OTES FOR PONY OUTFIT ON NEW OR RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE NEWS HELPS A FAVORITE. Qtest Edition 43. NO. 7082 CHARLOTTE N. C„ MONDAY kVENINC‘JULY 17, 1911 pi>T^p'{ In Charlotte 2 Cents a Copy aDily—6 Cents Sunday. • Outside Cbarlotte 5 Cents a Copy Dally and Sunday. ht To Bar Diead lague Of Cholera From New York ' :ses oj the Diuase : at Swmburns Is- :J Others are Under 1- -More Rigid Quar- \)Be Enjorced, xoert Will Co-oper- h City Health De^ Already Six re Reported at Is- Frcss. -.'y IT —The fight to the port of New ' day with a federal local health de- .1' i orsous who ar- ago on the jr.d are still under ■.r.dergo bacteriolog- ii.- and a more rigid ^'6 enforced at Swin- Ajere fifteen cases of e connned with four .cion '! > the five deaths i 8i". -e the Moltke ■’ here from .Vaples. Watson Does Not Want Chairmanship By As80''iated Pres. Falrmout, W. Va., July 17.—Sena tor Watson has no* Intention of seek ing the chairmanship of the democrat ic national committee which was sug gested by United States Senators Johnston, Overman, and Taylor at the dinner given in their honor at Sen- day night. Before leaving Johnston aror Watson’s home on Saturday night. Before leaving his home last night for Washington he said: “Under no circumstances could I consider that I be selected for chair man of the democratic national com mittee. Of course I consider It a great honor to have these Senators, all good democrats, express their preference for me for so responsible a position, but the thing is out of the question. My business affairs would not permit of my giving the time and attention to party affairs which the chairman ship would necesitate and I cannot permit myself to be considered for the place. I appreciate the kind words of those who suggested me for the place." “HE RUINED MY HOME,” SAID PRISONER. By Associated Press. Xew York. July 17.—“He ruined my I home." paid Giuseppe Rcmanello to- • the danger thei^ja^ when arraigned on the charge of 'he eviidemic now | lining Alesandron Zarra and mortal- Q Kurope. |iy v.ounding Filipo Prospic. The approaching'I shooting occurred in an Italian cafe 1 $100,000 “Jack Pot” Figm es To - day In Lorimei Hearing 6Y A «n.ATtrvL reopti to tml VNITED JTATEI Mt/VtOT'LAEGL '''roniu Dijcatsy svly^bii irw int CQ3T or mm n/u incm Has Forgotten . His Identity By Asociated Press. Chattanooga, Tenn., July 1?.—It is now certain that a young man found here who had forgotten his own iden tity and all matters pei'taining to his past is Jack King of Norfolk, Va., and asistant paymaster of the Virginia Railroad, H. H. Rogers’ line. Tele grams have been received from rela tives ia Norfolk and in Wyorning, a suburb of Cincinnati, directing that specialists be employed in an effort to restore King to his right mind. Being shown telegrams from r^atives King failed to recognize the mame and could remember nothing of any one claiming to be related to him. The yet (I William Burgess Called to Stand to 7ell of His Testi mony Before tke Helm In^ vestigating Committee in Illi nois, 2 ells OJ Conversation on Train When He Heard Stranger Tell About the Corruption Fund Raised to Elect Lari mer to Senate, By Associated Press. Washington, July 17.—The $100,000 stricken man is being held in a local 1 legislative “jack pOt” about w^hich re hospital with physicians in constant | volve charges affecting the election of attendance. They can discover no in jury and state that King is in perfect physical condition. They are at a loss to know what has caused the peculiar condition of the man’s mind. CAN WE DO WITHOUT THIS? »he situation is in Harlem late last night while ■'r . ttention pnd Dr. thousands' of Italians outside were ‘-1 er o; ' port, has j annaul festival of to i.^.-ue a rea.■■.-^urin^ j our Lady of Mount Carmel. Zarro r *ay s that thelj^j^^ Prosapio were at a table when be re -elved in one ; entered. An argument with ’h*' ...Cu.h. ana Zarro was followed by a gun play a tn---r in ordinary j drove everybody else out of the . ons who have the^(.gte. Fifteen policement had all they I could do to get Romanello to the rles Dii.Ains, counsel police ptation through the crowd of ''-,.n’.