6 ■■HiRLOTTO NBWS. OCTOBER. 2 1911 WANTS! The,People’s Market Place Read By Thousands Daily 1 Ceot a Word Each Insertion PHONE NO. 115 [ FOR SALE—Splendid horse and sur- , ry, or would exchange for automo bile. Address “Surry,” care News. 2-5t f—Ne^ lln« of Buttle Axe shoe.; Belmont Cash Store. Bel mont Park. l-15t-eod FOR SALE—New, and most attrac tive seven-room bungalow in Eliza beth. Equipped with Kelsey fur nace, hot water attachment, also au tomatic gas hot water heater. Ce mented basement. Will also sell handsome mahogany furniture, at sacrifice rather than ship. Owner leaving city. Address Box No. 976, or phone No. 1444. l-5t ; FOR SALE—Rice meal for hogs. Da- 1 vidson & Wolfe. l-4t \Rev, Thos. L, Chavasse At Episcopal Church WA.N’TED—At once, ten bright check boys. Permanent positions. Helk Bros. 2-lt MRS. DR. MOORE, Painless Tooth Ex tractor. Office 23 Vi West Trade St. FOR RENT Rev. Thomas L. Chavasse, tbe 10-tf ^ noted English clergyman, preached a stirring sermon yesterday morning WANTED—Good boy to carry papers in Eli/.abetli .\ hustler who will attend to bn.'iness will be well paid. Apply Circulation Mgr. News. 30:>t WANTED A co!iple fni room and board, and son'.v? table boarders. Mrs. Moore, 312 N. College St. Phone in». 28-4t-eod. WAN'XEU—Buyer.^. NoWs the rime. Kle'nic I'ixtnres. Smith Elec tric. 13 \\ eft r>) h. l-2t WA.NTKD Table boarders, 11 S. Bre vard Phor.e ‘JGTO-.I. l-«»t W ANTED—A man to drive milk Avax«'n. f'i^arette smoker or dram- dnuker lifted not apply. Address '•Dairyman,” care of News. tf. -*‘'*>^|in the St. Peter’s Episcopal church ^ j of this city. The text was the fourth ^ ^ ' chapter, eighth verse of St. James’ I ^,nto God. and FOR RENT—5-room hotise No. 316 he will draw nigiii unto you.” K. 5th St. Bath and toilet. Piice "Hefore 1 ever came to this coun- $1G 2-3. C. N. (i. Butt. 2-2t try," said the speaker, "much had — — been told me about its wonders and FUR RENT—i.a.r;>-> stori.-^c room. Ad-' &i'eatness. But to get the whole truth dess F. B. C., cr.io News. IG-tf. eod. I I ‘i^ve had to come myself, and now ! like Queen Sheba of old, I can say, FOR RENT—One garage, x.jrth '^ Church St. $50.0(1 ^no. Traders’. morning we are dealing Land Company, 22 East Fifth St. ^ "'^re important approach- 2-;?t than that of sight-seeing or curi- osity. We are considering the ap- ijL'v-rn N-- • 1 proach to God. Many men forget that K)R KhNT-N.ne-roon. residence; , Christianity; modern conven.onyei.; 411 bou h ■ , , ,i,e queslfon of approach. ■ • I cr.ine nigh iinto men in the , ■■ . 'world, and God is still ready to come 1 IT . jt’ Qf to suffering peopie and does come. ho"*e Kap 4t,i .St. $I.Uil rao Irad- Christianity ix not all on the Land Conipan\, hast iMfth mean- ings is not simply ha we may PmilPPINES H. FOR RKNT—One ers St. yARM WA.VTKD—Wanted to buy a uni.TlI farm within two miles of de pot in cotton belt of North Caro ima li. F. Gash, Ixjwell, N. C. 10-l-3t I FOR KENT—Two, three or four un furnished rooms for light house- escape hell through it. A far more beautiful side is that we may know' God. And to know God we must draw 4ih street. Phone 2256-.I. 2t unto him. ' ! “We%re asked o draw nigh unto WANTED—.\t once exi>er*itnced fore- lady tor pewing rooms, making over alls and wash pants. Answer, stat ing exptrience and salary. Southern Manulacturing Co., Chester, S. C. 30-4t FOR RENT—Two houses. East Fourth ^ w’^rvnN St., all conveniences, ^9.00 mo each, bearing, dead spninx of Traders’ Land Company. 22 East Fifth St. 2-3t heathen only with their bodies. ^ 1 but we may approach our God in W.ANTED—You to know King’s Busi- ne»g College Night School will open Monday, October 2nd. Special rates on Koui Months’ Scholarships to those who enter at the beginning. Piedmont Bldg., S. Iryon St. 25-tf. WANTED—A tenant desirous of a long l«a«e for store room to be erected to tenant's requirements. Will install elevator service, etc. Southern Real Estate Loan & Trust Co. 30-3t FOR RENT—Modern S-room house, 6 three ways. i, r ^ South Graham. Phone 1055-J. 30-3t “First of all we may approach God with *our bodies, and this fashion is FOR RENT—Moaern 6-room house, acceptable