THE WANTS ARE READY TO SERVE YOU AND AT SLIGHT EXPENSE—SEE PAGE EIGHT Edition NEWS, Latest Edition i3. NO. 6994 CHAHLOTTE. N. C.. WEDNESDA\ EVENING, APRIL 5, 1911 'PX> i In Charlotte. ' cent^ n Crpy rni’v—"CpTits t Outside Charlotte, ■) Cents a copy Daily and Sunday o a Slush” Fund of ’,000 VFas Used 0 Elect Lorimer r 1- •'.iin- n . . T' ■ '■;i .'I M W 1- LSNflSLIB[S Att. i iir> , n .1 ,tt I' BLOCK RCftD !’>>■ I’i'i'Sb. i\ni'\v ,\i.rii L;uui- slldes aiiil \v;i',iu)uts Iasi nis:ht on llu'' KnowiiU' i!i\isinn ol' tho l.tni.s- \ilIo :ish\il!^> raiiix'ad ne:)r 1 :i- rn!’( Mt> »■;'u-t irofiic ■: li m' '\ii(iKill> (Ut'T iliis line lo 'f n*‘tl uj:. I nuisvil'o XashviTe :M(' boine i;'ourt'd «u(-'r the ■ "i rail’>v.\y via i\)al Crook. u:in w a 1'! i-'nci n.t V RESULTS BF LWmi^EE ELECTIONS By Associated Press. Mihvankee, Wis., April 5.—Complete figures on yesterday's judiial and school board election show that in The main contest, that for circuit judMeship, the socialist candidate, .Tohn C. Klesist, was beaten by the sitting judge, 1^. W. Halsey, non-partisan, by a majoriiy of 14.011 votes. Kleist’3 to tal vote was 1 l.urjo. The socialists were defeated by nearly a 2 to 1 vote in the contest for pUu-es on the school board. Mrs. S. il. Cantrovitz, the only woman candidate elected to the school l)oard, ran about 10.000 votes behind the highest suc cessful candidate. Dr. Chas. A. Bland Is Nominated For Office Oj Mayor in. wnni oi t. (' >’.UsC. I \ ■;.a- fur us \vr arr .-• I .•1 '■ A:s‘.>cin’ed Press. HI Pnso. r\as, AjM'i. 5.—Charley ii‘ii:'.r(is tKul Jevell Williaius, the oiie i'iaiunis* i;i i!ie .Madero, Mexico. ‘I'l shi>p.-. a..d the other jusi completing •■f"'‘ one nii>ntb,'s service wi h the insur- jr^^i'os. arrived he;e loday with the ■ ^ : I'ii 'As :hnt ilie lUMirrecio.s have no •res-iMT inieirion of attacking the city I of Cli;’;uahua. ! Tiitii' nnibition, said 'Williams, wlio ! ii.akes his iiomo v. ith his ino'.her. at ’■‘1 \.). .‘.Ill) West i7;iril si reel. New YoVrk. is f> i'*-.-ai'iure Casas (irandes and sai ‘ I liyocvaio the iivisone’’?, including >7 ! • ■ • ‘ I Amerirans. taken in a recent engage- ^ MU. i !UK-.s : iiiai. iiiate. ‘ f : ' t -'incirieni with this information nier in. Init i''o(-jn(>s an otticiil annoumo’neni tha*^ '(^•ntval llatacl l'1j:uia ad the Casas KirC-nuies gairisor. of .'."O foderal r’-( I'Mve bePii os dored lo proeoed to ."hihuahua. The additicm of troops, it is ei-'timated, will bring the Cliihua- liua garrison up to » or more men. 'I he insi'i rectos realize that v.ith r!'. ir to;x ■ of not "ver l.')0() men, nil;.' v ’tli carbine? and wiMi Mlery the>’ i:ave no chance the f'liiy eqt;ii)ped and numeri- ally stronger force within (he ci.iy, unlikely, however, unless the pourpenies are sjieedily de- ■ r’opod into a truce, that Madero or ■ fitl'.er rebel clii* ffain will endeav- ■ ' iinorcept l-.guia 1-is on the ip.arch. \\ irh r- ,"ard to the official announce- mcii: of this move -.if il’.e ('asas Gran- (b's lOi'i I', it i.-; con- iderod by those familiar \\ith Mexican strategy that I t ia^ i)e meant merely to mislead he . tn tnv. In any event it is practi- el lain that Tguia Lis will not M'tenviii 10 take hio prisoners with him. ! -Mndero is i.t Ranohero Bustillos, re. if his prosf iu )ilans do not mis- ar .'f‘. ‘nii’y. he w^ll soot'i reccive hi." fatli- 1 bi'otner, Alfonso, to discuss 'naiii jieac*' plans. ! . . in SCENE OF CAMMCRiST TRIAL : little church of the Scaizi. Viterbo. Italy, \A/here a score of Cammorrists are on trial fo their lives charged with a long list of murders. The trial of the “Eiack-handei s” as they are known in this country, has aroused all Italy and attracted the attention of the world. [ m WITH MLS- E OF PRES, 8! fiEBELS ti i c*nnd th‘ y and 1 ask- 1 .1- ^ ii'l !i '‘ 1 1 equii'i( > eii :.s any 1 no a. ■ : k r.i a ^ aaain-t '.ally St : a e ii'-iring 1 i’ ]?. no ■ 1 res; !H P.y Associated rreiri;. Viterbo, ltal\, April —One ut the most interesting chiiracters in the Cum- morra, Giovanni R: ]>i, the supi)Osed treasurer, was heard in liis own belia'f of a letter from a relative in Chi- today. Questioned by President H'an By .