^ Rocky Mount ‘ '■■' '«o”nt,'N"c.. S»pt. 21.-G«o. " ; Mwpiifht wrestling champ- w'' V .i M. - Mrti nt next Friday night Turner, of Washing- ^ '‘r fhe bout will open a wriee A winter attractions to be 5»«f”J,Cer» w““ »>■ '•)»’ '.t.irclub. The men have ' am in Richmond. At that ■'• won two out of three : -v ^ ‘on the title In 1907 n v‘ Jones, of England, and ‘ .en thrown in his class. , h Interest here over the V „^.l.-:a»ion from Richmond IS expected. ^ . -nt^ of Rocky Mount are ‘ ,vien ^heir stores until 10 ^ . r‘-h‘ on the first of October fi. ,)Ui;hout the winter. • .niinoe with an old cus- ■ that an effort will .MP of the leading mem- ■ I ■rchJ'nL?’ Association to , , u-> this year. ■' ^ ■" ^ .cr is attached here to - " n of the supreme court In te pr'^posed division of ,t ^ nmvor and recorder led to be handed down ^^e law providing for an recorder was held by the superior court of , be mandatory. It was ?upr*mp court by the n 'Vio suit for a writ of j composed the / lio.ird of aldermen and ‘ Ramsey. If the decis- •r court is upheld. Mayor ve to retire from one now holds and the to elect a recorder. -f u. Bin En? oilment At Due West j-. f. X 'ws. ^ C. Pept. 21—This . :intl uncertainties inci f’’.' o\;imination and classi- id^nts have quiet work im of each day. Following ' nns of lai't week, the an - onme? that forty-one stti- hpen enrolled in the -.- I’-on examination four ti: been added to the rln-s and one to the junior pp rlp-sses respectively of and 13. The sen- rs twenty-two. The 0 rnrollments. together -hers of the fitting l.iO, over against an !• this month.last year - Ired and fifty, u . ■ llepe Is taxed to the ■ps^'nt accommodations. . -roUment at present is a : rix'y-five. ffornoon the literary > kino college began with ..V the work of the new VhP principal features of n -slon were the inaugur ■ 5 ■' the afternoon sel234 rtf tho presidents, M. L. f *hr PMlnmathean society C.rior of the Eupheman. Wilmington Making Real Air Ships Special to The Ne'wi. Wilmington, N. C., Sept. 21.—The first annual meeting of the American Aeroplane Co., chartered under the laws of North Carolina for the manu facture of aeroplanes and accessories of the same, was held here yesterday. The meeting was attended by % large number of enthusiastic stockholders who are representative business men of this city. The reports of the treas urer and secretary were submitted. They showed the standing of the com pany to be in excellent financial con dition and with the affairs well regu lated. Mr. David Palmgren, the Inventor, reported that practically everything had been arranged for the trial flight. The 2 50-horse power motors are be ing shipped to this place, and are in transit now. These are what have been principally retarding the pro gress of the construction of the plane, ■^'hen these arrive they will be im mediately fitted into the framework, after which the trial flights will b« made. When Aviatprs Beachy and McCurdy were in Wilmington In th« spring, they expressed themselves as confident that the Palmgren type of machine would be a decided success. They made a careful study of the ap pliances and ideas patented by Mr. Palmgren, and as practical birdmen were sure that his theories would be most successful when put into execu tion. This machine is so "consructed that it has a very low center of grav ity. thus making it improbable that it turn over in flight, as has been the great fault of present types. ()uKk Justice; Isegw Musi Die ■^'■rrer 'n. Sept. 20.—Unprecendent- nals of the criminal hls- ftite stands the speedy and condemnation of r hill, the negro who late . • -moon criminally aasault- E Chapman, and w-hom icp yesterday afternoon sen- »r. by electrocution Friday, ’. . Utle more than one month :e of the commission of the New Cotton Mill Foi High Point Special to The News. High Point, Sept. 21.—The mam moth new cotton mill will soon be ready for the placing of the machinery •which will arrive In about ten days. The managers say all will be in regu lar operation In about three weeks. It’s planned that mills and the new car extension will start about the same time. Rev. J. H. Bamhardt, of the Wash ington Street Methodist church, hp.? begun a protracted meeting. Services are held at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. T. A. Sikes, of Hertford, is as sisting the pastor. The First Baptist Sunday school is planning to set aside next Sunday as “Enlistment Sunday,” when a special effort will be made to bring into the Sunday school those who do not at tend any other Sunday school. FOLEY KIDNEY PIL8. Will reach your individual case if you have any form of kidney or bladder trouble, any backache, nervousness, rheumatism, uric acid poisoning, or irregular and painful kidney action. Be fore you reach the limit of physical en durance, and while your condition is still curable, take Foley Kidney Pills. Their quick action and positive results v;il delight you. Try them. Bowen’s Drug Store, on the Square. HINDUS IN CANADA I^^oORTmNT FREIGHT RATE DECISION. non, Sept. 21.