-HER LOCK WILL ENTER AUTOMOBILE IN FRONT OF OTTOWAY AT 5 O’CLOCK THIS AFTERNOON •'“'““THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. Latest Edition OL. 45. NO. 7099 CHARLOTTE N. C.. SATURDAY fcVENlNG, AUGUST 5, 191 I pT> T^'P j In Charlotte 2 Cents a Copy aOily—6 Cents Sundar t Outside Charlotte 5 Cents a Copy Bally and Sunday. EoGseveli Called To Witness Stand In Steel Inquiry ' President Ashed to Tell he Knew About 7he rption of I'ennessee Coal M Co, by Steel Trust. Dismemheied Body of Woman Found By Associated Press. Den^er. Col., Aug. 5.—Scattered fo' , ® Quarter* of a mile along a loneb ... r JJ mountain gulch, twelve miles north of ^ Clio ft I* OilOW^ X^tlClTQeS here, the dismembered body of a wom- Tj A lound yesterday by a ranchman ^e auQ iJct ASiae \ hose attention was first attracted T A ^ '' Oman’s shoe, from which pi’o- mClTl LqW to Allow BiQ tn-.ded he b'^nes of a foot. - r'rshhly* TTj* Mf’tving his way up the gulley, he 'TCltWTl to Gobble Up ^atherod the \arious parts of the Formidable Comtietltnr together with tom clothing and . rormiuaoie iyumpeilior ■ cf burlap, in which evldentlv p.,,. • tho bodv had been wrippcd. It is supposed the body has been ashed from a shallow grave on the m^untainside bv floods whirh recently s^\('pt down the gulch. i he condition of The body indicates that deatn oc- ‘'urred at least a year ago. There t-'eins little doubt that tne ’■' Oman w as murdered. ^ *■ Presi- • 1 p!\ 'he \t- •' t 'njre^'ci 'n- .> ^fe^i rorporation recarding the T.-nn- '-rt' >-, corpoiati'>n * M ed the rit>' h-^!l . I en' ^ n ■ appear ' . ’'"ir a {rw mo- s;-: iv '1 : 'M— r?. rhe a’dermanic . p.'>ir he?. { i.. t'.' • d in ex- Made Ascent Of 11 Thousand Feet > ;r.’.rr irreeted By As?crlatcd Pre~s. cThc’’ mt'mbcrs Ktampet. Fi'nnce. Auc, 5.—Captain rp u i'h cnthur’a.-m ; Pelix. director of the military aviation .'ou all. he declar- cohool. ascended 11.30''' feet today. i !>f c 'mmit- • 'le’i-^h’ed to ^ce -^id '.o Rei'ro.'en- .'■ •''ri.; n .i rej,iMi- ‘le i C.iV.'lV.t’''-’ t i •' the -T.ud at rhn? bi’cp.king the lecord for height a tained b\ aeroplanes The ascent ‘ as in minutes and The avia tor planed down in 12 1-2 minutes. Thf- cfFicial record for altitude had i'ccn held by Legagneux. horn r-;-!^in ma'ters r. t'.>-i' '.-’."a.- been much ■ irmT" Stanley an- ' '.imiT'."1 desired •r.^-'v’inti >n i elating Tried Out. i'i Naval Torpedoes By .Associated Press. Provinreto.vr. Mass.. Aug. 5.—The ?xperin'.ent^ ith naval torpedoes did net come during the maneuvers here have fail- na. He was ad- ed ro convin''e the experts of their I hear from him value. The i,\ pes at present in use. 2' s( i ,.tion "f it is dec!ar’d. are to eccentric and mpany.' i;nieliable for efficient use. The ex- Mpit ob.=er’'er5 say the nicest calcu- ’afi 'iij be made and the torpe does may arr-av in faultless trim, !'uf «ven tiien it \ ill either refuse to ira'.'J, or go skipping wild. TlS A CRvJtL ORDtR, ^HAT AAAKfcS tAt: DWlDfc THiS Racic Yai^O PfeT Of-/V)INC: /NTO 35 Pabts Ianj^aR In WILL THIS HAPPEN AGAiN? mythology the hydra, when one of its hundred heads was lopped off, imn’ediateiy grew two in its place. Rioting Maiked The Beginning of Trolley Strike To-day ■ ^ i Tiy To Prove Several Hundred Emp'oyes or Combs Insane f'«" «»'"«» Went on Strike — 2 joubk Special to The .\ews. Commtnced When Men Quit Statesville. N. C.. Aug. 5.—In the ^ . case of Reuben Comos on trial here ■ rVOrtl, for the murder of his wife the state i — rested at adjournment last evening and this morning the examination cf witnesses for the defense was begun. Up to the noon adjournment several had testified, the object primarily be- ig to prove the prisoner insane. Tes timony along this line was given by people of his home mo,:tly by kin people, to the effect that all his lii'e Combs has shown an im perfect or simple mind in acts done at home and out in public. Dr. I. X. Taylor of .Morganton who makes a specialty of treaiins nervous diseases and diseases of the mind was put on the stand to give expert testimony as to the condition of Combs’ mind. Dr. niornin Taylor said that he had examined the out. ]}risoner once, one time being suffi- Strike breakers were a the various cient he thinks to establish the opin- barns of the company at 5 o’clock Ion that the boy is an imbecile and morning to take out cars, but •>!d tor 'CU: -aid I . ’ ■ k .'I ■. ' ’haii- ' > --t^fei’-.en’ I *.! : ♦!