\s'Ociated Press. Louisville, K.\., April 5.— “Rebel soldiers riurrciina si.- op all sides, food stiujilios are uncertain •ind we shall soon be under actual seigo, btit social lifo goes on almost as usual” is the By Associated ^ress. Columbia. S. C., April 5.—Wade Hampton Manning, who was private secretary to his kinsman, Governor Wade Hampton, wlien liie state had a dual government, Daniel H. (rnam- berlain of Massachusetts, being the rejjublican governor, and who car ried to Chamberlain General Hainp- tonls demand for the surreiuler j)f '.ho stale capitol on April 11, ISiT, died early loday at his home In Co lumbia. Mr. Mannig served as secre tary to General Hampton from 187G to 1879: Secretary to Governor Simpson from 1879 to 1880, secretary to Governor Peter and for a time secretary to Governor Hagood. L'nder Ccmpi roller General Verner. in tlie late 80's, Mr. .Manning was state pension agent. He resigned when the Tillman faction case came into con trol of state aifairs. By Associated Press. Washington. April Ty.—Presid' ni Taft's message urging the ratification of the reciprocity agreement with C.;n- ada was read in b!)ih housv's of con gress today. It Mas list,‘ied to witn- out applause and referred to thj ap- i)ropriate committee. J The senate sej-sion li'- t- d only 2-‘) | minutes. The senate wiV (ontinue to j "mark time" until the house ■■doco j somethin:;." ! The took uj) th« nil.)ptioa of. its new rules limitin5? gem ral debate { to four hours, lo be equally divided, and granting the ])rivileg-' of off('riu:z one substitute set of'niles The in- surgents througn Mr. Xoviis pleaded for the privilege of ■^epar;.ie amend ment but were told by iiie demociaiic leaders thal amendmeiits would have TO be included in the [ir.'iio.sed repub-j lican substitute. | The rules offered by the demccrais ! and which will le adopted make com-1 ]);iraiively few chang'',-;. Tiiey i'.rovide j for the election of commiti('es instead i of their appointment li;>' the speaker. | and enlarge the mem!/ei-hi!) of sev-! eral of the C(.uimittees, Sj\ old com- { mittees are abolished. j The principal cluuiL^e is a rule vliich ; permits gernuine legi.sUrion on an ap-; l)ropriation bill when it lends to ro- j trench exi)endilures. The demoeralsj continue “calendar Weunes(iay ’ and j enlarge the rula for the dlschargo of committees. Popular Physician Dejeats Mayor J. W, Hawkins Ajter a Campaign 7hat Revived Memories of a Decade Ago. His Majority Was One Hun dred And Eighty - Eight, Carrying Eight oj the Eleven Wards in the City—Thanks People. ♦ ♦ ♦ NEW CITY ADMINISTRATION ♦ Warren Vines Hall Appointed IliOOfS f) -l.'fo IIEPOIIT Ill '•l; il • . . A I Ol 11.' J': ' n : of t-e' 1.1 had •Vi seiu 1. Th-' i been ..• !i- i't :i'e l=y tlU' ■r i r'd ■- IN The > ity of Madeta. where there are I;':' .\merican inu'i'ists. is 100 miles ir fr()in Ma(i:*ro s ('amti. The in- -Mir :5o force there is (oimr.ancled by hi of the court of the Vssixe.s, he made a 2:eneral ilenial of co^!plicit.^■ in tiie murder of the Ciioccolos, railed atten tion to discrepancies in the testinuuiy of Gennaro .-Xbliatemaggio. the inform- c’, and sousht to imuress the .iury by the assertion that, ha\ing escaped the .iurisdiction of the eoun, he vuliintarily i-ettirned to stand trial. hnaliu:: received loday by James Pritle Ol .Louisville. The leiter, written IMarch :D0, says in part: "The rebels are mustering in force norih of us with Madt'ro, the head man iv. c(mimand. There are 4,000 or o.OiJO soldiers -it this i)iace and we look for some fiiihiing riiilii here before long. Special to The News. Wa:: hin.uton, April .5.