8 THF CHARLOTTE NEWS, JUNE 7. 1911 WANTS! The People’s Market Place Read By Thousands Daily 1 Cent a Word Each Insertioa PHONE NO. 11 5 ^ WANTED ^ ♦ ♦ W-'tiD—A first-class clothing - ■ ■-ono .iCviuain-od with Char- . ' \;,;e ;reii;r-d. Yoike Iv ' 7-It ' \\. :middle-at:t“d ; i t ii rv'd. Ai’ I- t tfs B. H.. care I 6-31, \T' I •— Fvery one uo has gone ■ to go ou the L’Mh.' V, hxrursiLT.. 7-*'i-eod' WTED—Second-hand safe. Me-| . .i,a size Phone D, Fink. 6-i.U ••ATr:!i—F:i\-;-clu^s cook for the, • .: •.sin? ^Vill pay railroad faro: : Tvaj,-. s. Arp-y Mrs. J. Q-i M.irn.', 1509 Sn Boulevard. i 7-3t-eod > \\ \N FED—Every man to try Skati S-,:p. Cleans h mds quicklj. Ad-| I. I J 13 Curl-'-‘are feelwyn Ho-1 fr.ar’.otte, X. C. IS-rfj THIS WEEK OXLY—What an op portunity, for $2.50 your eyes will he ov.ne-.s of ;i pair Dr. Levy's fa mous eycglas^ses, the best, none bet- tir. guaranteed, for children and adults. Relieves headache, strained eye;? caused bj optical defects, to adv«. riise new oflice, ;>0 West Trade street, upstairs. 7-3t ♦ LOSl AND FOUNl. LOST OR STOLEN—White setter dog female) with lemon spots, small link chain around her neck. Reward for return to \V. C. Dowd, at News of fice. 7-tf LOST—Silver purse on North Tryon street, containing money. Reward if returned to News office. 7-2t FOUND—Bunch ot fceys Tuesday night. Owner call at News office. 10-tf LOST—A Beagle hound and Irish ter rier w'ith red collar. Rew"ard if re turned to Mrs. J. E. Reilley, 508 Park Ave. 6-ft DR W. T. WOODLEY, 301U W. Trade. Phcnc lb47. Specialist, dis eases women, skin and chronic dis eases. Removes iiioks, warts, blemishes. Visits patients when de sired. 7-lt FOR RENT FOR RP'y r—Large, cool front rooms, light housekeeping, 501 North Pop lar. 7-lt F ’it REXT—5-room cottage, all mod ern conveniences. No. 608 North Pine sii^t. Price $17.50. Phone 307. R. D. Moore. 6-2t FOR BEST EYE GLASSES see Dr. Levy. New office 30 West Trade Sr., upstairs, 6-tf South Atlantic Wants Charlotte We are glad that the papers around the . South Atlantic League circuit have taken up our case In our be half. President Joyner w^as consid ering taking in Diiblin with a popula tion of less tixan 6,000 people and also BruDSAvick with only 10,000 peo ple, in it. That Charlotte could put out a better attendance than either of these could easily be se^n when it is remem’jered that Charlotte has 34,000 people and ia a great base ball town. Charlotte Iv’s been look ing and wanting a berth in the Soiith Atlantic or some faster company and now that the opportunity pre sents itself we should not cast it aside. We take the liberty of printing the following from the Columbia Record: ‘CHARLOTTE IS LOGICAL TOWN WILMINGTON EXCURSION-—S. A. L. depot, 7:30 a. m., returning leaves Wilmington 9:30 a. m., 30th. ^uA'r. 3-6t.eod. ARE YOU GOING? Yes, we are all going on the picnic special lo Chil- cren’s Hon.e, Winston, June 9th. 7-lt W ANI CD—nids refre.-^/.ment car p:l\- 1.Wihninjton Excursion, mall. W.'F D.-wd, 24-ot-eod SEWIXG MACfllNEti lor sal© and rtut, $2.00 month. Xeedles, shuttles and bobbins for ail makes of ma chines always on hand. Lawing-Rob- biUii Furniture Co. ’Phone ?14. 16-tf W I KP - Two solicitors for city can-, - Go*d ;'r0,)0siti0n to business; v T--;.' A;-; ;: at once.'Circulation ■ .'il'imqor. i hiu’otie Xews. 7-3t METHODISTS—This is your chance to visit new Children's Home, Wins ton. Picnic Special goes 7:30 a. m. Friday. Hound trip $2.00, children $1.00. 7-lt \-.= WTKP Lar-o refrigerator, also ■ .'ho".\ case. C.^ystal Cafe, 233; V 6-2tj "W' i'.D Y nmg men boarders, 400 .-i 1 r; on :^t.. next door to Y. M. C. -\l-.i 'able ardt rs. 4-5t. —-An experlencrd house elri. .ci-.n on table. Mrs. . .■i;2 .North College street. 7-lt SHIP TYPEWRITERS, all makes, for repairs by factory expert. