A ^ .. I I'll" ■PPPQiP T?IE WANTS ARE READY TO SERVE YOU AND AT SLIGHT EXPENSE—SEE PAGE EIGHT Edition •NEWS « Latest Edition rO. NT-. 6996 CHAHLOTFE, N. C., FRIDA\ EVENING. APRIL 7. 191 I T>T> Y^'C'J In Charlotts. ! cent^ a Copy Dailv—."C^ms Sunday Outside Charlotte, ■> Cents a a copy Daily and Sunday 2 iMdes Answer liie Allegations d Against Hirp, . .i ;,i To-day Bankers in Quest ic Gcntkmar, ly For and i in JaiL OJ 0 1 at 0 r s ,.o.bi iii/ of The R.:>: The Re- 0\ utioncil ■ tlany Monihs Xows Huroa\i. Ccm^ross, Hall. (By. H. E. C. B.) Wn^'tirj^hni, 1). \iiiil 7 -\V. C. \'.’.rh iiis SI, :'t (,'iiai'i; i)resi(lonl oi’ ii «‘ Carolina I’.ankers’ As.socia- 'A'. A. Hum, of ileuden^on. >'( It 1 ;i! \ ()i (i;.j association. wont V :':i .■'■fnaior Dvcin.an to set' Dirocior K‘'li('i'ts of the M-nt. and others, to- to invitt th'Mn lo speak at the .'iiiinal c. nvtMuion of Xortii Tarolina In'. ! st iitis yj'ar. but all tif the >;en- , . 'it'iMt'ii (1( -.Mod wore out of the city. , Mc.'-.'i s. Wilkinson and Hunt will le- ,i; in' si;'".V turn hciine and conie asain nexi week, s! I'lii don '— ticiiii'd Xorth ('arolina Hankers' Asso- ■ Pin; aim c'iition will nu'ot this summer at Ka- , I'l ii-ica ;r-:, ui\ in CON&RAT^ U1AT.0N^> COCO-COIA WINS ITS case ! HON.W. J. 5RYAN HA5 BEEN OF FERED j^a.,000,000 TO lwe in MEMPHIS TtNN. THE ABOVE G-ENT IS Na/ILUNS- to UVE in &KSEN5BOK.0 FOR HALF THAT AMOUNT ' ;uil. 1:0 :rti !i> ; iie >' all the liio his ' " da > ; i; 111 pe i- ocatiT. n:. id t'a- I 1 ; 'li ail . ^:n! - ; ' "a l.akt . Mr. Wilkinson. eashi r of iht> Mf-rclianis I'i P'armers Hank, as IM'i'sident of the assoriation has the u’.nrter of seeurinii speakers for the occasion. Mr. Wilk'nson is expected to reiurn to the cltv tonicht. GilllRCED ilH mu Mills TOOEFRSyO _ i’y ,\,-;.'0'"iaM'd Press. ‘ j;,', , - r.osicn .Vp.U 7.--On charges of us- V • iut; ill.' i'nited Stages mails to defraud I. ‘ ilit' public of lar:;e suii-s of mcuiey. ' V' H. Whe*''!er and Stillman sha'A. inc.. fv,mcrly fi.~cal at;ents f>'v 'hr .\o:ih .Vmerican Rubber Com- , .1 a ( i.;iTiy. cf tl'is city nnd Hyde Park, were ' ‘ j i.iio.^‘i '1 today. \ foiir.r.l piea of not ,i;uiliy wn?. ' cii'rrc (1 '.vln’P Wiioeler and Sha'v II. I H-Oii , j ^ a ht^;’,rius: before Commis- ■ :i' or his ^ were oi'der^d '.sv.cr atid , t'oi' :i lieariniT. ‘ j ir is charccrl ihat has :.i j i,f,fn ,-;-'ci:!fd trom rite puiiiio, tlie . !'!■ !i her,', h( ii'. hoid m alle^d reprc'senta- ;;a> today rvhirh indicated a clear ]irofit ,,f .-.icy rcp.is r pound, whereas it is He '3'thar e'"'ry not^nd of the iiro- /".I’.iiinn (iMct \'; s sold nr a heavy los.-. n-iosE OTH€K TWO SCOUTS MU3T H/^VE GOl L.05T M oC. GrAMt OUT OP Big Ship Beached on The *‘Giavet,ard Of The Atlantic” MllllOnaUe Brewei ' seventeen Hundred Passengers Sunendered toSheiiff German uoya steamer, Prinzess Irene, Spend Sleepless Night- Ship Fast in Sand. HE IL BE THEBE WITH BEU3 ON ! CHARLOTTE WINS TVIE RACE ] CARTOONLETS ON LIVE TOPICSI l[PlilE PRIEST SyCGESSFUlLY FlIS IIT TRUL By Associated Press. Viterbo. Italy, .\pril 7.--The trial of the Caminorrists was interru]>ied again today when Ciro Vitozzi, the ac cused pries', weakened by a self-im posed fast, fainted, fie was iit'.der in-, ... teirosiation pnd bad worked hims-U’] si ates are here today preparing lor iuio a stale of mental and i)iiysical i >'• exiu-usrion rntil he tumbled over. . , ■ t - asr.i" ! il,e sleel bill's ut llie pi.isoii-i'I'e .\ational tlecnic I.iglil Asioci.i^ cme o„„ori,Miely j.I.e .pobtems of con..rva,io,i ViK'zzi foliowin'j; hi.