•sa^asLAMuomm:-“ , oCTdBER 26 i9U **GeneraV* A. L. Smith Colonel A. L. Smith, who has been )or years in the service of the North Ctrolina National Guard was retired from the service, with an additional Icrade in rank in advance. According to the state law after a'B ofllcer has Served ten years he may retire with Ihe additional rank “Col/* Smith,npw rtnks as a brigadier genertl. The .eom- aaisslon was Issued from Raleigh iay. : • —The pipe for the river liifc l8 bas ing shipped, and is arriving daily. It is being unloaded at, or beyond Hoskins. Mtie Of Chatham Car Line Is Now Completed It is said that the Chatham car line will have over a mile of the line In working order by Saturday. The cars are of the storage battery type and will j-un without trolley. The yower will b© furnished by the Southern Pow er company. —All men of thee ity Interested in advertising are reiquested .to meet at the Selwyn tonight at 8:30 to perfect an organization of the Charlotte ad men. Danderine Makes your hair grow long, heavy and luxuriant and we can prove it Get a 25 Cent Bottle Now and Forever Stop Falling Hair, Itching Scalp and Dandruff Hair Becomes Soft, Fluffy, Lus trous and Abundant After a Danderine Hair Cleanse r).indcrinc is to the bair what fresh showers of ram and sunshine arc to vegetation, It goct ripht to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. Its cxhikrating, stimula ting and life-proilucinqr properties cause the hair to grow abundantly long, strong and beautiful. It at once imparts a sparkling hrillianry ar.d velvety softness to the liair, and a few weeks’ use will cai:>e new hair to sprout all over the scalp. I'se it every day fi>r a short time, after uhich two or three t!-:ie: a week will be srr^icient to complete whatever growth you Jc'Ire. Immedia»e!v after applying a little Dan- deri.ie all uir.«.I ;tf will disappear, all itching I't t.'.c s.-lip will ‘•ea;e and tncre will b« no more loose or falling hair. li \ j wiih to dour«!e the beauty of your h 'r i'’ ten nunute”. M.reiy trv tiiis—moisten i i-.th w’.l. a little D-:'.dcrinc and draw it ‘ I'rfuiiy iaroUj;h your hair, taking one small 5‘,^.-.d at a ;!:ue. thl: 'v-i! clcaii>e the liair of d d!:t or r:ny exiesi’ve oil—In a lew rr --nfnts y=>iir hair w il be wavy, fliiffy abunuar.t acd po^^ess a:i incomparable soft- p- lustre and luxuriance, the beauty and #‘';:n:ner of true h.;Ir health. If ' u .a.; ^ * braut:?';l, soft hair and lott cf it ' ire’y pet a 25 cent bottle of Know!- t' r’s Da'-ie'in^ from a: v drrp store or ti'.;et counie:—A real surprise awaits you. Second Aanual -AT SALE Farm Charlotte, N. C. Saturday, Oct. 28th oO Regis’ered Berkshire Ho^.. "r-.' "■ r. 12 Regietered Jerbey«. 6 Regietered Holeteins. Bdj^ccue at 12 o'clock. Sale bciiin> at l;30’p. m. f nypyancr^r T^ili meet rar from 10:30 to 12:30 at turn near American .MEchine Company’s foundry. C^'RDIAL I.WIFATION ig extended all who are interested in Live '^’ock. £ALE HELD under cover. * EDGAR B. MOORE, Prop. Smart Suits ^ ou young fellows who want styl^ In your clothes can get it here with out taking any chances on quality. One’s Just as important as the other. What good is your style if It doesn’t last and keep shape. Our all wool fabrics and fine thorough tailoring are worth having. Such clothes are proflta* bl« to you as well as to us. Come let us get together on your fall suit we know you will be well pleased. N Yorke Bros & Rogers Mrs. Van Landing- ham, Pies. Genet al North Carolina D. A. R. ^ Will Present ‘ tt^ Name of 7his Able Woman and Noted Z>. A. R, Leader ^or The Office of President General. When the Continental Congress, D. A. R., meets next in Continental Hill, Washington, the state of Nort^ Caro lina will present ,the name of ^one of its foremost women for the ofHc^ of president-general—Mrs. John Tan- Landingham, of Charlotte. t The State Congress at its approach ing ^meeting at Tarboro, will unani mously endorse Mrs. Van Li/idingham for the highest ofBce in the D. A. R. National Society. An