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Jones, The Type writer Man, Charlotte, X. C. 15-if-wea-'5un •\\DVAXCE STEEL PLATE RAXGES" are cheaj-est in long run—your old srove taki-n as part payment—small cash payment and $1 a week. Come riuliL in and ask about it. Lawing- Robbins Fiirniture Co. 7-5t FOR REXT—7-room house, furnished. Elizabeth avenue, four month# from June 10. Address W. E Price. 30-3t * Tu-th-sat FOR REXT—Six-room apartment, cor ner Kinston and Lyndhurst avenues, Dilwcrth. Steam heat, and other modern conveniences, $25.00. C. B. Bryant. l-3t-eod FOR RENT—5-ro«m cottage; East Eighth. Jno. B. Ross. ’Phone 740-J. 3-St. eod. FOR REXT — Modern seven-room house. North Graham, $25 per month. Modern seven room house W’’est Ninth, $20.00 per month. D. H. An derson. 3-6t. FOR RENT—Two imfurnished rooms close in, bath and telephone. Phone 2142-J. 26-tf FOR RENT—Six nice furnished rooms (with board if w^anted), cool brick house, screens and all con veniences, on car line. Address “Home,” care News. 26-tf WAXTEr^We want a pair of -• serviceable, but cheap, mules. Wakefield Farm, Char- 4-4t. CUT RATES! Doard, finest location, close in. All conveniences. Apply Quick—Save money. 'Phone Ii7u-L. g.tf -n bocvders. also ill niOd3rn conven- • reasonable. .\p- 6-t? ;: r= wrh, :armer= -. ..- -.’•':*es. John- • ; -ra rh'.;rc:i. 7-e"'U-::t PANAMA HATS- Belk B:os. -Xew lot just in. 7-lt Tl![ HIGH PIGIIG FfiiDAY IIT TAXES should be listed todav for delegation of citizens from state and counrv at Citv Hall ' :-^looresviile which attended the last ~ meeting of the Greater Charlotte Club, PANAMA HATS to fit anv size bead. I^ cordial invitation to the Pelk Bros. ' : citizens of Charlotte to attend the big Catawba bridge, near on Friday of this week. jii'-'nic at the TAX RETURXS for state and countv i ’:nz or ia.'iy e. ♦ ♦ ♦ FOR SALE ♦ ♦ ♦ Prone 7-3t ii.'t?d at City Ha'I June 1st to .Jane' ^he gfntlemeu from Mooresville ex- l'*h. Dou!iie tc;x ai'er June 15th. I I’^^^^sed themselves freely with refer 1-tf I encr to the matter of having a large ^ number of Charlotte people at the pic- FORTY ".-Xdv'^^nce'' Steel Ranges' tiic, stating that they were depending in The Ici.st six weeks. Belter get i upon (‘harlotte to help in the cause ''•ne whilf they la.si. $5 cash and $11 of good roads building, by sending a a week wMl pur one in your kitchen, j big delegation on Friday, and that ■^fi ir old stove may be given as part j ]jreparations would be made in antici- ; ;:>iijent. Lawmtr-Robbins Furnitnre | paiion of their being present. 7-ot j Evedyone pos.sessing an auto is urg- ~ ~~ —j ed to make arrangements to go. AI- , A UUOD CHANC. c. to buy an up-to-date, i readv six have injiicated their inten- SAi.E hrr 1' and buegy. -n-r 14'!-..^ 31-2T-w^d-sat' ri- ighborhuod. rer-.. Good ''o;ner, carei C-2t Clean and good-pa;. ing Jewelry, Sta- f ti-nery, Optical. Book and Bicycle busine.-rS. Bu-siness is established and firm has good reputation. Run ning expenses are small, and is a snap tor some young man who don’t mind work and has some money. Address DMII, Care of The News. 14-tf -'and g;; - rjn:r'\ 7''i \t 1 ir. ‘h ‘■.’ill =‘-li .-e;iar'“ = e. 7-?.r ML LTIf!-H.\l^H I..KTTERS executed on short notice. J. E. Craytop Ac Co., 217 S. Tivon. Phone 304. 17-20^ ~.n F' Vtrra’ small tracts of d I; ' t'l 1.', arrf .s ra'-h, just be- : N' -in ' hiirlfjt'e, f.'i:sld.'- cliy ’ '- t- : -•'! • it. .ti> HM af:'e. Ff'Fi S\Lh ; i;* h ' O .'. r.xC'lVnt fourgallon P» one lu35. 29-tf AIAA.XCE STEEL R.\XGE]S are pos itively the best madf^. Display now on and upon easy term.s. You can’t afford to miss this chance. We have sold forty vviiiiin tlie last six weeks that mtrans something. Better look into this. V';nr oPJ stove may go as part payment. Lawing-Robbins Furniture Co. 7.5^ r‘H \I.K \ Brown and 2 Black Wa- t’ for .'filf, at Si.O') : !.d " ? r;'-'- iivc rod. .