THEicnBLMttOm ffew Plan to Decide W01 Ids Baseball Championship Er? A- "» .lated Press. Nov. 3.—A plan which will a radical change in the present , •■ deciding the world’s base- hanipionship. it was said here .. „ !i! will be laid before the Na- -' umnilssion which meets in Cln- n. V, ion of the commisgion has .•n.llf'd for the purpose of inves- 7tinc tiiket scalping in connection , recent contest between the aaii Athletics and suggesting ed »■ ff’’" which have at- d c'^ry contest for the diamond iiieiijt Horrman. chairman of the 'p =ion. it is said, has a plan to \]x- with the present world's n ..lon^h p Ntrugple of seven games h ti utp a schedule of sixty con tests with the 16 teams of the two major leagues as the contestants and cut the regular schedules of the two major organizations to 112 games. In other words each team would be called upon to play 172 games, 18 more than the present season schedule calls for. B>' eliminating the many open dates the increased number of com bats could be decided by the middle of October. Each club would have to meet all the rivals in the opposing organiza tion and the world’s championship would be determined on a percentage basis. The team finishing with the best record at the end of the sixtj'^ con tests would be given the big pennant. In addition all the major league o’ay- ers would be given a part of the re ceipts accruing from the post season games. Sunday School (Continued from Page Eleven.) 2 he Iradesman’s Weekly Review ,,,rca. Nov. 2.—For the week “jr todav. he new Industries or- ?fd iT^ t south, as reported by m n tihows quite an in- . ov I ia week both as to num- and rai'italization. That an Im- ,-oved ‘'ondition exists and a better • '• :iiu in business circles pre- ” Vj 1- irfher evidenced by the ,j. ^ review in thin week’s Issue ' i . market in which it says in r i>er ton tor .\’o. 2 pig iron i’dered a satisfactory price, ' not bcin^ held up and the - that this will very shortly ir.i fei d. as additional furnaces in - Bi.tnineham district will likely be '^^ut into operation very soon. The in- ^icaiion? ar* there will be no immediate chanpe in prices. quantitle? of pipe are being . pped and orders in hand and In -■ ’'f - 111 warrant a steady operation ,f nlS!^: -f this character for some to ronie. The foundarles and ma- Inn« phop? ire usinc quite a little Iron, too. while stove makers up to a aeo have hpcn doing better n-r. ihev h d for many months pre- \ rip melt, though considerably iinf! the iiroduction of iron in the ■od*’'- a territory, has been steady.” •^be list of new industries for the reported by The Tradesman follO''S' Mississippi. Burn?'Ville—J 10,000 bank. North Carolina. • loro- S5.000 automobile compa- .)rT«-'an; r- -re_$nO,000 leather goods **".000 coal, storage and m company. ro''k—? 100,000 quarry. Me—$75,000 lumber and ai!i—r.n ono cotton mill. *25,000 motor car com- uf iorvillc—1100,000 automo>nlo ,11- *■ nmO realty company. •in on—bottling compa- ■i.i -ij devel'^pnient company; . c„rid, factory Bi- t: ■'om!>an . :’0!n! n;., •«ni any. i'neotah—Jo.o^iO oil and gas compa ny- ; larpmore—$20.f>00 development in Hinsville—$5,000 horseshoe com* .ilui kog^e—$25,000 oil and gas com- !''ny. $1>0.00^ mine, t? an—$.''..000 oil company. ■ - iahoma—$.’jO,0(»o medicine compa- Columbia College Meets Florida U. By Associated Press. JacksonvilVe, Fla., Nov. 3.—One of them ost important football games of the season so far as Florida col leges are concerned Is being planned for this afternoon at Oainesvllle with the University of Florida and Colum bia College elevens as contestants. These tw’o teams are the strongest in the state and keen rivalry exists be tween them. Florida has played sev eral hard games and has shown her strength while Columbia is in some ways an unknown quantity. The probable llne-up of the teams is as follows: Florida. Position. Columbia Storer McCord center Aker Alderman right guard Coarsey Nance right tackle Swanson Morgan right end Wilson Springier , left guard Hancock Manning left tackle Buie, Hooker left end Shackleford Blitch qi|Arterback Taylor Terry right half back Gavis Redden left half back Tenney Tribble full back Columbia has the following substi tutes: Kinghan, Holzendorf, Harb, Albritton, Miller and Wiltsey. In friendship such as