=5 declaration that if Xew York, .-\pri! 7.— D.-^legates from every state east of the Mississippi riv er and from several far-western os i opening of the special conferen(;e )f the Power Transmission Section of he Xational Electric T-ight Associa tion, which tornorrov.- will grapple with the poblems of con?ervation as re gards the electrical phases of the sub- RROUGRTTO JUREZ TO-RftI By Associated Press. St. Louis. April 7.—Ellis Wainright, a millionaire i)tewer. who was in Eu- ro])e Avhen he was indicted in IHol on a charge of bribery in connection ! with a street railway franchise, sur- | rendered today to the sheriff. He SCd Made TranSjCT Of was leleased on $20,000 bond. , ^ j j Wainw l ight was abroad when Cir- j cult Attorney J. W. Folk who later be- i came governor, began probing the brib- ery scandals in St. Louis. He, was j one of the directors of the St. Louis ’ & Suburban Railroad Company, whose name, it is alleged, was signed (o notes for $1 :’).■>,OOO to secure the passage of a ' franchise bill. Wainwright continued to reside in Paris. ‘ fc]fforts were made by Folk to extra- Passengers Difficult But Sis ter Ship Planned to Take on Entire Number Du? ing The AJterrioon. By Associated Press. Lone Hill Life Saving Station. 1>. L, April 7.—Trans-shipment of pas- I ~ f'l sengers from the Prinzess Irene was due him Iiut they were unsuccessful , , e. s have tried * o clock this afternoon and Wainwright ri friend to get the indictment nolle prossed. Former Governor Folk was retained a year ago as special prosecutor in case * Wainwright returned. ail* ,-ar iii;*.' l.ar iiiMTrs! c- in ’■.•r ('• yer‘T> i'U-vt d vveal- i r- !'i' -.xan ’.I ' i:i cach (:'.ce i,'-. i- '".>re • • '-(ilr cd 1 ;i* ii*'d ou Ills Senaioi Mai tin to Lead Minority B'- Asr^ociated Press. Vi'asliiiiyton, April 7.—Senator Tliiuna' f. *..."irtiu, of Virginia, will lead the democratic minority in the . ui and he I'uiied S'fites F.enate, it was conced- ;-.r!* d hi:- ,1^13 afrevnoon, despite the opiio- 1. and ■ ms ?'>u- sitioa t'f V,'iliir>m J. T’.rvan, Sei.aic-r Slone and a number of party progres- .'t> iha: clrcu-1 i a’'dn:i L’ud . sives. '. a i'ondliiou-| -'■t- ^ lii'climinary parley this after- '! Ir- pardon I iinon it was agrr-od that opposition be ..•vi.,;, but *he • rcu'steved against Mr. Martin on tne • Lhit.1 ex^cu-; H;-oi;nd that a younger man, wh'-se pi( gi'f'ssive policies had been clearly ■'.M iioiul'.bc'ir- (S'airii=^]:'_'d. should be named for I, K k !c) iiid ;’,K' place of caucus chairman and mi- • •.> & I 'r, nority leader. However, at a second ;i; i.( Ivhbors cohference of prc'gressives later in • ii!,i Hot :he afternoon tlis election of Mr. : ' .ckr a^M. Mi.rtin wa'^ ctmccdpd. . , I-, f)ii It had l!r>en a.irroed at the first : prv-iilf- n’.'f'ting thar the names of either - Mie')! the Collators Ci’dberson or Stone should iiMiU'. it wa?: ' presentpd in iho democratic cau- r • the ill ojiposirion to Mr. Martin. The . :"." -i)n cir he had absiained froni f(>od for I'lOt.irs. He iiad brei! telling a sio'y of liis aji^'.L'od persecra ion in p.risou aiui the reciial was not without dra in;-ti(' etfoct. , _ (lio'ianiii Raid was not iiresent when the trial was rest'med this moniing. His i)liysician certified thai he was sutl'ering from a sore throat as a result of having ‘'cried too much during his inieiTogation.’ The proceedings opened the recall of Vitozzi. The inisoner de scribed attempts which he said had been made to make him appear guil ty of complicity in the ntiurdpr of l^cnnaro Cuoccoio and his wife. While he was in prison, he said, he was confronted with a man who offered him $20 to denounce certain prison ers as guilty of the Cuoccoio assassi nations, adding that if it was neces- sarv he would se)id the priest to By Associated Press. El Paso, Tex., Ajiril 7.—Eighty-three wounded and a number of prisoners taken by the Federals at Casas Gran- des w^ere brought into Juare/C today. The wounded lay iirone in box cars, but were well cared for by the escort which numl)ered about 2o0. With the latter \vere tv,o field jdeces and two rajiid fire guns. General Eugia Ids, recently ordered ,, to proceed wiih his force from Cases ^ ' The findin.ss cf the conference avIU i (^randes to ('hihuahua, is reported to FIFTlf MEN EN- TOMRED NR KRP By Associated Press. E he tran.-niiited to the association atj‘^a\e lelt tor the lattei place, its annual convention in May, to be Twenty-five -soldasas” or women formulated into hints for congressional I camp followers, \\iio had become separ- action in the li.ie of legislation affect- ated from their husliaiuis in the Foder- ing the water-jiower sites. As the as- Scranton, Pa.. Ajiril 7.—Fifty to sev enty-five men employed in Bancroft si ill aboard awaiting transfer when a surf boat bearing 1 .i women left the Irene's lee side and headed away for tlie relief siiip, Prinze F'riederich Wilhelm. Xo passengers can b^ risked in small boats ai night, the adinirality law forbidding. The niagnittide of the task of completing the rescue by da.\ light appears when ii is reineml)ered it took is hours to transfer the passen gers of the sinkin.g steamer Republic. The sea is rough but no apjirehen- sion is felt for the safety of the pas sengers while the are being trans ferred. Lone Hill i.ife Saving Station, L. I., April 7 The giant Xorth German L>)yd liner Piinzess Irene was s'ill lying hoi>elcss in tiie*gri|)ping sand keys off here today wiih her 17l!(i passenger.s o the mine of the Scranton Coal Company at Throop, are entombed in the inner workings with all chance of escape cut off. Fire is raging along an entire vein. Two 'men who escai>ed said there .sand ihai wlieii were fifty men shut in by the fire and would likely be suffcated. At 2 o'clock this afternoon it was fully realized by miners and admitted bv officials at the colliery that the sit Prinz Friedrich Wiiheini. which has been sent to her assistance from New York. The stratide'd Irene rolls slightly in the swelling sea and is she struck the shoal in the fog yesterdav morning. A breeches buoy connects the steam- shi)) with the shore while tliree life- social ion embrace' ninety per cent of the capital invested in electrical com panies in the Tnited States, its point of view’ cannot w^ell be disregarded. Tiie purpose of tomorrow's confer ence is outlined in the statement of the association's president, W. W. Freeman; “The political conservation piopaganda tends to tie up all natur al resources, including water supply. We assert that such a policy is one of waste. There will be no attempt, however, to make this view prevail at this conference.” Papers coverin.g every angle of the water-power problem will be read and discussed. The effect of anticipated America, as Erricone had been sent. I jpcvislation as concerns conservation on He told of the alleged abuse of so-called “central station" indus- him by the exaniin'.ng .judges during I t,-y ^vill be gone into detail. Qtiestions his preliminary examinations and while iic v.as in prison, .fudge De al ranks, airived