Pages • LCTlON. THE CHARLOTTE NEWS 20 Pages ONE eF-CTION. . NO. 12 CHARLOTTE, N. 0.. SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 2, 19! I PRICE 5 CENTS Hsh M a itronage ^mocrais ny Jobs- Caucus Uncle Sam's Soldieis in Camp Ai Foti Sam Houston, Texas tFV'L...Imm I'iil 1—In har jiivt noto was sounded at the meet- doniorrat:^: ’’■ nboiK ‘JOit of tlif L’2!S (lemocratio r.f.nvo? in the I ■ a’ tboir j iou. t ('nita'atf'f'' : M IV 'U'.ni nuMnb'. rs-eleet. Xdt a roll call was re- (i;;irrd on a single proposirion advan'' I'd b\ tlie men had been charg. vith preparing plans for organiza 111 o'ag'.r t;(in and legislation. Many speeches ■vf's andjuci't' made. There was continuous « ouiniit uonrrril debaio in uiiich uev.’ members M'arTi('ipat(“d wlili freedom. N o clashes ~ r.s to i? 'occurrrd :uui no bitfcnu’ss was mani- '.it> .:i''lisiv hill lu) >dat ];o.s (mh iirrcd and no bitter- :':ie luiii'ou- nes.s was mauiftsicd. uc. Mu'r. li> Hoprcs* niiui\e Burleson, of Texas, , si\ i-i'Ui- s\H‘co':>;'d .ludKc (’’laytou. of Alabama. and ;i.'. permanent ihainnan of the can- I'i. an prac .ciis. the lunior >;ung lo him bocaube a month’s I ii;' pis' ;;racefuli>- a'Hopted efcat for ihis a ' cl’airniaii •! tlu' rc>unnittee on appro- !as' Ni-ai's priations. Ashbrook, t-'f OOhio, is yecre. .• I'lnpl 'Ves ^ar.\’ of 'iie vaticu-. . \ .^■it>•llel! T’;-liner, of the commit- c*' 'V '\a'. s and m« an.-', ehairman ot ii ;'ult i nnimlite*^' on position pruning, r;’i>' r"Oi)i'm.’.' report abolif h- iT'i-, n-. '! .iob^ and I’cinmiMeei-. The oiPM'^tee on acrount.-; \'as fliretted j ,!> it.M'olui"^ i-. wislaiii ii to cany info ''iii'-rrv rcdmt'on in .i''!)s. and the com- af.'.'ii and udltee on rwle^; N^ili look after the ■p ’vii))iii;L; oh of ihe si.x rommitieeM. -.r-r r'!u- hani') Cliirk, a- speaker, is authoriz- , .1 t,> t’.il The r*\gn.lar v>'>^i'under :!',e ; iwsk'T a’lii ;o name also the jour- iil (•'•■'■k now iii.ihr the house, atid :ar nM‘s^■:.,c^'r ai 'lie si>eakei'‘s desk. i \' under iiie doorkeepe;. r,ii r is la’Kon away from thf* ^U'■ ^.1 •.‘■'ins. dO'->vkrcr.x-'r, pt'-.-! V nnd »Ir'rk 1 th^ hons?. « ho are ii ,i ipvcuied from apncinring anv of their ; iios, e'vv'^-iii on i uv rei r'lnmeiv 1 ii. (u the '•'I'"id' 1 ee >n orgamiia- ret onimendatiiv/.s, a.-, pro- \ ''d are to be based *''n an ol patrf»nage among the rli'n'oH 'On ;»■ . Mlfusiii;; i’.’E. 'lochi ';u 'r. •, t r^i-nt, d I- • i'l" 1'- > ra IO\ (■; ^ aii \’’0' ■ t .;uai m-’r;ii I i;' r» \i t*-i^ I !-.M--aker three ofh-'-'S are piM ;w ' ofliC'-'S a're'ui> t'X- iran>f'Trei] to him \o fill. ^ ,■ . • I,,- rlork of th-’ hOTi.-e 'Jii are abolished at a nei sav- .'A.. "t rT'doi' thr seraeant-at-arms a cut of \l i- Tiv.Kh' iw ti'.e speciil capitol police i.;r. -i i,.- ^i•nare will have to roncar ’It il'is reduction wliifh includes one in. two lieutenants. :-!4 i^olice- Qiici r'n f jifivates. saving 5> t • .f'o'K I'tu' (1.>o'kf! i' I' ''K'lbo "J t po.-?iiions, -avin.- ■] ffU Page lo. > s' ■ •¥' fS- . . ^ ' rWv I s^ARTitteRy f^mSNG MULeS * ih Sr-i *■ ^ fV. 5 «v)AH^M5 Beosf^ 1 Hme. euH rstGwrmG A fnAc 1p«QTO'S CO-?V?i*C,«T P«€SS AS3CClA7(OH Important Develop ments In Mexican Situation Yesterday San Antoni{>, Texas. April 1.