8 THF CHABLOTTSr NEWS, JUNE 3. 1911 7,-:. WANTS! The People’s Market Place Read By Thousands Daily 1 Ceot a Word Each Insertion PHONE NO. 115 WANTED ¥ WANTED—To sell ? 15.00 Bicycle. Good as new. 'Phone 1174-J. 3-lt W.WTKD—Position as janitor or nipht watchman. Address K., 403 fc). Church St., City. 2-3t WANTj:]]>-Position as stenographer L> young li'dy graduate of King 3 >Vusiuess College. Address “Grad uate,” care News. 5-27-6t TAX RETURNS for State and county taken at City Hall from June 1 to June 15, for Charlotte and Charlotte township. All parties who have not listed by June 15, 1911, will be dou ble taxed. Take notice. J. Arthur Henderson, County Assessor. 1-tf FOR PURE Selwyn Artesian water, ’Phone 2314. 2-2t BUILDING & LOAN—The Mecklen burg opens new series Saturday, June 9rd. 29-61 WANTED—oOO men to be fitted up in our $12.o0 and $15.00 Suits, going at S'j.5\'. Kelk Bros. 3-lt. MISS IDA NEUMEYER, Viavi Repre- senative, 18 North Brevard St. Phone 1449. 8-tf WANTED—By all-round machinist, position fc good garage where can learn automobile business. Strictly sober and a hard worker. Address ••84”, care News. l-6t WILMINGTON EXCURSION—S. A. L. depot, 7:30 a. m., 28tu, returning leaves Wilmington 9:30 a. m., 30th. $3.00. 3-6t.eod. WANTED for L-. S. ARM'S : Abiebodied unmarried men between ages of IS and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate hab ile, who can speak, read and write tlie English language. For informa tion apply to Recruting Officer. 307 West Trade St., Charlotte. N. C.; r: South Main St., Aslieviile, N. C.; ;:30v2 South Eim St., Greensboro, N. C. I6713 West Main St., Spartan burg, S. C., or 204^ West Main St., Greenville, S. C. 4-l-tu-th-sat-3mo UNDERWEAR SALE—For Men and Boys. Belk Bros. 3-lt. W’ANTED—Bids refreshment car priv ileges, Wilmington Excursion, mail. W. F. Dowd. 24-6t-eod STATE AND COUNTY taxes listed at City Hall till June 15. 1-tf PHONE 921—Speclai sale of ilxiureb. Globe Electric Co. 3-19-tf FOR PURE Selwyn Artesian water, ’Phone 2314. 2-2t WANTKl-'—A few taDie boarders and roouiers. Well-furnished rooms, ujoutrn conveniences. Rates reas- ouabie. Phone 2172, or apply 207 E. Liberty St. 24-tf \\ AN ri:L>—Two ladies and 2 men to ihatribute cards. Pays good. ’Phone lio7-L. 3-2t. TEACHERS WANTED—Schools and colleges, all departments, grades, j^rincipals, superintendents. Many de.'^irable openings. Three agencies, one eniol’ment. Guaranteed ter- vice. Twentieth year. Sheridan’s Agency, 514 Realty Bldg. 23-4t-eod WAXTED—Pure bred black Minorca KooiJter. F., 8 South Caldwell. Phone I46y-J. 3-lt. GENTLE HORSES for Ladies; not old, spiritless plugs, but fine-looking styl ish, intelligent horses, that know the v.’ays of the city and are safe. 'Phone 52, Cochrane’s Stables. 3-2t. BX)R RENT—‘Two 4-room cottages, 308 and 310 McDowell; with water. W. M. Burkhead. 3-3t. FOR RENT—Desirable furnished apartment, 6 rpoms. Rent reasona ble. Phone 2343-J. 5-29-6t FOR RENT—8-room cottage, 310 N. Church St Dr. C. L. Alexander, Realty Building. 18-tf FOR RENT—To parties without chil dren, room6^ furnished or unfurnish ed with all modern conveniences for light housekeeping. Apply 207 E. Liberty St. 27-tf FOR RENT—10-room flat, 301 1-2 N. Tryon; |45. J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. 3-lt. FOR RENT—Nice 4-room cottage, cor ner 2nd and Poplar. Water and gas. Rent $13.50. Call 233 from 9 till 12 a. m. 2-tf FOR RENT—7-room house, furnished. Elizabeth avenue, four months from June 10. Address W. E- Price. 30-3t Tu-th-sat FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms close in, bath and telephone. Phone 2142-J. 26-tf FOR RENT—7-room house, 604 East Fourth St. Modern conveniences. Phone 934-J. 25-tf FOR RENT—Six nice furnished rooms (with board if wanted), cool brick house, screens and all con veniences, on car line. Address “Home,” carfe News. 26-tf TWO NICE ROOMS in new modern house with all conveniences will be rented, furnished or unfurnished, to couple without children or two young men. Apply 1003 West Fifth. 