THE WANTS ARE READY TO SERVE YOU AND AT SLIGHT EXPENSE—SEE PAGE EIGHT r .\cfcS. NEWS, ♦ FOURTEEN PAGES. ♦ ♦ ♦ NO. 7002 CHARLOTTE. N. C.. FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL 14. 191 1 ■p'D Tr^P' I Charlotte ’ Ihirlc , =. c**nt5 a Co.pv r.i^v—-rr>np'^ I Outside Jharlotle, ■> Ce.its a copy Daily and Sunday EIS rday's Battle Mexico And Us Stgmjkav--•4111 IT PiSEIIT ' H I/ Pro . - til'll Iw' r'cci\ I'-L ^'’PC'tloiOtC !,,i\wv'T. Ill H.KiLQUS -■ I'lltai i’> 1" of t'l ■ ’.hfti; ii'.nl ilii'iii he will com- .■tTiCQilS on VyUccicd xty Irr . \'ag^ment ’ ihe Fignt j l^rom Im- .V ■ m his chif'f. he is. tn n-t'at with thorn iiiMiK'd olTicial roi)ro- ' .\!'\it an ,sro\-ernm»Mit. nors nvi'tiitf mifl (^hvi'uoti dpcidcd to (U'voto i1i.-Miiseivfs to tho ;>• of no.Mcc. It is said iliat thpv ■)W'!rod with iio\'(M'nini>n' officials in By Associated Press. Muscatine. Iowa. April 14.—Martial law was threatened by Sheriff Va- natt today as* a means of preserving peaco following demonstrations by striking bn;ton workers, who objected to the presence of imported special Overman Ot/ers Immigration Bill News Bureau. Congress Hall. (By H. E. C. BRYANT.) Washington. D. ' April 14.—Senator Overman has again introduced his im migration bill providing a head tax of $10 instead of $4. and an education al test. A person over IH years old shall read the English or some Euro pean language or dialect before he or she can enter. Any one already here can bring in a brother or sister or wite without meeting tne foregoing condt- ofTicors. Stale troops were placed today a( ,tious. Southerners generally agree \NUh ii'\i( (> ‘■■'ity, and wlii!.' the Mcxic-m { points nlxnu tiie facioiie.s and are : 't nnt nt w:;--- wiHiiyj; (iiat ihey i patfolliv.c disiricis here trouble seem ■I!'! ' ;m 1" l.'d'-o haviniv had s'icl;' cd )•.» break out. ' it . !' ;):>intod out lliat ! 'I'l'o local company c>r the Iowa Xa- *• t uv''; .'- cm nrivatoly and unofti-j i Iona 1 (Viiai d. joii'ed by three out-of- ‘ l'' |ioNvn ciMr.panlcs. were ordered into ;-ii ! wa- ,linirty 'oli-: :.ervi( r lo i)v(>veni rioling, though quiet • iM rononi;ii- liis iiM^sioii wh(Mi ' pcn i prevailed this morning. t xprct lo 1'.' hero sever-j rin> strikers and their sympathizers. ■ i'l's. lu‘ said are inclined to welcome Mo'-» Dangc'* to A!neric'.ns. jih(> pres>nce of the troops, in ))refer- ^ ’ ' tirlhf'r (),r. imixini'd special officer.^, \-;Ma PiiefH, Mexico. | ,||p ^.j|y joday. u- \' 1 \\'a r!:’;r L’*‘rMU: ; ;W' ii\ of Am'•'I’ic;;us ’■!' 'ii'Tii!: :anii's in Mint vicinity I to au 1IU- t. Uv’ra'U roi't ivi'ii liy the 'v,»r ■ :.ta'M',T Tliis dis]iatcii. ■ ♦'ro'.n a citi’.-Mi of Doug- nn;ne is withheld by ■ d' : ai'i t.iv-r.i has hoon laid iK'fove I p r.'sid n'. \i -oi'iiini; !'i ■I';.' 'liion;! ial telegrav.i, ’•'V- ’iui:>nis;?- were pitted aiiainst I d 'n^s in !h'. b.;t.l.' . esterd'vv. ■■'.v;'.i were i'-iMed ai'd si\- wo ii'ni.'d. "lu federal loss was • 1 liiilc'd :nii! -e\.\ n wo;;nded. Tine Mi^d'^rcs to Ea'tjie Pass. S.!i; Viitoiii', 'T'ex. Aniil 1 t.—Fran- - ‘.’.aiU ri-, a f Mhev of tlio ‘nsurrec- - . 'I. r, ..v'.'onr anl 'd tiy his son, . 'U- '■ ro and I’;'f:i; 1 Hernaiuioz, ■ e’' !hi.' ir.c.MMt’c over ilie ;-ou'hern I’.ieitu' for K;>.:le Pass, where they will r 'he l.ord. r and hoar l a si ecial •; j ■ a"'ai’in:: tliriu on the .\h“xican In- ! • i '-iial to t.-ike them to Chihuahtia \‘ ntn^ p]n.''e il'.e> will meet ; v’Ti'cto lea.’er and discuss ,l,'e t>-’'n:S. !',!e> i:t) to (."I'lihtuTliua City in an otti- ' ' i .] f^n'/acit'' to :'soortain whether •I- I; eis.