2 THE WANTS ARE READY TO SERVE YOU AND AT SLIGHT EXPENSE—SlE PAGE EIGHT ' Edition the charlotte news. Latest Edition 43. NO. 6991 CHARLOrrE, N. C„ SATURDA\ EVENING. APRIL I, 191 1 "P'D 7^17 j In ChaTlotte. ’ h Copy ra’ly—nCrnts P\ir.day 1 Outside Charlotte, > Cents a copy Daily and Sunday ^,sts Result Of ^011 to Loot Iowa bounty Tieasury 'J Two Women in County Trees- ted - Ro bber s creed in Getting and Gagged^ r-oiyc^rine Used ?/2jn.' ! f to $100,000 CAMBRIDGE IN REESTTil N.^soc'iated Press. Piuney, Kne.. April 1.—Weight. ^ srvpncili and experi^n'^e eonqneved Safe in Afternoon. form iiid dash wlieu Oxford University .today Dear t'ainhridge in the sixiy- jeiehih inter-vaisir\ hoa; jace over I'le '• '' j hi«turic Piuney-to-Mon l-ake con se ''' ' 'i'- 'i- d ‘0-j} |.i ivii’es in t’ao rec'crd time of IS . K 'ji' n . n : ] ^eo-oPd' . ^ ..vi iud! Oxtord iiad been the favorite • M t ^^'uer.,, racing and falfillcl the ' ’ '- nail.: >■' L'.f .lie I’oliowers. Caiit- I !.’. id;it' \\p.;; tin;:i)le to ,a,el abreast of ’.er ri\al at any s’as^* of the contcst va'i’r ‘ al?hi'i.irh the liqht l ines e:ot a\\ay ' (i iirkc-r and .>purtod a;allant!.'. severaV i '’-0^ ■ of-1 ■iac- .'riiihr- iOlIf - ie..uT.' 'in t-Ci' ■ i i ■ u'.in W; tini« A’^ rbe iia'f niiV' the Oxford crews lead variefi from t-.\o so three and a p ; ,_,r,c*' half lennti\^>. At j-larnuls, Oxford led iiy ’hrev"' qtiarteis cm* a 'enuih and advaniUi- was increas='d to f'vo I t > 'h n ■ b'n;; 'ns ai Hh innters':i it ii Prids:e. and la naif lenarth had bcH'n added when the t'raii;i..li,>n dork hl-.ie.^ p;;?f=ed Chiswick church. I.;, ri' ii ind ]’.' i'. rrev.were now itulling hard, >'1;\:, *uu i O v’.ord .-steadily vovciug ahead until at Hi..iie.s iV:ids,e three lengths had been .'l>ene;i 'le'. ivee:i tl’.c shells. Hull’ wav tlov'n the course the Cani- i.ridst^- stroke. R. W. A. Arb'ithnot ? enied !o tirt i>\it ilie crew fought on. hol.MnL' ihe wiiiuers to a lead of three lerel' s »' th>‘ j The sn-'othnesf: of the water con- •rlbuTed R''eatly to the far^t time and: a > roiia: tide helped considerably. M'lioi, l^na. April 1.—Oxtov^l won ii 'Hi Cambridg-? In the annual eieht • •8'-’d rme o\er the Putney conrs'' . The dar.v hlues were heavier I’Ki we”e the iavoi’ites thotjfth t an.- •rM.se lui.i :h? advautaae of'weather .'-.I' 1 |.os'i: ion. (■'\ford led from the start and won ■V ' t.^n-iir^ in iH iMlnates 2:» sec- , i M \ ’ . *1 i ' ' 1 i. ' ■ i Tht r.e-.io'is record VN-a.^ 18 min- ,i os i: -e.-ni tis, nKiib:» by (Oxford in -N'.;, .-v! li 1 'icaV'd by Cambridge I . n ) ■'' 11'. I This '■'•'s Oxford's rhirty-sevent li vii^'oiv. ('aiirilge having won thirtv copte.^^'s. 1 ii VnTT ilie race was a d^Td hent. I.ast year Oxford with a i • •?.(] of three length.-; finished In 20 ' mil ni-d M se'-.">nds. The year ; l)ei('re 0;.f;ird won bv ihree and a 'hoiisap.d lengths ip 15' minutes and .'>») seconds. According to the English practice the time of the defeated crew 't-as not taken. Excursion St earners fly ing the light and darK coirrs wore crowded with spectators PICTURE or* LOST BOY WRITES H TRIP TO THE News Bureau. Congress Hall. (H. ,E. C. BRYANT.) Million Dollar Deal Consummated At Salisburi To-day Washington. April 1.