (I St:it»^s. ;nid is cotp.;.'os'H; of u hi.uh i r;. p(' Ol rlii''(.‘i; 'oM'- 'I'iio T. 1-. .V. i.s ii-ei'ii'. lo it? ninm- irT.s ;)ud oliiers noi (Uily in I'iiiviain?; ir:0\))eusiv. f.ccidoni insuranre. but o'iic)' sulisiauvial wa.vs. Kvcry jiicco cU' i ci'chaii.i^ri lde ;iiil- iu us(' to;^ay is di’’octly th;-* rc- suit ol' rho olVo.t.s of ihc '1'. P. A. of Exces'^ !)a?:ca?rf' mte reg’ilanou hy l;iw in n’anv siatf's i.'. tho result of iht? untirin,^ cftoiis ol' the T. P .A. of A. The chair in I’l-r* r.i'csiif^P'(-ab- iuot, slyii'd llio d'pnrlrneu, ol' cout- movre aud lalioi’, v.as tir.st svi?,'2'esfed a.vJ fii!RlIv nres?:'d to a Buccessf;?! ir^sue by the T. P. oi: A. Steel cars id 11 bcforo cougre.ss, voaking ;e u.-:o of steel passenger cars bv railroads r.cces£:rny. wa;i in trodufcd by iho H'. of A. Ors-anizrd in :]:i states, uuiking one '■'f the Rreatesi national associations >.!' traveling men in existence. Has c?tai)lishcd C(.mmittees to look after hotels, legislation, i-ailroads and '.nploymeni. good roads and public uiililies for the ijenetit and welfare of of its mtnibers. rias .-enabled traveling men to pro- ier-1 themselves their fainilies and those dependent on them for support by insuiing rlieir lives against acci- (..cntal dcaUi ard disability at the ct;eai)est cost possible. Wo^ord Glee Club Concert Was Good The Wofford College Glee, Club, oi' 21 young men, gave a concert last night at ihe a.iditorium of the Presby terian College ihat was tiioroughly ea- joycd by ihe largo aiidience pre.'rent. Mrs. A. A. Reii.bert, direciress oi the club, accompanied the young men on the i'itino. The young men were given a warm recepiion and had to respond o en cores for almost every number. Among the numbers that were especially en joyed wei-e the reading by 3.1r. Outz of “The Suffragette:'' the song by Mr. nice, “fiocked in the Cradle of tho Ijcetd" by Mr. Sanders and the quar- leuc. "The Kosary'’ was also well ren dered b\ [lie quarrette, as waa also ‘ Good Xighi, f>eloved." This is the flist vi.-iit of the \'.’ofi\;rd Glee C'ub it> Ciia'lofi‘. althoitgh Uiis IS iheir fourth annual lour, and they will Ije warmly v.elconied when they come this \^ay again. The program follows, together witli the personnel of the club; Part I. L College Songs. (a), iteie Comes the Wofford Club Meakin tbj. Old Gold and Black .. .. Landcrff 2. Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep I Knight Smith I Mr. Donald Saunders and Quartette. I Tl';e Pasiiug ReiiinieiiL . . . . Macy j Glee Club. U. Reading—The Snlfragote— I -Mr. PiL. id Ouzis, j Ti. Po' Lidle I.am!) Parks Octette. i Ii. '11.e t)\vl and ihe Pussy Cat .. i Ingraham i Mrs. Rufus nil' :mk1 Gko Club. i 7. The Kosary . . . , Nevin j ^'.iai‘iei re. ' I!. I I. Waiei' i.ilics tG'.votii.) .. Linder.^ i Glee ('!ub. i 2. The Old Kentucky Home . . . . . . .... Foster-Smith (Quartette, i sf' G'.’ iuo 15ack to Di.\ie .. Wliit(' Cctetle. K(ji/lisii vjucstions- Sloanc ..Ir. Mcl.cod R: e. 'I'eutlitg Tonight G‘n the Old Caiup Grourid . . . . Kittredge-Parks Gl'-e Club. IveiiTucky J^abe Geibel Qiua'ie! to. Good Night. Beloved Slre'l Glee Club. Personnel cf Club, i'lrs! TLn.')r Kellar. 15. .\i.. Camcroii, C., 'i;i; 3jood.'. i\. E. Dillon, S. 12; Fori Worth, Texas. 