-() (. Madrro will nor treat with ill tl'.> lexi-'nii uiiv'riinirut f)ti more reas- oMaM-' ^erins than he lias heretofore i,;i i- itei. 1'-''I'endo'/. "ho acc'''nr;':'.nied the ' - , \\ i’l, in senti-oll’c;-'! \\a\’. ve i- ji. ■ the Aiexicaii u-ovmunent. There w:. ; a I:.m. cro'.'d at the railroad sta- T; "i lo .. i iio:;s t!io dei'iu’ture of the G^OrOE s. TERRY N N N N DIED AT AIKEN. Hy A> ''''iat'd Pirss. Wasa t'utoi;. Ai'vil 14.- George S. T'lr;. ji'sisfMit ■’•easiirer of the ' ’-i'-'d Si..'P.- ai \pw York, died this 1 a’i.Mi;, a lv>tt'! at Aiken, S. . ^ I'.e - lie ha'l I'.'eu ill for some time. T Canadian Reciprocity Discussea in Congress Kitchin Opens Debate News Bureau, Congress Hall. (BY H. E. C. BRYANT.) FuJICTQI SCTVICC I Carolina Representative Mr. A. C. Hutchison^ a I' • n ni- AUTO WENT OVER EM- BAIMKMENA AT 14TH STREET. •\n automobile, occupied by Mr. Palmer Blanton and Miss .\ora Smith, somersaulted down an embankment ]fl feet high near the intersectioti of Hievard and Fourteenth streets last ni:.;ht and pirined iioth passengers be- neaih it. Several men \\ho happened lo Ire neai the scene ran to their as sistance, lifted the cfr off and neither one of them, ext s'pi for a tew slight bruises were injured. Miss Smith is stenographer for the Mecklenburg Auto Co. Owing to the hard rain, she Avas being sent tt) her home in Xoith Char lotte in Mr. .). M. .lones' five i>assenger !•:. M. F. car. .Mr. P.lanton one of the conipaiiv's mechanicians o]>erating. Seeing a mud hole just ahead. Mr. Plantcm apidied the brakes, but too quickly, as it i)roved. The car began to skid and seeins ho wnear hp was to. the ten foot etnbankment. the shauff- etir swung tlie » ar itround sharply with ihe result that it turned over once- as it went over tiio embankment, and lay in an inverteii ])osition. The car was l)adly wrecked and the fact that both the occupauis were in the front seat probably saved them from fatal injuries. TEXTILE MEN MEET SATUR DAY IN SPARTANBURG. 'I'he board of gi;vernors of the Southern Textile .‘vssociatii.n will ukpl in Svartanlntrg. S. Saturday iii’ternoon to determine the time and jdace of th:> next annual mcv^ting and :o (lisi)ose of other matters of im])oit- ance. ,\ii. \V. H;\nirick. of Columbia, is president of the association; .Mr. G. S. Fscoti of iliis eit\, is .secretar\ and Mr. David Clark, of this city treasurer. Mr. Overman on this propo&i'ion. He would keep out of this country a sor ry class of immigrants. •lohn A. .Mills, a Raleigh railroad man. who was here tiiis \\ eek, says that he is going to cons-truct a road from l.illingion, Harnet county, to F^roadway, in l-ee, a distance of IT miles. Sixty-pound rails will be used in its construct ion. \V. K. i.lottser. an enierprising young man from Rochesier. N. Y., s))ent Mon day in the city. He is one of the chief ])romoters- of a farming scheme for Harnet county. From lu,(hjn to 20,000 acres of land, some of which has been purciiased will be developed into a farm of considerable proportions, where pecans, dewberries, grapes, peaches, scuppernongs, cotton, corn and other interesting crops will be grown. A company is being organized and cai)iial raised. The details of the program will be completed between now and Sunday. W. X. Hunt, the hor ticulturist, has ))assed \ipon the land under consideration and expressed his belief in the succcsrs oi the i)roject. .Most improved methods will be used on this farm. Modern machinery and impliments will be a part of the out lay. Mr. Houser, who is very affable and enthusiasiic. will spend Saturday and Sunday in Raleigh. His head- (piarters-will bo at Fayetteville. A^'ashington. April 14.