—The claim of the rebel junta that Fran cisco I. Madcro aiid G^n. Pasquale Orozco are at ihe head of an army numbering l.:JOO uien at San Au di ew?, ?j~> miles from the city of CIu- liuahua, wailing i'i take tlie city it peacc negotiatioub are nrii under- not taken at onre and iho a.-,sptIion of 1 camti of I\iadeu) not more than enough ammmiiTion to earry ihe rcii ol-5 tio’oiudi on- iiard ImmIc. Tliat i- givoji ■•(.> (In' roas'.in fi:’.' ihe ‘’essaiion of hostili) Tliep i -. ;n'nt t,a;v.iiy of an'.u’o.ini'ion is 'i^'iu::, h('ld in rescv\e for ;]t' ani'ii’.ri :o invest ('!•’ hn.-’hua in (•a-^p l'rc^d(if-iU Oia/, docj» 1.v)!:r o\f'ri I ! rs. rli'" iuf-iirgonl fail in this th*^ ajr; San Antopio. Texa->, Anri! 1.—The departure of r;oiTie of tbc t>'Oops h^re for L'?on Springs ha"^ c-9U3cd a rest less feeling to pf.ri.-afio th'^ camp. The men, chafing unrier their retention at Fort Sam Hourton. c^r.stanMy men tion ineii' de&ire to move closer to tie Mexican line. Drill of the artillerymen with machine rj''''® been an at- j fraoti'/p feature of the operations here ar.d tli«y have performed very ■ creditable wori-- in shocting the tar-j gets at long range. The accompanyifig photos show characteristic scenes snapped at tUe carnp here. The mules j shown in the top photo arc those used } for carrying mountain batteries strap-j r.ed on th??ir backs in hilly country.} The beds used by the soldiers are bags j which they stuff with hay or straw, j .luan Sauclios A/.vmia that I’residetii aenerai I'el^ t I'rev-'ils ih;ii the insur Taft’s mesHage to the i--;)ecia] session rociion wi!! end i>'' itsoi! foi- the men of ci'jngros.^ would rei'ognize the r(U>- cannot coniinni- i‘> iigiit v. iihout mn- els as i)eHigerents weie the important j iiin'fnis if war. de\elopmentr> here. i Tju'.' siu-h n condition p\ist? la Azeona arrived from ^r.'ishington |denir .i by ihr iusurgrnt this morning, lie came as the I’epre-j leader.s here A\ ho stale tiiat. tlio reh- senlativc of Dr. Vasquez Gomez, els a^r in a i)(.'sitjon to hold out in head of the Washington junta. t(. cou i deflnifely. fer with the IMadoro parl.v. The iiar-j Mr. .\/.'oiia. ir. an interview, isaid ty met af. fi’i*: nds i.nd Uiere is U'.'' lie desivod ir '•Mi'phati‘ally under indication of any tridion deve’opings j stooii ihe re'iels were no! suing for in regard to v\ho is to treat foi'■ isenee. peace, \cona snid That the true shua : ‘Tndpi'-land," lip said, "the insur. tion in Mexico liad l>em explained j gems are I’oi i^ uing for j)eac\ \riih io T’rcsid'ont Taff and that if ihe;ci- v.ill v.r a-.Ti-pi. peae niider :*ny message of r'leside.'ii i>ia;i lo thej cloak of anwiest; . i-’f iliat ^'onld '-lexican congres:-, did not P'i:’ei v. i h | iisinly a p ir,i''n fni- ihe insurgenl'-'- j his tipprova] I'pe recogri;ion of 'iiejW--' are n'>i an’/ pardon for ! ho!lig;'r'.'.i''y ef tlio rf-be's \\o;ii;l l^viha-itig f-lve'.' ui» anus in i'^half ■'■•f oi:r ri”'’!f.~; gaaralUeed ns under the eojn ti^’i+ion. Xeiiiie:- do we want any in desnerate -'rail.; o i accot.ui ■! i promises >.\i Im'UI pcrformanres. V'rps- 1 h.e laclc i>f iou. Sin--:' IheMdeni I'm?/, has brrn neted for ihar border paii'ol as di“ngiiiened it e ;er '■ ince ii*- flirihp! into power ey liaf. beon ajtnosf iinpo;-.sihle to gei : a r('v.