i e 1 .1 € Wanted, For Sale, For Rent, Los Latest Edition TEN PAQE8. THE : ■■ ■ ■•-. & Booms or Roomers-Page Eighf NEWS VOL, 45. NO. 807 0 charlotte n. c. Saturday evENjNo, october. 28. i9i i PT> 2 Cents a Copy Dally—6 Cents Sunday. * -tvlV-'IZ/ f Outside Charlotte 5 Cents a Copy Dally and Sunday. Impetialish Won Sweeping Victory According to Report Wireless Dispatches From Han kow Say Revolutionists were Forced to Fall Bock Across River Abandoning City After Battle. « Reports Jhought to Save Been Sent Out by 7he Desparate Government to Bolster its Faltering Cause—Situation Despeiate. By Aesociated Press. Slaokan, China, Oct. 28.—(From a correspondent with the imperial army under G^nei-al Yin Tchang)—The na tive ctty of Hankow was recaptured from Chinese rebels yesterday after a day of sanguinary fighting. The im perialists captured a large amount of rebel guns and ammunition. There are many high Manchu offi cials stationed here and a massacre is feared if the city falls. Manehus Flee In Diagulse. Amoy. China, Oct. 28.—Revolution ary sympathy has developed to such an alarming extent here that Taotal Ching, the only high Manchu official in Amoy, today sent his family to Fu Chow, the capital o fthe province, for protection. As a precaution all the members of the household on their voy^ northward wore the clothing of age the native Chinese, Manchu robes.* discarding their WHEN “HUBBY” 18 THE MAID Chicago. Ill Oct. 28.—A worried husband has appealed to a newspapei on the better way to button his wife s dress—whether to begin at the top or bottom. One expert handed him this advice: ^ . “I have buttoned my wife’s dress for a few years and find that buttoning it down the back is much better than but toning it up the back. If you start at the top and go down you gradually get to the tightest part of a woman’s dress i around the waist, while if you start at Uo the waist line and button upward Two engagements were fought. The I the hooks or buttons are liable to first began at 6 o’clock in the morning, come off the dress before you get south of Shekou at Saotao bridge to-' gtarted.” wards Lui Cha Miao. Supported by war-} Another: “The best way is to begin ships the imi)erial troops forced thejat the waist line and then you get one rebels from their position at Liuchia or two buttons set, the rest is easy. If temple, which was captured at 11'you begin at the top it gets harder ijil o'clock (the way-down. Fighting was renewed in the direc-j \ third says: tion of the Tchih gate at Kankow. The ‘I make my wife bend rebels were strongly entrenched west of the race course. The imperialists forced their way across Sactao bridge and seized the town of Liuchia. Driving the enemy before them, the loyal troops entered the native city of Hankow. The imperialists lost about 40 killed including a captain and two lieuten ants while one hundred and fifty oth ers v*ere wounded. The rebels lost 43^ men. , Yesterday’s fighting took place dur ing a heavv rain. The troops fought with great valor, the imperial gener al Yin Tchang, declares in a dispatch to the government. C:inton is practically in a state or inJ-‘^n !enc.. Thoc ity has declin ed to . on ribute men or money over backward and begin in the middle of her back and work both ways.’ for ATTEMPTS TO STEAL EXHIBITS IN McNAMARA CASE REPORTED. Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 28.—It was re ported that an attempt was made to purloin some of the important exhibits which the state expects to use in the effort to convict James B. McNamara. he report could not be verified, but it is a fact that these exhibits are guarded with unusual care, armed watchmen being stationed day and night at the apartment in the hall of records, where they are stored. The collection includes five small storage batteries, used, it is charged, small m Vf Gi eat Cotton Con)ei - ence Will Open In New Orleans Monday Ne disgovehld IIT LITTLE-LOIIB'5 yESTERDH IFT. Yesterday afternoon about 5 o’clock' an alarm of fire was turned in from box 36, the Square, fire being discovered in the engine room of the Little-I^ng Company, one of the largest dry goods