THE CHABLOTTE NlEWS SEPTEMBER 20 I9II '3 { ^-or Has it That M, R. Walker is Not Dead, But Residing In Florida \ w- \ Sept- 20.—A well ■•-i i cii»rent on the : . that yoiinR Mr. M. . i sir>i!Osed to have ! i.' on AVriRhtsville 'i; Aiii;. has been F'v'iida town, and is The rumor has not ■ u 'o foundation, but ■ ’i^i^tent nature. It will 1 ilu.; the night of the two companions \\ .ilker on the trestle. :i letter handed him an, the other was look- nlker is said to have ’ ; of feet up the tres- V . re thus employed and ■ 0 (1 a pistol fihot and ;ii:anp into the swiftly 01 the channel below, ns vcr saw his body af- •uikh every effort was : ■ .•very. The young man ir t''ie amount of $30,- an'o pooplo do not ■ if his continued ex- ,.;aiiing arrangements with the beneficiaries. rumor the young man a relative in a town iii ige Story This. Newspaper Advises ■ind for Annexation of I r. . ident Taft and Ad- , 1 r )Oitv Have Made it ; !r\;S Moons Absorptiou Only Question of and Stripes Float '■ Ottawa.” The above ? of a clipping from the ^’ress. of London, On- K'Hi to Mayor Joseph .Mr. \V. T. Gregory, of Tanada A telegram fi.Ilowing was sent to Mayor Smith by that gentleman inquir ing about a local paper said to be call ed the “Wilmin^on Journal.” The clipping enclosed was based upon the reciprocity measure soon to be passed upon in Canada, and contained many quotations from the “Wilmington Jour nal,” which, as the headlines quoted above would Indicate, were strong ar guments for the conservative division in Canada. As there is’ no such pa per here it Is to be wondered where the Free Press, playing up its story so strongly, got its data. It is possibly some floticiova story, and paper, con cocted by the conservatives to arouse public sentiment against reciprocity A prompt reply was sent by Mayor Smith, which will very likely be print ed throughout Canada tomorrow i:i refutation of the story and its foun dation. Who Wore That New Suit? Last Saturday night while peaceful ly taking home his brand new suit of clothes, a negro man of this city, had reached a dark portion of the town where he was dreadfully surprised to suddenly see hundreds and thousands of brilliantly colored stars shooting out from his person in the vicinity of his nose. The next thing he realizf'vl was a stinging pain on the front part of his countenance, as he gazed up ward from a reclining position on the ground. He slowly arose, wondering- ly. and .started to pick up his new suit of clothes, which he found were nr>t there. He put his hands in his v''ck- ets to think it over and discovered that his pooketbook and $12 were gone. A guilty looking, blood-spotted brick, gazed upon him from the ground That nigger suddenly reached for hi.> hat ai\d pulled for points where white lights glowed. He got his nose at a drug store, but did not wear his new suit the next day. iiStLE WS NOTES Men Who Killed Maskbum Sentenced mm Special to The News. Pineville, N. C., Sept. 20.—Mlsses Emma, Susie and Marie E/Ims left to day for Marion, Ala., to attend school at the Judson Female College, at that point. Mrs. J. R. McCullough, who has been in feeble health for some time, was taken to the Presbyterian Hospital, Charlotte, yesterday for medical treat ment. Master Elms "Withers, of Columbia, S. C., who has been on an extended visit to his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Withers, on Main street, returned to his home last Saturday ac companied by his aunt. Miss Mary Withers. Miss Nannie Gilson, who has been quite sick at her home for the past ten days, is somewhat Improved at present. Misses Maggie Johnston and Miner va Garrison have gone to Charlotte where they are students at the Presby terian College. Miss Bessie Robinson, of PalesMne, Texas, who has been spending the sum mer in Mecklenourg, visiting relatives and friends, expect to leave for her home next Wednesday. She will be ac companied by her cousin, who ex pect to spend the winter in Texas. Mrs. Lillie Mae Harris, of Leesburg Fla., is visiting her parents. Rev. and Mrs. Charles Kingsley, at the Presby terian manse, on Main street. Mr. Luther Winget, of Gastonia, spent the week-end with his aunt,Mrs. J. H. Spencer, on Fisher street. Dr. C. M. Strong, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Moore, of Charlotte, came down yes terday Dr. Strong’s automobile and the two gentlemen attended service at the Presbyterian church, while Mrs. Moore stopped with her aunt, Mrs. F. C. Harris, on Fisher street. The party went from here to “The Oaks,” the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Miller, of this vicinity. . r"t The News, s ille, N. C.. Sept. 20.