1 I e Floyd L Liles Co. I A l LOTTE’S AUTHORITY ON WOMEN’S WEAR 17-19 W. Trade St. Phone 776 Taking no Chances. “Charles.” said a sharp-voiced wo man to her husband in a railroad car, •do you know that you and 1 once had a. romance on a railroad train? ’ “Xever heard of il,” replied Charles in a subdued tone. "I thought you hadn’t. But don’t you remember it was that pair of slippers I lu-escnted to you the Christmas be fore we ntarried Ihat ledto our wedd- in.g'’ You remember hov\' nicely they fit, don’t you? Well. Charles, cue day when we were going to a picnic you had your feet up on a seat, and when you wern’t looking I took your meas ure. But for that pair of slippers 1 don't Ijelieve we’d ever been married.” A. young unmarried man sitting by immediately took down his feet from the seat.—Exchange. To Fit the Crime. “I ain’t no saint, boss,” said the hobo. I wuinst voted a couple o' hun dred reiieatcrs in my precinct, an’ they sent me to penitentiary for it.” “Great Caesar!” exclaimed the man who had just befriended him. “I did the same thing once, and they sent be to congress for it.”—Chicago Trib une. Two Important Incidents. A school boy in v.’riting a composi tion on Patrick Henry said; “He mar ried when he w-as quite young and then made a speech in which he said ‘Give me liberty or give me death!”— Houston Chronicle. ‘Tf you want to be strong and hoalth.\% Millie,” advised Aunt .Temi- ma, “eat a raw onion each morning bclore breakfast.” “I’d rathe’' not do that, auntie," said Miss Millicent; “I shall be sat isfied with being merely healthy. ■- Chicago Tribune. 12; Sprol!, .J. M., Spartani'urg, S. C., 'H. Second 'I'enor; Folk, II. N . Bamberg. C., ’’i': Haraiiiei’, M.. Marion, S. C.. ’i2; Mili. K. S.. Anderson. S. C.. !2: Layton. S. ('., S'parianburg. S. C., Ifjii 1 ile.s. I’.. Spartaiilturg, S. C., '14; :ioni-(;r, .L T., Alari; ii. S. C.. ’lo. i'irsi l^r.ss; H’tmphries. A. L.. Cam- S. C.. '!1: .Mciver. R. B.. Savau :'iih. (ia.. '12: Snyder, li. M., S’partan- burir. S. '11; 'i'iiova{)Son, P. H. Spar- :a;'.bur.'’, S. C., '1! Sec.,‘nu I5asfi-: rarlislo, R., Spar- 1,!ub:irg. S. C.. 'Ij:!; Crum. V. il., Or- !;u!:c’‘'nr^'. s. 12; J'lorris. K. K.. 'rurheville. S. C.. ’H; Sanders, 1\ P.. Sparranbui g. S. C.. '14. Reader; Ouzts, i;. T., .lohnston, S. C.. ’11. QiKM’te'if? and Soloist; I\,Too:ly, Rcie, Thompson, Crum, Sc^ndcrs. OvU'tic; :\Ioody, Kice, Thonuison, iiiil. Mciver, Humphries, Sa'iders. C ru'ii. kV -v:- m !S 1 I Easte Is Here You wili please call and get it at oEce. ?V.\' V.vl\ YlA » BrSog Us $1.00 Next Week or $4 at the End of the Moidh I Clothing for tl j whole family at the oldest, largest and most up-to- date Credit Store in Charlotte. 202 NORTH TRYON STREET “Keustei Doei Mumcmal Cam- Like Dabney’' paign In Spencer Mr, 'Walter Kirsh, one of rhc best Cijarlotte is not the only place in iho throes of a municipal ol:‘ct,iou. knov>'ii trivf“li]ig uicn out of Hicli- | Sjiencer, X. has called mas;-; mr-ei- ii’ond, is in tlie riiy for a fev days. ! of citi:'.cus ' tor .ouiglit. At the lie ren\ark.'d that Charlotte was OiiTy One flUIiVIXE’' Thiit i;- I./vXAl’IVH l>ook for ihe sii^naturc eV El. W. GIlO'v’i:. t’soil thf W'orl.l over to Cure a Cold in One Ouy. 25c. Unique Will Filed In Clerk's Office A will that is somewhat, unique lias been riled in the office of the clerk of the court. It is that of Peter .lohn, who died recently, but who was a na tive of Mt. I^ebanon, iu Turkey. He was for a time one of the leading merchants of the Syrian colony here and won the confidence of the mer chants with \vhom he dealt. The will is dated .June 3rd, 1910. and gives his estate as $1,230, which is- deposited in the banks here as follows; First National, $1,100; *\Ierchanls and Farmers’ $75; Charlotte National, $210. He names Zokia John, his brother, and Akel Normi as his executors. They however declined to serve in that ca pacity and Mr. .1. 