establishments in the city, or state. The department was at the scene in a minute. The blaze, which had been confined to the engine room, was ex tinguished by means og chemicals. The fire was caused by the negro fireman piling kindling wood too close to the furnace. Mr. Bryan Overcarsh and Mr. Rufus Jones were in the basement; also Mrs. J. L. Pitkin, who was buying some goods from Mr. Jones. They detected smoke. Mr. Overcarsh went to the en gine room instantly. As he opened the door he found it in flames. Slamming the door he rushed up stairs and through the store, to the fire alarm The clerks thought he vfr^as running to see the flying machine, and those not busy followed him. In a moment the big building was full of smoke, and the Indications Point to La^ge At-^ tendance 0/ State Officials, Business Men, Joumalists And Laymen—EjS^ort to Get Legitimate Price jor Cotton, Conference Will Be of Nation- al Importance — Matters of Vital Interest to Cotton Growers to Be Considered And Acted Upon, in making infernal machines; a 'h** of^rhe g^^^^ the,'rifle with a Maxim muffler, two auto- nrLpnf crisis. k-atic revolvers, two time clocks, one wuRineea there is proceeding peace- small camera with ▼hich McMan!fp.l»K Busmess tnere * asaerted, took pictures of struc-+- tures blown up by him and McNamara, two rols of linen bandages, three rolls full in ' !'e government has succeeded obulrfng a large loan from a French and Belgian syndicate. The amount is not divulged. ... The foreign board states that 3,000 loyal troops are marching on Chang Sha now in possession of the rebels. The recapture of ^i Hsien. a city the of fine copper wire, five pieces of wire with fuses and caps attached, a roll of insulation tape, a set of burglar’s tools and a book giving the pt\)ulation and prominent business houses and plants of different ci- WOMEN IN LINNELL POISON MYSTERY Women in Linneli poiaon myatery. On the left readlng^rom top to bottom are Miss Alfreda Chase, the Rev. Rioheson’s former sweetheart; in the center, Miss Alice F. Howe, a former sweetheart of RIcheaons ; On th? bottom Miss Violet Edmanda, the present fiancee of the accua^d.paaton.pn right ia the Pho tograph of Miss Avis Linnetl, the murdered sweethil^ of tl» Barkhouse, an intimate friend of the miirdered gjrl will be Barkhovise turned over to. the .Bbstonj^pplice authorities a letter written tOilwr By,iyila8 LjnneU which will have an Important bearing In the.trItV of the aooused mlniator. i " ^ ^ . , manufacturing . Sre Chnen province by the govern- material, it is said, was tak- forces. is officially ;en from the valises of McNamara and The adherents of Yuan Shi Kai, ^'ho has been placed in supreme command of the land and naval day ^ith prominent rad^aj members, of the national assembly for an en tlrelv new Chinese cabitnet, a con Btitutional government mediate summoning of a parliamen . Shanghai. China. Oct. dispatches from sweeping victory for the troops there yesterday caused » ter in Shanghai today. The reports were received even official circles with incredulity. Rebel sympathizers declared that the dispatches dmibtedly sent from source to bolster up a faltering cause The wireless dispatches were caught of the German naval opera- B xix«y gave no details, but said t there was fighting all day yester- at Hankow and that the result ae a ftweeping government victory, compelling the revolutionists to ab^ on Hankow and fall back across the van River into Nan Yang. V.hatever the situation around H^ v >w. matters have grown more de®P® * :e for the government cause in the Iclni'v of Shanghai and along the 1^-pr'part of the Yang Tse river here were persistent reports today Kiang, 150 miles above about to fall into the rebels. Chlng Klang 1» series of lower river McManigal in Detroit. ”hy some »ors. They dsv aB NEW YORK CLEARING h6uSE. By Associated Press. New York, Oct. 28.~The statement of clearing house banks for the w^k shows that the banks hold |17,239.750 reserve In excess of local requirements. This is an increase of 12,035,800 In the proportionate cash reserve as compar ed with last week. By Associated Press. lindianapolis, I|jd., Oct. 28.