TKS OHABLOTTB N]EWS SEPTEMBER 18, !911 V 9 Late Market Reports Complete Cotton-Stocks-Grain-Provisions-iVflscellaneoeus Southem Spot Maitut New York Cotton New York Stock Market j C hiCago Gram S^pt. 18.»Stocks were Ir-j Chicago. Sept^Lessened pres- f a Sept IS.—Spot mid- i^ints in respon«;p tn inw»r i today at the opening. Active sure to sell Canadian wheat at Ldver- 11 1.4." CZZ and S° mn* order. Bulls fractionally;poo. had . moderately bullish ^.et C2 Soi.t. IS —Spot cottoa bought on the decline here, however, Canadian Pacific today on the marlqet here. Besides ■310 and with fresh selling restricted by 1 3-4, Amalgamated Copper a decrease w'as reported in the ■ ^ ‘t '.•'’o"* «st of nr uoniina! 11 o-S. Jamaica H'as luovine in the direction I? ^ acific advanced 0*8 and Southern ^ ^ m m * ■ , ■ c f sem. lf.-3pot mid. of the cotton beit fhe m“k« *?e°d- I'-' ' uT"* ” led up to within 2 or 3 points of Sat- lil>€i’al supply of stocks came on favorable weather in Russia. Buying - V, ipm 1^—Srct cot* i^rday’s closing figures during the prices declined easily, in Chicago though only fair, proved = .mJkn'ged; middling, 11 «rly tr»din* There *Y„rfrom"the 5-8 "nterfaHojat HaVvS^^^^ ““ ^rtces in a grad- -e rauy or ^ or ^ points from the ^ ^.2. Lehigh Valley, U. S. Steel and manner. The opening was 1-8 United States Department of Airiculture WBATKER BOREAU. wriiUe L. MOORC. ’ lowest ijenigQ vaiiey, u. S. Steel and uioiiuc*. xiio u^euiag x-a . Jrcpt. IS.—Spot cotton, arVPt un fr«m +ho Amalgamated Copper 1 1-2 and Read- off to 1-8 up. December started at lowLt during the Mon houj Recov! vret^i. Union 95 1.4 to 96 3-8. a shade down to a Sci)i. IS.—Spot cotton eries ^\ere limited to 3 or 4 points. like degree higher and rose to T- verpool Cctton. ;e:Mand; prices 8 points er Southern spot markets. The market ^as forced to retreat on Saturday re- ■ scld off into new low ground for the gumed operations, movement and prices at midday s-how- Bonds irregular. ihne: iau\ . fciies >%ere nnuiea lo or poinis. SatiirHav’c w«Vr^^»,.o‘H„Qiiv ^i^e degree higher and rose to 95 I With early Southern reports show- ,oTt if ? J ♦ 5-8. 1 ing generally lower spot markets of- decline was attributed* to'^^uneasiness I Lightness of world shipments gave I'JiT ,h””, ariose LC oTlreslderxJrt’sS «™ ton. to com The market, (bulge. As a result the tone was more “cprooration sDeerh" in DPtroit later. December opeil- ■or less unsettled. in t^e dav Bugera It ?hT opening >1 » sixteenth to 1-8 dearer at 64 to If Cl-sine cotton- disappointed at the lack of U -Cicsins cotton, the torencon. owing to reports of weak. and the bear clique which ^ ,, " ’ — =■-..*1 —* 1-- '* Although there was no trade in oats worth noting, prices had att up- ward swing. The cause was in sym- ed a net decline of shout 7al0"points, "'"i^ter'thrmarket made up nearly Bulls bo’^ght on a scale down, but the all of its losses. St. Paul, Lehigh , started- a shade lower at 44 "-8a45 support was not aggressive and the Valley and Northern Pacific ruled a crnt’nued Southern sellin| here seem- slight fraction above last weeks.l'^-- . , r.f cd both to color talk of •easier spots closing and Erie, first preferred, 1, ■ ^^ather free speculative selling oi the day were 7.000 and to create increasing confidence the second preferred 1 3-8, and New P^oyisions met with such eviden*^ of I't were for specula- among local bears. Haven 3 1-4. buying power that initi^ losses were ?.nd iucluded 5.300 gpot quiet; middling uplands 1175 Prices advanced in the early after-1“°^® to nominal. noon, but New York offerings weak- tions varied Close New York Saots. ened the market in the late trading ® i k qa f^r 02 1-2 >:ew York. Sept. IS.