undercurrent of enthusiasm for Mrs. Van Ijandingham to be elected president-general dating back several years, has burst into active zeal, and throughout North Carolina called meet ings have been held, and are being held, so that each and every chapter of the state can endorse Mrs. Van Landingham for this high office. Her name will be presented at the state convention, with the unanimous en dorsement of every chapter in the state. The five Charlotte chapters have themselves given their enthusiastic en dorsement of this gifted Daughter for the leader of the D. A. R. hosts. Second to none in ability, of Geo- Elliot type of mind, of wide reading, fine poise, dignified grace, commanding and handsome appearance; a wise par liamentarian and a charming diplomat, there is no woman in the Nation who would wear the robes of the high office with more ability or"^;race. .Mrs. Van Landingham served her' stale for several terms at State Re gent. She has been regent of Mcck- ieabur^ Chapter, the first chapter or ganized iu the state, and regarded as the oracle in D. A. R. matters. The National Society, would hcihor itself in honoring Mrs. Van Landing ham. Electrical Men Plan Big Time ''Sons of Jove** Rejuvenation to Wake Up the Old Town Sat urday Night — The Jovian Congress Made Up oj Jolly Good Fellows. More than 50 rooms have been re served at the hotels to accommodate the visiting electrical men who are to t>e in Charlotte to attend the first Re juvenation of the Sons of Jove to be pulled off Saturday night in the Ma sonic Temple on the fourth floor of the Piedmont building. Telegrams and mail bring news from all over the Carolinas that elec trical men are deeply concerned and that the Slogan of the order “All to gether, all the time for everything electrical” is on the tongue and in the heart of every man interested in the electrical development, of the Caro linas. Men of high rank in the Jovian or- Ider to attend and participate in the j team work. E. D. Strickland, member i of the Jovian congress and assistant } to thtf reigning Jupiter will come from 1 St. l^uis and bring with him the work- ' iug parphanalia, “Electrical Effects” ' the regalia anil costumes used regular* ; ly for annual meeting only, but to be ; used in the Charlotte meeting, because of the unusually dignified rejuvenation .and the large number of candidates 1 to be initiated Saturday night. I Past Jupiter Oscar C. Turner of I Birmingham, Alabama, will officiate as ! the reigning Jupiter. Mr. C. McKew Parr, of Hartford, Conn., will be “Avrenim”. Mr. F. W.^ryne and Mr. L. S. Montgomery, of Atlanta will play respectively the parts of Vulcan and Apollo. Mr. Julian Binford of the Tow er Blnford Elcctric, Manufacturing Company of Richmond, Va., will im personate Neptune and other old Jovius will make up the cortlre of Heralds, imps and guides who will assist the worthy satellites to approach Great Jupiter’s throne. Mr. Julian McGill Dorst^, manager Westinghouse Electric & .Mfg. Co., At lanta will be toast master at a big ban quet to be given after the meeting at the Selwyn hotel. . More than 100 candidates will be Initiated. A large number of men In local organizations have signed appli cations and will stay over Saturday night in Charlotte. Mr. Ab. V. Harrill. vice president Charlotte Power Co., is chairman of the reception committee. Finlayson Co, to Double Capttal One OJ Charlotttfs Great Mfg. Concerns Enters Upon a New fear of Marked Success— Will Double Capital And Enlarge Businesst^ • Tl^ E. V. Finlayson Manufactur ing Company, manufactured of pants, held t^elf' first annual atockboldera' meeting at their office, No. 211 West Fourth street, Tuesday, October 24. The old board of directors was re elected for the coming year, Mr. Fln- la.vson was re-elected president and treasurer, and Mr. W. H. McCabe, Jr., secretary. * The annual report shows that the company has had a very successful year. They unanimously decided to double their capital stock in order to do a much larger amount oi business. This