THE WANTS ARE READY TO SERVE YOU AND AT SLIGHT EXPENSE—SEE PAGE EIGHT si Edition Latest Edition 43. NO. 6998 CHAHLOTTE, N. C , MONDAY EVENING. APRIL lO, 191 1 II, Mutilated dies Taken F/jjn The Ban'Ar Mine From Saturday's .Reaches 128—Up To-day Forty- l^ad Been Taken . t JO Up And ■: Removed - Ex- '■^d Majority oj :t Of White Vic- 1 (>inin. I’vi’. i t oiu pa:i> r»'ad' PLAY BALL m & NAT I ONAL ball C-K0UMD5 t/l > i;uu: s LACK OF TEAM WORK 7 WILL THERE BE f In Charlo*'*;*. * C'^n' -; n r' li-. T'n'N—«t«s ‘■’i;’' lay ^ I Outside Charlotte. ■> Ceiiti a copy Daily and Sunday Congress Gets Down To Busines After A Brief Rest Gustave Kissel Died Early Today ♦ 'in ii'Mi iM'iiio :m hoiisi U: i ^'1- ri:. .mention il( r ( f \t'w Voi k ai\(l 1 cnllo,] to Tlio .oh!»- i)!'Mis in' tho 'i('(iiio-I'ciiil. '11 iK-(lii;ree ha^■f' (]>- I'll’: I(m1 to hear are as jirrs 1 li> a scamp for whom ili.' ' I'UiTx coniliiti'; I'^nrojio, Tills iiiaii is iIh' Martpiis K-)iieti-uil, \\ 1; ' is ''I'all' a liiuainist and an a>l\ rr.i ur*M nanicMl Fvoiss. Some lime au> In- -iule i'u- papers, of the ^t'liuii’e .Mai(u;is i’aiil de Hociuet'enil, o V. as a soldier and died in a mad Ml \li;it'rs. r. Iteit's anprarcd in f'ai's. mar- ;'!• ii l’ai;a] ('ouniess ami iinder r,'i'lienil lor Rockefeller) ep- .11 l;-> way into liio l.esi ■ I'U’.i:;';'. 1 !«■ l.ail a tOW 11 and a r: ;n:r\ I’liateau. but now !■ :'*''idi!i:; lor the police I- . ra' i him nd in- iUmI. ^ i;:i . h- 1 ■O K',’:! i,i^urace o.' 'he >■ I'T nil which is one of h"! in'; i(»i- ilicic were f* in ;1:'' 'uni.uiiis :>f Malta , t’' r;i; a'ies (if ihi^ iiallant t . hu ' s. .Icilin n. R.k i;et'; Her •: ieialuie experts say-—is ■ .--I'iidant, s(> that this man vi ii lii-^ ’ n;-riiiisate. may ■ (h'lMiviiu lohn IV l^or.jr.e- !! ;•:>! ot his l'\:;itiuiaie M.* (.'iar’i'r; i.:s. T; hi^': K ui; ;■ nd t ,■ ,1^ n- No-Hit Rixey Is Slated To Oppose Strike - Out Lee tiI I'.' I'iuii. .S GETS ill STILE a: w i' h ■ t -fi a Pr M.'i T-:i e ■ it’ ie t rr,T',!;S ; ■t .-^wed.-U j -PS \'iMl . lV)stwick i-mil iitWi- ‘d 1.1 rriiices . ■ rnr. e'’ • ve n^:-SOs iiircp In vi ii ( hild ,i > aloH'-,' ■ru ' • the a ii^' P.y ,\?sii!'ia'0(1 I’ress. V. asii'nir'on. Ai-ril 10 —'j'lie nion- nionons sniwcs ion oi- oiu- dry letjai qi!''s:ii-’ jir'ter another was varied to- , da,\ in tl'e sm-’.-'me cnnrt of the rni;ed ed Sfa’f's wheii i he justices ^ave their ■ att eiii I'll to t',e story of a Boston I ii'irse i;irl. lost it; ihr- city )f ChiciifiO. ;i'.!ri‘i:; i lie wo; id's i'liir and who has ' rv r i;e* n heiU’d. i'roni sinc'^;. A modest r ir'nne a ..i^'s !i(-r retnrn bur because f :' he; lon^" abs iice relatives claim it. ■■I'.' be distriluiled amonj; them, i'I'he s:irl was .Mis- MalHL*! Alleu- Her I i.ii.ilier and her I'atrior d'iod. leavlnp; ' Wer tiie last ol hf”.’ fami!.'.. About the time (d’ the \\r>rld's t'air in Chica.^o in r.i':', slie call('l one day on a cousin, jileo ^e N»'son of West Pullman street. F'.om hai ilay to , l;is neiriier relatives n ‘f 'tiend;-^ ii:;s ln-ai'd Ironi her. i The .Arizona Constitution Matter. i H\ A-t)(‘iated Pr.'ss, ‘ \\ asiiin-ion. April 1 it.