= a* fl.- t^stlga-1 (-^jgjjrators. s o‘l!i ial conduct nov ; , ; ;-is . murderer DIES -p; ^ t ,v in , hOS- , net on the! IN ELECTRIC CHAIR inunieration sta^ ’ l;:e dl •a' ■ a_- 'ue i L:t*»r .andint-. -r r.ther »he under- : i' increarrid by ';'e r»-oent medical •f holer:; carriers. ■•.^on« r>r r»odv says, may g.^rm ,i:'hough them- n f:ee from their ill . ,• ^reflf a menace to 1 Li-: L a inc from the dis- a.-^cugers were ; By Apsnrlated Press. I Ossining, N. July li.—Giuseppi Serimarce, who killed two men dur ing his twenty-seven years of life, pnid the penalty for one of his deeds today at Sine Sing prison. One min utes contact of the electric current leit him a corpse. It was the quick est execution since the electric chair was innoduced at the statep rison. Serimarce murdered Antony Side at Mammaroneck a year ago after quar- c reling in a dance hall. Five rears ago ?mm cholera iccur-*at Peekskill he killed a man but es- a:mrnc tiSud ho.=pital ca^ ed punishment on a plea of self t n". ik nc the total six j leiense. Frnn> r-s Faran-'!-! aian'ine officers j^h_i_ed BY PROPRIETOR OF NEAR BEER SALOON TOUL IlSSES S13,899,12ll W- PORT OF IISSESSOES At 3 o’clock the board of equiliza- tion met in the city hall and received from Mr, D. Baxter Henderson, gen eral assessor, the following report made by him and his assistant vist tQ-kcrs * Total number of acres. 322,291. Average per acre—$10.81. Total land valuation. $13,848,29b. Personal property, $59,788.34. Grand total, $19,829,127. Bank stock not included. Township Acreage. Charlotte—15,452. Crab Orchard—33,544. Clear Creek—20,125. Deweese—11,806. Berryhill—21,881. Hunter&ville—16,845. Lemleys—19,495 Long Creek—23,453. Paw Creek—22.522. Steel Creek—29,624. Sharon—22,725. Pineville—10.074. Providence—27,194. Morning Star—17,572. Mallard Creek—30,169. SIPT By II iim FI sms THE TO DICK IS II lETTEB FftRGE Special to The News. By Associated Press. Salem, Ore., July 17.—According to John A. Carson, special counsel for the Alaska syndicate and author of the Jonesboro, July 17.—The most de-, letter to Capt. D. H. Jarvis regarding structive fire in the history of Jones-. the Morrissey act which was included bovo occurred Sunday morning, de-1 jn the charges made by Delegate Wick- stroying nine store buildings, includ-j ersham against Attorney-General Wick- ing the postoITice. The bank and other j sham, the alleged “Dirk-to-Dick” letter store buildings were damaged more or which Miss Abbott asserted she discov- Senator Terrell Relinquishes his Seat By Associated Press. ^ Washington, July 17.—Senator Ter rell, of Georgia, ceased to be a mem ber of the United States senate at 11:29 a. m. Acting upon his tele graphic request to Vice-President Sherman this morning the senate or dered that Mr. Terrell’s name be stricken from the roll of the senate, leaving his seat vacant until Governor Hoke Smith qualifies as his successor. Senator Terrell’s telegram read: “My successor as United States Sen ator w'as elected by the legislature of Georgia last Wednesday. It is my opin ion that this election ended my term of office, but to remove all doubt, I sent my resignation last Friday to Governor Smith and mailed you a copy of same. This resignation is irre vocable and I have so notified Gover nor Smith. I will be glad for you to instruct the secretary to strike my name from the roll of senators.” f ’Hiition' ■ Hoffman (t i.'tor; The steam- ron: rr.e Meriiterranean. r n quarantine while a’e under observ- o ?ra in It.ily -j:.;. July 17.—The - of the number ot Palermo, Italy, re exasperated, accord- : :reC''."ed here. •n'lot l>e known with ■ . tu- dead at Paler- •uatlon both at Pal- ; f 18 no^ .-iald to be I'Hiermo the average r.v- ■;,- twenty and at \t !.eghorn there have • • 1 r*een deaths since vhile at Spez- •have numbered sev- ree find at Pisa one. B 3 Fight On. juj ’.7.