to him. God welcomes the thoroughly screened; located 206 E.; w'orship of the bowled head, and asKs Liberty street; |20.00 per month, in that men dedicate their energies to advance. Apply ’Phone tilO. li)-tf. jhis service rather than to the mad » chase for gold. FOR RENT—Attractive bungalow at* "In the second .place we may ap- r’oodlawn. Furnished. $30.00. Apply proach God with our souls, that part 15 Realty Building, or ’phone of us which we call the ‘I,’ which will 2-31 be alive a million years hence though ; not in the body. W 515 2374-L. Wanted—Boardera ana roomers. Apply 208 E. 5th or Phone 1389-J. 2-tf WANTED—People desirlAs homes for rent to consult our rent list. South ern Real Estate, Loan & Trust Co. 30-3t FOR RENT—Excellent office room' “Last of all may draw nigh un ground floor Selwyn Hotel $37.50 per to God with our spirits. Is there any month. Southern Real Estate, Loan reason God cannot breathe inspira- & Trust Co. 20-3t tion into the hearts of tw'entieth ; century men and women? The reason FOR RENT OR SALE—Modern 8-1 the inspiration of the Bible has room residence, 204 Elizabeth ave Newly papered. W\ F. Dow'd. 26-lOt FOR RLNT—4 rooms, first floor, for I light housekeeping. Elegant location. Apply 309 Parjc avenue, Dilworth. 9-16-tf. WANTED—Kuomers aua Hoarders for Dice large front rooms upstairs and down stairs. Hous« newly furbish ed. Apply 3o7 Fiouth Church. Pflone 2860. 30-tf MISCELLANEOUS GO TO FLOURNOY'S, 218 1-2 S. Col lege, for everything in crockery. OGlassware and Toys. 16-tf eod. HIGH-CLASS Furniture Repairing, Up holstering and Ret.iilshing. S. W. Meggs, 401 E. Oak St. ’Phone 860-J. 29-7t. FERTILIZERS for all Fall crops, also in small quantities for gardens and lawns. Davidson & Wolfe. 22(V S. College. 29-4t. LADIES—Our catalogue explains how we teach hair dressing manicuring, facial massage, etc., ilf few weeks, mailed free. Moler College, Atlanta, Ga. 30-6t MADAM CYRENA—The noted palmist of Raleigh, N. C., can be consulted on all affairs of life. Charges reason able. Satisfaction guaranteed. Par lors In Wadsworth Bldg., N, Tryon St. 27-7t. 11000 TO LOAN on city real estate for 1 year. A. J. J., care News. l-2t FRESH SUPPLY Sherrill Mlnera: wa ter. Cures Indigestion, Constipation, all Kidney and Bladder Disorders. City chcmist says absolute pure. Phone order 2123. N. J. Sherrill 26-tf WOULD LEASE by the year one of the most attractive and elegant homes in the city. Located on Char lotte’s most fashionable street. The place Is handsomely furnished. Must have reference with application. "Home Place," care News. 1-tf REAL BARGAINS In Real Estate; in reach of small and large investors and home seekers; $26.00 starts you on the road to wealth. Write, call, ’phone. Interstate Improvement Co., Room No. 7, over Jordan’s. 'Phone No. 2122. 28-6t. VIAVI REPRESENTATIVE — ’Phone 1449. Iss I. M. Neumeyer, 18 N. Brevard. 19-tf. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms, newly papered, close in and rates ieabonau;e. li,asi Libeiiv 29-tf FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms to gentlemen; only two blocks from Square. ’Phone 1774, 26-7t. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms with baths and without, 22 E. Trade, Belmont hotel. 30-tf ♦ FOR SALE * FOR SALE—27 acres of land 3 1-2 miles from square on Lawyers’ road. Price right. Apply to C. R. Brown, R. F. D. 9. 2-7t FOR SALE—Two cockerels, seventeen pullets, standard bred S. C. Rhode Island Reds. Also fowl house. Phone No. 1444. i-st FOR SALt—t rtnJiii oungalow’’ street m »op pines, the ideal su burb .