-- President I'i'-’fi m:y Ik reM d ot the rc'sjionsi- ! biii'^' *'f :’pp'ii\ in^ or disa[iproviim the ' A’ i/.'; • inst it u'ion, accordin'4 to a re- ppi! M tlie White Mouse today. An , ffi; f to be niad\ i; wa saiil, to amend Mie ( nabltM;.' act sf> tliat (oii- - .iloiif shall pass i.pou the con- s;i!iiti(i:i. f'b:'irr.:.ui Fbx.d of the house com- iiiin'''^' I n '• f r "i 1111 i I ■ s. iirotii.’,ht the prO" :-i'-;(d amendment 11'-‘ atteniioii of il:e r.M si i.'ti: '.nda and Mr. Tafi as- ;d l.iin tha. it met with his ap- i-.-ai, '!'i piesidfMit i’as some deli- in de:5liii;.i with tlie .Nri/.ona coii- II iin is undefstood not to fa- ; ■ lecall of .induos, movided for i'lnrumcni. but hf lielievps 1 - - ’iii'.iht better pass upon it and ... r- r t. lie tried nit in iiractice. Rixey, the southpaw who shut out, snatch the victory in Greensboro, ivandolph Macon C'oHpi^e, iiermittiiiKj Carolina's diamoiul stars are quar- onl\ liT men to face him. none of v.honi tered at the I5i;1'f>rd. 'I'lipy were iin- could find a sincle, will woi'k for \'ir- mediately surounded by a crow d of sup j^inia in today's game. . pointers and • enthusiastic rooters. Duls or probably tlie latter, will liomes are oiien to the collefd.e men and bf Oil ilie aioniid for \onii Carolina, all the 'iiy is taikin.s, of the j^ame tliis hr.s bet'i i^oiiip, in hne form of late afteinoon. Another !s to be pla.vcd and and i! depends upon how lie w arms it will be somewhere in \ irginia. ('af- up tliis afU'iiK'on. \\licilier he or Duls olina i.^ contident of winning,^ will do t he I wirliiiK. arm is yood, and Duls’ whip is su- Dr. .Vrkins, Trinity's c(.>a( h. will be pie and strong. Kither man is apa I he uni)>irt'. ble ot i)iichii;;’, a jiame that will ue \'irt;iiiia's team, with Manager Nash cre»!itable. iiandliiig the n ins di'ove to the Selwva (’oliej^e >'ells are already being hearfl , hotel this nic.rning and ate as though but this afternoon wlien the game hliev were hungr\ I'h ' are a husky, starts tlieve will be a noise, the echo P\ e sliowed an average conlition j ii-, , jovial set f college men and from whicli will reverbevai e through of \p'il 1 of I er ceiir u' normal i t'ue,' believe tiie> ill win toda.v. How- ai! tlie Queen ( ity. ^,,Q^!ever. they do lU/t un(b-restiina;e the (.'olors of each team are carried by isirength of Carolina, for th^y know’ admirers. It's a arear day^ for base- the struggle lliey had Samrday to ball in this good (ity of Ch.arlotte. P>y .Associi'ted I’l'ss. V\'asliin.u'on. April 10. -Winter wheat on .\iuil 1 shoved an average coiuiiti(m of ii r cent ot a tioriiial cvoi) against a >ear ago, yi.'l in and the un year average ac cording to the A])ii! crop reiiort ot the deiiartment of, agriculture issued :t: noon toda.''. The advance in con dition from I'efeinber 1, ll'Ht to .Xpril 1 was O.s as compared with an average decline in the p:ist ten \ears of 1.! iioints. an By .Associated Press. '.\ev.- York. .\pri! 10.- -Gustave K. Kissel, long pi-ominent as a Wall 5Street broker and f(.>r many years in- tiuiatelv ideniitied with iniportani financial interests, died early today at his home after an illness ?xceeding more than a iiKnuh. (instave Kissel came into the spot light of publicity ihrongh the acquisi tion by the American Sugar Refilling Camiianv of the Pennsylvania Sugar Refining Comiiany of PhiladeUihia. ,\lr. Kissel, with the i»resident and six directors of the .American Sugar He- tining (’omi)any. known as the sugar trust, were indicted by the federal giand jur.v in .