—That according to information in the pos session of the United States district attorney, an illegal conspiracy to transport dynamite from ^at« to state has existed with the headquart ers in the offices of John J. McNama ra here, is the statement 'Of a, peti tion filed in the county criminal court today praying for possession of evi dence in the case to be used in a federal grand jury investigation. Believe Lovett Was Murdered ■at Thing anehui, wag -•iH of the - fi ht of the J he McNamara Cosr D1 ag s Along Plenty of Pie Fot\ The Pi&tdeint Ptesidmi A Busy Day Special to The News. High Point, Oct. 28.—An arrest is momentarily expected in connection with the death of John Lovett here a week ago, when he was run over by a night train EMdence Is claimed showing that he was killed some distance from the place where the dismembered portiots of his body were picked up. Lovett is reported to have had $100 on his person on the evening i^eforo his death, and none of the money has been found. A blood-stained shovel, man’s hair, and several bloody sacks fortft below It as far as | theory is that the body was placed on -,T.. track to conceal the murder. Stock Matket Quieter 2o-day forts abnve Shanghai and is ! have been found a half mile below the l1'uV"aUs H !s conce'dedispot where the body was found. The v;u Sung will quickly follow. Wu Su^ng is 10 miles above Shanghai, and marke the city's last line of defenses. West of Shanghai the ^ Su Chow is threatened, while above I >■'':;g Kiang three important cit e . : anking, Yang Chow and Wu Hu are hPlIeved to be in danger. All J®"’: r^rse cities reported today that while thp situation was still quiet. pen sympathy for the rebel cause nd probably little effective re»ist- -nre ■will be offered to attack. It is believed here that Sheng Huai, e dismissed minister of jmmunicatlons is coming to Shang- ..al where he has a magnificent home. More than 200 pieces of his baggage ,a%’e arrived here from Peking, aa- ressed in the care of a foreigner. The business &ituation is still pre- ■ »up. Thf* money market ii In ^ 1 ming state on account of the vMt iounts of specie withdrawn from the ks here by Peking and other cen- Great Alarm at Chlng Klang. hing Klang. Province of Kiang su. Mfl Oct. 28. 1 p. .pending attack by the used great alarm here today. There 4 no evidence of any UP***®*®* •he city, however 3nd it was • t trouble might be avoided if tne ■ ilutionlsts could be prevailed upo® to await th« outcome of the par'«y« w J'-.ing, By Associated Press. New York. Oct. 28.—The stock mar ket was quiet during the early trading today and there was no hint of the ex citement produced yesterday by tho wild trading ia United States Steel Stocks The course of the market yes terday afternoon has indicated that the heavy selling of steel stocks whs uver and the improvement was helped bj fhA statement of Chairman Gary rela tive to the government’s dissolution *“lt waa apparent at the opening of the stock market that there siderable demand for steel stocks, rhe Srst transaction in the common btock was a block of 12,000 fA K2 1-4 The stock was quickly rais- S 7-8 a gain of 3-4 from yester- The preferred stock 1 l“ loth iMue. within half an hour bout steady without further losses. .toc“m.rtet in ee»er»t-bowed a much «rm«r tone, eome of the loweB 3 5«.tertay beta! recovered. Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 28.—When the McNamara murder trial opened to day it was evident that a little cloud of dissatisfaction’ among counsel for the defense, first visible only a few'days ago, had reached sufficient proportions to overshadow most other interests among spetators. Ruling by Judge Bordwell on tales men A. C. Winter, challenged for cause by the defense four days ago and on talesman Walter N. !