5-24-tf FOR RENT—Modern 6-room cottage, 506 W. 10th St. W, R. Matthews. Phone 1738-J. $3.00 week. 9-tf FANCY BRED POULTRY AND ♦ ♦ EGGS. ♦ ♦ ♦ PURE BRED Brown Legnorn eggs for hatching, 15 for $1.00. M. M. Wal lace. Phone 561-J. 3-11-sat-tf FOR SALE—Four white leghorn cock erels. Phone 1035. 29-tf KEEP KOOL—Porus-Knit Underw'ear. Belk Eros. 3-lt. GASOLINE and Oil Cook Stoves—We carry good line. for these costs less than any other. They are flne for hot weather. Lavving-Robbins Fur niture Company. 27-7t FOR SALE CHEAP—For cash, $45.00 Bicycle, good as new’. ’Phone 1174-J 3 1-t. W ANTED—Every man to try Skat I Soap. Cleans ha'ads quickly. Ad-1 SEWING MACniNES for sale and rent. $2.00 month. Needles, shuttles and bobbins for all makes of ma- cnines always on hand. Lawing-Rob- Diuii Furniture Co. 'Phone 214. 16-tf drcbs- J. B. Curlee, Harrislmrg.^^N. j RATEiS! Doard, finest C. ♦ FOR SALE ^ ♦ ♦ FOR SALE—Nice horse and buggj'. Let me show you. Phone 1481-J. 31-2t-wed-sat FOR SALE—Ten-year lease on one 3- Rtory iron building, modern conven iences. located on South College street with Southern R. R. track at rear door; building contains over 8U00 square feet floor space. Ciioap, one six-room cottage, one block sireei car track in North Charlotte, cost three iears ago when built two tho sand dollars. For further infor mation apply. A. F. Messick Gro. Co. 2-2t location, close in. All conveniences. Apply quicii—Save money. ’Phone 1670-Ia 9-if TAXES should be listed today for state and county at City Hall. 1-tf SEE SHOW WINDOW—Suits at $9.50. Belk Bros. 3-lt. TAX RETURNS for state and county I listed at City Hall June 1st to June j loth. Double tax after June 15th. I 1-tf 1. WHY MAN—Just look at the $12.50 and $15.00 Suits at $9.50. Belk Eros. 3-lt. FOK SALE—One of the best paying Cycle and Auto businesses in the county. Don't answ’er unless you mean business. Auto, Box 336, Un ion. S. C. 3-2t. FOR SALE—No. 2 L. C. Smith type writer, first class condition, $30.00. P. O. Box 78. l-3t FOR SALE—Excellent four-gallon milch cov/. Phone 1035. 29-tf i"OR SALE CHEAP—Some good farm ing lands in South Iredell, near Mooresville. Can be bought reason* able. For prices and description and other information write Jas. W. Brown, Mooresville, N. C. 28-7t FOR SALE—One No. 3 Steel & Son brick machine and fixtures, good as nev. Can be bought cheap. If inter ested write. Jas. W. Brown, Moores ville. N. C. 28-7t I HAVE RETURNED to Charlotte and reopened my upholstering and fur niture repairing shop at 640 South Church. I want your orders. B. H. Johnson, 'Phone 1821. 18-tu-th-sat-tf METHODISTS should not fail to go on the Children’s Home Special to Winston, June 9th. 3-lt. A GOOD CHANCE to buy an up-to-date, clean and good-paying Jewelry, Sta tionery, Optical, Book and Bicycle busine&s. Business is established and flrm has good reputation. Run ning expenses are small, and is a snap for some young man who don’t mind work aud has some money. Address DMH, Care of The News. 14-tf MULTIGRAPH LETTERS executed* on short notice. J. E. Crayton & Co., 217 S. Tryon. Phone 304. 17-30 FOR BEST EYE GLASSES see Dr. Levy. New office 30 West Trade St., upstairs. 6-tf FOR SALE—A beautiful soda fountain, good as new. 16 syrup, 5 draft arras, 3 tanks, 2 new tables, 8 new chairs, 4 new stools. Splendid bargain, cheap. Address Alex, P. O. Box 164. 11-tf FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS DON’T FAIL to take shares Saturday, June 3rd, Mecklenburg Building & Loan Association. A. G. Craig, Sec retary. 29-6t TAKL SHARES in the new series, Mecklenburg Building and Loan As- so lation Saturday, June 3rd. 29-6t SLNN’S TUNING clientele is increas ing daily. There is a reason. Senn, the Tuner. Phone 1569. 30-5t CLEARANCE SALE on Carbon Pa per. To reduce our stock we will sell 100,000 sheets standard type writer carbon at 50c and 75c per box of 100 sheets. The regular price on these papers is |2.00 to 13.50 box. Order quick. J. E. Crayton ft Co., Charlotte, N. C. 30-5t JUNE 3RD is date new series Meek* lenburg Building and Loan Associa tion. Office basement Trust Build ing, 210 South Trfoa St. 28-Ot for RENT—9 South Caldwell St., July ist. Mrs. John Van Landingham. 