—The entire ‘ Inner of the govern- . it in motion to fight H nva-lon from Europe. • a.:h offices at Naples r i- ed to cable a re- • ilayB as to the de- t /p epidemic that is rag- • expert, hurried to , 1.' expected to work .. I'h the health author- d vi^orouf- handling of 1 brought in, and to further cholera in- By Associated Press. Chattanooga. Tenn., July 17.— George Harper, contractor of Benton, Polk county, w-as shot and almost in- stanly killed at 4 o;dock Sunday af ternoon on the public square at Ben ton by John Harbison, proprietor ot a pool room and near beer saloon. The men began playing with each orher and finally became enraged and Arthur struck Harbison with a beer bottle and the latter drew hi& P|stO‘ and fired two shots, both of which took effect in Arthur’s bodj*. Arthur leaves a wife and six children and belonged to a prominent family. tenement CONDITIONS ARE AMAZING. Bv Associated Press. Hoboken. N. J.. July Chas_ Pranard. deputy chief of the Bureau of Social Providence of France, who is here to look over this city’s methods, finds conditions in York “amazing.” He started off with an ex amination of East Side tenants, hop ing to get some hints for improving housing condition's ^“^hrnk’that this first glimpse led to think that this city had better send to Pans tor “"“'Sected several tenements In lower Manhattan,” he said on Eight Passengers Killed In Wieck °ymore NOELS ENGAGEMENTS ^ fios-. ‘ al., July 17.—Ethel has cancelled • f'-r the remainder of . northwest and de- ’ t-T New lork. of John W. Gates. If - ii/i.n W. Gates, the > f 'Kuo Is ill in this :brui’;iMe night. He :;o-.'ly i* 'irliy Dr. GroB nnnu'^d improv- ‘ .. 'f probably would . •oi’A the phy.siclans • . ;1.- out of dancer, ■f Vi.f? patient justified '■f re>'Over>’. me. Postponed. P t ' 17.—Philadelphia- » -r d. Two .crimes to- ' 27.—BrookLn-St. his "erur‘n."‘anrio«d the tenants pay^^ $6 a month rent per room. Many 01 these rooms are so dark that tney should be vacated at once as unfit for human beings to live In.^ They are also veritable death traps. SEVERE EARTH SHOCKS WERE RECORDED. By Associated Press. i7_Se- Budapest, Hungary, \\,emet vere earth shocta^m the^Kecsf“„, district.* fifty iAi** ^aaa fiv© hPre were agian recorded from nve until seven o’clock this 1 KiiiiHincK were wrecked and eral buildings buildings were walls of a number of buiiame cracked. Dr. Aked Denies Report. By Associated Press. New York, July n-iarlps F. Aked has sent to the a soclated Press the tollowing telegr dated San Francisco July ^ “The statement iii^^oaays p sa,d to be telegraphed__Jrom New York servatlons Mullheim, Baden, Germany, July 17.—An express train on the road run ning from Basel, Switzerland, to Fiankfort-on-the-Main was derailed wliile entering the station here to day. Eight passengers were killed. Fourteen others were severly and twenty slightly injured. A first class, a second clas« and two third class cars were telescoped. Pitable confusion followed the acci dent. It was impossible to learn wheth er anl Americans were among the vic- The accident happened as the train moving southward entered the station. The locomotive was derailed. A fipt class, a second class and two third class’ coaches telescoped each other. Simultaneously the remaining cars were piled up against a south bound train. Not a passenger in the first three coaches of the wrecked train escaped injury. Strange Malady In Mitchell County By Associated Press. Asheville, July 17.—A fatal epidemic prevails in Mitchell county, which has heretofore been unkonwn to medical science and is baffling skilled physi cians, who have made every effort to check the malady which manifests itself by small bloodshot stains on the tips of the fingers, passing through the arm into the body and resulting in death within a few days after the first sign appears. The plague has claimed a number of vic tims in Mitchell county, one of whom was Dr. F. P. Slagle. Dr. Charles Buchanan, a prominent physician, became affected a few days ago and was sent to Johnson City, Tenn., hospital, where his condition is said to be critical. WOULD INCREASE SALARY OF THE GOVERNOR. less by fire and •"'.