rHE GHAKLOTTl NEWS. AUGUST 13 1911 Ihe Cost of Living- Why IS It So High? Alderman W. R. Matthews Makes some Interesting Com- parisons Between Charlotte And Other Places as to Cost oj Li;c's Necessities, ■ Alderman U .Viaa!io>vs. lu. led the atnotii I'U' nld«‘niu‘n '.or frre mt^Qts when the cliy reveiuu' ordinance undergoing revision at hands of the hoHvd. loses no op- i'K'-tunltV to Ke' ut the real reason of the i-.igh o'st uf livinp nj> H el- fei-:,-! t!’.i= I o':ii*r,' at hiviu'f. ai'ii lie l;^ spet’ir.:.^ f'ur'oi'.s tv> ^'nl>^v :i Is f iwh.ti' hit^'et lu rh.irli.iue thnn it ’s i- pfht-r i)*aes. Hp Thir.kb that the (Hies'iou nai? b.-'fii --uheu re^.nii'* evoryihtng in '.I'.f' ;r‘ the board will .1 -I.i' sol^^-d riie wh.olo so- ’ .I'.on of tile lUeal i^i’.osTion. ;? r*’ 'Men -he in.irlet to the holejon;*-’ flr>i plentiful snin'l,- 0‘ iT^patP 'hat cnn ne obtained iroin the -rroun.;n',u rounn> Th. Panit.-\t!on U : , e I';'’ ' a- under the wres- ttee meats as it v\' '»■ I*' .-'ion of the oi'di- r:,,;. . , 'u. -i-inks ' ecli >roei t V le- ... ... — .. r,d V y '.;1 iH' .1--^ .. ... -o . .n . Hi: the friends of "ill be between ;,,o ■: ■- .‘t'd Tanada. j!., : r ’•.'lii'-oo;tl relations n _i • ' .• . iv-^ed ;n order to other neeessities ^;r \l..;t i-'. \vs liniis since i'.e , id'U'.i'. 'he question o’’ .1. .11 f’’a ''‘I'l' b\i> , . > -I’- i'he;:iH'r in l^.is- t;'. c'i’.ar'.c'' e and .1 i; oi> ;:i>“ tvite -'vvh te- •• in.Ti’.' othi-r cities and towns y -L.' - :v>\ .■•: o n’n;: states. or .-trikinc oomrarison 's P rhar'oitp and r. t . t; iiios' O' i’vitiir is not so • I ,,*=->n s f-iT'iia!. "here !-,i-ito ’-‘'om parrs of • n e sni'pi'sed to l;;tten on .1 -.•t’o more tlinn f -.-n i-if He q’lo'.os a fe'' * l Ut ’i tTi' i"f es on t tH’ •> TV ,r • and a'.'«i^'s the n •. : r It' rnmnnre , , . '• ! ... .-'s t.- t'l \ every ■ ■ '-'■ft- t - >’r. tna'Uf prue . •••... .. , ,,-,^5* i-r chops is r , . good lender , ‘ vcv nound: fresii I” I" pound: .- - i''M M"da'. O' Ce- .. three nn.'Tts ■ ■ . H. fker s Buck- i-a-k:'ses. 2'5 p-?.r,orated rnrico*', '5 cents ptr l,oi:nd; -a-cp '..otr;*' catsup, cent.s. \tlo sTan'.., r^f ■*- '-‘"nis: . rh- :.' and urranrs. thre pack- .LM? :.■=« r-'nt.-. Othrr articles show .ke difference 'rom the local mark- Excursion to John son City, lenn. Last Excursion Over the Popu lar Clinchfield And Ohio Route to Johnson City Will \ \ Be Run Next Wednesday. ' The excursion to .lohnson City next WVdiiL'sda.'. punni.^^ea to attract a larse ciowd. Phoi:^ who have taken this line trip, in dopcribing Ihi' grandeur of the scenery and tlie pleasant time they had aie interesting inauy friends in the nip. The niaiia^oim-ut is making every arrangement for tiie cot\ifort and con- ' \ enience of their patrons. A feature of the excursion will be the well managed ! refreshment, car carrying a larg auppl> of the beat things in demand. Ample hoted accommodations can be had in Johnson Cit\. but any ladies who are going cun ha\e reservations made at hotel by writing or phoning Mr. J T. .\. I.aw ing, chairman by Mondax. Everynod; should secure tickets earl.'- 10 avoid the rush at train. Reserved seats in r*ar are cars are free if l.ou^ht ;tv t^atuiday night. .A night and half ;i d;;y wiil be spent in Johnson rity and i lie ride through the moun- ta.ins u('ing and returniag will be made in da> light'. An ente: t:vinment has been arranged for the excursionists at the Soldiers Home Uicatre \Vednesda> niiiht at ^ o'clock. ^Pipe to Organ Broken ; At Episcopal Church I I K\ n a churi'h organ can t run with- iiMi* water. The big organ at the Epis- I c(,>pal i.-hurch can not be used today, las the pipe which supplies the water Iwt.ich, in turn supplies music, is brok- jt-n. 1’ w as broken in the work of ex- [(ava'ing for the new parish house. Mr. ! .Vellle Reeves, organist pro tem, w ill :use the old organ today. Wholesale Notion House May Be Organized TUNGSTEN TYPE ROUND FIXTURES , 5204 5212 5201 Now IS THE Time TO Buy Electric Fixtures SMITH ELECTRIC CO., 13 W. 5th St BARGAINS JN ELECTRIC TABLE LAMPS AND SHADES. See OuP Shower Effects and Square Fixtures. HOMES FOR RENT PHONE 236 •T-room house, 1010 East 4th St. per month . 