TES CHAJRLO'rT’P A(JG0$T~24 19 n SIX eiDS IK ron [OHTIUDT II Bid* Submitted. '■ ’ : 's appeared beforp the 'City heard of vator conimipsionprs nichi v.iT^ cffers to fr.rniah the il (if |ii{iina rhnt will extend • 'harlot'e's \vnt*»rworK8 pystem to the C-itawba river. All bids in cast iron pip© are on T'lp pnmo aright and class of pipe. I’li'p is to bo nindo as per the stand- D'u speciticn t ioTis of tlie \nierioan x'nTvw orks \s5ofiafion Prices are t(ir Pipe wei.eliinr: 1-3 pounds per foot The first bid opened was that of The Enstern ^^annfactu^ing Company of Flmlrn, N V., nbich offered 1.r>ftO r i f o*' i inch wooden piping at ;i V-, ppt i’rif\il foot. The price for 4“ ' I'll feet was at the same rate. Ad- d Monal ronriitlon? offered piping ea rn ble of standing a pressure of 48 lonnds to the equare inch at $1.72 r for, Rfi ponndsp ressure at 81.82 fiT'-il '(HI po’.ind> pressure at '! hr [’• dwood Mannfacturing Com- ?;mi Franciso. offered wood ri; inc. 4.7AO feet of wood pip- me af fl.8^ and 15,000 feet of the pipinc at $1,82, R n W.)od * Co.. of Philadelphia, rast iron piping at $24.80 per f.iri to ne 24-inchea in diameter. The « T'lirtlier agreed to deliver ■ I lengths of pipe, aggregating 120 d'iringeach day after award of • onf ract Tl’'** Cflamorgan Pipe Foundry ■'I'mranv, of Lynchburg, offered 60 T.ins I'f ^ppclais at $48 per ton and t1;>- regulation 24-inch cast iron pip ing at $2::.T:^ per ton. The company's rrpi esentative added also that 60 t *'nts per ton should be added as f’vight upon that piping, which TO be delivered at the Paw Creek - dire, re’.iresenting the difference ' freiirht rer ton upon delivery at I I- rhnd'A ii'k-Hoskins siding. The T’rited States Cast Iron Pipe ,v Foundrv Companv. of Chattanooga, rlnrf'd n I'id of per ton upon $22 77 |if r to-i upon weight? \ tr.d H ripinfc. with ^ nQO tons at nri-'e Vn .'ffer of $22.27 was Ip II.O'- ■••('iffbt C piping, which is ; ivier T' is roiiipanv also specified \hnr the 6A >-nts per freight rate "h.Tjid npph 'i"' the delivery at the Paw Cr^r'.c 'd-'t'C A \V,\(Ucff rfon Co.. of N’ew Yr>rk f'if'’. .* wooden piping at ?1,!'7 per iint’n' foot, both for the in.iino f»’-t r’lM the 4.70i‘' feet. Conditions Stated. Before at’', bid was opened Mayor Pro Te:n if-r stated in the pres- ..r^e o' .Til t (' I'idflers the conditions ;:;on v.Iiict' th-‘ bids were to be re- i.:'Hd Ti’.es-^ condition^ were that a cV.^’ek of $"..000 from the I . .,1 prf-sf'ntinj; the bid should accom- • t>M it^-'-lf; further that the • ird r-''"'v*'l the right to reject •••'- or aH bi'!', nr to accfp^ n por- ! t' '-‘f ono and re>’ct the othor • n- 'n ;.'t a part of the work ■ o one ^r-n ani another pi rt to an- ,.r 11 T:>' ferM^ed check was - to he lioprd of water in i"'(Tiers of the city of Char lotte, Bids Opened. The nr-f-n b'iPd bidders each signl- f>o:\ thfir Mnd--r>tanding of the terms t^e rnvelcpes containing each l iri'n.. ,> o.ipned by Mr. D. P. Hutch- i'f'r. '1 i r- rertifl^'d check was first rxamiT' i -^nd upon Its being found fi'i*- form, the bids read by Mr. ;ii>.en White, the engineer, who r's secretary on the absence f>f Mr Wearn. who had to meet with t;’o hf. i*-,! nf school commissioners in IP the council chamber. The water board met in Mayor Bland’s office '-'ith Ma.\'or Pro Tem Phifer 1 residing When the bids had all been receiv ed and read the group of bidders were .iHoved to retire and return Bingly to the room to explain the in* fits of their respective bids end answ’er any qtiestions relative to the bid by Engineer White and mem bers of the board. Yesterday Afternoon's Session. At a meeting of the water board ye?