\ew York on .Inly 12, I!♦();*, on a charge of conspiracy in re straint of trade. Adolph Segal, who a short time be fore liad sold a sugar refinery in ('ani- den. X. .1., to the sugar trust, had ,iust completed a new $12,000.000 retiner.\ at Philadelphia and - announced that he wotild fight the American Comjiany. Segal, who had become involved in real estate transactions, was in need of money and had applieii to various banks for assistance, offering as c(»l- lateral stock in the new refinery. 'I'he government alleged that the sugar trust eniiiloyed Kissel as a bro ker to offer financial relief to Segal. Kissel, according to the indictment, offered to lend Segal $:>,-r>0,000 i>n the security of 2(>.00(l shares of the ;>(),0u0 shares of his new refinery. S‘gal ac- (epted the loan. The government alleged that Kissel "deceived as to the source of the money.’ Soon after the loan was made Kis sel, according to the indictment, turn ed ovei' the ma.iority stock, which con stituted a voting trust to the Ameri can Su.gar Refining (’omjian.N, a new board of directors was put in and it was voted not to opetate the Segal refinery. The result was that Segal's income was cut off, he 'Oi!ld not meet the in terest on his loan and a crash came. a-ainst a yea!' ago. ST.:.’ atid f'0.2, the ten year avera;^e R«port By States. Ciuidition in Soii’l.ern states fol ! (: States. V.'tut^r wheat. Rye Oklahoma .. . . . . . O.'i Virginia Tennessee .. . Sti .''S; Kentucky.. .. .... 91 .\orth Carolina .... Si.S Texas S.'i 9.'i West Virginia. .. !. ^ S7 South Carolina .v 7 (^eoi'gia . . . . . . . . !Mt flu .Vrkanasas. . .. .... ^7 s,s Alabama .. .. .. !>1 SS M ississiupi. . . sr. Ihiee Mllion Dollaj File BSTnye E Bv Bv Associated Press. Tokio, Aiiril 10.—Tt is roughly esti mated that s;r,,000,000 will cover the properly loss caused by rlie fire which .\esterday wiped oui the ^oshi\^■ari. that district of the capital where so cial license is iiermitted under muni- cipal surveillance. .According to today's official reports i no fatalities have been discovered. I The evenin.g paiiers. however, stale Mhat four cn five persons were burned Ito death or killed while attempting to I escape from their liomes. I About .'>.>10 houses and sliops wore ! burned, the fire extending over an area of ainiroximately four sciuare miles. Six thousand women residents or the Voshiwari were made home'ess. Ill t’( w ■ I TO! 93 Wlien n > a 11 il- i ud i Troops' Mutined. j I',;- u-alcd Press. Li>ri:Wi'i. .Vjiri! !'. Th ' Eeving j ■| s (daini - 'O have ad' ice-; lo the ; , ir; I lhai f!l I he r.oitlie!) (Miiuo-'e; . :• .,j.s ■ la. i.ui.'^i a' i aul! n have mu- : '..1 ;,e. Ilie\ are dissatisfied] , V.", ,11 ,.f i!ie |,i Ulce regetU I . iuni.-e’r ,inuiandor-m- ; • ' , ; , •;). ari: . Tlt‘ I'.iper slates j . j 1 ;:;i o; i ar.s .ai Cintuu :',re Hoc- i to lliiug Kong. I Taken frcin Bride of a Week. j r, \ -ociaied Pi'oss. I ! ioiikins vill‘. K> .. .\|)t il Ilullg- . ■ wiV.i l)i:iam.\ . Karl Kolb, 2.". years oi . of .Memjihis, renn.. was taken [ l,i^ brid.' of a week and placed j i-i! nTe K-da . lb- 'vas marrK'd ■ n \; rii :: 'o IMn- t^oyd. IT y^ars old. J. :■ that Kolb has a wife 1-;. I K\.. but he claiins he was !;-,f rc'd f;r 111 11 Paducah witein .)an- ua , . Wr.nt no Interference. i; \ I .'L.-jti'd t’r( ss. . . asbin-t 11, Aiuii 1>. A tietition : . I 1,.