8 THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. Al-*R1L 6 1911 ki Tell it to The Town Through THE NEWS.” I one — I — CENT _ PER WORD W AN TED; For Sale,^ For Rent, Lost. Found, Stolen. To Let. I’hone 1L5. A 15-CENT AD In this column may bring you $100.00 in businses. FOR A NOTAR'X Tlione ItK. ruBuc quick— 24-tI AGENTS WAN I ED—Sell ten feather beds and get one free, x'urner & {’ornwell, 204 S. College St., Char lotte. N. C. 12-tf. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT — For cjuick service, best machines and largest stock to select from, see J. E. Crayton & Co., 217 S. Tryon. ll-30t-eod LAY BY some change for Wilmington Excursion. 2-3t-eod ANXl'AL Wilmington Excursion last week in June. 2-St-e)d V. ANTED ^ ' >i[ i-Ji;N T coul room wiih I'aui 111 i'l'ivaiv' family. North Chun , S . r’lionc .S.'io-.l, iMt F( HOrSE for rent, .'i "''. (’iiy water, hatii. , Sll.iul \vr('k. .). T. A. 1.awing. L'14. 3-7t FR.\TERNATi Order Eagles offers spe cial initiation fee of $6.00; $7.00 weelkly sick benefit, medical atten tion memljers and family; social fea ture; a purely fi'aternal order. Every man's order. See any member. 1-tf GO-CAirrS—.Just received large ship- Hic'ut of cciobialed “Heywcod” make, i^ricos $t;.00 to S25.t*0. Ternis Sl.OU ( ash. r>Oc a woek. We are liberal, (iive us a call. Lawin.g-Robbins Fur niture Co. 5-1 Ot Furuishod bungalows at : '(’Itme 1«i-ii j T iiiiiui. with hoard. i'C.;-. t*vi\au' sl'et'i. J’hcnt I’Msi'-.l. .Ml ! ♦ ♦ ^ FANCY BRED POULTRY AND ^ EGGS. «S> F —Three tine White Wyan- - - -- — — (i'iit cr cxehangc' i'or hens. C’H};.\F—Nice >tore room I 'i'i'b !’■ Rauisev, il. b'. 1). No. a. v'. l';i. uoai Tryo’,'.. W. C. Du’- d. I 6-lt •11 j KOK S.-\LK—t'ix oiH'-> oar-cdcl hen?, 'veil- I single ounb R'VHic Island Reds. Irs. it. C. Kendrick, U> So. Myers. G-it ni'-idcrr. s c ail cou\ (‘ni( ncos. .Vl . ' ■ W. i,'. Dorr next 21-tf - — - - -1 Fv,)R SALiO—White Leghorn egtrs. 75 T Ml-,:, i n seven r.>o:n! ccnts sotting, pure strain. 'I'hone Ml\ ■ ieue-. s. LlO". j 2i'L'i;-Y. 9-tl ('( fiillVi Ti. Ai'/j'!].' \\. S.' — — 21-tf i A.X'l'rn 'l'i> I'uy at. once, six tiior- . I oiighbied WlViK' I/i ghorn liens and i (''■’f’!'- Niifliir.g but blooded stock O : c'r.siderof], Ansv.er “Leghorn," caio o : Nev.2\ FOR SALE O 's-i'. IFt.’U S.A L'O-- Hai'red and ]?rown L'-; hovn c 'I'li an 4-2-lf S’i. hily H:-ed .;as also small ic:':;'.: •■'pi'.r.ne ■ n 0 . K ^ ALL-TKE YEAR- ROUND f kci ;■ a !•!,; ! (m' Hir-es ard . , . i /crtlT’s Sonn Co. r.ii -2t I F.^NCY POl LT^IY AND EGGS are easily sold thruugii advertisornents in this colur'in. t> ■;> LOS": AND FOU^•^.. i>OS'i' OH. STOLFX (^i-iiCioman's u.ni- h..;!a, siav, hnn l..:nd!^'. silver haiui !'. ^ own-I'U (/(i" u'.ii''a\ ed. Ue- uaid if re .lined X- v.s. t)-i» pair? rin'. s''Ka!es Dt . W. F. [{. ceiv- ' ^ 1')(j ’' i!'-i n? ri''.c:’ touring !y n V, Wiil ('xcha.v;>; - 'I''! r-. .il e.-i.ue. I'lio;;.? a {' X I'Di'':'. A T T LI M T! O U V E ' E R A N S! F’eaii!:." nuM^i oi ekienburg -Vaei'a;V \eraa.-; ..;atui-!ay i‘ (>‘ei',;eK. .Ml .oae-^rs r:';iis. (Uu^gii- tci'.: aud v'hi^iiw:; oi iV.' C^nifederacy ar.