at Juarez today. They walked from Chihiialiua, L'lO miles, pushin.g a handcar thiit bore their mea gre belongings. Where bridses were out they forded the streams, carrying the hand car. Fnited States customs guaids rei)ort a force of 400 insurrecios at San Igna cio. oppisite Fort Hancock, east of El Paso. The ajipearance of the force lias revived fears of an attack on .Tuarez. Despatches from Culiacan, the cap ital of Sinaloa, declare two en,gage- ments have taken place near Mojolo and that a number of wounded Feder als have been 'brought to Culiacan in ox carts. Couriers from A.giia Jit a. near Mo- .iolo, broughi in reports of an engage ment in which it was said forty instii'- recios were killed by the Federal ar- tilla. he said, had insulted him, call ing him “a Camorrist pig." WOULD CHANGE CAPITOL OF FLORIDA. By Associated Press. Tallahassee, Fla., April 7.—A biM providing for a .constitutional amend ment election to change the capita! of Florida from Tallahassee to St. Augustine, wjii* introduced into the legislature today. It is thought that any attempt to remove the seat of state government will start a spirit ed fight. The legislature got dow'n to real of the right control and transfer of j ^ water power by state and nation, terms j Quiy troops are left to garrison of transfer, calculation of power j Governor Redo has been erated, tenure of grants, the ri.sht | maintain a defensive atti- of the individual property owner and basis of assessed valuation will be considered. R D. f^iOORc. rr'::as and Missouri senators refused 1 work today after the various corn- t:i allow the presentation of their 1 i^iHtees had been filled and coninr.t- riiis might have had the ef-|iees clerks had been appointed. A large number of bills w'ere introduced into both houses. Amon.g them were measures looking to further anti-bot- tinc legislation: to chan.ge dates of elections: fixing rates for t(>le.graph nifssag.^s. for preventing shipments of liquor into dry counties and to change court procedure. Both houses after the morning ses sion ad.iourned until tomorrow. p.:'i nios. •-cr'i ;f bursting tiie bubble of the I-nij'.or-itioTi ro the Virginian. Senator \'h'alands will stand for nomination 'asTDinst Mr Martin in the caucus, but 'I* is 1 r* yum.^d thi' fcrni t)f protest I will ie i.'urrly jierfunctory. I V- il'iam .1. Bryaii explained at the R. 1'.' ’,vi)i;f liouse toda.v that he was not ti‘ fjpfiosf'd to tlie election of benatoi n’.'i /Tirtin as minority leader of the II senair, V)ut said tliat he ]iersonal1y ii- 'd to. ii!,i ■■•ot-'^ for Senator Martin w. i'e a niv'tnber of the senate. Lippincot‘. Two Killings Near Lumheiton ■'m'' fillM-r ■I -111 Ilf 'ill' ,. illlisllC! ", ~ iiMUlC '. || in his ;;t 1 i a. . also '''ill i.vMiii- still S|,“f ial tf» Til' XV w's. IIll!)ei tun, April 7.—Willie bmi*h wa., shot and almost instantly killed todav iiv .lini Byrd, at the Lumberton ('otton ‘Mill villa.ee near town. A grtulge f)f long standing is attributed as the cause of killing. B.vrd. along • I- i.ijipiu-j \vitl, Warren West, was arrested and despi'ej in j;iii lo await trial. West is Ilf his as an acct'ssor.v to the crime, during ajji i,eing laimed he started the row rai Kill, shntj,||;,r p„(Ud with Byrd doing the kill- 1 in.u. , Sheriff McXeill received a phone / for Capital. ,,,, ssagf toiiav informing him of a killing at the' Beaufort Clounty Lum- be»' Company plant near Fairmont, one negro killed another over a wo- n.an. Xames not obtainable. >.'i^ tlia: Ma- Kiii’y !or !h(* new :"i' liif ri inoval ;'|i!ii .