3 It. . FOR RENT—6-room cottage, modem conveniences, 309 West, 12th street. Apply 310 South Church St. l-3t-thu-sat-sun FOR RENT—5-room cottage; East Eighth. Jno. B. Ross. 'Phone 740-J. 3-3t. eod. FOR RENT—Two or three furnished rooms. Separate entrance; arranged for light housekeeping. Garden. 'Phone 1714-J. 3-it. FOR RENT—Six-room apartment, cor ner Kinston and Lyndhurst avenues, Dilworth. Steam heat, and oth«r modern conveniences, $25.00. C. B. Bryant. l-3t-eod FOR RENT — Modern seven-room house. North Graham, $25 per^month. Modern seven room ^ouse We^ Ninth, $20.00 per month. D. H, An derson. 3-6t. FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished rooms with bath; private family, own home; near Square. 'Phone 865-J. 3-lt FOR SALJi—Trriite Legliorn eggs, 75 cents setting, pure strain. 'Phone 2026-Y. 9-tf ♦ ♦ ♦ LOSl AND FOUNl. ♦ * Concerning talker The following will be of interest to the fans of the circut and it will be remembered that the deal has just been closed and Walker leaves this league to make his debut in the fast er (?) company. Under the heading “McAleer Hopes to Try Out Carolina League’s Ty Cobb" the Washington Times prints the following: If the Spartanburg club, of the Car oling League, will agree to immedi ate delivery of “Husk” Walker, the crack ^rdener and terrible slugger of the circuit, the Nationals will have the youngster for a trial in left field. Mike Kahoe is now in Spartanburg, trying to make arrangements for the delivery of the youthful star at once. Walker is being touted down there as another Ty Cobb. In all his games this season he has shown marvel ous speed in the field and on the bases. His throwing arm is said to be the equal of the great Tiger star’s and is the sensation of the circuit. At the bat the youngster is hitting for .485, with fourteen home runs out of fifty-three bingles. “I do not know anything about this fellow Walker,” said Manager Mc- Aleei- today, “except what is said about. Kahoe is looking after him. If we get him he’ll get a trial to see how he shapes up in fast company. We are in earnest about getting youngsters, and we expect to hear from a number of likely looking kids before a month has gone by.” Walker is one of the best fielders m the league and shoved the pill, last year to the tune of .242 while he fielded .934. This is a great deal below his record of this year and he will certainly make the Nationals a good man. Here’s hoping he’ll make a second Ty Cobb. STRAYED—Mouse-colored horse-mule from home of George Miller, near Matthews. Any information wull be appreciated by owner. George Miller, Matthew^s. 3-lt. LOST—Female Scotch Collie dog, about six months old. Finder cail 2260-J. 3-2t. LOST—Pocketbook containing $23.00 (2 tens and 3 ones), marked Ramsey- W^heeler Co. Reward if returned' to News office. 3-lt. FOUND-^Bunch of keys Tuesday night. Owner call at News office. 10-tf World’s Champioru By Associated Press. New' ork, June 3.—World’s champ ions will compete in every event of the New ork Athletic Clubs annual games here this -afternoon. All the track and field contests are handicap affairs and several records are expected to fall under the stress to which the scratch men will be put to win their events. H. S. Babcock, of Columbia University, will try to set a world's mark over the intercollegiate records he established at Cambridge in the pole vault. Those who have watched his w'ork say they would not be sur prised if he cleared thirteen feet. MANY ATHLETES COMPETE AT TULANE FIELD TODAY. New Oleans, June 3.—One hundred and sixty-five athletes entered the ju nior championship of the Southern As sociation of the A. A. U., held at Tu- lane field this afternoon. This is the first junior meet the Southern Asso ciation has ever held and the contests this afternoon will rival in import ance those of senior day, which is next Saturday, because many of the men entered have_ done star work in pre vious senior meets. By the rules of the A A U, any ath lete who has never won a first place in a championship meet may compete in the junior event. HACKNEY BROS. Plumbing & Heating Contractorst Hose from 12 l^c to 20c. 6 & 8 W. 5th St. ’Phone 312. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, 712 E. 9th St., $15.00. 6-room house, 216 N. My^s, $20.00. 5-room house. 520 N. McDowell, $13.50. 4-room house, 508 N. McDowell, $10.00. 5-room house, 1108 Gold St., $10.00. J. P. & L. L. HACKNEY. Phone 312. 6 W. 5th St. Unexcelled Rarely Equalled An Offer Like This. In the best section of the Fourth Ward we offer an attractive five-room modern cottage, modem conveniences, half-block from car line, shady side of street, in excellen condition, at the very low price of .$2,700.00 The best of terms can be arranged. Now rented to desirable tenaat, but can get possession. You'd better speak quick, or you'll regret it. Union loaa aod Realty Company MORRIS E> TROTTER, MANAGER. ie BMt Trad# St. ‘ 'Phono 349. GOODPASTURE CHARGED WITH OFFERING A BRIBE. By Associated Press. Nashville, Tenn., June 3.—The Da vison county grand jury fiave return ed a true bill against E. C. Goodpas ture, of Overton county, on tho charge of offering to bribe. During the recent filibuster of the fusion legislators of Tennessee in Alabama, Representative J. Q. McDonald, of Overton county, a republican and one of the filibusters, made a sw'orn statement that Good- pasture^had offered him $1,500 before tflG legislature met to vote with the regular democrats on organization, and to repeal the liquor manufacturers’ law and the election law. The mat ter w'as taken up by the Tennessee Anti-Saloon League and Goodpasture was arrested. McDonald was before tile grand jury several days ago. J. J. B. Johnson, of Paris, “speaker of the Alabama division of the legis lature, went before the grand jury yesterday. Ch.iiaren Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CAST O R I A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CAS T O R I A children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S C A S T O R I A AERO CLUB PLANS NATIONAL RACE. By Associated Press. New York, June 3.—The Aero Club of America has thus far recorded five entries for the national race which will start in Kansas City, on July 10th. From the competitors two will be chosen to take part in the internation al cup race which also starts from Kansas City, the date being Oct. 15th. The tntrants for the national race are: The Million Population Club of St. Louis. The Kansas City Aero Club (piloted by H. E. Honeywell.) The Aero Association of Topeka, Kas. Lieut. Frank P. Lahm, and a New York entrant whose identity has not been announced. / ''General H” Brought $15,000. By Associated Press. Calgary, Alberta, June 3.—General H (2:03 3-4) was sold yesterday to A. W. Parish, of Cleveland, O., ^:e|:ing on behalf of the Russian government. The famous trotting stallion was owned by W. M| Parslow and George Haas, of this city, and the price paid was $15,- 000. According to Parish, he will be ship]>ed to Russia at the end of the season. 1 OXFORD^r Cool Shoes Cooi, Comfortable Low Shoes for Men and Ladies in Ail the New Leather. $2.00 to $5.00 You Will Find: All the New Things Here In Foot-Comfort Shoes. THOMPSONS Notice of Bond Election Notice is hereby given that an elec tion will be held In the city of Charlotte on the first Tuescray in July, A. D., 1911, the same being the 4th day of July, upon the question issuing bonds for water,sewer, streets and Au ditorium bonds, pursuant to and in con formity with the provisions of the fol lowing Act of the General AssenAbly of North Carolina: In a running race even the fellow who comes out ahead come out a- foot. Sillicus—“Bjon* says his wife is an angel.” Cynicus—“Why, I never knew Bjones was a widower.” A fellow is apt to give a lame ex cuse when he has hiS' leg pulled. The Harem Skirt, The Hobble Skirt Worn by the Lady Minstrels at Lakewood Airdome N.& W. Railway Schedule in Effect May 1910. 