* fcimei Ceath of Copper IV’acnate. '’i id ?sk-.d ■ . , 1..^ wledse he had Associated Press. iv ■r'n al-sorp-, Nacr. A.riz.. Au?. 5.—Col. W. C. >'ates S'eel Cor- Greene, »he copper magnate of Can- anea, .Mexico, died today of acute ■ea 1 ^h^ statement pneumonia. • ■crtainl'-; just 'hen besan read-| ■ u'Mect by a 'lea- rial I anic condi- I'l" • (1 ;t f the ad-' ?o irevent b> he I'anic be- treasury and rons^ently in PRESIOEIT WILL FIIIE OPE III NC To-day The Last Day To Captuie Sheilock. Some One to Get $25 Motormen and Conductors cn Three Lines in Biooklyn Also on Stiihe — Riot Calls Sent in—Report of Trouble. neighborhood, ' By Associated Press. Des Moines, Iowa, Aug. 5.—Rioting in down town streets marked the be ginning of the strike of nearly 5(>0 employees of the Des Moines city rail way today. Five men were hurt in the fighting. Traffic has been suspended on every line in the city since this when the union men walked He Will Give the $25 to Ike Fust Person Who Ap proaches Him Aftn Leaving Automobile — A Committee Select Place to Leave Car, III II ■ 'earned ’hat two p-- Associated Prpss. • d States Steel, Washintgon, Aug. 5.—The most im- -i 'o .-ee him in the portant trip that President Taft has r -• 'he next da> he planned since he has been in the » Tudge Gary and M 'white house, in the view of the re- iMi'i to see him. -Mr. publican leaders, a trip during which •T'orne’ general, he jg expected to open the 1912 pres- • arrived from Balti- -riential campaign for his party, will •e 'o S'r-.e’ary Root j September 16. It will last e rmer president | least four weeks and should It ■' a'•rived at the White rrjre #s brief, Mr. Roose- > i ini later he wrote to fp .-T.'i’ing all the facts of T • ' *n the committee the ■ ,i. ip , ubli>hed in the sen- • rhe hearing on the Ten- ^ Iron case in 1909. The •'I Thar .Mr. Frick and Mr. 1 'nirted the proposition for • •: Tennessee Company iafl expressed the opinion ' '■» wish to stand in the Insr a disastrous financial flrm that was in trouble, -aid, had not been men- r vrlt then went on to read r*- Lioinn into details about ^^r^n■•ial conditions in New w, ,i how he had taken the t(! permit the transfer I ompany and did it on his later be decided to extend the outing to the Pacific coast, it will be stretched into six weeks so that the president will not get back to Be'* erly or Washington until November. .According to the plan so far drawn No One A lowed to Enter Con test For the Money Who Follows Him in an Auto or on Bicycle—Wants All to Have Equal Chance, From the above header you can see the stunt I will pull oft' this afternoon. I .\s ' ou seem to have such a hard time I locating me I decided to give you all a run for the money so that no one could say that I am playing any favor ites. At five o’clock I will enter an automobile in front of the Ottoway Theatre with a committee of gentle men and ride around the streets shak ing the money at you. I will be put out at some place in the business sec tion by the committee, not known to myself and the first one who approach es me with today’s copy of The News will be handed the money. You will not have to say the phrase, but simply tell me I am Sherlock or anything you want to and the money w'ill be handed over to you. The question, How did you fanage to get by? has been asked so many times that I will try and tell you , briefly how I did it. I simply did the UP at the white house, the presi-j very thing you thought I wouldn’t do, dent will visit most of the states m and that is about all there is to it. I the middle west, noi;th of and includ- knew you were expecting a man to act inir Missouri, and will make excur- queerly and look more so. and dodge Kions into practically all of the : about like a bug in a bottle and when states which have progressive con- h gimply walked about like anyone else eressional delegations. The presi-11 fooled you. I have tried hard to Lnt so fax has given almost no con- please the public with my little stunt SratVn to speech making on this and trust I will not leave your towu hut it has long been the idea with anyone displeased. If there is any- L1F0LLETTE M ONOEaiJlOO FiiiL TO mu By A-SSociated Press. Washington, Aug. 5.