\'!ania to I '■ r» iK'W (t. I ■i.e ,i 1 1,.* IcL'isl i I ' . has ai''( ad\ ' ^ I'l- will iiilro :i" i-’ciK ial as Aeroplanes at Savannah. By Associated Press. Savannah, Ga., April 7.-Savannah is lo iiave .1 series of aeroplane enter- 1' Mie i;i \v ' taitiments. A plot of ground has been aii;iim(d lor j i(-ased I'r the ('veuts and the* fiist • aimiim n;j exhibiti(Mi will take place probably to iiiovai. I iiiorrow. Want Pardon for Stripling. Bv Associated Press. ‘Atlanta, Ga., April 7.—The Georgia prison commission this morning recom- merded to governor Brown that he grant an unconditional pardon to Thomas Edgar Stripling, the former liolice chief of Danville, Va., who kill ed a man in this state 14 years ago and escaped while being taken to the penitentiary. His fate now rests with the governor. The commission heard Stripling’s plea yesterday. Stripling is in .iail in Harris county. Georgia, where he killed W^. T. Cornett for an alleged insult to Stripling’s sister. While living in Virginia he was known as Morris. Mrs. Brooks Not Guilty. Fort Worth, Texas, April 7.—Mrs. T M. Brooks, wlio has been on trial here for thep ast w^eek charged with the murder of Mrs. Mary Binford on .lanuary 16, was today declared not guilty by the jury that has been hearing the case. , ^ n Mrs. Brooks is the wife of a well known local attorney and during the rush hours of shopping went to a large department store, where Mrs. Binford was employed and shot her to death. Mrs Brooks claimed that Mrs. Bin- ford had tried to alienate her hus band’s affection? The verdict was rendered in her 1 favor on theg round of insanity. Greets King From Ail ship By Associated Press. Friederichshafen, Germany, April 7. —In his dirigible balloon, the Xew Deutchland, Count Zeppelin, wdth a number of passengers, set out at 8:25 o’clock this morning for Stuttgart to greet King William H, of Wuertem- burg, and Queen Charlotte, on the oc casion tomorrow' of their silver wed ding anniversary. From Stuttgart the airship will proceed to Badden-Baden and Duosseldorf. Arives Safely. Stuttgart, \Vuertemburg, April 7.— The airship Deutschland arrived here at 3 o’clock this afternoon and circled over the royal palace while Count Zeppelin dropped a parchiite bouquet with his greetings to the King and Queen. A landing was made in the su burbs, where additional passengers were taken on. LORIMER WON T TALK ABOUT PROPOSED INVESTIGATION. nation is grave and that an almost saving crews stand by ilie iite saving hopeless task confronts, the rescviers boats t>n shore. Xear the Irene. B\Nasti- in attempting to reach the entouiljed ii'g about in the seaway, are the reye.- Djpii. nue ciit'ers Seneca and .Mohawk with \1 2;:'>o p. ni. the fire in the mine a litile fleet of tugs awaiting to aid was still burning. Ui the transhipping ol tixe passengers. .At this hour the statement is made 'I’here was a smart northwester blow- (lial forty men are imprisoned in the ing this morning which stirred ur» a burning mine. iuin]iy sea and life sa\ing crews — i thought that unless tiie wind and water At M. E. Conference. f moderated ii would be dangerous lo „ . . , i transfer the passengers. By Associated I ress. j yj,^re is absolutely no fear for the Mont.gomei’y, Ala.. A]>ril 7.—.\t this safety of the passengers who. in tact, morning's session of the edu(;ational show no apprehension over their en- conference of the Methodist Episcopal forced stav on the shoals. Some ocean church. Soulh, addresses were made by voya.gers playt^d bridge in the (;abin ii. X. Snyder, president of V.'offord while others attended the band con- Col'e.ge; Rev. .