>(1 easy terms. Soutnern Real E«i.Tf, jjoan & Trust Co. 30-3t FOR SALEi—Vacant lot in Wilmoore, 50x195. Price and terms. Call at 508 W. 7th. 30-3t FOR SALE—Home place on • Louise avenue, 6 rooms, A-1 condition, 226 feet frontage, fruit and shade trees. Attractive price, easy terms. South ern Real Estate, Loan & Trust Co. 30-3t been questioned is that men have not read it in the same spirit in which It was written. The inspiration of the Bible is a fact; it is for us to make that fact our own.” Related to George Eliot. Rev. Thomas L. Chavasse’s moth er, who was Frances Louis Evans, was a niece of Eliot, authoress of Silas Morven and many other Eng lish classics. Mr. Chavasse was a student at Bishop Vessen’s grammar school, at Sutton. Coldfield, and took a master’s degree at Hertford Col lege. Mr. Chavasse is visiting his cousin, Mrs. John Hill Tucker, in this city. Eight Rooms--Brand New at Elizabeth “The Beautiful” Built for a home, better than you could do it yourself, just ready for occupancy. Splendidly finished, conven iently arranged, desirably located on shady aide of one of the choice avenues, slate roof, double floors and walls, brick foundation, garden fenced, ce ment walks. Lot 60 by 157 with alley in rear. Let us show you this. It is not often that we have complete a home to offer. Price $4,500.00 Union Loan and Realty Company 16 East Trade St. Phone 349. Morris E. Trotter, Secty. & Treas. POSITION OPEN for combination of fice man or lady, with a few thous and dollars. In answering state wagea wanted, amount you can in vest, and give references, otherwise ansm'er will not be considered. In vestment will carry guarantee of 8 per cent Position, care Charlotte Newt. 28-6t. piams now we teach Uaroer trade in few weeks, mailed free. Moler Bar- b«r College, Atlanta, Ga. 36-6t| MEET ME at Kastlngi ft MitcMri furniture store. Cut price sale. 46 N. Coll«ge St Phone 897-J. 90-tr-eod By Associated Press. W^ashington, Oct. 2.—A noted profes sor from the -University of Chicago who spent several' months in the Phil ippine I&lands as lecturer at the Teach* ers’ Vacation assembly conducted by the bureau of education every 2 years at Baguio, the summer capital of the islands, returned recently to the Unit ed States and in speaking of the work Oi the schools there just before he sail ed said; “Other nations one of these days will be coming to the Phllippinea to see how the educational triumphs have been won.” Without question one of the tri umphs of America in the Orient is the wonderful work that has been accom plished there by the public school sys tem during the ten years since its or ganization. From a mere handful of pupils and an expenditure of a few thousand dol lars in 1910 the system has developed until now it roaches into every town and nealy every village of tlie island, and last year instructed more than half a million boys and girls, and the Philippine government spent over three and a quarter million dollars of local revenue for education. The services of over nine thousand American and Filipino teachers are em- I'loyed in the various schools of the Islands as supervisors and class room teachers of the academic and techni cal subjects of the course of &tudy. The University of Chicago sent Dr. Shepardson and Dr. Goode, two of its ablest and most successful extension lecturers, to Manila during the pa»t va- cation to remain in residence at the Vacation Assembly of teachers and conduct educational courses during the session. In referring to. the class of men and women engaged in the educational work there they speak in the highest terms’; “I have seen many gatherings of edu cators but none which average higher than this one. The reason no doubt is that nowhere else could such a com pany be found of men and women who are doing pioneer work, who have the spirit of the pioneer, and whose 'earnestness in pursuing ideals is re flected in conversation and conference talk. “The company in attendance at the assembly has impressed me with a feeling of pride in the quality of man hood and womanhood in the service of the bureau. They are cl»an-cut and straight-forward, earnest people, the stuS pioneers are made of. As I came to know them personally and to hear of tlfelr work in all parts of the is lands, the problems they are meeting and solving and the success with which they are carrying the ‘message to Gracia’ in the service of education, I felt proud that I am an American, and that the generous American aim of helping these people to help ^em- selves is being realized in the spleoidid service of the director and his cowork- ers in the bureau of education.” This is a field which requires the service of young men and women of superior qualifications, excellent char acter and good preparation, who are able to maintain a position of influence among a rapidly developing people. For the right kind of men there are excellent opportunities to take a large part in the solution of some of the problems now confronting this country and at the same time gain an experience and training which will be of great value. The government employs men as su pervisors, teachers of science, English, mathematics, history, a^culture, manuel training, and women for do mestic science and home economy. 