THE CHAELOTTE NEWS APRIL lO, 1911 The Charlotte News Publjslied dally and Sunday by THF. XEWS PUBLISHING CO. >V. C. Howd, Prmtdriit nnd Gen M^r. T^lephonca: ty Kflltor rti5\ne«» OfTlcc 'Ob C'Qco 277 115 1530 J. C. PA’^T'ON Editor -V. W CAT.DWrLL, City Editor A. \y bUllGH ‘advertising Mgr. »‘r«sritit*Tiov niT!'s Tlir Clinrlotti- ye\\». I'ai’o .\rd Sunday. r:r.« yenr ''.lon^hs I •Pf' p o;.tn Tf 'vt-ek F'jnday Only. C'r'.m ypsr Sir iW n... 'i fpf' .... The TTincn-npTnocmt. ^e^^l-''Vc’kly. r.'•» yi-nr T t' ontRfi ‘ nipnths ffi.on ."^.oo 1.50 .fiO .1- S2.00 1.00 .50 $1.00 .50 .25 Annf>anrement. T^'' .1 t*»>nt *''n of tTie pn'hllc Is re- ■••■cctfuHy ’nvltod to the following: Tn future, O^^'ltuary Noticos, Tn Mc- f or'a.M 5!ke^ hes. Cards of Thank?. ‘ ■ ’T'rr’-.nicptions e^r^'islng’ the cause r>i ,T |iTTvat»» enterprise or a politlcnl i.icdi'a'c Tnd I!kf" matter, \vi!l be f ’ g r'n- •!* rh'- rr>te of f^ve I'onts Hnc. 'ih?:c will be no deviation from this rule. MONDAY, APRIL 10. 1911. o ♦ 4fS •i' A LITTLE WHILE. V: R.J ■ T ♦ 0 ♦ n- ♦ ’ -J. . ♦ .in*. ■ ^r.‘, >11 f T : while we’j] put up ■. ^oil nm-mii the ^.:v- . All with siel'.- f.u and pr-.r.'. uii: we henr. A’.:d i\ny 1? waxini? n’d. nc dr;^'.v-. in. pray nnd ■ '11 >^ni''\varri 'no. ..L-'s or To all .inf., ri•-ddi^e year?. ^r»auci> at eyt\^ the\'ll golden as a summer A liftlc- while our we'll moot in daily u.)i.-n the s’reer: and n up in our ' hores, will • i'rlende are ofen bores. '’'.?n life’? little day's >ne, and we behoid the i ' :r.. nnd f'venlng winds :nd cold, we’ll think » friends of old and y K.ieht come back f, from out the ! 'th s shore. A 'i :• and slave, ■ ’■ o save; wp'l] scheme and I'lan ^ ’•'esr of t'other man. n Iir\’s littV day i.^ 1 hack on the 'r poM. and murmtir, I -nrd sigh: “We let ■’f iif»- bv!’’ PULL TOGETHER. it is time to forget the faciionalisni of the recent campaign. The Blaud administration has prob lems of importance to face. For one, The News would love to see all hands join together in one concerted and determined pull for the promotion of the interests of Greater Charlotte. The graceful thing to do la for the disajipointed to Hue up w,th the vie- toiious in the advancement of a com mon cause.'s give Dr. Eland an i his offi cial family a chance. If they fail to measure up to their opportunities then put in another administration wLan the time comes. No administration cari do its best work vhen it is forced to contend with internal dissensions, and strife with in its own household. The ne.xt two years are important in the city's history. We are on the eve of bi^ ihin.ys. To meet lae oi)]iortuni- ties that the tremendous inriiistri.;! awakcninp lias brought aliout re- (piires concentration of effort and har- ni(;!'.> of purpose. The News believes the citizens ot Charlotte desire to see the cam]iaigu forgotten and the joining of ail hands for ihe interests of the city. Health Restores color to Gray or Faded hair—Removes Dan druff and invigorates the Scalp —Promotes a luxuriant, healthy hair growth—Stops its falling out. Is not a dye. and ?02 at Drug Stores or direct upon reccipt of price and dealers name. Send 10c for sarap!^ boule.—Philo Hay Specialties Co., Newark, N. J., U.S.A. RXiFUSE ALL aUBiixTUTES For sale and recommended by Wood all & Sheppard. .\nd no sane person need be told that half chewed food is an imposition on the sifur.ach-—that the stomach cannot do wiiat was intended to be done by the t-^th. Be a Fletchorite. Bad government under any name is Ju.'