1ER" OCK TO APPEAR TONIGHT AT OTTOWAY THEATRE WITHOUT DISGUISE. HE WILL MAKE A TALK atest Edition HE CHARLOTTE N El ^ Latest Edition VOL. 45. NO. 7098 . — CHARLOTTE N. C., FRIDAY tVENlNG, AUGUST 4, 191 1 In Charlotte 2 Cents a Copy aOily—6 Cents Sunday. ' Outside Charlotte 5 Cents a Copy Dally and Sunday, Famine, Is Ancient History,” Says Mr. E. T7. Thompson ■jthing is Ncmal in The\ William BumS rate, Situationoj Charlotte] Augelc^ The Reservoirs Are Full :c Creeks Even the Bank, nd Conditions Good, By Associated Press. Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 4.—William J. Burns, the detective credited with the arrests of the McNamara broth- I ers and Ortie E. McMnniaal. the al- Ihompson to Cut Off\ legcd dynamite plotters, arrived in j Angeles last night. He said Day SniftOJ iroins to And\^^^ evidence in connection with the explosion which wrecked the Los Anpele? Times October 1, 1910, was already in the possession of the local authorities. riom the River Today—The With Pumping Outfit >100, ■ayor s statei^ent to ASSOCIATED PRES TODAY Reappoitionment Bill Passed ■' A.-.-'C'.a^ed Press. O'ii'.c to the alarming and .-.ugfra’ed ivporta which have ♦.amended. By Associated Press. Washington, Aug. 4.—The housr day concurred in the senate ame* ments to the congressional re-appor- tionment bill to prevent gerry mand- enng. and passed the measure as The bill now goes to the al .' ’ai about the water sit- ii're becomes neces- to make the following >nT of (■’I'arlo^te has nev- • ''jii.ni' adeqiiate fire ■ Mi'fp 'hau two mil- la’iv'fi' 'i wa'er have been 1. . :il\‘ a -The V ater was .1 \eral ;iour.-.. dail,'’ for a j t' ; ';k- ^ak-' i»i ion- .u fire • •••m jjnp- YV iV. ''nvenie:'!t to 'l •11.' i> never dauger- . i.' now about wl'h oonataui pressure n-.al’..?. 'aiik .-ir? ompl'^.'Td to p. [■,ti.t, ( a a’vbi .’11.-. ■u i!l -■''rai ir.'iei’. bei!'ig no lunger president for approval. Oont mw. \w ' tT.'Z 1/ "I Not MAKfc AnV SPfctcM-£S OF ANY KmD THIS SI/M/H6R T AlADfc Ju'STAs /MAHV AS IT 1*5 Possiftufc foR To ( SiCiw-fo) -n ' ^oosevSLT ' '/■ € Reuben CombsPlaced On Tnal Charged With Wife Murder '.al ♦ I Hoke Needn’t Resign. ' B>- Associated Press, Atlanta. Aug. 4.—The resolution callins upon Governor Hoke Smith. I I'nited States senator-elect, to immedi ately resign his present office and go ’o Washington and assume his duties ' as a member of the upper branch of ongress will be withdrawn from the , t^tate senate la^e this afternoon, ac- , ''ording to Senator W. J. Harris, its author Mr. Harris' first action was . inspired by the failure, by one vote, of I the original farmers' free list bill to pass the United States senate. He :^,'atcd that as news dispatches indica ted tha» th'^ special session of con- ^.)-e=s wt^uld .^djtMirn soon it would be ut^eless for Goveriior Smith to go to I the capitol. r h’ al'h ror.diMons are e\- ♦ A 'i-'.:- havin: • _■ t ’v'iir,= ll- \ d rh' r:L.v\r», Mu' or. ♦ ♦ One Killed in Auto Wreck. Marfir-Mlle. 111.. Aug. -i.—Thomas Til- ■iln-;ham. of Robinson. 111., a weal- •r,y nji operator, was killed, and R. E. ' 5.ri,ni an oil contractor, hurt today V !■'11 their automobile plunged over an oiuht foot embankment and turned turtle. IT Will Resign -4s Governor By Asosciated Pres-s. Jackson, Miss., Aug. 4.—The an nouncement of Senator Leroy Percy, following his defeat in Tuesday’s elec tion, that he would tender bis resigna tion to the governor when the legisla ture meets in January, has created very little surprise in polietical cir cles at the capital. A few months after his electione to the unexpired term of Senator A. J. ?^IcLaurln, the statement was made by Mr. Percy that if the peo ple of Mississippi did not desire him to serve as their senator, he did not want to serve in that capacity, and his resignation is regarded as a fulfillment of the implied promise given at that lime, that if not re-elected he would resign. The legislative body elected Tues day is overwhelmingly Vardaman in sentiment, very few candidates run ning on the anti-Vardaman ticket hav- iiig been elected. When the resignation is tendered Mr. Vardaman will undoubtedly be nomi nated on the first ballot and without Young Iredell County Farmer Must Answer Charged oj Poisoning His Wije-She was Found Dead in Cow Lot, We know now why it has sounded so quiet ail this summer. Sheilock Will Appear At Otioway Tonight Without Disguises pear on the streets Saturday as you He Will Tell You How to Pro- see me on the stage of this ^^eatre SETS St [OR JAimGA By Associated Press. Port au Prince, Haj'ti, Aug. 4.