^hUi'!i >ie.i. ibly started to ammunition across tiie irorder. Tv. o j se;-t!r(.' i otisfitutio'iai rigldn. "We v>r th.ree important engaaemenf s Iiha e j v. oniri a‘ k some such guarantee rro:ii talcen plaee sim-e the': and ;’,is liasi Presiifenf f iinz, a,-> io put snrpe o( our gieaily depleted the sioc-k of am'nu-!m''ii in tin- c,->i'ir."t in 'he e'.piit th;it niiion, in the hands of iI:p men. it isjho s(;;. s in po\v*:r, •.\iii>h I;; not at sl.a*ed that there is ;n ihc cntirejall huelv," I receminended to congress. j i Tlie rohels are uou' rcp-'rt^d o b'''! P[JG[ mWE IN mi\u IT IS TKOUCliT (By OTHEMAN STEVENS.) intin> 1 T Camonisi Leadei Under Cross Fite Special Cable i" The Xew.«!, Viterbo, .\pril 1.—Enrico Alfano. or Erriconc, the Camorrist leader, was on the stand the greater part of to (lav unlergoing a severe crost->exaiai little onportuniiy to ra-ve as he did vesterda>’ d'tring Ins direct interroga- Big Lumber Company Buys Much Timber For Development Mexico City. April 1.—?dcxico. through its adtninistraiion, iias made a right about face and ton’glii peace I assured; 'cu and securit.v are well assured. *'jveu ii j^he^ » oiiictin disorders should lollow, r firmly be- lievc that the.\- v i^' h?.‘''e little signiti- I id i-;olutien of all ihe troubles of 1]:'' j nation. Sen r Dehesa ifv iri toav:^ .Taiiai.'», i ii.^ :rpecial r?in and i due to arrivo jiu i'c oa rdoiida'. j All of -i-.r; e a ur^nper- of slnceri'T j-. honif.i l'!''dd ihin..;: r-.-^s>- ufitil c‘‘ngrc;-'i lan b'^giu f.' tortuulaie the leformti iogica'h. j Mean vhile fontidence r»bonld in- crease in ihc government's lionesty of puri»n.,e and this should :-;crve to abate 'Ii’ feverish condition of Ihe iiopular imagination and local out breaks. In any ntiicr country under similar conditions peac would be considered kno'-ving ;'!OUir.l;lug '.if featnr t: of this situation and the Iiorsh personal view? which, on-or into the siK.-ctacle back of the scenes, as far as 1 can go is (o say "'re' Si)ecial to The Xew.s. Asheville. N. C.. A[iril i.—Aiuiouncc- d rniuc . - Kin- ’’!a. 'i‘ ra-i-al at . ;,.i'd lU'^ that t "C ,n-;M 1 v\ i, a- n i--:, -c. ; t- r- \.\v \oi;\. rooms c'l New ■\rrll l.—Tlie pool York ‘-iTy. (and their name is legion) narrowly escaped the ! iss of thousands of dollars late to day through the boldest wire tapping ,s( heme that has been attempted in 1. anv years. The medium of the at T.-ti-’o’ed eou)i «ns Bure On ’n the third race at .Tuarez, quoted at •jr. !o 1 For a time the rooms zreed- i’y snapped up all the money offer- ra!-;nia. e-:t «t this pri'.'e. Tl:e!! the play grew so .strong tha.t the roouis liegan ol-J tl'Ht i to ilie in >o,n to cut the r P i £vSURER F ROBBERY. :i',t ■ Tam'''S rr a- - .‘'tl'i' . ."U i! ((>■ luir ■ N' aM'it I ho eou.'!’' "Hiii.iXHi in ■1. in tii^‘ price, on a •*big rday" at the track had been re- eeive«l. Down t(> 20 to 1 dropped the odds in the New York pool rooms, an-l then to ito 1. The second bet- titig eciiiie in with Sure On still at L’.'. to 1, but the pool room.=! "\it the odds down to I" to 1. then to to 1. and final!V, linding themselves load e^i tiji, refttscd to take in any mo’e jnoney on the horse at any price.^ Aliogothor the pool room?, in New York were in line to lose about $->u.