- u'-;f\i a!ieu;l. Arrangeaic’its will li(' niatle I.) anrr"? \]'c an'ria'i reunion '1! ijnir ROi ;>. nrder ('f W. .'1, ;.',.1T}1, Ci'mr'innder. r>. Fil '’I'TORTi!. ,\(tjutaiu. ' d V.-1 r vs, S*' r>11owc.Li.AX't O' o •r» ‘ ii;' (' \ rj r - f). i! i 11 a a ri' ] [ ;■■■■; aiii,-ls oil jnagnifueut ' i.! u'; i'. 1 . la. Fi>-' eonrj-rts 6 2nd 3 VVcGt Fifth St. >•*'/>' FOR Rr..XT PLUMBING AND HEATiMG Reprdr Work, Terra Cott? and Flue P:ro, Wall Ccping. HACKNEY BROS. Phone 312 Chailotte Still Leads Charlotte, 2134. Savannah, 2012. Jacksonville, 18^6. The above is the standing of the Voting Men's Christian Associations of Savannah, Jacktjonville and Charlotte in the three-cornered campaign for members of the Young Men's Chris tian Associations of the three cities representing the three states of Geor gia, P'lorida and North Carolina and indeed Charlotte has a double resi>on- sibilily in that the local association represents both of the Carolinas as Charleston, ttie representative city of South Carolina is prevented from par ticipating in the contest 'Lecause of .iusr having completed a canvass for a new building. The local teams are destined to lose, in the judgment of the older cam paigners like Mr. .L Durham, Rob ert Glasgow. E. R. P.ucher, W'. B. Brad ford and others because of the fact that there is but a ba’’e 300 points dif ference in the teams and yet Charlotte is in the lead. The reason the locals are likely to lose is because of the feel ing of satisfaction and content with the local record of having made the Iiace. The score of the recent days shov.'s that, since first i)lace has been achieved that the numl)er of points reported for a day’s work has dwindled showing not idleness so mucii as satis faction with our record. The -am)iaign of last year is so recent lliat the locals should i;i'.;tit l»y the experience. It will l)e remembered that twice as many piants v/ere secured in the last da\- as during the .eniire contest pre vious to that. day. Shou'd history re- i-eat it.-^eU in titis particular the local assf)ciatiou will b^* completely snowed under. .Mr. Bucher, the chairman of the meuiherslip committee asks that e\ery wcuker be on hand tb.is after- no:,u and night for emer.gency work. Seeing ih.e men who have lieen missed in the cativciss and heliung in the Mnal liulj. I\lr. .!as. W'. Pharr has contribut ed the io^in 01' liis horse and carriage tor the li '.e of enthusiast.', this after noon and evpi’iug. .\iuomobiies are to h(> pr s; :'d into service for long i u:i:; to til:' ot.;:skins to living in tiie be lated nuMn’iers and indeed a good i c- j^M'i may he lo(.-!;ed foi’ fvniii Cha.loi'e if i'.la.ns work out as ilioy are sched uled. Tid.s (iii.’ —le.'hiy—determines v,1iieh a.-'hceiaiici of rh-.' tl'i’ee in i'.'-' conre.-l will !ie I !;e ".Me’vihors!!'[i t'i,i''n!.''''.n:. >.f SoHiir' aii‘'! entitled to hoi(j ;h-e ;-ii\e:' D'opl.y eu]) for ilie currcut :‘ea 1'. ■■X''ry ni-'Uiiier is urged to dr']' buiMii’g .'H.v.i bel;) in tiu’ a.'-llo;' of :eeurin;; n:e.'i'ho:e v.i'o ri;,',c‘ not '\orked tha:-. ff>r are ur'Ted ro d‘ Tneir iiosf icugiit. Tiu'' Ti’c i>'-esi'!ent ;)i' as^ociat ion - f sc-’'-"inv'd ; pa:v:ner—wishes to have rae’rl.'ar coat ri’iat e ca'.e lior.r's ’'^n’''!'t for the ;i'social ion as it s a x.'iu; Vied irfl-aenee I'o: the ■i-'- s:■( i:o H’ore nieini'-err, an i the raean:; to carry on the -voi'k fir i h»' .'