\ddiess .T 1 K;ng, iii . ] B'li’lingioa, .X. •' 7-:;t Ff iR S.M.K .S’ire fivf»-rof)m honso, FI;/ahf th $K'^i OO fa ,h, balance & I- ' r,-tf ♦ FANCY BRED POULTRY AND ♦ EGGS. FOit SAI^E—Thoroughbred White Lfghorn pullets. Phone 2049-J. 6-2t K'Mt a\I.l. Stor] piatp R;inges, hPSt|*^“^^^Y POULTRY AND EGGS are i.a the world r-ar load now on sale; ®^s\ly sold through advertisementa a? Lawini-'-Robi-inp Furniture Co. 7-.jt in this column. FOR SALE—Four white leghorn cock erels. Phone 1035. 29-tf I f'K SALE- A betiutiful soda fountain, "id as new. ir, syrup, 5 draft arms, l7,, ^ ^ —• tanks, 2 new tables, 8 new chairs, I SALL—'vVnite Legliorn eggs, 75 1 n« w : tools. Splendid bargain, chf ap. Address Alex, P. O. Box 1C4. 11-tf cents setting, pure strain. ’Phone 2026-Y. ♦ ♦ ♦ MISCELLANEOUS * for finest BOARD and Meals go to No, 9 E. Third St. Opposite coun ty (!ourt House. ’Phone 22S0. 5-7t. TAX RETURNS for State and county taken at City Hall from June 1 to June 15, for Charlotte and Charlotte fownshlp. All parties who have not lihted by June 15, 1911, will bo dou ble taxed. Take notice. J. Arthur Henderson, County Assessor. 1-tf MISS IDA NEUMHTTER, Vlavi Repre- :onatlve, 18 North Brevard St. I’hone 1449. 8-tf STATE AND COUNTY taxes listed at ^Mty Hall till June 15. 1-tf PH(JNFi 9il—Special pale of flxiureit. Globe Electric Co. .S-ll>-tf PAXA.MA HATS just in, |3.98, and $5.00. Belk Bros. 7-lt Unexcelled Rarely Equalled An Offer Like This. In tJie best section of the Fourth Ward we offer an attractive five-room modern cottage, modern conveniences, half-block from car line, shady side of street, in excellen condition, at the very low price of $2,700.00 1 he best of terms can be arranged. Now rented to desirable tenant, but can get possession. You’d better speak quick, or you’ll regret It. Union Loan and Realty Company MORRIS E. TROTTER, MANAGER. 16 East Trade St. 'Phone 349. of joining the party. T .e plan is to meet at the Selwyn hotel on PYiday morning in readiness to start promptly at 6 o’clock. It is hoped that at least 20 ma chines will be on hand at the time set. prepared to go to the picnic on i'riday. The “scouting party” out in the in terests of the great Central Highw’ay will be entertained at the picnic and preparations are being made for an attendance of 5,000 people. From Mooresville the party will go lo Newton to meet the state highway committee. Returning to Mooresville a meeting will be held at 8 o’clock 5n regard to the highway proposed. tl is expected that from 3,000 to 5, 000 people will attend the picnic, for ever.vbody along the route proposed is eager for theb uilding of same. A number will go from Charlotte. In the party will be; President Keuster and Secretary Corwith, of the Greater Charlotte Club; Messrs. Sidney Mc- -Aden, R. C. Carson, E. B. iLttlefield, S. R. Alexander, jr., E. T. Garsed and Mr. Mason Hood, of The News Additional information regarding the party to leave Charlotte*'may be obtain ed from Secretary Corwith, of the Greater Charlotte Club To Siicceed Augusta in Sally Le?.gue —Dublin is Too Srr.ail a Place ‘‘A movement has been started and is being agitated strongly for the ad mission of Charlotte to the South Atlantic league. If this desired re sult could be accomplished, allow ing Charlotte to replace Augusta, it w'ould leave the league fully as strong as it is with the present Tourist club in this circuit. The North Carolina city has always pat ronized the national game liberally and it is only natural to suppose that this interest will' be greatly en hanced by its entrance into the South Atlantic, a league of higher class than the Carolina Association. ‘Tt is understood that the tans of Charlotte are anxious to see their city represented in the Sally league. Furthermore, sufficient pressure can be brought to bear upon the as-so- ciation officials by v.'hich Charlotte w’il' be allowed to cut loose from the Class D circuit. “President Joyner has announced that ‘it is quite likely that either Dublin, Ga., of Brunswick will take