!0 THE CHASUI.OrrE SEWS. SEPTEMBER 19. 1911 2 wo Thousand At tend Prayer Meeting In Korea, (Not Charlotte) Says Rev, J, S. Ryany a Native Korean Missionary whoSpoke at Trinity Methodist Church Sunday, pmr ,T ?. Ryftng, a native Korean aUslBonary, ^ heard Sunday morning tt Trinity Metiaodlst church. Mr. Ry- ang is studying at Vanderbilt llnlversU ty. He came to epeak to the Methodists of Charlotte by invitation. Those who heard him were amazed at his mas- urr of the English language, and mar veled alBO at the work Korea is doing in the cause of Christianit}'. The facts rir Ryang gave were astounding. The first missionary, a physician, went to Korea In 1S84. in ISST the first Com munion W83 given in a small room '■ .’b Epvpn persons present. Today .;-ere are Christiana in Korea, ri-fj cioo \riio are ready to embrace • ;'^riani: v. • Korf-a,” said ihe speak- r.Mt known to fame, as China, by t-niP'ro. and .lapan by its glor- - but the ready ac'ept- . r ibe roIlL'lon of Christ. The * ' ■ i n ill Korea was a woman. Sh'- iiUf ''.1 tl‘:r .U iini; Ilopklns to stu- d'. bt-tiJinint; a jhy-'irian. ‘The socle'y in Korea is exclusive. T'.iere arp four clans, or cast, amonsist thp l.T.''"' j'.p'ijilt* \'lu) 'i)nstittito in*' i'iopula’H>in. Women are servants, r • Vivps. Ill rhurch the boys and »:iU a'-*» not .liiowfd to sit together si'pr :h»'' a^p t^pven >ears old. A pa jur ’'nU is hi:ilt between thp male anri iemal;' i->r’ion of the audiPiue. The mini?'Oi an .-(*e bo'h audicncos. t);,‘ npithor auciicnc • oati spe the othor. Korran mon never trpat their wives gr oi'ual?: the two never no out side O' r-;dp One of the ronveris to Chrie- V piw rhp misiflons embrace and kir^ hie missionary'si wife. He "T 'T and hups"d and kissed his ^ Phr> ;hoiich; he I'J^d core crazv.’’ 1 ■ a!u'nda?u’f' ar tlio Korean '• would put >lio rlinrchea of ' ; - rovn'ry to bl’is-h. .Mr. Kyaiig .said tr' '’t'pn I'r.'rp were n.-* i>iany as 2,000 ir '.’■ .'ii piaycr r.it. i ;ir.c. Tlii; K of f'r Sundays hundreds of jjeople can Pf ' ; in'o the b’>ild n-rs. The people v?*iK fron; ■' t(* li'i miles to ciiurch- ihere aro no srr.:ot rars e.xcept in one r!ry All Korp.Tn Ciiristians can lead !r pra.'or. cn s .Mr. f^vaiig. Kvery Chrlsnan l.'i Korea, lie says. >.s a l'"pacher, 1. »■, hr mak'^s liims^^lf such. The saluTailon Is “Peace," and the Korpan ("hri^'i :a.i always carries hi.s Bible and hh li>inn book. In church rvpry on^’ sini,o as loud as he can, ' rhpre beinn uany different tunes,” sa d Mr. Ryan^-, “as there are books.” !n rlosint Mr. rtyaug spoke of the fplt sacrlflp'nk naturp of the Korean • arisiians ‘He will give his time, r.’'''ney and hi" ~'^lf to icrve his fellow man ’ He f^ici ot an Incident of a r'!'’n ^bo hrid go''«^n in debt and who hnri nothing to pit;, with. He was to be j 'in-^hed 1^ he did not pay. His neigh- 1 • A'ho wac p rhristi:>.n, had only one t-i ■ Ha sold his r'ow and gave the miney to his triend who was in debt, ard ’!ip np>' fiay ''•a.'* seen plowing his *on as bp hf.d no cow to plow with. Mr. Ryang thinks Korea will be en- r:rp]y rhrisriuni^ed. He spoke most in- tpr^^ rinpl'- Sunday. He has a very brigh^^ m.Ind. a kpen sense of humor, ird r wondpi fi.l command of he Eng lish language. Real Estate Calendar Real has begun to show the tjsual fail r.^rivit^ in Charlotte. A number > ' jpa - are pending. Some of thrse made during the past few days are as follows- R H Hol?;claw ha® sold to W. H Stllwell & .1. I.. Redwine a lot on *'Ea§t End”, Belmont sectUm, for $45n Irferfitate Improvempnt Company sold a lot to Prank F. ./ones on Allen Bt;*-*-! Hrlraont section, size 50x140 f( >- .tin „;:j other valuable considera- tif r - Fra;.' F .Topps ha.s sold same lot on Ailtr -•'■••eT to Shoomakpr & Wallace fr r $10 r nd n'M:’ional "valuable con- fiderati'^'ii' ■ P. A Thoiiia' r.a -old to Mrs. ^^attie Prim a lot on Hoskius fi^rcet, for 11,175. Frank F. .Tones has Kold to Gattis Realty Company lot N’o 19 6txl93. on Elizabeth avenup, consideration $100 and othe’’ , valuable considerations. This la the lot next to Mr. C. A. Black’s home. Gsff’-P Rpalfy Co , has sold to Fiank F Tones lot Xo. 23. #50x193, on Eliza beth avenue for $100 and ‘other val uable cnnBiderarions.” This is the lot in block near Fox street, opposite Mr Thomas’ home, and is one of the moFt desirable lota on the Elizabeth avenue. . J. A. .lamps and wife have sold to