-Cotton. spot, and the closing was easy. ‘P. Inf« 19 cloged quiet. 10 points lower; middling Trading became almost motionless ^to 9.05 for lara^an^ Grain 7.66 7.40 7.10 G.06 P.70 t?.45 ?ll Ap.'.ericaa. ^ I?;- £uJ clored (' ^0 1 9 VIVK^VJ IV 1.4.A«U * A ^ llCXVAii-1^ UCWO-lllC ». X IX1\J O XAl W V * iX * V‘K» W ^ 1 “ iirlands. 11.65; do gulf, 11.90; no sales, alter prices had rallied about half a 6.0i> 1--J ^.01 l-J 0.04 1-2 6.0 1-2 6.0G 1-2 6.08 1-2 6.09 1-2 6.10 1-2 Close New York Futures. point from their low level of the fore-i Chicago, HI-* Sept. 18^^ Cash grain. New York, Sept. closed steady: 18.—Gotten futures noon. CH.^nLOTTE PRODUCE. c;- !t- r,: PH. ■ . !t). . \ . . .n 10 14 15®: 2^ 10 OS 924 60 .Jan .... 11.29 11.33 11.24 11.27(&29 Feb ... . March .11.41 11.4G ll.SS 11.40^41 April . . . 11.43@45 May .. 11.50 11.56 11.49 11.50(?t;ol June .. ll.oOfl it 11.49@51 July .. ll.olQ 11.54 11.54 11.49@50 1 August ..11.35ofd 1 Sept .. 11.35 11.40 11.3G 11.39@40 'Get ... 11.23 11.26 11.20 U.22(5 2.'5 I*Cov 11.25(^27 Dec .. 11.34 11.37 11.27 11.31@32 prices ruling Wheat No. 2 red 92 3-4; No. 2 hard win- C^*icago Provislone. . creameries New Orleans Cotton !1'^2G market oi)ened steady at a receipts cases tijjued good weather in on a parity wiin lasi weeK s nnai ng- - .7-— ---- - ures, or above. Room shorts bought! Oats, No. 2 white 44 l--a4o 1- , nine UJJlJUDIliUli 111 iua.1 niiift I list. Near the end scattered proflt-tak-t Timothy 1250al4o0. ing caused some fractional reactions.' Clover 20. New York Stock List. Heavy rains retarding harvest in tnft Last Sale. Canadian northwest led to a further 56 3-8 strengthening of wheAt values-, but a 53 3-4 reaction followed, owing to a big in- 47 crease in the United States visible sup* .. b50 1-2 ply. The close, however, was firm with 34 1;2- December 1-8 to l-4c. net higher at j 1-2. Diminished country offerings of old of 3-8al-2. ( nc horn? 12 1-2'Ti 3-4. i crop was maturing .' ^ ''ak. Wis, and Mich, to'fi out deterioration. M£.me &0'’ai>5; receipts 125. * fgj^ over the Some uneasiness e?..':; . turkeys 14 fow O Llarloitt tottcn i CVV.3 is^i 11 Vi (jimrai Strike At Valencia ported near Jamaica but it did not lead to much buying, t'irst prices were the lowest in the early trading. At the end of the first half hour of busi ness the market was two points un der Saturday's closing. A private condition report showing deterioration in the crop of more than 3 points since the first of the came out of the recoverj'. At the mid- Mairii Sonr 18.—A general strike ’oifc has behind it revolutionary 5.;Pior! i:as broken out at Valencia, .'laritin-.e ctf - of Spain 190 miles i*uti:ea;! - i M'idrid. Marr’al la-- has teen proclaimed. rrte ire occupied by troops. ’-srai h wires out of Valen- ■ ’ - “= (n cut. Just before com* "■■ ■ "a ;rn - i*h the city was broken ^ - r ported serious disturb- - .iR'i r;-rurred. Tl;e ;onulat:cn of Valencia is about Strike in Spain, i. Sopt. 18.