,0 ' TrCE CHAiWyitt a'EwS HAVE YOU ? "Have you a will?'' was asked a newly married man. "I did have one before 1 was married,” he said, "but I haven’t any now.’ ’ He >vH3 trying to be funny; but if he wrote a will before he was married and did not change It afterwards he spoke the truth. MARRIAGE REVOKES A WILL PREVIOUSLY EXECUTED. Oh, yes. why certainly that's a good law. Otherwise an old bachelor who had written his will giving all his property to foreign missions, might, in the excitement of assuming a state of matrimony, forget to change it. die* and leave his widow unprovided for. IT’S SAFE TO SAY SHE WOUl.DN’T WEAR MOURNING LONG FOR HIM. There are many poi/its about wills and the descent and distribu tion of property that the best business men don’t know. Does a lega- tee named in a will lose his legacy if he witnesses the execution of the ■will? Is it possible for arelative whom you never saw to get more of your property than your widow in case yon should die with out a will? If you are a woman, would your husband get all your per sonal property and the children nothing? Would he get all the land for life and the children no part of it till his death? Can a woman devise all her property of every kind to others and leave the “old man” out in the cold altogether? Did you know that not one intelli gent business man in ten knows that the answer to all these ques tions Ig “yes?” Come to see us or write us, and get these matters straightened out in your mind. MAKE A WILL AND APPOINT THE AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY YOUR EXECUTOR AND YOUR WISHED WILL BE CARRIED OUT. AmericanTrustCo. Charlotte, IN* Capital and Undivided Profits, $525,000 p. C. WHITLOCK, Trust Officer. Geo. Stephens, President B. N. Duke, W. S. Lee, Vice Presidents W. H. Wood, Sec’y* & Treas. J. E. Davis, Ass’t. Sec’y. & Treas Barium Orphanage Year Ends Sept 30 Dr. Wm. Laurie Hill, editor of “Our Fatherless Onet,” at Barium Springs, Rsks The News to publish the fol io ving: “Tile fiscal year at the Presbyterian Orphanage ends on the 30th of Sep- tomher ami all 'accounts are made up c > this date. So all funds that are to be included in this year should be in hand before the 30th of September.” Editorially, Dr. Hill says: “Jt is v.ith great pleasure we state that our water, lights and sewerage fund now only lacks about $600 of be ing enough to pay for the whole work, subspvintlons being counted. Only I500I Now. good friends, as our work fast api roachcs completion let us be able to t^ay that there is no debt. Let U3 have one final effort and make up this fund thiit these imperative im- prnvements may be placed in the home without my being obliged to ask crerUt of any one. “V f have had some gratifying re- *»i cp> s to our appeals. I believe they have i.’con willingly rendered. There aif othfi:- who are abundantly able to help V\ i 1 you not do so at once? Let thos. v ho ii. ;wl this consider this a person. I n-r »-i ti> them to come to our help. F t rhiirches makf up promptly i\n nmounts appointed to them by their i)resbyteries. ■‘I have faith enough in the people of our church to believe that before we turn on water and lights we shall have everything paid for. I^t us have prompt responses to thlf; urgent call. “W. T. WAl.KER. Supt.” Notice to Treasurers of Our Churches and Sunday Schools. We would ask trea.surers of all churches and Sunday schools in the s^ nod to send in all 'heir contribu tions by Sept. :;Oih, as we are anxious to close this ytar without a debt. The prosix-fis are gotxl for accom plishing this desiral)le end and I ask your prompt and liberal support in so doing. Churches. Sunday schools, so cieties and indivldiialK will please co operate with us in this undertaking, as are making strenuous efforts to close this year free of debt. W. T. WALKER. Supt. and Treas. General Can Not In Race Raleigh. N. C., Sept. 20.