Shoemaker & Wallace lot in Villa Heights, cfinslderation not known, size of lot r>0xl50. L. M Fruit and wife have sold to Wilbur Haeler lot on Charles street, North Charlotte, 50x150, consideration not known. Here is a Real Dy&pepsta Cure Papers Diapepsin Settles Upset Stomachs And Ends Indiges tion in Five Minutes, The question as to how long you are going to continue a sufferer from Indi gestion, Dyspepsia or out-of-order Stomach is merely a matter of how soon you begin taking some Diapep sin. If j'our stomach Is lacking in di gestive power, why not help the stom ach to do it& work, not with drastic drugs, but a re-lnforcement of dlges tive agents, such as are naturally at work ip the stomach. People "with weak stomachs should take a little Diapepsin occasionally, and there will be no more indigestion, no feeling like a lump of lead in the otomach, no heartburn. Sour risings, Gas on Stomach or Belching of undi gested food, Headaches, Dizziness or Sick Stomach, and. besides, what you rat will not ferment and poison your breath with nauseous odors. All these symptoms resulting from a sour, out- of-order stomach and dyspepsia are generally relieved in five minutes after taking a little Diapepsin. Go to your druggi&i and pet a 50- cent case of Pape’s Diapepsin now, and you will always go to the table with a hearty appetite, and what you oar will taste good. because your stomar'n and intestines will be clean and frpsh. and you will know there are not going to be any more bad nichts and miserable days for you. They freshen yoti and make you feel like life is worth llvirp. ON RANSOM PLACE That means pretty nearly all that’s desirable in a location for a home. We have two beautiful lots in the select locality, each 50x150 feet to a rear alley. They can be bought at a splendid bargain. Enquire at our offico for price and terms. NEW COTTAGES In Villa Heights we have some new 4-room Cottages on nice lots. 50x150 feet that we are selling from $800 to 1,100 each. Only $150 cash and easy terms for the balance. BROWN (BL COMPANY 203 N. TRYON ST. 'PHONE 535 —The A. R. Willman Plumbing Co. iB boring a 6-inch artesian well on the canapus at Elizabeth College, which will furnish the college with an abun dant supply of pure water. Diainage Work Will Begin Soon Dredge And the Boat to Con tain it is Now Being Con- . structed in Eastern Section oj City-Drainage Work Will Begin H here Outfit Built, The work of coustrurting and put ting toaeTher the dredging outfit that was purcitased by the County Drain- agc» Cotuniission recently for draining certain sections of the county • is proceeding rapidly. The boat is being built at the intprsection of Little Su gar Creek and East Fourth street in the eastern part of the city. The process re.iuircF. that a small lake, or miniature dock, be construct ed in which to put the boat when it is completed- This doek is being dug out and fixed for the reception of the dredge boat just below the East Fourth street bridge. It is 22 feet long 10 feet deep and about 14 feet wide. When the boat is completed the steam dredge will be placed within it. The dredge will dig out its own canal ahead of the boat and it will float down strpam at it works. The big shovel works on a crane something lilLC the big steam shovel used in excavating the Panama canal site. It will lift a yard and a half of dirt pe~ mintite and four men are all that is required to ayerate the whole out fit. Tl’p drainr.g«* work will begin on the creek where the machinery is be ing placed. It will be prosecuted until all those sections of the county are drained which stand most in need of it. It la probable that when Little Sugar creek is drained work will next begin on Big Sugar creek. Singers Wanted For Dedication Call Sent Out for Best Singers in the State to Take Part in Elaborate Conceit at The Dedication oj Raleigh*s Aud~ itofium October 18th, In connection with the dedication of Raleigh’s new auditorium, which is one of the moet elaborate structures of its character In the South, and wliich will be dedicated on the evening of Wednesday, October 18th, the com mittee on entertainment wishes to s^et in totich with the best musical talent in North Carolina. The directory program, which will he a very brilliant one, will be partly musical and the committee desires to secure the names of at least half a dozen of the most celebrated singers