- 's;, f‘iti/'ns *'f * aso, : : -vin'T i!!'> i nited Sta'cs not ■ i; i\' in tl!;' in.'-urrection ’ti i,,, pr s'ii -d to the senate Woman Fired At A Barking Dog .Hi: Fi: her ' 1 :);i. Noi-.Tirnted. *prii 'I'-—President .. ,a'l,\ .'M.i I" the senate^ to- • a(,.ainaiion of Waller L. llli’xiis, t'( b(' sec'ic'tary of tlie When a lionnd dog ran along by the was walking along Davidson street, and 'ontinued to bark, she tired a iiul- lot so close to the canine that the powder from the expxloPi(m burned liitn . , She testified to this fact in the Re corders court today and she was ac- (luitted uiion her statement that she feared she would be bitten if she did not fire. ^ , Several witnesses told of the dog barking at Mrs. Weaver and of re-! marks she made about the particular} hound pup and all canines in general. I When she went on the stand she in- lornied Recorder Smith she was there lo tell nothing but the truth. AVitnesses against her, she said, had dev iated sli.ghtlv from the truthful path. Her Word was taken for the matter and she was acquitted, l)ut told lo allow i)Olicemen to shoot dogs in the future. Jury Helplessly Divided. Bv Associated Press. 'Danville, ilk. Ai.tII 10.—Tlie .iur.v which is considering the case of Fred C. (Gardner, accused of the murder of Mis.s Elsie (Cochrane, is believed to be‘ hopelessly divided, ft was stated this morning that the .jurv is still il i to 1 for conviction. Associated Press. Si. Louis, Mo.. Api'il 10.—.Michael S. Link, former member of the Illinois state legislature, who was indicted by a Chicago grand jury for perjury and turned slate's evidence in the investi gation of the election ol I iiited States Senator Will’am Lorinier, was found j dead in a bath tub iii bis home at Mitchell, 111., today. Death, according to the family pliy- si( ian, was caused by apoplex:’. H.^ said a blood vessel btirst in the brain. In the grand jury in\estigation in Chicago Link testified he knew nothing of bril»er.'' in the Illinois legislature. After a confessi(ui made l>y another member ot the le,sdislature aiid he was indicted on the charge of perjury, Link admitted he had received $1.0'*'*. tie obtained ininuiiiiiy by appearing for the state. After liis perjury indictment was withdiawn Link issued a siatenienl that be had never a.ccejsted a bribe but that the Sl.t'OO was a liift and that it had no bearing on the Lorimet elec- t ion. Link's death occurred on the eve of the r(Siimption of the Helm com mittee investigation of the Lorimer election, which is set for Thursday at Spnngfield. ,A statement was given out Sunday that every member of the former legislature wlio voted for Lori- mer VvOiild be sulipoenaed. (BY WILLIAM T. STEAD.) T HIST flUlt Of sriiiii By Associated Press. Madrid. Ai)ril 10.—An enibroy rei'ub- Londoii, April 10.—It will |irobably very great siirjirise niy readers to know how general the im pression is oti the continent of ro] e that President Taft s arbitra tion proi»osal ars intended to an imi;endiii.g attack u))on Can ada. Today I was contidentlally ap proached by two inliucntial foreign journalists vvlio asked me wlietliei we did not perceive that this was the ultimate ob.