^R.'.er. The fire stei'rced in the furniture store of Dr E. P. Snipes at about 2:30 in the morning and was of incendiary origin. The w'ater system had been completed -Saturday but the to'^\n authorities had failed to procure the necess-ary hose, conse quently the people were helpless to flsht the fire except by bucket bri gades. The Sanford fire company w’as 'phoned for and responded promptly with several lines of hose and soon had the fire under control. It was due to their gallant work the bank and other buildings were saved. The following is the estimated loss: Watson Bros., warehous-e and con tents, $2,500, insurance $1,100. Watson Bros., main building, dam age by fire and water , $1,000, cover ed by insurance. Murchison’s cafe, $200, no insur ance. The building occupied by Murchi son was owned by the Harris heirs. Loss on building $1,000, no insurance. J. D. Register, undertaker, loss $400, no insurance. Mrs. S. H. Buchanan, postoffice and store buildings, loss $4,000, no in surance. Dr. E. P. Snipes, loss on building and stock, $3,500, insurance $500. L. H. Fitchett, harness and shoe shop, $200, no insurance. W. S. Murchison, office fixtures, etc., $200, no insurance. The fire spread to the south side of Trade street to the Foushee build ing used as a restaurant, loss $1,200, insurance $500. Jonesboro Building and Improve ment store house, loss $600, insurance $300. Bank building, damage by fire and water, $200, covered by insurance. - The large building on East Main street occupied by the L. M. Foushee Co, wholesale groceries, damage by fire and water $150, covered by in surance. The people of Jonesboro are under manv obligations to the fire compa ny of Sanford for their prompt help in subduing the fiameS. The citizens of the town are much w'rought up over the origin of the fire and every effort will be put forth to ferret out the guilty party or parties. ered in the interior-^epartnreTit-'Te- cords, “is rankest nonsense.” “The letter is a farce,” said Mr. Carson last night, “because the Mor- gan-Guggenheim syndicate .has no rea son to wish to secure a harbor at Con troller Bay. There is no suitable har bor there. Controller Bay or Katalla is a roadstead rather than a harbor.” attributing to me offensive o^ as to coldness of New as to coldness of ii jcl gratitude to New I- (T-ranh.’ Bv Associated Press. Atlanta. July 27.-A bill mcjeasmg theh governor’s salary from $o,000 to $7,500 a year was introduced into the house this morning by ^ill Hall, of Bibb county. It provides that future governors shall pay their household expenses, now paid by the state, passed the increase would not ^J^ome effective until after the term of the present executive.- James Wiggins Killed by Dynamite By Associated Press. Nashville, Tenn., July 17.—While en deavoring to dynamite fish in the Chat- talouchee near Newport, Tenn., yes terday, James Wiggins, thirty, foreman of a lumber camp, was almost in stantly killed when a stick of dyna mite exploded in his hands. His neck was broken and a gash torn in his breast through which hisheart could be seen. Both hands were blown off His body will be taken to Ely, N. C. Gen. Diaz Off For Paris. Bad Nauheim. Germany, July 17.— General Porfirio Diaz, the former president of Mexico, is preparing to leave for Paris, being advised by a consulting physician here not to take the w^aters on account of his age His health, however, appears excel lent. From Paris Diaz will go to Switzerland where he will remain throughout the summer. Imprint oj Thumb Was The Clue By Associated Press. Newark, N. J., July 17.