—The govern* nside.’ing a suspension of guarantees throughout .Oa!d the situation resulting - r" t'l? many workmens’ htrikes t'jmj more serious. S’rik*:' are general at Bilbao and Sari Gost.8 and partially iuccesifril S' Cadiz. Huelva, Valencia, Sevill# 23d Gijon. It is expected that the "orkin'rn '^ili go out at Barcelona, ' orunnn and Ferrel, and that the ir.o"pm«nt v ill become general in '--e ifif? A general suspension ■ ”'cr': S’ Valecia and Gljon will be accomplished by the leaders soon, it '•5 believed. Tbp ministry of the interior states ‘ S' ’i'je Barcelonia police have dis ‘overel ? revolutionary plot directed Spanisb and foreign, anarchists a certain political group, whose provide for general striker »nl violenre against property. ^ew York Cotton Seed Oil. York, Sept. 18.—Cotton seed 0- CIo?ed steady; closing prices: Spot 7aT.15; Sept. 7a7.01; Oct. 6.05a Nov. ,5.S6a88; Dec. 5.84a87; Jan. Feb. 5.84aS6; March 6.86a88. between third and fourth calls: S«pr 6.98. 600 Sept. 7.00; 700 Sept. -Ql. 200 Oct. 6.04; 400 Oct. 6.05; 100 5.S6: 100 Jan. 5.83; 200 Jan. 5.85. Total sales, 13,400. Attention Ginners ^'e have on hand and for e one of the most complete Books ever published. It is arranged for a record of ail transactions connected with ginning the bale and keeps 'arbon copy for the ginner. Book containing 100 tickets 100 copies only 50 cents, mail, 55 cents. Tder all you want today.. News Publishing Company Charlotte, N. C. Amalgamated Copper 56 3-8 American Beet Sugar . 53 3-4 American Car & Foundry. . 47 American Cotton Oil.. .. ... . . b50 1-2 American Locomotive . 34 1;2- American Smelting & Refn'g 68 3-4 Amer. Smelting & Fefn’g pfd . 102 3-4 j .American Sugar Refining.. . 116 ! Anaconda Mining Co.. .. . 34 5-8 Atchison . 102 5-S Atlantic Ccast Line.. .. . 120 1-2 Baltimore & Ohio . 97 1 Brooklyn Rapid Transit.. .. . 226 1-21 Chesapeake & Ohio . 71 5-8 j Chicago &, Northwestern.. . 140 7-8! Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul.. . 112 1-2 Cclorado Fuel & Iron.. .. . 27 3-8 Colorado & Southern .. .. Delavv-are & Hudson bl60 Denver & Rio Grande .. .. 25> 1-2 Denver & Rio Grande pfd.. . 46 ' Erie . 31 1-2 Great Northern jfd ..124 ireat Northern Ore Ctofs .. 45 1-2 Illinois Central .bl34 , Interborough-Met . 14 3-8■ Interborough-Met pfd .. .. 41 3-4 Louisville & Nashville.. .. .. 140 Missouri Pacific .. 36 Misouri. Kansas & Texas.. .. 29 1-2 National Biscuit 131 j National Lead .. 49 1-4 New York Central .. 102 1-2 Norfolk & Western.. .. .. 102 i-2j Northern Pacific .. .. 115 1-2 Pacific Mail .. 30 1-2' Pennsy 1 vtinia.. ..120 j People's Gas ..bl03 Pullman Palace Car .bl55 Reading ..140 Rock Island Co .. 24 1-2 Rock Island Co. pfd.. .. .. 47 5-8 , Southern Pacific .. 108 3-8' Southern Railway.. .♦. .. .. 27 1-4 Union Pacific .. 161 1-8' j United States Stoeel 67 1-2, {United States Steel pfd.. .. .. 114 3-4! .Wabash ’ .. 13 1-4, Wabash jfd , 27 1-2. Western Union 76 5-8 Lehigh Valley . 156 7-8 Ca me Market Cattle, receipts estimated at 2,300 market steady. Beeves 4.90® 8.15 Western steers 4.10@7.00 Stockers and feeders.. .. 3.00@5.80 Cows and heifers 2.25@6.25 Calves 6.50@9.50 Hogs, receipts estimated at 25,000 Light Mixed Heavy.. Rough Good to choice heavy Pigs Bulk of sales.. ,. 6.80@7.32H .. 6.65@7.35 .. 6.60@7.27H .. 6.60@6.80 6.80@7.27H .. 4.50@6.90 6.80@7.20 Sheep receipts estimated at 40,000, market steady. Native .. 