— Lively Debate Ove^ Cotton Bill am not subject to captuie tonight cecd to Get Ihe $25 Offered ^ but you will see me and so I will ap For His Capture. sailed last night for Kingston, Jamaica, the refugee of , iHayti's fallen heroes as the *varship ,pear Saturday afternoon on.^he streets ^ December," which took its name jand learn just ho\\ I am-going to § : from the dav that he was unanimous- ^away the money .;to the.drst one ^vho ; ejected president of the black re approaches me. Some V. if n^t >?t. of •, . . : ban I.' ever cut . T ''i.i' of water— ; i-ipr’y— ■ ' 't'n-: them \’at‘-r i' t . , It Irwin's ■ ! pi; e, clear ' •— .•■ser\oirs ar' • ;i '■'■tfrr condi- the day, T ut ■iff." 'By Associated Press. oHii period ot | Chicago. Aug. 4,—By the breaking . J t:r. ,ir emergen-j of a thirty-inch water main, the court- ■ ‘l iT,;! po.^.'ible is house, one of the principal hotels and i f orr has ar-' adjoining sk;-scrapers received a flood- _■ ' -.:p. lies as well ing today that did thousands of dollars . . . 'il night wat h. > v\orth of damage and attracted hun- . , , ^..nry anyway in | dreds of persons to the scene. Ran- . r ,t to turn on the fjolph street, part of the so-called Rial- 1 ; Ifered or until-'to, suffered the worst from the torrent, t • • 'i.-. veied or bar-|.Most of the damage was done to the I costly rugs and other accesories of a fashionable restaurant, below the level of the neighboring streets, which occu pies a basement. One of the picturesque sights result ing from the flood was in a hotel where many employes, chiefly women, I w ere kept bus.v. The feminine brigade, apparently in- ■ f> a'ing "cut off the ! different alike to the fiood and to the V;. a.- tl.e :-apply is sut- , cheers of enthusiastic onlookers, kept expense is too great. th'- mayor, the water j^alf i^ory fommittee will >er of rutting off as ■-'I that ;t is wise lo ir.ore than one or . I . , ^ . .or - i Piiblic, boomed a doleful farewell. Only One Moie Day J^IS, lively be given $wS Saturday afternoon follows in the wake of Nord \yiiiy x-rwc/ Artu i running' Contest Ends 'J Off the Water Trains. rrr‘«'r . hauling water r r, nr elsewhere, is an , ( ; •>, f'o.-ting about $100 a r.a.d ’ ill probably cut f"o t,,:lav. - (let w^ater the slogan at nrst; and if you w^ant to be in the running Someone down tonight and learn just how jihe money Avill he ^;iven away. to Get the Moneu Before He Gee whllUkins am: jemima’s ghost: j Why some one who wants a home in Leaves, the best residence section of Charlotte jhas not picked up this bargain I can Got you guessing, haven’t I? Well, .not see. The McClung Realty Company 1 thought 1 would have, but you have for sale an S-room house on a lot will ‘•’-r.ve a bunch of guesses coming 60x150 feet that will appeal to any beiorti I tip my Jno. B. Stetson and one of taste and comfortable circum- tell you farewell. Watch and see if stances. This modern home can be I am wrong. To tell the truth about it bought at a very low price just now. I hit the hay early last night, for I it has all coaveniences. hot and cold realize 1 am soon to be up against the water, open plumbing, electricity, plen- run of my life. Tomorrow is the last ty of closets and large open grates, day of the contest and 1 am going to /fh'’ car pusses the door and the Street give everybody a chance for the mon- is paved. It is on the shady side, ey. Tonight I will appear at the Ot- Call 'phone 1254 if jou are interested toway between S and 9 and again be-,anl thoy will be glad to take you to tween 10 and 11 o’clock, and will make ' see. ■ ^'id verify this staternent. an announcement from the stage of thej A i -H r received this morning from theatre just how you can proceed to a young man asking “How can I be- land me. I will not wear disguises of j any kind or description and will ap-1 (Continued on Page Ten,) Admiral Togo Makes Ready For Fiist Day In New York— Will Have Busy Time Theie \ at work in tlie tide for an hour and a , d a a ;i no wi;i ;ie f'ut off until the ■ ’ Rriat* I'reek is in con- ,t it could be used if need- ntinued on Pacre Tw'o. Publicity Bill. ':a’*d I're^-s. —r» 4—The con- . an-ii.ii-n publicHy bill • , P3' h'd an agreement f .. l-.ill with a moditl- r,! \ ,f the provision fix- -- \ot^r that each candi- ■ , ' ’,'i‘e h"use of repre- ; ,, permitted to pay ■ --'.nn'aicn « \pensos. End of Moroccan Jwuble In Sight intensely pleased that his papers had been recovered. Escorted by 100 mounted police men, Admiral Togo went in an auto conqueror ot ttie Russian fleet in mobile from his hotel By Associated Press. New' York, Aug. 4.