in North Carolina. The idea being to have the pinest North Carolina talent in the concert. It is expected that over five thous and people will be present at the dedicatory exercises and the idea of the committee is to make the occasion representative of every section of the state as nearly as possible with this thought in mind it is desired, if pos sible, to get singers from different parts of the state. It is requested that all suggestions at to singers for this concert be sent to the entertainment committee, chamber of commerce, Raleigh, N. C. Good Stomach? K««p a Box of MI-O-NA in YOUR Houss and you’ll always have one. 8ome people eat too much, some drlak too much, and hundreds of thousands of men smoke too much— especially In the evening. Us« discretion If you can, but if you can t; use wisdom. Take two Ml-O-NA itomach tablets before you go to bed and you’ll awake minus a headache in the morning. MJ-ONA stomach tablets are guar anteed to end indigestion acute or sbronlc; to promptly banish gas, heart burn, sour risings, etc. They are the best remedy for dizEineBs, biliousness, nen'ousness, headache, constipation, vomiting of pregnancy, car or sea sick ness, foul breath, nightsweats, bad ireamB, coated tongue^ languid feeing. And a box only costs fiO cent# at R. H. .Jordan A Co.’s, and drugglBts every where. Details not Necessary. ^ hen Samuel G. Blythe, the writer was editing a newspaper In New York state a green reporter one night turn ed in a long and thrilling story regard ing the rough treatment handed out to John Smith, a visitor to the town. The story related that Mr. Smith, wearing a high silk hat, had ventured down to the docks after nightfall, and, a silk hat being unusual and provoca tive of antagonisms in that section, Mr. Smith had emerged from among the dock hands wdthout the hat. Nevertheless, he carried out of the melee so many wounds, cuts and bruises that he had to l>e sent to the hospital. The article, in Its original form, was too long and not in keeping with the style of the paper. Accordingly Blythe started to rewrite it. This is the form In which it appeared in the paper the next morning: “John Smith, wearing a high silk hat. went down to the docks last night —Emergency hospital.”—Popular Mag azine. Nnt N#>ppccnrv England to get iiUl iiCt/Caaai j money to carry the cotton crop MONEY AT HOME TO LEND COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF CHARLOTTE, N. C. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $860,000.00 Working foi Live Stock Industry The Southern Railway is endeavor ing to build up the live stock industry throughout the South, having estab lished a special department for this work, and is now inaugurating a move ment for the organization of local live stock associations in every county along its lines in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi. South Carolina, North Car olina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Ken tucky. The organization of such local asso ciations will prove of immense value to live stock growers. They will stimu late progress as they give an opportun ity for exchange of ideas and the dis tribution of good breeds and the.asso ciation exhibits and auction sales pave the way for excellent county fairs and live stock shows. The live stack department of the Southern Railway is in charge of Mr. F. L. Word. Live Stock Agent, who has offices in Atlanta. For the next few months he will devote especial attention to the formation of county live stock associations and will be glad to cooperate with live stock men in any c’ounty along the Southern Rail way. A letter addressed to Mr. Word will bring a prompt reply and will secure his active interest. He will be glad to hear from those who may wish information as to the advantages of local asoclations or the best meth- ods to adopt in organizing them. A POSITION FOR YOU! You wil be paid $50.00 per month out of a capital of $300,000.00 If our grea- system of 48 colleges does not secure a good position for you the day you qualify in either college mentioned below. Write at once for large catalog. We supply help in 48,big Southern cities. DssaBSBPRAnTinAI /—CxTAtjOGtJS PREZ I RAUGHON’S w More bankers indorse DRAUGHON’S Ck)lleses than indorse all other business colleies COilBINEDl Address: CHARLOTTE, N. C., or COLUMBIA, S. C, NOTARY PUBLIC During my 16 or 18 years’ experience as a PUBLIC NOTARY, I have represented bankers, lawyers and leading financiers in Charlotte, where a Notary Public was required in the final closing of big business deala. IT has often happened that the entire settlement for all parties concerned, representing thousands of dollars in money, checks, notes, etc., passed through my hands with me acting as “middle man” in the de»l. There is a reason for this, i. e.,—I give all business entrusted to me as a Notary Pub lic, prompt, courteous, confidential, and intelligent attention. If you have any such deals to be closed, give me your business, and you will be prop erly represented, and every detail of the matter properly executed. I com mand business as a Notary Public on business merit, and handle all such matters on a strictly first-class high-toned business manner. Phone me any time you need a Notary Public. Incidentally—give me your business — My time is my own—have horse and buggy, and will go anywhere—an” time—day or night—to act as Notary. Office ‘Phone 243—Residence ’Phone 1270-J. FRANK F. JONES—The Public Notary. A COMPLETE HOME On corner lot, 75x150 In Dllworth. Has 8 rooms, slate roof house. House and premises In perfect condition. If interested see me. A. G. CRAIG REAL ESTAE AND INSURANCE American Trust Co. Made Depositoiy The following communication has been received by Mr. W. H. Wood, treasurer of the American Trust Co.: Postal Savings System Office of the Board of Trustees Washington American Trust Company, Charlotte, North Carolina. Gentlemen; By direction of the board of trustees you are advised that the application of your bank to quali fy as a depository for postal savings funds has been approved. You will be informed in a few days as to the initial amount of bonds to be forward ed to the treasurer of the United States. Very truly yours, T. Ij. weed, Secretary Board of Trustees. Phone 1436. Trust Building. Amenites of Moving. “Yes, we are going to move to escape house-cleaning.” “And so are we. If I nr.ust confess it myself, I think it will take, the new tenants two weeks to get rid of all the rubbish we are leaving behind." “The same here. Our house will need a mop and soap from cellar to roof. By the way, where are you go ing?” “No. 15 L street.” “What? Why, that is where we are leaving.” “Weii, I declare! Where are you going?’’ “No. n B street.” “Why, that’s w'here we are leaving.” “Great Scott!” “Whew!”—New York Mail KILLS A MURDERER. A merciless murder is Appendicitis with many victims, but Dr. King’s New Life Pills kill it by preventon. They gently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, preventing that clogging that invites appendicitis, curing Constipa tion, Headache, Biliousness, Chills, 25c at W. L. Hand & Co.’s. For Rent RESIDENCES. 6-room apartment, 415 N. College St $30.00 8 rooms, modern, 310 N. Church St 35.00 7 rooms, modern, 1511 S. Boule vard St. 10.00 7 rooms, modem, 718 E. 4th St. 25.00 7 rooms, modem, 712 East 4th St 25.00 4 rooms. Villa Heights g.oo 4 rooms, 211 S. Graham St.... 13.50 4 rooms, 213 S. Graham St 12.50 6- rooms, 501 E. Oak St. 10.00 7 rooms, modem, 1405 B. 7th St 22.50 5 rooms, 807 S. Myers St .... g.so 4-room apartment in Elmore Apart ments 30.00 6 rooms, 918 N. Caldwell.. .. lo.oo OFFICE ROOMS One office room in McKinnon Bldg 10.00 Brown & Co. FOR SALE Valuable Railroad Front age, 192 feet on R. R. by 78 feet deep, alley in rear, close in. Oppor tunity to make $5,000 in two years. PATTERSON & GLASCOCK American Trust Co. That Hendersonville Murder The two physicians intended toaid the coroner's jury make a farce of its action. Why was this? Why did her family not make known her strange absence sooner? This charming mountain city has more than one peculiar citizen within her gates. Send them away^ good people, but not to Charlotte, if you please. THE MAN OR MEN COMMITTING tais crime should be hung. If the law doesn’t provide just punishment, the next legislature should correct it. Th ; state is watching Hendersonville. We take off our hat to Virginia. The conclusion of the Bishop case is Char lotte was a disgrace to North Carolina. HUMAN LIFE IS TOO CHEAP, brethren, in these diggins. What about calling i^ the foreign missionaries and putting them on local w'ork? HANG EVERY SCOUNDREL who despoils virtue, electrocute every villian who aids in its concealment, ostracise every man and woman who delight at the escape of such criminals and condemn the strict execution of the law, and better conditions will pre vail. GET INTO THE MUTUAL’S New Series NOW OPENf and make hay in sunshine and in storm. You’ll need it .by and by. E. L. Keesler, Sec. & Treas. PHONE 344. 