—The demo-1 crats are still up in the air over the j ^he funeral of Mr. A. C. Hutchison, j distribution of patronage and it willig,.^ conducted yesterday after-! be some days itei'ore they know what; „oon at the re.sidence, A larse its-: is what. The caucus Tuesday night f,.jends filled the Hutchi- Gun in Noted Battle—Recites Phrases From Sim mons Speech, elected Represeniative IJoyd, of Mis-,son home and norch and every 'Jhinks FoctS WCTC Misiepte- sented to Fool the Farmer-’ Debate on Reciprocity May Last Several Days. souri; Foster, of Illinois, and Humph-i sympathy that could minis- re.v, of Mississippi, a committee—! ,er to the sorrowing family, was called the commiite on i)airon;»ge Heautiful flowers from Char- apporiion the position and funds. A elsewhere covered and suv- mernber of this committee told me rounded the casket, that it would be at least a week be-; McGeachy. of the Second ! Presbvterian clutrch. conducied tlie fove anything definite would be done. service which was exceedingly sim- By -Associated Press. Washington, Ai)ril 14.—Canadian re- 1 lie uiReitaint\ of things in the pat- Comforting passages of Scri])ture ciprocit\, for the second time within ronage line has cattsed a i)anic weie read, a tender i)rayer offered | a few moniiis has beoome the subject the hymns ‘Lead Kindl.v ofRce-seekers especially , and the' the colored contingent which sudden-"Xearer My God to Thee'' iv » iuartette consisting of ly became democratic to the core. It is said now, however, that each representative, barring chairman of committees, will iiave about fifteen hundred dollars at his disposal but 1 M rs. and E. l„. Martin. Mrs. H. S. Bryan Messrs. William Anderson and O. M. Xorwood. MISS THAYER jTAKES HOUSE. Miss Grace 'I'hayer. the trouble would not end with the lU'omise of that amount for there are. . t, few salaries of that size, most of! (Irace lhayer. who has been them being one thousand or two:^ resident ot Charlotte lor seyera thonsand dollars. Ir has been sug-! l^^s taken a house on West gested that the Xoith Carolinians -^lorehead siieet, in anticiijation of agree to divide iheir .jobs into one , coiiiing. next week, ot her mot thousand dollar and two tiiousand dol-I havei, and sister, 111 s. lar places and draw ](;ts for the ad-, daughter, iluul, vantage. This may be done. j who make their home heie. The friends of Senatoi' Simmons ■ ^ ♦ are congratulating iiini over his ap-^^*--^'^^-' , ,, pointmeni to tlie senate steering com-! A.ts. R. A. McGiat i, o niittee. The senior senator fi-om' among the guesih at Xorth Carolina may go wrong on Selwjn. Big Cargo of Naval Stores. B.' \.-.-!Ociatcd I’ress. p. nsitcoia, Fla.. April 14.—What i^* ( hilM.ed to b- the largest cargoe of I p,._. i :, v,il over shippod from the ! : ni^t-d Stages to a foreign port left h> .T today-on the liritish steamer Ber- wind .Moor for Brtunen and London. The shipment eomiirises O.OoO casks. ,)f gallons- of s])irits of tur- pi'Titine, and ■Jl.;uii barrels of naval of ;-tor's. tiK' total liaving a valuation I Ilf nearly .$sH0.ii(t0, 'I'he siiipmeni was -tirr. in made by the American Xaval Stores The Coiupanv which has about 10 times fnnd M'is amount in its >ards in this city. ti-iMtin.: i-|\. 0.1 Deadlock Continues. 1 - -aiu, . ' ■ :-e . ; i>in’- ■ e". ,eS I ini of POLICE AND WORKMEN FIGHT SEVERAL HURT AND KILLED. Marseilles. April 34.