.: as bad. in the oi'inion of tiie (;r>’ensltoro TeU\”ram. rnid it is not far wi'nng. On the oi)ponunity jusi now of demociacy it has this say: "More and more the masses are com ing to the view that l)ad government | undt'r any name is bad government. ; Ir matters not whether it is bad g()\- ernment by republicans or democrats. ,\s matters stand now the republican j liarty is controlled by those who ’^’.ear ro l’a^ e governni' nt wni;-h I'e had for the masses. The domo- ratio party appears to be in control . f ti;os\- V'hu will ir'si; t u]ion govern- ■' t ir on rlio of th^ grent^es''^ •-■)i>d to the greatest number. Foi' tiiis reason millions of independeni and repu’olican voters cast their ba', i'Us for democi’ats in the last election, and will coTitinue to do so if the dem- ( c’ratic pariy I'roves true to the trust committed to it." shad- little some a liT- ♦ ♦ —WALT MASON. ^ (Copyrleht, 1^11, hy George ♦ ♦ .'laMhe'v Adams.) ^ ♦ ♦ BRIBERY IN ELECTIONS. e ra:,- ■ a b’g howl ■^.'hen a senator some •ar-'jway ‘ate buys his elec- and ’ ^00 frequently, grow n ! I whm crookedness is reported ur- 'int. It is Per th Of cotn'se. those business men from Charleston meant to boost their tov.n., ■'Ut after having seen such North Car olina cities as Charlotte and Gr«.-*eiu;- boro will they be content to m 1)aci; to Charleston and live there?—Wil mington Dispatch. That problem has puzzled us and we find no solution, unless it be that after long years of deprivation, Chr.r- lestonians have brought themselves into an unusual state of self-abnega tion, a sort of contented resignation, as it were, they may stay there, but we doubt it. ■ -rfftTrmv • • Raleigh started out to raise $65,000 for a new Y. M. C. A. building and raised $75,000. There is no doubt about it, Raleigh deserves the heart iest kind of praise for this speudid success. Foo (' * t V ■ 1: i r i:i I r--\ • T ,r- In si?rh to t' man e’r-. ? : ' he I'lti V d ^hat money and: ' '.';rt in the recent j ■ The city has re-1 3, !•: ■ t i:;id( ?irable advertis- f.Tte over bor-ausc such ru- ■ a,e b n ::iv-,!n publicity. . ifom' i:r of an election rp',.Mif.- qr.. isually oxaggorated • .• rla*ive degree. One drunk ’■= :'i' d a batallion, etc., :1 Th.'^re is no occasion for smooth- I v. r cv.-n rhi‘ .slightest breech of ■' rulo:j of honesty and r - V. •N'T i t- in. v'-.:::'! b. f ' b- ..f '.-h^,?. T'i-re . ■ -i'ivf. Iiancl - r\ ni ■re ..'va.-^if-n for verbal hy.s- A'-iild be nKTe to the point • 'r tb'-' projjer offirials to go i ■>! tl!.- matter, regaT\dles-- to .'cre trampled upon, r.r" ',vho rlaim to have ■nfr,r..ia; inn regarding de- 'r. the rff-enr election. l.f 'lien-' play ti r role of the good rltlz n ^^:nd furnl‘h such damning evi- denro ?n -he proper ofRcials. Thi= law i? rlrar on this point. i’.-a 'y is piovided for bribery, and | the laws ;irair.'-t drunkenness in pub-' lie plaf. ,, disord. rly conduct, etc., are cb-ar. Th- n is a erand Jury. Thero i.s a rfrord-T, a prtisocining attorney and a coterie '-t r>o •^ien. If laws havf been broken, is it not time ti) art? The r-iti7,ens of rharlottc do not sanctif'n l)ribery and bmze in elef- tlons. They are in sympathy with the laws against sufh abuses, and they expect iheir officials to do their duty. Bring the bribe givers and the bribo lakers to justice. If they e.xist, no mat ter who they are, nor upon whifli side they were lined up in the campaign. A little action upon the facts as they really arc, shorn of all ihir verbal embellishment, will df) more than a babble f)f empty voices. Tl)' way