passed a woman’s love. “So, raise up my head. How dark it is! I can not seem to see The faces of my flock. Is that the sea That murmurs bo, or is it weeping? Hush! My little children! Gk)d so loved the world He gave his son; so',loved ye one an other ; Love God and man, Amen. Now bear me back. My legacy into an angry world is this. I feel my work is finished. Are the streets so full? What call the folk my name? ‘The holy John?' Nay, write me rather Jesus Christ’s beloved. And lover of my •children. “I am the last. Once more we are com plete To gather ‘round the Pascal feats. Mv place Is next my Master. Oh my Lord! my Lord! How bright thou art, and yet the very same I loved on Galilee! ‘Tis worth the hun dred years To feel this bliss! So lift me up, dear Lord, Unto thy bosom, there shall I abide.” New Use for Aeroplanes. From Popular Mechanics. The supervisor of the Selway Forest, consisting of 1,600,000 acres, which was formerly part of the Nez Perce re serve in Idaho,' predicts that aero planes and wireless telegraphy will te Important factors in forest-fire preven tion before a far distant date. He be lieves that a man in an aeroplane , ., could do more accurate and extensive $125,000 turpen-’ survey work in the forests of the Pa* i.v! , Iclfic slope country in a few hours when Oklahcma. [forest fires are raging than is usually vllie—» oil and gas , Mion ire and cold storage. ed on peaks In the chief danger zones he believes it would be a comparative ly easy task to assemble men and ap paratus to check and extinguish the flames and prevent spreading Shifted Positions. From the Washingtou Sta". “You are not making speeches now, ’ said the admiring constituent. “No,” replied Senator Sorghum; “there are so many people out my way who want to talk that the man who is likelv 1^0 become popular i? the one who Is willing to be the audience.” manufacturing Tu’ s Rollpf Mill. V komi.- Elictric light plant. South Carolina. V , - on-$25,000 realty company, r.iruva •—.*'>A 000 development com pin' Kllorw—$10,000 warehouse compa- n;'. Piltes Mill—$1,400 telephone com- iiBii . Prosperity—$5,000 hardware compa- n;.. Timmonsville—$10,000 development rnrr,ya-;‘ . Tennessee. nattanooRE—$100,000 bank, $100,* railroad company; $10,000 fuel and '^Utipl; company. Cleveland—Wholesale grocery com- ranv Favetteville—Warehouse company. Jelico-$100.000 mine, l - '^renceburg—Cotton gin. M'mphis—$100,000 furniture com* ran , $.j,000 automobile company; automobile company; two $5,- OOO tent and awning companies. .V.islullle—Adding machine compa ny, $l"niio knitting mill. Texas. f'f'rsirana—$10,000 printing compa ny. Dallas—$22,500 Investment company. r*«nnH $2,000 broom factory. Ei^le Pass—$20,000 ice manufactur- Inc '^n'' :iny, Ftkhari—Tsle^honc company. Houston—$400,000 • ijil company, l'T7(ton cypress f^irms company; $10,- land company, 'Vii hita Falls—$50,000 oil company •I fferson Stave factory. Rockdale $6,000 cotton gin. Royeton--$3 000 cotton gin. Roy St (in—$3,000 manufacturers “■ k pil e protectors. •'an Antonia—$60,000 milling Cf .n I;* $4,000 water company. Virginia. inrrisonburg—$15,000 orchard com- N’ rfolk—$5,000 veneer mill; |300,* rf'Hlty company; $10,000 spring bed ' 'ifacturlng comnan'. ‘ ira -ant RidKe—$.-,.000 telephone • i any. ' h:nonil—S2r.,(Kio development ' ; ' -'M' ; $2.iO.Ooi» silk mill. " I.\n—$25,000 realty company. Follow' the better to the best. John was a disciple o fthe Baptist before he became a disciple of Jesus. Light al ways leads to more light. The most mystical and tenderest of the -biographies of Jesus is the Fourth Gospel. J>ove sees most clearly; be cause Jesus and John were heart-com- rades, John was able to write so that readers of his book also become lov ers of his Lord. SEVEN / SENTENCE SERMONS. Ascend a step in choosing a friend— The Talmud. A good man does good merely living.—Bulwer. by Religion is the answer to the ques tion, do I live, and what is my relation to the Infinite universe about me?— Tolstoi. Men may rise on stepping stones Of their dead selves to higher things. —Tennyson. Great thoughts come from the heart. -Vauvenargues. Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.