—Workmen en gaged in digging the Rhone canal v,ho went on a strike a few days ago (•'ashed \Nith the police this morn ing. During the melee one police- nun and seven workmen were woiuided. Ne w Hampshire Hits Lorimer. Concord. X. H.. April 14.—Declaring that i tappears morally certain that Fnited States Senator Wililam Lori mer of Illinois, obtained his seat by Assails The ‘%me Of Gold Bv Associated Press. 'Washington. D.,C.. April 14.--Charg ing that corporate bodies today con trol not only the legislaiure but the courts of the Fnited States aiid that law in these instances no longer means iustices. Senator Owen, of Oklahoma, las-t night, speaking at the Thursday dinner of the Scottish Rite Masons of the District of Columbia, assailed the ‘•lure of gold. Senator Taylor, of Tennessee, also was a speaker. Senatoi' Ta.vlor assert ed that money madness- had brought Americans to a stale where "if they were to go to Heaven they would dig up the golden streets of the new Jeru salem and do dut.v on the harps C)f the angels to protect Americ'an industries. ’ Senator Owen said it was impossible for the government to control trusrts when the trusts already controlled the government. A return of power to the hands of the people, he asserted, was the only remedy for conditions that jirevail today when “not only legisla tors are controlled by corjiorations. but judges are appointed that are favorable to the interests. ’ some things but no one who !nows him doubts his ability and courage to heiji organize and steer a body of men. The ])olitical end of the game fils him as the hobble skirt tits the , ’ EASTER GUESTS. Miss Theresa McCubbins, of Sal- a Presbyieriau College stu- goes wonian-J-rom bottom to top. Xo sen-' home this tM-ening for ate committee ever had two cleverer accompanied * isses .o le steerers than Thomas S. Martin andb^n/abeth Withers. Fitrnifold M. Simmons, who w born, bred and trained to steer, as MR. AND MRS. WADSWORTH DIVES TRAIN THREE MILES ihf ir political careers in Xorth Car- TAKE TRIP, olina plainly show. i Mis. (leo. Wadsutjith lea\o Ite-morrow night for a delightful trip. 'I'hey first go to Si. Louis, nliere ‘hey V, ill visit Hrs. Wadsworth s sis'ter, IN LESS THAN TWO MINU TES.' Mtlis. From Si. Lotiis they go to ('incinnati to visit, Mr. and Mrs. Pufl’alo, X, Y.. April 14.--Engineer ^,p,, Baker, parets of Mrs. Wads\\orlh. Chihls. of Syracuse, a Xew > ork Cen- 'i'h,fcv will be altseii’, about ten da.\S'. tral railroad emplo.\ee, holds the s})eed " ^ recor(i for American railwa\s ioday as ivjakES MOVING the result of his feat .\estcrda.\' iu driv- PICTURES. ing mail train Xo. P!. carrying p Stewart of Orange, X. .T„ .seven steel mail cars and two Pull- a(]visorv engineer of Thos. A. Edison. bribery, fraud and corruption, the New' .inded By Associated Press. 'Hampshire senate, by a vote of 16 to iinr-- Xashvilh'. 'I enn.. .\pril 14.—rtespiie ig ef.-^ or rutnors of conferences looking to the : return of the instirgent members of .\uua j)-,. i(>>.:islature from cD aiur, Aala., the d t' ar v.iniatiou remains unchanged and the th ed in their determination to continue ti:e deadlock as wiien they left the ei*y. The house met this morning and j-oon adjourned unti. tomorrow niorn- 'I'he inieresting (luestton no\^ is. uill Ihe novernor receive the election Dill, the passage of which led 34 mem ber;* to leave the state, there being no (pifirum pre.sent when the bill was sigi;f'fl. It WHS rursiored here this morning ; hat *l)e ruiui'' \ uieri- y Oil 1.0 iiO eo^nix- ■•! f’-iun i ,i. to t' *' f i ’ d ■ iiruia- : . e hp- i'.'litv > ;■ r in , . • or tors Gallinger and Burnham that the sentiment of the people of New Hami)- shire appears to be that Senator Lori mer should not be allowed to retain his ab.