|ective of Presidf^nt Taft's j)olicy. Of course I roared with laugii- ter, whidi they .ietnied to think \eiy mu( il displaced. One of them, a Russian, said lie sincere!,\- hojied it was true because if the i’nited States were to bejn- volved in an atienijd lo coiupier Can ada. it would effectivel.\ limit any pos- sioility I'.ere of doing mischief to Rus sia. in the Far I'asi. 1 only mention this to illustrate the fantasy which sway some men s minds when th(',N' (f)ntempiate the course of political events from a dis tance of -'-i.OOi) miles. The movement in favor ot the ,\n- glo-.American ar'jitration .goes on apace. 1 was one ()f a depuiati'.'n , that waited upon the lord mayor this week, askin.y liini to underlake otti- ciall.'-’. the dit>“Cilon if the develop- iiT'^nt movement. The lord mayors ret'ly to the deputation which rep'.'-*- sented the Free Churciies and Peace societi-'.s. was excellent in tone and taste and full jf .good spnse; '(Jentle- men." he said in effect, "I am not only alile l.ut eager to do everything 1 can in this direction, but the aj)- l»eal to the religious organizations of the cotint ry should not emanate from me. although I am perfectly willing ito support it. Any such appeal ought to be made in the first instance by a joint committee reiiresenting An- gelicans, Free Churchmen, .Tews and Catholics. Create a tniif organization which w;mld represent the whole re ligious sentiment of the. cr)untry and let that body, wliich if it likes can shelter itselt under the aegis of the Alansion house, appt’al to all their associated or,ganizations ' thronghor.t the country; first, to ,give expression TO BRING GIRL ypJS11 Bfly Paris, .April 10.---Madame Ctirie, who aided her husband to discover ladiuiu has decided that her .\oiing daughter shall be bi’ought up as a bo.'.. .Mailaiiie Curie lives at Sc^aiix near one of tlie state colleges whi('h, is is usual in Fiance onl,\ takes male stuileiits. She asked the goveiiinieiit that her daii.gli- ter. who is remarkably intelligent and well advanced in high slndi‘S be ad mitted but her iPiiUesi was refused. Madame (’ui ie now has begun a cam- ])aigii to force the state to accept hei daughter as a pupil saying that the education given in givls schools is in- a,de(iuate and unniodern. .Many wo men reformers and Sutfrageites ha\e joined her in this attempt to introduce co-eclucation to the state colleges ol France. Jhe Situation In Mex I c o K1 Paso, Texas. .A])ril 1). Accord ing to advices rectived from '1 orreon, Aguas Ca.lientes. (ajiitol of the state of the same name and the centei ot ihe drawn work f".\|J'rt trade in Mex ico. is threatened by a torct; o! JHiu insurrectos. Four hundred reijels are said to be advancing on ('amacho, in northern Zacasates. ,\n insurrecto raid is reported ' the I-*ervenie mini's in Sonora, all ho'-ses. arms and supplies having Ijeeii taken, it is said, many of the mine w«irkers being imiiressed into ser\ice with the rebels. The mines are own- .(1 l.'V an American cfHuiiaii.'.. Reinforcements from Ib-rniosillo have gone to the assistance ot tn»' federals driven from .Arizpe and a i)attle with the vi torioiis insurrectos in that vicinity is ex) e ted when the two federal f^rcos form a junc- lion. , , , The insurrectos have abandoned 'I'opia, Durango, to go to Veta Delia to reinforce ihe rebel force battling with the federals in that vicinity. It is said Ihe federals ha\e toinied an all’iance with the Cuencame -In dians in Durango under a comiiacd by which the Indians ar^ to have their lands and right - r ..torc'd if the insurrectos are driven out ot the istate. Material is still being taken from hpie to Pearson and (’asas (irandes for railroad extension work. 