—“With a con gressional party we left New York March 7 on the siearner •Colon,' to inspect the Panama canal." said Representative Gndger to day. “In passing Cape Hatteras we faced a terrific storm that lasted eigiueeii lumrs. TUe wnve:T frequent ly dashed tons of water on the tO]-. v)f the sliip deck and the great dan ger was reeosnized by ai' ou b(.-ar«:. Al'tev (.lie siorm had i>ar^;j^^d all unit ed in admiration of the pov.er and fanncity of our s-hii). In all danger tl'.ere is some consoling iiM-ideni: in Mhis one it \va:-’. the gnniiieur of the ; iTiliir.g dashing waves, Pf'> ^’eet iiigii. I'A'ilh thi.'' exi-ei'i ion tiw^ trip was (made without Jiccidenl or incident, j ■ "The ))urjjose of the trip was to invest i,e;o.te in a i)ersona! way the const Tucfion of the Isthmian canal, whici! was lirsr la'gun by the Fi'ea.-h and abandoned a^ a failui'e after ilie exjiendit iiff' of If the.v had proceeled with the work to completion at that da^e, a cotiserva- eMin.ient live estimate would pla( * the cost to the Frencli at S1 ,r,00,000,01)0, while the ('osr to tiiis ^overnnietit s'ill ue less than $')Ou.Otm,MO»i_ ir,..:iu(liiig the piirchase price. ‘■'I'he oiieuing- of 'hir-: great highw** ■ will be nf great beiiefii to a’.' sections of our cou}\try and no -ef*ion 'a ill re ceive more aavam;;.'- tiian the South ern states. esv)eciaM>' tl.e gieai valiev of ihe .M ississiirpi, loday la*- rich est teriitory ir; aM liie world. Tl'.f openint; of (his new ga;ewa\ to tlie Pacific will give a tremendfjit? im- iietus to our ).res‘ !!: indastrie.-:. Our ravi' cotton ’•viil be in demand by the i)rienr:>] consun.er and our co; ’ fields ,wii! lind a e\er before. THE UmE CINEI HUS By Associated Press. .Madrid, April 1.—The cabinet F^remier Ca-mlejas resigi'-'^d toda,\. 'I'he Catif W, J. Oliver Said to Have Bought Controlling Interest in Traction. Light And Gas System of Salisbury, Concord and Spencer. ; j Deal Includes Intcrurban Lines From Salisbujy to Concord And From Salisbury to Spen cer-Extensive Improvements Planried. -■jas (-aliinet was formed j on F bi’aaiy i-i. i'.il't. and reorganized i ^^-^ori.ited I’v- on .Ihuuarv 1 last. j Kuoxviile. 'l>'nn. I Canalejas in forcing leligioiis re-! (lispatc!! fr';ui Salisb r v forms encountered liie bitter oi)n>.>.-; tioi! of the (,'allioli('s an.i! his coiU'^e I'esalicd ill a prac;’ susjierision of diplomatic relation.- Itetv.een the gov- ind the N’atican. The jireni- tra nsaci ii .u .)" iier c'n! t li: \piil 1.—A news X C.. ^^ays: i it voivi!'1 .Oiili.naO u-a ail hi. . whereb' ■ S'.o('i( of the sirecL T ■ W 1. *10 it ha' n;g ’ f i/> ui:d shiiriei '.Tiiori-7'^d to rh.‘ strike or- • SfVOidays. ■‘»'»o furniture a - d. Oijt vea n-t.; -iO'"' i ^ have ecause ar in- V aire=. Mil'i tied r. M work ■•ease or fjven| ir^r^rpst array of motor boats ; p'.>een .‘n the conrse followed tiie DAMAGE -^^ES IN HOUSTON.r t^iiell>. Ther There was a cteat turnout of old .'.ar^nien. Tne P^'ince rf Wales and Pi incc Mr. and Mr?. William J. Murray, of East Orange, N. J.. arid their adopted boy. David Murray, who has disap peared. No trace of the rr.issing boy i can be found by the police or private detectives. The boy has been forj sorne time the object of a court 1 wrtxngle betv.’ccn iii« foster parents' and the manage r.ent of St. Mary’s 1 Orphar;^ge of Providsnce. R. I. The | questicr cf v/ho shall have custody! of h'rn ■! S', di !r fc'e ‘ ■s'.v •^ courts of errors, to:which appeal ass taken by the Murrays after the court of Chancery hsd directed Mr. Miir- ray to return the child to the orphar.