2.25@4.15 Western 2.50@4.15 Yearlings 3.70@4.65 Lambs native 4,00@6.10 Western 4.25@6.10 urday’s close. After the noon hour the market was very dull. At 2 o’clock prices were 5a7 points under Saturday s final quotations. Opening New Orleans Futures. New Orleans. Sept. 18.—Cotton fu tures opened steady. Jan. 11.32a33; March 11.45a46; May 1158 asked; Sept. 11.2oa34; Oct. 11.22 bid; Dec. 11.26a22. Naw Orleans Spots. New Orleans, Sept. 18.—Spot cotton, easy, unchang^; middling 11 9-16; sales on spot 21'bal#s; to arrive 92o. ^ IJOUUUU, ocyL. xo.—Auianvau Low ordinary, 8 1-8, nominal; ordi- opened steady and a fraction nary, S 15-16, nominal; good ordinary, higher today. The market was not 10 3-8; strict god ordinary, 10 3-4; low supported during the first hour and middling, 11 1*16strict low middling, prices sagged. At noon Canadian Pa ll 6-16; middling, 11 9-16; strict, 11 11- cific was 1 1-2 points lower while the 16; god middling, 11 13-16; strict good ijgt ranged from 1-4 above middling, 12; middling fair, 12 5-16;below Saturday’s NeW York middling fair to fair, 12 11-16; fair, 13 ciogijjg, 1-16, nominal. [ Receipt®, 2,913; ■tocks, 25.807. | Naval Stores. London Stock Lo^on, Sept. 18.—American secur- Crude Cotton Sead Oil.. Atlanta, Sept. 18.—Crude cotton seed oil 88. I Savannah, Ga., Sept. 18.—Opening: I Spirits of turpentine firm 50 l-4al-2; ’ sai6s none; receipts 7.61; shipments [84; stocks, 35,167. I Rosin'firm; sales —; receipts 1,- 616; shipments 1,955; stocks 82,781. v!r ®ori»M®“*Sept.®*'l.-5:otton D 6.30; B «.35a L .1. 'a6.40; F 6.40a6.45; G 6.40a6.42 1-2; ' vAAnaH \n harrsls per pound H 6.45a6.50; I 6.45a6.50; K 6.45a6.55, «n^‘“chJlce IS 8 per «nt'^am-'M 6.46a6.76; N 6.65a6.S0; W G 6.96a Zt. P« Ur?™ 29- Choice cake 7.00; W W T.iOaOO. . do do 29.50. '-"”®5em5Sr^o indictment. Chicago. Sept. New York Money^ New York. Sept 18.—Close. • Prime mercantile paper 4 3-4 pw cent. Sterling exchange steady with ac- v.uiv.*«. ■ of lumber-'tual business in bankers’ %ills at mfn? a^Ml^U^ns. under indictment 4.83.25 for 60 day bills and at 4.86.20 ileged violation of the Sherman for demand Inti-"aw, today declaring alleg^ons governm^nt'a cbarge war# insufficient ^*lf^e ^government gets a conviction Attorney Wllkerson will file a bill to dissolve the combination said to exist among lumb^men. Commercial bills 4.82 1-2. Commercial bills 4.82 1-2. Bar silver 52 3-8. Mexican dollars 45. Government bonds steady. Railroad bonds Irregular. Chicago Grain and Pr^vlslona. Open. High. L^)W. Close. WHEAT— Sept 92% 91% • 92% Dec.. 95?i 95% 95%. May 101% 100% 101% CORN— On Trip With Edison. By Associated Press. Nuremburg, w.? Sartv oc-'sept. . .; .. .. 68 Thomas A. Edison after- Dec 64% cupylng two automobiles, this nooi continued the trip | OATS- temipted “^zSeaMld Sept 42?i car ran down and killed a 12 ye .Dec 4o% boy in the town of Lauf. .y,_lMay 48 Spectators say that the speed of the ^ car was moderate and that plenty ij^n 15.40 warning wa» given. from' T^^RD, i»er 100 lbs— Mr. Bdlson, who was , Oct 9.2 •% Carlsbad was deeply affected. After In-, 9.07% i vestlgatlon the authorities decided that j pgr lOO lbs— not the slightest blame attached to - 8.45 V. V. V*. iik 67% 63% 65% 42'% 44% 47% 64% 65% 42% 45%. 