e 3F^|UC.0TTB NEWF , '*19 ■ 125. 1911 WANTS! The People’s Market Place Read By Thousands Daily 1 Cent a Word Each Insertion PHONE NO. 11 5 WANT&O WANTED—Sub-agents to solicit sub scriptions to “Uncle Remus’ ’ Home Magazine. Send 6 cents in stamps at once for outfit to Raleigh W. tor- tune. Box 68, Ciiffside, N. C. 25-lt. WANTED—Office boy with bicycle. Ap ply Charlotte Pipe & Foundry Com-. pany, 215 South Tryon Street. j4-2t Life Insurance Com> panies They areClosely Observing Public Health Conditions An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Compa nies, In an interview on the subject, made the astonishing statement that the reason why so many applicants for insurance are rejected is because kid ney trouble is so common to the American people, and the large nxa* jority of applicants do not even sus pect that they have the disease. He states that judging from his own ! experience and reports from druggists who are constantly in direct touch with^ the public, there is one prepara tion that has probafily been more suc cessful in relieving and curing these diseases than any remedy known. The mild and healing influence of Dr. Kil- per cent net Investment? on proper, mer’s Swamp-RMt Is soon ty three blocks from the Square and | stands the highest for its remarkaDle ^Shincin^d'.to- Jt”S:7horU« "we%ndXt%wamp.Root Is stricter Z'p“'^*slt1Sn.’^- S^u‘.h“n“R?a/Es“ an herbal ““PrX^'fi^eri^nee^ ta,e," li^n 4 Trust Co, 25-3t. [ our^^eaders_^ who feel In «ed of * on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes—fifty cents and one dollar. However, if you wish first to test its wonderful merits, send to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., for a sam ple botle, absolutely free. When writ- , Ing bs sure ahd mention the Char- ' lotte Daily News. WOULD YOU CARE to consider a 7 LOOKING FOR A LOCATION for a wholesale warehouse? We have the location and will build you the store. On the railroad, close to the center of the city. Southern Real Estate Loan & Trust Co. 25-3t. WANTED- Experienced retail grocer. W. J. Fite. 25-tf. WANTED—Two or three furnished rooms for ^ight houselieepmg. Rates must be reasonable. 934. City. Address Box 24-2t FOR EXCHANGE—Eastman Pano- rania Camera 4x3. New. cost $20.00,1 for tyi>ewriter. Sell for $15.00. > A f Flovd Palmer. 203 N. Brevard St. ../UftCU XXL UIUUII U-lt! Woman U^der Record. By AsoBciated Presii, St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 26.~-One moi^ stride wa» taken in the Held of femi nine accomplishment yesterday when Miss Florence Wilcox, of St. Paul, a junior co-ed. in the Minnesota Agri cultural School, In the annual field meet drove 42 lO^peiuxy nails In. the girls' nail driving contest in the rec ord-breaking time of 46 2-5 seconds. The previous record was 48 1-5 sec onds established last year. Both sec ond and third winners emerged fom the ordeal with badly b^ruised fingers but Miss Wilcox suffered only a slight chip of the skin frcTm the forefinger of the hand which held the nails. The Cigarette Fiend at the Fair, moral lesson to all. I QUITS GOLF. WANTED — Everybody who wears Shoes to come ai once to Belk Bros. 25-lt. WANTED—T’vo bojs lor shop work. Charlotte Aifg- Co. 7-tf 01 Mulder Charge will you and your husband continue j Special to The Henry to “stav” in a rented house, when, > S. C.. Oct. 2o.-John Henry TO THE YOUNG W’lFE we say, Why by a little effort, you can “live” in a bungalow of your own. On East 8th street, just completed, one of 7 rooms, bath, warm air furnace, large E'hady lot. Price and terms for you at office. Southern Real Estate, Loan & Trust Co. 25-3t. WANTED—Reliable woman to cook and do general housework. Apply afternoon, 10 E. 9th. 25-lt. NOTICE—When you come make your headquarters Bros. 25-lt. WANTED--A man to drive milk wag-' on. H. D. Klrkpatilck. 21-tf|MEET WA.N’TED—Boarders auc roomers. \uuly 20» E. i'jta or Pnontj 1389 J 2-tf WANTED—At once; 25 Feather Beds. We pay highest cash prices. Ad- dreb.-^ New York Feather Co., Gen eral Ueli\ery, Charlotte, N. C. 25-2t. ME at Hastings & Mitchell’s furniture stoie. Cut price sale. 46 N. College St. Phone 897-J. 30-tf-eod PRIZES — Belk Bros, will save you enough on your Shoes and Clothin?, to buy your gifts. 