THE CHAEtOTTE NEWS AUGUST 8, 19II Steplteu't Co. Begins Opemtions K-velopment Schemt banned by Local Combany, For De veloping Myen Park Into Residential t>uhurbs Lam- chid Today. IT'-peity or ■Vt- I ^ompHny on ■ rf a- the pvihlio know^, ‘-■-lU’jil ile\elopruf'nt of ^ i\rii)v>’;i ;iy Myo>'s vit\. Thf ■ Ilf nvn ■ in 1j.! v:r!^ the Park ‘ ^ 1 :n'o a !.igh o!ai.s '" ‘ I’ntolciinp; of irv.'l-'i-nt nt h«.s iieon ;; ''}(-■ »:• fiii;-- Ml The / ‘ prir.cipul ie;i- ’■ h i'-'i-nlino?. ' ' '.hrough (ho will be re- ‘ «3 lor Narres. ; n r.-'Miit'd. ' c'fP!- fo;- .'tl s. a to lio inj hy the coir.- ' ‘ :hoi.i tar ^ ' hi !iat :r, ■' 'f '-‘le will ?s. 'ho ■ 'n .irts o!’ cn the' f I'uii'i, on I’ .r >.:• 'iin 1 ' i''« I’rCi'' . ■ -IPS. Ji’.v hi in;; i'-'k- wiih iht* . ' ' ' 1:-' re;' ■ .r, , ' :-v r. r ' 'niir^.^, ' ^ :rt ;t- • c'-.. ill hr —rn. ■ -'.i. ■ ■■ ■ a There’s Msny a Slin. He said, “I’ll have a lauroled brovv^ And strut to beat the band,” But Sorrow got his goat, somehow, And Trouble called his hand. Southern Railway V a- i !^m : irul in'-;■ ' '".h S;'"tion. • '■ t ’p iM\>r ''I ' ’■r ■ o:-! tllf ir;; of ^ V in ’.p . ' fljs V !’■ J-.IC- ■ ii'. ia . ' !'«' Ic*.-S • ' T ■' T'-'ii. ii"-'.- '■ J In til- A straight tip is better than a hunch. Here’s the tip. Try STUD Tobacco. It’s the pick of the field. Go to the nearest smoke shop now and play a nickel over the counter for the best bagful of tobacco you ever burned. Roll it in a tack. STUD is the kind of cigarette makin’s youVe dreamed about and hoped to land on some day. It won^t stain your fingers any more than cigars, be cause it’s pure tobacco. STUD is not a heavy pipe smokcj but is fragrant and satisfying. STUD tobacco is pure goods—clean Pied mont Country Tobacco without dope or filling. 5f> §sisis you hep Every time you see a white horse buy a bag of Stud. . hi ; ’(to. rf ii ■(, iS ' h;!c •’? Rrven"c. , W.'s £, 'in-, 1 (■•''nvii'.t‘Ml tha? ■ ma'rors • in ■ 'i; in 1' - rcoi!‘i j i’ ' he in Mir ri.v. ■ I I pro-, -■ it Hca? 'i at- • "Ini' artondants pro- ■ ir r' --nr'- Every time ' room, ’o iind it rIv- ,r- ■] ::-,'.iiation n(' a whiri- !s, I’t' hmi r'!)sorved the ’‘ii v,)i;- y(':;aK matrons i in viii; iau'Thter-Iighted ' t h#>rp is no M Kai proof ?n . .-o he '.vaitod for his re- 'tin,^ hotter each time the ■ I'l-nri!, "Frf-’h, I call it." • i angrily lo iiimself. “Pet- ■ ’ai tir.-,; ■’ • 'Jay his chanrp ratne. ui.itron? had heen biit- !i' !e hall vjRoroiisly over f>nl rame back to the club- • purple in the ijrately dripping with per- : h. ■ driv.'pvj into chai'T. ,1 th^ >ne in t’io other, ’ .1 ! t'. CO TO the dress- iixv 1 wish I had some : rlor \'O^'.t'.^f‘0red. Ho said j fw. to his and bring . H. >prinkied that pow- ■ . n -.y O'. *-^r a cool, fresh • f, and handed il to the . . were plentiful in praise .•Hence. So smooth, they i. :Yf--'.ing. 'i'h'^'y hoped tlieir ' :/'.ild ,-^f r'f the 'i- r. "MtMi always have the ;u an’how,” they .said. ,, ih'-v sat and fanned, a • i >p:ra ion besan again. They Wksen ihe ^"?wels Are Dncorsf 01 fable :1 yn i VI that fine feeling ■' V iv iaralion wliich follows a copious morning opera tion, you should put a small nu^t'fity of Simmons Red Z Liver Regulator (The i\nvcjoT* Form) on the tongue and w3:-ii it down with a liUlc water. It ■ p.- tii.n in the system is puri- f’/iiiw : '(1 strengthening. It drives c :r 1. :(i impacticns and impurities . d rI .'fs tone to the muscular t'lrc of the bov/els. It over- romcK the t'ndency to chronic con- ^tipatiiin, relieves a bloated feeling »'i the abdomen, sweetens the breath !. -d proriotes vigor of body, mental . Ic-rtncss and cheerful spirits. Sold by Dealers 'rice. Large Package, SI.00 f'T the rrnulne with (be Red Z on tke • rl If vou cannot grt il. rrmit to Ul, we I it bv !nall. poMptid. SiouBoni " i«tor l« ilso put up in liquid form pr'Ier il. Prirc $1.00 per l.r.ok Jor the Red Z UbeL B. Z'^ILIN & CO.. Proprietors «. LonU. Misvonn to t’lelr cbee’.cs ?.n^ 'I An'I r.i'’?