- Napiei\ Case In \% Hands Of Jury 'X ♦ Mayor: ♦ Dr. Charles Hland. ^ Allermen; ♦ W'ard 1. W. F. Stevens. .1. P. ♦ C'arr. R. F. Stokes and W. R. Matthews. ♦ Ward L\ J. W'. Lewis. C. M. ♦ Strong and W. A. Watson. ♦ Ward 3. A. .M. (Juillet, F. O. ♦ Landis ani R. .1. Sifford. ♦ Ward 4. .1. ('. llunter.^W. W. Phifer and K. S. Willianis. ♦ Ward 5, O. L. l)\inn. Ward 6. ,1. A. Austin. ♦ Ward 7, K. L. .Mas;)n. ♦ Wan! .1. L. Sexton and K. ^ W. ’i'homj)son. ♦ Wind !i, ./. C. Montuomery. ♦ Ward m. I). L. Kistler. Ward n, L. W. Wingate. ^ School Commissioners: ^ Ward 1, W. II. Helk, W'. A. ♦ Neal and D. H. Yarbrough. Ward 2, 'I'. T. Smith, T. C. j ♦ Ttioiiii-y. ♦ Ward a, 1^^ F. Cresvvell, J. ' ♦ Hirshin.uer. !Ward 4. .1 1). .McCall and S. I ^ F. Tomlinson. '♦ Ward r., .1. J. Williams. I Ward (■., W. .1. (,'ook. !Ward 7, F. R. C'ates. Ward S, C. F. Alexander and F. -M. ()s!)orne. Ward l>, .i. Lee Phillips. Ward 10. !'\ (). Robinson. Ward 11, W. .i. (Iiay. -The following .T. W. Najiier, who Is charged v.'ith ' using the mails for fraudulent pur-_ poses, v.'ill probably know wliat a j postmasters were named today: John j federal court will determ-) M. Bunows of Asheboro: W'arren |this afternoon. He ! Dr. Charles A. Bland xtas yesterday \'ines Hall, of Charlotte; Moses L. | j.been on trial since yes-terda.v anr] {‘lc('ted mayor of the city of Charlotte, Buchanan, of Concord.. The North Cliai'lotte office was created June IHOX, Mr. Hall being, apijointed i)ostmaster. He has served continuously. Recently he was appointed for the place of 'Squire D. A. Barkley, an old reuubiican war horse, who had many food friends to hack him, but ('ol. !he testimony was Jiot concluded until (U'leating the present occupant of the ihis afternoon. Arugment may con- ofllr-e. .Mayor 'I homas W. Hawkins, by sume all of the session today and a majority of isx voles, a I (cm- a da} 3 tlie jury A\ill perhaps be held over . doings at the i»olls that rivalled scenes until the following day. omethiag must be done soon or Cn-j Hall Avas too well intrenched. His re- cie Sain will have to see about it.” Special Message of Piesident Tajt On Recipiocity appointment is a merit of service as v.ell as reward of party service. CHILEAN GOVERNMENT TO LET WARSHIP CONTRACTS By Associated J’ress. Washington. D. C.. April that its br«adly national scope is ful- -Presi- appreciated and is responsive to the : . lis ppc C,ai ihaldi, an ;*:*tiliery expert j dent 'rail toda.'. transmitted to con- :;as send in Italy and South i gress a mes-sage urging eiuly action l i a 1 Captain Oscar (J. | of the reciprocity agreement wiih C'an- :'r. il’,;’:.'!!. an Ameiiean. 'I'here arejada. He stated that he based liiis ;>iily lit .\mericans with the rebels. 11 message upon deferenc to uop .lar of them having been killed and 17 iak‘'ti prisoners a' the battle of Casas •Irai'drs. Ri iisrd;> said The total dead in that fight was IM killed on both hides. R(‘Cfuf renorts tiiat a force of in- i:n*-d to • n»■ I I re usf itiUt 1 >1 \'as sentiment and duty to the great mass- ess of the America n people. The mes sage folio \vs: To the Senate and House of iiepre- sentaiives; 1 transmitted to the 61st congress, :urreetos v. ore across the Rio Grande on January 2*ith, last, the text of the !:i mU s east of here, presumably i reciprocity trade agreement which had threatening .Itiarcz, were laid at rest j been negotiated under my direction by b> the newspaper men who visited hhe secretary of state with the repre- •he alleged eamp yesterday. At the sentatives of the Dominion of Canada, village (Tf C,uade!ui>e. on the Mexican This agreement was the consummation side.^'reaehetl l)y fording a river, half ( of earnest efforts, extending over (ii nt i i\ M 7'i .\m-'ri- •i: .-•(i IS pie- stroke insurree- ci i'is. 