- age. At the orphanage the coy was known ITmi PEOPLE T ier !ias, however, been ci'edited wii ;i j vai!’.oad. eUcti lc liul:t and power and th- snppo; - of King Alfonso. His biii j Salisbury. Toncord 0, assoc; .■ lor.aiin^d t-) iegtiiate ta_ societies wiikdi he I'eftised to sul-niii 1 n,'^! to tin' Hoix See, v.as ajjiirovnd j i jiaiiiiiH’asly b.^ the C2bi;iet last 'i'ties-j day. it wa.s to be irlrO'lticcd .\iirii (1. j CORRESPONDENT LOCATES INSURRECTO LEADERS. omp au(i Seeiv er. X. C., was sold lo V\'il- 11a'II .i. Oiivt,!'. I'!' KiM.'Nville. 'I’lie piiiciasQ ais(- iii'-b.nles (lie elec- nrba'.n iiiir '.a miles, foiv nit lai* r.eciing Sa!is’> ir oniieciiii'- SiK'iicer, V. M;re : lia.-. large shops. Mr. Oliver v.ill and Concoril and S. hslMiiy wilh ■•Miib'in railway By ,\ssociaied Pr-ss. (’hiutiahua, Mexico, .\i'.ril 1.—via Lar eod .lanetion, Ainil \. - \ (n-respoml- j enl of 'The .\ssocUil-‘(i I’rc'ss who if-j ii.v • beadqnarieis ji'i-ovMnenls to the properiios. i(i?i iiiaiKer uian | — _ _ — ■of Kiancisco 1 .Madeio. i iie insurre(Mo rake extensive nu- as Kei~neth Vv'iiliams. but Mrs. Mur ray ren5rr?;:i him David Murray Ac cording to Mrs. Murray, his risap- pea.f^jnce the result of the second av.:: '-.'dpac ' -i i •v! ch haP been carried ou'i successfully tnrough lonQ planning and v^atchful- ness or. the part of some agency, rep resentatives of whidh ha.'e been haunting the neighborhood of her home. T! I CONFESSES Ti By Associated Press. ! Chicago, 111., Ap’^il 1.—The confes-' r-auet uniforms toi-1 •uiof.i; iravff m-an anHljtiy Associated Press. .. Thrx' nicxcit tiaiiU man aua ^ i a motor hoai. inrj | Wavne. Ind. Ajtril 1.—A boy ■ 'the announcemenl ot another threat i,f years who gae his name to the .v.Vaert in cauet uniforms fol- ' lo wed I’i'J '•ace m 1.—>t veral . ,.p along the line. '• and j p.-peiMs like R. C. T.ehmann and j against James Stewart, a postof-j police as .John Raynor when arrest- 1 much damage xickalU considered both crewsispector, and spurred on by the|f^«l last night, todav admitted i-hat yicnia,' j bc’o'.v the average. long list of recent •‘Black Hand" | he is the youth wanted fv>. tne thett I crimes, the Italian peoi)ie themselves j$1.-UH‘ aiui vahi^aole papers from ^ rti I’tjnron Tn mmi j io i Ii > in'.vlpKs- tiie L jiion Hill Xaiional Hank, ot t1 ■ r this sec- Brewery Workers Strike. iio iu'1 tes S\.-aci!sc, V. V., April 1.—1'hree hun ... . , , . , Pon Amhor l.n'v/er * '-1 "«''• “i «» . r •? hie oil causo threaten to pm. a S’toji to ilu la'.vless- ness ReIie(’ions ul' tne --..un Chicauo f ^^ion Hill. -\. early last Decem- bei Raynoi. wlio was recognized from tiling and is a an increase in wages of $2 a week. ’cd Leader of All The hmoirists In Bad Light Under Cross - Examination M I' V. t* I or Ko rs st i ii c k toci d \ ■ •ii.i* iti* their emplo.>ers refused to grant! «l'i>^ared today m L talia. an Itahau 1. I iti si doing \on showed that 'o>i felt rnderlthat the informer spoke the truth. Enrico .Mfa H,!van'age than .■ i-ov'a'i.tTi yes- i :: en. denials .. h''ad or the, '• had guilty li of ciennaro ^'.irlv ^*amped- •nded skilfully iocr.jit/' asked did you flee 'ake ,'our ’ - the crime In fact you de- • I Hut follow- !'