Want Advertise it in The ^lews Siik^^ Your Ad. Latest Edition THE Latest Edition TWELVE PAQES. TWELVE PAGES. VOL. 45. NO. 8062 CHARLOTTE N. C. THURSDAY EVENING. OCTOBER, 19; 191 I PDTr'TTlIa Cluirlotttt C*ats a Copy X>ally~-5 Cents Sunday. Cluurl^U* 6 C«nts a Copy Daily and Sunday. Boi} ible Massacre Of Manchus In China Is Reported jjspatches Ffom Shanghai Tell How Rivolutionists Ejected Wholesale Slavgh' ter ot 2heir Enemies^An Appeal Issued by Rebels. Would Wipe Out Rulers oj Present — Communica tion With Hankow Interrupted— Imperial Govetnment Making Great Plans, p. ABsoclated Ptom. DQftnghal. Oct. 19.—Six packed , ..amerg arrived here from Hankow carrying refugee*. The steamer T^eigravia waa occupied excluiiyely by : reign pasBenger* who were given "ee acconimodationa at the directions 0' the consuls in Hankow. The ship po crowded that many of the r .^-etigeis slept on the floor of the M Moit nf the foreigners were Russians ”loyed in the tea factories and Bel- -r' li workers employed in the Tel wor’&. the Han Yang arsenal and a I... Ppklng-Hankow railway. Rebels in Control. Tt« refugees declare that the whole Yans T*€ valley from Hankow to r^haDKbai is in the hands of the rebels ■th the i 'Sible exception of one or ' le larger cities to which the offlclals have retired with ahl« troops. It has been In* stated here that Kiu Klang, below Hankow, l» under revo- control. This I* denied, how- foreign officials and by the I tatives of the Chines custom night caused oonstemation throughout the calptal today. Wild Rumors Afloat. The wildest rumors of reverses to the Imperial arms ^read like wild flre, al though no definite facts to support them were available. Much signific ance was attached to the fact that the government has refrained from Issuing any official announcement of a vic tory in yesterday’s engagement with the rebels. Among the foreigners who may be regarded as Impartial observers it is generally believed that the situation at Hankow ha» not been appreciably im proved by the events of the past 24 hours. Qovemntent Omclaia Optlmlatlo. Government officials continue to pro fess the utmost optimism. They de clare that the severance-of telegraphic communication for a period of ohly 12 or 18 hours over a line 650 miles long Is no ground for apprehension, iney Insist that the 21.000 troops and 70 guns which have left Peking for Hankow, and most of which are now enroute should be sufficient to swamp any revolutionary attack. Some of the rumors current today, however, hint at dissatisfaction in tHe army. An Inrtperfal Edict. An imperial edict today places ail naval an^ mlltary forces in the region of the Yang Tse Kiang under the con trol of Yuan Shi Kal, who Is directed to inflict rigorous punishment upon the rebel ring leaders and to appeal I gy Associated Press. to "the Philadelphia , Oct. 19.—Rain today to renew their allegiance to the state. ^ ^ j, .li/ Yuan Shi Kal is expected to start to-1 caused another postponement of the morrow for Hankow to asume the vice- playing of tne fourth game between royalty of the district formerly known Philadelphia and New York for the as Hu Kuang province but now dlvid- world’s baseball championship. The «d into the provtoMS ot Hu P«h were in a soggy condition and X # i. - —Uf » light rain was falling, the um- The movement of troops southwardly called up the members of the Na- is proceeding smoothly. Itlohal Commission In New York and Official circles minimise th« import- them of conditions. It was ance of yesterday s fighting at HaU' to call off .the game for today kow, describing it as a preliminary I ^ played tomorrow If the skirmish which forced the rebels to I weather conditions permit, treat. Natives of Hankow claim tliat| Teams Ready the rebels are deserting. I Thoroughly rested after Tuesday’s Provincial Authorities Alarmed. ] sensational game on the Polo grounds Canton. China. Oct. 19.