'I'he It; and e\ iV ;-trci'tS i::if- (,i i ;t II]) Ml g (-rii iiM-nt ii'jiress the : 1 os ar‘ i. tl ai al 'i cull rol • ! n tijloi'e xipuhir will 'I'he house of representatives of the 01st congress after the full text of the airangement with all the details in re gard to the different provisions has been before it, as they were before the American people, passed a bill lonnrming the agreement as nego tiated and as transmitted to con gress. Tliis measure failed of action in the senate. in my transmitting message of the 2t)th of January, I fully set forth the character of the agreement, and em phasized its appropriateness and ne cessity as a response to the mutual needs of ti'e peopile of the two coun tries, as well as its common advan- and in- message, again con sideration therein expressed By Associated Press. London, April 5.—This is the la&t day on which the Chilian government will receive tenders for the construc tion of a battleship of 2G,000 tons and six destroyers of about l.OuO tons each. The American firms which agreed to con'!pete when the specifications originall.v drawn to the advantage of British builders were altered, will hand their bids to the Chilean legation at Washington. am constrained in deference to Squabble Over Ball Grounds. i political character that had been I I l!v W.sociated Press. ! reached, would promote commerce and ' .'laeon, (5a., Auril ."..—Mercer TTni-j would strengthen the friendly rela- popular sentiment and with a realiz- vf'fsitv and the South .Atlantic l.,eague i tions now existing. ing sense of my duty to th'^ gjeat map- teain which rei)i(>sents Macon are at I The agreement in its intent and in ; es of our people Avhose welfare is m- oii'sover the use of the ball i>ark here j j,g terms was purely ec(momic and : volved, to urge upon your considera- wlii' h belonus to the city of Macon., ^ercial. While the general sub.iect : tion early aetiim on this agreement. ''P .err claMus that under the South At-] ^^as under discussion by the eommis-; In concluding the negotiations the rep- sc'iedtil'* tlu’ college team "i sioners ‘ lairi onl,\- .. - ,, urottnds for two games. The college i authorities have ]>etitioned the city ! council ff>r an adjtistment of the mat- i ter. I felt assured lhat the senti-h'esentatives of the two coutries bound ; B b^ allowed the use of the ball |of the people of the United States themselves to use their utmost efforts was such that they would welcome! to bring about the tariff changes pro- a measure which would result in the vided for in the agreement by con- increase of trade on both sides of the current legislation at Washington and boundary line, would open up the I’e- Ottawa. 1 have felt it my duty, there- serve i)roductive resources of Cana- fore not to acquiesce in relegation ot di to the great mass of our ov,n con- action until the opening of the con- ^iiiners on advantageous conditions gress in December, but to use my con- ‘ - . , . . , convoke Board of Trade Lunched. .\ssociai *(1 Press ii'habitants, I •i!;il-.-|. Ti.e and o il' r points breast- il an! i- : l oops, I'UlKi^, i |-| els w i I h a Savannah, Ga., Ai>ril .'..—Mr, J. A. G. | ‘ g^me time offer a broader, stitutional prerogative lOUllt! (i I • a Th l> hr;. ii II Ml the interior I :t nirre liandtul ■ ^ • (tty til'. 111- :s I ' ( :i' (| 1 .jiiH iiisur- I > I'lai.tatiiiti, t)0 '♦ 11 1 imuded l)v hi.-! b i; ii'd a so-called Carson was today re-elected iiresident of the Savannah board of trade with .Mr. Harvey (granger vice president. There iollowed a luncheon at the Thtuideriiolt \acht club I^li. f'a'soii was host. The year has been a very successful one with the naval ;-toK-K iiK’ii of Savannah with lecoid breaking high i)i'ices and an unsatis- tied demand. Heavy Damage From Cloudburst. By .\ssocialod Press. M iddlesboro, Ky., April Dam- ag(‘ estimated at over a million d(u- lars was catised in Middlesboro last night by a cloudburst. Half of the (own of Middlesboro was under wa- ’ ter. Coal mines were flooded. outlet for the excess products of our ; the C2nd congress in extra session m farms and many of our industries. De-! order that there shall be no break lails regarding a negotiation of this I of continuity in considering and act- kind necessarily could not be made : ing upon this most importaiUs^^^^^ i„iblic while tlie conferences ^ve^c : (Sigiied) W H.LL-\M H. 1 AFl. nemiinix. When, however, the f'lll texi The White House. April .