^terday afternoon at 4 o’clock sev eral tnatten relative to the city a v.ri'er mains were discussed—meer •ng with tlie l)oard were Superintend-^ en' Ve?T and Engineer Oilbert White,1 wl;o will have charge of the con- ftrucT^on of the $300,000 Catawba riv er p’arit At this meeting Engineer WhltQ cave it as hln. opinion that bids •-hould t'e advertised for for the work of replacing the P>-lnch water main V.ipes on North Tr>’on street wnh *i2-lnch T'hifi was advised by t^»’ engineer nnd approved by the engineer and ai;i'i''>''“d by the board Viith a vip'A to getting the work done as s»n>n as poshible. It is neceasary TO do tl.lr^ work before the West (on'^tr'tct ion Company begins the placing of the asphaltic permanent paving aionu this street, it beingi planned to begin laying the asphalt on North as soon as West Trade street is Pnished. it was voted that a certified check of 10 per cent of The submitted bid should accompany the bid itself. Mr. White also asked the boar t that City Treasurer Wearn be In- ptructf.xl to have printed sev- e,Hl hundred contract forms, vlilch he will use in letting the va rious contracts for tne installatHn of the Catawba river plant. The re- Zcmo Cures Ec/.ema, Pim ples, Dandruff, Prickly Heat, Sunburn aiid offords your skin dur ing the hot weather. We give you thre« reasons why we recommend ' ZL:M0 for akin trouble. iBt. ZEMO is a clean, scientific, liquid preparation,—pleasant and agreeable to use. ‘’nd ZKMO stops Itching at once and allays the Irritation and promptly Boothes and heals the skin. 3rd. ZEMO gives universal satis faction and Is recognized by skl^n spe cialists as the standard remedy for all skin and scalp troubles If you wish to try a bottle of ZEMO for yourself or one of your children and It does not do exactly what we say, we will return your money with out quibble or question. Tryon Drug Co. Hair Falling Out Parisian Sage Will Stop it in Two Weeks or Money Back. Ask R. li. .Iordan & Co. about PA RISIAN SACJE, they guarantee it to stop falling hair. Itching scalp and put an end to dandruff in two w'oeks, or money back. Readers of the News need not bes- With Its Capital and Profits of $860,000 » The Commercial National Bank Il\, Itate to accept this offer for it is genuine. Sin-e PARISIAN SAGE lias been sold in America It has become fa mous for its power to make hair grow profusely and quickly. Not only that, but it nourishes the hair roots and puts vigorous life and radiant histre into dull, faded hair, and for that reason is a favorite with wo men of refinement. It kills dandruff germs, the cause of all hair troubles. The girl with the Auburn hair is on every bottle. BO cents at R. H. Jordan & Co.’s and druggists everywhere. quest of Mr. White was unanimously granted by the board. A request from Mr. F. D. Lethco was presented to the board asking that a three-liich meter be installed at the new plant of the Charlotte Steam Laundry now^ being built at the corner of College and East Sec ond streets. The board granted the request. ‘The Price of Beauty,” the other big feature picture. Amuse U all this week. Admission 10c. 24-2t Governor Smith Against Passes Everybody concerned in the first re hearsal of “The Runaway.’' the new Billie Burke play w-hich was heart on the stage of the Lyceum Theatre last Monday, experienced some thing of a shock after the first reading of the play at the similarity between it.s story and the announced Astor-Force wedding. The subject of “The Ruu' away,” which is a ceomedy in four acts by Pierre Veber, adapted by :Mi- chael Morton, is the account of a man of fifty who proj)Oses to marry a "Irl of eighteen. The unravelling of "The Runaway” is Pierre Veber’s attempt. to tell whether such a social happen ing has any Justification. It was quite a dramatic moment when it fell to the lot of Henry Miller, .Ir.. to declaim the playwright’s preachment against such marriages. Everybody else in the company, that includes Miss Desmond Kelly, C. An brey Smith, Ivan Simpson, Edwin Ni- cander and