firm employs fourteen sales men, who cover twenty-five states. They have a plant that will turn out six hundred pair of men’s pants dally and their business for the past year has warranted their running every day. Aviator Whtimet (Continued from Page One.) Mr. Andrews is a son of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Andrews. He was born and reared In Charlotte, but for a short while has been living in Greens boro. Mr. Whitmer thinks Mr. An drews will make quite a success in the aviation business. The Machine. The bi-plane which will tak^ Mr. AVhitmer into Charlotte’s upper strata, isabout the same proportions of the McCurdy machine, but Is stronger built in that the wings have an under lining. McCurdy’s machine had only a top cover. The machine has a 60-horsepower engine, and weighs 650 pounds. , Mr. Whitmer and several other Cur tiss men were busily at work yester day examining the machine, making sure of every wire, every part of' the ‘^bird.” Mr. W’hitmer is on unmarried man. His parents are living. He talking of the risk the aeronaut takes, said; “We never think of that. We don't anti cipate anything going wrong. Of course one must be very careful. I never attempt a flight with the wind against me. I am not that foolhardy. With a machine in perfect order, and good aerial canditions an airship, to a man who knows how to manage It, Is as safe as an auto.” Speaking of local conditions, Mr. Whitmer said; “This is the worst field to soar in I have ever seen. The ground is very rough, the fences and the trees are close in, and the wind seems to have a cinch on that south west corner. That’s what got McCur dy when he tried to fly here. If I can get up out of here, ab^e the tree tops, and those winds from that corner don’t strike me I am all right. After I get up high—out of the wind—I’m all right also. ‘I will fl[o 2,000 feet or more, if the weather is nice—that is if the wind is right.” * The hour of flight, it seems, is gov erned by the wind. Mr. Whitmer, as announced on The News bulletin this morning, expected to “saif’ ^ny time between 12 m. ^and 5 p. m. The best time, he said. Is a little after 4 o’clock. FOLEY vs. KIDNEY REMEDY hopeless case. Hon, Ark. J. B. Freeman says; “I had a severe case of kidney trouble and could pot work and my case seem ed hopeless. I used several well known remedies, and had the services of a doctor, all of which gave me no r^ lief. One large bottle of Fotey s Kid ney Remedy cured nae and I nave nev er been bothered since. I have also recommended It to my friends -^o aU received the same good results. Boiren Drug Store on North Square. Games and Game Boards • Largest stock ,of games in the ^ city. Call and see some of the new ones. For young and old. Baseball Boards, Carrom Boards, Crokinol^' Boards. Bring the children to see us. ROBINSON’S Book Store , 30 West Trade Street. CHARLOTTE, N.. C. Charlotte Bonds Deposited in N. Y. City Treasurer Arthur H. Wearn and ity Attorney Brenizer have arrived safely in New York with the ^463,000 of city bonds which the city acquired recently from the American Trust Company, who bought the water bonds and the school bonds. Mr. Wearn and Mr. Brenizer went at oiice to the National Bank of New York, with which the American Trust company does business, and turned over their burden to the bank author^ ities. Although Mr. Wearn is missing the gala affair of the season here—the county fair—he will probably be able to stand the disappointment after he has watched the sights along Broad* way for a day or two. One of the city clerfis predicts that when lie returns he will have the correct minutes in short hand of all the events he wit* nessed in the metropolis and will be able to re^d them off to any of the city boards on demand. Mr. R. H. Holland Died Last Night A telegram to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Holland, last night, announced the sad news of the death of their son, Mr. Ralph Holland, in New York City. As distressing as the news was It was not wholly unexpected as Mr. Hol land had been In bad health for a year. His host of friends in Charlotte had hoped that he would, in time, be restored, but the hope/was in vain. Mr. Holland was btro in Charlotte. He was 40 years of ei«e. He attended Baird’s school and afterwards went to Davidson College, and later to the U. N. C. from which he was graduated. «is law study began at the University was completed at Columbian Universi ty. He was Assistant'professor of law at Qolumbla.