*ith. 1911. peiui ol the agreement with the accom-1 ])anying correspondence and data ex plaining both its purpose and its scope became known to the people through (he message transmitted to congress, it was immediately apparent that the the commissioners m?t with wide spread approval. This approval has been strengthened by lurther consid eration of the terms of the agreement in all their particulars. The volume Messac;^ Heard With Interest A ngiit in the house over the adop tion of the new democratic rules was interrupted to permit the reading of the president's message. The message was listened to with some interest, buc there was no applause at it conclusion. It referred to the committee on wa.vs and means. The senate also referred the mes sage to the ways and means com- {of support which has developed shows i mittee W'illiam Duke, who is jointly char.g- ed with Napier, went on the stand yesterday afternoon and gave incrim inating tesiimony against ins' alleged l>ariner. He told of how jewelry pack ages were substi1utel in. ex|)ress oili- ces and how the mails were used in of municipal elections here a decado o. He carried eight of the eleven wards Numbers, 1. 2.'.j. 0, N, it. 10, and 11, against 'L 4 and 7 that, went for May or ilawkins. W;ud No. I was the last to tnak(‘ an oflicial return, the vote in this being the heaviest and the officials being handicaiijied to some extent In the iiromotion of the scheme to i,uiiing crowd that '■ stood around. fraud jewelry houses. Judge Bynum is conducting the de fense for Nai)ier and i& being assisted By three o’clock in the afternoon conservative politicians had conceded by Mr. Plummer Stewart of the local |g jjj. jjjand the nomination for the bar. Trains Delayed By Freight \^ieck The “Wets” Win. By Associated Press. Colorado Springs, Col., April 5. Principally for the benefit of the tourist who desires to quench his thirst in something stronger than ice waier after a da.v spent in sight-see ing. Colorado Springs yesterday re versed its attitude on prohibition and bv a majority of 93.t out of a to tal vote of 9,518 decided upon a plan restricted liquor selling which permits of 75 rooms or more to seive their ‘guests and allows drug stores to handle bottled goods. The woman vote was large and the ‘wet” victory is ascribed largely to the fact that an unusually large per centage of the women voted against l)rqhibition. highest office within the gift of the people of Charlotte. The tight was not ended, though, until the fire bell tapped at (:).4() and poll boxes closed. Mayor Hawkins’ friends rallied great ly to him in the afternoon, but the lead Dr. Bland had secured in the morning was one that could not bo I overcome. A wieck on the Greensboro-Dan- | Colonel T. L. Kirkpatrick, chairman ville 'division of the Southern last ' (.jiy executive committee, made night, sometime after midnight, de-| ,9,t'ers in The News office where laved all morning trains for hours. ! returns were received from all the No. 37 did not arrive until 2 p. m. !-wards. A crowd of i^erhaps-i.OOO peo- No. 11 was made up at (Jreensboro, j p]e congiegated near the doors and and so arrived on time. { in the street, blocking traffic well- The accident was caused by a de- j nigh, and heard through a mega- railment. No fatality or injury was jihone the returns. Practically the en- reported. ' tire voting strength of Charlotte st(K)d near this office and listened to figures tnat defeated .Mayor Ilawkins for re- election, and elevated to the position ' Dr. Charles A. Bland, j It had been said from the beginning [that Ma.vor Hawkins relied ui)on the Beginning next Sunday there will j "interior’’ wards for his main strength be no furflier delivery of mail at fuid when these went against liim his the carriers’ window's of tlie Char- New P. 0. Regulations Begin Next Sunday Fears Assassination. Bv Associated Press. Lexington, Ky., April 5.