-: "i ”cme r::ore. ’ ;.G l!'?’"'!' ihi'e'.v him self i poi; ' :n’,’.”d in the effcrt to ccncra! 'i'.ony. A rlne l?ther covered tl'e "'o’.’ in-i i'-ices of the two yourp; vo- moiv ,\s they piUied rheir ch«cKi-’ the rose in waves iind habhleK. •'Whnt is tliis po'.vder, t’nyhov/?' ihey f'^'tiTandod. 'in~ powder," h° yollcd. rivinr, way conip'eteiy.—Cincinnati Timc3 St sr. FOR GOOD ROADS. A Grand Little Maciiinc. "Vv*h:’,t kind of an automobile is it that Freddie Greenousa drives?" "I don’t know- the name of it, but it is a dear iiltle inacliine.'’ “Has he taken you out in it?'’ “Ve:i, and it broke dov\’n in such a nice lonely placc. We were there for th.i’co ho’ars, undisturbed by any body.” BAKERS AND HEALTH BOARD. Catawba and Cumberland in Line V'ith Progress—To Vote on Ip200,000 Bends Fayetteville, Aug. S.—The Cumber land county good roads association yesterday presented to the county com missioners a petition signed by about TOO voters, asking the board to order nn election to vote o nthe question of issuin?: SL’OO.OOO of bonds for the pur pose of building good roads throughout the county as provided by an act of the last legislature. The board of commissioners granted the petition and ordered an election to be held oif the second Tuesday in No vember next. .The petition bore the names of voters in every township in the county and was very satisfactory, showing the feeling in favor of good roads is broadcast over the county and not confined to any particular locality or localities. SHUT IN. Of babbling brooks a poet sang, His soul athirst for woodland’s- v.-ild, And all his fevered fancy rang V\'ith sons of birds, by blooms be guiled. But high grim walls still closed him round And loud the city’s traffic roared, Nepenthe’s stream he never found Until his parting sigh upsoared. Catav>/ba Makes Appropriation. Newton. Aug. S.—The county com- sioners of Ctawba yesterday made an appropriation of ?50 per mile for im- proveing the proposed link of the Cen tral Highway between Newton and Mooresville and ordered the countj engineer to begin at once to survey the route from the river bridge at Mooresville to Newton. A committee was also appointed to go over and re- oommenl the most feasible route from Xewton to Hickory. While the amount appropriated f^r improvements os each mile of road is small there is much gratification here at this evidence of the sentiment oi the Catawba commissioners and the belief is strong that the link of the Certral llighway through this county will, within a short time, be equal to that of any other county. The ‘ good roads’’ movement is the most talked of thing i nthls section and the move ment is gaining headway daily. UNKNOWN NEGRO DEAD. Special to The News. Asheville. Aug. 8.—The body of a negro found just below the station at Craggy '"as brought to AshevllVc Sun- dav. His identity could not be learn ed nor was the manner of his death ascertained. There is a wound on the back of the head thought to be respon sible for his death. Waiting Some days, forsooth, we’re marking time Like everything; We’ve now a lovely moth ball rhyme We’d like to sing. Put must abide till autumns chill Smites field and wood, So that the moth ball jmgle will Be understood. Special to The Nev;s. Asheville. Aug. 8.