■ear now in. its be^isining. ^Vlieilter tile (’'■.ar'otlc .Vsseiiatioi! ends the '■ (':;r in L.v centiier v. ith all I'iiis paid depends uaon this one day'.; v.ork. 'vinv;, eiids at 12 I'. M. I’e;io'VMir; i'^. the re.'ort liy eomiTiit- tres it ih,'' I wo de'^ai’i riieni;-. .I'ridng, 'vi;)i The chaiim.o: ana the points cc- earcil: C’o,I; , ee. 'ila i' i','a 11. h Doctor fci Meo AND A Doctor for Women eVv'r !ime mefi i All men and women suffering from any disease who need skillful treat ment can come with full confidence, knowing that the,\ will receive honest, coriscientious and successful treat ment. The lar.geiit and most elaborate ly equipped medical office for the jiroper and successful a))i)licai,ion of the various forms of medical electric ity for the cure of all kinds of dis eases. Noihing like it anywhere else in Xortli Carolina. ALL- DISEASES 7T\EATED. I am esijecialh prei-'ared to tieat all cirronic di.-jeasos and par- ticuli!rl\- those affecting the mucous membranes, muscular system and im- poitant organs of the body—nervous system and diseases of the blood, the skin, the kidneys, siiecial diseases, weakt^e.-.ses, etc. No matter whai your ailment is, ce.iiie and lie examined FRK.F OF CH.MIGP.. T.ea.ii just what .\o:ir lioubie is, how to get I’id of it, and t iien uiuler tne directirn of a skillful suecialisi take TREATML.XT j f ;'id see how (luickly you v, ill p,et re- I liel’. Yf:u_ eannot well ignore this op- porii.nit,'' to siiarf'. wiih the hundi'eds ! of 'th.er:--. th^ groat advcutage.s and I f.-,;i>;'r:or s ill fif this doctor. If you jsairiMM cr'/me. \rriie for s.'-'m-iviom-blan!;. . Ih'. Wm. .Moss, S[:eciaiist, lloom.- o and i -1 I)avik-'oii Rldg.. Fast Trade St.. Char- I loue. X. C. iioai s dnilv 9 A. M .to I S P. M. St;;:da\ to 1. I Three Cent Mayor Csttcr. j By As;.iocia',e;l I’re.^is. I (’levolaad, Ohio, .\pril *i.—Another ■ ei'c.n.ge in former Ma'‘or Tom L. .JohU' ; oo," er'^idi'i.rn, Shis lime fo;' the bet- jte]’, is iej'0’’t'd. lie gaisicci a good I nie,ht';' r''S.t and is eoriiforlablc todav. I \ isitiU's :u’' not a;iniitted to the &i k i recni, h.o'.vevf'r. >: !;'f>ing thought (hat j his I'l'esoi'! imnrovemeiit is due to the j ;ae^ liiai lie was not disturbed by call- I ers >esie:’da.\. MACHINES MODELS OF PERFECTION. PERFECTLY SIMPLE SIMPLY PERFECT. Needlp.s, o;i, Bplts nnd all kinds of Sevrin" Ma- chino .supplies, tlepairing a spocialty. MECKLENBURG FUPiNiTURE CO. 229 North Tryon St. Cut this out. .' is wcrti'i to /ou. RUBBER TIRES This clippin;., with $1 cash will get r 'c- set 7 best grade FIRl . 'TONE i ' TIRES. 5m set only om terms, to aiver;, e th?- s;; quality of Fllif .TUXl'i HER. ” This price ex res A^ or as soon as t - 50 se’ taken. First coi; • first W. R. STRO!JF 211 West F.:.