r.T,W'7 , ,IlippjU,l 12 ta:: osaio^tte mews shade# was a tiandsomely bound copy of John Kendricks Bangs’ *' Ghosts I Have Met.” A Jolly supper, with ghost favors at each plate, followed. ' But come—be brave at any rate. Edited by MADAME MERRl The Yarn Charm to Find Partner*. One of the oldeat stunts for Hallo we’en was to And one’s future mate the aid of a ball of yarn. A maiden waa to take a ball of yam and toss It through an open window and then hold the end in her hand and walk away. If she was to marry within the year the ball would be picked up by the man inside, who began to wind up the yarn and thus draw her back to him. A young matron should use this meth od of finding partners for her Hallo we’en supper, which ^i» to be served at 8:80. Knowing the performance of her guests, she will have the right man for each maid concealed in the garage. One at a time the girls will be given a ball of yam, there being one hull for each girl, and she is to go aiuue through the yard, w’hich is to be lighted only with “jacks” in the trees. When the man winds up his maiden, who is Instructed not to drop her end no matter what happens, they will go out a rear door of the f?arage anl into the house by a .side entrance. Then the next man is slipped into the hiding place and another girl start ed to meet her fate. There are to be t*»n couples, so this will add much fo the fun ^nd mystery, if the details rfs given here are not practical, the same scheme may be worked by throw Ing the ball over a transom or over a bannister down stairs. Receipt for Chop Suey. I give the recipe for chop suey "•hlch is fine to serve at Hallowe’en ’ea&ts. The rice is to be eaten with ?hop sticks, which are to be retained as souvenirs, each pair being tied «vith red ribbon. One flve-pound chicken. .A pound and a half of tender beef One pound of celery. Two pounds of bean sprouts. ! One ounce of Chinese sauce, known If sol. One can of mushrooms. Salt, thickeninK. Cook the chicken and beef together 111 they are very tender, take out all Jie bones, add the mushrooms, onions icliced very thin slices, the celery diced in thin pieces, and do not cook lery long: then add the bean sprouts New and Old Tricks. "We are tired of bobbing for ap ples,” said a young devotee of the de partment who was asking me for new stunts for October 31. But did you ever bob for them prepiired in this way? I In a light zinc tub which may be brought from the laundry put at least and the thickening, and last the aoi. a dozen red applet and in four of Enough for ten people. them conceal a ring, a thimble, a but- To obtain the bean sprouts soak ton and a coin. Just press the articles brails in w'ater till they absorb it all,, carfully into the fruit and the mutil-. than keep them damp and in a very ation is not discernible in the water, warm place. The sprouts come very The boy or girl getting the ring will quickly, so there is plenty of time to ; be married or engaged within the year, prepare them. Sol may be purchased (The thimble means no such luck; the at a large grocery or at a Chiese i one getting It must remain single or store; lacking these, use Worcester- j unattached for another twelve months, shire sauce. Serve the chop suey in , The coin means wealth and the button bowls with rice and the tea in cups means one must win fame or fortune without handles. For the table cen terpiece have a witch kettle with in cense burning in»ide. Ghosts We all Know. Last 5'ear a hostess noted for her originality gave this party. It is rath- by one’s own exertions. Who remembers the old trick of trying to get a coin out of a pan of j flour with the teeth, the hand& being j tied behind the back? This is a laugh er unusual give a copy and was loads of fun. 1 of the invitation: Ye Witch of Hallowe’en Has promised to (jonvene The Shades of many Notables To meet you Monday e’en. .W’e’ll look for .vou. you know, To help to make thinks go, And incidentally to mee" Some Oliopts vou're sure to know. able sight. Sometimes a wedding ring is concealed in the flour, and the one getting it will be married within the year. Of course, the coin denotes w'ealth. To Give a Hallowe’en Party. Will you kindly help me? This is the first time I-am going to give a party, and I am at a loss to know • what to do. I want to give a Hallo- Party Given in Barn. w'e’en party and wish to Invite about I must tell you briefly of one party twenty or thirty girls and boys rang- to be given in a barn, where the deco- ing in ages from 18 to 25 years, rations will be branches of autumn I Now', do you think that bobbing for Jcaves, which remain brilliant in the apples and biting at a large bag ot ! country far longer than in town. There 1 peanuts suspended from the ceiling i arc to be grinning “Jacks” set on i with a stick w'hile blindfolded is only Hallowe’en C*kes. Often a few nover recipes have to creep Into the department, so now for these very unusual and seasonable rules. First *for “Jack o’lantern” cake^: From a plain loaf cake baked In a sheet cut punkin-shaped cake& about two and a half inches wide and two Inches thick and. Ice with frosting colored yellow, with the yolk of eggs or with saffron. While the Icing is still moist, insert two small red can dles for the eyes and nose and a row of them for the teeth. For the “clock faced” cakes, buy a few vanilla wafers, coat wltji vanilla frothing and let them dry, with melt ed chocolate ana a new small paint brush you make the numerals of the clock, the hands in the center point ing to midnight, “The witching hour.” Children adore these confections, w'hich require only a little time and patience. I am sure every mother Is more than willing: to do this. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. pink hearts sprinkled over the cloth, the plates were outlijdted In heart-shape by tinp flowers (forget-me-nots, arti ficial); the nut holders were wee slip pers: ot pink, the pUce cairds were hearts; tbe centerpliace was a wed ding cikKe Mth tfie ti^.mes and the date - of thje approachifig nuptials, and tbe girls went to the dinln’g room to the tune of Mendelssohn’s famous march >layed riy a member of the family who ^as a good- musician, ^^en lutichebn was announced she started march. ture of cut'up fruits tn wine wiib small sweet craclcers between, the meat course and .the dessert and not 'Serve a salad? I MRS. H. P. I never saw such a coticoction served Instead of salad. I would not advise it. . posts along the driveway, and inside ihe barn all the lanterns are to have i electric lights to avoid possibility of fire. Cucumbers, squash and many other vegitables are to be made into la-nterns and candle holders. The hostess is to dress as an old witch, and all the girls are to have witches’ hats, K-urmoiinted by black cats, per- sented to them hats of scarlet There were only twenty guests, and over the telephone the hostess ex plained that she wished each to come dressed to represent some famous person now dead, pantomine, words, gestures and costume being used in the impersonation. Dressed as a witch, the hostess received her “ghosts” in a room draped all in w’hite, even a canvas covering the floor. Cathedral candles on mantle, piano and bookcase furni&hed the light, for a while not a .*'ord was spoken; then a little scarlet dressed imp pass ed slips of paper and white pencils on which the ghosts wrote “w’ho was who”. One ghost represented Diogenes ' screens and parasols, vainly looking for an honest man. He carried a lantern made from a squash and sadly shook his head. There w'as Cleopatra with an asp, Shakespeare with a huge ruff of white paper, Na poleon in cocked hat, with folded arm?,. Columbus with a map in his hand. Queen Elizabeth and Sir Wal ter Raleigh in the famous coat and pool of water act. Milton and George Washington. Abraham Lincoln, etc. The prize to the ghost who recognized the greatest number of bis fellow for little children? Or do you think that would be proper for this party? Also, would music and singing be good? YOUR UNKNOWN FRIEND. 1 think the department today will lielp you plan a successful party for Hallowe’en. Use the pastimes you The boys will wear mention. Grown people will enjoy and adorned with them and music always adds to any iParty for Boys and Glr|«. I wai^t give a boy and girl party. It would-be the first among our crowd: of girls and the boys are so very shy aiid bashful. Could you te.ll us what to do to break the Ice? SCHOOLGIRLS. I think in. today’s paper you will find »everal iyuggeatiqns suited to yotip* needs, and then to still further break the ice why don’t you ask each one to bring a post card bearing a pic ture about which they know? You will find .when each guest has a per Honal interest in the party that it will be a success. At one of the jolliest parties I ever attended the girls each brought an old hat with trimmings; they were placed on a table, from which the boys selected a hat io trim with the “findings.” The girl to whom the hat belonged was his partner and had to wear the finished creation dur ing refreshments. I assure you there was nothing dull or stupid about this affair. Card Etiquette. You have helped so many others that I am sure you will help me, so I come to you for advice. I have been married but a short time and conse- iquently am not fully informed as to ' etiquette. Recently I received an “at home” announcement and as it will take place in a distant city I cannot attend. I am puzzled as to the* cards I am to send. How should my bus- .both be printed In quite large plain j type or should they be engraved? Should mine be engraved? { , COUNTRY. ; ! —, . ' I ( Enclose one of your cards and two of your husband's in a card envelope and mail to arrive on the“a t home” day. Your cards should be engraved with names In full. An up-to-date sta- .tioner will submit correct samples of type and size. h Geneva. Oct. 14-The Swiss Gove„ ment has ordered three separate? partments to open an inquiry con„,' ing teh high cost ot living in " land and the ever lncrp3?ir,o. . foodstuff. The inquiry is too C made from three points of vie'R! custom tariffs, tho -w control of food, and the way tariff. that the exact effect which efcV' these factors has on teh cost of iivi° may be determined at an early horns. A Chinese feast is to be served at a table w’here black and scarlet drag ons will run rampant. The part of the barn reserved for the party is to be gay with Chinese lanterns, fans. I occasion, and Hallowe’en is no excep tion. A Hallowe’en Party Invitation. Use a Hallowe’en post card or a pumpkin shaped card and write the following jingle for an invitation to a j party on Oct. 31. It is appropriate for ' either children or grown-ups: . At our house on Monday night You will surely see a sight. Ghosts, and goblins, witches, too, Are busy preparing fates for you. The hour is S. don’t be late. Announcing an Engagement. Your suggestions for entertaining have ahvays been of such great in terest to me, and I nbw' write to ask if you will be so good as to assist me Will you tell me of some novel way in which to announce my engagement to sixteen girl friends? I am glad the department is of in terest: words like yours make me think that it is worth while when 1 am discouraged. Why not ask the girls to a luncheon or an afternoon, and tell the story by the decorations and favors? This is the way one girl did: The table had Birthday Gift. Will you kindly tell me If It is proper for a young lady to give a youhg man a birthday gift? If so, what is appropriate? I enjoy your department v^ry much. ' A-CONSTANT READER. So much depends upon how well you know the man whether you give him a present or not. W’hy not send him a home-made cake or box of can dy, a good book or magazine subscrip tion? Try a Hardware Store. Would you kindly inform me wheth er I could buy clothes poles ready made, or do I have to have a carpen ter make them? At what kind of a store would they be found? NEWLY-MARRIED. I fancy clothes poles may be pur chased at a hardware store, or if near one, try a department store. They usually have every conceivable arti cle. Better Serve the Salad. Woudd it be proper to serve a mlx- Questlons on any subject pertain ing to this department will be cheer fully answered. A reply will be sent by mail’ if stamped and addressed en velope is enclosed; otherwise answers will appear in this column. Address, Madame Merri, care News. NEW LICHT ON LONG-AeO MUR DER OF RULERS Vienna Oct. 14—Curious revelations about the conspiracy at Belgrade which ended In the murder of King Alexander and Queen Draga in 1903 are being published In the Servian cap ital by M. Novakavltch, a lawyer? He says: that on the evening before the murmers he obtained a quantity of chloroform,. as it was the intention of the regicides to chilorofqrm the Royal pair, and carry them off to hls~vine yard, where they were to have been kept prisoners until the plot had com pletely succeeded. The King and Queen were to have been finally dis posed of either by exiled or put to death. There is general discontent in tk country especially among teh lol! classes, whose wages have not ir, creased in proportion to the cn-st . food. Professor Hubscher, in a lector, here lately, quoted gures showins tK since 1906 the cost of living has ^ creased on an average 28 per cent i: all teh large Swiss towns a5 per cen in Geneva) and the rent of one two o- three rooms has augmented 36 per cen (37 to 41 per cent in Geneva. Several public meetings of protes have been held recently at Geneva Basle, St. Gall and Lugano to discuss the best way of combating the evil Geneva proposes a general boycott anc St. Gall asks the municipality to buj foods stuffs wholesale in the lowesi market whether at home or abroao and sell to the inhabitants at coal price. Milk has become so dear that on( large chocolate factory at Yoerdoi closed its doors yesterday? Butter honey, flour, sugar, tea and even breat has increased from 15 to S5 per cen during the last four years . Wine and coal merchants threatei to raise prices this winter and vegeta bles are very dear owing to the loa( and rainless summer. One section of the Swiss demand tin suspension of 'the tariff laws until tlii food market adjusts itself by free tradt The problem is an urgent and diffic U one. Wil oCnvey Rulers to India. London, Oct. 14.—The Peninsulai and Orie'ntal liner Hedina which wil convey the King and Queen to Inrtis is now at Southampton. The ve?se was joined by Sir Thomas Sutherland chairman of the company, and othe: directors, who had travelled by trail from London. The ladies will be pu in dry dock, and undergo final prenara tions prior to the royal embarkation. ♦♦♦ hf ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ Hi A % ) ‘ ^ ^ V V ♦ ♦♦ C % 0 > ■'> * • ■> ■/ %%x i\X %%X I' > WHAT OUR CUSTOMER AND BOSS DEMANDED few days ago we made a bid on a real big job, and we landed the order. The customer told in IJj the manager of the printing house that the job had to be out by a certciin time. It was an |jj X m. w unusually short time in which to get out a big job like it wais, but the job was promised to be delivered right Ot the dot. The boss told the manager to get the job out right on time by all means. The customer, the boss and the manager knew that it was an unusually short time, but the job ceune out—Right on Time. We had to do some real hard work but the job had to be finished. As soon as the job came from the press, the customer saw a copy and the boss saw a copy, and they both told the manager that they didn t have any idea that it would be done in so short a time. They demand ed it but hardly expected it. That t a point we are making, to get a job out on lime it matters not wliat kind of job it is, how short the time is oi who the job is for. We are pleasing many customers and can please you if you will become one of them. ^ ^ REIMRMBEIR—WEi F>RIN'T AXY'TFIIKG our NEW« PR 29 S. TRYON iSTREET TELEPHONE 1530 ♦♦

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