^ampton, also under challenge by the defense, were eagerly awaited by counsel rep resenting James *B. McNamara, the defendant but neither ruling, from the nature of the cases, could throw fur ther light on the insistent contention of the defense that the court should rule Immediately after such challenges are made. This Judge Bordwell declined to do yesterday afternoon in the case of Frampton and Clarence S. Darrow, chief of counsel for the defense, tem porarily refused to go on with the case until District Attorney John Fredericks had demanded that the court proceed in the selection of the jurors. Then Darrow, under direction of the court continued his examination. Demand for immediate ruling hy the court formed the second step by the defense in.seeking to alter condi tions governing, examination of tales men which obtained at the be|;inning of the trial and are usual in Los An geles county, although not in all caaeft specified by statute. Except for Judge Bordwell’s rul-,. ings, the examination of talesman T. J. Lee by the state, was the first thing M the program after court; opened. liee was accepted as to cause by the defense late yesterday. He was doubtful, he said if the 'Times ex By Associated Press. Chicago, Oct. 28.—President Taft will get all the pie he wants. during his stay in Chicago. During the president’s long tour of the west he has been denied pastry generally an& pie in particular. From this evening until Monday afternoon he will be given all the pie he wants and as many k^nds as he may choose. “Whatever President Taft wants^ while in Chicago let him have it,” was the command issued by the general committee at its meeting. The manager of the hotel ‘ where three of several lunches will be given th president has ordered fhat pumpkin pie be served on each menu. The man ager of the hotel where the association of commerce banquet will be given has also agreed to the pastry schedule. By y.osoclated Press. New Orleans, Oct. 28.—With a dozen or more governors of Southern States and as many commissioners of agriculture, together with promi nent members of the farmers’ union and eastern and foreign newspaper men in attendance, the conference next Monday inorning to discuss the problem of marketing and getting a better price, for cotton is expected to develop into an affair of more than national import. A telegram was received yesterday from Governor O. B. Colquitt, of Texas, to the effect that he had not arranged any special program but that the specific object of the meet ing would be to better conditions Seaboards Btg Suit Against Atlanta Special to The News. 'Atlanta, Oct. 28.—The Seaboard Air'Line has announced its intention of bringing suit a^inst the city of Atlanta for $400,000 on the. ground that the widening of. Dei^lb avenue for a distance of three miles infring ed upon their right-of-way. By Associated Presfc. Chicago, Oct. 28.—Facing a day’s work that calls for his constant attend ance from the middle of the afternoon until late at night, President Taft rose early today in the haze of an Indian summer atmosphere. The plan for the president’s second day in Chicago call ed for a.variety of functions. The' first thing arranger for the pres ident was initiation ifito the bricklay ers’ union so that he would be a o: em ber in good standing before undertak ing the laying of the camerstone of the Hamilton Club’s new building on Monday. Directly following the issuance to the president of a union card, Mr. Taft’s program demanded an address b«f«re the American Mining Congress on “Conservation as related to min ing.” His plans for government opera tion of-Alaskan mines as an example to lessees were placed before the min ing congress .last night by Secretary of- the Interior Fisher. From mining the president was call ed to discuss the recall of the judiciary at a luncheon given by the Chicago Bar Association. LIFE IMPRISONMENT FOR CHCAGO MURDERER. clerical force and customers needed | surrounding the South’s greatest and not to be told that there was fire. A rush was made for the street. Mr, J. L. Staten was on the first fioor. Mr. Walter Cuthbertson, also of the firm, was in his office. The women clerks on the third floor hastened down on the elevator. Those on the second fioor fol lowed with the exception of Mrs. Jesse McDonald and Mrs. Monroe, who were the 'last to leave. The building was BO full of smoke that they had to leave by way of the window next to Ed. Mellon & Co.’s, passing