\ndrew Sledd, [U'esid^'Ut (.(jii. Xtiilier do the steerage i>asseu- of Southern University; Tiev. E. H. gers show any fear. Rawlings, and others on siitjjects per- Xew York, Ajiril 7.—In practically ta.inin.g to the church college and its same position in which she sud- work. Rev. .1. Blackard, of Brown- denl.v found herscdf while groping tliroiigh the fog yesterday morning, (lu'light today disclosed the bi.g Xorth German !.loyd steatiier Prinzess Irene stuck fast in the sand of Fi’-e Island, beached on the edge of the “grave.\'ard of the Atlantic, the trf.acherous sand pit ^\hich skirts southern Long Islanfl. 'I liise of her CONFEDERATE VETERAN STAFF APPOINTMENTS ARE MADE. By Associated Press. Chicago, 111., April 7.—Senator Wil liam Lorimer arrived here early today from .Johnstown, Pa.,,where he had in vestigated a mining device in compa ny with a Chicago engineer yesterday. The senator went directly to the La Salle Street National Bank, where he spent the early part of the day in looking after the bank's business. He declined to be interview'ed in connection with the proceedings of the Helm committee by Clarence S. P"un’K, of the Interantional Harvester Compa ny. that his company had turned down an opportunit.v to contribute to an al leged $100,000 fund to elect the sena tor. ville, 'I’enn.. ])resident. Big Counterfeiting Scheme. Bv Associated Press. ^Vashington. April 7. - What secret service men charge was an extended plan to flood the middle \NVst with coimterfeit gf>ld coin has been disct-v- ered in Kansas City. M. R. Litile and ,7(10 jias.scngers v,lio arose early af- and surveyed Charles Devault have been arrested ter a sleepless night there charged with passing counter- their predicament fioni ihe de l-. lei"Ulrand l'..an'e eaKk-.s. | I he liis Inu-r ilie I lifp Hrivf^rs \\lio nnd i>rcn jiaTioiiins Won Championship Cup. j >be beach all night. When Rv Associated Press. ' f > seaward they were spat n St Entrustine Fla.. Ainil 7.—.1. Stu- by the :-pray ()f the great art Blockton, rear commodore of the swells which ir”threaf- Motor Boat Club of America Ibis morn- pilmg highei • -j, ing won the Southern chami)ionship ''•ii.ng ()nslanght a^Jin. t e . cup with the speed boat Vita of Xew broadside. ' A twcniy mile wiiKi iiom me isonihwest whicii heat a.gainst tlie ves- Farmer Fo’und D«ad. s-l a. nmliiiglii T-!v Associated Press I'> " had increased a little at da^^n 'St Au-ustine. Fla.. April 7.-Xeison ' and the government ].rediction was .Jordan, an aged farmer living "‘‘if* j miles from here, was found today dead during the da.\. The tu^s w h his head beaten In with a club i Polled at her at high tide this morn- and his houi mbbed. It is thought j ing had hauled the .stern of the ves- r;^lu;:r Xmnted the deed. |’"'eir^ns "hi^i By Associated Press. Columbia, S. C., April 7.—An order promulgated today by General J. Ful ler I^yon, chief of staff, under instruc tions from General C. Irvine Walker commanding, designates the sponsor for the army of Northern Virginia department and makes several staff appointments, preparatory to the an nual reunion, at Little Rock, May 16-18, of the United Confederate Vet erans. Miss Frances Rawds Wadleigh of .Petersburg, sponsor, will have as attendants Miss Bessie I.amb of Rich mond, Miss Juliette Opie Tabb of Parkersburg, W. Va., and Mrs. Mary Stark Fowler of Little Rock. The fol lowing ^afT officers are appointed; Inspector General, Col. William Gil more: Mms., Barnwell, S. C., aides, Lieut. Col. D. W. McLaurin and Ed mund Bacon, of Colunibla, S. C.; C. M. Calhoun, of Greenwood, S. C.; W. B. Horner, of Chesterfield county, Vir ginia and Major Eugene Polk of Little Rock. Mapor Polk will carry the de partment colors in the reunion ua- volves, rade. money.” Fiee From Arizpe. By Associated Press. Agua T’rieta. Mexico. \ia r)ouglas, Ariz.. April 7.