—Admiral Count Heihachira Togo, sea fighter and the Russo-Japanese war, made ready today tor the formal amenities of his twelve days visit to the United States. Admiral Togo arrived here last night from England on the Lusi P , I tania and was welcomed down tLe By Associated vq- bay by representatives of the govern- Berlin. Aug. aS,! ment at Washington and the Japan roccan trouble )et ^he'es® government and brought to tins France IS in sight Jules Ca^^^^ destroyer French ambassador at Beilin anu -via . )nr von Kiderlen-Weschter, the Ger-, eca. man foreign secretary, today found a crmimon ground of settlement on , , . ,, though the details to be „a,eial oral lines, worked out. Some time will be consumed dispos- g of the details. The nature of the settlement could not be learned ex- Sen- When 1 have seen a little more of *^en-1 your country I may have a little more be to say.” said Admiral Togo as he i\m aN 1 Press. (• Aug 4.—Sheriff Ra- Aiken, received a message ■ lUig from Monetta, 25 miles ( that a woman named Mrs. had been found dead there ’.'^r husband had been terri- •, !,v a mob It is not known •ner th woman was killed by The sheriff and several offl- p gono to the Bcena. visit from Mayor Gaynor. The ad miral later visited Mayor Gaynor at the citv hall and this afternoon will hat irinio^s r ;janLtfrs°'tht°e”enlerof!me?Lt from|and be entertained by him at din- the foreign to the colonial i ^^Admiral Togo will make a hurried Sr.:l"ie'li"andfn4t^iosed^ and Mount Vern.;.;. h ‘-“"o^rthe 'a“ttUu1e:rheThlf- i rj.t^to“ps‘"a? B^iiitn™ e^aSr Phii: edges off the English attl . I j ^he Mayflower will take set his course for \ancouiver, ,^here he will board the Pacific liner lamba Maru for Yokohama. Passengers on the Lusitania which docked today told of several incidents of the voyage m which Admiral Togo figured. Not the least interesting ^ as the -iviug of his autograph to a little on, Aug. 1.— V.Ti I cirl who asked him in English for the wool tariff revision bill, e ^ handwriting and received actual subject of the negotiations. LaFollette And Underwood Named Washington, Aug ference on ru'"4.-When the con- covet*ed"prize through the LaFollette met todav Senator Renresentative Underwood were ap- ?Xted a sub-committee to consider pointea differences be- fween the wo touses. The motion tor S appointment, n^^de by Senator Bailey was on the ground that they fepreLnt the extreme elements of the senate and house respectively. the secretary to the city hall, thib forenoon, to visit Mayor Gaynor. With him \vas his aide. Com mander Taniguchi, third assistant secretary of state Nale and Captain Potts of the United States navy. An immense crowd which thronged thee ity hall park ‘^ave Admiral Togo and his party a hearty cheer as they alighted from their automobiles. Mr. Nale presented Admiral Togo to the mayor and after a brief visit Admiral Togo and his party return ed to their hotel. Mayor Gaynor at 11 o clock, left city hall to return the call on Admi ral Togo. Arriving at the admirals suite, the mayor was taken at once to Admiral Togo, and the two &hook hands. The mayor asked him about the coronation of king George and the latter, through his interpreter, replied that he had been greatly impressed by the splendor of the cerem'ony. The mayor asked the admiral how’ he liked this country and he replied that he liked it greatly and was pleas ed with the cordial reception he had recevied. The mayor remained with the ad miral only a few’ minutes. . All of the time there was a large crowd outside the hotel and at the appearance of the mayor and the admiral both were cheered. Shortly after the mayor left, a delegation of Japanese citizens of this city went to the admiral’s suite to pay their respects. Alexis, w’hom he overthrew’ in the last month of 190S, and he leaves the capital in the possession of Cincin- natus Leconte, whom he had driven into exile with his deposed chief, and Antenor Firmin, a rival for the presidency whom he placated by sending as minister to Cuba. Nord Alexis ruled for six years. On December 3, 1008, Simon, then at the height of his popularity, led an overwhelming revolutionary army into Port au Prince and was ever.v- where proclaimed as a saviour of the country from tyranny. He ap peared to have the country united behind him. Nord Alexis, who had found safety on the French cruiser Duguay, later boarded the German steamer Sarnia and proceeded to Kingston, where embittered against his countrymen, he