- (tni) on wlial aiipeared at the time to be one of the biggest betting coups f'.f the season, and the backers of the nxuns were almost frantic. It Is an '’■] tricl. of hor.-^emen to back their ;io; in po(d rooms in order not to affect The odds at the track, anri thei» lay in Sure On was believed to i.e one r.f these oceasion?. ' althonch no quotation “tlasb" \>-' X shou’d r :;Ti -or rerrer ' 1 o 1 h.e h- army, r •; to(h'V The . ■) by its ; ’i’*e of its r'f ,t;i |C'. and fra il th--' oppo- ■lu;dng The 1 e- olrtnujTie r'- nmcMf and Frcsideni Ciauchi held him | ment is made that th.e Champion Lum ber Company with $5,000,000 capital, oi'gauized recently, has purchased 100,000 acre.s of timber lands lying mostly in Haywood county and t^vo railroad propositions, and will make great developments. Tracts'pnrchased include the Pigeon River Lumber Company, and the Sun- biu'st tract of the Champion Fiber Co. The diectors include the Champion P'ibi’e people. William Whiimer. R. F. Whii.mer. and several New York and Cliicago bankers. The company will extend the Ten nessee and North Carolina Railroad to Nine Injured in Wreck. Sj'ringtield. Mo.. April 1.—Nine per- j.,i.ris w.^re irjured when eastbouud lia.'sppi'er train No. Ih on the St. Louis San I'rancisro Railroad was dor;iiled on a etirve 4.'j miles east of this citv. Two coaches were burned. s Tillman Died Asheville Last ght at 9:45 O’clock down ch.'seiy to lus questions and Erricone \'as forced to use all his cunning. While he showed niuch dev- ei ;''ess it v as evident that his re plies had less effect cm the jury than when accompanied by emotional out bursts. The most pertinent question put to Erricone was why ite fled to America when Abbatemaggio began to make his revelations Erricone Vwis momentarily non-pttlsed but he an- that i">e was sufteiitig ftoin intestinal trouble and feared that it would be aggravated by confinement in jail. ^ “What of the Camorra?' continued Pre.-;ident Bianehi. •‘ft no longer exists." “That a^.seriion,“ said the presi dent, “is explained when it is nn- aerstf.iod that a rule of the society obliges Camorrists to deny at all times the existence of the organi^a,- Erricone made no attempt to le- I'ute this statement. He continued that it was an easy matter to leave Naples '.without a passport by pro senting fifty lire, to a certain per- son. His inly show of rage camc with his denunciaTifm of Abbatemaggio when the examination shifted to th‘ informer. He described Abbate- maggiti's '■itateinents as fantastic. der.nuided to know the truth of the report that Abbatemaggio had oc cupied his time in prison by reading the memoirs d Petrosiuo. Abbatemag gio stated that he had read the me moirs. but not until after he had given his deposMions. |.;rrieone declared Abbatemaggio told lies and repented Ihe various scandalous stories sttcb as appeared in (he Naples papers. He supplied the papers with material for numer ous siories'about the alleged Camor- ra, Erricone said, and secured enough remuneration lo live comfortably. Er ricone maintained that Abbatemaggio lied boldly regardless of the conse quences. lEs m V. !;a.ii the in oseiit aciivii.v of the re- volio&)s and the unrest of ihe dange- iou : (in thi.s city caunoL en- May? Landing, N. .1.. April L--Wil- liam H. Strong, iho seventy-three yeai’ old farmer, who on Wednesday was found .guilty of the murder ot hi-' wife and sentenced to thirty years in pris^^n. tndav rei-(^ived a l^t- Canton, and complete the Pigeon Riv-j ter r;ostmarked Philadelphia, signed up er Railroad from Canton to Sunburst, j “G. K, f Ono big mill will l.