7-room bouse (modern) East Seventh Street . ' , ‘ -l-room home 1001 N. Caldwell St 4-tuoni 409 East Sevteenth St 4-room 41i E. Seveteenth St t‘room No. 10 North Cedar St. (modern) ' i~- 5-room Piedmcnt ' 4-room ti06 N. Alexander Store room 208 N. College ’’ r,,' Store room and apartment E. 7th Street *' ‘ ’ T Store room and large manufacturing room, 14,000 feet warehouse space 19. E. 3rd St., rental per annum " . Apartments in "Brickrcw” 5th St., below Southern Railw’ay. Ground floor offices in the new “Howell Arcade” all new. Warehouse space located on the main line Southern Railway, 40,000 r.-. THE SOUTHERN REAL ESTAT LOAN & TRUST CO. FOR SALE Just What You Need We do not hesitate to say that it is one of the Prettiest, Cosiest, New Six- Room Bungalows in Charlotte. Steam Heat—.A!! Modcrr; Corfveniences—Lot 50x159; Rear Alley. Located on High Elevation; Two Blocks of Car Line, in Elizabeth Section. Pric $4,000; $1,C00 Cash, Balance on Easy Terms NEAR IN. East Ninth Street. 5-Room Cottage in First-Class Condition, Inside and Out, With All Modern Conveniences. .. Price $2,750; $750 Cash, Balance on Easy Terms. Brown Competny Mr. J. R. Swann, editor of the Madi- ' fon County Record, who was a visitor I in the city last w-eek will probably voine to Charlotte to locate. Mr. O. T-. V/attP. of this city, is tak-1 ir2 the move in a wholesale notion | !ho.l^.'■ for Charlotte, and if the com-' pan/ is organized Mr. Swann will bo aiierested in it. 203 N. Try on St. Phone 535. Mails Unusually Heavy At Present For Rent. The mail carriers report unusually heavy mails for a month past. Both I the incoming and outgoing mails are , heavy. The carriers are feeling the effec* of ihe increased matter, their I work being heavy in proportion, \ ’ Aldermen To Meet rr HI RESIDENCES. i j room?, n'odc: n, 703 S. Tryon ( St, pciic^.Uun Sept 1 $50.00 3 rooms aiodfrn, iy"4 Lynd- ' hurs^ Av© . . . . . . - $17.50 1 roou'.s. 411 N. Pegraiii St., Bel mont _ . • • 7 roon.~. n:(‘4i>.‘rn, i4u'j E. ith 22.50 S ro'.vais :,v7 P. Myors St .... S.50 j-room apartment, 41‘.. N. Col- t-room apartment in Elmore Apart- 3U.00 8.00 10.00 30.00 At Noon Monday The l;oad of aldermen will m^et at noon Monday on account of the sale of the vatcr bonds. ments i rooms. 920 N. Caldwell .. .. 6 rooms. 91b N. Caldwell.. .. lege St 7 rooms, modern, 1511 S. Boule- j vard 25.00 7 rooms, mcdoru. East 5th St, I extended 20.00 S rooms, modern, 310 N. Church St 35.00 7-rooms, modern, 718 E. 4th St.. 25.00 5 room?, modern, 1001 E. 7th St. 12.50 Brown & Co. I PREACHERS IN SALISBURY. Dr. John L. Caldwell, president of '(he Presbyterian College, i.s to occupy Mhe pulpit of the Presbyterian church m Salisbury today. Dr. Caldwell is a strong thinker and attractive speak er. MR ASBURY, ARCHITECT. I Mr. Louis Asbury, returned recent- . ly from Albemarle, where he let the ‘contract for a .$16,000 residence, which he designed for Mr. Efird, one of the (Wealthiest citizens of that section. —.Mr. .1. Clinard has returned home from a pleasant time at Norfolk and Ocean View, Va. SPECIAL THIS WEEK Four-room hous^ with hall, elec trie lights, city water. Lot 50x150. One block from car line. In front of Swift’s. Our price this week $950 00 Easy terms. H. C. SHERRILL REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 16 E. Trade St. Phore 182. FOURTH WARD J for sale in Fourth Ward a new 8-room dwelling in splendid locanrv. nicely finished and modern in every respect at the low price of Phone 1436. $4,000.00 A. G. CRAIG Trust Building THERE IS NO BETTER PLACE TO BE FOUND IN WHICH TO SPEND YOUR SUMMER VACATION THAN AT Moore’s Springs, N. C. Health brings happiness and happiness is found in drinliing Moore’s Spnnps Mineral Water, hecause it relieves Indigestion, Constipation, Kid