fo keep the flections pure is to punish severely those actively engaged In debauching them, and the best time to begin Is now. In very abje manner Dr. Flnlten, in last night's sermon, ))ictnred the evils of imiiroi)er campaigning methods and the j)oril of bribery in elections. If such existed, what is going to be done about it? : (By CARL BYERS.) Written for The News. Man is an aniinal. No i^.iatter what theorists and theologians may say of the sotil, spirit, astral body, etc., we all know and admit that fisiologically speaking man is an animated bod.^•—an organism composed of about 16 chem ical elements, which is capable of sen sation and motion. Thus the two parts of man with which the therapeui has to deal are the vital and material —body and life. The l)ody is destroyed and recreated every seven .vears. It is a i-ule of fisiology that no particle of matter can retain life after it has once been used. Ceaseless motion is the law of our be ing. Since in all iiodies there is a cQi'stant waste, there must be a con stant roiiewal. The b(Kly is made of food and air. The only element we gei tr(jm the air is oxygen. After the food goes through cevtaln i)rocesses of lizical and Iv'emical change—mastication, deg- lutiiion, (iige^^tion. rsanguitk-ation, it iiecomes ljl(;od. “Tiie t)iood is the Hfe.” Pure blood is blood containing only those elements needed to renew the body. If the vital organs, ])articu- larly the e.xcretory, act perfectly, the blood will ])€ pure, no matter what food is eaten. Hut even if the excretor.v orgaiis acted perfectly, it is self-evident tliat if we are careh ss about our eating, we give them double v-orl: and make them give wa.v quicker. \\’e should not im])ose on the willing horse. I Hence we shfjuld use some jud.gmentj a'oout diet, eatiu.g, a:-; near a^^ possible, I onl.v tliose foods which contain the I largest i)eicent of nutriment and the! smallest of deleterious substances. j Since the world was vegetarian u;>! lill the flood,—for Ki.'iG years, it is; 1 lain that a fioshless diet is bettor, I other things l)eing ecpial. than a meal I or even mixed diet. Again, since the \IIwise" Creator forl)ade his chosen p*ople to eat certain beasts, !)irds and (islies, we may know that the hog and other unclean beasts are good things to let alone. The sejise of hunger is the proper guide as to v.hen and how much wo sboidd oat. We should eat exactly when hungr.v—not f^efore or afler. a.- THE LATE JOHN B. M’DONALD The late John 8. McDonaid, famous the world over as the builder of the New York subway, who died recently after a long illness at his New York residence. Bartholomew McDonald, father of the contractor came to New York from Ireland, and began work as a labor er, later becoming a contractor. His sonfollowed in his footsteps, but in stead of being only known locally tatained a country wide reputation. His name became known in connec tion with some of the most Import ant railroad construction contracts of the generation. His work can be seen on the West Shore Railroad, in the Potomac Valley, on the exten- Eicn of the Illinois Central from El gin to Wisconsin, the Trenton cut off on the Pennsylvania, the Akron Junction in Ohio, the extension of the Br.itimore & Ohio from Balti more to Philadelphia and many others. He projected and built the famous un derground Baltimore Belt Line at a cost of $80,CC0,0C0 which gave him a national reputation. It was a work of enormous difficulty, and its com- pletio:* put the contractor in the front rank