acrose on the window ledge. Messrs. Zeb Shel ton and John Craig, helping them across. Mrs. Monroe had left her purse and some valuable papers in the drawer In the d«8k. She made the return trip an the ’s^ndo^^edge, aocoffipanied ty Mr. Shelton. ' There was a great deit of inmbke, much fright and excitement, but for tunately for Charlotte, but little fire. Had the kindling piled up close to the engine Ignited at night Charlotte would have witnessed one of the great est conflagrations in Its history, for the burning of Little-Long’s would have meant the burning of the block on Triwie and Tryon of which the Realty building stands at the head of the corner. . Mrs. Pitkin, the lady who was in the basement, was overcome by the smoke. She fainted. She was cared for in AMERICAN CONSUL A SUICIDE. Parker-Gardner’s until able to go home. J flj-eg under the aldermanic pot never die out. Today the “curb brok ers” are talking about the distribu tion of “city pie” in regard to the city By Associated Press. I bonds as among the banks. . Some ot Cieba, Honduras, Oct. 28.—Allen aldermen have recalled and Gard, who was relieved this week as ^.^e following motion an American consul here, committeil yg^orded at an August meeting of the suicide yesterday by shooting “*™®®“lboard which reads thus: WOODROW WILSON ARRIVES IN t)ALLAS. By Asisociated Pres. Dallas, Texas, Oct. 28.—Gpvernor Woodrow Wilson, of New Jeraey, arriv ed in Dallas today and iei sch^dtiled to deliver two addresses rduring^'the day» the principal one at 3 o^clpck at the state fair grouiida t^^bthfflr at the ter-c€ntenary ^ehratjon at the Baptist churcht - STORM warning: By Associated Press. v* Chicago.' 11., Oct. 28.-~Maurice Bright, labor union organizer, was today found guilty of the murder of Vincent Alt man, and his punishment flxed at life Imprtsonment.'-; Enright shot Altman, also a labor organizer, in the bar room of a down-town hotel. , In a long confession made shortly after his arrest, Enright admitted that he' killed William Gentleman, a labor union delegate, but denied that he had any part of the killing of Altman. COLLISION OF FAST express TRAINS. still in. the _ Mexico. Small craft are advisd to plosion had l^een caused by dynamite . and he had seen a good many dy- . namite explosions. the iame which passed nea^'Havana, Bv Associated i Press. . „ London. Oct. 28.—The American boat .express train for^ iu/colllslon today .with a local train a#Coiwich. It is 'known that some By Associated Pres. . pereons ^®J® New Orleans. La., Oct. At''9> »°t^^ng i^ndon and North- o’clock today the local weather bureau ! t^at they have isued the folowing warning: fthat no passenger was in- “Disturbance still in. the o^’Ju^S j^ the wreck at Colwich, which descrtbed as.not serious. They dis- With this basis. Assistant D^trict Attorney Horton undertook Lee*« examination to see'if his belief was based on anything except newspaper reports, rumor and common gossip. If it was not, Lee could not he challenged on that ground becauM these sources of belief are exempted by statutes. If, however, other sour^ could be shown, he was liable to cluii- ienge. Under Horton’B feximination Lee said he had visited the scene of the Times explosion half a doisen times but never-got'very* neai‘;*‘the building. He went, he said, to (pooflm his belief that the building waa .'not wrecked through dynamiter He a»id he was doubtful as fx> what did cause the expolislon. Cuba, Thursday night, but in itis prog- ^s westward in the gulf the intensity apparenUy is diminishing. THE WEATHER. Sedira Veport from Stafford^ that a score, of T)ersolis have been^ . ' No passengerjB on the boat tram were injiifed. Three persras on the Iqcal. were, injured, two seriously. CONVENTION OF COLLEGEGS. By: Asso5iated Press. most valuable staple, particularly in regard to the interest of the produc er. “I deem it a matter of the highest importance that every governor of a cotton producing state be present," said the telegram, “and it is my in tention to sacrifice other matters to attend this meeting rather than send a representative.” Governor Mann, of Virvinla, and I his