THE WANTS ARE READY TO SERVE YOU AND AT SLIGHT EXPENSE—SEE PAGE EIGHT Idition NO. 7001 THE CHARLOrrE Latest Edition CHABLOTTE. N. C., THURSDAY EVENING. APRIL 1^1911 T^Tl i Charlotte. ’ ce ■*• V-*-' (Oatside Charlotte,) CPn*’-! • I ’ ■ i • '"I’VCpy Can ts a copy Daily and Sunday y-five Lives t j4.6 Result of ernfic Cyclones n Injured :i Rendered ;r cf Fear- 'u:h Swept ' Up Into leiephone -d Traffic A Com- ra il was sent to .0 immediare- At Hijj; Hoa i)v'rsons are home- loss and tlio .ik of rescuing tlie lit'a*! au(i in.iui> d ironi tlie wreckage \'U:- i'iiiru'd on Ii;. i iu> light of Ian- Si!’kin^ >!etd:^r, ♦’’lichoiah and an li.di ui lit ar Hig Heart, the ^ti'i'ni sweiM northeast, jiassing over .1 >i:pn. Mo., and ft.her sections of ihi' niinirir il'strivt. ’riirt>i!.,l’,(nr il,. ;>niire territory cov * ''d tiie 1,'rn:)di-es great '\as dor.i to roiiri ii.ud ir [irobable ■'it'- '1'.' t’i‘:l ’riss will not be knuwn I'or S' veral da>s. Tn the territory ' :tsso(’ O', or inanv snnil to\vns have ' '>■ be"’.i lit'r.rd from and it is believed ’.hat voi'i'i-s today \vi!i increase iv.'ber o' ( '-a . ! ■:i. m; i- ■ J a ' . • - V , 1 s H ■ t ‘ U ••i '>1:. . V. as noi an frealis in Iheir even reco'-;niz'd farni.-’s (d‘ l\an- a’.'qnai’i: uice of I s. 'I ms i ;m-.| '.V - : ,i a iorn:; !'> ' a--, w iK' I'.av ' ;g ndins v >i!^ iln.-; v.irieiy of al- V '!■;.■ -iis'\ir:ii'.c\'s. Ii'. several . - r;,rinfis wiu) from long irain- ':'.g si nk tiu'ir cycdono cellars a( th.e h t-f a torn;ido. sat in their 5:i':r:i*s and watched the advance of MU' l;« .>vy c‘!.'-iids \vhi( h dealt death ar.'! di >. i nct^' i. A! l.a‘'-f-t' -lie I'ical comi'an.N ui iK’.iii;' va as liri iiui’: and did not \!:ow fhero "as a stornt until the i-.»f h'i i 1 .I'n biovn from their lai't of th;'!n de- t', 1st ib'.-r- the si'conii ^ I'l- 1.. .>f h'i i 1 . I'n .i’dinL; and . s ; li ;i i'; Mill • !> • 1 f.'ll in, \ si'l ' 1 '■ I V Mil; y JiMl \V;1 - t OrU n and ai cnt ;ais(i;iers nin(i'' ’•i 11 .ill li!)rr’>‘, bta ori!y ihrce of- -1. a. At i'H'i. tIU ■■ (1 t I es- . ' ;.d l.l-l :i r;i"s lt:!th t' ' - : a-d . ;! . :nni- d SmH'', • I iionse t > l:,.t - II .y ' ■ rie- -t : • (r> i- • ' : ’ t >-, o ■'U*' no a man was pickeil aid carried tiu' ! o >, ■! ■ : ;:-id then dropped iiip she'O '.i ;.. d')o;\vay of a lar;:e vdUce !>r.i’ iiHe was badly injured. .\ liroman >n a ii'ain rt K.skridge, Kas., u:;s ;i “cd I';;: of in's (al), car- . i>'d ! '■ s t’-v St ;\-el and there d- M V !n !i:nny ),’;;oe- iionses were pick- uj) anil (a'iied sevciai liinidrtd ..aids betoii' i'ailit;g. In l.awrence, a ' ’,11 i'tMi. e wa.s carried about a '’1 ; k and iluii droiip.'d into a tree vlw're i' !N'.iiains iirmiy lod.ged. T'."Vo Killed at Big Heart, f'nly :\\() neison.s wt-i'e killed by •J.' !.>rnad-i ai Big Heart, kla. 'I'he jnj' iCd nuiiiiii r Three Persons Killed. Plintmervii’.e. Ark., April 1.‘>.— ■i')M-(‘c jersons Avere killed and a ;-cor(> were more or loss .severely in- jurod in a cyclonic wind storm which \ij-iie(i this iiiace last night. FRED WARNER CARPENTER Fred Warner Carpenter, former secre tary to the president, who, as Ameri can minister to i\lorocco, has so far been unable to present his creden tials to the oLiltan. This position is one that has troubled many of Mr, Carpenter’s predeces sors and is broL.ght about by the Vvilderness cf the country, the Ameri can minister must pass through to reach the Sultan's court at Morocco from his residence in Tangier. Fmeial of lorn L. Johnson ,1 I'.T'f =ev-' id .u i)(h'- ..urt. thirty '' . ,■ y ■ • , d' -' ' I'y As.sodai«\i Press. - : I Laura *\t“w Vork, .