>e constructed near! written by pnrnnvting to have been cance, for unless the ^Mexican l eopic Hio in all lU'ohability peace v.ill are denuded of every sense and dev Old j^nit i-,| ^ iolcrahiy :-hort Mme. but I of every ^;ense of palriolism thi.'y willihi-c ilat word rnohaiiility with sevc- be satisfied with the jn’omises 'ividejial (jnaiiticaiions. (hidoubiedl.y the in President Dia/Zs message and thcjpi-onipi and (-aim action of the govern- equally a^:-3uring meaning of ilie j ^ ])er;-ua.sive cffect probable appoiJitment on Monday •'! Governor Theadoro Iteliesa, of \ ^’va Cruz, lo the portfolio of Gobernticion. This is the most, importani po^t injtii-riy d'-tuib. the cabinet. H ii- also ihe iiiosi i‘'‘ j ,\j_, rna'ier of ’polities the mcssag''. tnate in its relations with the republn^, | fjor-iavation of the minister"i I’his api)ointmcnt 1 predicted j,,-, 7pair.i j;i| for the revoltosos days ago. .!to lu'Ohel.vte, as every onp of their dc- The pi'esideiii in iiis me;:c:age j ixiajjUs haLj met a, jjiomise of satisfac- before congress tonight promises sin-;■ Diaz has stolen the Madoristas’ cere and compiete sui»porr to | The only di.'ftnrbing jioint ia creation of anti-rc-clection lav.f'b'jti-ijjj fi,ey not believe the promi- plying from the executive do’i'-n j jj.p government, ’f'iiis makes other elective odices. Ihis has been ^ obligatory on the latter to hold the central demand ol the Haderists. j down until the promise is sub- He also advocates legislation j ;.'tantiated hy detiniie aeiion. will cur(,‘ the piosent '''j*'’ J ,\t any, p^'ac.' today is a strrtng ministration ot the eoui onor. U'dils on bet and Die prosp(*ci is tha'. cates curiailmfmt, ‘^ i pither Jiey'.-.- or DehprM will eventual' mouG power ot he jeics i .Jjq prcuidcut of I\lexi* minor ofhcials. ITe strong!,^ asks tot , legislation providing tor ihe cutting I ■ ^ of many ol the large land j gy TO ' -• HAVE GREAT SPORT, Canton. of an so that all ma> be made fcU „..cro, alleging lhat he | people to aciuire litic to small ,lj eons'^ience stricken ■ H.e also stronglj lUges i innocent I reform and freedom ot^ elections aM'J. | I proper qnaliticatifjjis- of .^’oiei^. litave organized to have gTcat sport tiirong :iioK(' ui..'-. 1. a..'. i These ^ i while walking in the strcpts to evale tericallywhpn the letter was read to I all^^the_j^omp^am all. liojrhe c-r^nsns tomorrow night. From ■{ knew’iL 'l knpw .L; the i nith j frankly recognizes an adx-aimedjidd^^^ to 12:S0 a. m. they will circu- vrill come out .^t last." Strong’s jailers say ^ ^ f~* m /•'V^\IUIII>^ ll»^l llirj V I cala theatre, Mr"^. Pankhurst will bo guilty an.M is at the punishment man. Strong broke down and wept hys- r.-cndnn. .vi'iil L—-The s;iffragettes Strong has acted like an innocent man since his conviction. Strong was to have been taken to Trenton today, btu his lawyers have reqtiested lhat he be kept here until the letter can be invpstigateu. Washington. April L—Secretary proiioses to establish a liew' order of archil eeture which will be thoroughly American. He wants to eet away fiom the prevalent, conven 7 he Rogers Kidnapping Case black HAND SENDS THREAT. Vrgas, N- ^-h. April L—As the tional idea that federal buildings must I ill of a ri.