47% Dally Movement of Produce. Ariticles Re- Hhip- ceipts ments. Flour, bbls 19,900 36,700 Wheat, bu 99,000 203,000 Corn, l>u 282,000 613,000 Oats, bu 232,000 379,000 Rye, bu 12,000 5,000 Barley, bu 44,000 49,000 Car Lot Receipts. Wh«at 47-cars, with 13 erf contract gra4e; Corn 152 cars, with 53 of con tract grade; Oats 75 cars. St Louia Grain. St. Louis, Sept. 18.—Cash: Wheat firm; track No. 2 red 92 l-2a93 1-2; No. 2 hard 96 l-2a 1.00. Corn steady; track No. 2, 66 1-2; No. 2 white 68 1-2. Oats steady; track No. 2, 44 1-2; No. 2 white 46 l-2a3-4. cs b \Si ‘ * *^4 8,£/[xCl6^lSll. (Obs^adons taken at 8 •• m.^5th m«rid!aA tfmei Isol)an~ points of equal air pressure. Isotherms, or dotted lln^, pass trough pointa '' ture; they ^be drawn only for zero, fmsug, 90 defirm and 100 degrees. state of weather: O clear: Q partly cloudr* # eloudy (E) rain; ® snow; 0 repSt mi8stnS?^9G2 rows fly with the wind. First fi^e, minimum temperature for past 12 hours: illhoiW lainfalt ifit equals ,01 Inch; third, wind velocity of lO miles perh^ormm. j THE WEATHER. Forecast for Charlotte and Vicinity. Cloudy tonight and Tuesday. State Forecast. Cloud:^ tonight anu Tuesday, erate northeast winds. Mod- Cotton Region Bulletin. Stations of Wilmington District: Weather Conditions. Pressure areas on the map today are w6ll defined, one high appearing over the Atlantic coast section and another over the Northwestern states; also two lows, one ovfer northern Minnesota and another over th« Southwest, with’ a trough connecting them, extending parallel with the Missisippi river. In the region of low pressure it is slightly warmer today; in the region of high, considerably cooler. Temper atures from Kansas northwestw'ard, range from cO degrees to four degrees below freezing, with a large area cov ered by frosts. Rainfall is >«ported from southern Georgia' and Alabama, and from the upper Mississippi valley. Cloudy weather is expected to con tinue In thiSi^vicinity, tonight and Tues day. Weather. Bulletin. CHARLOTTE .. .. 84 64 .00 Cheraw .. 88 6-4 .00 ixorence .. 90 62 .00 Goldsboro .. .. .. 82 60 .00 Greensboro . .. .. 82 58 .00 Lumberton . .. .. 90 58 .00 Newbern 58 .00 Raleigh .. 84 *60 .00 Weldon .. 82 60 .00 Wilmington . .. .. 84 *62 .00 •—Lowest temperature for 12-hour period ending 8 a. m. . Heiavy Rainfall W^aycross, Ga. ., 8TATI0KS. ** n ^ ^ . a «t 5 S o'? ^5>?S 2 OI ?* :z t> o tSr ^ ^ X >; -I C Vlrglnia-CaroHna Chemical. New York, S«pt. 18.—Virglnia-Caro- llna Chemical 51. »*Cotton receipts 36 bales at 11 1-4, against 55 bales at 13 1-4. Call Money. New York, Sept. 18.—Money on call: 2 l-4a3-8 per cent; ruling rate and closing bid, 2 1-4; offered at 2 3-8, Tlm« loans, easier; 60 days, 8al-4 per cent; 90 days, 3 l-4al-2; 6 months, 3 7-8a4. DR WILEY ON THE VALUE OF C0TT08EED OIL. 15.10 15.25 9.17% 9.27% 8.92%. 9.00 8.20 8.00 8.05 8.45 8.05 8.10 * In these days when so much Is being said about the purity of food products, and the healthfulness of different foods, it is refreshing to hear what the great authority, Dr. Wiley, has to say about cottonseed oil and its products. The quotation given Is from an ad dress Dr. WMley made before the In terstate Crushers’ Association In New York last June. “You have a meritorious article, you have learned how to purify it and make it palatable and attractive, and you have everything now but tha-con- ildance of the public and tha knowl edge on the part of the consumer how to use your product. Put a little ef fort In that line, and you will see