\pril i:i.—Willi solemn >i'ad' - Mo!- f’^id fitting lif>nor.s, the (d)s-en,uies over • , ( i 111.;!! ;h(‘ '»od.y of 'rom .lohnson, late may- tn- i)f .;l vt la.-d. v^■f're iioid today in ■ M S (;r*- i ' 1. id ( 'I.- t'. 'y, Hro>klvn, near i' ' where l';s (dd f ien'.i, Henryt George, ■ w.ts la..l ’o it^sf. ,i,x' .\ci on.iu'iuc'l by members of the - i’; .bdin.'(in fainiiy and inauv friei'ds. the e , a-i i'od\ of 1 le f(;! in''r mayor was brought . ■ • '.\ 1.'r»- ;ro>n (.'ieveland on the private .r -i.^e 'O , ar Livingston, attaciicd to the Twen- :j • :r. c . . ■ -ii r(Mitury Lintitod. William J. I ilryan, tienry (Jeorge. jr., and T>in- ■ ; jt-in Sw ffcas wfre among tliose to 'i .ic (he tuiural ]>arty at the (Iraad ji'-trril s aii:>n, wlience the cortege !;w:)k ii> -Aa.N t ) the cemetery, j In tl’.e )>ait.- were Mr;^. Margaret .J'.linson. Ai.iow of the mayor; Loftia . I'.enfified I']. .Johnsr^n. Mis. Kli?.abetli Mariaui a:;u her d iKihter, .Margaret Mariani; ('Mid-,’’i = e 'ai-iil,'- servants and a number of d ; ) li’iend:-. iniluding Rev. Harris R. ■ ,i - ('.di( y, \s'.io performed the funeral cer emony b:'ti. iit rc and ar Cleveland, and ■ ' D, the pallbt arcr;-: William J. Bryan; .>1. Hates. Trenton, .\. .J.; Hen T. .! Knn. ('able. Island 111.; August l.ewis, ■T .. Nov.- Vork; Lincoln Steffens. F. C. ’ ... iln'’Te. Henry (leorge. .lr.; A. .1. Mox- .';"d. eHMi. > uaT«) ' .\'le'' Pomerene, of Ohio; and’ r.rd Lr. I*. A. Hrennon. Despite Fact 7hat Champaign -Territory is Armed Camp Rioting Broke Out Afresh To-day—Thousands oj Gal lons oj Wine Destroyed. Wine Depots Set on Fire and Presses Destroyed ~ Re-in- jorcements of Ttoops Sent to Scene of Disorders — Wiix Industry Hurt. By Associated Press. Ei)ernay, l)ei)arlmen; of Maine, Fi’ai'.ce. April 13. — L\-.iiiie the fact that ihe depariment of marne ir. a vast armed canii), with infantrymen and dragooi\H l)ovonacked throughout the night at almost every viiiage in the champagne district, rioting broke out anew today and the same flame of anger and vengeance continues to sweep th( .;rape grc^wing region. At Vinay the rioters hastily threw up barric;>(ies with barrels, cafes and debris cf all sorts and succeeded :n hohling the advancing troops. \Aliile diioilier g!'t)ui> of manifestants armed with iorcbes eHtr-r^d tno va.^f chami;agne depot. The mob smashel ali :he bottles oi champagne liiey coiild rmd, wrecked the win.' presses and llien set lire to the buildings. Women were fiiremost in the woi'K of destrnction. chanting snaichcs (f revolutionary airs and urging on the men. Wh.en the troops reached Vinay the women lay down on tlie and celled th.e cavalry to ri(ie over them. Two Big Bills Are Reported Favorably To The House Big Fight Over Labeling of Diugs Favorable Report is Made By The Ways Avd Means Com mittee on The Reciprocity And Ta''i^ Revision Bills. G. C. VAN TUYL, JFi. George C. Van Tuyl, jr., who, starting in as bank messenger has worked his way toward the top untill now he has been offered the appointment as hank examiner by Governor Di.x of New York. Mr. Van Tpyi is presi dent cf the Albany ^rust Company, and if he accepts the appointment, he fill succeed Orrin W. Chaney, wl-To is soon to retire. ilflL UUUlIT BEHEBSES By Associated Press. Washington. April K?.