-eiiiees s(' far as known are "^'jseant in the Uni ed Stales senate. 'The resolutions were then sent to the hou&s for concurrence, but as there was so much opposition the matter was indefinitely postponed, j Copies of the resolution were order ed sent to each United States sena tor. To Meet in Atlanta. By .\ssociated Press. \Iemi)his. Tenn.. April 14.—In a call made public here today, former Gover- jior M. R. Patterson, of Tennessee, a- members would ^^oon j of the Southern Conference . I 11 iiiit this report can not be con-1,1,^ woman and child labor, convokes is lirm( 'i. I'll ,;i. Game Postponed. ut B. As-ociated Press. ■ r' ‘Piniadelpiiia, Pa.. April ll.-(Ameri- :n: am -Xew York-i’hiladeli)hia game : i"‘ pcr,^ jtohc-d; rain. the fourth annual convention of that organization at Atlanta. Ga., April 2.'. and 26. State labor bodies, women's clubs and civic and business organ izations. as well as employers of wo men and children, are urged to send reviresentatives. RESICNSmS POST TO- mans, from Bellevue to Lancaster, a distance of three miles, iu one minuie and .j1 seconds. The lirst mile was made in -IS seconds, the s(‘Cond in o7 and the third in :>(> seconds. is in the cit.v. .Mr. Stewart’s woi’k is in the bi'j lal)orator.\' at Orange, wher' 7,000 are emploxed in making tho uuiving i»icn!re i)ictures. Chicago Provisions. Chicago. Ai>ril IL—Butter steady (’reampries Italil. Dairies Flais. Egus ste:!(l.'’. recei))is cases; Admiral Bstbsder Arrives. By Associated Press. Xew York. .Xoiil 14.- Rear .\dmiral Onfree BeTneder. formerly minister of ^t mark, (-ases in(duded K} l-2a1 1, firsts marine foi’ the Argentine republic, ar- |.r,. pvime firsts K> 1-2. rived here today fiom ]'^uro()e to super-j ("iiepse steady. Daisies 14a1-2, Twins intend t iie construction of two war-12 3-1aP^, Young .\niericas 3-4a1 1, shi))s now building for his government Long Horns 1.3 3-4al4. in Xew .lerse.v shipyards. Potatoes weak, choice to fancy 52a 5."), fair to good r)0a.')2. Poultry steady, tuikeys dressed 10. fowls live 15, s])rlngs live I-";. Two* Veal steady, 50 to 60 Iti. weights 6;i of the 7, 60 to S5 lb. weights Ta9. 80 to 110 schooner Ottawa, which was wrecked lb. weights 9 l-2alO. at Cla.vbank .vesterday, were recover ed today. Three bodies, one of them that of Claus Weborg, were recovered yesterday. One more man is believed to have been aboard the schooner. Two More Bodies Recovered. By Associated Press. Green Bav, \Vis.. April more bodies of the crew of legislative discussion in the con- gi'ess of the Fiiiled State's. When tiie house of representatives met toda.'- it was to have placed befor(‘ it the Canadian agieement as reported yesterday from the ways and means committee by Chairman I’liderwood. Willi the bill taken up, the question of length of del.'iiles was to be deter mined. Though there is oi.))osition to the measure in the house, it has hceu the prevailing oi'inion that cliscussion could be disposed of within two days, today and tomorrov.-, but ihe democrat ic leaders have not licen iiudiued to limit debate unreasonably if longer time should be required, and they set four days as the maximum limit, 'riiat would [irolong the deltate until next week with a vote on the bill 'I'nes- day night or Wednesday. Reiiresentative Dalzell, of Penr.syi- vania. who oi»posed the Mct'all V)ili in the Sixty-iirst congress and \\ho yesterda.