—The provin-1 York, both teams were exceed cial authorities, alarmed at the revolvi-1 i^giy anxious to get into t}ie fray tionary outbreaks in Wu Chang and again. The one day lay off had been Hankow, are making elaborate prepara- about sufficient to keep the memberf tlons to prevent any similar movement I Qf ^he team on edge, here. As an emergency measure the! Tt^« players of the twa «r«at^base- Importatlon of large quantities of | ball machines had hoped for a ciearei arms and ammunition has been order. I day and la fast field tx t. heavy play;, ed. The gunboat Kungon was despatch' I inf ground 'makei the footing uncer ed to Hong Kong today to convoy a tain and the fielding a problem ship load of war stores to this city. Evenly Matciied. Funds for Rebel Agents. The two teams have ®tiown mem San Francisco, Oct. 19.—Chinese selves to be as evenly f contributions to the fund of the Chi- that have met In nese revolutionists continue to pour the slightest “break due to the imper- into coffers of local rebel agents. The feet condition of Ely to Fly at Fair- Guarante^ Flights On Oct. 26 And 27 den Tour. Compliments of the Great- I The Name of Eugene S. Ely is er Charlotte Club - | ^ Lwld-BtS Skill And Daring Proved by Hazardous Events—2 here is None Greater. Hosts. Beside the Greater Charlotte Club, 100 of the merchants of the city contributed to the entertainment of the visitors. Car at Concord. A phone message from Mr. John B. Sherrill editor of the Concord Tribune, said "First car arrived here at 12:40. Left at once for Char- Bts Flights to And From Bat- lotte. Next cars will reach here at '.. 2 p. m. I tkship Decks Most Remark'- The Morning Start. following came by wire at CHINESE REVOLUTION View of the city of Hankow now In the hands ot the Chinsse rebels. The seat of the revolutionary party was situated in the Hankow and the plana for the overthrew of. the empii^ were formulated here. The noon. Special to The News. Winston-Salem, N. C., Oct. 199.— The sixty cars in the Glidden auto mobile tour—New York to Jackson ville, Fla.—Left here beginning at Another Postponement Made Necessary In The Big Series Southern Governors mil Discuss Cot tm Gets 7en Yeats For Mamlaughterl able OJ Aviation History-- The Flights Will be Wtt- nessed by Thousaitds. Charlotte is on the tii>-toe of excite- 8:30 o’clock this morning. Their jment over the prospect of 'idtnessinft destination is Charlotte. N. C., the I the flights of one of the Curtiss’ besti official stop for tonight. Salisbury I aviators at the fair next week. HainllJ entertained them at noon. Owing to! ^ # ax. i ** * rains the run from Roanoke wae ton was first named for the Charlotte delayed and the last car did not events, but Curtiss has iippointed Ely get in here until 4 this morning. I instead. The fllgftits are to take place Governor Hoke Smith, of Georgia, I on the 26th and 27th—the two last By Associated Press, i i— — — Atlanta, Oct. 19.—Guilty of volun- who made the trip from New YorK. tary manslaughter with punishment | abandoned the tour here and left for ■ assacre of the Manchus. of the revolutionary attack i ang as given by the refugees emphaBire particularly the mas- : >he Manchus in thit city. • rlaughter neither age nor sex regarded and it Is doubtful, the ::ee» say, whether a single repre- atlve of the Manchu race was left 1. e tliere. Similar slaughter of the .vf . hus followed In Hankow and Han •.. when those cities fell. Paper Describes Massacre. ie» of the Central China Post, hich arrived on the Belgravia,_ de- ;D^ the early progress of the revo- i.;':onary movement. le revolutionary leaders,’ the 1 IJY^^g^^rter^^of the Chun^ Hwa re-1 lose a game and possibly the Series. - says, “displayed j public said $500,000 had been forward- Therefore there was ^^no • le and thoroughness—qualities Penang, In the Straits settlement over the weather in either camp when shown by the governing the active committee of the the players got about today ,ina. But the massacre of yonne China party is located. I Fans Eager. . hus in our three cities is a ghast-| ^ Chinese laborer, Lee Hlng Hen, The eagerness of the t on the reputation of the revolu- .^^^^^y ^ contalnlnfe $1.- ers to see a game was . • ries.” . 1000 gold, his life savings, on the coun- morning when rain Run On Banlt. revolutionary office. He was | them stood m line drtoling^^^ he run on the Imperial Bank here 1 continues, but the officials ap- to have ample resources. They are r»aylng out for the first time the !' minted dragon design dollars m the mint at Nanking, the provin- capital. Their large reserve of i-an dollars was completely ex-jQ^Q^ to the revolution . 