—“An old man like me doesn’t stand any chance. I have quit that sort of business, but I would like to round out a life that I have given to North Carolina with the United tSates senatorship.” This was the reply of Gen. Julian S. Carr, of Durham in response to a Question as to whether he had fully decided not to become a candidate for United States senator. Several weeks ago a Durham paper said it was prob able that General Carr would enter the contest, and among some politi clana it was thought likely that he ttigiit enter the race later. His positive announcement this af ternoon, however, removes him from the field of possibilities. DR. M98S OUT OF HOSPITAL. Dr. W. H, Moss, who has been at St. Peter's hospital for three weeks, with fever, was out today for the first time. His many friends greet ed him gladly. Dr. Moss will re sume his practice Monday. 4^ Chose Site foi New School Building At a meeting of the board . of school commissioners yesterday af ternoon the decision was reached to purchase the Gray Toole lot on W’est Hill street as a site for the new school building for the colored population of the southern and southwestern section of the city. The price paid was $2,050 and the lot has a frontage on West Hill street of 179 feet with a depth of 200 feet. It is located just beyond the South ern railway tracks. The new school building will cost $10,000 and will have eight rooms. It will he a great convenience to \he colored population of that part of the city in which it is situated and the selection of the site will be agree able to both races. The board met yesterday afternoon at the city hall, where the matter was discussed. • Adjournment was then taken to the territory in which the building will be located. The de cision was made there. G. C. Plans to Enter tain The loumts In informal but on enthusiastic gathering of the Greater Charlotte Club membership took place last night to discuss plans for entertain ing the Glidden tourists who will spend the night of October 18th here. As a result of the discussion Mr. W. T. Corwith, secretary of the Greater Charlotte Club, was made chairman of a finance committee that will look after the financing of the entertainment features. Ward, com mittees were also appointed to assist him in the v/ork. The plan of the campaign also takes in arrangements for entertaining the Richmond boost ers who are coining three weeks pre vious to the coming of the tourists. Five hundred dollars is the amount estimated necessary to do the honors of such an occasion properly. The details of the program of en tertainment are yet to be worked out, but a dance at the Selwyn and a reception at the Southern Manu facturers’ Club have been decided upon as two of the features of the entertainment. Charlotte has seldom been called upon to entertain a com pany more nearly nationed in repre sentation and every thing w'ill bo done to pull oft the thing in accor dance with the best traditions of Queen City hospitality. A Good Time To open an Accovlnt in tbe SPECIAL SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of the Charlotte National Bank IS NOW! NEW QUARTER begins October 1st. We pay 4 per cent compounded quarterly. ONE DOLLAR or more will open an account. ■ ' OFFICERS: J. H. Little. President J. F. Robertson, Vice President. Jno. M. Scott, Vice Pres. W. H. Twitty Cashier. ON RANSOM PLACE % That means pretty nearly alt that’s desirable in a location for a home. We have two beautiful lots in the select locality, each 50x150 feet to a rear alley. They can be bought at a splendid bargain. Enquire at our office for price and terms. NEW COTTAGES In Villa Heights we have some new 4-room Cottages on nice lots, 50x150 feet that we are selling from $800 to 1,100 each. Only $150 cash and easy terms for the balance. \ BROWN COMPANY 203 N. TRYON ST. 'PHONE 535 Injured Alighting Fiom Moving Car Alighting from a street car about naidway between the Independence Square yesterday, Mr. Sidney Helms, o| Union county, fell to the pavement with such force that he v/as severely injured and was taken at once to St. Peter’s hospital for treatment. He, however, recovered rapidly from the shock and left for his home in .Union county in the afternoon. He was intending to go to Belmont when he boarded the car, but realized that it was not a Belmont car and got off w’hile it was In motion, with the result that he waa/badly shock ed. Shelby-Charlotte Items Cleveland Star:—“Mr. Joseph Mat thews of Charlotte, got