THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, AUGU ST 25 1911 3 UP-TO-DATE DELIVERIES 'A Qualities of Course are the Best—Yet our excel lent delivery system adds much to the satis- factory stowage of your Winter’s 44 Supply of Coal and Wood Y & B” Coa AND Wood PHONE 211 FOR PRICES, Ere. Yarbrough & Bellinger Company LIIILUOETO i ■IDIITE Atlanta, Aug. 25—Major A. H. Ulm, private secretary to former Governor Brown while the latter was in the executive chair, is authority tor the positiv3 statemenc that Joseph M. Brcwn will be a candidate in the coming gubernatorial race. Major Ulni, who was a newspaper man prior to his entering the polit ical field, is again actively engaged in newspaper work, but keeps in close personiil vouch with his roi'mei’ rhiei and is known to be in his confi- Major Ulm’s positive announce ment that Governor Brown will be in the race follows a visit to Marietta yesterday, and makes the announce ment practically as certain as though it came from Mr. Brown’s own lips. However, Governor Brown* himself has made no statement for publica tion, holding to his principle that long campaigns are not a good thing for the state. Thep robability, therefore, is that Mr. Brown will not make his formal announcement until the office be comes vacant. The expectation still is that Governor Smith will resign about the 1st of December—not in October as some newspapers have tried to make it appear. Governor Brown has given no in timation of what his stand would be on the prohibition question, in the event Judge Richard Russell succeed ed in m.aking it a determining issue in the campaign. Governor Brown's friends do not believe he will have to run on the prohibition issue, as they do not think it will be the im portant thing involved. Former Governor Brown’s friends are frank in saying they have no fear of either candidate now in the race, and that the fight will have to be made against some man not yet formally announced who enters the field with the solid backing of the “progressive” or Hoke Smith faction of Georgia democracy. lEGlSUTURE « High Point News Depaitment News. t, Aug. 25.—The amended ‘‘bich carried at the special ’he city council held this brought gratification to rl di.^^'avlBfaction to not a ■rdlnance Is that the street • ' ension will come straight ■ 0 Main, thus avoiding the ' or loops, decided upon ■ KB ago, when work flr»t seemed the most practical St., but on account of the ' of the two blocks of Eng- ■ nearest to Main the proper- ^ on that street objected to t line and a fight was made " lated In the decision upon ; line which turned four cor- reach the same deBtlnation. All the time the 6,000 feet which are now ready have been being made, many of the far-sighted citizens have been thinking over many things, first, the line will be completed in 2 months earlier by using the straight line, then, it is assured that the interurban ’will be built here in less than 12 months, and English is the street on which that will go, and the work then have to be done on English street regardless of this looped line. So, with all lights the wise city fathers got togeth er and amended the ordinance and now the extension will be completed In a few days. Mayor Tate has advertised for seal ed bids for the erection of a two-story brick fire station for the West End hose company. In the person of Mr. Arthur Lyon High Point has an expert accountant. That is what Mr expert accountant of New York, said after going over some of the work of Mr. Lyon has been doing during the past week. The reports sent out yesterday from Raleigh that the negro arrested for stealing was looked upon with suspi cion in the case of the death of Mrs. Joel Hill, at Jamestown, has not caus ed any excitement here, where a larger portion of the citizens have long since abandoned the murder theory. Messrs. Woodson Young have closed the contract for the appearance of the United States Marine Band to play here sime time in the early part of September. Superintendent Thornwell Haynes is getting everything in shape for the opening of the city schools, which will take place Monday morning, Sept. 11th. Many changes are to be made in the curriculum and many new meth ods employed. The valuable depart ment of domestic science is to be es tablished with a special teacher. The school board has created a hygiene committee and under the direction of this committee there will be* a free medical examination in all the schools at the beginning of the term. It is not obligatory that the parents follow the advice of the physician examining the children, but it is hoped they will —at any rate it will excuse the board and teachers from any responsibility, and after this examination and vacci nation certificate which each child is required t» hold before he will be ad mitted to school, there is no reason why the school should not be made up of strong, healthy children. In accordance with the state board of health the churches j^ill observe Sanitary Sunday next Sunday. Some of the leading physicians will take part in the exercises. High Point caij’t help but feel some what selfish that while so many are in need of water that she is enjoying an abundance of as sound and pure water as can be found anywhere. Since the inauguration of the new sys tem the water comes to the homes from a concrete basin and is sweet and wholesome and absolutely pure. Some people are only busy when they are meddling in, other people s business. Atlanta, Aug. 25.