cf his profession. GOWANS King of Externals Is tlie one Standard prep* 1 aralion nniversaliy and enthusiastically endorsed bj Doctor, Drjig^ist, Lay man. GOWANS Cures Pneumonia, Croup, Colds, CoHgha, Pleurisy and all niiments caused from In- ilammation or Congestion. Goxvnns Preparation h/is ond of the largest nnd most satisfactory sales of any preparation carried in our stock. H e consider it • wonderfiil success. ' ■ MUIIHA Y DRUG CO.,^ * Whohsale Driip'gista Colahjbla, S. C., July 11, li)10 BUYT0-0.4Y! HAVE IT [H THE HOME All Drcriiltsts. $1. 50e. 25e« GC'/i£N MEDICAL CO,. DURHAM. N. C. Cuarantesd. ind monejr refnniled by year Drus(!(t JUST ARRIVED New Spring Models Schloss and Other Standard Clothes You will bet settling the Spring Suit question within n very short time. Settling the question ought to mean, with you, determining which line will be the bc^t investment—which suit will give you most style, qual ity and service at a moderate price. There’s a certain indefinable air of style and elegance about these Master Tailored Clothes—these Schloss Baltimore Clothes—not found In oth ers. More tone, more class, more distinction, yet they cost you no more than the ordinary $10.00 to $25.00 This special Tailored Clothing not only fully equals that of the most exclu sive custom tailor, but is made by .inst such skill. It represents the highest possible degree in the art of clothes making. So scientifically accurate are the patterns from which this clothing is cut that altera tions are seldom required. Fashion sets certain standards, taking for her models the best types of physical manhood. It is the aim of these ]:articular makers to have the wearers of their garments look fully up to fashion's standard. Suits at $9.7.5, $12.50, ^Ki.DO. $1S.50 and $25.00 are all made in the latest style, dash and w^earing qualities of garments that cost twice the monev almost anywhere else. Our enormous stock of Clothing rei)resents all made in the latest style, dash and wearing qualities of garments that cost twice the money almost anywhere else. Our enormous stock of Clothing represents all that is best in the clothing world. We carry the largest stock of Clothing and IVIen's Furnishing Goods in the Carolinas. Our facilities for buying cannot be equalled—buying for sj)ot cash for our ten stores in the Carolinas enables us to get on the ground floor. NEW SPRING HATS The new 1911 styles of the famous No Name and Stetson Hats are all here. Blacks, Greys and Browns. Soft Hats Stiff Hats $3.00 to $3.50 $3.00 to $3.50 NEW SHIRTS Something really new—not the same old figures and stripes—there's a sur prise in every one. Plaited Bosoms and Negligees 75c to $1.50 NEW TIES Pour-in-Hands and Bows in new Silks. Solid colors, diagonal cross and up- and-down stripe effects ■ 25c and 50c Lion Brand Collars, two for 25c w fil/ip !i0 IjjiiiU tin Sil ' 111 m ¥ «WII; / I III II j iiiiiii jilii! II lilt lliiiLL ! I iSil BELX BROTHER A PROBLEM IN PIANO PERFECTION Add Together: A delicately refined TONE, A light and responsive TOUCH, A perfectly balanced ACTION, An artistic CASE, The world’s record for DURA BILITY, Sum total: STIEFF SOUTHERN WAREROOM 5 West Trade Strnet CHARLOTTE, - N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Manager. BLAKE’S DRUG SHOP On the Square. Prescriptions Filled Day and Night. Whitman’s Super Extra Chocolates and Confections. We have a new arrival every week. Sealed and protected in dainty and beautiful packages. “A Fussy Package for Fastid ious Folks” contains a unique selection of hard and nut-center ed chocolates. Ask for WHITMAN’S. John S. Blake Drug Co. 