ney and Bladder Troubles, Rheumatism an(j Skin Diseases. A pi>erial rate of $l.F.O net f. o. b. Rural Hall, is given on 12 half-gallon bottles of Water. Write for booklet and hotel rates to W. G. MOORE, Manager. Special for $1,300.00 WE offer a SPLENDID BARGAIN in a nice cottage in a good lociallty, as the owner is leaving the city. This cottage has five rooms, all nicely tinted and of comfortable size, electric lights, etc., also splendid w ell of water. The lot is 50x150 feet, plenty of s hade trees, garden and out buildings. One block from street cars. It is a splendid investment, and will RENT W’T3LL if not wanted for a nice little HOME, Price $1300, part cash and good terms. Let us show it to you. The McClung Realty Co, The Charlotte B.&L Association Will Open Its 44th Series, Saturday, Aug, 5 I Money Deposited Here is Safe, Earns More Than 6% and is Not Subject to Taxation. As an Investment or Saving Proposition it Offers Most Favorable Advantages to its Shareholders. Ask Us For Information J. H. VAN NESS, Pres. WILLIS BROWN, Sec. & Treas. OFFICE 203 NORTH TRYON STREET IS mmmm The fact . that the whites and blacks of this community are friends, and always have been, must be known abroad. Mayor Bland yesterday received a letter which suggests this fact, as pertment inquiry is made as to .’a- cial affiliations. The letter follows; Letter. Chattanooga. Tenn., Aug. 10. Mayor Bland, Charlotte, N. C.: I Dear Sir: 1 am endeavoring to in augurate a movement here looking to the protection of the ignorant and in nocent especially among the negroes arrested for trivial offenses, and often without cause. I am also endeavoring to bring about a movement looking to the better feeling among the races of this community. Have either of these two proposi tions made any headw'ay in your city? Any information that you can give me in regard to this will be appre ciated. Yours very truly, T. C. THOMPSON, Mayor. Mayor Thompson is a first-cousin of Mr. Heriot Clarkson, of this city. 25 South Tryon St. Phono 1254. ~ To Camp at Cleveland Springs Dr. H. M. W’ilder and Dr. J. F. Rob erson will leave tomorrow afternoon for Cleveland Springs. Their “belong ings’ 'will go through the country, leav ing here after midnight tonight. They will erect a tent and camp out, near the springs for two weeks. The cook and all cooking utens-ils will be there. Later Major C. S. Wooten, of La Grange, will join them. Advertising “For Keeps.” Advertising is like a fountain, which will run for a short time after the power has been shut off, but it soon ceases altogether. We can go ahead on our momentum for'possibly a year, maybe two years, before our sales be gin to let up, but I do not want them ever to let up. Therefore I am advertis ing not for the sake of the orders w'e need today, but to insure the continua tion of orders next -year and the year after and for many years to come.— Hugh Chalmers. The War of Women. "W^hen women exchange remarks that apaprently are simple, and yet that you, a man, cannot understand, then know there is a woman’s war going on, and step softly, and hold your peace.”—From “Down O’Hara.” By, ^ ^ ^ Let Us Suggest That You Place a Fund with the American Trust Company in trust for your wife or daughter. Women as a rule are not versed in busi ness matters. Money or property left them is often lost through injudicious investments or managenient. Widows and young women with money are the easy prey of unscrupulous and design- ing persons, who seek to induce them to invest their funds in doubtful enterprises, holding out alluring prospects of large re turns that never materialize. luv ;snj» uo iis| puni v s^ican Trust Co. will be judiciously in vested and the income turned over to the beneficiary as the in strument creating the trust may direct. The beneficiary is re lieved of the trouble of investing the fund and gets the benefit of our superior advantages in that respect. Our charges are but slight in