'ed by the demand early In the given 12,000 in the paper currency of waiting for the .amllj of k. was Red Cross Formed. ""ne Red Cross organization has been i here. At Hankow and Wu Chinese women are serving,as . ■'rofis volunteers for the first time .. -tory. , ^ ighai is a hotbed of revolution d rumors of plots and counter plots numberless. A formal appeal Is- i by the revolutionary agents here , says: An Appeal Issued, v'/e appeal for the co-opersctlon of ■ ' brethren throughout the world. '• 'rie with money should contribute those with wisdom should de- plans; those with information id secretly report the enemy s nitlon. We expect that our moy^ ' lU succeed. If It falls, the 1(^ massacres of Hang Chow and ing. when the Manchus subdued a.~v 111 be repeated, r if hoped that our . ill respond from all directions stages i 1th unanimous minds will turn universe about.” proclamation, credited to the revo- uary leader in Hankow', Is as loi- men in the state. of the Athletic’s players, but it will not break up the combination. Reu- Death of Phillip A. Sbelton. ^ Oldring. the Nashville. Tenn., Oct. 19.—Phillip fielder, was notified t A. Shelton, aged 57, for 16 Ulster, Lillian Oldring.^bad died last tv court clerk of this county, died here ^ Mount Vernon, N. Y. hirrmln* as a r«ult of be”” Hfl retired from office last year. He ^ j ^er death was not unex " one of .the mo.t widely known | at the same time was a aret^impulse was New York,” said Oldring today, but Sderlng the matter calmly, decided to stick to the team. It may sSm -strange for me to play baseball with my sister dead, but I , S go?d. and at this critical f a«e of tne world’s series I feel I had bette "ofa^Vg «Vo‘t“New Tort, but ex. s to be back for tomorrows In case Oldring “ nlay in one or any of the ga^es. btrunk will play a good substitute. He played J of the world^s series games last y^r making five hits and scoring two runs, bis bating average being .278 Employers' Liability u>mmisston ioRepott By Associated Press. Washington, Oct. 19.—Under Instruc- Uons to present Its final report to con- eress bv the first of January next, the fm”oyers‘ liability and workmen’s compensation commission, last March to devise a plan for insur ing compensation to injured employes, ■patriotic breth. is P>-f "'“f, *“ meet in SI city ne« M0“'Jay to formulate a «|‘e‘nrorlXSrru«h. Who ^ fay ™aT.tterIt hrd“u^n tie ,em. of the measure to be «ugge«ted doors would be thrown open and in?I?eited public invited to ex- nress ItHptalon «« ™ however, that the commission woild ?eQulr.’at least a week tor de- “^Chtiman Sutherland favors the FneUshi)lan of direct assessment on Bngiisn frtr Iniury resulting to mXye because of his employment. Si«J2?er the reiponsibillty may rest; S'rTbrr..Sppo£tbj.^” ‘ **T!’H‘?rom Offers « mon fund throuKb the govem- ploy^ are pai senator ment. This i^y«w American >ec.u.. of the form of goyera political ma- ss»« • posed Sutherland advo- W-. .1.0.1 ®“P^ ia«w'«tatute but would n. If they do not then yield «J|cates a compulao^^^ employes of ntlnue eneml es of the revolutionary have ^ interstate coin- ivement, they must be killed. ^ ^ Some others prefer the ele^ Communication Cut. jmeroe. Some oi^ possiblo constl- ' eklng, Chla, Oct. ®®teltitutton^ objections and nouncement this the proposed lair could ,bs made aphlc communication with '-o-ijcable to all corporations. «a been Interrupted since sunset laat appllcaDie lo Proclamation of Leader. ' come to save the Chinese people. ■ ve no idea of acquiring per^nal 'fit or preference but aim only to n you out of the fire and cure your . 'ierlng maladies. Hitherto you bave >ern bitterly oppressed. You have been ’owned In a sea of misery by a gov- rnment of aliens. Your rulers have ■fated you like bastards, not like ch "Let whoever animated by patriotic ntlment come quickly and nkfr. With us he will obtain unendii^ 'ir> by delivering his ' Manchu barbarian who hitherto oaten our flesh. From now on we I'l' In his skin. Be Merciful. Vet, let us be merciful to our ene- .^8. Our soldiers must be careful • to recklessly kill, the Manchus^ f U8 give them an opportunity lo rrender their uniforms and wea^ SERIOUS FIRE IN CHICAGO TODAY Obt’’5!!:nre broke out in the plaflt of Sulzberger & Sons in the Union Stock Yards shortly, aiter^ 7 o’clock this morning, and in » *ew mia utes the large structure was4n flames A ff«neral alarm was sounded. The 8re started,In the on the fourth floor and spread rapidly W Xr p"rts of the ilve^stpry struct- " men the fire the place the two upper floors of the building were In flames. , ’ « In an-hour the fire was under cott trdV The loss Is estimated at'about 135.000. ; ^ WEATHER FORECAST. ♦ ♦ ♦ By Associated Press. ^ Oct. 19.