■ fl when Ah- ■ > bepan, and I fled because for the second time I was experiencing an attack of in testinal trf)uble and 1 feared that’, jj. [newspaper. The article says; •'An epoch of blood, of cruel slaugh tering, of ferocious vendetias. is wh;it ilie Chicago Italian colony is going th:oi!gh just now. Tntil a short time ago Climes- committed were in almost all cases due o passion. "Naiurally frequent and atrocious crimes seriou&ly are impressing the American people as Avell as the peo ple of other nations in our disfavor and they are liable at any time to lose pa tience and resort to acts of violence. The massacres at New Orleans and Tampa are not forgotten in Chicago. “It is necessary that the Italians themselves lo’- their own self-respect and for their o^ah protection organize a photograv'h vhen arrested was working as a niessenger boy and had on:,v five cents of the small fortune he had stolen. He implicated an Ital ian boy in the robi)ery. would l)e aggravated l>y confinement ^ ,q liberate the colony here jf 1 were lield in prison for some criminals staining its name. ’ years prc'cefiing m.v trial. Of m.v ulti mate vindication I had no doubt. ’ “And what of the Camorra t,o- dav?’ pursued the president. “It no longer exists.” “'I'hat assert’on,” retorted the l)resident, "is explainable when it is recalled tW * a rule of the society (ibliges Camornsts to deny to the au’horities their affiliations with the Camorra, repudiation of their po sition not implying cowardice in the eyes of the (’amorra.” el Representatives Congress Named On The Big Committees I'ureau, ;:r' ss Hall. ’ ANT.i 1 I lit' Noi’t h j hi.! 1 In addition, Mr. Pou will be chair- I man of « laims committee, and Good win. of civil service re^'orms. I The three new members will be car- i ' d for. Other Appointments. Steadman, foreign affairs; Dough- banking and currency; Gudger, EIGHT INDICTMENTS FOLLOW ELECTION. By Associated Press. New Orleans, La.. April 1.—Eight ]»ersons were indicted yesterday b.- the New Orlran.s grand jury in con nection v.itli the recent, election of .Justice Summerville. Of this number four were indicted for failing to turn in poll lists wuth the ballot boxes and four for making false entries on poll Ry fillTTERy OP ••I’he canal will n-.)t i>e a iiaving in vestment per se, bitt vi('\\ed as a naval sir;',tegif nuint it v, il! be a great I'rotection. ^^.■e jan, in a few days, a-.- spiiible all of our .great, ba'tleships iui eiilier ocean. •'The requit’ements of tr.ivel and rcnaiu.erce demanded more direct liiglrAays, for transt>orla'.ion and the world lof.'ked to the riMiel Stales a.s iiie nation ifossessiong rlie ability, and energy, to make possible the conin.c- tion of the two great oceans. "V.’ithtnit ventitring into the realm of faucv !' nta’" tru hf,’i'.v ^'.atef. i .;!l no c, v-.i;- u Ui.-' he i:ls ot lii'cseut possibinty could add more lo t;-.e strengili of this great naii(ui than the opettin.a: of this canal and ihe ac(iuisitii.)ii ('f the canal zone. Viewed from every standpoint it is undoubtedly the greatest naval en terprise of uiodern tiiiies, and I feel confident tluit this tremendous under taking will add glory to our republic. No scandal will follow in the wake of t.his gigantic work: upon the con trary. economy, energy, and far-sight- ability will be lecognized by all na tions. ‘•'i'hat day that dawns on the com- plet.ion of this marvelotts undertak ing will mark