died in the spring of T-910. To the last he refused to admit tiiat he could understand the hostility of the people. “They always cheered me when I appeared in the streets,” he w’as wont to say mournfully. “And I have always labored for their good. With Simon disposed of. attention has turned to his successor, and there is much uneasiness regarding the future. Leconte and Firmin both are avowed candidates for the presi dency. They head rival revolution ary armies. Neither leader has ar rived at the capital, but their fol lowers are in possession of the cit> and the feeling between the two par ties is far from friendly. The danger now is that neither ne- sro will be disposed to retire in fa vor of the other and that the issue must be literally fought out. The diplomatic corps is doing everything possible to aid a con flict. ^ last evening Simon and a handful of followers with their bag gage were transferred from the American schooner Bradford C. FixS to the Dutch steamer Prinz Nederlandem and an hour latei the vessel sailed for Kingston. As the vessel passed out of the harbor and Simon had what may prove las. view^ of the capital, the three Hajtien warships gave him a parting salute^ The night passed with comparatne calm Occasionally the report of a rifle was heard, but the lawlecs ones pretty well in check. marines who landed Bremen are still By Associated Press. Washington. Aug. 4.—The bouse cotton tariff revision bill was repO’i- eci to the senate today and imiira- diately precip;tater’ a lively debate. Democratic Li ide»' Marlin asked tii-.t it be referred to the finance com- iTiittee with mt't’-uctions to report by August 10. Overman, oi North Carolina, .‘'avored August 21. It w’as referred to the finance com mittee, by a vote of 38 to 26, with instiuctions to report it back Au gust ro. Chairman Penrose, of the finance committee, announced the committee would meet to morrow. “W^e will not wait until the tenth to report the cotton bill," he said, “but wall take it up and report it immediately. We will bring it back tomorrow and if conditions feel right, I shall ask that an early day be fixed for a vote by the senate.” Despite the different opinions as to what effect the senate’s instructions to the senate committee to report the cotton tariff revis-ion bill will have on the early adjournment of congress, nearly all the senators and representa tives are anxious to get away and it is apparent that it will be almost im possible to hold a quorum after the president vetoes the wool tariff bill, as he is expected to do early next week. Sherijg- Deaton Tells Jury That Combs Conje&sed to Admin istering Poison to His Wije on Night She Died, Special to The News. Statesville, Aug. 4.—All of yesterday having been required to secure a jury the taking of testimony in the case of Reuben Combs, on trial hero for the murder of his wife, did not begin until this morning. A great crowd is in tow’n on ac count of the trial and many of them have been unable to g^ in the coijrt house. When court adjourned for dinner five or six witnesses had been exam ined and the evidence of most of them w'as about the same as given at the coroner’s inquest. Sheriff Deaton was the most im portant witness and was on the stand for some time. The officer told of Combs having confessed to him that he gave his wife poison in her milk the night of her death. The court allow’ed the sheriff to tell of the confession, but counsel lor the defense filed exceptions to it. The defense is going to make a strong fight, but as yet on w'hat grounds is not know’n, though insan ity is suggested. S TELLS HE SUIITED STEEL "TiST" of the admiral- . , ^ Admiral Togo had the to drop his* purse in the ash loom L ship one day. It documents and $o00. Tne of vaiuable purii' waB found by a traveler who By Associated Press. New York, Aug. 4.—Charles M. Schwab, president of the Bethlehem Steel Company, and former president of the United States Steel Corpora tion. faced the house committee of inquiry into the steel corporation today. The chairman asked Mr. Schwab to tell the whole story about Andrew Carnegie's desire to dispose of his property, the preliminary conferences with J. Pierpont Morgan and his part in the plants w’hich developed into the formation of the United States Steel Corporation. “I am very glad of the opportuni- fre'eh^sTbTll was sent to conference to-'ty,” Mr. Schw^ab began, “to tell defi- day by the senate‘after refusing to ac- nitely the stcry about which there cept the house amendment placing ijgen so many