-All the officials of Arizpe have lett that cit>' and fled to Cananea, according to a report received here last night. Arizpe is probably now in the hands of the rebels under Juan Cabral. The 300 federal volunteers at Arizpe are not accounted for in the report. It- has been reported, however, ^hat theie has been fighting in the vicinity of Arizpe during the last two days. Insurrectos have also entered the gold camp of Las Chispas, m the Arizpe district which is owned by Swiss. It is one of the richest carnps in Sonora and sends its gold bullion on burros overland to Nogales. Favor Arbitration Treaties. By Associated Press. New York, April 7.—The New 'V o”k chamber of commerce will send to congress and to the president copies of resolutions recently passed by that body urging the negotiation Great Britain, France and other lead ing nations, of arbitration treaties The resolutions use the words of President Taft referring to the trea- tics ‘*such as shall establish positive agreements to abide the adjudica tion of international arbitration in every issue which cannot be settled by negotiation, no matter what it in- whether honor, territory or Mr. Johnson's Condition. f3y Associated Press. Cleveland, O., April 7.—Notwith standing he spent a rather restful ^ nisht former Mayor Tom L. John- : t son was reported to be weaker (lay. He is not allowed to see any visitors i inal position, but tiieir j)ushed the stern deef)er into the sand bar. The i>robiem of transferring the passengers in such weather as oh- ained tliis morning or that predicted (Continued on Page Two.) Financiers to Finish The Elkin - Alleghany Road And Make Some Extensions Newc Bureau, Con.gress Hall. (By H. E. C. BRYANT.) ^ Washington. April 7.—It have it on the best of authority that men plenty able to finance the proposition will take hold of the Elkins-Alleghaney railroad, surveyed from Elkin to Spar ta, and complete what has been plan ned and extend the original jiroject into Virginia on the north and to Lex ington on the south, making one of the most imteresting pieces of railroad in North Carolina. Twelve miles of the road has alread.v been graded and money secured to finish it. Such a line as the one proposed would open up the Surry. Wautauga. Ashe and Allefihaney country. W'ithin a short time definite plans to complete the work started by w'ell-meaning Tar- Heels several years ago will be made. At this time names cannot be di vulged but the iieople iiehind the movement are all wool and a yard wide. The road contemplated would pass through Sparta. Elkin, Yadkin- ville, Advance and other smaller tow’ns and connect with the Southern and the Southbound at i^exington. The counrty to be ot)ened by this road is said to be the largest and fin est undeveloped section east of the Mississippi river. Wants Government to Build Road. Senator Overman is trying to get the government to build a tarvia road connecting Raleigh with the state Continued on Pa,ge Two. ill I 'M' ;v>:- Ii’ r' . N» I ‘i' V|i ft ■It: ' ilsi ! i v; Mr *0 NI ! '1 ' I. , I f 1 /■i ;■ It' ) ! ■ r I i: , I i[- ; ili ’I i-l .1!