^ While holding this posi tion he was coach, in law. to Richard Croker’s son. Mr. Holland w,as prom inently known in the Ifegal and social world of New York, especially In southern society circles In which he was exceedingly popular. His career was watched with Interest and pride Ijy his host of friends Ijl Charlotte. As handsome aa an Apollo, brilliant in mind and magnetic in personality he was well fitted,to sXicceed even in as great a city as New York. Mr. Holland married Miss Virginia Hewitt, of New York, who survives hUn, also his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,J. R. Holland, his sister, Mias Alice Holland andltwo brothers, Mr. Hazel Holland; of Camden, S. > C., and Mr. Algie Holland, of Sumter, S. C. The funeral arrangements have not bAATi made. SALE Having purchased the entire output of one of America s leading Blanket Mills, we are going to give you the best Blanket values we know you ever had offered you. They are all wool, large size, most any color that you could desire. / We have placed them on sale at a very special price. They were made to never sell for less than five and seven dollars. We have divided them into two lots, and give you the opportunity to buy tho best Blanket value, we know you ever saw. $3.48 and $3.69 J* Never before have the people of Charlotte had offered to them such an opportunity. Our cash selling and buying plan makes these prices possible. You’ll find these Blankets displayed on main fioor In front of elevator. They ai^ all sold with if they are not worth the money hand them back feature attached to them. Come In While the Assortment is Good. Liles-NixCompany CHARLOTTE’S AUTHORITY ON WOMEN'S WEAR 17 and 19 West Trade St. Phones 776-777 Sickness in Family Of Rev. Di, Orr Mrs. R. S. Hervey, of Pittsburg, who was Miss Pauline Orr, of this city, is in a hospital at Pittsburg, A HOUSEHOLD MEDICINE THAT GIVES CONFIDENCE. Is Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound. Mrs. T. J. Adams, 522 No. Kansas Ave., Columbus, Kas., writes; “For a number of years my children have I many mends' o xhjucji auu Tar here will be glad to learn that she | Compound and have found that it cur- is getting along nicely. Rev. Dr. Orr, I their coughs and colds in a very her father, who has been holding an i ®hort time, so I keep it in the house evangelistic meeting at Steping Rock, i ^ time. Bowen Drug Store on w’here she underwent an operation \ sujcet to toughs and colds, for appendicitis. Her many friends! SOt some of Foley’s Honey and ' NUPTIAL EVENT OF THE EVENING, o • | Mnrth The marriage of Miss Anna Blythe near Pittsbur, was with her during | »quare Kennedy, of this city, and Dr. John the operation. McAuIey, of BaKersburg, Pa., at East Mr. Frank, sister of Mrs.‘Hervey, Avenue Taternacle this evening at 8 who left here recently to enter W^est- o clock will be a brilliant nutlal vent, minster College, has also been in a The ceremony will be performed by hospital at Pittsburg with typhoid the bride’s father, Rev. Dr. J. G. Ken- fever, but is convalescing and will nedy. The wedding details as given re-enter college soon, in The News will be elaborately 5 ; ; wrought out. Numbers of friends are War Will Continue, here from a distance to attend the w'ed-' Berlin, Oct. 26. Advices ding. MRS. ZEHM AT HOME. Mrs. J. H. Zehmn has arrived home after her delightful frip abroad. She spent several days in New York after landing. Fine Exhibition Of Live Stock The Mecklenburg fair can this year boas't of one of the best stock