—Fore Washington, cast: North and South Carolina and - Florida, fair. tonight and ijMday. Gt^ By Associated Press. ‘ - ' Austin. Tex.. Oct. 19.—All governors of southern states except Florida ex pect to attendjthe cotton convention that has been called to m«t to^New Orleans, Oct. 30 to' considi^r tjbi^'Jri^e” of cotton and the cotton crop Interests in general. This informatloh today reached the office of Governor O. B. Colquitt with the last-of th«j repl^ to his call for the conferemt^ The governors of Mllil88ij^T;,^5 j^nia, Alabama, T^nnesae^J^^i Arkansas and Oklaiopa* that they will' ndt'-oalyi bring their commissionera of ag^ul? ture. 'they have also assured him tlSat they expect to ‘ be accompanied by bankers, cotton men and newspaper men and that they anticipate much benefit to be derived from the deliber ations. In several Instances the governors have not completed th^^it appolnt- l^^list of prominent delegated is yet aviilable here. • The governor of Florida ^f^^es that official duties will prevent hlsyattend- ance but that he will try to suitable number of delegates he bespeaks the heartiest pf wis^s for the movement in.the interest of the cotton' Industry of the south. , . fixed at ten years imprisonment was the verdict today of the jury in the case of Geprge Quarles, who killed John Mitchell in the latter’s home here August 5. The 12 men had been out all night. The principal witness against Quarles was Mitchell’s bride of five days. She declared her husband re- itnonstrated with Quarles for using bad language in her presence. A fight fol lowed in which Quarles stabbed Mltch- eli.- Both men had been admirers of the woman. Ely, One of the Greatest. Atlanta by rail. 'I Internationally famed as a result He will assist ii^ the reception there I remarkable aeroplane flights Saturday. |to and from battleship decks in ex periments made in co-operation with the United States navy. Eugent B. Rodgers Attempts By Associated Press. Dallas, Texas, Oct. 19. Bly, comes here to demonstrate his- V « # I skill in the handling of his Curtls» T^fif%n during the fair. While hJ» “ “ [name is known In every land as a result of his great exploits of the past few months, he holds other claims for distinction. Unlike most of the other too* -Sight-seers at the state fair here today in crowd- j cessful aviators flying today, Ely ing about the bl-plane of C. P. Rodgers, I instruction, and has since established Defendant Wins ^ _ , - *u«ia reputation for skill and daring the cross-continent flyer, damaged the j hazardous vocation which al* right plane. To make repairs Rodgers I ^^yrays Insures his giving an exhibition M -1 was compelled to postpone his schedul- worth seeing. In Famous start for S«. Antonio from noon til 3 p. m. I satisfying his craving for excitement bjT driving mile-a-mlnute automobiles By Associated Press. New York, Oct. 19. -A verdict for xuin. .I.W. — -—I Dallas, Tex., Oct. 19.—^The 266 mlWsjjjj races on western tracks. He was the defendant was found today by the of practically level country between g^pgrt driver in those days when lui’v M Russell G. Griswold’s $50,000 Dallas and San Antonio tempted every of wealth who owned breiith tof promise suit against Miss backers of C. P. Rodgers, the coMtl^^ imported a French chauffeur Woodruff Smith, o; Stamford, to coast aviator, to My to drive‘for him. By Associated Press. I upward directly at the approach Jackson, Miss.. Oct. 19.—Strong sus- ing machine Rodgers said he was ^ot plcion that a package said to have well versed in the way of eagles would attempt to drive his aeroplane the news of the teday the ehtiije distance of the jon|-Glemt- H«-Ourtis». when h* slhgle dsflr’s flliht he has yetl^^jj^ the Sclentifle American trophy* ^ prt*e offered in this country, -Rodgers today told a story aboin m j gj dielewftlfted to become an avia- encounter yesterday With an ®*^8le. and as In the automobile fleld, he While flyipg about 2,000 feet high‘would get Into the game between Fort W^orth and Dallas, early.” Accordingly, a little more bird rose far below him, winging j when there were less ^ doien flying men in Ameri ca. he volunteered to take charge of a Curtiss aeroplane purchased ^^mci package t^oniaificd UynQVlit6\y^^^^^ .’