the key to the Pacific and the gatev.ay to the tiniverse. “Stantiiiig on Gold Hill at Culebra cur >ou can hear the snlashing waves of the Atlantic ocean beat on the sh(,res of Colon and watch the placid, l)eautiful Pacific only a few miles av;ay. To be a citizen of this great country is indeed a great privilege and every Americai' should be proud of the 'oars and stars that float over the greatest country on earth. ■‘At Cfijei)ra ctit we find one hun dred steam shovels of the most ef fective tyne at v.-ork. Otie hundred and twenty-five trains are daily en gaged in carrying the dirt and rock away. It is the greatest engineering feat undertaken in ihe history of the world and its success involves great er problems and be.ner i'esults than any undertaking ever jjlanned by man. “The canal will be comnleted in 19!^.. The suiiervi.=.ion of this work is in the hands of Chief Engineer Col. Goethals, and he is entitled credit for the able methods in all departments o work." Mr. Gudger is very enthu.siastic over the canal. leader, repo: is that Aladero and (h n- eral Orozco v ith the ma.in forces oi insuvvectos numlK iin l.OOti man are at we:- ir.oie than Hiisilllos, C.O m.iles of this cii,\'. .\nother force of about (>00 men is at Sail Andies and others are at San Isidro and other small Iov.t.s betwecii [ San .\ndres anl Chihnaliua in detach ments of from oO to 1'* Await Nevv's of Mexican Congress. By .Associated ihess. San. .Xntfvnio, Texas, .^pril 1.—In tho absence of explamatory d('velopments, ti\e i\ian(:tivre division ea.s^crly awaited i news of tile laeciing o! ihe .Mexican con^rr-ss. today. Creater interest. it coarse, is i'eii in the convening of the Ann rican c('n'-.;ress next Tuesday. ;\ reA'iew of the troc^'s toolv plic‘- this afternoon. About Ordinances In This Good Town noon todav onlv one 'lub had ( ■ ; . . , „ Mts members to commingle intoxicants, filed with Desk Sergeant Scuhum the 'ith of March. City Clerk Wearn a list of names ot j Del.aney was consistent people who poined or resigned Lyiipu i^^ prosecuted clubs some the organization during the month j jg |,e consistent when he March. ... ^nerlooks an admitted violation now? An ordinance of the speci- i Pridgen contem])lates, so he says fies that club managers mtt.st lou of proceedings against tho records on the the month. ,.i„ij\vhose manager has just resigned because one club failed to compl.y ^Mth which his son bought whiskey, this ordinance some weeks ago Assist- , record. City By As.sociated Press. Constantinople, Ainil 1.—Tlie Al banian soldier who last Tuesday as sassinated Colonel von Schlichting, a German instructor in the Turkish army who re))rimanded him, was executed this morning. Von Schlichiing's M'idow had asked that the assassin h.e jiardon- ed and leports were enrient That the government v.as afraid to execute him lest the action result in a n'.utiny in the Albanian army. However, the pen alty was inflicted openly and without trouble. The AHianian was killed by a firing ant City Attorne.v DeLaney ^ j clerk “wearn said today, that he was warrant against it. Recoidei ' entirely willing to furnish any citi- ' zen with a list that any club mana conteracted the order of the arrest j warrant by saying that if. one ,,er might send him. He thought the matters of public record and was very courteous in furnishing any in formation possible within his hands. A Later Report. Lero.v Pridgen, Walter Woodward, 1). K. Coxe, Fayette Coxe, C. E. Riden- Sold Rotten Meat To Customers By Associated Press. Raleigh, N. C., Ai'vil 1.