^rid investigation here necessarily be “Young Parthenons." j today \ry CapL. Fred Fornoff, of the He has invited architects ft'om all over xew Mexico mounted police, and the country to assist, in the develop-. .tohn ^"'o]iier, sensational ment of the new idea and they "’ill i (jf.yf.]op,-iicnts arc cxpected before be .given a chance to submit designs j Qiorning in the Rogers kidnapping t^-- for three proposed new buildings, one i this evening it was I tiie unofTu ial, but avoH based at Rolls. Mo., one at AVaukegan, Hh>' gci arrests ere were likely to ^.orroboration of the report of the ap intelligence aitd the desire of ihe ric''' jp Trafiager square. At, I a. m generation to participate m ’} DTprf, -\vijj l)o a varied jtrogram in tb* crnment, and cxi'lains that ihe ciiau-' | of cabinet ’^as made in dei'erence :o| this new public opinion, io (his ilemaml | jp, the chair. The rnsirch oi the wcmien for ne^/ energies in public aftairs. Uvjn h;> ;,;nig. wii'u l-:thcl Smylii a.; The record of the revolutionary iac-1 f ondactor and Miss I’cpjiercorn at tho rion is calmly reviewed and the j ,,i;j,io. assertion is made that the administra- 'i hero v.ill he ;-apper and l.u’eakfast. tion* places absolute conhdence inij^, west luid restanrai.t.where Mrs. the explanation of President Taft re-1 7,jf.i^Tveil has charge. I-’rom 3 a. m. to "arding the presence of United States ^ j,-,. tiicr.“ will be iace.s lu ihe Ald- Troops^m the border. j rich skating rink. Several mcmbcr.t A high compliment is paid to iiiC|v.ii] give ail-night at homes, army and conhdence is expressed inj 'j he suffragisis say ihal h-gal pun* its-uliiniate success. .-Ml of th’.s forms j j^hment is im)iossible, ing lo the the second step in the irogram to ”c-jfji,i]t;y wording oi'ihe act of parliament, store peace, the cabinet ^be-j john Burns- is in au awkward ])OP,U ing the first. Tiie probability of Cien-jijQ,-) f{p has -har,ue of ihe cphsur, but, eial Reyes' reiuru to (oncern himself Lh iin"-illhTg to prose-'-ntc. and ])roba- directlv with the rcvoU is the spc |-„]y there wiil Ik* no prosecniions, ow- ond and probably the most importan! jy., to the fact thai the few thousand and one at Orange. N. J. WANT AD FACTS \ P i' I —,lames H. ^■pu»' ■ .int trovernor di‘ d up’e tonight ‘ - I lore death Mr. 1 V II:. ( nngest jijn of '^'1 ajiiiarciitly gaining strcn.gth, hut could parfake of very little nourishment. The 'rillmaii family was with him at the ciui. The body will be taken to Edgetield for burial. Mr. .lames H. Tillman came into j prominence several years ago in con nection N\ith the shootng of Edtoi M. been G. GonzalcE-, of the Columbia State. Chioago, Ai-'vil 1.