—Mr. of Chatham, Va., ffpent ;e :he last of the week in viilf lookin*; over the town view of building an ice plant : . near future. He was very : ii with the town and hopes i- plant ready if he decides here in time to supply the . ice next season, rmuncements of the coming this fall have been of more •Ty interest here. The date marriage of Miss Ellen May '0 Mr. Zed Griffith was an- ; at a reception at the resi- f Mrs. J. A. Morris last week, te of this happy event is Wed- evening, Nov. 8th. The an- it*nt of the coming marriage Mary Johnson to Mr. Chas. Ml was made previously, the 3 marriage Is Wednesday, of scholars in the Thomas- ' school continues to grow, - day 400 were enrolled and u'lrning this number was '0 425. Before the close of •his number may be increas- The prospects for a suc- olon is very flattering. , “ 30th the Sixth District of tl'.e Improved Order of Red held in Thnmasville and ' euilance is expected. A "arc program has been ar- the occasion. Special to The News. , Asheville, Sept. 20.—Information t has been received here that Judge I Cobb, who has presided over the su- ' perior court of Graham count at Rob- ! blnsvllle, has sentenced the men v'ho j were convicted of killing Tom Mash- j burn, which occurred ' about six m6nths ago, in the trial which has just closed. The men are W. J. Hyde, ,0. R. Crisp, and Jim Hollifield. Hyde and Crisp were sentenced to 12 months imprisonment and Hollifield to four months. They were tried and convicted of murder in the second de gree bi^t counsel for the defense suc ceeded in having the verdict set , aside, after which they submitted to j a verdict of manslaughter. It is said that the three men went ' to arrst Mashburn, who is said to have escaped from the chaingang of I one of the Georgia counties, that he J expressed some unwillingness in ac- I companylng them and that Hyde then shot him. Hyde plead self defence, i saying that Mashburn had cut at him I with a knife. HIGH POINT WORKING FOR ROAD CONNECTION, Special to The News. High Point, N. C., Sept. 20.—At a large and enthusiastic meeting of the citizens Saturday night at the manu facturers’ Club Mr. J. J. Farris was elected chairman and Mr. F. N. Tate secretary. Mr. Farris stated that the purpose of the meeting was to raise funds to complete the connection' be tween High Point and Winston by finishing the corner of Davidson. Mr, Tate read Mr. Spoon’s estimate of the cost which showed the road could he built for $5,000. There was a unani mous vote to raise the money and com plete the road, and to this effect a col lection was taken amounting to $1,300, $500 of which is from the merchants. A mass meeting is called for tonight, when It is supposed the full amount will be raised. TWO DEATHS IN Bank Cashier Surrenders. By Associated Press. I Oklahoma City, Okla., Sept. 20.— i Nick M. Ellis, former cashier of the i Farmers and Mechanics bank who Iwas recently indicted for forgery on I six charges of making false entries * and misapplying the banks funds, re- ; turned from New York and surren- : dered. Hew as placed under bond of $6,000. HIGH POINT. Special to The News. High Point, N. C., Sept. 20.—Mrs. C. L. Moon, one of High Point’s old est citizens, died Sunday morning at her home on English street, aged 66 years. Deceased was daughter of the late Capt. John Endy of Greens boro. She is survived by her husband and three children, John W. Moon of High Point, Fred Moon of Christains- burg, Va., and Mrs. Dan Marable of Salisbury. Mrs. Mary Ridge, mother of Chief of Police Benjamin Ridge, died this morning at her home on South Main street at the age of 83 years. The fu neral was held this afternoon at the South Main M. E. church, of which she had long been a member. Post Toasties First! Post Toasties are bits of selected white Com—deliciously flavoured and toasted to a crisp appetizing brown. Add a litde sugBi and creanit then eat ^*The Memory Ungers** POSTUM CEREAL [CO., UL B«tlle Creek. Mkh. For Infants and Cliildren. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signatore of ^ ALCOHOJj 3 PEH CENT. simUadngttcFbotf. tin^ dt£ StoQiadis aui Rowotes DigiestionChttifii ness and i^tJCOAtiinsfleHtKr Opiun.i.MQrph.ioe no'MjiBErdJ ‘ OTNarcotic. jBKfKtfoijkaiaumm AniuSiid"‘ In Ose For Over Thirty Years AdicfftSMs- AmSmi* /- „ Mr« Sad Apcriect Bemedy forOnisRpt Hon, Sour StDiim,Dtan^ WoriDs.Coiivids'i0nsJFevmsb ness andLoss OF Seeer T!acSin%le SigaaBu^of NEW YORK. i; Gtiar.inteed. under Exact Copy ci Wra WILL BUILD TO THE TAINS (From Grenville News.) With quite a number of representa tive citizens of Henderson county. North Carolina, present, the Green- ville-Hendersonville Highway Asso ciation held an important meeting yes terday in the rooms of the board of trade, at which time matters of vital importance to the construction of a highway from Greenville to Henderson ville were discussed. As a result of the meeting within the next two weeks the Greenville end of th^ road asso ciation will sent a road engineer to the state line where he will meet an engineer from Hendersonville, for the purpose of agreeing upon a route for the road to be constructed. Furthermore, the president of the association was authorized to ap point a committee of ten who within the next two weeks will confer with the Greenville county legislative delegation and secure from them their promise to support a state ap propriation to build the highway. While not a large meeting in re spect to the number who attended, the gathering was successful from every standpoint, and it is the hope of the oflBcers of the Highway Association that this meeting will help . to stimu late the interest of the Greenville people. The meeting was attended by four representative citizens of Hen dersonville who voiced the senti ment of the Hendersonville peoplef when they said, “we are for the road.” These gentlemen were Messrs. G. W. Justice, supervisor of roads, of Henderson county, F. S. Whetmore, U. G Stanton and J. L. Orr. These gen tlemen said the city of Hendersonville depended in a large . part on the trade which she secured from the lower part of flenderson county and for that reason it was important to them that there should be a good road leading from Hendersonville to that section of the county. Realizing the need of the road, they have se cured a promise from Supervise^ Jus tice that he will begin work on their end of the road on October the first. At that time Mr. Justice will take the county chaingang and moviiig it to tne Davis place, Just across the North Carolina line, will work the proposed road from that point to Hendersonville. All of the gentlemen from Hendersonville said that Hen dersonville needed theroad as bad as Greenville and they promised their support to the construction of the highway. Among the Greenville gentlemen who spoke on the road question and as to the best ways of securing its construction were. Messrs. W. J. Thackston, W. A. Gilreath, C. O. Al len, J. H. Heyward, J. P. Goodwin, supervisor of Greenville, ’and W. D. Neeves, the engineer recently em^ ployed by the Highway Association. All of the gentlemen spoke briefly of the need of the road and as to how to raise the funds for its con struction. The meeting was presided over by Mr. W. G. SIrrine, president of the Highway Association. The key note of the road question is expressed In the following plan which was outlined at the meeting and which the association. hopes to carry out. As already' stated Super visor Justice, in accordance with his promise to the Hendersonville people, will, on the first of October, begin work on the North Carolina end of the road. He will start at the Davis place and work from that point to Hendersonville. The Greenville peo ple will 6tod^ their engineer next week to- the * sttite line /Where he will meet an engineer who will be sent to that point by State Geologist Pratt of North Carolina./'The two engineers will have a conference and will decide on the location of the route for the road, Mr. W. D; Neeves, the engineer who wHl represent Greenville, has ^ready selected three possible routes, but the on®'to wWcb the North Carolina engineer agrees will be finally selected. As soon as the ofliclal route is selected the work is to begin immed iately and it is hoped that with the assistance of all ^the road can be soon completed. , One of the most Import^t ques tions discussed at the meeting held yesterday morning was that of financ ing the road. Tbe plan as adopt ed was introduced by Mr. W. 