—Swift & I were guilty all were guilty and upon the recoider's order summonses were issued a,!ai!ist very club in the cit>’. All were convicted, jud.gment biing sus))ended in each instance upon pa\- ment of cosis. Five young men. some of whom testified the,', drinik whisiiey in the • o„,.,._o eonvicted Farmers & Mechanics’ Club, were last , hour and A. - . Mon week convicted in the recorder's court j in the recordei s coui last Mon after a prosecution by Mr. DeLaney day upon and thev swore they were members' gaged tn an affra> upon the steps of the club. One young man. Leroy j Icauing «\oo .Iridgen. said he had been a memlier t chanics ( liib. Houi weie - of the club for months. His name has'each and two \\eie told to pay $ never appeared on file as yet. It may j cadi. ^ rinv, le on the list that is tm^ned in today.; 'Ihe f armers and Mechanics Club - ' • ■ • ■=’ ' according to a list of ii.s new' mem- month of March. The sti anger told, some weeks ago and out list is as follows.; ^ of whose testimony grew allegations L. E. Pridgen. L. (-. lurner, A. M. against al! of the clubs by Mr. I>e- Fairell, F. E. Woodward, D. L. j^aney. ^ Tliere are Section “F,” of the ordinance nn- six. but initials and j)ronunciation in der which clubs have to file a list of 1 wo instances are somewhat confiict- Tiew' members and nienil'ers who with- irig. diaw reads a.s follows; ! i.eroy Pridge's father says ths "Tile secretary, ])resident and gen- i,;s son wa taken 10 the club mor eral manager of each social club in than a .vear ago and that, l.is which the locker system is maintained,. 1,as been buyiiig whiskey there wh«_ shall file with the de*^k sergeant of the wanted to afterv.ards. titled to great Saturday has ended no one will this tnornmg filed, thods pursued ]jy lold on the witness city ordinance, a list t this great abotU the same testimony tlnit a hers tor the montl cit y. m the first day of eacli rmmth list of the members Mr. Kidenhonr's name does not 81 pear v.itii the list furnished, nor 115 Co , the Chicago meat packers, through after .Irdy l,l!;tlo. _ _ local counsel in Wake superior court, , >f all persons poining (-lub dur- j, appeared, so far a . , , r, V, ling the nreceding monui, roiu nn : a^f.pi-tained plead guilty that their loca. branch | withdrawing their membershi!) ‘ pj-ogec here had sold rotten meat in the Hal- | such club d>iring the preceding eigh market and a fine of $loO and j ynj all changes in officers and costs was imiior^d in one case and j of said club dtiring the ine- judgment suspended on payment ot j month, and at the time of mak- costs in two others. In March. 1910, a ; ^^ch list shall be reipiii'ed to sta'e lists. This i.s the second batch of in- j,a,^y f,.o,u ii|.^ own battalion and in — -- aE-iinst : T" A .. inr.i t.vc -nid dictments in connection with the ,]jp pj-esence of the others of the bat- vt'itiict ot gu ■ ' ' ’ here ^ ^ v iione' -ind for tho^e lion. .lustice Summerville had no op-|,aiion accompanied by its band and tl'.e company in the poiue (ouit heie ,,-ho haie none, and lo, tho^e position. I ton. ' Ml- . Puce, a])- veis and har- Pm’.i. rules. public buildings and grounds; Faison merchant marine; Webb, judiciary and patents. Desperate Scrap With Wire 2 hieves By Associated Press. Newark, N. J., April 1.