—Failure to reach an agreement was announced today by Senator LaFoJlette and Rep resentative Underwood, of .Alabama, representing the sub-commijtee which undertook to adjust in conference the differences between the senate and the liouse on the wool triff bill. The full conference has undertaken the task. Men Who Flogged Boy Aie Held By Associated Press. Aiken, S. C., Aug. 5.—The jury of inquest over the body of Mrs. Net tie Spradley, who died of excitement and fright after her husband. Ben Spradley, had been beaten almost to death, and her nephew, Columbus Spradle;.*, had been whipped and run away from home, returned a verdict early this morning, charging Gus and Grover Nolstein, and others unknown to the jury, with her death. These men and three others are in jail. The difficulty arose over the en gagement of Columbus Spradley to Miss Gusie Mae Holstein, a relative of the accused men. that his several confessions are evi dence of this fact. Other witnesses are to be examined this afternoon. The case will hardly reach the jury un til next week. Massacre of Felines. By .Associated Press. morning union sympathizers were on guard. The latter appeared to be ready for trouble and the company management appeared slow in resuming the inter rupted traffic. Strike ip Brooklyn. New York, Aug. 5.—Motormen and conductors on three trolley lines in Brooklyn, operated by the Coney Is land & Brooklyn street railway com- TIED WIFE TO MULES AND DROVE HER. Bv .Associated Press. T.iBerty. Mo.. Aug. 5.—After twnce repulsing liis pleas to intercede in his behalf Mrs. May Cnoat. wife of Lafayette Choat. late yesterday threw the court room into excite ment by suddenly throwing her arms around her husband's neck and prom ising him that she would do all in her power to obtain his release on bond and acquittal -when his trial comes. He had just been bound oa er on a charge of cruelty in tying his wife to a span of mules and driv ing her around a field in front of a harrow. OLIVE WREATH MADE OF CANNON BALLS. trip, hut it has long of republican leaders that he would make as many political addresses as possible west of the Mississippi. With three definite dates on the Fchedule. the whole trip has been tentative Knoxville, Tenn.. one who has any kick coming please don’t go around to your friends and tell them all the mean things you know about me. Come around and I will list en to your troubles and if it is in my By Associated Press. Berkley, Oal.. Aug. 5.—This city will substitute an olive wreath made of cannon balls for 1 he Spanish- American cannon which stands in one of the city squares. This de- j cision was reached at a meeting of the city council last night in view of the signing of the arbitration treaty between the United States, Great Britain and France. Mischevious Cadets Punished. By Associated Press. West. Point. N. L., Aug. 5.—Seven teen mischevious cadets who amused themselves a night or two ago by removing the reville gun from the place on the campus, are being pun- i&hed according to the formula that “like cures.’’ They are required to drag the heavy gun. tandemn fash ion. from camp to the gun shed, a distance of nearly a half mile, once every day until the close of camp, Au gust 28. * The offenders w'ill further more be on probation for six months. Chicago. Aug. 5.