25-lt. WANTED—Koon>ers aua tiotrders lor nice larye front rooms upstairs and down stairs. House newly fur&lsh- ed. Apply 307 South CJauich. Phone 2860. 30tf VIAVl RePPiESENTATIVE — ’Phone 1449. IbS 1. M. Neumeyer, 18 N. Brevard. 19-tf. ♦ ♦ « FOR SALE ♦ ♦ ♦ FOR SALE—Ten acres; 5 room cot- age and hall; porches; good well; two miles from Fair Ground on ark Rond. 0. B. Mason, Route 2, •’haviotre. 25-3t. FOR SALE—Flat top desk and Bllck- ensderfer typewriter. 604 Realty Building. 24-2t FOR SALE—$25 stove. Perfect Nortn Tryon. Cole’s Hot Blast condition, $15. 901 24-2t iXJR SALE OK RENT—Meat market doing good business. Phone 982-J. J S. Robinson. 4-tf FOR RENT—Furnished or imfumlsh- ed rooms for ladies. Phone 967-J. 25-2t. LOOKING for a new store building equipped with elevator, and every thing modern with easy railroad fa cilities? We can 911 your want. Southern Real Estate, Loan & Trust Co. • 25-3t. May was arrested late yesterday af- I ternoon at the old Billy Gallman home I place in the northern suburbs of this city and was admitted to jail at 6:15 ' p. m, charged with murder of Henry Bocha on Mail street here Saturday . night. j May surrendered to Deputy J. G. T jT~ Long, Jr., and Chief of Police Evans, t H It ^ who. with Policeman E. B. Wood and at BeiK i Gregory went to the scene in an j automobile at 5:30 o’clock. When first I called upon to surrender May would make no reply to th^ officers, and the automobile came back and brought up more deputies, but before they reaped the Gallman home, which is now occu pied by Henry Smith, , son of Jake Smith, May had given himself up to Chief Evans and Deputy Long. * The prisoner was then rushed to jail and is now in a cell. Smith statedr that May had just come into his home. May oiered no resistance and said he intended surrendering in the morn ing. CHOICE central room and board. 413 N. Church. 24-2t Tarior General Was Assc^mated By Associated Press. j Canton, China, Oct. 25.~The newly INTERESTED in Bungalows? Then appointed Tartar general, Pi|ng Sen, look at that unique, attractive one ^as assassinated upon his arrival to assume his duties today. By Associated Press. Chicago, 111., Oct. 25.—Charles (‘(Chick”) Evans, former Western op en golf champion and present chq.m- pion of France, will, in a measure, re nounce his devotion to the game to day. He will start to work for a bond company and in the future will have little time for goif% ^ Evans had originally intended to go to Boston, where he had been offered a position, bi\t preferred to remain in Chicago. The Cigarette Fiend at the Fair, moral lesson to all. RODGERS RESUMES FLIGHT. By Associated Press. Spofford, Te;^as, Oct. 25.—With his mileage standing at 2,706, Aviator C. P. Rodgers today planned to add but 30 miles, to his ocean-to-ocean aero plane journey. He expects to fly from here to Del Rio, Texas, on the Mexican border, sighting foreign soil for the first time in his long flight. 'Coming “The Honeymoonera.” Amuse-U Tomorrow. 25-lt. Vhe Kind Toa £liiiV9 Always Bongbt* and which lias been In cue fi>r over M yeara» i*«># i>ome signatore of has been made Qxtdeit bis per^ sonal si^ervlBlon siii.ce itsiiiJlluicy* Allow no one to deceive you in this* All ConnterfiBitSt Imitations and ** Jnst-as-good’^are but Experiments "^at trifle with and endangrer the health ot In^ts and Children—Ezpex^ against Experlm^it* What Is CASTORIA Clastoria is a harmless si^bstii^te for Castor Oil^ Pare* Corlc, ]>rops and Soothing SymiMS. It is Pleasaait. It contains neither Opium* Morphine nor rther Karcotio substance. Its BagB is Ub irufKrantee. It destroys 'Worms and allays FeTerishness. It cures IHarrhcea and Win^ Colic. It reli^^ves Teething Troubles, cures Constipatioii and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, 7?egulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healtny and. natural sleepb The Children’s Panacea- Hu) Mother’s f^end. OENUIHE CASTORiA ALWAYS iBean the Signature of Busioes^ Builders GROCERS WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED a shipment of very fine late Valencia Oranges very sweet and juicy. Also some very fine Rhubarb, Cauliflower, Head Lettuce, Celery and an extra fine -ot of Grape Fruit, Duchess Pears, Mal- aga.Md Basket Graphs, Cocoanuts and Cape Cod Cranberrie's. M!LLEK-VAN NESS CC. McN EEL’S Special Notice. Wednesday, Oct. 25, Charlotte day at the Fair, our store will be closed from 12 a. m. We will flu all orders and ask you to give your order early. We have everything in fresh vegetables, nice, tender corn, etc. Phones 26222 and 2623. Use For Over 30 Years. STHCCT, NEW VORR OR*. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. of seven rooms, large bath, warm air furnace in a densely shaded lot. East 8th street. Southern Real Es tate, Loan & Trust Co. 25-3t. MRS. DR. MOORE, Painless Tooth Ex tractor. Office 23% West Trade St. i 10-3-tf 75 HORSES and MULES received on October 9th Wadsworth Sales Stables 1st FOR SALE—China press and suit bed room furniture. Phone 855-J. 24-2t FOR QUICK SALE—One 7-r»»om cot tage, three 5-room cottages, one 4- room cottage with lots for five more iiouses. Only one mile from Inde- pondence Square on shady side of street, with lots of shade trees and fruits and fiowers all for $14,000. See L. C. Herndon. Phone 916. 10-10-tf FOR RENT — Modem 6-room house; close in. A. D. Neal, ’Phone 429. • 25-tf. FOR RIENT—Large Btonlge room. Ad- dess F. B. C., care News. 16-tf. eod. FOR RENT — Modem 8-room house, hot water heat J. M. Oates. 25eod-tL FOR RENT—No. 409 East Fourth street, six room ^ouse, modem, close in, $20.00 per month. Apply 406 E. Ave. 22-7t FOR RENT—9-stall barn. Rates reas onable. Apply 303 Park Ave. 22-7t XOR RENT—Nicely tumlshed rooms with baths and without, 22 «E. Trade, Belmont hoteL tO-tl LOST and found. LOST — On street car, a package of Ointment. Reward if left at News Of fice. 25-2t. The general accompanied by his wife and a large escort of soldiers was coming ashore when a bomb thrown from the roof of a building dropped among the party. The explo sion that followed killed Fung Sen and a number of soldiers and caused a fire that uu»aed several houses. According to one account the general’s wife was killed. They came here from Shang hai, having stopped a few^ days at Hong Kong. Except for the excitement caused by the assass-ination the life of' the city is normal. Workingman! FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, READ THIS. We have just finished a home for i you—just such a one as ycni would build if you had the time and money. It has six good rooms, neatly finished, city water and electric lights, fenced, good neighborhood. First Ward, close to schools, cars and churches. THE PRICE,- on EASY TERMS Is only $2000.00. Now we don’t know who lyou are,— T r\arr i- « ^ ^ y®'* know US,—W6 know the house. LOST — Bunch keys near South Grad- j Let’s get together. You’ll never re gret it. FOUND — That Belk Bros, can give you any kind of a shoe you want, and save you money on every pair. 25-lt. LOST—One bunch of keys, club key No. 55. Return News. 25-lt. ed School. H. C. Long Co. 25-lt NEVER OUT OF WORK. The busiest little things ever made are Dr. King’s New Ldfe Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, languor into energy, braing fag into mental power; curing Constipation, Headache, Chills, Dyspepsia, Malaria. Only 25c at W. L. Hand & Co.’s. Unioa Loan and Realty Company CONTEST OVER HANSON WILL By Associated Press. Atlanta, Oct. 25.—Unusual interest is being manifested in the hearing of the contest over the will of the late Major J. F. Hanson, president of the Central of Georgia Railway, which be gan here this morning. Contestants of the will are seeking to prevent its be ing probated on allegations charging that fraud and misrepresentation wer indulged in to influence Major Hanson. The chief beneficiary is Miss Anna Hanson Garrett, a daughter. The deposition of Mrs. Cora LeLe Hanson, widow of Major fianson, re citing the story of their martial differ ences is the feature, of the depositions that will form the testimony in the case. Mrs. Hanson’s deposition states the reasons, according to Mrs. Hanson, why her husband in his will preferred his daughter, Mrs. Garrett, above all other members of the family. She al leges that the adherence of the sons and other daughters to the Theouop- hist religion was one of the causes for discord in the family. Also that her husband adopted the son of Mrs. Gar rett to “get even” with another daugh ter for going to Point Loma, Califor nia to Uve. Having qualified as executrix of the will of J. Be^ch Vreeland, late of Char lotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of October, 1912, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. Present claims at the office of Louis B. Vreeland. Room 5, Law Building. Charlotte, N. C. This 25th day of October, 1911. EMMA VREBLAiiD, Executrix of the will of J. Beach Vreeland. 