'The United States civil service com mission announces an examination for December 27-28, 1911, In various cities of the country for the purpose of se curing eligibles to be appointed in the spring of 1912 for work beginning with the opening of the next school year Detailed information relative to the nature of the service and the examina tions may be had by writing to the bureau of insular affairs, Washington, D. C. A Great Collection, More than maintaining its high standard for exclusive articles of deep interest, the Magazine Section of next Sunday’s New York World will con tain “Advice of Mary Garden to New York Girls Abroad;” “My Adventure with Stolypin’s Assassin,” by Col. James Persitz of the Russian Secret Police, “Discarded American Battle ships,” “New York Mansions, &c., ‘carved’ to Fit Streets,” “The Ameri can Girl Who Married a Duke and Is Happy;” also the words and music of “Little Fifl,” a new song hit, &c., &c. Don’t fail to order the Sundhy W’orld in advance. You May Have The Best rooms for rent in all Charlotte. You know it, but the hundreds of people who at this season of the. year are looking for accommodations do not know it. It is up to you to tell them and tell thejn you can through the Want Columns of The NEWS. Nowadays, when a man or woman wants to find a boarding house. The News Want Ad Page is consulted. Why let your rooms or apartments remain vacant when a News Want Ad will rent them? We receive Want Ads over the tel ephone. Call 115. One Cent a Word jfl i The Jim-Jams The young lady was painting—sun set, red, with blue streaks and green dots. 'I’he old rustic—at a respectful dis tance—was watching. “Ah,” said the female artist, looking up, suddenly, and pretending she had n't known he was there all the time, “perhaps to you, too^ Nature has op ened her sky-pictures page by page? Have you seen the lambent flame of dawn, leapiES ftcross the livid east; the red-stained, sulphurous islets float ing in the lakes of fire in the west; the ragged clouds at midnight, black as a raven’s wing, blotting out the shuddering moon?” “No, mum,” replied the rustic, short ly, “not since 1 give up drink.” That reminds us what Goldsmith said, in “The Vicar of Wakefield," “That the concatenation of self exist ence proceeding in a reciprocal du plicate ratio naturally produced a problematical dialogism. . All of which means that the place to buy your insurance is, headquarters, for the article. C. M. G. Butt & Go Insurance Headquarters. 21 East Fourth St .. Charlotte, N. C. Phone 428. Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound A woman who is sick and suffering, and won’t at least try a medicine which has the record of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, is, it would almost seem, to blame for her own wretchedness. Read what this woman says; Richmond, Mo. — “ When my second daughter was eig-hteen months old I was pronounced a hopeless invalid by spe^alists. ®®®®**ltation of ddctors and they said I had a severe case nlceration. I was in hed for ten weeks, had sinlcin? speUsy and was pronounced to be in a dangerous condition. My father insisted that w© try Lydia £j«-.l:*inkham*s Vegetable Compound, and brought me six bottles. I soon began to improve, and be- fore W had all been taken I was as well and strong as ever,—my men^h^dly recognized me so great was the change.