‘jrth St Charlotte, N. C. FURNITURE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, MERCHANDISE, ETC. American Brokerage & Warehouse Co. Business Builders GROCERS OPENING THURSDAY McNeel's new- grocery store will The Ideal Triple . Ccii Gas Water Is Heats water hot i:\ . ■ Is the best tank beat . We handie and so gua . • See the one installed i room beior^ buying els^ w;, BREEN-TOMPlCr 11 W. Fifth St. Phc open Tliursday with a full fresh line of; high grade groceries and fresh fruits!}« and vegetables. Courteous treatment and prompt delivery our motto. PAUL T. McNEEL 2C5 N. Tryon. Pi'tone 2522 BARGAINS IN CHICKEN FEED at $LhiU and $2.00 ag. 25c and oOc peck. New barrel Norway mackerel 5c. White Lily brand As])aragas Tips 22c. Savoy brand 20c. Peaches, Prunes and Apples luc To. Briagers d. Co. **03 W. Trade St. ^ \o r Tjccs'\ a. KNORR’S ERBSVv'URST | Marrow Pea Soup r\lost delicious. ; Place one ounce in half pint of boiling j water, stir gently and let boil lo;’ l.j | minutes and h plate of the most deli- j clous pea sup is yuurs. Price 25c for i ii plates. I Miller-Van Necs “Tlie Flace. ‘ wO. 1. VU i]] We Seil SUNSHIislE. BRAND of Laying rood the Best on the Market. \'J. M. CrtO vVELL. Pt’.one 1C52. 200 E. fvlorehead St. l,*u. iF YOU WANT something good lo drini: just try a. - l)ottie oj. L^dic s iia\', aiidii .Pineapple > p Juice. S. R. LENTZ I rred Cochrane, fvigr. ’Phone 251 ! Y i’oints. I). ■ ]\( id It Ml' . '■ AXi '.u, .(une isi. wiiit ;.;rIo:ie iiriii o-r corpiu’ation. !iy ouul:: e;\|:ei iv.iceii :)t;sincss man. | ' .iiin- eir;r;;t (.f i(,envion. Oili„-e! :ai'. ios’ ’’miing. t)Uicha.-;ng, sales' I’.'o. i'('an arranrre inter- ' . ‘.'Idresa ■■CorJidcmial," cave i n-3tl T's hli’airix'; — aii ii ai\ih:c:eiiiiies, rebuilt, cleaned, or aii.T.,'!fu by jHolory e>:p»^rts in the irr -' t aiid besi equipped typewriter repnu- sliop iu the South. J. E. c'"a;. ton oc Co., 2F' S. Trj’on St. ll-30t-eod , 1 r-room cottage, Tli: E. 3th St. 3Iod- orn convenience?, i 1 li-ioom hoi;.se, .2U: N. Myers St. Mod- j ern conveniences. : 0-room house 40i West Eleventh, modern. 0-rtK'sm house, modern conveniences, .j20 N. JIcDowell. 1-room house, city water, 508 X. Mc- Dow oil. J. P. & L. L. HACKNEY Phone 312. 6 W. 5th St. RENT LIST \ la l-i.r '••a to sell ! 1 o . t i;:: OF THE SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE, I loan' & TRUST COMPANY. I I'lSK ar.,i oy;;ter.-, received! . .had. s;;eci.lo)I trout, croak-i‘J’-rooxn house North B. street. . $20.00 s and uoice ov^ti rs. 1., Lir.e.i. Phone 12GL : o-i'oo’i'i house 12 th St. (new).. (j-2t!^-room house 21st St. (nevv-). . 5-room house, Belmont, 202 Har- au MCiXFi'—Money to lend on improved | St.. • ir.s. jjj 3jjy amounts, from S-room Flat bev and , • t:.i- :;o.N i:.; -Tau.-,-.Sun. d i:.. a. ';:u .. SL'ii'.uu up. Aiso il you have money tl.at you want to lend on good real f ta'C! security I can place it for yuu ai a good rate of interest, and -ara.nte'.' payment of principal and ■.iierest. Address A. C. W., in care of Nev.'S. t;-2r F'\ .MACHINES for sale and rent, $2 00 month. Needles, shuttles •ind bobbins for all makes of raa- hmes always on hand. Lawing-Rob- iiins Furniture Co. ’Phone 214. 16-t£ W ’labie, married. Ml II lok-keep- " ■ iMiil n.auo ’Mie ;:il- ■ :i aation, eov. PIANO suffering from general •'-'t d' l'ility? Consult Senn. Consulta- „ lions free. Rcv^.sonable charges for aiiyi inp tliat iS' romplete restoration. Senn, the I’t (tic i:'i. F P. 