comparison with the benefits derived. Our existence is continuous so that we can handle a fund for any length of time desired — during the life of a person or until a child reaches its majority, if it is so desired. American Trust Co. OKiarlotte, IV« O. Capital and Undivided Profits, $525,000 p. C. WHITLOCK, Trust Officer. Geo. Stephens, President B. N. Duke, W. S. Lee, Vice Presidents W. H. Wood, Sec’y* & Treas. J. E. Davis, Ass’t. Sec’y. & Treas W'e have for sale some very desirable dwellings located in the very best sections of the city, all of w-hich are new and modern ail respects, including hot air heat: 9-room dwelling, corner Travis and 5th St. 8-room dwelling, corner 7th St. and Louise Ave. S-rooni dwelling, East Sth St., between Louise Ave. and Haw thorn Lane. 7-room house Miller Ave., Elizabeth Heights. 5-room Bungalow, West Avenue. The above dwellings are all very desirable, and we will be very glad to show you ooe or all of them at your convenience. For further information call at office, or 'phone Carolina Realty Co. 211 N. Tryon St. ’Phone 609. Vacant Lots For On North Graham Street we have four large nice vacant Iota between Tenth and Eleventh Streets, fronting on the car line with nice shade, nicely located, being in the Fourth Ward. Prices $1,500.00, $1,600.00, $1,700.00 and $1,800.00 each. If you are interested in vacant lots it will be to your interest to see us at once. J. E. MURPHY & CO 'PHONE 842. 229 S. TRYON ST. Start a Savings Account You can spare a dollar today and that is enough for a beginning. The account will grow surprisingly fast after you have once fonaed the saving habit and we will help its growth by paying you four per cent interest Southern Loan & Savings Bank CHARLOTTfe, N. C. JNO. M. SCOTT, President. W. L. JENKINS, Cashier. W. S. ALEXANt)ER, V.-Pres. BS> 104i Acres~$30.OO Per Acre We offer for a few days only one of the most attractive farm propositions to be found. Macadam road, 25 acres good timber, pasture land, and rented this year for 2250 lbs. lint cotton, 10 per cent on investment. See us now. Peoples Loan & Realty Go. W. L. Nicholson, Manager. C. R. McGinn, Salesman. S09 Realty Building. Phone 313. m The **Elmore Fruit, Garden ^ and Poultry Yards’* Sunnyside, terminal of Belmont car line, beautiful view of city, half acre. 3-room cottage with basement, fine water, 4000 Strawberry plants. Rasp- i^erries. Blackberries and Dewberries, 57 fruit trees, all bearing. This is a bargain for any one wanting to go into the Truck and i^ultry business. Several other houses in same section, 3 to 5 Tooms, on easy tenis. Club Acres and farms for sale, -i- See us for bargains. ' ^ J W. T. Wilkinson & Co. McKlNNON BLDQ. When in Doubt Buy at Piedmont There’s a reason—several of them , At PIEDMONT you need uc: for possible future developments in the years to eome. PIEDMONT already has macadamized main streets, PIEDMONT already has electric car line, PIEDMONT already has city water mains, PIEDMONT already has city sewerage system, PIEDMONT already has electric lights, PIEDMONT already has gas for cooking purposes. And also PIEDMONT has high, healthful location, PIEDMONT is within ten minutes’ run of the city. For HOME or for INVESTMENT buy at PIEDMONT. About 200 lots already sold. Your choice of remaining seventy ot easiest of terms or with liberal discount for cash. F. C. Abbott & Go. EVERTHING IN REAL ESTATE Attractive Investments In Mill Stock#, Banic Stock and Bonds. Don’t Forget That We Write Fire Insurance in Strong Companies. / J over and in here w word V the aVI lie ])as ptreeis ■"•ere him G B; if He is bl v not oling a Carli passinj iriornin of the leg of ilying mile-a- Sprir ■r-g to nour. c. m l;Ut ( E’ap- ^^i-rina; -~> mu Af^e Ifr; ■ he S] ^ion at, ■‘•ul re The for Ch circle Sprii ter res ^spleni flight t ^itf^rno T As: i^'eiisi th seri iitorm ] tt sto The boat befo some to thei' ^’hen t ported Rv 3re

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