commissioner, will arrive Monday! morning. Comi^ssioner Graham, of North Carolina, will arrive Sunday. Gover nor Noel, of Mississippi, probably will arrive Sunday night. The newspaers of the North and' East as well as British papers have evinced a lively interest in. the con* fereucfe arid muy representatives are expected to be In attendance. THE CITY BOHDS IIIID CITY BANKS -A TOWN TOPIC through the head. He had been despon dent for several weeks. OF MRS. m:r(E ON THE STtNB Motion. Mr. W. W. Phifer moved that the proceeds from the sale of the water bonds, as above, be received by me city clerk and treasurer and be deposit ed by him in equitable amounts in the different local banks to the credit of tue city of Charlotte, to be paid out on ly upon voucher checks countersigned by the chairman of the finance com mittee of the board of water commis sioners, and approved by the mayor and signed by the clerk and treasurer, the mayor and city clerk and treasurer being ex-officio chairman and ex-officio n , A Pr#.ss I clerk and treasurer, respectively, of the r* nrV 28—The final board of water commissioners, under Z a«t w«k i the provision of the city charter. Se^ mVer ®^ne“Uay with Mrs. onded by W._ F. Stevens and carried Henry L. Garland, Sr., the aged grP.nd- unanimously. ^ mother of the slain Allan Garland on “On moUon of W. Phifer the the witness stand. When court ad-1 meeting adjourned, iourned yesterday her testimony was Bank Apportionment*, interrupted by an objection from coun- Commercial National Bank . sel for the defense to a question eon-Unrst National Bank ...... 50,000.00 cerning the prisoner’s attendance upon Charlotte National Bank .. 50,000.00 night meetings of a lodge and as to unlon National Bank 27,000.00 where she left her children on these Merchants & Farmers’ nights. , National Bank The simplicity with which the aged U Trust Company .275.000.00 grandmother of Mrs. McRee s victim I related the Incidents of the day of the Total $465,000.00 tragedy made a marked iapression on weam, the city clerk and treas- the spectators. With deep affertion jg city and could not she constantly referred to Allan Gar- make a statement, land as “my poor boy” ani ^tlUDgj ^he finance committee consists of could have been more dramatic than « p giff^rd, B. W. Thompson, her statement of how Mrs. McRee „ witliams W. W. Phifer, J. L. Sex- calmly told her: ‘1 assure you he j p c^rr, W. F Stevens dead, Mrs. Garland, I shot him three supposed that the American times.” Trust Company was given the lion’s Having established Uie death otj ^^gon of ^e fact that It had .Jlan Garland and Introduced «’^*dence ^a e y^ difference as to the position of the oody and -he | nther anportionments no doubt bullet wounds which the pros.-cut:on 1 m the other apportionmen n _ asserts prove that he was ahot from behind the testimony of today was ex pected to deal with the motive which the state contends was not protection of the prisoner’s honor, as she claims. KILLING IN FLORIDA. ffasl^ville, Tenn., Oct 28*—Thlrty- t nine institutions of learning, including -16 ’universities, have definitely an nounced-that they will be .represented 'at the coming convention of cwleges 'land preparatory..i schools of the Souw- , ferh states, according to letters now vSorth and iWth jftaroHna^ out^l^ Dn Cool, rain tonl^fit aniS Sunday, Mv^^erbm; secr^^ cold tonight in west portions . ♦ will be heW at the University of ♦ at Tuscaloosa, i'and 3rd. . Mr. *Weam or the finance committee can explain. Taft Orders Another Silk Hat. Chicago, Oct. 28.—President Taft has pla^d an order for another silk hat. This will make the third one he has purchased during the present trip. By Associated Press. Wafihlngton,^0’ct. ;^8.—Fori^ ca3t. NoYember 2nd He raises his hat to the crowds bo Hardwood Warehouse to Open. I I '1% By Associated Press. hS; by a negro workman near Blkton He wears a thts mor^g. THe negro was Iw^y bed, IWl got a tjugg has' aboui for a nearby ^ Hall’s body was found 1 hardwood warehouse that will cany beslX ^all kinds of hardwood Teneers. he was driving ran away and overturn- (completed arrangementa to a_^ . X - ii