'i'uiier. Phone loGl*. 6-3t ' and p.arn over Sarratt’.s store 4-room Flats, over 208 N. Col lege St 4-room cottage S. Myers 4-room cottage. No. 12, Cather ine St 3-20-241 i 4-room cottage No. 13, Catherine St 4-room cottage, Belmont 4-rooni cottage, Seversville 3-room cottage, Belmont .. .. 4-room house, 516 Fourth St., near S. Ry Apartments in “Brickrow” 5th, below R. R. New^ offices in Howell Arcade, ground fioor. 40,000 feet warehouse space on So. Ry. “Use the 'Phone 236.” 2i-tt s.A uo—One large fresh cow. J. ___ (';i]dwell, Matthews, N. C. R. F. '"1 -‘bsninu to I. 1-:. 6_3t T^ln^ aim coiieel i -I I WVXlTii) V ()d ard f a' •■n'e. Xi' .X .XTl'I)■ nil! rv. i)r fl:, room; 1 'ias» , w :ili cm:m (‘ni, |.,jn irefK} ii.;_l'iiornood. -'i.di's^. lutmin^; 1)11', c. ■ H(uis«', ,\ s, 5-3t' W.\X'I ED—Tw(» saiesmon lor Fol(v ,Si: Askie. 'tood pay and Al lOMOBILE FOR HIRE—By the ■ n an. All- t.-ij, yj. jiour. Always ready, night or ' X. w ,. t,-ii f].,y r’rices reasonable. Charlotte - 'i'ransfer Co. 'Phone 20S. 6-at I ''Vl", can do ir W(,rk. .\pplv, haSTIN(;S & MITCHELL CO., new waUur, store building. Work is progressing ■‘> 't. ra))idly on our new store. When comj)lete it will be one of the nicest furniture stores in (Uiarlotte. Bar gain hunters and close purchasers f^liould take advantage of our special sale Avhich will continue a few days ! lon;.,er. P.hone 897-J. 3-16-eod-tf ood exp'Tienced ^Mirday ^nenings. CUT RATES! Rooms. Hoard, finest •' It, location, close in. All conveniences. Apply quick—Save money. ’Phone 1870-L. 9-tf WANTl'^lvTo l3uy iv \olving book case and tiat tf>p df.W. ,J. F. Flowers,' 50S Trust BldR. : none G5'». 11-tf I CALL FOR, repair and deliver your shoes. Phone 953-J. P. A. Bowden, 10% East Trade. 12-27-tf for rent PHONE 921—Special sale of fixtures. Globe Electric Co. 3-19-tf FOR RENT—One mom to lady. 60^) W. f)th. FC>R RENT—Six-room iiousc, newly papered and |»alnt-d, TJ".' No. bavid- U. Apply 701 NO. iryua. li-JL COME TO THE CENTRAL Barber Shop and get your work done. You don't have to wait. We have seven Hrst'ClnsH barhers, from 8 to 25 years exp*rlencf!. Give us a call and will do the rest. Green & Young, Proprietors. 21-tf 10.00 8.00 7.00 30.00 16.67 s.oo 8.00 8.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 12.00 •I. . ])i! ''ujiil .1. H. Ro-s F. F. iiarlan.. F. II. f’uehor. Wo(!(iy (J^irrisc?: Thurr=ni."n Lon,'^: L. earner. ., V. \\ . Bavle:; . Ii. X. Wolfe... .\. Riteh W. Geo. Can- C. O. Kue::iter . J. F. Blythe . . . R. W. r.Iitchell. Total.. ITo 9^; 80 14GS Children Cr3^'” F 0 R r L E T 0 H E R ’ S . T O A i Ciiiidr en 6' 5 A 01 lAaren ury OfJ FLETCHER’S 3 T O R i A Qjr Oacclies, i.rievv Scst They Doited iiour auJ siiied meal, j NLiwauays lUctny iuiliers ouxi their! meal, it iooks awiuii pre'tcy, i;-at v.m; not mai-.e ureaa oi muou. v\ e' ., cilc our me oiu-icttoiiionea vvay and aii' i|J our customers nKe it. Uec the Oesi. ' (ij Asli your grocer lor Alexanaer Brot:'. j Ij lUeai aiici accept no otuer. li ne doe..