a finger cut off and Ed. Shipp, a colored man of Shel by had three fingers crushed when a train at the Seaboard station backed against a box car in which they were unloading big transformers for the Southern Power Company. Dr. W. F. Mitchell amputated one finger for Shipp. Master Edgar Gordon Dud ley went to Charlotte Sunday to visit his grandmother. Mrs. Sarah Eskridge. Mrs-. J. M. Farthing, who was sick at the hospital has been moved to Mr. Clyde R- Hoey’s resi dence. She is much improved and her trained nurse has returned to Char lotte.” Start a Savings Account You can spare a dollar today and that Is enough for a beginning. The account will grow surprisingly fast after you have once formed the saving habit and we will help its growth by paying you four per cent interest. Southern Loan & Savings Bank CHARLOT TE, N. 0. JNO. M. SCOTT, President. W. L. JENKINS, Cashier. W. S. ALEXANDER. V.-Pres. A COMPLETE HOME On corner^loti 76x150 in Dllworth. Hat 8 roomt, slate roof houaei, Hou«e and premiaaa In perfect oendltlon. If intereated aee me. ' ' Phone 1436. A. G. CRAIG REAL E8TAE AND INSURANCE Trust Building. The managers of the Rescue Home will meet at the regular hour tomor row morning. The children of the home and the matron spent the sum mer at Barium Springs, and have re turned to the city in every way for their summer outing. The home was renovated while they were absent, so the household begins the winter in a sweet and clean house. KILLS A r/iURDERER. A merciless murder is Appendicitis with many victims, but Dr. King’s New Life Pills kill it by preventon. They gently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, preventing that clogging that invites appendicitis, during Constipa tion, Headache, Biliousness, Chills, 25c at W. L. Hand & Co.’s. Death oj Child of Mr, And Mrs. J. D, Ingraham Edward, the 14-months-old sou of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ingraham, of North Charlotte, died Saturday at the home of its parents after a ling ering illness. of some duration. The funeral services were conducted by Captain Wales and members of the Salvation army. The interment was in Elmwood cemetery, where a wealth of floral tributes were plac ed on the grave. To Fight 20 Rounds. By Associated Press. Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 20.—Prank Conley and Joe Rivers were matched last night to flght twenty rounds at the Vernon arena October 14. The flght is to take place regardless of the outcome of the Contey-Kilbaine match scheduled for September 30. C A T 1? Valuable Railroad Front- * OlVIjLj age, 192 feet on R. R. by 78 feet deep, alley in rear, close in. Oppor tunity to make $5,000 in two years. PATTERSON & GLASCOCK American Trust Co. FOR RENT 7 room, modern dwelling, E. 7th 8-room, modern dwelling, 508 N. B 7-room, modern dwelling, 407 Eliz. Ave. 7-room, modern dwelling, 209 Liberty.. 8-room, modem dwelling, 516 S. Church 7-room, modem dwelling 414 E. 7th ., . 6-room, modem dwelling; 1904 Lynhurst 6-room cottage, 9 W. Liddell 4-room cottage, 1001 N. Caldwell .... 4-room cottage, 707 N. Caldwell 4-room apartment, N. College $25,00 25.00 -5.00 25.00 3^00 25.00 17.50 15.00 7.00 7.50 16.67 THE SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE LOAN & TRUST CO. For Quick Sale FOURTH WARD LOT—Comer Graham and 9th Streptc: tifuily shaded. None like it. on the market. Take a look ’ FIRST WARD HOME—Modem, with 7 rooms: dean ann Fine trees on lot. Price and terms right. Peoples Loan & Realty Co, W. L. Nlcholsoii, Manager. C. R. McGinn, Salesman. 309 Realty Building Phone 313. An Attractive Home We have an ideal home that is ready for you. It is buiit cn a large lot fifiyien feet, and fronts on one of the best streets In the city, it has ht rooms, open grates, nice mantles, and everything for comfo>t anri venience. ‘ It has been * splendidly built and will bear the closest inspection. Let us show it to you. The Price is VERY LOW, and terms are reasonable. The McClung Realty Co. 25 South Tryon St. Phone 1254. Home For Sale Out of fourteen elegant home# built In IRWIN PARK, we have sold all but one, and would have sold It, but it has only been com pleted but a short time. This home Is situated on corner lot i on the shady side of the street, lot Is 75x150 feet and is in a , growing locality. There Is to be a nev/ school building erected near this property. Price $4,250.00. J. E. MURPHY & CO Phone 842. ■'X.