1). McCall was ap pointed in ilaeir place. He leaves all his estate to his widow’ and the three children, who reside in Naker Ibraheem, of the district of Kisrawan. in Mount Lebanon. Turkey. His executor is to pay his w’idow' $10 per month during her life time and af ter her death the rest of the esrtate goes to the three children, who are Atfa John, Marie John and Akel John. His widow's name is Halah Sahyoon iu the Syrian tongue. “Why do they say. ‘As smart as a steel trap?’asked the talkative board er. “I never could see anything par ticularly intellectual about a steel trap.” “A steel trap is called smart,” ex plained the quiet person, in his sweet est voice, “because it know's exactly the right time to shut up.”—Western Christian Advocate. Generous a.s?ortment of nut candy adds to the atliactive variety you will find in a Nunnally box. Every box i? made to fuliy merit the high fame of these exquisite sweets. Always fresli Woodall & Sheppard kurnvn v.^ell in ih.e Old Dominion and thai he h.'id hoard many fine le- uorts of some of the peoiile wh.o are here. “Wc ’\avo a ina'i i;’ Liciimond whose name is ]'i;ib’v-’y,” ro; -■.•kod lUr Kirsh, “and lie is aboui lue same ■'iPd of a i'cllo'o your man Kouster here appeal’s to be. ^.Ir. Ptab- ne.v is secrelaty ;)f the cha’ni)er of ominerce wb.ich is doing for Rich mond what the GveairT Ch.; Clu is doing for your town.” iotte Ihe Gieensboio News Depaitment fcchool house of (iiat town .'or tiie pu!- pose of non'.inaiing a ma:.or and six aidermcu. The names ,f the foliosving citizens- of Spencer are attached to a ■petition rliar calls for ihe mass meet- iu.g; T. E. Sv.-ir( gond. c. p. Ha ry. P. F, Vuncar.noti, Vv. H. \\\ O. ilob- inson, V>'. T. I'icklcr, S. M. Smith, i i. G. Elmore, T. Rosemond, W. M. Eagle, AV„T. Jenkins. A. ?.I. Wiseman, R. E. Haj.ncs. \V. S. Freeman, J. P. Ho})kins, A. P. Tucker, H. C .\Vilson, J. 1^. Crowell, .1. Vv. CrowelL Tom Stewart, J. D. Dorsett, R. J. 'i’homp- son. Special to The News. Greensboro, March r>L—A number of Guilford county pufdic schools have been inspected dui’ing the uast weel: by Dr. B. W. Page, of tiie si ate Ixiard of health, wii’i a viev,' of n cev^ahiing the condit'ons and t,he p’G’.nlance of the hookworm disease throughout the country. An investigation of th?? 1,? schools visited showed that hookwoi;i' Avas prevalent in abor,t IS per cent of the pupils of the schools ;ind thnt sani tary conditions were good. The city bo:ird of education met yesterday afternoon to decide on the contract for the heatinv system for the new Central High Sccool buildin.a anci decided to award ih' contract to }'. McKcnxie. ’Ihe contscicr inice is $5,490.00. Mr?. Farra Royste”, who has been at St. Leo’s hospital »vet since she shot herself a week ago. was able to be vennved to her ho’^'>c in Burling ton yesterday. She is gOLtinc' along nicely and h>r idiysici'us stai? that she ’.vi'l soon be fully recovered.. Mi s. Th'^impson. wlio a'ff^mpted sui cide Monday by jumping out of a sec St, Martin's Sunday The Rev. Albert S. Wood, an Episco pal missionary from China, will spend a |)art of next week in C'harlolte in .'iricr to preseni the cause of ("niuese missions to the peo])le of this city. He v/ill speak at St. Peter’s ciiurch ai 11 o’clock Sunday morning April L'nd. Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock he will preach at St. Martin's Chapel, corner 10th and Davidson. Sunday night at S o’clock he will deliver a missionary address at day afternoo speak to the people of Dilworth at the Church of the Iloly Comforier. , delivered on the Cth day of August, ji!il0, v.'hich said deed of triut is re- j corded in the oilice t;f the Register of Dee(is.. Tvleckh. n!)iirg County, in Hook 207. l^age ll)w, tii6 undersigned will expose to pu'Dlic sale at tte Court House door in the City of Charlotte On the L>ih day of April, 1011, at 12 o .dock th(> foilowing dcscriued pieces of land, lying and beins iu C.iariotto Township, Alcrklcu-i'irg Couuly, and in. tho City of CiiarloLto, aud more par ticularly dcsci'ibt,d as follov.'s: One lot sit’uated on the Southwest corner of Clement Avenue and Pench- tree Street, Peginning at tiiu conicr of nforesaid Street and Avenue and i.in- li'ng in u r’(j..iiherly direciiuu w \i Clomcnt Av. n:te 220 feet to a 10 I’ojt alley; tlu-nc^' in a Weste.ly dire(;Hou with aforesaid alicy 172 1-2 feet to a 10-foot alley; tiien;'e w’ith said alley in a Nortlu riy dir^^ 'ion 10^^* feet; to tho lot of the Cociii-ano Siiow Case Company, on v.l.dcli il'i 4r factoiy build ing stands; I hence ia an Easterly di rection with the line of tiic lot of the Cochrane Show Case Company's line Cochrane Show Case Company 75 feet; thence in a Nortneily direction with Cocdirano SIiow (,/a.se C'.'iJipaiiy’s lino Cochrane Shc.w Case C';;i,-;iny line in an E;isterly diry'lion with Peachtree Street 97 1-2 to the begin ning. (Above lot ij iu lilock setj Ma]) of Oakiiurst). .\l;-:o that rract of land adioin.inrr the lands of 11. D. Heatli. ncv,' or f:ri;merly Ciiarlotle Casket Co.ui]>an\, luid the lot above described and Ijou ' ied as fol lows: Beginning at a siiik.^ in Block No. 22 on Peachtree Street on the East side of a 10-fuot alley which sep arates this lot frcni the ki. of the % ' i Charlotte Casket C'.ni'.any and runs '.he Caapel oi 1|>I>^- i about Soutii pi'raJlel vviiii said alley ^on at J o cIoca 1,0 A\ 1 1 Lawyei ’s Road J2i.) feet to a Exhausted the Pack. An archdeacon en^ra:.;cd a'^ a new footman a well-recommend'-'d you.h who had served as sta'olo hoy. I’he first duty which the youth was called upon to perform was to accompany the archdeacon on a series of formal calls. “Bring the cards. Thomas, and leave one at each house,” ordered his mas ter. After two hours of visiting frf>m house to house the archdeacon’s list was exhausted. “This is the last house, he corner (ju (!i"^ lino or said alley; tlience about East 7-"' feec to a stake; thence about Noitli 120 feet to a stal-ce on Peachtree Street;iheiice about West 75 feet with a line of Peachtree Street to ihe liegiuuing (:(;rner. Tlie foregoing sa'e is njade because of default of the p;iymf.nt of the Notes secured r>y the deed of trust above refered to. This the loth d:jy oT :\Iarch 1011. W. H. WOOD, 1.3-30da. Trustc.3. or'l GiO’'v window- in a lit of fevei delirium: is reported a.=! I’-cttiu'^ along Thomas, very ^veli at her home in S;>uth Greens- here.” boro. i “Be,ggin’ your pardon, sir,” was tho Eari'' this morning. i*'ier a week’s deferential reply. “I can’t; I've only illness cf piieumonia. Cai.raii; William the ace of spades left.”—Ideas. B. Bogart die.i at his homf ou Church i street, a^ed V2. Ho .’s «ur 'ivel l.y his WEIGH YOURSELF BEFORE USING wife md fvc .