THE WANTS ARE READY TO SERVE YOU AND AT SLIGHT EXPENSE—SEE PAGE EIGHT hditwn Latest Edition NC'. 6997 CHABLOTTE. N. C., SATURDAY EVENING. APRIL 8, 191 I n Crpv I'n^v—'(Vr= ''ii' iiay lotta, \ Cent« a copy D*ily md Sunday ny ■moved Fiom Pancoast Mine the Colliery Than tfas ^lany Other to Be in the , . -Jish Speak- 4 ,ic Fire arid , ir^ullragedy •. Tiu' oa-orne.-^.s \\\\h which theso j;ral)l)0(l by the luulortakc/s and i i, ir O’ni'hiyes called forth inrti^na- I i.'!i ti’om the otildokors, some yelling, i> M?y snaJ' hors" at them, as their ain- ■ were hurried away. I'''I'ii.(it l)ra\’o (leoils done by the ro^c'u'rs are beini; tolil ioda\' by niiu- t's w lu) had been warned of the lir ill time lo make th4r escape. [| is reh'.M'd ti'.nt (.'t)nnci!man Per..., M '.'O Kuiuhi :>!id I'ire [?oss I \ 1'^ i is,; (.1 as ''.‘sui( ('t' their ■' ■ ■' 'i‘ •' 'i'«. vif the h!i:;e t > I I’J; ■ ■>:' ;hi ;r 'I'hey \\ s. ve uu\ iii-.y eould return tc> : y. .t-'Tt !■; antnuer opinion ann^ni; i.i 's a.- to wiu'ther the men ' ir jivrs co’ild have b: ■. t’. ■ »' ihliik tita' ;r all I'len r ^-rki;!i',s ■ r.d ! ■.■ n imnuii- i. I t ii! d th ai (lure a,' a fire • u'';e a,l . ha\\' u.)t;ea or.r \\ 'iii - li'jiiune lilh'd wiili :r u ufi.'. O' ih'rs believe ■ hai u ■ ): > i .^:r Uu- m.- man or i .ii'] !-,a]m ^a■■ in a'.ako .1-^ ' bla^ j; dan>i> . ;1 r fi'\ i>r the 'li^ia ' •:..A I'v riri' zone, h i’.'.s i.;; 1 : I' ; i ; 'i i ii is th'' Iu'\- th; let'ore nearest t'» ■ Mu di ;ul ^i'.oW 'd that .. hard strtivule tor lile, ti: ! s d >e|t in (!;e cult.: I ;i 'ir ; ;i'- aintnt iiieir 4)1. til ward (iff the pois- a. d By 9, iA YOUNG MAN'S FANCY, ETC. SPRING Smith Named Governor To Take Testimony Publishers Are Not Responsible Hy .Ns.'oo'iated Press. Now Yu!’1\, Ain'il S.—Oftic'ials of newspaper co.-pcratk>ns eannol l>e lieid jtersonally responsible for tlie news- papers publication of li’nelous matter. Such was the decision of the,appellate division of t lie sujireme court in the ■case ijrouJi'hl h.\ .lohii I). Hoclveftdier, f\i;ainst S. S. ('aivalho; Biadfoid Alerri!!, t rcasurei’ and H^tlwavd H. ecretary the Star Co.. pub- even- lisher of the Xew York American. The court orfler.s all proceedings against '.lieni .dismissed. \s otticPis oi the newspaper cori or- ion, (’i'rvalho. .\ieriill and (’hiik were airestc'd on tiie ctm'.K'? of crimi nal lil)el. The new‘j)ai)er article for which he sought to hold them respon sible related to alleged abtises t-'f worlungmen of a corporation, which it is alleged, .lohn I).'Koc'kefeller, Jr., controlled. lY GAIL ON li WI>I hi.- in Tlie in Ml is ;n,:: ta-' iiUKtbti’ ol dead i V shnii di^'iistcr , .-.'ars a;..i. v;]i:n 'ueir lives by en- V; ri' T: e de/.d : i'a'h s:,, it is esti- ai; ri'o-in. a niimi>er >’f 1\- ■ not yet being a(- lliM nrc relieved to iu ttia of the -urine 1. S'venty bcdivj I a Snuabbie Over c-ia: I’i'css. • . inlU. S.- L'l borers. 1',). a' ■irt i:;rr I I'fins at gr'-'H' The viit of hr- .. •,>. 1‘ • ri’Miino la '-(■ !, • r.finmsb.ip S^'nn- ti-'- i : the Alaskan can- u-d in the federal or^' V( sit-rday. I’nited States ’ 1-hig-r'l’ H. Tlrn^-y will at- lo sei"-^- it lomo’row. 1( is move in efforts made by local ; to pif".ent removal of 1a- whom tlu-y have brought here expenso, ua or still is ci:uising Reported Mine F 0 R OFFICE II Reported From Bimingham, Ala. Allegations Against Ed. C, Caton, Having Been D>niea, Will he Aired Before The Specially Appointed Gentle man, Hearing Will be Held Probably Early Next Weeh, And the Man's Fight For Liberty Will be Bitter One. I Clo\e!i!or W. W. I\iichin tiiis morn- ' ing appoinieii Air. \\’. .