—The Asheville board of health recently held a meet ing with the bakers of the city in an effort to induce them to handle the bread in a sanitary manner. Nothing definite was done but it is thought that the meeting will eventually lead to the v.'rapping of each loaf with wax ed paper which can be done for about one-iourth of 1 cent. Progress. "Science is making rapid strides.” “Quite so. Merely flying across the English channel in an aeroplane is no longer a recommendation to the vaudeville stage.” TO THE MOUNTAINS, AUG. 16-17TH. 7-y LINCOLN BEAfJHEY Lincoln Beachey, the California avia tor, who will fly in the New York- Philadelphia race for $5,000, prizes offered by GImbel Brothers, which begins Saturday (August 5); Charl es K. Hamilton, the Curtiss flyer, and Hugh Robinson, a daring new comer, will be Beach^’s opponents In the race. Worsted. "Is Binder suffering with tooth ache? His face is frightfully s Aollen.” “No While Binder was out in the country last week he fought seven rounds with a bush league mosquito.” CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tiie Kind You Have Alwajfs Btugbt Bears the Signature ~>f Just now a great many Charlotte folks are turning their faces to the mountains for their usual summer va cation and the number is being great ly augmented by the exodus of those from the seashore w'hich the month of August usually brings. This month is the vacation month of the summer and the time when the mountains with their shady nooks, cool breezes and spring water appeal most to the hot and tired city folks. The many resorts along the new Clinchfield route are proving very at tractive this season and are growing more popular as the vacation seekers find them out. An opportunity will be afforded those who wish to take a trip over the wonderful Clinchfield route and find a retreat to their liking, in the Johnson City excursion which goes Aug. 16th. Many prominent Charlotte people have taken the trip on former excur sions and have been perfectly delight ed. Probably the most attractive places along the Clinchfield route are Little Switzerland at Alta Pass and Unaka Springs, Tenn. Many Charlotteans are at Little Switzerland now. The ex cursion to Johnson City on the 16th and 17th, will stop at Alta Pass and TTnaka Springs going and returning The management of this excursion will be in good hands—men of large ex perience, and everyone is assured a comfortable and pleasant ride—posi tlvely no rowdyism being allowed Artesian water and well managed re freshment car will be a feature oX the excursion and the car will be un der the superivlsion of the manage ment of the train. The train will be in charge of Mr Jas. Ker, T. P. A., of the S. A. L, and Mr. J. T. A, Lawing, chairman. Vacationists would do well to In clude this trip in their plans. The open-top observation car which has proven so interesting to excursionists on former trips will be attached to train at Bostic, N. C., and operated through the mountains to Johnson City and return. No extra charges -will be made for seats on this car. The round trip fare from Charlotte will be $3.50 for adults and $2.00 for chil dren over 5 and under 12 years old The low cost of this trip appeals to many—it being within reach of most anyone. The entire trip can be taken for $5.00 which will easily cover rail road fare and hotel bill. To see the construction of the won derful Clinchfield R. R., the grand scenery along the route and visit the Soldiers’ Home at Johnson City Js v.^orth several times the cost of th*s trip. For any other information phone or write J. T. A. Lawing, Chairman. Summer Resorts N. —The roilowing scheciuJc fig ure» published '«nty as informatlonr and ariB not syuaracueed. >s.20 a. m.. No. 2S>. aatry, Wlrmln?ham Bpeciai tor Atlanta and Birming ham. Pullman drawing room sleep ing cars. Observation cars and day coaches to Birmingham. Din ing car scrvice '^,10 a. ra.. No. S\. daliy. The South ern’8 ScuU^easten Tjsnlted, for Co lumbia, l^avanoaA. .