-ons, Wni', F. and Cirir-j ^ ence B. P.ogart of t'nis ci*'y. Weigh yourself before commencing j LIXECUTORS’ SALE OF V/CULASLE REAL ESTATE IN CHAFlLOTTt. By virtue or jjov.-er and iulhorlty given us by the Will of the late Mary said, leave tv o cards 11!'- Bloom, we will sell at the County 'Court House Door in the City of Char- l(jtte, N. C., ou Alonday, April the 3rd, A. D., 191], ai- 2. o'clock M., ail that land on v'v’csi Tiade street in the city of Ciiarioti,e. PTrst Piece; fJeginning at R. G. Hajes’ corner on \\ est Trade street and runs wiiu tiie fea-e in a Xortiiern Mi-s. Nannie Eliznbe h Wood, of to use Samose, the great flesh-forming j ^ Grahaai. d’-’d ,.c St. L Oo ho.-.-'ital yc.^- food. The wonderful sale on this ;:-rep-;^ terdav, to which plase sha had been ai.ation since first introduced in Char-ip°f^’ -.;Oaiu-un uJitCLion, broug’itr ... trcaii'.ent. j lotte and the remarkable results fol-i If^ , . , , T ^ . 'Street, thence with West irade street. I lowing Its use have made .Tno. S. Blake' X. Song Service at Dilworth. ‘Drug Co. such enthusiastic believers' ‘‘ The cboir of Calvary church, under jji the great valtre of Samore that they the leadershi)) of Mr. L. L. Ledwell, .rive their personal guarantee to re will render the song service, “Pil- fund the money if Samosf* will not grini's Progress.” at Dilworth Meth- ^ make thin people fat and restore odist church tonight at S o’clock. All strength and health to those who use are invted to attend. No admission it. fee. This is a strong guarantee, but Jno. S. Blake Drug Co. have seen so many of their customers who a few wrecks beginning. On said .*jt is a tv^o-story house—six roum.s and bath, v.itii gas and v.-ater and electric liglits. Second Piece; Beginning at a post, O. T. lie’-Uerson's corner on West Trade stre^ t. and runs in a Northern direction Vvita said Henderson’s line, 198 feet to a post; .hence in an East ern direction 7»i teet to a post; tlience I in a Soathern uirection, 19j feet to a post on West Trade .S.reet; thence A Bad Lot. ■^nien charged with bein^r (.run^.-ijvo looked like wali^ms skoletou.-) be j on west iraae .'r..reet; lUfcnco and disorderly and asked wdiai he had . c-ome plump and ''veil, through the use, W'est Trade street 51.:i feet to to sav for himself, thep risoner gazed of Samose that they feel they cannot ! beginninsi’. On said lot is a six- pensively at the magistrate, smooth-' say too much to induce pcjplc to try • ed down a remnant of gray hair, and it. sai(j. I Thi'! marvelous ficsh-forming food “Your honor, man's inhumanity to | is assimilated as soon as it is taken man makes countless thousands ' imo the stomach makes good rich mourn. I’m not as rel.ared as Svrift. blood, tones up the weakened system, as profligate as Bvron, as dissipated helps to assimilate the food and makes at Poe. as debauciied as—' : the user plump, well and rosy. “That w'ill do!” thundeied^the masr- j istrate. “Then days. And, officer, lake a list of those names an 1 run ’em in. ] TRUSTfEE’S SALE OF "VALUABLE They’re as bad a lot as he is;”— ! By virtue of power vested In me by London Miai. ; a certain deed of trust executed and room house with bath. Terms one-third cash, balance in one yeai, interest on deferred pay- n.ents. This rale subject to advance bid of not less than 10 per cent to be put on in 10 days. A map cf said ])roperty can be seen in Ofiice of Clarkson and Duls, attor neys. February 22. 1011. CHAS. E. BLOOM, F. M. BECKliA:>,i, £-3-30da Executors of Mary E. Bloom.