'I'he na tives, it is said, are rapidly leaving that ’region since the federal^ trooiis have withdrawn from Casas (irandes. Practically all civil officials have fied. B,\ .Associated Press. Washiiigion. .\pril 1C. \fter threft day's of idltuiess boih iuaiu hes of con- giess resumed toda.\. Tlu re was soniB exjiectatioii that before the day wan over House .\linorit\ Leader .Mann miiiht be able to submi' 'u iiart. liis seUciiiiiis for the standiiit; commit tees, prob’abl> including mileage and accounts, wa.\s ami means, ai)))ro,>ria- lions and rules. If tlu'sc' lists were not 1‘eady the session of the was exjiected lo be brief. Two sp‘eches on timely subjects fig ured in the schedule of the senate to- da.'. Xotic'e was !,i\(>ii last wecd l>,v Senator Ra.vner. of Maryland, that he would discuss tilt* situation in .Mexico, including the attitude of .lapan and tb(' apidic-ation of t 1h> .Monroe doctrine to c-onditi(jns on the txuder. Senator Young, of Iowa, ga\> notice of an in- tention to e\|iouiid the* Dos .Moines commission plan of pc.)\'ernlueiit and recommend it to other cities. When Senator .Martin. liie lU'w mi nority leader of tlu' senate, names his committee of committees, both tho denuK’rats and republicans will begin the work of reorgani/ation. Therci are now about sev«*nt> senate' commit tees, the cdiairmanships (if which, witli the excejiticui of about tc'ii, are held by rc'publicaiis. .As the rei»ublicau membership has dwindb'd to fift.\', the democrats are tisking that ten addi tional chairmanships be .uiven '(► them. Some of tlu' rejiublicans prefc'r thai the number of committees lie re duced, but, while the question has not been considered ofiicially, the indica tions are that tlu> reijuest of the dem ocrats will be graiit'd. Before any importfliit business is taken up by the house this wc'ek, the, democrats will hold anotln'r caucus and pass upcni the tariff projiosals to be submitted by (’hairman Lnderwood of the wa,\s and means committee. The c'aucus will take u|i the* le,gisla- tive program ieiitati\ely agrec'd upon b> the deniocraiic U'aders and will de termine whai i.ublic' measures are to be considered first and what tariff rc'- vision will be atiemptel. One ot the busic'st bodies in con- oi'pv;s is the deiuoc-ratic coinniitteo which is apportioning the appointive positions in i he? house* among the state delegations. .At prc'seiit the house is running with the old rejtublic-an em- plo.\ es. 'I'he commit tei- spent tlirea days last w‘cd in linding out hO'.v many jc>bs tlu'ie arc* to b(» tilled ancl liow the\ couid t;’.irl.\ distiibute tlitni among the u(de;.:a'i ioiis. Chairman Llo,\ l «*xp(‘C!.s to have the emplo.'c-* lists rt,ad\' tli'i week. It is understood liiat ilu' schemc.* of ap- pcjrtionin.g jiatronagc.' aiiioug the 0ieni- hers who don't have conimiiiee ciiair- manshi|)s will give to each meniber a)iiioiutm«*nls worth abcjut $l,'>bO an nually. 'I'his does noi include the|ia,'- roll of $l7s,u'Mi iha. comes under thc5 chairman of tlu' committees or tlicj .$70.UDU that is the prerogative of tho spc.'aker. 