—-'riie .Irst big j legal contest arising out of the pass-age I t ^ j ± mr , Of ,he m.r, lood and dvug act ot Important Measures to had the right of way today in the supreme court of tlie I nited States. "I he govei iimeni was making a last ef fort to sustaii its claim to the right to prosecute criminally persons who labelled drugs or medicines with false statements about the cuiative proper ties of their preparations. ] The i)oini arose in the district court i Oi western Missouri, where an indict-!, , , . , , house yesterda,\ inent against Dr. (}. A. .Johnson was : Come Up, Including Direct Election of Senators And Campaign Contribution Fiib- licity Bills. ineasui'(', but will not report it muii tOlUOl'fOW. The Canadian r.'eiproclty bill was j l'.y Associated Press. I Raleigii, A])ril K^.—In a unanimous opinion the North ('aioliiui supreme coun vesterday reversed the decision of Hiiperior (’ourt .judge I'’’. A. Han- ieis in the suit of Cirv'ernor Kit chin against Stale Auditoi' Wood to obtain a m.andamiis to compel the auditf>r to Evon.r«H.v .11,. il. «»'« '»* :ettiiig ct)iorol of the siti:a:ioi a;ul l’.\' AssociLi'ed P^'cs.'^. New York, .\jnii 1.!. - An itinerant 'Aini'.iw cleancr wJiose thieving oper- ati(ms in the course of the last few weeks has cost a score of wealthy New Yorkers many thousands of dollars, is being souglu by the police as one of the most successful and dangerous robbers in the city. The liauls, as registered by the com plaints received by the police, have ranged all the 'vay from $400 to S.'>,unu e£( h. He takes only the most \aluable niate and jewelry, articles wl'.ich can be easil.\- changed for cash. His meth.od is simple. Carrying cin I'He aim a good sized pail filled with window cloths and sponges, he solic its (U'k a« a window cleaner at jM’I'ate houses in the best sections of the ciiy. . :rn,\ t-d "!■ ' ki-’ilg' h '\ :i ka. .VeiU (>i; V-, iliiing i: nis- , to I he .i;! v’i i, •. e lif-r- EDITOR VARNER CALLS ON THE PRESIDENT. ial XfMVS. \\as:iin,:-Mon. IV (\. .'.pril 1:5.—H. B. \aiu'-r. ;i-com pan iei !)>■ Kepresen'a- tive Pag’. ('ailed (>n President Taft to- d .. and asked him to write a good .■ads stor,\- for his magazines. The l*;e-!dent ilid not promise but -Mr. ^'ar- r i.eliev(‘s 'hat he will do it. A Day With Mill Men. By Associated Press. Boston. .Masrs., April 1C.—Necessity !)f ■ ) o))-fat ion between the depart- , V t!:s of Ihe federal government and ixiile nianufacturers 'vas exiilained Mt-iiadM I' i'.uiii hy Albert Farwell Beinis, of I.e.- .Bo.-ton. at today’s session of the Na- . -I;.. ,Mi>e'Association of Cotton Manufac- ■urm iOtlu r speakers included K- , - to -M. Miller, jr., Charlotte. X. C.; Walter rf. .\ewhouse. New Vork; Henry »• .. .1 ,’s Ih-adh'c. iioston; Secretary C. H. -I- Woodburv, and (ieorge V. S. Mc- t ;ornadol^’l!i“ds, .New Vork. Tlie subjects dis- 'iav after-* were ne arly all of a technical ■■ ..!i (Jkla- nature. , . It \\a.-? announced that Hie election ;• i>''i)ula- of o.Hicers would be lield at 4 o tduck • first town this afternoon. •sudden- ‘ 7 ,.b( vp t'le. Bandit Held up Train. ) By .\ssocia.ted Press. •-'ir IS, only! Toieka, Kas. .Xjiril IH.—Santa Fe . i' dr'bris. 111ain No. ."j, ^\■as held nj) earl.y todaj ■■ >s an *: I Syracnsf', Kas., bv a handit, Con- f the first ductor Uilcy was shot through the KH. A relief shoulder. Piogiess OJ The Riots Watched B.\- Associated Press. New "^'ork, ,\pril —Hotel man- the tornado at fiig Heart, Okla. The abroad are viewing with anxiety the of i he Frencii chamiiagne li'its. P aiipears likely that the dis turbances, collided with the limita tion of area and portages, v.ill cause prices to rise to an altiuide which will force i^atrons of hotels and res- iaurants everyv here to refrain from drinkin.g champagne or to resort to other than the classic brands. Mrs, Taft To Attend Cathedial Opening By Associated Press. New York, April PI.