over the Augusta franchise.' If the welfare of the league is considered at all by the magnates representing the various clubs comprising the South Atlantic circuit, a little figur ing should convince them that they are making a great mistake in ad mitting cities the size of these. Al ready there has gone forth the cry that the crow^ds patronizing the ball games in Albany are far to small for the proposition to pay. Albany’s experience should set an example and the Sally league magnates have only to cast their eyes down into the territory in Southwest Georgia occupied by Albany to ?:ee that one village of that size is sufficient for a Class C league. "Charlotte so far outclasses either of the tv.o cities favored by Presi dent Jo.vner that it behooves the fathers of the South Atlantic league to go into the proposition in a most thorough manner. They v\'ill find that the Sally league needs Charlotte and that Charlotte wants to be in the league. It would indeed be a pity for the Joyner circuit to lose S'uch a bright prospect and the magnates should consider long and wisely be fore taking the franchise and hand ing it to some town only about one- fifth of Charlotte’s size.” There is no doubt in anybody's mind but that Charlotte would sup port a team in the South Atlantic and that an average attendance ot 1,000 would be furni.shed. Charlotte has long needed ihe Scuth Atlantic and now the South Atlantic needs Ch9.rlott6. Chorlott© is 7 cis laige as Brunswick while it is 10 times as large as Dublin and it is an undisputed fact that Charlotte could put out a better attendance than either of these. Some of the local franchise owners, so it is under stood, favor an entrance into the oallv while others are opposed to Notice of Bond Election Notice is hereby given that an elec tion will be held in the city of Charlotte on the first Tuescray in July, A. D., 1911, the same being the 4th day of July, upon the question issuing bonds for water, sewer streets schools and Auditorium bonds, pursuant to and in con formity with the provisions of the fol lowing Act of the General Assembly of North Carolina: H. B. 1553. S. B. 1519. An Act to authorize the City of Charlotte to issue bonds for Water System, Sewer System, Streets, Schools and Auditorium. The General Assembly of North Caro lina do enact: Section 1. That the Board of Alder men of the City of Charlotte is hereby authorized and empowered to issue bonds in the name of the City of Char lotte in such denominations and forms as the said Board may prescribe, to an amount not exceeding one million and sixty-five thousand dollars, paya ble at such time and place as may be determined upon by said Board of Aldermen, but the time of payment of the principal of said bonds shall not be less than twenty year^, nor more than thirty years. Sec. 2. That said bonds shall bear interest at no greater rate than four and one-half (4 1-2) per cent, per an num, and the interest shall be made payable semi-annually, and In no case shall said bonds be sold, hypothecated or otherwise disposed of for less than thejr par value. Sec. 3. That said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor, attested by the Treasurer and sealed with the corpo rate seal of the City. The coupons of said bonds shall bear the engraved or lithographed signature of the Clerk. The purchaser of said bonds shall not be bound to see the application of the purchase money. The said bonds and their coupons shall oe exempt from city taxation until after they become due, and the coupons shall be receiv able for City taxes. Sec. 4. That said bonds may be Is sued in an amount not exceeding three hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the purpose (a) of extending the water system of the City of Charlotte and of making such additional improvements thereto as may oe necessary to at all times^ furnish the said city with an abundant supply of good