\ served noiice that he would make a minoiity report from tlio ways and means committee on the Fnderwofxl bill, wars not expected to lii'eseiit his report toila>' i)Ut at soiiKi time during the debate. 'I'he senate adjourned yesterday un* til Monda.^■. Representative Kitchin Opens De* bate. Special to The News. Wasliington, I). (^. A])ril IL—At the repiest of ('iiairnian I'ndtu'wood of the ways and means c imniitiee. Rei>resen- lative Kitchin oiuuH'd the debate to- da>' on reciiU'oeity, He argued that, the tariff ui I'arm jiroihicts was a sliani, a fiaud and a snare to catch tlie farm vote. l!e (luoted Vanc.e, Vest, Beck and Simmons to »ui)port his po- silion. I‘'rom a spoech made by .Mr. Simmons, ai Snow Iliil In J!)02, he (ptoied; “The truth is the whole re- l)ublican argumMit that tariff regulates I lie price of farm i»roducts is false. ‘Our elieap raw mr.'eriais are cotKm, coi'it, wheat and oilier iiroducts of the farm of which cannot be benefitted by iirotection because we ex]tort them ii! large (pianiities." -Mr. Simmons wasr not (pioted to show thai Mr. Kitclii'i differs with him. but to bolster .Mr. Kiiehin’s argument. The, debate on this bill will continue until late Monday. H, E. C. Bryant. Parish to Vote on Saloons. Bill Intioduced to Disfranchise Negro Hi Calm Settles Over the Wine Growing Dishict of Fiance After Three Days Rioting a,.-| ' l.'.ice ' I ('III ■il l.' of i '';I1. 1 ■ M.eie.O, , (,f ;i* a(‘( in , ' ■'! .\br'^on : ■ im ai- K-ii a !>.. ii >;aez lias By A.'sociated Press. Kpernay. Department of Marne. I'rance. Ai)ril 14.—Calm prevailed dur- Mig the night throtigbout the Depart- meni of .Marne, the scene of three days- riotous outbreak (m the part of the (li,-oniented winegrowers, and the an-j liiorities this moining are hopeful that tlM.‘ rioting is over. The vote of the chamber of deputies ,r. thai ’’1 iMillifying the action of the senate 'inu' iti *'‘'i'l> r'ference to the delimitation 01 *' in ace 'he eliampagne districts which would el lead- l"“!uiii wine made iu any district to a reply !>*' labelled champagne and the express ed intention of I’remier Monisr to re- fc'r the whole |uestion to the council ot state for settlement, served to large extent, it is believed, in appeas- ii-g the excited populace. Tlie army corps sent to quell the outbreak and prevent further destruc tion of property remains, however, in the disturbed area. force of gendarmes just before daylight this morning proceeded 10 \ enteuil, one of the wine depots upon which the manifestants especially di rected their operations of destruction of the wine presses and bottles ot champagne and arrested two of the ringleaders. WTiile the gendarmes are escorting the acused men to the police Set at ion women rushed into the street and tried to tear incriminating docu ments from the arms of the public prosecutors. Military aeroplanes played a prom inent role in the maneuvres of the By Associated Press. W’ashington, April I L—David .layne Hill, of Rochester, X. Y.. ambassador of the United States to Germany, has resigned his post. The resigna tion has been accepted by President Talt. Xeither in Mr. Hill's letter of res ignation nor in the president's letter of acceptance is any reason given tor the ambassador's action. The presi dent thanks Mr. Hill for his ser vices at Berlin and says that he is glad to know that he will remain there until .Tiily 1. when the resigna tion goes into effect. Mr. Hill's letter to the ))resident was dated April 12. .