11 am. Juv. Chariotie sSo. Ry. 6.50 pm. 2,40 pm. Lj^. Winston N&W 2.10 pm. 4.44 Lv. Mart’ville N&W Ar. 11.40 am. 7.00 pm. Ar Roanoie N&W Lv. 9.15 ani. Addtional trams leave Winston-Sa lem 7.10 a. m. daily except Sunday. ^ Connects at Roanoke for the East and West. Pullman sleepers. Dining cars. trip to California or the Coast, get our Variable Round-Trip Fare. The in formation is yours for the asking, witn one of our complete Map Folders. W. B. BEVILL, M. F. BRAGG, Gen. Pass Agt. Trav. I^ass. Agt. Roanoke. Va. H. B. 1553. S. B. 1519. ' An Act to authorize the City of Charlotte to issue bonds for Water System, Sewer System, Streets, Schools and Auditorium. The General Assembly of North Caro lina do enact: Section 1. That the Board of Alder men of the City of Charlotte is hereby authorized and empowered to issue bonds in the name of the City of Char lotte in such denominations and forms as the said Board may prescribe, to an amount not exceeding one million and sixty-five thousand dollars, paya ble at such time and placeas may be determined upon by said Board of Aldermen, but the time of payment of the principal of said bonds shall not be less than twenty years, nor more than thirty years. Sec. 2. That said bonds shall bear interest at no greater rate than four and one-half (4 1-2) per cent, per an num, and the Interest shall be made payable semi-annually, and in no case shall said bonds be sold, hypothecated or otherwise disposed of for less than their par value. Sec. 3. That said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor, attested by the Treasurer and sealed with the corpo rate seal of the City, The coupons of said bonds shall bear the engraved or lithographed signature of the Clerk. The purchaser of said bonds shall not be bound to see the application of the purchase money. The said bonds and their coupons shall be exempt from city taxation until after they become due, and the coupons shall be receiv able for City taxes. Sec. 4. That said bonds may be is sued in an amount not exceeding three hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the purpose (a) of extending the water system of the City of Charlotte and of making such additional improvements thereto '«,s may be necessary to at all times furnish the said city with' an abundant supply of good and w^hole- some w^ater. The said bonds shall be known as “Water Bonds,” and the Board of Water Commissioners of said city, out of the moneys derived from the collection, of tolls or rents of water, or from sales of same, shall, after paying the costs and expenses of operating the plant or system of w'ater. works under its control includ ing tlie cost of such incidental improve ments as the Board may deem neces sary for the purpose, pay the semi annual interest upon the bonds issued for said purpose. The said bonds may be issued in an amount not exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand dol lars; (b) fbr the purpose of extending and improving the sewers of said city, and said bonds shall be known as “Sewer Bonds,” and the Board of Al dermen, to provide for the payment of the coupons upon said Sew'er Bonds, is authorized to levy an annual tax not exceeding five cents per front foot on any building lot abutting upon any Street upon which sewera. have been laid at the time of such levy: Provid ed, no lot shall be taxed for more than one sewer line. The revenue arising from this tax shall be used (1) for the ’ payment of the interest upon such bonds; ^nd (2) to extend and main tain the sewer system. Said bonds may be issued to an amount not ex ceeding one hundred and fifty thous and dollars (c) for the purpose of building streets and bridges, and said bonds shall be known as “Street Im provement Bonds.” Said bonds may be issued in an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars for the purpose (a) of purchasing land for schools and of building school houses for the graded schools of the city, and such bonds shall be known as “School Bonds.” Said bonds may be issued in an amount not exceeding sixty-five thousand dollars for the purpose (a) of purchasing the Charlotte Auditorium, and shall be known as “Auditorium Bonds.” The Board oi Aldermen of said city shall apply all rents and oth er revenue derived from said Audi torium (1) to the payment of the. coupons on said bonds as they shall become due, and (2) for creating a sinking fund, to be known as the “Au ditorium Fund,” for the payment of said bonds