—This is the sea son for going to the mountains on vacation. Lots of people have been to the mountains this year and last and the year before. Famous among humans who have traveled mountain- ward in the past are Moses and Mo hammed. But it is doubtful if ever until yes terday has history recorded the story of a low-country county picking itself up bag ahd baggage and moving to the higher mountainous regions. Yet that is just what has happened to Putman county. A foolish little clerical error, a slip Qf the pen has moved Putman county, theoretically, up into the northwest corner of the map, thereby proving not only that the* pen is mightier than the sword, but that it is mightier than an earth quake, which couldn’t have accom plished as much. The joke on Putnam was discov- ered when a perusal of the congres sional reapportionment bill, passed by the legislature and signed by the governor and filed away as a law in the archives of the secretary of state’s office, showed that instead ot being in the eighth congrepional district where it ought to be, some body iiad made a slip of the pen, a lapsus stilus, to quote dog-latin, and had put it up in the seventh district, in northwest Georgia, jumping over five intervening counties to perform the miracle. Happily the error is not a serious one politically, for there Is rio con- "•ressional election this fall, and be fore next. November the legislature will have corrected the ”^i®take. Meanwhile, it is reported, the cit izens of Putnam county are eryoymg the mountain breezes and finding the nights much cooler. tangle over judgeship. Atlanta, Aug. 25.—The tangle over thrjudgeship of the Athens city court will have to be settled, in all Ity, in a lawsuit between q West, the incumbent, and Col. T. J. Shackelford, appointed to the 3udge- ^^Sate poluTcTwi^rnot enter into the seftlemeSt of the Governor Smith’s Connection with the matter ends with his appointment of Col. Shackelford. Judge West contends that the appointmen^t cannot stand be cause the senate dicln’t approve it. if Tudge West refuses to get out, in Sep- ^ hP ^avs he wil refuse, it wm be up to Judge Shackeltoril to prove the tegality ot his appomtmen.. WILL WEAR THE OF BISHOPRIC OF NATCHEZ. ' Atlanta, Aug. JpThe magn^ IpwpIs of the bishopric of ^atcnez, Ihlch have been by every tohop of that great Roman Catholic dtoceh. rin^e 1837 will be worn hy FathO''.7ohn I”Gunn here next Tuesday when he » consecrated bishop at the bacrea Heait church. They in:dude a croz^er pectoral cross, ring proTder is an encrusted staff of goia. The ring is a massive amethyst with an Inlaid cross of diamonds. The pec- Wra" cross is heavy go^^f from a gold rope chain, and is studded with amethysts. The ceremonj' will be aS gorgeous in the costumes used as royal coronation and feats in the church are m such cle- mand that even one is now almost im possible to procure. Ohiiaren Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTOR I A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S C A S T O R I A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTO R I A The Mechanics Perpetual Building & Loan Association Charlotte, N. C., August 3rd, 1911. We i matured our usual Midsummer Series, our 45tli, with customary profit and satisfaction to ourselves and its share holders. With this taken care of and out of the way, we are now ready to talk to you about NEW SHARES. Books were opened on the 1st for our 58th Series, in whic everybody is invited and urged to take part—Already we have had a number of subscriptions for new shares and applications for loans and we expect many more. NOW is the Time and 207 North Tryon Street is the Place You will receive prompt and courteous treatment and we want you and your influence. Payment of Dues Commences SATURDAY, SEPT. 2 Subscriptions for shares and applications for loans made at any time. R. E. COCHRANE, Secretary and Treasurer J. H. WEARN, President THE im Stone Lined Refrigerator /s as easily cleaned China Plate. It is ilv3 par excellence of a Uefrigerators. See them at our store J. N. McCausland &Co. 221 South Tryon Street Let Us Remount Your Diadmonds In latest stylo platinum lined Tiffany’s Mount ings, gives the stones additional brilliancy and does aot turn dark vmder stones. All siaea, and remounted by expert workman. Garabaldi, Bruns & Dixon When V’^ou Pay Rent THE MONEY IS GONE FOREVER f You are helping th© owner of the house to accumulate a for* 4r tune. .. ^ Buy a home from us in Dllworth, and the money you pay eaott month, In the place of rent will begin the accumulatica of a fort tune for yourself. - r: Charlotte Consolidated Construction ) 1 Company. i ^ ^ ---V. 2nd Floor Piedmont Bldg. Telephone No. 155 ’ Wkch Our Bargain Window y We hav-e Just closed out a big lot of chairs and rockers at such a wons derful cut and our customers have s hown their appreciation in such a sub- ’ stantial way that we offered a lot of Heywood Carts at the same reduction and now that they have gone we are showing some beautiful umbrella ’ stands and a few centcr tables at just a song. Watch tha" window and it will pay you. Lubm Furniture Company EVERYTHING !N FURNITURE