and w'hole- some water. The said bonds shall be known as “Water Bonds,” and the Board of Water Commissioners of said city, out of the moneys derived from the collection of tolls or rents ot water, or from sales of same, shall, after paying the costs and expenses of operating the plant or system of water works under its control includ- cuupons. on said bonds as they shall become'due, and (2) for creating a sinking fund, to be known as the “Au ditorium Fund,” for the payment of said bonds at maturity. Sec. 5. That the Board of Aldermen of the City of Charlotte is hereby au thorized to levy and collect each year, in addition to all other taxes in said city, an ad valorem tax upon all of the taxable property in said city, sufficient to pay the interest on said “Street Improvement Bonds” and “School Bonds,” as the same becomes due; and, also, at or before the time w'hen the principal of said bonds becomes due, a further uniform ad valorem tax upon all taxable property in said city sufficient to pay the same or to pro vide for the payment thereof; such taxes sha’il be levied and collected at the same time and in the same man ner as other taxes are levied r.nd col lected upon the property in said city.' Provided, that the taxes collected un der this act, for the payment of said bonds and coupons, shall be used for no other purpose; and it shall be the duty of the City Treasurer, as said coupons are paid off and taken up, to cancel the same and report not less than twice a year to the Board ot Aldermen the numbers and amounts of coupons so cancelled. Sec. 6. That the moneys arising from the sale of any of the bonds above provided for shall be used for no other purpose than that for which they w'ere authorized to be issued. Sec. 7. That the provisions of this Act shall be submitted to a vote '"’f the qualified voters of the City of Charlotte on the first Tuesday in July, A. D., 1911, under the rules and regu lations prescribed for the election of the Mayor and members of the Board of Aldermen of said city. The said board shall cause a notice of said elecJon and the purpose of same to be i-ublished in some newspaper of said city for thirty (30) days before said election, and the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Mecklenburg County shall cause to be preparea and distrib uted at the various polling places in« the said city a sufficient number of printed ballots favoring the provisions of this act, and a like number against the same. The said Board ot Aldermen shall cause to be prepared and deliver ed at each polling place in the said city five ballot boxes, each being plain- Ij" marked, indicating the purpose of the bond issue to be voted therein, as foliow’s: (1) “Water Bonds;” (2) “Sew er Bonds;” (3) “Street Improvement Bonds;” (4) “School Bonds;” and (5) “Auditorium Bonds.” All qualified vot ers wishing .to vote in favor of the issuing of any of the bonds and levy ing the taxes herein provided for. Business Builders GROCERS CHOICE LINE Staple and Fancy Groceries, Chicker- Eggs, &c. Good goods. Prices Right. W. M. CROWELL, ’Phone 1062. 200 E. Morehead THERE NEVER WAS A when housekeepers paid so muc ; tenton to trying to buy goods ' they could be bought the che?. - Comb honey 10c Ib. iixtracted ! r in bottles 10c, 4 ”)s. prunes Thnv special 25c. Fres i supply eggs l i . BRIDGER5 & CO. 203 W. Trade St McNCrL'S Sardines— Listen to this:— Boneless and skinless Prenc’' dines at 30c can. Boneless Poruigues sardine? can. Chatillon French sardi;i-c-s r;- can. Ternay brand Portuguese sf’" at 12 l-2c can. Smoked sai'dines at 12 1-2c - Petite French sardines, L’i can, at 15c can. Ausone French saidines These prices are una all good fish. Call us. Phene 2622. 2C5 N, Tr 10c, 10c, 10c, ICr The greatest bargain ever off, in Charlotte—a full sized cnn ot ed Sardines in purs olive oil lO’' • 10c. Try one. MILLLR-VAN NESS CC. “Headauarters.’’ ing the cost of such incidental improve ^ written or printed ticket ments as the Board may deem neces- fbe word “Issue,” and those wish ing to vote against issuing bonds and the levy of the taxes herein provided for shall vote a ticket with the words written or printed thereon “Against Issue.” If a majority of such qualified voters shall vote “Issue” on any one or more of the five proposition^ submitted for issuing bonds for the purposes afore-, said, then it shall be deemed and held j that the propositions receiving a ma-' it. To feel strong, have good appetite and digestion, sleep soundly and en joy life, use Burdock Blood Bitters, the great system tonic and builder. Itch! Itch! Itch!—Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! The more you scratch the worse the itch. Try Doan’s Ointment. It cures piles, eczema, any skin itch ing. All druggists sell it. A lazy liver leads to chronic dyspep sia *and constipation—weakens the whole system. Doan’s Regulets (25 cents per boxf correct the liver, tone the stomach, cure constipation. Cures baby’s croup.Willie’s daily cuts and bruises, mamma’s sore throat, grandma’s lameness—Dr. Thomas’ Electric Oil—the great household remedy. HACKNEY BROS. Plumbing Si Heating Contractors, Hose from 12 1-2c to 20c. 6 & 8 W. 5th St. 'Phone 312. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, 712 E. 9th St., $15.00. 6-room house, 216 N. Myers, $20.00. 5-room house, 520 N. McDowell, $13.50. 4-room house, 508 N. McDowell, $10.00. 5-room house, 1108 Gold St., $10.00. J. P. & L. L. HACKNEY. Phone 312. 6 W. 5th 8t More profits would be realized It they were in a larger and faster league and everybody would be the winners. MAY THE PROPER ONES TAIp UP THE MATTER AND SE- CLRE FOR CHARLOTTE THE FASER ARTICLE OF BALL FURNITURE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, MERCHANDISE, ETC. ’Phone 1578 forRates American Brokerage & Warehouse Co. MACHINES MODELS OF PERFECTION. I^ERFECTLY SIMPLE SIMPLY PERFECT. o'* of Sewln* Ma. .. . ^pairing a Bpecialty. MECKLENBURG FURNITURE CO. 229 North Tryon St. List City Property For Taxation .^1 persons who own 'or have con- *0 taxation by the city on first day of June 1911 arp hereby notifled to return to the’city firf before the last day of June a list of their tax able property; said list shall state thp num^r of lots or parts oi lots ani fhU taxable, or that heretf.»tore may be made tava ble by tne laws of the state or the ordinances of the city and the list so returned to the clerk and treas^rS shall be sworn to before him [reve?y Said returns will be received at Citv Hall in the city of Charlotte on 1st day of June, and on each day ther#»af ter until July 1st, 1911. ^ ^^ereaf- A. H, WEARN 20-17t City Clerk and Treasurer. sary for the purpose, pay the semi annual interest upon the bonds issued for said purpose. The said bonds may be issued in an amount not exceeding ono hundred and fifty thousand dol lars; (b) for the purpose of extending and improving the sew’ers of said city, and said bonds shall be known as “Sewer Bonds,” and the Board of Al dermen, to provide for the payment of ther coupons vpon said Sewer Bonds, is authorized to levy an annual tax not exceeding five cents per front foot on any building lot abutting upon any street upon which sewers have been laid at the time of such levy: Provid ed, no lot shall be taxed for more than one sewer line. The revenue arising from this tax shall be used (1) for the payment of the interest upon such bonds; and (2) to extend and main tain the sewer system. Said bonds may be issued to an amount not ex ceeding one hundred and fifty thous and dollars (c) for the purpose of building streets and bridges, and said bonds shall be known as “Street Im provement Bonds.” Said bonds may be issued in an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars for the purpose (a) of purchasing land for schools and of building school houses for the graded schools of the city, and such bonds shall be known as “School Bonds.” Said bonds may be issued in an amount not exceeding sixty-five thousand dollars for the purpose (a) of purchasing the Charlotte Auditorium, and shall be known as “Auditorium Bonds.” The Board of Aldermen of said city shall apply all rents and oth er revenue derived from said Audi torium (1) to the payment of the rCED TEA is now seasonable. "We have dl.r - anything you would want in bl- grade teas and v.’ould recommend beam Tea as the best for prep.