—Fear that the cats that ate the pigs that carried the evil germs m4ght turn loose and . , . ^ t-, ,• spread disease led to a massacre of , ^ ^uard- official felines in Chicago's city hall ipoT\ei houses, today. It happened this way. | ^ car on the Smith str^t lin Tvaa Last night several city hall cats . attacked soon after it left the broke into the raiinicipai laboratory | conductor ^as stiuck on .he and devoured guinea pigs innoculated ' ^ brick and dragged fiom his pla.- with typhoid, cholera, dyptheria and | Three policemen iiding on the other germs, for experimental pur-i platform finally lescued him. poses. The felines acquired enough he car wa& stoned and the pa^sen- plague material to kill a big town. It j gers fled. The conductor was taken to was feared the well-fed cats might in- ; 3 hospital. noculate other pots with a series of i Another car sent out without pis- evil diseases, so every pet feline and sengerg a half hour earlier was heid rat catcher In the city hall was put | up and thrown ofi the track after the to death today * strikers and thfeir sympathizers had Their bodies were cremated and in theb urning a lot of perfectly good and well-trained experimental germs were destroyed. vf.lv arranged The first at i power'to do so, I will run the proposi- ^ ^-viiip' Tenn where on the 18tn | tion next time to suit you and not m>- j„’ tn onen the Appa-! self Please remember I am not sub- the president IS to °P to rnntnr#. until after I leave the , .hi.n exDosItion The next is at | ject to capture until after lachian ^ where on the 23d. | automobile. I. fake and adulteration I am glad to find a concern that prides a' matter of s^neral 1 address the natton- •..d, referrinK to banks and | ,he G- X. R- New (S' and Rochester he days in danger in t . 'he' held securities of the e Coal & Iron Company which t.. irker value.” lojiMBltion of .Messrs. Gan was■’ he continued, “that the Steel Corporation should The Tennessee Coal & Iron V at once." necessary for me to act at -,.ld the former president, to once before the stock exchange 1 n the transaction might prove d he wap satisfied that acquire the steel corporation of the .^•e Coal & Iron Company did , ■' the legal status of the cor- •W^rmore. I believe it would be ' »• public good.’’ continued Mr. el' "I answered Messrs. Gar> • iirk that If matters were in such •. I did not want to stand In the .lid the results proved that tne ‘ a a good one because the panic ‘-topped 1. * V- Roosevelt further said that ne earned the action w'as a great ?1; to the people of the Binnlng- dlstrlct ” „ should have proved an unwortny r ofnoer If I bad not done M i tween Knoxville and may return to Beverlj for '^Other southern the president to visit them m tember and it is Pro^able be will accept some of the invitations. FrSm Rochester the make a jt.mp to Hutchinson Kas. ,-here he is to speak at the state fair September 2o. On the ''ay ',f„s to stop atj^one o. two c Ues ta “if'Se a f?w “"ear Piattorm. or even other sort of platform address- *^From° Hutchison the .ravel Into Nf pects to Dakota, PMllne' Wayne Salr;mr‘ Spo^“ From this point the Party may “*rt'”thrtrtp’'t“Tend”1nfourweeka ^^®5^!i°*thfi^^Dre8ident will journey to Oregon* and -^shington and return Si ».t Pier . northern rout.. itself on the absolute purity of its product. When I say The Charlotte Pepsi-Cola Co., are giving the people a drink that is absolutely Pure, I do not exaggerate. Pepsi-Cola is decidedly the most healthful drink sold, and it has a charm of flavor that lingers. These people do not have enough to make me say so if I did not know that 1 was warranted in making this statement. You can let the child ren drink all the Pepsi-Cola they want and it will not hurt them. 1 am told that a prominent lady has dreamed a complete description of me and that she would have captured me long since but she has been kept m doors on account of illness. Just to show the lady that my heart is in the right place I am going to make her a present of $25 when dreams come true. Nothing doing for anyone who ^I- low's the automobile this afternoon when I make my “get-a-waj. I do This so as to give all the same show for the money. I was in John S. Blake Drug store todav and heard a man say he belie\ ed I w-as a new brand of cigars or cigar- Pttes Well, I have been called prett> nearly everything but this is the firs Continued on Page T'wo. Death of Charles Thorp. By Associated Press. Fulton. Mo., Aug. 5.