-' Ui not, iieep it, noLiiy us and j uu tua.i, on {\no^ The kind of .Pnntmf; v ant---naturally t'h? Gi- —-the kind that is p!ea:.i to the eye and rr.ai.'’,- plsBsant impregsion 1 kind we are dehveri daily is p!ea;-mg p.it. ' Send us your or^J,: we Will please you. t ' prices are as reasonable our work is c-cod. Uti ALfciXANDEiFi iiROS. vn«->ne MlSCELLAAEuUS Bo DeoartiTi^nt CAV/AIJIY In the Public Eye. There has been a great deal of ac tivity in suburban real estate EAST OF THE CITY in the past few weeks, and there is big money being made by those who have anything to sell. We believe that the tide is just be ginning to set that way and are our selves investing heavily in that sec tion. W'e now' have options on several attractive propositions in both vacant and improved lots that we cannot han dle ourselves anr’ offer at close prices. See this at once: 7 rooms, new, slate roof, heated, beautifully finished, car line, high level lot, 52x175, now rented to desirable tenant at $30.00 per month. Terms easy. Price for quick sale, $4700.00. Union Loan and Realty Company MORRIS E. TROTTER, Manager. 16 East Trade St. Phone 349i ipany. Ca|)tain. Points. A Constant Lake 9-4 n Ed DeArmon 20 c .iohn Carr 5 1) J. p.. W'eddenfeller INFANTRY 31 A Robert Duckett.... 20^-i H Richard Young.... C Algernon Reese.... D Donald AVearn .... i‘7% E R. Cuthbertson .. G'jya MARINES A Aubrey Elliott .... 41 B Caldwell Young .. 2G C Norman Schiff .... 72 D Will Cavr 54 V,; E Henrj' Constable. . 361.0 in Total number of points Boys’ Department 65.3’ Grand total 2134 Simon and His Mule Came Jo Grief Simon Simpson, an aged negro, was before Recorder Smith this morning upon thee harge of cruelly treating an aged mule. The long-eared animal (the mule, not Simpson) belonged to a negro woman who has a small farm in the country and who has besides the mule, a horse and a wagon. That she may make a little spare change she sends the wagon into the city to haul away the debris, etc., and each day she employs a different dri ver. Simon Simpson was her driver yesteraay ani tfierefore Simon was the man arrested. “A poor nigger and a poor mule/' said Recorder Smith in an inimical manner. “Xa\v sur, boss, this here mule kin eat up everythin’ put in front er him. He are er good puller, too. One er his laigs are swelled up some, an’ ’rother one is stiff, an’ he looks laik ’er po’ mule, but fer th’ farm, he kin make er bale er cotton raight erlong wid the’ res’ er them,’’ put in Simon, and Simon looked as though he meant all he said in defense of the mule he had one day driven. Upon a promise that the mule would remain in the country hereaf ter, the case was hauled out of court. The spectators had been kept in a roar of laughter all the while before hand by the subtle humor of the recorder. FOR RENT—Light housekeepiTiR, choice rooms, bsst location. J, S. C., care News. g-xt s. .get i he ba^ebtill spirit. Ali-'O ge; ti'ie hn!;it, of going to the rl.'j'bi, niuce to iiurehase your ni.ruorial. ^Ve t.iiPi c:?rry the famous line;: of SiiauidinR' and Simonds. Come in and look over our stock. We ;iibo have the best Bats made (ihe Loiiisvilie Sluggers). Bat:; from 5c. Pic to $1.25 each. TEMMIS GOODS. Tliere is no exercise more lielpfiil th;;n tlie game of tennis. V\ e ( any a full lines of Rackcis, Nets, Bails, etc. Rackets from $1.50 to SS.09. Nets .