'J. Thackston, who moved that a com mittee of ten be apointed to confer with the Greenville county legisla tive delegation and ask them to sup port an appropriation for the road and that at once. It is the earnest hope* of the association that the legislative delegation will favor the project and will promise the neces sary appropriation for the construc tion of the road. This conference will be held as soon as possible this next week and if the delegation re^ turns a favorable answer the work bn the road will begin Immediately. The Greenville representatives of the Highway Association hope to be able to start the work the first of Odtober. They desire " to start the work as soon as possible, because of the fact that Spartanburg Is try ing to get the Hendersonville authori ties to aid them in building a good road to the mountains, and if the Hendersonville people see that Green ville will not support the road they will be inclined to take up the offer of Spartanburg. After the meeting yesterday a rep resentative of the News was told by Mr. Sirrlne that he had received in the last few* days a large nunrt)er of offers for rights of way for the road from people living along the proposed route. To show the Interest the peo ple along the route are taking in the road he cited the instance of where a Mr. Johnson stated yester day at the meeting: that he will work the road throu;^ his property and w’ill lend all the assistance possible for the construction of the road. There are many others along the route who will do the same. Mr. Sirrine said that it was not the intention of the Highway Asso ciation to construct the road in a very short tln;e. Tfhey realfze that some time will b^ consumed in get ting things arranged as the work when started, can be pushed -to ‘com pletion. He stated that the associa tion will get into communication im mediately with the county delegation, and discuss with them the proposed appropriation for tlTe construction of the road. Mr. Sirrine spoke in felgh terms of the four Hendersonville gentlemen who came to Gresenvllle to attend the meeting. He said their coming down was a public-spirited act and ‘show ed that they have interest in the construction of the road. You Need Envy None Their Happy Home Have One of Your Own •I Perhaps you’ve often envied the home man his many comforts of life—^Envied him his own kome to go to*af .er a hard day’s work. You’ve often thought if “1” were only “he”. No need to envy any man his home for you can have your own home just as well as he. PARKER-GARDNER CO. has the things, your things for your home ready for you and we’ve the way that will make it yours just as you want it. Are you going to remain longer without it ? Our Stock of Library Tables and Library and Living Room Fur niture is the Most Select Ever Offered. The Jim-Jams The young lady was painting—sun set, red, with blue streaks and green dots. The old rustic—at a respectful dis tance—was watching. - . “Ah,” said the female artist, looking up, suddenly, and pretending she had n’t known he was there all the time, “perhaps to you, too. Nature has op ened her sky-plctures page by page? Have you seen the lambent flame of dawn, leaping across the livid east; the red-stained, sulphurous islets float ing in the lakes of flre in the west; the ragged clouds at midnight, black as a raven’s wing, blotting out the shuddering moon?” "No, mum,” replied the tustlc, short ly, “not since I give up drink.” That reminda Us what* Goldsmith said, in “The Vicar of Wakefield,” “That the concatenadon of self exist ence proceeding in a reciprecal du plicate ratio naturally produced a problematical dialogism. » All of which means that the place to bny yoiir Insurance is, headquarters, for the article. e. N. G. Butt & Go insurance Headquarters. 21 East Fourt.1 8t. Charlotte^ N. C. Phonf 425. Rugs to Macth Any Room in the House. LET us SHOW YOU TODAY • When You Pay Rent THE MONEY .IS GONE FOREVER Ton are helping tbe owner of the house to accumulate a tone. Buy a bom$ from us In Dllworth. and the money you pay eacli month, in the place of rent will begin the accumulation of a for* lune for yourseU.^ • ^ 0 Charlotte Gonsolidated Constructioi Compaay, i 2nd Floor Piedmont Bldg. Telephone No. 155 We Have Received a Large Stock -OF- Standard Coal No Wet or Dirty Coal as it is all f * kept under cover. WE ASK YOUR INSPECTION Standard ice & Fuel Co. Phone IQ or 73 Yai^ East Fourth St and Southern Ry. t