what wonderful returns you will have. I do not believe there is a man, woman or child in this country, if the consumption of cotton seed oil was common throughout this broad land, but what would hava batter health and be a better judge of what is good to eat, and be happier, by reason of his better health, than he Is today, so' I am pleading for the benefit of the public, I am plead ing for a wider publicity of your pro duct, for cottonseed oil as a human * food.” Atlanta 88 68 .00 Augusta .. .. .. • • 92 72 ,00 Birmingham .. . 92 70 .06 Boston 64 58 .00 Charleston .. .. 86 72 .00 CHARLOTTE .. 84 64 .00 Chicago 78 66 .9S Corpufr ChristI .. 88 78 .00 Denver 80 42 .00 Fort Worth . .. — 76 .00 Galveston .. . • • • 88 82 .00 Houston — 74 .00 Jacksonville ... 94 72 .14 Kansas City .. .. 92 64 .00 Little Rock . .. « , — 74 .00 Louisville .. .. 86 70 .00 Memphis 90 76 .00 Mobile 90 76 -.00 Montgomery .. . H 70 .01 New Orleans .. 92 7$ .00 New York .. .. 78 60 .00 Oklahoma .. .. 74 .00 Palestine .. .. .90 72 .00 Salt Lake City.. , , 60 44 .00 San Antonio .. .. — 76 .00 San Francisco .. 78 60 ' .00 Savannah .. .. 9 • 92 70 .60 Shreveport .. .. • • 96 74 .00 Saint Louis .. .. 86 76 .26 Taylor — 74 .00 Vicksburg .. .. — 76 .00 Wilmington .. . 84 62 .00 Remarks. Light showers have occurred in Aug usta, Savaniiah, Atlanta and Montgom ery districts. Elsewhere the weather has been fair. Lower temperatures pre vail over North Carolina. O. O. ATTO, Observer. Weather All Over The South, Washington, D. C. Sept. 18.—For®' cast: Georgia: Probably showers tonight and Tuesday; moderate mst and nortb' east winds. Florida: Unsettled, probobly show ers tonight or Tuesday; moderate northeast and east winds, probablj equalls over extreme south portion. Alabama and Mississippi: Local showers tonight or Tuesday; cooler iu north and central portions Tuesday; light to moderate variable winds. eNw Orleans, Sept. 18.—Firecast: Louisiana: tonight and Tuesday gen erally fair, cooler in north portior Tuesday; light northeast winds or ithe coast. Arkansas: tonight and Tuesday in creasing cloudiness, showers in nortl: portion tonight or Tuesday, cooler tonight in v/est portion, cooler Tues day. Oklahoma: tonight increasing cloud iness, colder; Tuesday generall: cloudy, colder in east portion. See a Few of the Novelties We Keep in Stock Tite-on key holders, with ring- Can not slip oft and lose your keys. Price only 10 cents each, with the ring. Key rings—a variety. Tweezers, Aluminum Drinking cups 10 cents each. Every child should have their own drinking cup, thue avoiding the spread of disease. Brass rings 8-8 inch to 1 1*2 incu Inside diameter. , Brass head tacks. Moulding Hooks. Picture wire. Brass cup hook. Double pointed tgckf, a larige box for 5 cent*. Steel wire. The Eureka Ironing Board—comlination for sleeves and dresses. Every lady should se It. Something entirely new and price not exhorbltant. _ ,_l, Weddington Hardware Go. 29 East Trade Street A RAP AT THE DOOR Fall is here and knocking at the door. Get ready for its reception. Will help you. A fall suit, pair shoes, hat and furnishings is necessary. Best Selected Lines Yet— * now awaits your inspection. Let us show you any day. No trouble to us. Cash cuts the price. CsflrHght IWI MiAwU, Stkrt & Co Rgchmter,.N. Y. H. C. LONG

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