'' I \VL L'jjppii|p'5i,-;fl «.m'»!iuiip.if .HI. j. THK CHAALb-J^K KjliWS, APRIL 21 COBLE SHOE CO B Doing the “Kock-Out” Act to the Foreman & Miller Shoe Stock ELIZABETH HEIGHTS LOTS FOR $500.00 There are just eight of them and th§ smallest is 50x157 feet to a 10-foot alley. They are three blocks from Elizabeth Avenue, and the car line and three blocks nearer town than Elizabeth College. All have city water. ONLY $100. cash is needed to secure one. The blaance can be paid in easy installments. Here's a chance to buy a nice lot In the nicest end of Charlotte at a price that is bound to advance Don't take much time to think it over, but see us before they are gone. Browrv & Comp0k.rvy 203 North Tryon Street — PhoE No. 535 The Girl Daud Makes Good 7 mice 'riie new firm is bound to start off witii "A New Stock.” you A’alue your money don’t fail Vv'eek and pick out If to come tins vou cati use. all s for the Almost Taking Purops for a Song Shoes of All Kinds Have the “Ouick-Step” Movement In All Prices Miss Bessie Burkheimer's Play, Presented Bejore Charlotte Audience For the Second Time, Draws a Large House And IS Thoroughly Enjoyed, T Ik hey are all “going away from oro 98c and $7 $2.00 .\ new lot of Shoes and Oxfords that were $1.39, now go under the Coble routing at Anoiher big lot of $3.50 Oxfords and Pumps; Patents and Gun Metals Men and Women’s. - All 1^1 Q(\ Sizes «pi.07 Another of $4, $5, $6 Oxiords to go Saturday only, at Bring a Big Basket and a Little Change and Carry ... Awav a Load Coble Shoe SUCCESSORS TO Foreman & Miller 42 East Trade St. 111 Co. Co. Closing Of Dixie School Next Friday “Johnathan Scruggins and Belin da Jane Hopkins.” lableau, “Silver Threads Among the Gold.” “Old Man’s Darling and Young The closing exercises of the Dixie ! Slave. m.?h School will takep lace on Fri day, April 21, beginnig at 10 a. m. The students have given much prac tice to the preparation of the pro gram and have been ably instructed by the teachers, instiring an enjoy- II hip day’s entertainment. The program follows: Friday, 10 A. M. Address .. .. Hon. Neal R. Graham Address Hon. John McRae Dinner. 2 P. M. Song—“Greeting Glee” School Recitation—“My First Bow” l»uise Brown “Parade of the States School Recitation—“Dolly’s Lesson Minnie Blair Porter Daisy Chain Drill. “The Methodist Preacher’s Daugh ter.” Motion Song. 8:15 P. M. Drill Vive Pamour” Dialogue “Uncle Jeff” Tableau “The May Queen” “Light Housekeeping.” Aunt Sallie.’ Tableau. .“Now to Sleep.” I Lay M« Down Small Blaze. About $50 damage was done this morning to the house of Mr. Sam Har ris, the well-known laundryman, on East Hill street. East Hill street, by Are. The depart ment responded quickly, mining a fine run down South Tryon street. Mothers, get Mother's Joy and save your little child from suffering with colds, croup and pneumonia. eod REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mrs. Bettie Haynes has sold to. J. T. Sanders a lot at the corner of New Boundary and Stonewall streets \for $1,350. The Mutual Trust Company has Sold to Lewis Arerson, for $650, a lot on Shorter avenue. A beautiful Vitagraph Am use U today. romance. For the second time since it was first annoiiuced a large crodw of Char lotte people v.-itnesses last night at the Academy of .Music a rendition of ■‘The Girl Who Dared”, Miss Bessie Butkheimer’s attractive play. The au dience was e\ en larger last night than at its first presentalioii several months a,6;o and attested its appi'eciation by iionerous applause, almost every song number being encored. The production was replete with new and catchy songs, bright lines and cle’.er dances. Several new characters 'vere seen in the cast, which was an oxccllent one throughout. Miss Bessie Burkheimer, the authoress, again took the part of Virginia Neville, “The Girl.” and was fully up ti the standard set by herself at the pi'evious