- -Mrs. William Hovard Ti'.fi will attend the opening of the Cathedral of St. .John the Divine here next Wednesday. Presi dent Taft had hoped to be present but wrote to Fiisho]) Greer a few days ag’ saying that it would be impos-j sihle for him to leave Washington' at that time. Others who have accepted invita tions to be present are. Governor and Mrs. .John A. Dix and President .1. G. Schurmann, ot Cornell Lhiiversi- ty. dispersed tl'C uianilesiani s. .At dawn many jtlaces in the wine grov.'ing distrifi sl:Owed tiu* horizon darkiMied i‘y smokmg ruins ot wine d( i>ctn'> tiiai blazed dui’ing tlie night. At;-^he siy,ne time exploding i3e’.j»in;t.ifitts'^ .5v;m'Uonod . addjtiii^ai- wineg rowers to t'lie different ral lying points to resume their march of destruction. Reinforcements of trooiis are arriv ing in Fjierna.v on every train ai.d immediately on detraining the sokl- ^rs are dispatched to the centers of riot, Avhere they are forced continual ly to charge nnd disperse the reas- seml)ling manifest ants. 'I'he governn'ent officials claim the sacking and burning of wine proiierty is led by criminal elements, flock ing into this region from other dis tricts. The public pros.-e'cnto' at daylight this morning ])roceeded to Ay, where a conflagration started by incendia ries threatened for a time ’ast night to destroy t)ie entire village. He made twenty arrests among the ring leaders of the maniie.stants. >f, t 29. By this decision Hie state, through an act of the last session of the gen eral assembly, will collnct for state and school ])uri)oses a tax of b"i cents on the $liiu worth of pri'iierty instead ot ii> cents under tiie old system, and (jiv .eack imll. It will mean an Tiu'^/ in the i late's levenue ir- near ly .'5r>OO,(M)0. three-fourths of which •goes into the general school fund. In reversing the decision of ,Tndg$ Daniels, which Avas based u])on the case of former Governor Russell against Ayer, the court had to reverse a former ruling of the state supreme court. By Associated Pu'ss. Washington, .\pril The Cana dian re'iiirociti iii, iuii’oduced in the was reported to the (iuashed on tiie ground the act did noi jtoda,\ b,\ the new wa.'S and a)iply t) fa!>;e statenieiiis about the I means comiuiiiee. 'I'he cuiiimitico also curative pi>)i) .'ties of drugs but only j j,;ipsed !'a\()ial)l\- on the fr-.-e list tariff to false statenienis regarding the in-' .gredients. Dr. lohnsoit was charged will) having shii)))t'd in interstate com merce drui;s which he stated would cure cancer, but which ilie govern-: taken up first l>.\ the conunittee and men! claims weie entiiel.\ ineffective (]i;-i nssion i^ i.resentative and worthl-ss- for tiiat jiurpose. • .i , . , . , 1 1 I*- 4- I 1 „ Mc( all, us sponsor in tiie Mxtv-nrst H IS chnnied on beiialt ot .lohnson ■ tlia; it th(' law is to be interpreted 1 -oiigi(*ss. moved thai it lu- aiiproved as forbidding a statement about the |'“> the committee. "I las w;ts done with' curative iirojierties of drugs the act is i uiiconstiiut' Such staieMents are- ' however, was not defended as mere forecasts conceni-:apiifoved. the vote on it ing a fuiure event. Denial is madi^ in the comm'.ttee liaving beo,i a strict- thai tiiev should he regarded as state-democrats favonn- ments oi' facts 'I'ciiublicans voting solidl.