10-25-6t. eow. STABLE MAN MURDERED CAPITALIST. By Associated Press. San Jose, Cal» Oct. 25.—Simpn Romero, a capitalist, was killed and Miss Helen Quezada, daughter of Francisco Quezada, a millionaire planter of Costa Rica, was wounded early today by Manuel Garcia, a stable man. MisS Quezada had repri manded him for riding her thorough bred horse with out permission. Miss Quezada’s life was probably saved by Mrs. Ampreao Zeledon, of Costa Rica, a guest at the Quezada home who jumped on the murderOT’s back as he ran at the girl, aiming his revolver. Garcia escaped and a posse started in pursuit. 16 East Trade St. Phone 349. Mopri# E. Trotter, Mgr. FOR RENT—Two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping, half block from car line, low price, No. 3 Irwin Ave. 22-71 FOR RENT—Two furnished 509 South Tryon. rooms, 22-51 FOR RENT—Modem 6-room house on Pine St., near 7th, $20.00 per month. ’rtione 1854-J. 202 W. S. Stewart. Mint St. 21-tf FOR RENT—Beautiful bungalow in Woodlawn. Six elegant rooms. The McClung Realty Company. 18-tf mi»ckllanbou» SALE—Of Shoes and Clothing at Belk Bros. SS-lt. BARGAIN—^Five acres laad, ‘ good house, bam and fmit trees at Mytrs Park for price of two acres. A. R. White, care Postoffice. 24-^ FINE DRIVINa HORSE, with rubber tire top buggy in use but few months, and with good harness. For Quick Sale. F. C. Abbott ft Co. 24-5t Don’t Wander You can’t stop people on the street to ask them to take you for a boarder. You can’t wander up and down ring ing door bells. Who wants a board er who hunts a boarding house that way? The pleasantest boarding places are found In Just two ways. First: Read News classified ads. Sec ond: If you don't see just what you want put a little classified ad in The News. Write News Want Ad Department or *Phohe IIB whenever you want any thing. ONC CENT A WORD. With its new features Mosaic Inlay. A Florentine ai’t craft. Jeweling showing its man/^sizes and varied colors. Three-ply carving process, anybody can execute it. Designs drawn so as / to simplify work for amateur. Call at/Our store and see this t>eautiful line oP goods. We carry a bjg stock of Points, Bulbs, and supplies. Let us re pair your old outfit for you. We will sell you a new outfit and teach you to burn and carve. Mail orders receive prompt at tention. ROBINSON’S Book Store SO West Trade St. CHARLOTTE, N. C. The World. And Its Troubles The grafters go on grafting and the bribers bribe away; The bosses still grow fatter and the people have to pay; Men with schemes that are unfair, Keep on thriving everywhere, But the world goes on contriving to get better day by day. The thugs are busy shooting, and the gangster’s arm is strong; The men we choose for ofilce are in dined to wink at wrong; Though we do our best to drive Out the crooks and thieves, they thrive. But the world keeps bravely getting somewhat better right along. The rich lawbreakers calmly keep pur suing the old game; They are ever busy claipiing what they have no right to claim; They take tribute day by day And the public has to pay, But the world, with all its troubles, keeps improving just the same. FRESH COCOANUTS and Choice Cranberries received thia morning. * S. H. LENTZ. Fred Cochran, Mgr. ’Phones 101 and 102. FRESH LOT Blue Brand Lard and Breakfast Bacon, Grapes and Grape Fruit. W. M. CROWELL. Phone 1062. 200 E. Morehead St. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Choice lot Country Shoulders 11 cents per lb. Choice Carolina Rice, 5 cemts per lb. Choice Corn Meal 30 cents per peck. Choice groceries and plenty-of them at low prices. ALEXANDER BROS. 218 East Trade St. Phone 2561 MtSSCELLANEOUS LET us FIX YOUR RErRIGERATOS We can tell at a glance juat what ails it and at a trifling expense make it good and serviceable. Send along your ice cream freezer. We can tix that, too. C. F. SHUMAN 'Phone 111. 200 N. College St BRIEFS ^The Rock HIU band which Is mak ing music for the fair Is a splendid organization. —The Pair Association is pajring about $800 to give Qharlotte and vicin ity the treat of hearing the best band In the United States* —Mr. Clarence Gresham, of Char lotte, has been In Greenville S. C., the matter of opening a new hotel in that city. Mr. Gresha^ ts the well- known hotel man who has hotels all over this part of t^e dountry. The GreenVUle Piedmont a^s that Green ville-Is In need of more hotel room. Th^ city will welcome Mr. Gresham. —Mr. W. P. Dowd is hulldlng a handsome residence on Park avenue in Dllworth. The work is progressing rapidlT'. Mr. Dowd expects to occupy hlB new home by the first of the year. His present residence is in the Dowd apartments. POWERS RECEIVE FIRST PORT MOROCQ^N AXlR^EMENT. By Associated Press. -/ Berlin, Oct. 2B.^The German and French governments have commu- nlMted to thep oiireni Hie flrst pail of the Moroccan TMteement having to do ^th;;the po^ubn of Prance in Morppco, rand; an c^tiaist&c sta» ment ressrdi^. tlie ne^tlaliont - oVer the second part concern^ig the ’com- peUsauum to ‘tM given Oeitnaiiy in French Congo. Coaaing “Th'e Honeymoofieri;'* Amuse-U Tomorrow. ' 26^1t imuttms or ulcemtions ot all m btmaM. uiinatutttl dbc throat ovthree bottles Booklet The insurance agent has more trou bles than anybody else, still he is willing to offer himself, a willing sac rifice upon the altar of “More busi ness.” You can g#^t the best insurance on the market, at insurance headquar ters. C. N. G. Butt & Co. INSURANCE HEADQUARTERS THE GEM HOTEL AND CAFE Up-to-date dining room, seating lOQ persons, a lunch counter unequaled In South. Conveniently located on South Tryon Street. Strictly European. MOVED I have moved my Terra Cotta Pipe Yard to East 5th St., between College St, and the Railroad, in the Heart of the City, where you will find every thing in pipe and tilings. Flue pipe* Chimney lining. Well coping, etc. C. V. FURR, THE SELWYN HOTEL EUROPEAN V .Only fire-proof hotel in Char ‘lotte; supplied entirely, with wa ter from its own deep wi(lL CAFE OPEN Av^ NIGHT. Water analyzed .^ily 6, 1911, by Director State Laboratory Of Hygiene ano pronounced purs. Pure Water tiom our Artesian Well, 303 1-2 feet deep, lor sale. 6c gallon at Hotel. lOo gallon in 5-galloa lots. delivered In Charlotte or at R. , R. StaUon. EDOlAR B. MOORE,. Pr^prieter. Professional Cards DR- WM. PAi^ir DENTIST Garibaldi, Bfuns & DIxPn BIdg. 12 S. Tryon. > (Note Change of Location.) 'Phone 1408, Day or Night. ■■ — , Dr. H. 0. Henderson. Dr. L. i. Qidneji HENDERSON &GIDNE^ DENTISTS Office, Hunt BIdg., 202/2 N. Tryon St 'Phone 216. ■ . ^ Offloe 'Phone, 326. Residence 962-J( L W. JAMIESON DENTIST fOt Realty Building, Chafiotte, N. Q Winter Wiii Soon^ Be Here So FiH Your Cpal Bin With standard Coal That Moiiey Gao Buy StiQd^lce & Fnd^ Compaoy PliMes OSTEOPATH. REGISTERED DR. H. Realty Bufiding. Hours, 9 to 12, 2 to 5. 'Phone, Office, 330; Residence 371^ Consultation. at Office, gratis. F. L. BOiJFOEY . AI^CHITECT 1^ V' ‘ Supervision of Contructlon. Office, 211 N. Tryon. Room 4. HUGH W. HARRIS ATTORNEY Law Bvlldlrtf. Charlotte, N. Ci J. M. McMICHAEL ARCHITECT Roomt 605>506 Trust Butldln{^ CHARLOTtE, N. C. REPAIREa VULCANIZED RECOVERED Inner Tubes Vu'canlzed. We guarantee they will never lealc where we vnlcanize them. First puncture ........ 50 cents. Second puncture 25 cents. Third puncture 25 cents. All siaes new tires carried In stoclL Relay Mfg Co 231 and 233 s. TryOn St. .VACUUM CLEANING. Under the old order of things, •house cleaning was woman’s greatest burden, but the Santo Vacuum cleaner has made it the lightest of her duties. We will do your cleaning or take your order for a machine. Call phone 1292. THE CAROLINA VACUUM CLEANING CO. 31S Realty Building. State Agents. i *

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