$1.00 to $3.50. Balls 5t.’c each. DOc a pair. If you wan; anything in tiie sporting line, see us. Stoae & Barringer Booksellers and Stationers, Office Outfitters. No. 15 East Trade. Telephones 220 and 101. Remember our schedule clock and wait here for cars. run vi-iooui iioufce on 'jui line ciiiu a>.uoui,. in .i—'. iii. i... kjCti w i . w I ‘Ai_i_Aw wOO *N. i i,> OU OI. I'UOne; Uiucy --XO, xvca. 'i44-J lilu ;?A! tVLfSU i nlll! p. L. GARNKS SUPERIKTEXDEXT. 'Phone 1530. 29 South T ;jo1-J . KuOr i I'vU Wo P'Jt ou xiii, Tar anu Grav- c: \wicl: ,'ua uaiiu ur lijpdil' ^cL uai' « C. F. iHCJiViAi'i Phone in. CoMege St. THE GEfvi HOTEL AivP CAFE ep-uo-uaLO uiUiiio rooiii, btsauiiig lJu ptiiooni, a iuucii cuuuLci uuei^uaitu, lii bOuLU. L/OilV fcUiciiLiy locaLcu ou ooutu iryon tLiefcL. toiricily i-uiOi^ean. Special Rates FOR THE Base Ball Game BETW’EEN THE University of N. C. AND University of Virginia AT Charlotte, N. C. Monday, April 10,1911 Southern Railway will sell reduced rate Round Trip tickets, from all points within a radius of approximate ly 100 miles of Charlotte, including Asheville, N. C., and all intermediate points. Tickets will be sold on April 9th, and for all trains on April 10th, scheduled to arrive at Charlotte be fore 2 p. m., with final limit of all tick ets April 11th, 1911, For further information, rates, sched ules, etc.. apply to any Ticket Agent Southern Railway R. H. DeBUTTS, T, P, A., CiiarloUe, C, MOVED 1 have movta my Terra Cotta Pipe Yaru to oiu oL., uetweuu (jolitsiifc bt. ana lUe ruiiroau, "lu lue xieaiL 01 the Ciiy ' wiiere you wul imd every thing iu pipe and tilings, i-'lue pipe, Cummey uuiug, Waii copiug, tic. C. V. FURR, Office and Yard East atu St. Between College and R. R. ANOTHER FRESH SUPPLY Sherrill Mineral Water, the friend of suffering humanity, just in. Phone orders 918. SHERILL MINERAL WATER CO. 211 S. College St. For Sale One 10-room house, corner Vance and A Sts. One 7-room house S. A St. One 10-room house N. Tryon St. 3 6-room houses E. Vance St. ^ One 5-room house W. 12th Ct. A Two 4-room houses N. Brevard I St. One 6-room house E. Liberty St. One 6-room house E. Hill St. Three 3-room houses Winona St. One lot on S. Tryon with 4 3- room houses. SPECIAL PRICES OK EL SUITS $14.50 to $33.00, chant Tailored. VVorl; and Fit Guaranteed. GREATER CHARL PRESSING CLL' 19 West 4th St. Pho Profess! o O' Dr, H. C. HencJerson. Dr. u HENDERSON & OgNTlUIii. Office, riunt; Bl.jg., Vho*r3 21c. DR. A. a GLAl 0& » i J; Office, Sixiri Floor *jr HOui'ii 9 to L i; ■ And u>' appoi.Tv I Oltice ’puoue lo..;. u CUUttUlUlLlOIi . C. McNelisf No. S3 East 4th SL ^ 'Phone No. 604-J. A Office ’Pho» e 325. U w. ciatr? L' i M i i ^ I« Realty Suildir.y, c Or. t"l. 0;a V» ri . , . '^c. Realty Bunci;rij^ Hours tc. iL, i> Phone, Qttice, tcnsuitaiiin ^.l L-rrics., F. L BONFOL ArkCnl I fcG i. Supervision of Constr Oitice 211 N. Tryon. H HUGH W. HAl A • 1 uai\ tv Law Building. Ci J, M* AlcAli V ARCHITECT Rooms 5U5-506 Trust chAKi.u ;it.t N.

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