** — Mrs, Woodson Branstetter, Richmond Mo* There are literally hundreds of thousands of women in the United States who have been benefited by this famous old remedy, which was produced from roots and herbs over thirty years ago by a woman to relieve woman’s suffering. Read what another woman says:— J^esboro, Texas—«I have used Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta^ myself and daughter, and consider i^ne- qualled for all female diseases. J would not be without it for anything. I wish every mother in America could be persuaded to use It as there would be less suffering among our sex then. 1 am-always glad to speak a word of praise for Lydia E. Pink- ham s Vegetable Compound, and you are at liberty to use this testimonial. —Mrs. James T, Lawrence, Jonesboro, Texas. ^ Since we guarantee that all testimonials which we pub lish are genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound had the virtue to help these women it will help any other woman who is sufiferinff from the same trouble ? For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham*s Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for femaAe ills. No sick woman does justice to herself Who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, ».w4 has tlioiisands of cures to its credit* If the slightest trouble appears which you do not understand, write to Mrs. PiAkham at Lynn, Mass., for her advice—it is ftee and always helpful* MONEY TO LEND —AT— 5 1-2% in sums of from five to fifty thousand dollars, on centrally located business property. See us. MOORE & PRICE Phone 307. h Room 1, 4C’s Building. INSURANCE ALL KINDS. I Congiegatwn To marvelous growth-^ish it every suc cess. Meet Wednesday, "oooers d^veo a«a.n Members of Chalmers- Memor ial Meeting House mil Con vene Wednes^day Evening to Select Permanent Pastor, There will be a congregational meeting of the members of Chalmers Memorial Meeting House on Wednes day evening of this week in the Sab bath school auditorium, at 7:30 o’clock. This Meeting is called pri marily for the purpose of selecting a permanent pastor, ad every member of thee ongregtition is especially urged to be present at the time above mentioned. After the meeting of the congregation in the Sabbath school auditorium, it will re-conVene in the church auditorium at 8:30 o’clock, at which time Rev. G. R. White, D. D., will preach and mod erate the call for the congregation, under direction of First Presbytery. Rev. R, E. Hough has been supply ing this congregation ever since its organi&tion, under inaction of the board of home missions and church extension, and as ihe congregation has now become self-supporting it is incumbent on it to choose its own pastor. Every indication points to the fact that a c\nll will be extended by the members to Mr. Hough to re main permanently in the work, with n re that ht* I’lay s'‘3 hia Way clear to accept. Mr. Hough began this work little less than three years ago with twelve members and within that time has increased the member ship something over 800 per cent. He is a man of great piety, godliness and man of exceptional powers as a pastor and pulpiteer. No minister in the city of Charlotte enjoys a higher degre of popularity, or enjoys a greater degree of confidence, not only with his own people, but in the entire city. This enterprising congregation has enjoyed a marked degree of success from its incipiency. Starting with a small membership. Without finance, or place of worship on the 15th of November, 1908, it has within that time, with the aid of friends, board of home missions and church exten sion and by it? own efforts, erected and practical’ paid for a thirty thousand dollar building, . which W’a's spoken of in the Architectural Re cord a few weeks ago as beiftg one of the handsomest in the South. Chal mers Memorial Meeting house bids fair to be one_ of the leading church es in the city of Charlotte, a'U'i those of its'friends who have watched its By Associated Press. ' Chicago, Oct. 2.