—Charles Thorp, 89 years, for nearly 59 years a patient in the Fulton state hospital for the insane, died here yesterday. But one who was sent here during the early davs of Thorp’s stay remains. He is william P. Cook, who has been in the asylum for 51 years. The cases of Thorp and Cook are said to be w-ithout equals in the an nals of the asylums of this country. tOTilTilFI BIOII SILL IS By Associated Press. Washington, Aug. 5.—The senate fi nance committee today deferred ac tion on the cotton tariff revision bill until next Wednesday. The postpone ment was at the request of Senator Simmons, of North Carolina, in whose state are large cotton mills interests affected by the proposed 21 per cent average cut in cotton duties. Hearings will be granted. Fire Fighter Fatally Burned. By Associated Press. San Bernardino, Cal., Aug. 5.—An undenitified fire fighter fatally burn ed wa& found by a patrol yesterday where he had fallen exhausted on the San Bernardino mountain fire lines. At least 100 sick and disabled fire fighters with their shoes burned from their feet and their clothes in rags, are stranded here. The government makes no allow ance for claims for expenses in care- ing for injured fire fighters. Suit to Recover $15,000. By Associated Press. New York, Aug. 5.—Richard V. Devy, of San Francisco, has brought suit here against the estate of the Countess Starra, who was Mabel Flor ence Hilton, of New York, ■to recover $15,000 which it is alleged he lent her several years prior to her death in Paris in 1910. The defendant is her brother, Francis C. TiUey. of Portland. Oregon, as administrator, who alleges that the statue of limi tations has run against the claim. Delegates Named. By Associated Press. Butte. Mont.. Aug. 5.—C. H. Moy er Joseph Canoon and C. E. Mahoney were elected delegates to the Amer ican Federauior of Labor at Atlanta. Ga., at last night’s session of the Western Federation of Miners. An other delegate will be named today, w’hen the convention will adjourn. j. M. Rangel Injured. By Associated Press. Juarez. Mexico, Aug. 5.—With part of his face and mouth off J. M. Ran gel, leader of a band of liberals op erating in northern Chihuahua, is a prisoner in this city, having been captured near Candelariz. Rangel ■was left for dead after the fight at Ca- riso ranch last Monday and later es caped. Death of Matthew Hart. By Associated Press. New' Berford. Mass., Aug. 5. Matthew J. Hart, president of the Na tional Federation of W'eavers and se^retarv of the New' Bedford cotton weavers" protective association, died today, following a brief atC-r*. of in testinal trobule. HOiHLO By Associated Press. Washington, Aug. 5.—The United States government, through President Taft, Secretary of State Knox and -\cting Secretary of the Navy Win- thivp, today officially honored Ad miral Togo. An almost continuous round of en tertainment had been planned for the Japanese admiral who arose refresh ed* today from his fatiguing day in New York. His program today in cluded calls upon and return calls by [ “/lown with Mayor Harri- gan,” “Beat'up the strike breakers” and “stick to the union,” were heard driven away the crew. Just then a second car came along and crashed into the car that ■^as stalled. The crowd stoned both cars and the police reserves- were called out to i-estore or der. Riot Call. Des Moines. Ix)wa. Aug. 5.—An at tempt to take cars from the Second street barn failed when nearly o'‘0 uniOn svmpathizers threatened to at tack the strike breakers. The latter retreated to places of safety ^liile thee rowd jeered. Two strike break ers Vv'ere bailed, charged with carry* mg concealed weapons. The third riot call of the day was turned in v.