—Three Kearny policemen had a desperate fight with wnre thieves today in which all three officers and a chauffeur were wounded. Policeman Wiiliam McGee being seriously hurt. The officers went to the scene of the wire theft in an automobile and caught the thieves at wOTk. The thieves open ed fire. The automobile w'as riddled with bullets colors, the divisional commander atid two German officers. After the sen tence of death had been ready a vol ley was fired and the htinian mark fell pierced by nine bullets. WOULD STOP DISCRIMINATION AGAINST AMERICAN JEWS. By Associated Press. Montgomer.v, Ala., Ajiril 1.—At the request of Rabbi B. C. Ehrenreich and other prominent .lewish citizens, a resolution has been introduced in the legislature asking the federal gov ernment to_ abrogate its treatv of 18:J2 with Russia until the Russian government consents to abide by the treaty and discriminate no further against American Jews. and an appeal was taken. Many citi zens had testified tha- hogs exposed for &ale were filthy and rotten. The | i)^ required.” city agreed that the fine shor.Id be | X’nd=>r this Imposed in only one case. who keep beer, whether in crate or otherwise a license of $2 each shall section summonses were issued against one club against can i If prosecutions are to begin the will likely start next. Monday, pi’O viding As-sistant (,’ity Attorney De- Lanev wants to begin operation. Announce Date For B. Y. P. U. ('oln.iiibia, S. C'.. .Vprii 1. Rev. .J. 1), .Moore, cliairman of the exectnivo cfnnmiitee, anuouDced loday the pro gram for the annual convention of the Bajttist Young Peoples’ Union Thursdav of next week in the First 'fwo of HULL OF HISTORIC MAINE TO BE EPOSED TO VIEV/ SOON. Pensocola, Fla., A])ril 1. The hull of the sunken battle.ship Maine in Havana harbor will be exposed to view not later than .Tune 1. accord ing to Frank M. Daniels, the contrac-1 issued Egainst tnis organization, tor who built* the cofferdams around 1 Since the pas.sage of the ordinance. He returned here today a section of which is quoted above, the legislature has enacted a la'v which may. or may not, change the were issueu agaiuM ^ . f.|n,rch Coltimlna whom there was nothing but .thci^-j j Vill he delivered by statement of a non-resident who had said on the witness stand he jtur- chased whiskey in it. Five people, none of whose names have yet been filed, so they say in the city hall, said they were drinking in one club and yet no summons was Rev. Ky. 'f. ,J. Watts,' of Georgetown, the snip. from Havana. Then it can be deter mined w'hether the explosion which destroyed the ship was from without or within. Charieston, S. C. April 1.— In tho jyresence of Grand Commander .James U. Richardson, of the supreme coun cil of the Ancient and .Accepted Scot tish Rite Masons, the thirty-first and thirty-second degrees were confer- rei upon nearl.v lut.v ’andidates in tlie Oalcho consistory today, the cere- entire locker system in the clubs, j monies bcin.g dcejily impiessi\e, it The law says that no club shall allow [ is said by observers. : ■ 1 -j'.: ' i • ■••J J 1II t Ti ' i'' 'f ii' ' !? i’i '■ ' I, •' I ' ' ) , I f I i ri

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