—Fearing assassination by feudists of Breathitt county, Edward Callahan, former sher iff and right hand man of Jiulge James Hargis during the latter’s feud reign is to quit Crockettsville. For years Callahan has been al most a prisoner in his home. Follow ing an attempt to assassinate him in June, 1909, he built a stockade from his store to his residence and has seldom shown himself at the fiont of either building. TAIL END OF STORM hits MACON TODAY. By Associated Press. Macon, Ga., Aiu’il 5.—The rail end of the storm which prevailed in Ala bama and Louisiana last ni.ght hit Ma con early this morning. Rain, thundor and lighining awakened citizens at an early hour. The rain has been pouring in torrents all day long. Heavy Rainfall. By Associated Press. Chattanooga. Tenn., April 5.—Tlie rainfall in this section during the i>ast 24 hours was O.H, the heaviest since 188B. Much damage by laiul- slides and washouts of railroad cuJ- verts and bridses is reuorteci lotte postoffice. This is in imrsuance of the recent law iiassed by congress and affects postoffices all over the country. Mail will still be given out at the general delivery v.indows and those wlio have boxes may also get their mail as usual. There will be three collections of mail made on Sunday, but with this exception there will be no duty for carriers in connection with the office on Sunday. The general delivery window will be o])ened at stared hours, but Post master Spence has not yet deter mined what the hours will be. defeat was written. In Dihvorth where he was said to be a farovite by two to one he was badly beaten. W’aid No. 2 returned a major ity for Dr. iiland early and No. r> was next. Eight, nine, ten and eleven sent his vote higher and six and one were left to be heard f.-om. three, four • an*] seven having given their support to Mr. Ilawkins. No. 0 reported after 9 o'clock and No. 1 dragged away until almost 11 o’clock when it made an othcial return, j Dr. Bland, when he was assured of ' election, made a most ex‘elh;nt, talk to the i)eo!)le who had congregated to ’near tlie returns. He a.ssared them of I liis gratefulness for tlieir suiiport and tasked the cooperation of all faction' i for the and betterment of Char- ■ lotte. His was an excellent talk. Middle Street Will 7?/? PJnrp** straightfordward and manly and those Lit WVlfUJftU TLULK. opposed him cheM-e,i his ut,- terances. 1’wo years aco. Mr. Hawkins made his camiiaign fo.- mayor and defeated Mr. .1. D. McCall by a majoiity of .'>70 votes. His slogan than was that thn city should be run witliin its income, that it should not go ftirrher into df^*ir, and that from its revenues he would nil! it. rpon this })olicy, one of econ omy it was called, he was eh'Cted. He (]id not diverge from th* platform in the campaign that clofed witii ti.e luimary of yest(‘rday, but went before liis constituents with his record as aii argtiment. In many respects the campaign was an unique one. Each candidate liehl tlie other in highest respect and said iH,t one word against him. .More ad vert isin.:: s;)ace was used in the news- pap'crs than has ev(*r been used before to take pari iu the cx- iu any (‘ampaign wa.ged here. Jleet* (Coutiuued on Page Postmaster .T. B. Si>ence has noti fied the residents on what has here tofore been known as Middle srtreet that the name of tlie street will here after be WMnifred Place. This applies to that block of Middle street be tween Morehead and Palmer streets. The- change of name was made bv the boarl of aldermen recently, and the postmaster is putting all the resi dents of that block wise to the change. Initiate Shrine Candidates. By Associated Press. Macon, Ga., April 5.—Tonicht the iepijile of M\stic Shrine will in itiate fifteen candidates. A nnn'ber of Shriners from different jiarts of the state arc her ercisea.