—What Is u lerea - the most important ■ ‘n state commerce commla- was taxen here today - iff action recorded in it declined to suspend re in the rail and lake rate flour from Minnesota tfinsfer i.' to Nfw York and also refus- to rmit the eastern lines to their concurrences In the rf?es. ■x,,^- :ed the order will cause '1 limitation. It Is Criminal to Neglect the Si^in and Hair THIXK of the suffering lent ailed by neglected skin troubles — mental because of dishguration, physical be- ^ ' SC of pain. Think of the pic- sure of a clear skin, soft, hands, and good hair. Theso blessings, so essential ^0 happiness and even sue- in life, are often only a ter of a little thoughtful Caro in the selection of effec tive remedial agents, Cuti- f'‘m Roap and Cuticura Oint- rnent do so much for poor ''^plrxions, red, .rough ‘■Is, and dry, thin and hair, and cost so ^ that it is almost crimi-* ^ - lot to use them. Althnneh Cuticura Soap and Oint- ^ druggists and dealers I t '" d * postal to “Cuticura," f' -D, Boston, will secure a liberal orS? 32-page booklet and Scalp TreatmSu Chicago’s Religious Congress Said to Have Started Their Immigration. The present Hindu population of Canada numbers about 5,000 all men, for no women are allowed to accom pany them to Canada or to follow them after they have arrived and settled. These are resident entirely In British Columbia, and chiefly in the cities of Vancouver and Victoria and on the farms in the neighborhood, where they are Industriously employed in the many forms of manuel labor for which they appear to have both special adap tation and desire. ^ I am indebted to Dr. Sunder Smgh, the accredited agent for these people In Canada, for the statement as to how the eyes of the Hindus were first turned toward America and Canada and the first beginnings of modem em igration from India were Inspired. He says that the visit of Hindu religious reformers to the great parliament of religions which was held In Chicago in connection with the W’orld’s Fair first aroused these people to an ap preciation of the advantages of Occi dental civilizations and democratic institutions. The educational work car ried on by American missionaries in the high schools of India also pre pared the way for a sowing of good seed in a ready soil, the fruitage of which turned the eyes of educatied Hindus toward this new world. Econ omic conditions in India furthered a movement of emigrants to Canada in 1905, when and continued until, not a few came to this country. CAPITOL TO LAST 500 YEARS “The Suburb Distinctive.” % • / SUBURBAN COMFORTS WITH OTY IMPROVEMENTS. AND ADVANTAGES In the development ot “Myers Park” the Stephens Company is giving to the public a Suburb which is unique in many respects. In conjunction with the modern high- ‘ class improvements already begun there are large lots with the free dom of range for play grounds, gardens, tennis courts, plenty . of room for the auto, the horse and childrens pony. You Need Envy None Their Happy Home Have One of Your Own Perhaps you’ve often envied the home man his many comforts of life—Envied him his own home to go to af er a hard day’s work. You’ve often thought if “1” were only “he”. No need to envy any man his home for you can have your own home just as well as he. PARKER-GARDNER CO. has the things, your things for your home ready for you and we’ve the way that will make it yours just as you want it. Are you going to remain longer without it ? Our Stock of Library Tables and Library and Living Room Fur niture is the Most Select , We Ever Offered. ’W’^jrrpjS] PATTERSON & GLASCOCK SELLING AGENTS. American Trust Co. ’Phone No. 2 Burglars Invade Wilmington. Special to The News. ' Wilmington, N. C., Sept. 21.