??®T>t®?L%5iMiW*“he’Voul7''ge^ game been received here from New Orleans! but that this species/seemisd to hi*nk ^ wealthy westerner who had ho contained dynaniite is given by Deputy United States Mayshad Fred Collins today as his reason for assigning fed eral armed guards to duty about the freight shed of the Illinois Central Railroad. About 200 strike breakers are bn duty at the sheds. Efforts are making to trace the package to New Orleans. - But Is Speedmg on Way to be puzzled and determined to dis- machine for him. He cover wh?|,t sort of antagonist was j gygtained a good many hard knocks approaching. , i. ^4 and bumps In learning, but came up Nearer the'plane and almost di- time until he flnaily rectly in front of It the bird appeared jg^^maged the machine seemingly be- to take fright at the propeller and repair. swooped downward and out of ^gnt. j owner, becoming discouraged, / sold Vhat was left of the aeroplane SOUTHERN PROMOTER to‘Bly, who succeeded In piecing it CHARGED WTH LARCENY, together into » ^chlne that would fly. His work with it attracted iiienn By Associated Press. J H.” Curtiss, who attached Ely to hU New York, Oct. 19.—The extreme staff. . .. i,.- care that William J. Cummins' attor- From the time he neys are giving to the selection of the new ““chi^e, El^Jiad a jury that will try the southei'n promo-1 career. At Sheapshead B^ ac ter for alleged grand larceny caused track, during the meet another delay today In the prewnta- Ly Mr. Curtiss, Ely won a^ tlon of evidence. Three of the eleven and commendation for the spe^ujar talesmen accepted when court Jd- flying with journed yesterday were excused this Uelf to the eastern states. His specmi mbrntaK *' stunt on this occasion was ms The search for the four men needed flight from the aviation Two pilot cars of the Gild- ♦ den toeing party, driven by ♦ Messrs. Branch and Thomas ♦ reached the city at 1:50 o clock, ♦ about an hour earlier than they ♦ were looked for. and report that ♦ the main body of the tourists ^ are about an hour and a half ♦ behind. The pilots report the ^ roads in better condition th^n ♦ they expected to flhd them aiid ♦ say that the tourists are mak- ♦ ing good time. . ♦ The two pilot cars were J driven at once to the -Sel-♦ ^ wyn hotel, where their drlv- ♦ ers were welcomed Mid wheye ^ a snapshot, of them was made by ♦ Mt; Ostriond Bairlnger. ^ith a ^ fast:gathering crowd attend-♦ ance. ^ im- The Glidden tour will sleep o er night in Chariot^. The 80 odd cart In the great endur ance fun will reach Charlotte about 4:30 and will park in front Of the Forst Presbyterian church and . the Southern Manufactured’ Club. ^ The mai'n. body of the ' tour ists will begin tO come in abo^ 4 and the others will follow at hoare frpm ^ that ; time ,on. the last prdbably- arriving between 7 and 8 6’clofek. ■ • ^ - ' : • The atitolsts will be met at various nomts on the Salisburg road by, local Jutoists. It is likely that aU the auto agencies here will send out cars ter meet the incoming tourists. Don’t Block the Way. The tourists harve^made request au along the line of the tour that ^1 autoists leave an open road into, t^ cities in order that no time may be lost by the tourists, who are po^^ testing for the trophy.Uhis’reddest will be respected by the local au Ithorities and |tc meet the wishes and w vo^n; ience of the tourists. • Greater Charlotte Club, The Greater Charlotte Club office in the Selwyn hotel will be official headquarters for the tourists many of them will stop at the Sel- wyn. The Southern Manufacturers’ Club and the Colonial Club will also be at the disposal of the tourists, a smoker haing been arranged for them tonight at the former Club by the Greater Charlotte Club A committee of ladles working with the committee of entertainment will look after the welfare and comfort of the lady members of the touring, ^nd no effirt or exueiwe will be spared to make the reception measure up to that usually accorded by cWrlotte to visitors of such portahce. * , ^ ^ Roads Slippery. Messrs Ham & Ross received wire from a member of the touring i)arty today saying that the roads are' in very slippery condition, sev eral cars during the morning bavlngg skidded out of the road and several being slightly disabled. ... i^veral creeks had to be foMed and the motorists had a rather dim cult., time during , the .