>V'eD. Augusta and Jacksonville* Furman draw ing room Ele*>nl«? o^vrs for Aikt)*.. 1-^0 a. m.. No. fc., dairy, tocai for Dan ville, Rlchmoiid and all interme diate points. Augusta *nd Jacksonville. Day eoaches>. to Jacksonville. Dining car service. 6.00 a. m„ No. 44. daily, local for Washi»gtoi> D. C. 6.40 a. m., Is#. 3kj, dally, local train tor Columbia aud intermediate points. 7.16 a. m., N» daily, local train for Atiarnta and Intermediate points. 1.50 a. m., No 16, daily, except Sun day, local for Statdsviile and Tay lorsville, connecting at Moorea- vllle for Winstnn-Saiem. ville for Winston-Ss'em, at States ville for Asheville and beyond. 10.05 a. m., No. daily. New York. Atlanta and New Orleans Limited. Pullman drawing room sleeping cars and Observation cars, New York to New Orleans, Atlanta and Macon. Dining cai service. Solid Pullman train. 10.15 a. iiu, No. 3b, daUy, United States fast mail, for Washington and points NortUf Pullmt«n drawing room eleepiiig cars, New Orleans and Birmingham to New York. Day coaches to Washington. Din ing car aervic«. 10.20 a. m.. No. 28, daily for Winston- Salem, Roanoke, ana local points. 11.10 a. m., No-. 11. daily, local for At lanta and intermediate points. 3.00 p. m.. No. 46, dally, local for Greensboro and intermediate points. 4.35 p. in., No. 27, daily, local for Co lumbia and intermediate points. 4.50 p. m., Nl 41, daily except Sun day, local tor Seneca and interme diate points. 6.00 p. m., No. 12, daily, for Richmond and Norfolk. Handles Pullman cars Charlotte to Richmond, Char lotte to New York and aaiisbur^ to Norfolk. 6.30 p. m.. No. 24, dally except Sun day, local tor Mooresville, States ville and Taylorsville. 7:30 p. m.. No. 3», daily, New York, Atlanta and New Orleans Limited, lor Washington and points North. Drawing room sleeping cars, ob- eervaiion cars to isit?w York. Din ing car service. fi>Oiiu Pullman train. 9.30 p. m.. No. S5, daily, United States last mail lor Atlanta, Birming ham tina New Orleans. Pullman drawing rooia sleeping cars New York to New Orleans and Bir* niinghum. Day coaches Washing- ion to New Orleans. Dininji car service. lO.Ou p. Ul., No. 32, Dally. The South' eru's SoutheascerA Limited for >Vasnlngton, isiew Yetrk ana yoinis North. PuiBuau ura\\^ng room sleeping cars tor New iork. Day coaches to .W ashington. Dining car servic«p>. 10.3U p. in., No. 43. dally, /or Atlanta, ana poincs Sf>u#n. ,*tandles Pull man isifcepin^ car Kaleiyh to At lanta. Day coacheL ashington 10 Atlanta. ll.2u p. nx.. No. 30, dally, Birming ham ^special, iur Vvasnington and ^ttw iiork. ii'uiiia&n drawing ruum aflueping cai-e, Observauou cars to Ntw *ork. Day coaches tc Wabhingiioi. Dining car service. All New koifi: uams ot Southern Railway will axrive ana uepaat noiu itoe niasiiihceuL new Mauhauan term- oI the I'enn.iyiviiuia Rallioaa, beventn to liiighih avenues. Hist lo iisra Miieets, ana will he compuatn. oi niodtrn electric ligntea sttei con- ■irucieu I'uiiiijaii cars. 'licaets, sleeping car reservations aetaiiea intoiuiation can h« ot>- talnea at TicKuc omce. No. il^ tioutn irvuu bUrceU tt. il. DeBUTTS, T. P. A.. Charlotte, N. 0. R. L. VERNON, D. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. H. F. CARY, G. P. A., Washington, D. C- S. H. HARDWICW, P. T. M., Washington, D. u. E. H. COAPMAN, V. P & G. M., Washington, D. C. Hotel Buford Charlotte, N. C. European Plan Rooms, without bath, 75c, $1.00 per day. Rooms, with bath, $1.50 per day. We are offering a few desira ble rooms for gentlemen at $10 to $30 a month. C. E. Hooper & Co., Proprietors. C. F. Dodge, Mgr. swcictc THE * SELWYN HOTEL eOropean Only fire-proof hotel in Char lotte; supplied entirely with wa ter from its own deep well. CAFE OPEN ALL NIGHT. Water analyzed July 6, 1911, by Director State Laboratory of Hygiene and pronounced pure. Pure Water from our Artesian Well, 303 1-2 feet deep, for sale. 5c gallon at Hotel. 