—The arm of the black hand, which has not hesitated to go into the T'nited States court in efforts to silence its victims by lodav went past the courts to the Federal prosecutor himself- Disdaining the caution attaching to unsigned let ters the telephone was used and a threat of death made to the prosecutor of a “White slave” case. Assistant \ . S District .Vttorney Alfred Hnrlbnrt, Vho was assisting in prosecuting Mrs. Saniina Pizza on charges of luring an IS-year-old girl to America from Italy, was called to the telephone today and a voice in broken Elnglish threatened: •‘When the case is called tomorrow YOU are to quit it, see? If yon don’t you will receive a stiletto in the iibs. \\\ have spoken.” ♦ Friday afternoon Mr. J. P- ^ Ritch, Tf>0 .North Davidson ♦ street, advertised a milch cow ^ for sale. At 7:20 the same ♦ evening Mr. Ritch ’phone The ^ News office that he had sold ♦ the cow before 7 o’clock. ♦ ^ Saturday afternoon a lady on ^ West Seventh street, adver- ♦ tised two rooms for rent.. Tho #• only address she gave was her ♦ phone number. She ’phoned The News that she rented the ^ rooms and before she had been * able to look at the ad in her ► own paper. before morning It is now believed that the crome was commiucd l.iy persons in or about Las Vegas and Capt. Fornoff has been running down every possi ble clue. Captain Fornoff point ment of Governor Dchesa Dehet--a is one of the most piogres- sive public men now in Mexico. He .has had difficulties in the iiast with : Limantour, but the latter has made ,1- itbe first stop toward reconcilia.iu;n. and Lieut. Collier, | inCnrmntion ■v'.hirh wnnien involved ill bo returned vagrants i).v th‘ itolice. wlio are in structed TO co'iTit all uprfcons in the streets on Stuuiay night. on arrival here from Santa f e Hclive charge of the work of unravel ing the myster.v oi the dis-a.ppcaranee of"' the men who stole from his pa rents little Waldo Rogers, and later surrendered (he phild upon i;a>ment of a $12,000 ransom. EXCITING CAMPAIGN CLOSES TUESDAY IN CHICAGO. Charlotte. . Savanna'n. . .lacksonviile Read over The “Wants” page S today. on Chicago. April L—Tuesday will see the close of the most exciting muni cipal campaign in the history of Chi ef fo. With charges of treachery on oacb side the republieans. with a re form candidate, Chatles E. Morrison, and the democrats under the standard , i • of Carter H. HatTison go to the polls | as Idmantour and Dehe.^a each clcuruing victory. 't'ook I according to my inlormatmn w rirti ^ should lie reliable, by urging Ucnesa!^ lo accept the Gobernacion portioUJi^ and promising his co-operation. De-.,^ besa Is the man who pluekily, at a | time when it was most hazardou.s P^"'"-j ♦ sonally became a candidate for thej-#. vice-presidency against Corral. Ilc:.^ gave the Mcdrir:-tas a free press m ♦ the state of Vera Cruz before thf’ ac-1 tual revoluthju and introduced .Madcro, ♦ to the president before hostilines be- gan. He has the confidence of ihe|^ people and his appoint ment wdl larg‘-|4»« ly F-ilence the present malcontents and,^ will deprive the Maderistas of thoi|> support ot many who would others isej-^ have joined them. Two such intellect.^, ^ ville “ ■ in these times should be a guarantee of a rap- ^ CHARLOTTE LEADS ♦ Y. M. C. A. RACE 1,106 ♦ 764 ♦ The above is the vesiilt of ♦ Saturda.\'s canvass for mem- ♦ hers in the great intd'-city 'I’ourig I'Jpn's Christian .\sso ♦ ciaijon membership campaign ♦ between .laeksonville. Savan- •4*' nail, and Charlotte. The gain by cil'.' )or the da.v was (’harlot te ^ r>01. Savannah COO, and Jackson- ♦