- 229 S. Tryon St. For Rent RESIDENCES. 6-room apartment, 415 N. College St ^30.00 8 rooms, modern, 310 N. Church St. 35.0a| 7 rooms, modern, 1511 S. Boule vard St. 25.00 7 rooms, modern, 71g E. 4th St. 25.(.*0 7 rooms, modern, 712 East 4th St 26.00 4 rooms. Villa Heights 8.00 4 rooms, 211 S. Graham St.... 13.50 4 rooms, 213 S. Graham St 12.50 5 rooms, 501 E. Oak St. 10.00 7 rooms, modem, 1405 B.- 7tli St .. 22.50 5 rooms, 307 S. Myers St .... 8.50 4-room, apartment In Elmore Apart ments 30.00 6 rooms, 918 N. Caldwell.. .. lo.oo OFFICE ROOMS One office room in McKinnon Bldg •• 10.00 Brown & Co. That Hendersonville Murder The two physicians intended to aid the coroner’s jury make a farce of its action. Why was this? Why did her family not make known her strange absence sooner? This charming mountain city has more than one peculiar citizen within her gates. Send them away, good people, but not to Charlotte, if you please. THE MAN OR MEN COMMITTING tnis crime should be hung. If the,law doeA’t provide just punishment, the next legislature should correct it. Thj state is watching Hendersonville. We take off our hat to Virginia. The conclusion of the Bishop case is Char lotte was a disgrace to North Carolina. HUMAN LIFE IS TOO CHEAP, brethren, in these diggins. What about calling i^ the foreign missionaries and putting them on local work? HANG EVERY SCOUNDREL who despoils virtue, electrocute every villian who aids in its concealm«nt, ostracise every man and woman who delight at the escape of such criminals and condemn the strict execution of the law, and better conditions will pre vail. GET INTO THE MUTUAL'S New Series NOW OPEN, and make hay In sunshine and In storm. You’ll need it by and by. E. L. Keesler, Sec. & Treas, PHONE 844. 25 S. TRYON ST. For R.ent Modem 5-room house, 40 B. 7th 16.67 Modern 5-room house, )4, East Palmer. 12.50 4-room house, 504 West 10th .. 10.00 5-room house, 1223 East 10th .. .. .. 12.50 5-room house N. Parson St 10.00 Modem 5-roomg. 1310 Bast 4th 3-room house, 202 S. Long (per week) 1.25 Modem 13-room Flat, 301% N. Tryon. Modem 8-room house, 308 ,W. 12th, Oct. 1st 2OOO Modem 4 rooms, 708 N. College St le'oo Modem 14-room house, 2 West lOth . 49.00 3-r(wm house, 902 West 3rd, per week.. 1.50 Modem 8-room house, 305 E. »th 30 00 Modem 8-room house, 700 N. Poplar St 26 00 Modem 9-room house 313 Bast 9th street 35.00 J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. **FIRS JNSUfANCE** ^ Real Estate Investment We offer you four cottage houses well located, good neighbor hood, one-half block from car line, city water, and electric lights. Houses practically new and in good condition. Annual rent $^516, and good renting property. Owner anxious to sell, and if bought within the next few days can be had for $5,500, ^ on good terms. Carolina Realty Co. 211 N. Tryon St 'Phone 609. F or. Sade ELMORC FRUIT GARDENS, Sunnyslde, 3-room cottage with basement, fine well of water, large number of strawberry plants, raspberry, fruit t’-ees,M-2 acre of land; Price $2,000 4>Room house In Fourth Ward, Price $1,450 Large and small triicts of land on Macadam roads, from 4 to 9 miles of city. See us, W. T. Wilkinson & Co. J. A. BROWN, Notary Public. , A Prominenl Attorney remarked the other day that after looking the town over very carefully f’* had concluded that PIEDMONT LOTS as now offered are the best purciiase of anything in. Charlotte. His Judgment^ was sound, for yoii can carefully compare our present of* fering at Piedmont, noting the tact that we have ALREADY all tlie city public Utilities, and you will also decide that the best place to buy ia at PIEDMONT. SEND TODAY for Pocket Map, showing the location c.id prices of our few remainin3 lots, and a statement of our remarkably easy terms. f. C. Abbott & Go. Everything in Real Estate, High Grade li^vestments. Don’t Forget That We Write Fire Insurancf in Strong Companies.

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