\1. Sipith of the I law firm of McCall iC' Smith as tiie one to hear tcstiuiouy foi- and ngainst Kd. C. Caton, the Sharon township man against whom allegations have been made that caused his arrest tin- dei' an order from the (Jovernor. Peti tions from ('aton s neighbors in Car mel, Sardis and Sharon neighborhoods in Sharon township, were denuncia- jtory t)f Caton who was pardoned from the chain gang after he had served ai)0ut two months of a sentence ot eighteen months. ('aton denies the accucation in toto and will be rei)resented by counsel at the investigation of the charges a^^ainst him. The time for the hearing of the case will probably be fixed early ! next week. Mr. Smith, whose name was suggested to Governor Kitchin j and who was at once ai>pointed. is ex- ! Recorder of Charlotte and an attorney Uvith a keen conception of law. In addition tt) declaring that Caton had violated the Sabbath by permitting' back h e coa^- ■ . . Ml al;( ■ 1.^ or. :>if P-'avl i-; bt ing ■;.dcr ' s 1 Harbor. 'P'-e c>n- guarded by the ‘ power sampans jiionage. \e shore Xo for one t he Out of 190 Men Who Went Underground Only 20 Bad Come Out at 10 0*clock — Cause of Explosion Is Un known. DO m STILL FUST li be assisted by the state mine inspec tors of this region. The P’ennsylvania legislattire is still in session and it is likely that further legislation to protect miners and mine l>roperty will be j)resented as a re sult of this latest underground horror. All anthracite mines under the law of Pennsylvania must have second oi»enings so that the workers may have at least two ciiances of esca]>e. 1 leg islation may be jitesented to provide that where gangways extend a long dis tance from the mine roads some sort of an opening should lie made to bring out men that are cut off from reaching Officials Rush to Scene Twenty Miles From Birmingham— Convicts Were Hired From \ the main roads that lead to the ex- Ihe State And Worked in Mines, I3\ Asr-ociated Press. uiar- -SP' 1 l‘> 1 T ' : ;i n k'd 1 i^ ;..u If.. , : act - 1-r l!t ^ .ol iW l.itileton. -Ma., April S.—It is feared that 170 convicts have been killed by a m\ste)'ious explosion which took )lace in the Banner Coaal mines near 1 Pn-"--. ' here at t;:40 o’clock this morning. S \ ing StaM-in, !-• One hundred and ninety were sent '■! :,;”’ak t--vlay show*,.'l into the undergiound workings and up ;,:ea: .ci' I’rin/.os-; Ivcne lo 10 o'clock only 20 had come out; \vlii b varied only ai What caused the explosion is not from that of yc.'terday. ^ known at this lime. It is thought, f th'- iuc:s at high tide, however, that it was gas or dust., I of a ve(>ring wind had | Officials to Scene. ii;t ! ' ftirtiier oiT' Tlu> Banner mines are in the wesi- 1 ; -h.' presented less of, ern part of this county. They are ' ;ae to (he watchers on; i;wned by the Pratt Consolidated Coal i Company, with ofhces here. rban.ring of the wind into theiecutive staff of the Pratt Co. left here and th(' a)i'earatice ; cloi;'! on the horizon -■s tlKi! ain'Pf'ted chief atten- the life sr-vovs as llu^y took ...,lv I,. '.:iii:g ol)S('rvati(Uis ,, liiiin,^ l:--e. Mthougii the \;is -riy more than _ a •hc’f' v\ • .« !!‘';iicat ions which :,th.'M- 'vis‘ n ::arded a'-' om-! to liave ijeeti killed. \ |.>>rth''as;( i- and a barfi blow " was Mr. \*. ii\’ s'O'i'iK-n. wiMi the passengc^is . , , iU'.dVd and ihe keel of the big I sion occurred far i)e(l of sand, a bbnv o , v.-ill not have tlf-j At 11:^0 between fort> its. F APPOINT E D BY GOV.KITGHm The ex left here of I at N;2o this morning on the Southern weie I Railway for the scene. ('onvicts, hited fi'om the various counties throughout the stale, are em- idoyod in the mines. I'iaii\ advices from the scene are very meagre, 'riie exi)losion occurred at IJ: 10 and a large number are known I - all and b-ding ,iia (I l!..!lS(' k ti;i;- ciini . I, -, H :'i,i Hat in a n,' derate in'cnsitv r.., for tlie riipiatn w ir'i ii wcuM bavc I'ad twenty-fntir 1 :ico. 'i!«‘ Ib'^M of tups atichor- , . Inf-d l>v ins-;red amine assisiance .11 nri:«>m y while the bulwark >l the -;.nd pil'-d '>11 all sifles of the linrr s !;rt i r'^ar(l*d as a protection M'oin >,n(i:b'U disaster. II: Nvni-k of li^hteriiig the cargo ..•(•lock. 'I'he cargo was an to l.andle. H consists fu- mnsi part of lemons, macaronta siniilar prrxiucts of the Mediier- an, paclvcd in small eases. • 11 • linhter was avaib'l)! V, wlM-ii Ihe ti-nsfcr was begun. I.; t two n.or;- were on tlifdr way i.