—The imprint of a man’s thumb on a whitewashed board is the clue by which the police of Belliville, N. J., expect to trace the assailant of James Buckalew, an aged hermit w^ho some time during the past 48 hours was beaten into unconscious ness and left for dead in the kitchen of his tiny cottage. Whether Buckalew' was robbed can not be learned unless he recovers con sciousness at the hospital here where he lies at the point of death. He was found lying across a table with his hand and feet tied and his head stuffed In an ash barrel. State Wide Prohibition Campaign Closing NEW TREATY OF COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION. By Associated Press. New York, July 17.—The new treaty of commerce and navigation between the United States and Japan went into operation today, replacing the old treaty negotiated during Secretary Gresham’s administration. The Impor tant point of difference between the two conventions lies In the omission from the new convention of the para graph In the old relating to immigra tion restrictions which was objection able to the Japanese, the United States relying upon the honor of Japan to carry out the spirit of existing under takings which prevent the departure of Japanese coolies to America. ROYALTY WILL WITNESS GERMAN NAVAL REVIEW. By Associated Press. Houston, Tex., July 17.—A campaign on state-wide prohibition distinguished for its almost scholarly soberness and free from brass-band methods, entered on its final w^eek in Texas today. De bates and orations on'both sides are scheduled for nearly every day this week at almost every polling booth throughout the state. On Saturday the voters will say whether the amend ment prohibiting the sale and manu facture of liquor shall be written into the state constitution. Senator Lorimer, figured in the testi mony at the opening of today’s hear ing before the Senate Lorimer com mittee. William Burgess, manufacturer and treasurer of an electrical company at Duluth, Minn., discussed on the stand today his testimony before the Helm investigating committee of the Illinois Senate in which hes aid that on a train running out of Duluth, about March 1911, C. F. Wiche, w'ho is as sociated in business with Edw'ard Hines, declared to him that “there was a jack pot raised to elect Mr. Lorimer; I know what I am talking about because I subscribed $10,000 to it myself.” Mr. Burgess said that he and Wiehe had not met before that day. They be gan conversing in the smoking car. Burgess said he made a remark about the Lorimer election, w’hich finlly led the stranger, whom he said was Wiehe, to remark that Burgess “did not know very damn much about it.” Shortly afterward, according to the witness today, Wiehe said: “There was a jack-pot for Lorimer’a election. I know what I am talking about, because I subscribed $10,000 to it myself.” “Didn’t you think it strange that a perfect stranger should make a con fession of wholesale corruption to you?” asked Senator Kern. “I always did. That was the reason I asked who the man was when we got off the train.” On cross-examination Burgess testi fied that he was acquainted with W. H. Cook, of Duluth, whose version of conversations with Edward Hines have been disputed by Hines. Burgess said he talked with Cook about coming to Washington to testify and Cook had merely remarked: “You’ll have a hot time.” “Didn’t he say: Give ’em hell?’” inquired Attorney Hines. “He did not.” BARON ROSEN WILL NOT RETURN JO POST. By Associated Press. St. Petersburg, July 17.—The for eign office today confirmed the report that Baron Ros-en would not return to his post as Russian ambassador at Washington. George Bakhmetleff is the nominee now In view for the American mission, but his appoint ment, like other diplomatic changes, will await the return in the fall of foreign Minister Sazanoff, who Is now In the Vosget region In search of health. Bakhmetleff was formerly ambas^- dor to Japan and still earlier min ister at the Hague and Russian dip lomatic agent in Bulgaria. Baron Rosen probably will be given a seat in the council of the empire. Went For License From Court Room By Associated Press. Berlin July 17.