Emily Wakeman. stood spellboimd while Mr. Miller earnest ly read his ])art as Pierre Berton, the print ijia! speech of which is levelled at the character Maurice Delonay, played by Aubrey Smith. “Yon will be fifty when you marry this giv! of eighteen.” declaimed Mr. Mille "and the year after you think you will be forty-nine an dthe follow ing year forty-eight, but you won’t You will be flfty-one years of age and the first year after your marriage and fifty-two the next year and fifty-three w hen she is barely twenty-one. It w 'il mean degradation for both of you.” The speech which' is rather long, i? a sudden dramatic turn in action that up to that moment has been lively comedy. The similarity of its prob lem to the well known society marri age about to be consumated is purely accidental, as Pierre Veber play was written over a year ago. But “The Runaway,” with its fearful indictme it against marriages between people • disproportionate ages, will be on boards and its terrific denunciation will be declaimed each night from stage of the Lyceum Theatre when the next big marriage in society, already nublished the world over, is auo-i take place. The first performance of Miss Burke’s new play will occur at Atlan tic City. Sept. 11th, after which it comes directly to New York. C. Au brey Smith, Miss Burke’s new leading man, was rushed over from London on the Mauretania especially to .join her forces. The engagement of “The Run- aw’ay” at the Lyceum Theatre follows the production of “Thy Neighbor’s Wife,” w’hich wil be produced by Dan iel Frohman Sept. 6th. OF CHARLOTTE, N. C. Is Picpared to Take Care of Your Account Whether Large or Small and Respectfully Solicits Same. WE HAVE MONEY TO LEND A HOT TIME You are familiar with the sweet refrain, are you not? You know also that the weather is hot, do you not? IF A MAN WILL KEEP HAMMERING He will get results. That is what a prominent business man the other day. It’s true—and that is why we occupy this space ’ We want the readers of The NEWS to learn two thins^=’ Company: a.ioijt .u: 1st. That it makes a better and safer Executor, Trustee ar> • than an individual. . 2nd. That it solicits your surplus funds to loan out for ’O’l at - cent per annum on first mortgage Mecklenburg Real Estate. ’ ^ ^ THE SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE LOAN & TRUST CO. SPECIAL THIS WEEK Four-room houso with hall, elec trie lights, city water Lr+ - i- One block from car line. In front of Swift’s. Our price nii= we. ' Easy terms. " ' ' H. C. SHERRILL REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 16 a. Tr g., Phone 162. But do you know that the Charlotte National Bank Is hotter after your banking business than all the rag-timo “hot-times” ever composed or written? It offers conservative, experienced management of your business of whatever nature. OFFICERS: J. H. Little, President. J. F. Robertson, Vice President. Jno. M. Scott, Vice Prea. W. H. Twitty Cashier. Saturday, September 2nd Is the Date of Opening New Series Mecklenburg B & L Asso. No matter what your occupation is you should not fail to gat in this series. A. G. CRAIG, Secretary PHONE 1436 TRUST BLDG. TELEPHONE ON THE FARM. Atlanta, Aug. 25.—An Increasing number of farmers are coming to an apreciatlon in Georgia of the merits of the telephone as a useful adjunct to the farm, both in an industrial and social aspect. Tn the seven southern states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina. South Carolina, Vir ginia and "West Virginia, there are now 2fi,468 farm telephones connected with the Southern Bell Company or under contract. Georgia leads with 7,283, showing that her farmers are the most progressive in the south. During the first five months of this year there were added to the number of farm phones so connected 6,222 in West Virginia. BROWN TO MACON. Atlanta, Aug. 25.