'riiat many of the commiilc*es of the liouse' arc* loadc-d down with eniidoyc'H (il aw ing imnieiis** salai ic's, eni)doyes for wliic'i the committees have nc» more* iis* than a ‘bog has lor sidB pocdscts." »vas ihe (i(c!aration of Rej)- r(*sentati\'e Franl (Mark, ol l-'loiida, ill a resoluiiou introduc'd in the* liouso today to aboli-'h twn!,\-live mon* posi- lions iwtii an annual iia,\roll of about: :j;;;.-).uuu. .Mr. Lnderwood. pointing out recent payroll c-ut.-. of $l''n,uuu. (di.j^'cted to the re:^olution until Ihe situation; should lie invest i--'al C'd. )i( |)i c'S' iitat ive .Mann, minority l^acV: cr cd' tl.e house'. toda.\ complc-te.i hi^i task c)f assigning the minerity mem bers ti tli(' vaiious committees of thg house (u’gau’za.tion. Imt lu' d'K's not ev|.eci to niai^e iiis scdcciions public iiiuil latf toda>' or tomoriow *\ I cvvi I 1U « -.IIV,- , I' jlll.V - 4 ^ 4- 4\ Ir ^ He has been proclaimed at Canlllas -i® mcnt for a general mass meeiing of Aceilune in the province c*f Malaga. The iioi>ulace of the town rebelled .jtizens. acainst tlie royal authority and attack-' ed the barracks or -ihe civil governor. Several iiersons were wounded in the fighting that followed. Reinforcements of troops are being hurried tcj the scene. Slight Earth Shock. Bv Associated Press. 'Rome, April 10.—A slight earth shock was felt here this morning. It caused some alarm in the city but ap parently no was done. Row Among Foreigners Is Finally Settled Peter Gobos. the foreigner who has been in trouble because of misunder standings with his partner, was in the Recorder's court again this morning and was acquitted, the charge of em bezzlement against him being ncdie prossed. A settlement has been reach ed among all parlies and through At torneys Harding and Robertson the ad.i'istnient of diffculties was made today. IR SCARF By Associated Press. Wasiiiiigtoti. 1). C., .Aiu'il lO.- PresI- deiH Taft moved shari»ly today to s()iielcli the latest .la!)anese war-scaid s;ory. Incidentally a member of the senate committee on foreign relations rc*vfaled some of tlic* reasons which the president has gi\’en that commit tee and house ccjmniittce on foreign affairs for the mobilization of troops on the Texas border. Through Senator Burton, ot Ohio, the president made an eni|ihatic denial of the report Ironi Mexico Cit/ tiiai a proposed treary between .lapan and .\lc*xico caused lluj movemeiii of troo))s to I exas. “1'ho lU’esident authorized me, said Senator l5urton. to d*^ny in most eni- piiatic terms tiie story from .Mexic> City about a secret irc atey bet wet*n Mexico and .)ai)an. There is not word c)f truth in it." Senatcir i.accni. cjt (i-“orgia. ranking minoi'it.\’ member c>f the* loreign rela- 'ioiis committee, aft-'r a talk with thc^ liresident, declared that Mr. Taft wa:4 surprised and indignant at the rejjort^ implicating .Japan and .Mexico. •'You can iiut the whole story down as absurd,'’ said Senator Bacon. ‘ Tlie i>residf*nt has talked to me and othc'i members of the c-ominittee and explain ed tiie reasons of senciing the troops Sout h. "Tliere was dnnger of wides])reail revolution and perhajis anarch.\ in Me.x: ico. 'I'lie president actf'd cpiickly and deciisivel;.. He believed that the armv shc)uld be on the borcler ready for auy contingency when congress met. ’