-oi.i .Vcw ^(•;k and on*; from T: n Ciiief Mine ins))ecior Hillhonse left it was inter-ihcr(' on a sjjecial train at ;• o'clock. i Most of Victims Negroes. Littleton, Ala., April —The exp'.o- Special to The News. Rjaleigh, N. C., April 8.—Frank A Carter of Asheville, gets the aiipoint- nient from Governor Kitchin as .ludge of the superior court for the Fifteenth .Judicial District succeeding Judge J. S. Adams, deceased. The commission was just issued and Mr. Carter concenes the first court in Hertford, April 24. He won over two Asheville competi tors, .1. Sneed .Vdains am^ ex-.Jvidge Th(nnas A. .Jones and is’ himself, thiough apiiointment. eliminated from the Asheville municipal campaign in which he has been a “law enforcement" candidate for police justice. TRIPLE LYIIGHINO IN C[GltGljl By Associated Press. Ellaville, Ga., April 8.—Dawson -lor- don, Charlie Pickett and Murray Bur ton, iiegroes, were lynched here early this morning. They had been accused of the murder of Newton Eason, a white man. About 12:?.0 a. m. .Tailer Cliff Baugh was awakened by several men who told him they had a prisoner to put into the jail. He admitted them and was iinmediateiy overpow'ered and forced to unlock the cells in which the negroes were held, j They were laken to the outskirts I of the town and preparations for their 1 hanging were quickly made. From the I positions in which the bodies were ' found it appears that .Tordon escaped i the mob and fled but was shot to 1 death before he had run far. The two ' others were hanged and their bodies i shot full of holes. I None of the negroes had been in dicted for the Eason murder but they Avere being held on a coroners or der. Tlieir preliminary trial had been set for next Monday. Eason was kill- i ed on the nigh4 of .January 2. By Associated Press. Chihuahua. Mexico.\ia Lareiio,Texas, i Aiu il 8.—A report which lacks of!i(tial ! coutirmation is in fighting to take place on his tion here tnat in Uie e^en ot ^ ^‘ | petitioners for a revocation dent Diaz putting in o eftect aie le- i conditional pardon, set forth to forms suggested in his recent mes- governor that the man was guilty sage to the Mexican congress, "^^lof even more serious offenses, and peace as a result, Dr. Vasquez Gomez, | nianner of life was Immoral the insurrecto confidential agent at influence in the connnunity in- Washington, will be called to Mexico Caton s neighbors Cily to assume a high otfice. ■\Vith the outposts of the insurrectos and the federal troops sejiarated by only a few miles. Chihuahua today declined to sign the iietition that went to the chief executive. Shortly afte’' it had been received the governor is sued an order for the mans arrest ing Itim not to iieruiit the blowiiig ap of the Mexican National railroad to the south, which is now the only means of bringing provisions here. The de struction of tlie road would place Chihuahua city under siege and the ])resence of the federal troops heie^, so far as food is concerned, would continued in a state of expectancy. A j commanded him to answer the al- message has been sent to Madero ui’S-j ]^,^alions wiibin ten days. Caton K'.ip- |ied out and was not captured for some time, but was finally ajiprehended in South Carolina and brought to Char lotte where he has been confined in jail since. He made answer last week and will now havp an opportunity to present his contentions to the appoint ed ludge. \ Those who petitioned the governor for a recovocatiou of the pardon will have a right to go before Mr. Smith and state what they know of the man s conduct. 