-.i ,^ iced tea. S. F.. LENTZ, Fred Cochrane, Mcr. 'Phone 2."1. MlSCELLAhh^fUS FOR INVESTMENT We have a goou 5-room iiouse iii good conaitiou; nas cii.> water electric iiguts ana is reuced ior per nioniu. rnoe ^iiuU. j saarta m tjuiiuxng & Loau. see r.vjc..viMi\c.K ^ vVALLAC£f 26b N. Try on is.., ’Phones: uince ne?, 561-, LET US Fix V'JuiK Ktf I Ort We can teil at a glaiice ju&t wiia; ails it and at a tnniug expense mu.v. it gcoci ciiiO. scr^'iccaDie. feend your icfc x,ieaiii liceztr. We can that, lo'j. C. F. SHUMANp 'Phone 111. ;dUO N. College St. THE GEM HOTEL AND CAFE. MOVED. I have moved niy leira Cotta Pipe Yard to East 5th St., between College St. and the Railroad, in the l-ieia.i; of the City, where you will find every, thing in pipe and tilings. Flue pi^w. Chimney lining. Wall coping, eic. C. V. Furr, Office and Yard, East 5th St., Between College and Railroad. Up-to-date dining room, .seating iu'; „ _ persons, a iuncL counier unequaiid jority of such votes is favored and ap- in tooutii. ConvenieuLiy located oii proved by a majority of the qualified South Tryon Sireei. Strictly xluroi-t^a, voters of the City of Charlotte, and] the Board of Aldermen shall cause bonds to be prepared and issued for the purposes so approved of by a rra jority of the qualified voters of the city and levy a tax in accordance with the provisions of this Act. Sec. 8. That the Board of Aldermen shall order and cause to be had a new' registration for said election. Sec. 9. All laws and clauses of lav.-_ in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 10. This act shall be in force and affect from and after its ratifica tion. In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 3d day of March, 1911. W. C. NEWLAND, President of the Senate. C. DOWD, Speaker of the House of Representa tives. Notice published by order of the Board of Aldermen at meeting May 23 191L A. H, W^EARN, City Clerk & Treas. This June 4th, 1911. it THE PBOF. Mr A TONIC Btiild* up the Entire System BRINGS NEW LIFE TO THE BODY IN ALL QUICKLY RESTORES the appetite TO FEVER. CASES weakened Constitutions ALL DRUGGISTS. OR FOUGCRA & CO., New York ANOTHER FRESH SUPPLY Sherrill Mineral Water, the friend ot suffering humanity, just in. ’Phone order 918. SHERRILL MINERAL WATER CO. 211 S. College St. Professional Cards G. H. SADELSON, M D. 41/2 So. Tryon St. Over So. Loan & Trust Co. Office Phone 41. Res. Phone 147G-J. Chailotte, N. C. We Have Received a Large Stock —OF— Standard Coal \ No Wet or Dirty Coal as it is all kept under cover. WE* ASK YOUR INSPECTION Standard Ice & Fuel Co. Phon® IQ or 72 Yards East Fourth St. and Southern Ry. Dr. H. C. Henderson. Dr. L. 1. Gidr.ey HENDEK50N & GlDNEY DENTISTS. Office, Hunt iiidg., N. Tryon St. 'Phone 216. DR. A D. GLASCOCK >-.>0 I ri. Office, Sixth Floor of Ke;.lty Bidg. Hours, 9 to 1, and 2 to 4. And oy Appointment. Office 'Phone, Re sidence, 1037, Consultation Free. Office 'Phone, 325. Residenct' 962-J U VV. DENTIST. 109 Realty Building, Charlotte, N. C, OSTEOPATH. REGISTERED. Or. i-l. P. Ray Realty ^-ijuilding. Hours, 9 to 12, 2 lo 5. ’Phone, Oflice, 330; Keside.ice 371-J Consultation at Office, gratis. F.LBONFOEr ARCHITECT. Supervision of Construction. . Office, 211 N. Tryon. Room 4. HUGH W. HARRIS ATTORNEY. Law Building. Charlotte, N. C. ARCHITECT. Rooms 505-506 Trust Building. CHARLOTTE, N. C