pre sentation. Her first appearapce on the stare was the signal for warm ap plause. Mr. C>ril Baxtresser, as Dick Brown of the Xew York Herland, made a distinct and instantaneous hit with the audience both in the lines assigned to him . and the songs he Sfir.g. One oi' his best songs was Day Dreams Brings Visions of Bliss,” which gave opportunity for showing the real excellence of his voice. Anoth er excellent number was “Let’s Make Love Among the Roses,” sung by Mr. Baxtresser and Mir.s Bessie Burkheim er. their voices blending in most agree- ahie manner and their interpretation of the song calling forth applause. Mr. Bruce Xabers, as Jack Guion, a young American of impetuous and ar dent temiierament, provoked apprecia tive applause and proved himself one of the stars oi the present cast as he VI as of the first presentation. Miss Helen Colt, as ;\Iiss Dorothy Roth- ^leld, an American heiress, came in for generous applause and was one of the most polite and winning of the principal characters. Other parts most capably taken were that of Lord John Buckingham, an English Duke seelang a fortune, by Mr. Henry Benoit, who besides measuring up to the part, has an ex cellent voice v. hich was heard to best advantage in “If This Rose Told You all it Knows ’; Marie Dupont, a maid to Virginia, by Miss Florence Burk heimer. who also led in several of the choruses with good effect; Lady Laura Wellington, aunt and guardian to Vir ginia. Miss Annie Summerrow; Nell, a street singer, little Miss Emma Jean ^\'ynne, who was called back several times to repeat “I Want Some one to Flirt With Me”: and Madomoiselle De Pomi Gdoiu’, a primadona. Miss Annie McKone. who showed her voice to be one of primadona proportions in “The Glow Worm.” Among the most striking of the chor uses were. The Flying Machine Girls, The Hobble Skirt Girls, The Yachting Chorus and The Evening Gown chor^us. One of the most enjoyable of these was the Flying Machine Girls, which vv'irh Miss Bessie Bv-rkheimer, rendered in fine style “Come, Josephine, In My Flying ^Machine.” “The Girl Who Dared,” has proved itself a production of real worth and the young authoress is to be congratu lated on its second successful appeal to a Charlotte audience, which showed by its behavior, both on first and sec ond presentation that it was gett- ting its money’s worth. The cast is excellent and the songs the very latest hits. It is bound to draw a good audi ence wherever it is presented. Tere is a probability that it will be produced at Shelby at an early date, several requests having been made to Miss Burkheimer to present It ther^ as well as at other places. —Mr. Dan Bradley, who was, burned out of house and home on East Fifth street, March 5th, has rebuilt and is ready, he and his family, to move in. —Work is being carried to rapid c&mpletion on the improvements in the clerk of the court’s office at the court house. The workmen are doing a good job of it and the convenience will be very great, when completed, to the public as well as to the officials. A beautiful Amuse U today. Vitagraph romance. For Rent STORE ROOMS Store room Na 4 and 6 Soutb Poplar St.. flo(^v space, 38x74, $50.00 RESIDENCES. 6-room apartment, 421 N. Col lege St 85.00 6-room apartment, 419 N. Col lege St 30.00 4 rooms, Villa Heights, per week 1.50 6 rooms, modern, 706 East 5th St., possession May 1 22.50 7 rooms moaern, 3 E. Vance St. $35.00 7 rooms, moderu, East 5tli St. extended 20.00 7 rooms, modern. 712 East 4tb St 25.00 7 rooms, modem, 718 East 4th St 25.00 7 rooms, modern, 720 East 4th St 25.00 8-room modem, 6 West 11th St.. 30.00 / Brown & Co. Cutting: Household Expenses Lots of people in Charlotte are doing it and at the same time living bet ter than before. This is how they manage: They buy their Coffee from us, getting superior quality, fresh roasted and ground. It goes at least a quarter further than the kinds they formerly used and costs less, from 20c to 35c a pound. We sell them Pure Baking Powder, equal to the best in the market, for 20c a pound. We sell them Sugar at refiners’ prices. We sell them Rice at jobbers’ prices. • Become our customer, live better and save money. C. D. KENNY COMPANY 23 South Tryon Street. 