—Aviaor C. • P. Rodgers, the leading contestant in the coast-to-coast flight, delayed his start from Huntington, Ind., accord ing to officials of the Erie Railroad I here today. He was expected to leave Huntington at noon and to reach here during the afternoon. Examination of Teachers There will be an Examination of white teachers Tor positions in Char lotte City Schools, commencing on Fri day, Oct. 6th, 1911, at 2 o'clock p. m., in South Graded School building, and continuing at 9 a. m. through Saturday, Oct. 7th, 1911. S. F. TOMLINSON, Chm. Teachers’ Com. Attention Ginners We have on hand and for sale one of the most complete Gin Books ever published. It is arranged for a recor^ of all transactions connected with ginning the bale and keeps carbon copy for the ginner. Book containing 100 tickets and 100 copies only 50 cents. By mail, 55 cents. Order all you want today.. News Publishing Compaoy Charlotte, N. C. CAPSULES orlnjeclions EU£VcSln 24 - Ml out Biisicess fiuildars » . ' _ ' GROCERS DeCODICATEO CORN MEAL A mechanical device, invented by the writer, extracts the eye or pois onous germ from the grain, and sepa rates it from the pure meal. We use only select corn, grind it ourselves, and carefully “Decodicate” it. Buy our meal and you will not fear “Pellagra” or stomach troubles. Manufactured only by ALEXANDER BROS. 218 East Trade St. Phone 2561 WE Nave, on the way Ten thousand paper Oyster Pails which we will sell low. New supply White Comb Honey 24 pounds in a case. BRIUGERS & CO., . Wholesale Grocers. 38 North College Street. McN.EEL'S Vegetables ' Vegetables We have plenty—Fine large whita Cauliflower, tender headed Lettuce, Squash, Celery, Corn; Beans, Egg Plant —j^Fine Large Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Fine Peaches, Cranberries, large Span ish Onions, nice Oronges, Peas and lot of other nice things. Call and find out. Phones 2622, 2623. 205 N. Tryon. CIDER VINEGAR. The real thing. Clear as crystal, with a clean, clear-cut navor, that adds a #est to appetite. The best for all pur poses. 8. R. LENTZ. Fred Cochran, Mgr. 'Phones 101 and lu2. FRESH LOT BLUE BRAND HAMS and Pure Lard. Fresh Tarbell’s Cream Cheese. W. M. CROWELL, Phone 1062. 200 E. Morehead St. PEACHES! PEACHES! PEACHES! A fine lot of Maryland Peaches just from the orcharas; all free stones; oLly t)5c. per uasieL. Fieniy o£ nue 1 ouiaioes. P^iLLEK-VAN NE53 CO. MISSCELLANEOUS WANT£0: We, want to buy a small farm, and a 4 or 5 room house. * SHUMAKER & WALLACE Phone 243. 225 North Tryon. LET US FIX YOUR REFRIGERATOR We can tell at a jelance just what ails it and at a tritliug expense make it go6d and serviceable. Send along your ice cream freezer. We can tlx that, too. C. F. SHUMAN 'Phone 111. 200 N. College St THE GEM HOTEL AND CAFE Up-to^late dining room, seating lOG persons, a lunch counter unequaled in South. Conveniently located on South Tryon Street. Strictly European, MOVED I have moved my Terra Cotta Pipe Yard to East 5th St., between College St., and the Railroad, in the Hearl of the City, where you will find every thing In pipe and tilings. Flue pipe, Chimney lining. Well copmg, etc. C. V. FURR, Professional Cards DR- WM. PARKER ” DENTIST Garibaldi, Bruns A DixOn Bldg. 12 8. Tryon. (Note Change of Location.) ' ’Phone 1408, Day or Night. Dr. H. 0. Henderson. Dr. L. 1. GIdnej HENDERSON &GIDNE^ DENTISTS Offlee, Hunt Bldg., 202,4 N. Tryon 81 'PhORc 216. tOfnce 'Phone, 326. Residence 962-J L W. JAMIESON DENTIST lOf Realty Building, Charlotte, N. 0 OSTEOPATH. REGISTEREO DR. H. F. RAY Realty Building. Hours, 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone, Office, 330; Residence 371-J Consultation at Office, gratis. , F. L. BONFOEY ARCHITECT . i ■ \ ’ Supervision of Contructlon. Office, 211 N. Tryon. Room 4, HUGH W. HARRIS ATTORNEY Law Building. Charlotte, N. C J. M. McMlCHAEL ARCHITECT Rooms 505-506 Trust Bulldlna. CHARLOTTE, N. C. REPAIRED, VULCANIZED recovered inner Tubes Vulcanized. We guarantee they will never laa! where we vnlcanize tbein. First puncture 50 cents. Second puncture 25 cents. Third puncture 25 cents. All sizes new tires carried in stpcl Relay Mfg Co 31 and 233 S. Tryon St ^ at The mornln ofiice court 1: mande: ate ve ander, terest widows other under sioners author! lature.l the c([ sum tion of ers thj date matter postpr seeing the pil Mod mornii Cotti Mr. Prlce-I ation. days the U strati^ whicl demoi arranj farm whirt road machl ready! This have strati! attrac givenJ factu/ Deal Th and churc o’cloc churt eccled impoil full platfc 23 b* price I year 69 ba|

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