-hen union pympathizei s attacked the Twenty-fourth street barns and wrecked a car. Bricks were hurled freely. R. W. Allen, a lo>al employe, was knocked gerseless. Detective Thomas Denholm, of the city liolice. was seriously hurt at a hotel where a mob sought the lead er of the strike breakers, swarming into the lobby and up to the upper floor. Two platoons of police arrived in automobiles and the mob left hur riedly. When the mob attempted to throw a street car into the river. on every hand as the through the streets. mob surged Secretary of State Knox and Act ing Secretary of the Navy Beekham Winthrop, army and naval officers generally were to be received by Admiral Togo at his hotel. This afternoon an audience with the president and a sight seeing tour was arranged, the entertainment of the day being brought to a climax by a dinner at the white house tonight. In anticipation of any discomfort thev might encounter tonight by rea- , ^ son of ^the possible conflict of hot 1 An ice cream supper and .testis ai v.-eather and the full dress uniforms among the negroes of Moining b.ar to be worn armv and navy officers township last night near Matthews ear toSav were hopeful that cool on Mr. James Williamson s place, ro- weaihe. «-ould prevail. ^ I"fr'“or/ T-ast ni"'ht while waiting the ar- : and serious cutting of a thi rl'!^ of \dmiral Toko. Lieutenant ra-or. San, Watson and Lum Walla-'! jruvoe mlrn^A attache of the Jap- each received t,o bullet inou^oe, iiiinicii. _ . '^Yajiace receiving one ball in the !c-^ Negio Fiohc Ends In Usual Manner anese embassy, was cnatting with Major Butt on all kinds of full dress uniforms worn by the Japan ese army and the president’s aide asked particularly whether Admiral Togo would wear a white evening uniform, or full dress naval attire Cora Watson negro woman and one in the arm. also slashed another with a razor. It is not known how- the trouble arose, but a free-for-all scrap was pulled off in the regulation style and the “festival” broke up instanter. “Full dress," responded the Japan-, participants ese military attache, wheieas Ma^r i mounded it is not thought Butt declared every Aniencan army j wounds will prove fatal. Con- and navy oflScer present would al^ ; Fran-k Griffin of Morning Stor Attorney Generals Confer. By Associated Press. St. Louis. Aug. 5.—The conference of the attorneys general from the middle 'west states which began yes terday was resumed today. They hope to formulate a uniform plan of proceeding in railw’ay rate cases bt- fore adjo^raing tonigiit. wear full dress and he commented on the heavy weight American uni form with its ponderous medals, ep aulettes and braids. “You see,” remarked Major Butt, “we all are going to perspire very much in honor of your great naval hero.” township and Mr. .John Simpson or Matthew's, deputy constable, have gone in search of several of the duellists with warrants. Head of Wue 1 rust Fined $46,000 By Associated Press. New York, Aug. 5.—Edward E. JackBon. Jr., the New York attorney, termed bv the prosecutian “the head __ ^ and brains of the wire trust,” was ! the number one million that Com-ai^ fined $45,444 upon his plea of nole I sioner Moore consented to announ contendere to nine indictments charg- j the patent ahead of publication in ing him with the formation of wire next official gazette of ^ pools. Judge Archbald imposed a I Although this ^ fincoi$o,000 on each indictment af-' number one milaon, it is ’ ter denying the plea of United State | 009,957. Lntil -IS-.G, tents District Utornev Wise for a prison -1 ent bureal ^ as organized. Patent. Snt?nce. * ^’ere issued without being numbered- The Millionth Patent. By Associated Press. Washington, Aug. o._—The millionth patent issued by the United States was announced by Commissioner of Patents Moore today. It is for a puncture proof tire' for automobiles and other vehicles depending upon rubber springs for its resilency, and is the invention of an Akron, O, man. , So much interest had Vjeen displac ed by the public in the completion of