\nibassador Hill was ordered from Berlin several weeks ago to discuss,^ according to announcement by the state department at that time, the' potash controversy between the Unit ed States and Germany, which for a long time has been the subject of diplomatic interchange in which Mr. Hill has been intimately engaged. State department officials declined to day to disiMiss the resignation. The retiring ambassador has been connected with the state dejiartment, for more than twelve years, .entering the service as assistant secretary of state October 2.S, 1898. He was ap pointed minister to Switzerland in 1903 and two years later transferred to the Netherlands. Since April 2. 1908, he has been ambassador to Germany. Wliile Ambassador Hill’s resigna tion was a great surprise to official Washington an5 to the diplomatic corps here, it was argued toda.y that the fact tliat he is to remain at his post until .Inly 1 indicates that there was nothing urgent in the aral)assa- dor's action. Shrieveport, La., Aiiril 14.—The PO-, Associated Press. lice jury today passed an ordinance W'ashington, Ai>ril 1 4.—Repre.senta- ordering an election on .June 1 on the. . . question of voting back saloons in Cod-, tive Hardwick, of Georgia, toda\ do parish, including Shreveport, which troduced a bill providing for the dis has been drj' for the past three .\ears. franchisement of the negro. He pro posed that the following amendment Peach Crop in Habersham. to the constitution be submitted to Baldwin, Ga., April 14.—Peach grow-, the state legislatures for ratification, ers of Habersham county say that the] namely: crop this vear will be within fifteen! •'1’hat the fourteenth amendmeiii per cent of a normal. It will not. of to ihe constitution of the United course, be as large a crop as was gath- I Stales, be, and the same Is nereiiy le- Nine Injured in Wreck. By .\ssocialed Press. Wasliington, April IL-Xlne per- .sons weie slightly injured yesterday when Southern Railway train Xo. 31, the Southeastern limitpd from W’ash ington to ,la(dson\ille, was d»>ralled at .\shley, S. .\l’ the coaches but the rectr Pullman left the rails. The acci dent is laid to a broken flange. Ac cording to advices received at the head(!uartei-s of the Southern Railv.-ay, the folh)wing were among those in jured ; .Mrs. ,\lic(^ Hand. .Mlendale. S. C, C, C. Faris, Winsloii-Salem, .V, V. .Mrs. Ella G, lioni, Ciiattanooga, Tenn. ered last year. pealed.’’ New York Remembers Today. New York. April 14.—Flags are fly ing from all buildings and from many office buildings and residences here in token of the 46th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's assassination, w'hich occurred on a Good Friday. The wir: 111 liic - anniversary of the shooting has not droops‘when\lirrioting^va7 at' its ’ fallen upon a HYiday^ since 1S76 I and It will not again until Storm in Eastern Missouri Results In Nine Deaths- Hundred Persons Injwed several points in W'ashington. ]\Iont- By Associated Press. gomery. St. Francois, and .Jefferson — St. Louis. April 14.—Nine persons,the lead belt counties, and aimmg the are dead and nearly one hundred in jured as a result of the destructive wind and hail storm which iiassed over easterti Missouri yesterday afternoon. In this city three are dead and proper ty valued at betAveen $1,.500,000 and $2.- OUO.OUO was destro.