—J. Pope Brown, candidate for governor, who left At lanta yesterday for Macon, will prob- al)ly take a decided stand on the pr> hibltion question In his Arlington speech today. It is expected that he will take the view opposite to that of .Tudge Richard Russel, the other can didate, who has declared for local op tion. SCHOONER ON BAR. By Associated Press. Orient, L. I., Aug. 25.—The four- masted schooner George M. Grant, of 2,000 tons burden and sailing light from New Haven from Norfolk, went ashore today off Rocky Point in the thick fog early this morning. Life savers put out from Rocky Point soon afterwards. They found the vessel in no danger and resting easily. The captain is hopeful of floating her with the next high tide. A tug had been ordered from New Haven to pull thes chooner off. The wise guy never jolts a hornet’s nest to find out what’sln It, The Charlotte B.&L Association Will Open Its 44th Series, Saturday, Aug, 5 Money Deposited Here is Safe, Earns More Than 6% and is Not Subject to Taxation. As an Investment or Saving Proposition it Offers Most Favorable Advantages to its Shareholders. Ask Us For Information J. H. VAN NESS, Pres. WiLLIS BROWN, Sec. & Treas. OFFICE 203 NORTH TRYON STREET FOURTH WARD ^ I offer for sale in Fourth Ward a new’ 8-room dwelling in ; - --i lOcality, nicely finished and modern in every respect at the lovf e ' $4,§0 0.0 0 A. G. CRAIG Phone 1436. Trust B;, FOR SALE We have for sale some very desirable dwellings located in ;* very best sections of the city, all of which are nev* and modei^i u ail respects, including hot air heat: 9-room dwelling, corner Travis and 5th St. 8-room dwelling, corner 7th St. and Louise Ave. 8-room dwelling. East 8th St., between Louise Ave. and Ha ■ thorn Lane. 7-room' house Miller Ave., Elizabeth Heights, o-room Bungalov/, West Avenue. 1 he^ above dwellings are all very desirable, ?,nd we wiV, very glad to show you one or all of them at your convenient - For further information call at ofSce, or ’phone Carolina Realty Co, 211 N. Tryon St. 'Pl.cre 6C3. Vacant Lots For 8a! On North Graham Street we have four large nice vacant lets between Tenth and Eleventh Streets, fronting on the car line with nice shade, nicely located, being in the Fourth Ward. Prices $1,500.00, $1,600.00, $1,700.00 and $1,800.00 each. If you are interested in vacant lots it will be to your interest see us at once. J. E. MURPHY & CO 'PHONE 842. 229 S. TRYON ST. 1041 AcreS“$3Q.OO Per Acre We offer for a few days only one of the most attractive farm propositions to be found. Macadam road, 25 acres good timber, pasture land, and rea‘- '1 this year for 2250 lbs. lint cotton, 10 per cent on investmen;. See us now. Peoples Loan & Realty Co. Vt/. L. Nicholson, Manager. C. R. McGinn, Salesman. 309 Realty Buiicirtg. Phone 313. !i' Short Sleep Cost Shoemaker $1,370 Tallulah, La., Aug. 2.5.—Alberto Garbelle, an aged Italian shoemaker, indulged in a $1,370 snooze in front of his shop last night. When he awoke Garbelle went ro an old trunk to have a look at his savings of years and found that a thief had en tered by a rear door and made away with it. The night before Garbelle took his nap in his accustomed place and some one stole the hat he was wearing. A bachelor is just as good as a mar ried man—ror just as bad. k stich in time may save a dozen unprintable words. To Drive Out Malaria And Build up the System. Take the Old Standard GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. You know what you are talving. The for mula is plainly printed on every bot tle, showing it is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form, and the most effectual form. For grown people and children, 50c. The Mutual a “Bird” This child is just back from the great and interesting West, from charming spots where