'Phone 1539. FOR $5,000.00 We can sell you a good home on Central Avenue. The lot Is 66x150 feet. It has eight rooms all arranged for convenience, and comfort. All modern convenience, and is on car line. It is a REAL BARGAIN at*this price. Part cash and terms on remainder. Let us show it to you. The McClung Realty Co. 25 S. Tyon St. Phone 1254. - WE ARE NOW — Preparing Plans for Homes, Cottages, Bungalows and Two-Story Houses, to be Built In Dilworth If Interested in Securin^g a Home on Our Plan of Easy Monthly Payments Come at Once and Have a Plan Drawn Accord ing to Your Own Ideas. CONSULTATION FREE Charlotte Consoiidated ConstructioH Company. 2nd Floor Piedmont Bldg. Telephone No. 155 The Southern Real Loan Estate, and Trust Company, specialists in sell. Ing, renting, and managing central business property and sub-dividing of acreage tracts. Southern Real Estate, Loan d, Trust Company. STEADY PROGRESS In a bank indicates uniform excellence of service. The this institution has been steady and sturdy, because it has invar h met the banking requirements of thedepositors. Start a business or personal account here if you desire ize a bank that will exercise every legitimate effort to best interest. patron- promote your Charlotte National Bank OFFICERS; J. H. I.ITTLE, President. J. P. ROBERTSON. Vice Pres JNO M. SCOTT, Vice President. W. H. TWITTY, Cashier. Cottage Home For Sale at the End of Piedmont Car Line With 5 rooms, has slate roof, high nice location, house only been built about IS months, house renting for $2.50 per week. Price if all cash, for the next few days. $1350.00. J. E. MURPHY & CO. Phone 842. 229 S. Tryon St. For Investment or Home Two 5-room modern cottages, on car line in First Ward, near Church and School. Good residence section. Can be made to pay 10 per cent, on investment. Will be sold at once at only $3,5Co Peoples Loan & Realty Co. W. L. Nicholson, Mgr. C. R. McGinn, Salesman. 309 Realty 'Phone 313. Building. Job Dept. Phone 1530 God’s The Home F a.m,ily of the Orphan That was an interesting, a helpful talk of Rev. Mr. Walker last evening; and then the music, how beautiful! how inspiring! The Prof., the sqloists, the trio, the chorus, all seemed attuned in noble, righteous effort. “More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee.” ( AS I LOOKED AND LISTENED It struck me as strange that more people do not use the Building & Loan plati for charity, for church extension, and especially in the line ■ of creating a sinking fund for the discharge of debt, which most re ligious organizations have to carry. It’s true much of it is being done, but it is well adapted to the work, and should be more generally em ployed. OUR APRIL SERIES is still open, and everybody is invited to come in, and swell the band of progressives. E. L. Keesler, Sec & Treas. Phone 344. 25 S. Tryon St. FOR. R.ENT 2-story 7-room house. Lawyers’ Road ji2 50 Modem 6-room house 10 Jackson Ave. * ’ 5;room house corner 21st and Caldwell St.; 8 00 5-room 307 South Poplar St., large garden * 15 00 5-room house, Lawyers’ Road * \ il 50 Modern 5-room house, 314 East 9th s treet is 00 4-room house, 1113 South Tryon street **..**..**.! 9 00 4-room house, 512 North McDowell str eet .. .. *.*. V. *. 8 Oa 4-room house 404 West 10th street .*,* 10 00 4-room bouse 1302 South Tryon street, freshly calcimined 10.00 3-rooin 0OUS6, lOo Soutn Church str66t* p^r W6©k 2 00 Two 3-room houses 6 and 8 West Lid dell street, per week each 4-room house 101a N. Brevard street, per week i so 5-mom house 18 West Palmer street ‘ * losX 3-room house, 309 South Cedar, per w4ek 125 J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. BARGAINS 8-room house on East Avenue. 