—After suspending operations for several weeks, what is supposed to be a band of burglars, have begun their depre dations again. These men are evi dently of the professional type and are defying the police by their clever work. Within a few hours of each other two daring entries were made. Stone Structure Seldom Endure Over 700, Builder Say*. “One thing I learned during a recent visit to Europe was that the average life of a stone building is not more than 700 years,” said John H. Bryan a builder of Chicago, at the Raleigh “Naturally I was interested in con struction work, and gave more a^^en tion to this part of Europe than I did to the examination of art galleries and the tombs of famous men. The build- InKS of Europe are no better in their construction than those try. I don’t think I saw a,l>uijdlng in Europe that Is better built than the capitol in Washington. •In nearly all of the older cities of England I noticed that the town hall* which had been cases, 500 years ago, wwe loginning to collapse. All of them h^ ed up and It was evident that they would not last a great many years longer I do not think there Is any doubt that the Capitol building here will be standing 500 ^eara fr^ now if it is not destroyed, but It ^ last longer, nor will the treasury build ing, which is the uld style of architecture in the United States.” financiers behind f)ELIGiOU8 MOVEMENT Sopth Bend. Ind., Sept. 21.-^^ the m«n and religion forward ment is neither controlled ed by a small group of very wealthy men of wall Street ia the »tft«ment made by Henry Rood, Ity secretary of the ? who is here todmy "The atory that a thll Important flnanicers are religion effort it aimply nonaensor he said. Every woman realizes that there is a-ways room at the top—'for a new hat. Common Colds Must Be Taken Ser iously, For unless cured they sap the vitality and lower the vital resistance to more serious infection. Protect your children and yourself by the prompt use of Pol- ev’s Honey and Tar Compound and note Its quick and decisive results. For coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, bronchitia and affections of the throat chest and lungs it is an ever ready and valuable remedy. Remem ber the name, Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound and refuse substitutes. The genuine is in a yellow package. Bow en Drug Store. Note IMPROVEMENTS GUARANTEED AND IN PROGRESS; — GAS, WATER, SEWERAGE, PARKS, CURBING, CAR LINE, PAVED STREETS, CE- MENT SIDEWALKS. . the UTMOST FOR YOUR INVESTMENT AT MODERATE PRICES ON ATTRACTIVE TERMS. UNIQUE PLAN FOR BUILDING AND FINANCING HOMES FOR PUR* CHASERS. THE Pilgrim Stone Lined Refrigerator is as easily cleaned as a .CWna Plate. It Is the par excellence ot modern Refrigerators. See them at our store. The Jim-Jams The young lady was painting—sun set,, red. with blue streaks and green dots. The old rustic—at a respectful dis tance—was watching. “Ah,” said the female artist, looking up. suddenly, and pretending she had n’t known he was there all the time, “perhaps to you, too. Nature has op ened her sky-plctures page by page? Have you seen the lambent iSame of dawn, leaping across the livid east; the red-stained, sulphurous islets float ing in the lakes of fire in the west; the ragged clouds at midnight, black ae a raven’s wing, blotting out the shuddering moon?” “No, mum.” replied the rustic, short ly, "not since I give up drink.” That reminds us what Goldsmith said, in “The Vicar of Wakefield,” “That the concatenation of self exist ence proceeding In a reciprocal du plicate ratio naturally produced a problematical dialogism. All of which means that the place to buy your Insurance is, headquarters, for the^ article.' C N. G Butt & Co insurance Headquartersi 21 East Wourtit St. CKariott«» N. G. i Phone 425. ' J. N. McCausland & Co. 221 South Tryon Street Rugs to Macth Any Room in the House. LET us SHOW YOU TODAY - -v- When You \ Pay Rent THE MONEY IS GONE FOREVER ' ^ Ton are helping the owner ot the house to accumulate a tar* tune. . J —.—. Buy a bome from us In Dllworth, and the money you pay eacU month, in the place of rent will begin the accumulation ot a fo^ tune for yourselL '* .» • f Charlotte Consolidated Construction } Company. 2nd Floor Piedmont Bldg. Telephone No. 155 Taylor Nursery Bed This arrangement is the most com plete and convenient ever devised for the mother nursing a young baby, and it ,ifi comfortable tor the child. You can hear every move of the baby and not suffer the inconvenience of getting ’ out of bed. Place the Taylor Nursery Bed in any shape you want to jneet your own convenience and the baby is snug and comfortable. Write us for a descriptive catalogu% Lubin Furniture Company EVERYTHING IN FURKITURE We Have Received a Large Stwk —OF— J Standard Coal No Wet or Dirty Coal as it is all kept under cover. -p WE ASK yOUR INSPECTION Standard Ice & Fuel Co. Phone IQ br 73 V Yards East Fourth St and Southern Ry.

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