^' Solicitor General Lesmann. In a i« brief for th.e government h has just 1 'republicans, ’ Senator .Hied with the court, says that a situly ! of the act sliows .hat congress bad ; 'V'"'" in mind .sniking at false statoments |!nul not he.ui refer- regarding the remedial .pi'Uities of Ihoard and that ( han- drugs. He defends the law as unconsti-j ‘ n.ierwood and his 'i'nH,cra m . , , . . . , 1 , V co' eagu(>s on the commutee had not tutiona wher interi)reted to forbid i , i ...i,.., . tu., , ^ . isufhcieiK (lata to show what ettect the such staiemc s. , , , , changes wou'd have. A-rrr 'I'lx' rccipi'ocits bill will bc called EXPERT TO INVESTIGATE hoiHom.v. lor ,lls,ns«i„„ DRAINAGE QUESTION HERE. nail, soiois Endorse Taft Administration I Oppositi(jii to (he hill fiom the stal- ■ I wart rennhlicans who ion.ght it in the Special to The News. j last session developed when the meas- ^Vasllin.gton, D. C., April 1 :L—Secre-j ure was reijorted. H( luesentative Dal- tarv Wils(m has notified Represent a-"1' i’'nnsyh ania, asked the privl- , . 'lege of tiling ,9 uunorii.'. r‘|)0:t. Ihis tive Webb that he will send an ti .f*cvV- Up.ak and pert to Mt'ei'.jcuburs county ill .vlay j yyjj] |,p signed by sev('rai members of to investigate the drainage ques-|the (lommitiee. Direct Election. ticm. AVith Ihe !innonnc('ment from Rep- resentativt I'liderwood that the dem- oci'ats were determined hefoie ad- _via I journmeiit tod;!.\ to pass a resolution Harem Skirt Creates Sensation, By Associated Press. Savannah, Ga., April 13.—The first harem skirt appeared i on the streets of Savannah today. It was worn by a vaudeville star and created a big sensation. Crowds followed tiie young woman about the streets. ^ FRANK DRANE NOMINATED. ^ By Associated Press. ^ Washington, D, C., April 13. ♦ —Nominations sent by Presi- ^ dent Taft to the senate today in- ♦ clnde the following: ^ Assayer at Charlotte, N. C. ^ Frank P. Drane. ^ Ambassador to Turkey—Wil- ♦ liam W'. Rockhill. ^ Ambassador to Russia Cur- ^ tiss Guild, jr. By Associated Press. Knoxville, Tenn., .April IZ.—Twenty reimblicans and fourteen independent democratic members of the Tennessee legislature have gone to, Decatur, Ala., presumably for the puriiose of fore stalling further legislation pending some action whereby the amendment to the state election law’ as passed yesterday by the house of representa tives can be overcome. I'he Knoxville Sentinel this morning received the fol lowing telegram from Rein-esentative Jesse C. Connor, of the Knox county delegation; Decatur, Ala., Ajjril 13. “To the Sentinel. Knoxville. Tenn. “Twenty republicans and fourteen independent democrats of Tennessee legislature gathered here. Have taken np onr abode here for six months or longer. Like this town fine. Send us papers. “JESSE C. CONNOR.” The Reason For Leaving. Nashville. Tenn., Aiiril 13.—It is understood here that the reason tlii.f- ty-four independent democratic and republican members of the Tennes- gee legislature have absented them selves from the state is to break a quorum and prevent the regular democrats and several republicans from repealing the manufacturers li quor license and also modifying the state-wide whiskey law so that it will not apiily to Na?h\ille, Chatta nooga and Memphis. The insurgents, it is said, will remain away until the 7.") days of the legislature have ex pired Unless a compromise is reach ed in the meantime. By Associated Press. Columbia, S. C., A])ril to.—The ex ecutive committee of the Avhite wing of the republican party in South Car olina yesterday indorsed the adminis- t ration of President Taft nnd pledged the IS delegates from this state to support his renomination in P.