7-room house on Elizabeth Avenue, near E. Avenue, all modern conveB- iences, up-to-date in everything. 5-room cottage in “East End,” lot 100x175. 4-room cottage in “East End,” lot 50x250. Both nearly new. Some special bargains in farm lands from 4 to 6 miles 01 if ta! lit onC8> W. T. Wilkinson & Co. McKINNON BLDG. East Dilworth Home We offer for sale a 6-room cottage, practically new, in good condition, with large lot 107 feet front by 185 feet in depth, on the shady side of the street, and the entire lot covered with race trees. The owner is very anxious to sell, and we can make you a price of $2,600 for this property on easy terms. For further in formation call or ’phone Carolina Realty Co, O. J. THIES, President B. R. LEE, Secretary. 211 N. Tryon St. W. D. WILKINSON, Treas. & Mgr. J. P. LONG, Salesman. 'Phone 609. BAR.GA1NS • —IN— Building Lot A BEAUTIFUL DOUBLE LOT, with oyer 300 ft. frontage on East Seventh Street, close to the Elizabeth car line and with feet fionia^eoD Independence Square, giving a fine outlooli into the Park \vln ii (an neve- be shut out. $3,000 will buy it. ANOTHER LARGE LOT about 100 feet on 7th street rind l pendence Park, convenient to the Piedmont car line, and ai-o ? Ing a fine outlook in two directions over the Paik. $2000 will bjy A LARGE DOUBLE LOT on East Avenue extended about half wa fmmt^ bridge to Elizabeth College fronting about 140 feet on niaradam and with depth of about 350 feet—the equal to about six 01 rtinary cu. lots. $4,000 will buy it, or will sell one-half the frontaae for $2.ooo. FOUR REMAINING LOTS AT HILLCREST on Miller Avenue ; SSCO eac^- or $2800 for the four together. ONE FINE COLONIAL CORNER, about 80x160 feet for $1500. A DOUBLE LOT AT ELIZABETH about 100x200 for $3000. , TWO REMAINING LOTS, LOUISE AVE., at Piedmont, nrar f and with water and sewer lines already laid in the street, $ cco esi- easy terms SIX MORE LOTS pn Seigle Street, with water and sewer main within easy reach of the car line, $850 each on eusv term- ' for all together. A RANSOM PLACE LOT near to Tryon on Morehead St. car hr for some home-seeker who must be close up town. A FINE PARK AVENUE LOT at Dilworth at $1200 and two !r: $1500 each. T^VO CORNER LOTS at foot of South Tryon Street, one abo'it for $1200, the other about 80x200 ft. $1500. SEVERAL G^OOD LOTS 50x200 at the foot of Mint Street, jn- ' line at $600 and the new avenue in the pines at $500. The^ can be had for $50j00 down and $10 per month and a 0 finest lots now on the market for so low a price and i>;i ’ t Many other lots in all the best locati ons. For sale by laid 2- ,-r.rA a- ,-v F. C. Abbott & Go "EVERYTHING IN REAL ESTATE’' Li VC Commisi Speak Gcratii Island pinos, fiivitatio The . Demon IheF Indepe r]gy Apsocia '":’ashing' Ciian.p Cla ;th- houso c r,^':^“n inter y inviit 11... t ;>,! Filip The invi o I A cab'f>2:rai fr-'Ui Sprgi' ombiy " ■ -f Siieak •on,s,ie«pme i.Jii: c-^ \ve w spiraiity if high aspira j|gi^e fhe An (itnnity to Ip pino f-'^r ini "In .civin pendence. 1 I he complyi] rthev have i ■Iand the Ph 1‘tion wiir pr. 'of The Fill j-vhose ju?t l-dence. Almos ■ A?socia T'?srn' Isti P^inre Hen 111!': :o:; -'ri vlniip wi‘h U:\r\- 'i’he a-, ia I a good c!i a rirriilar a f;. lindpr jconipellefi i'!» the af l(^srenii liiisln-il sue liiiie in wh :iviator ' ;i drillin ''■( I’" j t 3C0RES P WH N.-.i-fylk, i’OpDil}, A. .M, E. r;h 'day df'f;h bi^en made to pay s.iid whiU hill I a shei ^he mas; his hones. have h unfit to pr an anno refused, WJ BIG TO Assof'is TrI ill'll 22. ‘A if^ra lir.n in tlircijgh t] br| liJi’.nstowQ [ re carri are s| Mm ^ _ Associ^ I ^^fkersJ 57-on waj J'J pfi and I [I"■•‘ally i the fa) ;''oininenrf MOr Hv I wiiiil jp,. caul Ifni II ’■ heir Uurhorlties