^morning run However, the roads between here and Salisbury have had time to dry Md the tourists will find good roads from there, here. i, j At the Cabarrus line the tourists^ will' find^ big' sl^ .telling ^em they, (jtre ’ welcome to the City Electrical Energy” and also apprils- them of the distance Queen City. , , The Greater Charlotte Club throtigh ^Moise efforts the tourists will find ready hospitality has provided an ap propriate* gift. To eac^ member of the partjr will be given a package of toilet’ articles, soap, powder, etc., on which is a card d!n which is print^ —cm one side “Y, M. C. A. strictiy mbderii shower and plunge baths w at the disposal of the Glidden Toitf, freeiof Siajr»e”. On the reverse sWi; “Charrotte through the Great- to the to complete the jury then continued Mr. Cummins’ attorney following his tactics of refusing any who had cot- nectlon, however remote, with the big houses in Wall Street and the district attorney questioning the Ulesmen about possible connections' with the defunct Carnegie Trust Company, of whose executive committee Cummins was chairman. PRISON CONGRESS TO meet in BALTIMORE By Associated Press. _ Omaha, Neb.. Oct. 19.—Tuberculoijs among prisoners was the flitit topic of discussion - before the American Prison congress here today. William H. Venn, parole officer for Michigan, strongly opposed con tract system In connection with the labor of convicts. Baltimore was agreed upon last night as the meeting place of the con gress of 1912. TRIED TO SWALLOW A “PLAY SHEET." By Associated (Press. New Orleans, Oct. 19.—^Andre Do minguez, aged 70, was arrested yester day charged with conducting a lottery. When the officer came up Domingo^* tried to swallow a “play sheet” bat they made him give it up and produced it as evidence. African Church In Conference By Associated Press. ^ - _ King Fisher, Okla.,. Oct. 19.—Two hundred ministers are in attendance at the annual conference, of the Afri can Methodist Bpiscopal church whi^ will be in session h«re until Sunday. Bishop. J. S. Blipper, of-Atlanta, C^.. is presi&ig and is assisted by Bishop William W. Heard, of Wes t Afr^ An educatk»al swwlon for the bw^t of nipper OUlese at Bro&toi^, wiU be dmiia: the eottCsreofilkf Sheapthead Bay to his hotel, he had lunch before returning to the fleld Later he won the altitude event in Chicago, won e^nfs at the meet In celebration of the c^ tennial of Cuyahaga county, at Clev^ land. OWo. participate In the Inte^ national meet at Belmont Paris, New York, and app^red at numeroM other meets and contests. When the Curtiss posed demonstrating the Partici^«*ty of fiylng aeroplane from the deck ol a ship at sea, the experiment toter- ested the navy department, finally decided upon similar test of its own near Norfolk. Ely was selected to cawy out vuiD experiment, and November 14th 1910, he maje a su(> cessful flight from the deck of the U. S. S. Birmingham. His eazy success here up the question as to the possiblU^ of alighting on a battleship, a ques- Sin S Ely »e‘«e« *>*«” from Selfridge Field, San thirteen miles to th^attleshlp Penn- svlvanla, in San Francisco harboi last January, making an accurate landing, and then flying away again after a luncheon with the officers of the Pacific fleet. Since that time he has been con* stStiy r demand, -and has flown in mftny of th6 larger cities in. west. Recently he has 'f ®“ at San Antonio. Texas, in flyl^ the new Curtiss war machine with the army aviators in connection with the ^Soeuvers” of the army along the Mexican border. , A Brilliant Record. With two aviators plunged head long into the ocean, another ramming a ^ence, and a third turning a somersault in the midfleld. as a day s record of accidents for a *vi^ion meet held at Brighton Beach, Sun^y afternoon, Sept. lOtr^ it is worthy of note that Engeae Bly, to a Curtiss Biplane, only aviator to furnish the 10,009 l^ple, gathered there, eoUr featnre-flying, and that tne Cnxtlss machine was the only ons GDoCliuied os Page Nine.