^12. The meeting of the committee was held for the jiurpose of perfecting the organi zation of the so-called “lilly white’ faction of the Repuidican i)arty which begun at a meeting here last October. 1'he committee also expressed the view that when negroes are to be given high office they should be taken from the north, where they form a‘ ■'rep.l jiarty asset at the ])olls." and that they should be stationed where their "official presence will cause no local irritation.” The lilly white faction has not been recognized by the national republican oi'ganizat ion. NEGRO DIES FROM EFFECTS OF NEW DISEASE, BERI-BERL Peace Project Fails. P.y ,\ssociated Press. Chihauhau, Mexico, April 13.— > ^ . • I aredo, Tex., April 13.--Another peace P'ovi.liug fur eieetton ot set atois h,x was learned today | ..I h.. people the house when Fredirco Move and Dr. F. R. _ plim.^'ed into debate on thr* i)ropo,sod , Seyferts returned in automol)ile from! constitutional amendment. I Madero’s canii) near Biistillos, tin miles .Minority Leader .\Iaiiu asked hat : west of here, and re|)orted their mis- the whole* subject go over for a day sion had been without definiu* result, so that the memheis could -xaniliie Francisco I .Madero, the insurrecio the language of th(> proposed ameiid- leader refused to conclude iieace nient to the consi it ut ion. hut his prr>- terms’offered which he regarded asji)osal met with no f;;vor on the demo- nothing more than the i)iomise already cratic side. made 'bv President Diaz. Senor Ma-| "There has been a gn at deal of dero reiterated his statement given in , talk from the oHier si(i- about dy- a recent interview, saying his position laying i)usiiiess iu the house,” said was clear and capable of but a single Re|)resentati\e Hur'kcr. of .Missouri, interpretation, viz; That he would wlio had the reKohiiion in charge. "I sacrifice himself and all he had. ifne-Jnow invite you gentlemen to do your cessary to the end that the insurrec- woi’st. La,\- on, .MacDuff.” tion bring about a comiilete change of politics in .Mexico. big BILLS REPORTED FAVORABLE BY COMMITTEE By Associated Press. ^Vashington. April 13.-—The ways and means committee today decided to report favorably to. the house when it convenes at noon both the Canadian reciprocity and the free list bills. By Associated Press. Charleston, S. C., .\pril 1!.—Charles Blake, a negro, has succumbed here to an attack of beri-beri, a disease that is most uncommon in this country, Teh victim was in the hosi»ital for only three da>s. It is not known Iioav much longer he was suffering from the terri ble ailment. It is not known either how the disease was contracted, TO GONTilflL l[ TUBOICULOSIS By .\ssociated Press. Denver, Colo., April 13.—The house yesterday, passed on final reading the Hasty bill for the recognition of per sons suffering from tuberculosis. The measure is drastic in its provisions. All tuberculosis patients are iilaced under the direction of the state health authorities, to whom they must re port. Physicians are ordered to report all tuberculosis patients to the health officials and landlords must report all tubercular patients. JAPANESE BASEBAL TEAM TO TOUR THIS COUNTRY SOON. By Associated Press. San Francisco, Ai)iil 13.