'Phat It w'ill be a difficult mat ter for them to prove some of their as sertions is admitted, but the circum stances will all b© brought out. Caton was convicted of engaging in the chicken fight on the Sabbath, was fined by Magistrate Cox. This convic tion will be held against him as a mat ter of record, it being silent testimony worth what the govenior may deem it. People of Sharon township, many or whom w'ere in the city yesterday, are still Indignant against Caton and they* will likely be represented before Mr. Smith, who in this instance acts In a judicial capacity, by some attorney^ who has interested himself In the pro- ceendings primarily instituted by the good people of the county. w'ork a hardship on the non-combat ants. ^ , Requests to Madero when presented by foreigners invariably have been granted. He has permitted i)rovision trains to pa§is through insurrecto ter ritory to the mines northward wheie many Americans are employed. It Is said that several messages have been exchanged between this city and Mexico Citv and that the replies on being received here have been dis patched to the interior, presumably to Madero’s camp. It is said that the mes sages were sent by priviate citizens who are anxious to bring about peace and that they have no official charac ter. Fight Ovei Hall Appointment • a . I ;.‘ atid ra i:-' ■11 .(■ (lUf crew crew mine. Only for tlu I |i 1 ’ ■ i'h ii' 'I; . '.i >!!( •• ion - :: ).;t • .1 (■ (!•■;*(! \\-I I'-in M lar' iiad iiii(.d oi'.e l^os- With fair weatli.-r it was expoct- cMH-rtcMl that ronsiderat)le proportion (if I'■'-> cargo could bo uio\od in i Ii.. ^iuis authorities sent in- -iriior itunbar out to tiie Done nill ^Miion at with (U'ders to boar th‘ P;iii:^(?ss Irene and supetui- 1.(1 lh(' 'iuhteriug ol (In' caiSO. |]\p* fts ou ti’o shoi'(- were •!|iiiiion that dredges wouhl - s:-;ri i\v t(' siiifi the sando from about the liner's keel. of ihe men were negroes and fifty crew j nieii had been taken out oi the mine. A number of them were uioro or loss serioti.'ly injured and two, both Jct- f( rsoii (;ouiity negroes, were dead. Rescuers are going down into the workings as rapidly as possible. Tiie explosion came after the night was out and before the dav of free minors had entered the There weie Hb'j convicts and about 10 free miners in the mines at the time of the explo'uon. The great est damage has been done to a new shaft known as No. 2. The fan mi this shaft was destroyed, making the rt'SCT.e work more diflictilt. 1, is believed that at least half of the remaining men entombed are (lead, and the total may exceed that : number. Thirty whites are in the I mine yet. When searchers for bodies came to th« sill face with twelve more victims they reported that four other lifeless mine workers were lying at the bottom of the shaft, making the total number I'pcovered tip to tbst time 70. Tames T. Roberick, chief (^f the de- ■ Pennsylvania, 2 his Man Lost Hi-i Four Legs of tb.e be n*'C- ]iartment cf mines of lind will usedlo employ men to do extra Nvork By Associated Press. Trinidad, ('olo.. April 8.—To h'se 4 legs in exactly the same manner is an experience well calculated to strain credulity, but that is what hapijened to Roy Tliorpe of this city. Several ycais ago Thorpe tell troni a train while beating his way, both his legs being cut off. He secured a pair of wooden'legs. Yesterday while beating his way from a neighboring town Thorpe again fell under the car wheels and again lost both legs. This time, however, he was not injured. Ball. Municipal Bv Associated Press. 'Milwaukee, Wis.. April 8.—The Mil waukee cily council last night raised about So,000 by holdini nicipal ball for the benefit of the ten thousand unemployed wlio. according to the statement sent out by the city council committee, are in deep misery owing to their inability to get Avork. The ball was managed by a council committee and the funds taken in charge by the city treasurer will be Joseph Stephens Acquitted By Associated Press. Wilmington, Apiil 8.—Joseph Ste ])hens, years old, was conviceted of the murder of K. R. Sliiebls, an ex-sol dier of tlie I'iiited States army in this city .July ;t, I'.tOO. and sentenced to be electrocuted last .June. He was given a new trial at the fall term of the su- jireme court of the state and yesterday in the lower court was ac(i!iitted of the crime. i| Shields and Stephens were collect ors for rival firms and meeting on the street, an altercation ensued in which Stephens shot his adver.