exhibits ii*a.c has ever been in Charlotte, in the opinion of expert judges. The colts are especially fine and are attracting much attention from live-stock fan ciers. Awards.. All awards have been made in this department and owners express them selves as pleased wit hthe work of the judges. Mr. Egbert B. Moore’s big stallion took another first prize. W. P. Cochran’s stallion took anoth er first prize and John A. Newell’s en try, second prize. In the mile colt class W. S. Pharr’s colt was the winner and W. A. Neal’s entry took second prize. J. A. Newell’s animals, first prizes for both jack and jennet. ^ R. N. Williams’ brood mare, first prize. For horse or mare, 4 years old, or ov er, N. B. Harriss’ animal, took first prize and M. O. Dowd’s second. In thee buggy-horse class W. B. Beat ty’s animals took second prize; W. S. Abernathy’s horse, first prize. In the filly cla&s G. C. Taylor’s en try took first and dWT. C. Griffith’s second prize. R. A. Hudson's mule, first prize in the three-year class. In the cattle exhibit the honors were carried off by the entries of J. Thomas,^dgar B. Moore and Cochran Brbthers. Mr. Moore took prizes on Jersey bull and Jersey cow, and Hol stein bull. Mr. J. B. Thomas’ animala took priz es for breeders he#d, dai^ herd, sec ond prize, heifer, butter exhibit and Jersey bull. . Cochran Brothers' animals, prizes for breed herd and dairy herd. Mr. Connuly Is, Building Insj^ctor At a called meeting of the c^ exec utive board today Mr. R. P. Connelly was elected building inspector, to suc ceed former Building Inspector Robin son, who resigned last week. ' Mr. Con nelly has been connected both with the Southern Power company and the Southern Bell Telephone company {md is eminently suited to fill the position. The Fountain. The board decided to place the $90(1 marble drinking fountain donated to the city by the National Humane So ciety,,at the site first selected, just in front of and about a dozen yards away fron^ the grass plat at the Intersec- tlon/bf Morehead and Brevard streets. Mayor Bland also read a telegram from City \ Treasurer Arthur Wearn in New York saying he had safely de livered th«*~$465,100 in bonds at the bank in New Yoric city. "^The receipts at the cotton plat form today were 53 bales at S 3-4 cents per pound against 122 bales on the cor responding date last year at 13 3-4 cents per pound. Utterly Wretched Nervous Prostration Long Endured Before Remedy was Found. Miss Minerva Reminger, Upper Bern, Pa,, writes; “For several years I had nervous prostration, and was utterly ■wretched. I lived on bread and beef from because my stomach would not re- Constantinople state that reports of a | tain anything else. I took many rem- recent battle with Italian losses of j edies, but obtained no relief until I 300 at Tripoli have ended for the took Hoods Sarsaparilla, when I began present any chance for mediation.! to gain at onc$. Am now cured. The Turkish government, adopting ^erv^e^J a” d thifis ™Vh!oJs the standpoint of the people, has parilla, which purifies and enriches the swung over to the idea of continuing ^ blood, cures so many nervous diseases, thew ar, Germany accordingly sees ( Get it today in usual liquid form or no opening for intervention. j chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. Corset Demonstration BY- Madam Nacross Who will assist our expert Corsetiere, Madam McCall, In our Corset Department for two weeks. Beginoing .Oct. 23rd to Nov. 4th The Famous mM Bien-Jole Corset AND Brassier’s For Women Who Are Particular Come let MADAM NACROSS show you the • new things, iP low bust, straight hip line, soft cloth below hip, as a protector, wiiii good dependable supporters attached. Brasiere’s all sizes, and very essential as'a protection to the cor set lining. * Come In and learn air the new ideas pertaining to a correct fit ting Corset. We have them all and willH^take pleasure in demonstrat ing them to you. , ' CUARLOTTE'S AUTHORITY ON \7 and 10 West Trade dt 'WOMEN’S- WEAR Phones 776 and 777