25 S. TRYON ST. Tor Rent Modern 5-room house, 40 E. 7th 16.67 Modern 5-room house, 4, East Palmer 12.50 4-room house, 504 West 10th r •• ‘ 10.00 5-room house, 1223 East 10th ''i 12.50 5-room house N. Parson St 10.00 Modern 5-rooms, 1310 East 4th 12.50 3-room house, 202 S. Long (per week) 1 25 Modem 13-room Flat, 301% N. Try on. Modern 8-room house, 308 W. 12th, Oct. 1st 20 00 Modern 4 rooms, 708 N. College St ig qo Modern 14-room house, 2 West 10th .*.'!! 40.OO 3-room house, 902 West 3rd, per week 1 50 Modem 8-room house, 305 E. »th on’on Modern 8-room house, 700 N. Poplar St .... »... .' 00 Modem 9-rodm house 313 East 9th street Zb.OO J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. “FIRl JNSURAJSCE” 193 ACRE FARM We offer for sale 9 1-2 miles from Charlotte, 1 mile from Me near Steel Creek, 193 acres of land. The place has a "*,n ^ good, new barn and out buildings, tenant houbes, driven ^ ‘ " fine pasture land, wired; 75 acres wood land. The enn~ ^ good grade of soil; half of the tract lies level. '^3 a This Farm Should Interest Any Good Farmer PRICE $35.00 PER ACRE. THE SOUTHERN REAL ESTATJ LOAN & TRUST CO. Piedmont Home For Sale Eight large rooms with modem conveniences. Lot mn feet in size, well improved with hedge, fine trees, etc. ' J Peoples Loan & Realty Co. W. L. Nicholson, Manager. C. R. McGinn, Salesman. An Attractive Home We have an ideal home that Is ready for you. It Is built on a larg* jot fifiyi-n feet, and fronts on one of the best streets In the city, if has eiJh! rooms, open grates, nice mantles, and everything for comfort and co venience. It has been splendidly built and will bear the closest Inspection. Let us show it to you. The Price I« VERY LOW, and terms are reasonabi®. The McClung Realty Co. 25 South Tryon St. Phone 1254. a Home For Sale Out of fourteen elegant homes bulJt In IRWIN PARK, we have sold all but one, and would have sold It, but It has only been com pleted but a short time. This home Is situated on corner lot on the shady side of the street, lot is 75x150 feet and is in a growing locality. There Is to be a nev; school building erected near this property. Price $4,250.00, J. E. MURPHY & CO Phone 842, 229 8. Tryon 8t, Real Estate Investment We offer you four cottage houses well located, good neighbor hood, one-half block from car line, city water, and electric lights. Houses practically new and in good condition. Annual rent $.516, and good renting property. Owner anxious to sell, and if bought within the next few days can be had for $5,oOU, on good terms. Carolina Realty Co. 211 N. Tryon St. 'Phcn? 609. For E'LMOREI fruit GARDENS, Sunnyside, 3-room cottar?-* with ba5C!T!fn*. fine well of water, large number of strawberry plants, raspberry, t”ees, 1-2 acre of land; Price $2,000 ‘♦-Room house in Fourth Ward, Price $1,45? La.-gr and small tracts of land on Macadam roads, from 4 to 3 miies of See us, W. T. Wilkinson & Co. J. A. BROWN, Notary Public. A Promirven^ Attorney remarked the other day that after looking the town over very carcfuily had concluded that PIEDMONT LOTS as now offered are the b: purchase of anything in Charlotte. HI# judgment was sound, for you can carefully compare our preset, fering at Piedmont, noting the fact that we have ALREADY all the public utilities, and you will also decide that ihe best place to buy • at PIEDMONT. SEND TODAY fof Pocket Map, showing the location c..id prices of our few reiTia:^::' lots, and a statement of our remarkably easy term:;. F. C. Abbott & Go Everything In Rea[ Estate. High Grade Investiro Don’t Forget That We Write Fire Insurai in Strong Companies. Ajter Ml ^ mir-utei ♦ ♦ came ^ cautiej of unk ♦ Hen 2m-T1 -i.- ^ iioai ♦ t’-'inc po-ly ^ covoni ^ !r lip ' ^ T .rnf ^ mu! At inc '"iTnesst a to»al the muJ a rd of| •R-ith thj ?2.50, and cot e:'timat( mate initely ■''’as se day The| been cc lack hi Ther€ here o> do not: completj Circuj ev'ery ive w^ ^riticis In whi( a distii giiiity that 3 T'icion Possi troducf grand turns will cc The Hawkiil Beatri( to knJ abouts I the h€ Agalj A8^ Vane of the ^ogs tin, Hlngiai Qral pa aaid t1 Wi© pj