'Phones 41 and 300. Registered Nurses’ Directory. Presbj/terian Hor and Conservatory ofiVluSi CHARLOTTE, N. vi. FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT. STH, 1510. Faculty of Specialists in every Department. Thorough Work Influence. City Advantages. Music, Art, Elocution Specialties. For catalogue, Address REV. J. R. BRIDGES, FAIRFAX The newest pattern out in sterling silver flat wear, forks and spoons. The most popular pattern on the marl complete assortment just arrived; also many other prett signs in Sterling and Plate. Engraving free. Garabaldi, Bruns & Dixon 'I'his is the day \’irgln!a. when Caroliua For That Sour Stomach You cannot take a better remedy than the famous HOSTETTER’S Stomach Bitters The Worlds Best Candies The Cnited States Govern- mont is not so exacting in its puic food law as the Guth in- s])'.'ctors arc for purity of all I)ro(ir.cts used in the famous (il 'i }I Chocolates and Bon Bons. GI'TH represents the last word in (,?andy Perfection—Dainti ness, Delicacy, Deliciousness and Exclusiveness. ]\Inny a NO has been changed to YES by the sight of these luscious sweets. Tryon Drug Co. Phon:'s 21 and 1043. 11 N. Tryon. I Boils—Carbuncles I t Theis’ Salve, 25c J $ ALL DRUGGISTS ^ t 25 Cent Box t I ^ ♦ Woodall & Sheppards | I Kidney & Liver Pills FOR I ♦ ♦ ♦ THE SELWYN HOTEL EUROPEAN Rooms %1.&0 per !7ay and Up. Rooms with Private BaUi Per Day and Up. CAFE OPEN UNTIL 9:30 P. tA. Prices Reasonable. 150 Elegant Posms. 76 Private Baths. Located Ic the heart ol Ctiar* lutte, couveuicuC to railroad siaiion, street cars and the buui* ue&s aud shopping; centre. Catar to high-class c . 'umercial and iuurist trade. Purs Water from our Arteslaa .Well, w03 1-2 feet deep, for sal«, 6c gallon at UoteL 10c gallon In 5-galion lots, Delivered in Charlotte or ai ii. K. Station. EDGAR B. MOORE, Proprietor. THE BEST FOR BUSINE.^ The young man or woman who w'ishes to qualify for the best world has to offer cannot afford to take chances v.'ith the chc equipped business school. King’s Business College is endorsed by j business men, bank presidents, public officials of the highest ; thousancjs of successful students. Get your business training at tii. and there will be no doubt about your ultiniate success. Cataloi;;!. 110 Cents J This advertisement, properly Y filled in and 10c presented to ^ Woodall & Sheppard entitles you to one 25c box of Woodall & Sheppard's Liver & Kidnev Pilk. Name ^ Address .... V ^ Sent by mail to anv address. # Postage 3c extra. ♦ ♦ I ♦ ♦ \ WOODALL & SHEPPARD DRUGGISTS. Phones 69 or 166. I ♦ t ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ By Their Linen SHALL YE KNOW THEIVI While the above is not strictly scriptural, it is, nevertheless, a fact. Apropos of this thought, if we do your work, you need never apologize for your personal ap pearance. We Do Particular Work For Particular People Sanitary Steam Laundry 473 Phones 800 CHALOTTE, N. C. (Iaux»poraied.> OR ilAl/ Phone 1530—Job Prir aeeeeaeaeeaaae: 1 I Give TheBo AGl a'J Easte The Juvenile Department of our store is crowded wit I- tk for beys’ wear. Every garment your boy. needs is here iu j riety than can be found elsewhere in the Carolinas. We 1. i- pecially strong line of Blouse Suits in Sci-ges, Twoeil. a::'l as well as in W”ash Fabrics. Bring your Boy here* before Easter. Ed Mellon Conipar ee BBmsBessssssssB

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