10c gallon in 5-gallon lots. Delivered in Charlotte or at R. R. Station. EDGAR B. MOORE, Proprietor. Davis White Sulphur Springs The ideal Health, Rest and Pleasure Resort. Crowded each season. Not too high (1100 ft.), pleasant days and nights. No mosquitoes. Unsurpassed mineral water. Resident physician. Room for 200 guests. Sewerage, baths, el.ectric lights. Splendid fare #and service. High-class Orchestra of four. Bowling, skating, tennis, boating, bath ing, etc. Telegraphic connection at States ville. Bell phone. Two through trains from Charlotte. Special low rates for June and Sep- tem, $6 to $S per week; July and Au gust, $8 to $10 per week. Special rates to families and ministers. Open June 1st to October 1st, 1911. Write for booklet to DAVIS BROS. •.MIS' ■ Owners and Proprietor^. Hldd«ntte, N. C. INJECTION BROU Gives Prompt and Effectual Relief without inconvenience, ui the MOST OBSTINATE CA3ES No other treatment required. SOLO BY ALL DRUQGISTS. Freedom. “We boast that we are free peo ple.” “Well, we are, aren’t we?” “What about the married man who has to work under the eye of a boss?” “You can’t deny that he is com- [ g-j East Fourth St. paratively free while on his way to • and from the office?” 1 Phone 425. Fire )/t Protection C. N. G. BUTT & CO. HAS author ity from their Companies to protect their CUSTOMERS during the pres ent water famine. If you desire additional protection call on us. , C. N. G. Butt & Co INSURANCE HEADQUARTERS. Charlotte, N. C. SEABOARD AIR LINE JAMES KER, JR., 1. P. A., Selwyn Ho tel, Charlotte. N. C. J. B. WYLii., r. A, Selwyn Hot©!, Charlotte, N. 0* Trains Leave cnarlotte—Effective April a 1911. NO. 40—5.00 A. Kr.«-"c«nnects at Mon roes with l^Ov 38 with through coach, picking ui« parlor car at Hamlet, to Portsmouth-Norfolk; Wilmington, Baltimore, Philadel phia and New Yors, oinin? car eervice and vestibule coaches to Washington; Pullman sleeping cars to Jersey City. NO. 48—7:30 A. M.—Local for Monroe and points soutb NO. 133—i0:00 A. M.—Local for Lin- Golton, Shelby and Rutherfordton. NO. 44.—5 P M.—Local for Wilming ton; cannects at Hamlet with No. 42 for Columbia, Suvannah, Jack- 8onville« thiough coaches and Bleeping cads- arrive* at Wilming ton at 12:30 a. m. NO. 47—4:45 P. M.—Local for Lincoln- ton, Shelby and Rutterfordton. NO- 1323—7; 25 P. M.—Handles local sleeper for Portsmouth, Norfolk; coTin&cts at Monroe with No. 4l for Atlanta and Southwest with through sleeper to Birmingham; at Monroe with No. 31 fast rtain with sleeper to Portsmouth and Norfolk and J-^jrsey City, connects at Hamlet -witl No. 92 with through Testibule coaches to Washington. Dining car, Rich mond to New York. Pullman sleepers to New York. Traint Arrive at Charlotte. NO. 133—9:55 A. M.. from the East,. NO. 45—12.01 Noon; from the East. NO. 46—10:00 A. M., fro mthe West. NO. 132—7:05 P. M., from the West. NO. 49—7:25 P. M.. from the East EVERYTHING IN MAEPmilC, Mi -1 r'-'i ‘ ~ •' V-. YOU WILL NOT ONLY BE PLEASED WHEN YOU BUY HARDWARE FROM US, BUT AFTERWARD. OUR BRANDS OF HARDWARE ARE KNOWN, RELIABLE BRANDS AND WILL STAND HARD WARE. WHEN YOUR HARDWARE WEARS OUT COME BUY YOUR NEW THINGS FROM US, YOU WILL TET YOUR MON EY'S WORTH AND OUR PERSONAL GUARANTEE THAT WHAT YOU BUY WILL STAND THE TEST. Charlotte Hardware Company We Have Received a Large Stock —OF- Standard Coal No Wet or Dirty Coal as it is all kept under cover. WE ASK YOUR INSPECTION Standard Ice & Fuel Co. Phone !Q or 73 fcs House and Coal Yards East Fourth St. and Southern RallwiJy.