at maturity. Sec. 5. That the Board of Aldermen of the City of Charlotte is hereby au thorized to levy and collect each year, in addition to all other taxes in said city, an ad valorem tax upon all of the taxable property in said city, sufficient to pay the interest on said “Street Improvement Bonds” and “School Bonds,” as the same becomes due; and, also, at or before the time when the principal of said bonds becomes due, a fulther uniform ad valorem tax upon all taxable property in said city sufficient tb pay the same or to pro vide for the payment thereof; such taxes shall be levied and collected at the same time and in the same man ner as other taxes are levied and col lected upon the property in said city: Provided, that the taxes collected un der this act, for the payment of said bonds and coupons, shall 'be used for no other purpose; and it shall be the duty of the City Treasurer, as said coupons are paid off and taken up, to cancel the same and report not less than twice a year to the Board of Aldermen the numbers and amounts of coupons so cancelled. Sec. 6. That the moneys arising from the sale of any of the bonds above provided for shall be used for no other purpose than that for which they were authorized to be issued. Sec. 7. That the provisions of this Act shall be submitted to a vote «"‘f the qualified voters of the City of Charlotte on the first Tuesday in July, A. D., 1911, under the rules and regu lations prescribed for the election of the Mayor and members of the Board of Aldermen of said city. The said board shall cause a notice of said election and the purpose of same to be published in some newspaper of said city for thirty (30) days before said election, and the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Mecklenburg County shall cause to be prepared and distrib uted at the various polling places in the said city a sufficient number of printed ballots favoring the provisions of this act, and a like number against the same. The said Board of Aldermen shall cause to be prepared and deliver ed at each polling place in the said city five ballot boxes, each being plain ly marked, indicating the purpose of the bond issue to be voted therein, as follows: (1) “Water Bonds;” (2) “Sew'- er Bonds;” (3) “Street Improvement Bonds;” (4) “School Bonds;” and (5) ^‘Auditorium Bonds.” All qualified vot ers wishing to vote in favor of the issuing of any of the bonds and levy ing the taxes herein provided for, shall vote a written or printed ticket with the word “Issue,” and those wish ing to vote against issuing bonds and the levy of the taxes herein provided for shaU vote a ticket with the words written or printed thereon “Against Issue.” If a majority of such qualified voters shall vote “Issue” on any one or more of the five propositions submitted for issuing bonds for the purposes afore said, then it shall be deemed and held that the propositions receiving a ma jority of such votes is favored and ap proved by a majority of the qualified voters of the City of Charlotte, and the Board of Aldermen shall cause bonds to be prepared and issued for the purposes so approved of by a ma jority of the qualified voters of the city and levy a tax in Accordance with the provisions of this Act. Sec. 8. That the Board of Aldermen shall order and cause to be had a new registration for said election. Sec, 9. All laws and clauses of Iav.’s in confiict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec, 10. This act shall be in force and affect from and after its ratifica tion. In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 3d day of Mai’ch, 1911. • W. C, NEWLAND, President of the Senate. W. C. DOWD, Speaker of the House of Representa tives. Notice published by order of the Board of Aldermen at meeting , 1911. Business Buiiders grocers NEW SUPPLY And Fresh Country Eees; ^ Feed, 30c. peck, or .52 bag gains in Canned Peachp^ Pineapple. Anriontc Tips; all at Cut Prices BRIDGERS & CO 203 W. Trace St. ladies ^ you want to u-v 1, 1 well as the most eeoimn « the market. Then ast for'i L®.'