statements and lemons on the free list. Senators Pen- gQ much misinformation, rose, Cullom, La Follette, Bailey and fgn of j, Edward Sim- Simmons were named conferees. They mons, a New York banker, and Mr. are also on the wool bill conferencee, * Charles Stewart Smith, tendered me of which the free list conference will dinner at the University Club. There were present Mr. Morgan, Mr. Carnegie and seventy or eighty New York financiers. There I spoke about the future developments of manufac turing steel in the United States. I explained the great advantage to be gained by the organization of such a corporation as the United States Steel. There I outlined what became later the steel corporation.” Fiee List Bill Sent to Conference By Associated Press. Washington, Aug. 4.—Tlie farmers’ be virtually an extension. VARDAiVlAN* VICTORY VERIFIED. By Associated Press. New Orleans, Aug. 4.—Complete le from every county in Missis- as compiled by the Picayune, James K. Vardaman a majontj turns sip pi. were held The German from the cruiser on shore. It is unlikely that an constitute a provisional will be made until Leconte and Fir min arrive. attempt to government President WHI Attend. By Associated Press. Washington, Aug. 4.—President Taft todav accepted an invitation to attend the corner-stone laying of the medical college of the Lincoln Memorial Uni- versitv, Knoxville, Tenn., during liis at“o«e.''Tb.'admiral was Septeiber trip. Must Respect Uniform. Wa&hington, D. C., Aug. 4.—Determ ination of the administration to en force the law requiring amusement places to respect the uniform of ihe United tSates array and na^T was shown today when Attorney General Wickersham, with the apprmal of the president, instructed the United States attorney at Prescott, Ariz., to proceed against the owners of the Yavapaia skating rink, at Prescott, for refusing admission to Capt. Duncan K. Major, jr., 27th infantry and Sergeant Roden- bu’rg, of the Arizona national guard, on Mav’4th, last. Subsequently the rink owners apolo gized, pleading ignorance of the law. 1 Mr. Wickersham and the president declined to acept the apology. over both Percy and Alexander in the recent senatorial race of 24,18.-5 votes. According to these figures Vardanian polled 76,083 against Alexanders oO, fisi and Percy’s 21,217. In the race for attorney general Ross Colhns is given a majority of 5,0o9 over Hud son, the incumbent. Cliarge Extravagance. Washington, Aug. 4.—Gross extraya- eanc^on the part of the democratic ?faiorirv in conducting “useless inves- ? ■'?. rbareed in the house tigations ^^as cnaigeu m ■ todav by Republican Leadei Mann, who also claimed the democratic em ployes were incompetent. His accusa tions provoked sharp replies from Sresentative James, of Ken ucky FoLr, of Illinois, and Fitzgerald, of New York. Germany Accepts Leishman. By Associated Press. Berlin, Aug. 4.—Germany has ac cepted John G. A. Leishman as am bassador from the United Stales to Berlin. Emperor William immedi ately upon receiving the proposal of Washington, telegraphed his repl.v to the foreign office from the grand duchy of Mecklinberg, where he is touring. The action is almost unpre cedented in promptness. It can be stated that Maor von Kiderlen-Waechter, the German sec retary of foreign affjairs, who has a personal acquaintance with Mr. Leish man, is much pleased with his ap pointment. Passengers On Boat Bunker Hill Given Bad Scare When She Hit A Rock Last Night By Associated Press. Vineyard Haven. Mass., Aug. 4. As I Haven harbor, where she remained ' for several hours. Soon after sunrise the uass^ngers were transferred to — - of the Nan- the steamer Bunker Hill, bound from the steamer Uncatena, ot tne -\an- NeWorTto Boston, with 275 passen- tucket. Marthas Vineyard and ^ ters alioard. was proceedins through Bedford line, and Vine-ard Sound in the starlight early Hole, and thence to Boston todav she suddenly ran upon a rock An offlcer of the h.l! s off Xobska Point. - that she was trymg to a^oid sti.km„ The passengers, awakened by the a tow of barges. R„nVpr HUl impact, scrambled upon the deck in Freed of t^ssengers, the Bunker H.H their nieht clothes, but when they started for >ew Yo.k. , found that there w’as no immediate ing considerably, her taVen danger, they returned to their bert.^is. so able to dispose of the The Bunker Hill backed off easily in. . in a short time. The pumps were The Bunker H:ll ^ numbered then set to work and the steamer, terday afternoon. Its cve^ num e j leaking badly, proceeded to Vineyard about 35,