\ed. Tlieie was a remarkable participa tion of hailstones. Some of these are reported as being three inches in diam eter. Hail cause the greatest damage. Thousands of windows in West End residences were broken. Greenhouses towns suffering heaviiy vere .‘^lat Riv er. Esther and Elvins. In the three towns named oO jiersons were more or seriously injured. Another Report. DeSota, Mo.. April 14.—With all tel ephones south of here crippled, re ports from the districts sweiit by a tornado late yesterday afternoon are coming in slowl>'. It will be late to day before a comiilete list of the de struction can be compiled. Eight jiersons are known to have New Electric Concern. Greeijsboro. X. .\pril 14. -Further iiHeresI was given to the electrical developments of ihis state by tho filing in Raleigh of pr.pers of iiK-f)ri>orat ion for (he .\orl!i Statf* Ilydro-p]lectrie Com))any, with au authorized cajiitnl stoc'k of $30(1 ouo. The incorporaiors are A. C. Wckoff. II. L. Parker and F\ H. P.i iggs. all f)f Raleigh. 'I'he comiiany, it is staled. Is n suh- sidiary comiiany of thf> f;aroliiia Power Lislit Co.. and the Yadkin River Power Comiiany. Two White Boys Shot a Negro. W'ilniiiigton, .'\)»iil 11. Itoberl ' TlKimpsoii, a negro, was takC'ii to the, hospital late last night with a dan gerous wound in the abdomen, in flicted bv a 22-'alibre rifle ball, and W'estlev Hamilton and Richard Phil lips. white, ag“d !'■ and la respec tively, are in the city prison v.ithout bond cliMigcd wiiii the shooting. Both .voting men ai.iieared to be tlrinking. Phillips i-aid the negi'f) tried to hold him up and he then went and got the rifle and Hamilion followed up tiiG negj'o and when the laner closed in on them he fired, the bullet taking effect ill tue iibdouien. Tlie alfair oc curred in the not 1 hern section of the cit.'’. demolished. Churches in the path‘been killed in Valles Mines, Cadet and 1 __ ..: .-V: m nya naan ut of the storm did not escape, and many stained glass windows were broken. At Valles Mines. Mo., the tornado killed four jiersons and seriously in- pired a score more. At Cadet. Mo., two women are known to have been killed and tit- teen persons are reported injured. .\t She1b\ viHe. III., hail stones eight inches in circumference were reported. At Annaila growing crops were badly damaged by the i^ail and wind. The tornado which wrouirht destruc tion in Cadet and Vallps Mines swojir No election in Colorado. Denver, Col.. .\i;ril 14. -Represen- Foin'TegnjVs“'are''deaV'‘atilaiive .Marlin receivefl the .'14 votes of the anti-Siteer democrats In ye-- terda.\'s ballot for I'niied States sen- aior. Mayor Si;eer i;olled 28; Rejire- sentative .Maupin, 1, and Dr. B. 1., .lefferson, 2. Thirr>-fine repablican.s vriTed for C. W'. Watermati. vicinu . Valles Mines and two while women dead at Cadet. 'I'wo men, .lohn Power;; of Cape Gi- rade’i and .Josepli Boyers, of DeSota, were killed while riding in an automo bile in the southern )»arr of .lefferson county. The third occujjant of thel ;—— —• machine, which was catight in thei Commissioner Resigns. wind, is missing. The chauffeur, whoj Washitif^ton. Aiiril 14. .\nnounce- escajied. telephoned the report here. . 1 me iit was made here that 11. IL Meagre reuorts tell of havoc 1 Xorth, commissioner of innm.^Ma.ion wiour'hl ihrouV-hout .Jefferson county. | at San Francisco, Cal., had resi'rnpd. Farm' bnildiiiirs were demolished and I Xo rerisons were given and uo succco- over and did considerable damage to j great damage waf '(lone to crops. i sor has been decided upon ;]! i . I: I if- h