the grass is greener, and where beautiful homes and handsomer places of business seem as bountiful as the sand upon the seashore; where Building & Loan flourishes and where assets are figured by , the millions; where no tax is imposed by state, county or municipality, upon these God-given institutions, “the poor man’s friend.” But the more I saw of their progressive cities; the more I probed into their fine building and loan systems, the deeper my love for this old ship. THE MUTUAL, which has weathered more storms, built more homes, created more happi ness than most others, no matter where they are, and without regard to the peculiar methods employed by each. OUR JULY SERIES STILL OPEN i ] and you are making the mistake of your life, my friends, if you do not grasp the wheel right now, and begin the journey leading upward and on ward towards a home for Mollie and bright-eyed Susan, while life is young, while hope is buoyant, and while this gentle “tapping at your chamber door” can still be heard. THERE IS NO SUPERIOR PLAN for you, your boy, your w'ife or innocent daughter to employ in prepara tion for life’s arduous battle. Seize it, seize it today, and begin to feel that you are not neglecting a solemn duty. I know whereof I speak. E.L. Keesler, Sec. & Treas. For Rent RESIDENCES. 5 rooms, 501 E. Oak St lO.OO 7 rooms, modern, 1405 E. 7th St 5 rooms, 307 S. Myers Ht .... 8 60 6-room apartment, 419 N. (joi 4-room apartment in Elmoro Apnrt- ments 4 rooms, 920 N. Caldwell .. .. h.oo 6 rooms, 918 N. Caldwell.. .. lu.oo lege St 30.00 7 rooms, modern, 1511 S. Boulo- vard .. 7 rooms, modern, East 5th St. extended 20.00 8 rooms, modern, 310 N. Church St 35.00 7-rooms, modern, 7t8 E. 4th St.. 25 00 5 rooms, modern, 1001 E. 7th St. 12.50 Brown & Co. PHONE 344. 25 S. TRYON ST. Tor Rent Modern 10-room house, 14 West 7th street $35.00 Modern 14-room house, 2 West Tenth Ave 40.00 Modern 9-room house 313 East 9th street 35.00 Modern 6-room apartment, 210 W’est 7th street 32.50 Modern 7-room house, 907 N. Pine street 25.00 Modern 8-room house, 304 North Church street 30.00 Modern 5-room cottage 408 East 7th street IS.00 7-room house 2 W. Liddell St 16.00 Modern 6-room house 1118 S. Boulevard street 20.00 Modern 4-room house 320 N. McDowell street .... ; 11.00 Modern 5-room house 208 S. Graham street -15.00 •t-room house 18 West Palmer street 9 50 4-room house 504 West 10th street 10.00 Nice 5-room house in Sunny Side, slate roof 10.00 5-room house 512 N. McDowell, will piain and repair to suit desirable tenant g.OO o-room house 507 East 4th street 7.00 3-room house 17 W'est Wynonia street, newly painted, per week ..!! 1.50 J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. **FIRE INSURANCE" For Sa.ie A few of those beautiful “Club Acres’’ left and for sale on good terms. Better see us soon. Three, four and five-room houses in “East End,” close to the car Some reai.co^y places, with good improvements. Vacant lots and some valuable farms. W.T. Wilkinson & Cc J. A. BROWN, Notary Public. When in Doubt Buy at Piedmo There’s a reason—several of them. At PIEDMONT you c-’ for possible future developments in the years to come. PIEDMONT already has macadamized main streets, PIEDMONT already has electric car line, PIEDMONl' already has city water mains, PIEDMONT already has city sewerage system, PIEDMONT already has electric lights, PIEDMONT already has gas for cooking purposes. And also , PIEDMONT has high, healthful location, PIEDMONT is within ten minutes’ run of the city. For HOME or for INVESTMENT buy at PIEDMONT. About 200 lots already sold. Your choice of remaining seventy easiest of terms or with liberal discount for cash. F. C. Abbott & Gc EVERTHING IN REAL ESTATE Attractive Investments In Mill Stocks, Bank Stock and Bond#. Don’t Forget That We Write Fire in Strong Companies.