-'ar\’ through the heart. Self-defense was the plea at the second trial. Dejective Vision May ' Cause Boy's Resignation I News Bureau. Coii;.;i'ess Hall, i (By H. E. C. BRYANT.) ■Washington. April S. .fay D. Kerley, Morganton boy: now a midshipman, has been notified that be will have to resign on graduating from the naval academv, where he comi)letes ^ his fourth year this sining because of de fective vision. Senator Overman and ; Representative Webb are .going to do ! what they can to have him retained. If the voiing fellow is forced out de- he becomes an ensign he will .Voihing has Special to The News. Washington, April 8.—A fight will be made against the confirmation of Warren Vines Hall for postmaster at Charlotte. Action will be postponed until both sides are heard. No one knows what the charges will be. Charges Against Hall. ’Squire D. A. Barkley, who was candidate for the posit itm master of North Charlotte, sition to Mr. Hali, has against the vet. Mr. .1. a of post- in oppo- filed charges latter through his law- I). McCall. 'I'hec barges. Irom Mr' Barkley, are 1 be as learned these; 1_Th-it Hall does not live in lerritory supplied iiy iIk; jieople serv ed b,v the North Cliarlotte i.o.stot- fice. , i;—-'I'bat one of his clerks opened a bundle or package, and that Hall made no report of it. ;;_.-'PhHt Hall does not observe hours convenient to the wdiking i)eo- ple. Thee barges were sent Five Buildings File Swept By Associated Press. New Haven, Conn., April'8.—Five buildings which in area covered a block on the lower side of the city and adjacent to the manufacturing district, were fire-swept early today. The buildings destroyed in Franklin and Chestnut streets were a flve- story brick building owned and oc cupied by the Lewis Hawthorne (’ompany, sash and Ijlind makers; a four story bricli used t)y the .John T. Doyb' Company, dealers in grocers’ sup)ilies and maker of preserved goods, and three wooden houses, each two and a half stories in height, oc cupied by many Italian families. The }lawtborne Company’s plant w^as in part occupied as a carriage factory by tli*> Killiam Cania^re Company, file total loss is $200,000. Soon after the fire broke out an explosion shook the neighborhood register- >' Miougbt. to the ignition of fore a Dopiflar mu- have to quit without pay. ever Ijeen said auoui his sight netoie this year. , , ,• The officers of the North Carolina Bankers Asst)ciation will try to get Directors Roberts c>f the .Mint and Sen ator .\ldrich to attend their annual meeting. Thev would like to have eith er Champ Clark or Senator Baile> too. ed letter to Senator Ovt^rnian. Tlie charges had been made before the ap pointment of Hall. The pai>er forwarded by Mr. McCall is a re-iteration of the charge made at that time. 'Siiuire Barkle\- sectired a ntimber of afiidaviis from iieople in North Charlotte, to substantiate, the charges filed. 'Squire Barkley said to the reporter this morning that Congressman j Mnebead had said to him in regai d to i the auoijintment: "I w ill endorse yon.j and 1 have not and will not endorse j Hall." So it seems that the North Charlotte office is liable to involve, in the a))opintment of its postmastf^r, three good re])ul)licans; Morehead, Barkley and HpH. Two Boys Cremated. By Associated Press. Fort William, Ont.. April S.—In the absence of Mrs. .Josejdi Frost from iier home her four young sons set fire to the house while playing with matches. Two cf the boys per ished. a quan'ity (>f v«mishes and paints The iiolice had to drive scores of families from tenement houses in the upigbborbofxl and only the early fall of the factory ijuilding walls re lieved the danger. 1 hose familirs who.-je bouses wereb urned lost ail their eftects. Suicide Veidict For Lippincoit Bv Associated Press. 'Philadelphia, J’a. April 8.—The cor oners jury called to investigate the (leatn Thursday of Craigt' Lippin- c-ott, jiresident f)f the .1. B. i/ipnin- (iit Company, publishers, rendereil a veiilict of suicide. .Members of the fatnily did not testify at the inquest but instead their separate depositions were read and accepted by the coro- ncr'.s jury. .Mr. Lijipincott was buried todayi the funeral being private.