! Sanborns, and specify whPthpV want It for hot or cold lv •'>“1 antee satisfactiQu or money c " refunded. ^ MILLER-VAN NESS CO The Place." IVicrNCiiL’S Call us ror Saturdays ve-pr«v I We will have a full lino TlS be fresh and nice. Fresh h nsen. Rye, grahau, au.i v,iu„e ti5| Phone 2622. rCuD tea 205 N. Try is now seasonable. \w h■u^T-^ , anything you would wa'iit'"’iirS grade teas and would recommend Ijeatn^Tea as the hest S. R. LENTZ, Fred Cochrane, Mgr. -phone 2511 5eri sunshine brand of Laying Food, the Best on the Market. W. M. CROWELL ■Phone 1062. 200 E. Morehead 5t| iUSCELLAAEuUS FOR INVESTMENT We have a good 5-ruom bouse Ini good condition; has city waicr aa electric lignts and is rented lor $iuuu per month. Price ^lUU. i) siiares'ia Building & Loan. See SHOEMAKEk WALLACE, 255 N. Tryon St., 'Phones: uif.ce 24;i; rter, 444-J, 56ig, LET US FIX V'JUR REF’RIGERATOR We can tell at a glance ju&t wliaj ails it and at a tritliiig eipeuse make it good and serviceable, tieiid alou;;! your ice cream free;ier. Wt; cau h\ that, 100. C. F. SHUMAM, ’Phone 111. 200 College St, THE GEM HOTEL AND CAFE. Up-lo-date dinmg room, Heatiug 100 persons, a lunch counter uueuual?d in South. Conveniently lucaied on tioutii Tryon street. Strictly Euroyt;aii. MOVED. I have moved my Terra Cotta Pipe Yard to East 5th St., bet ween College St. and the Kailroad, in tlie ilea;: of the City, where you will rmd ovtry- thing in pipe and tilings, i lue pipt, Chimney lining, Wall coping, etc. C. V. Furr, Office and Yard, East 5th St., Between Coilege and Railroad. A. H. WEARN, City Clerk & Treas. This June 4th, 1911. For Rent 8TORE ROOMO Store room Na 4 and € Soutb Poplar St.,.flocv space. 38x74, (50.00 ^ RESIDENCES. 7 rooms, modern, 423 Elizabeth ^ 30.00 6-room apartment, 421 N. Col- ^ St 6-room ^Apartment, 419 N. Col- lege St 30.00 4 rooms. Villa Heights, per week 1.50 6 rooms, modern, 706 East 5th „ St .... 22.50 ■5 rooms, 307 S. Myers St.... 8.i0 7 rooms, modern. East 5th St. ertended .. .. 20.00 7 rooms, modem, 712 Eaat 4th _ .. .. 25.00 7 rooms, modern, 718 East 4th . .. 2.^.on 4 rooms 1215 N. Davidson St..... 7.00 Brown & Co. / f . List City Property For Taxation All persons who own or hav© con trol of property liable to taxation by the city on first /day of June, 19ll, are hereby notified to return to the city clerk and treasurer rjiti or before the .last day of June a list of their tax able property; said list shall state the number of lots or parts of lots, and all other p-roperty qow taxable, or that heretofore may be made taxa ble by the laws of the /State or the ordinances of the city and the list so returned to the clel^ and treasurer shall be sworn to before him in every case. TT returns will be received at City Hall in the city of Charlotte on 1st day of June, and on each day thereaf ter until July 1st, 1911. A. H. WBARN, 20-17t CUjr lund Troasurdr. ANOTHER FRESH SUPPLY Sherrill Milieral Water, the triend of suffering humanity, just in. ’Pliona order 918. SHERRILL MINERAL WATER CO. 211 S. Cel lege St. Professional Cards G. H. SADELSON, M D. 4|/2 So. Tryon St. Over So. Loan & Tiust Co.^ Office Phone 41. Hes. Flioue Charlotte, X. C. Dr. H. C. Henderson. Dr. L. I. Gidney HENDEKbON & GiUN£i' DENTISTS. Office, Hunt Bldg., 2^2Vz N. Tryon 'Phone 216. DR A. D. GLASCOCK uoitoH/Ain. Office, Sixth ►"loor of neaity Bldg. Hours, 9 to 1, and 2 to 4. And by Appointment. Office ’Phone, i07j. He sstisr.ce, Consultation Free. Office’Phone, 326. Residence 962.J 1, W'. Jatni eson dentist. 109 Realty Building, Charlott^^^ OSTEOp7-fl^ f^G^STERE-"- Dr, M, F. Kay Realty tsuilding. _ Hours, 9 to li:. 2 ^0 3. ’Phone, Office, 330; Consultation at Orric > 9 ^ F. L BONFOEV ARCHITECT. ^ Supervision of '4 Office, 211 N. Try^^^m^^ HUGH W. HARKI3 attorney. n Law Building. J. M. McMlertael ARCHITECT. Roomi 605-506 Trust BulltHM’ CHARLOTTE, N. C. Charlesto ton middlii^ :\Iacon, ( cotton la 1 Augusta, *°Columbi£ tion. Corn Rye oats. Cattle Tnai'l’^€!t st Peeves.. • Texas ste \Vestern s Stockers a Cows and Calves . • Hogs, r mark^'t sic Light .. Mixed.. Heavy.. Kou.sh.. (;)Cd to ch Pig?.. . . Bulk of Si Sheep, niavket st Native . Western. Voarlings. Lambs, n^ Westrn-n. . Dail) Articles