—On the Japanese liuer Nijipon ]\laru, due t£> arrive here today, is the baseball team of ^Vaseda L^niversit.v. coming to tour Hiis country upon an invita tion from the I niversit.v of Chicago. Matches have been arranged for the .Japanese ball iilayers with most of the -large colleges of the Pacific coast and the middle West. First $3,000 Paid For Water Plant The city l)oard of water commis sioners has paid through (Mty Treas urer A. H. Wearn, the first iustail ment of for the Dilv\orth wa ter works]) lant, w'hich the city pur chased a short while ago from the Southern Power Cotupany. The plant and was purchased for and w^is to be iiaid for in three installments., The svstem purchased inchidr-s Mie iilar election bill favorabh. as it did Washington, .'.pril 13.— P.f'i'iesenta- tiv(> Rueker, of .Missouri, chairman of Ihe comuiitiee on electicm of president, vice-iuesideiit and repre* serial ive.s In congress, wa.s jtrepar- ed when the house of repres(;ntatives met today to call up the bill pro- siding for the election of LliitC'd Sic'K'S Senators by direct vote ef the peoijle. it was the putptjse of th« democi’atic U*a(ieis to ]iush this bill for immediai'^ iiassage iiending furth er action on he ('auadian reciprocity bill inti’odiiced ,\’est(M’da.v by Represon- taiive I'liderwood. ('hairman Rucker’s con-imittee voted \'eKterday to k iiort the pop- pij^es Inroiighout Dilworth, the by drants, meters, etc., but does not in clude the reservoir. Mr. E, D. 1 atta liad offered the plant to the city at the same ligui'e one mouth l)efore he disposed of i to the Southern Power Company, but at that time the city officials bad not fully decided to take over the jdant. A more thorough canvass of the situation canvinced members of the board, however, that the water rent als of the Dilworth plant w^oiihl pay for the plant and thereupon the pur chase was made. also the bill pi-oviding for anti-elec tion publicity of campaign contribu tions. Passage of the former bill in time would mean that the lat'.er measure also woulil iie pu* uikju its pasage. Tiie h(juse leaders did not anticipate much oppfjsition to these party meas ures and no attemi)t was looked for from auy democrat to impede the rajiid ptogram outlined by the ways and means committee. This com- miltee has apjiroved both hills and wants them out of the way of the Continued on Page Two.- The Insun ectos m Senor a Will Not Make an Attack on Strongly Foitified Cities By Associated Press. Agtia Prieta, Mexico, April 13.— (Via Douglas, Arizona.)—The plans t)f the revolutionists iu Sonora, it is said, do not include an attack on Cananea, which is strongly forti fied. There is a federal force there of 1,100 men with seven machine guns and one field cannon. The Mexican government has brought to Cana nea two experts from the Maxim fac tory to teach the federals how to use rapid fire guns. The bandit leader, Giron, with 20t> fortt. soldiers and fifty mounted men, held up the stage between Nacoza-i and Cumiias Saturday prior to retak- in;: Canijius. At Cumpas Girou recruited 100 men and liberated thirty prisoners, among them a Mexicon who killed an American engineer at Nacozarl a year ago. (iiron has continued towards Moc. tezunia. '!:> miles south, and will tr^i^ to capture it. 'I'he town is defend^:'d bv fifty federals and fi.v volunteers! w'ho are entrenched in the surround* ing T(j confirm the report that thf .Mtjxicau dead were lying in field? east of Agua Prieta, two Americans in an automobile last night visited the spot and found two. It Is sal! there are six more lying unburied oc th.e l^attlefieid of .March 11. v.'her^ Blanf-o encountered the federals. The telephone line between Nacfl and Cananea was repaired tonight. \ly. ' ’'I' 'I'' !■ .jt/ ■ iti