—According to to day’s papers Queen Mary of England, the Prince of Wales and Princess Mary will witness the great German naval review at Swinemunde on Au gust 30 at which the Austrian and Turkish heirs and the prince of Mon aco also will be gue&ts. The British party will first visit their elderly relative, the dowager grand duchess of Mechenburgh-Stre- litz and following the naval review will proceed to Potsdam to be pres ent at the review of the auturn pa rade of the guard on September Id. MONTGOMERY VOTES ON SALOONS. Mrs. Lula Grant was Granted A Divorce in Civil Court this Morning at 10:30 0*clock and Went at Once With J. J, Owen to Get Marriage License Granted a divorce this morning at 10:30 o’clock in ?^ecklenburg civil court from her husband, James Stock ton, Mrs. Lula Grant, alias James Yates, walked down stairs with J. J. Owen, where they obtained a marriage license from Register of Deeds W. M. Moore and announced their intention of going to Rev. Dr. H. H. Hulten, of the First Baptist church, to be married at once. Mrs. Grant was married a few months ago to a man who gave his t name as James Yates. The ceremotiy was performed b y ’Squire S. H. Hil ton at his office at the court house. It developed in a fev.^ days that Yates’ real name was Stockton and that he already had a wife in King’s Mountain. He left for parts unknown a few days after the marriaee before 'Squire Hil- Denver, coi., Juiy j ton and has not been heard of since two missing and probabb dead, and ^ granted the divorce this two nitro-glycerine buildings j j^^orning in a few minutes after heav ed. resulted today from the explosion | corning ^ ^ of 3,000 pounds of nitro-glycenne at i ^^o^ie of Mrs. Grant on the DuPont Powder Company s plant, j _ Brevard for some time. He was 15 miles south .of Denver. The^caus-e morn- is unknown. They were not i when the verdict was rendered by or burned and it is evident that | -phe couple walked at once died as the result of after-damp. The . gtairs to the register of deeds state inspectors believe the mmers, So.n «a.rs^^^^^ drilled into a pocket of gas, causing the explosion.- Labor Leaders to Answer Contempt Orders One Man Killed By Explosion Denver, Col., July 17.—One killed. By Associated Press. Washington, July 17.—Attacking the jurisdiction of the court and the le- Another Week of Debate in Senate By Associated Press. Washington, Julv 1' -The senate galitv of the proceedings. President! today entered upon another week ot Samuel Gompers. Vice President John ' debate on the Canadian re- Mitchell, and Secretary Frank Morri- | ciprocity bill, with a vote on son of the American Federation of 1 the measure fixed for next Saturday. By Associated Press. Montgomery, Ala., July 17.—Mont gomery city and county is voting to day to determine whether the saloon shall again be legalized. The opinion prevails that local option w ill carrj and the question appears to be now only the majority. Estimates run from one thounsand to 2;500 majority. Mo bile went wet a short time ago. Labor, appeared i^ the equity branch of the supreme court of the District of Columbia today to resist the latest contempt order issued against them by Justice Wright. The first moves were of a technical nature and were over ruled by Justice Wright. A motion to dismiss on the ground that the service of the order was in complete was sustained, but when'Jus tice Wright directed the marshall to serve new papers • forwith, the point was wa'^'ed. The bill was all that was on today’s calendar, and no time had been re served for any speech. The hou^ marking time, will not be in session until Wednesday. VICTIMS BROUGHT TO SURFACE OF MINE. Bv Associated Press. 'Dubois, Pa.. July 17.—The bodies of the twenty-one victims of the ex plosion in the shaft of tne Cascade The hearing was adjourned until j Coal & Coke Company &.t Skjeovill.,, next Monday without action. rought to the surface tada}.