—Emerson. My own hope is, the sun will pierce My thickest cloud earth ever stretch ed; That, after Last returns the First, Though a wide compass round be fetched; That what began best can’t end worst. Nor w'hat God blessed once prpve ac curst. —Robert Browning. Prayer In an Indian Court. Charles Johnston in the Atlantic. The noon hour struck, tolled by the rall-gong at the treasury door, and In a*moment all things came to a stand still The Mohamedan lawyers, the village Moslems loitering about the court, even Mozuffe. Khan with his guardian policeman, reverently with- *^*^A^moment later they reappeared on the wide concrete veranda outside the window at my left. There they laid down their prayer-mats, and standing first with devoutly bowed heads ana hands folded they murmured the noon prayers of the Prophets religion, then knelt, still praying, and made obesisance, prostrating themselves be fore Allah the Merciful, the Compas sionate. Tbe reverence of their de votion was perfect, and wholly free from the self-conscious shamefaceness that I should have felt, supposing that I, the Magistrate, had suspended court to pray there in jpublic. kovlfg «n 1780. ^ From tl\cf^ November Atlantic. “If you bw to any one passing by, do it in this manner; raise the right hand to your hat gracefully. “Put your fore-finger as far as tne crown, and your thunmb umlfir the brim, and then raise it from your nead gracefully and easily. -Look at the person you bow to, and hold your body gently “Hold your left arm straight down at your side, neither drawing it for- ard or backward. ' . .. “Move the riflit leg, if the person es by on the right side, and keep he other firm. . , ■‘If the person goes by on the left side, move the left leg, and keep th^ *^**llt^your body be bowed moderate ly, not too much.” H« Knew. “The Malays have a queer marriage custom,” remarked the traveler. Th groom holds his nose against a small cylindrical object. I couldnt quite make out what it , „ i„ti»rDOs- “A grindstone, probabl>. ^^erpos ed Mr. Grouch.—Kansas City Times. We Offer a Complete Showing at Prices Very Much Less Than You Would Expect to Pay WOMEN’S SUITS $15,00 VALUE $9.98 Of Fine Serges in black, blue and pin stripes. Cut on the very latest lines; Coats satin lined. Saturday and Monday $9.9^ WOMEN'S SUITS $25.00 VALUE $15.00 Fine Serge in black and blue, mannish suiting in 'Invisible stripe. English tweed in gray arid two tone effects. Handsomely tailored. All coats with satin lining, guaranteed for two years. Saturday and Monday $15.00 POLO COATS VALUE, $20.00 $13.98 WOMEN’S SKIRTS $10.00 VALUE Handsome qualities of all the wanted materials. Empire effect with but tons on the side. Saturday and Monday $5.98 WOMEN S OUTING GOWNS 98c In solid colors and neat stripes, trimm ed with fancy braids, lay-down and ruffle aallars, w'orth $1.50. Of double fade blanket, fine quality In brown and gray, tan and gray, etc. Clever new styles. Very Stylish. Saturday and Monday $13.98 WOMEN’S COATS $10.00 VALUE $5.98 All wool in solid colors and mixtures. Splendid value $5.98 WOMEN’S SWEATERS $3.00 VALUE $1.98 Strictly pure wool in white and red, with plain or rolling collars. Saturday and Monday .. . CHILDREN’S SWEATERS 75c. VALUE $1.98 48c All PATTERN HATS $5.00 VALUES $2.98 New lot of smart pattern hats jjust re ceived from New York. Handsome models in velvet, beaver and velour, large, medium AQd small shapes, trimmed with ribbon, wings and fea thers. Black and Colors-. Saturday and Monday .. $2.98 WOMEN’S HA-^S $2.00 TO $3.00 VALUES 98c Untrimmed and ready-to-wear sorts. Felts, Velvets etc., black and colors. Saturday and Monday 98c. Come in white, gray, navy and red sizes. Saturday and Monday 48c. SHOES Our stock of Shoes is very complete, embracing all the wanted kinds from , the work shoe to the dainty satin slipper. We invite your attention to our table of special values in Men’s and Wom en’s Fine Shoes; $2.50 to $5.00 val ues, that we are closing out at .. 98c. and $1.98 SPECIAL SALES FOR SATURDAY. At 10 A. M., Until ScHd; One Lot Outing, in dark colors; limit 5 yds. to customer .. 3c. Yd. Saturday and Monday HOUsk DRESSES AND WRAPPERS 98c. 89c Of percale in neat figures and stripes; long and short sleeves. Saturday and Monday S9e. WOMEN’S CORSET -j COVERS IVC Trimmed with torchon and Val laces, insertions with beading and ribbon, 39c. quality. Saturday and Monday 1%c. WOMEN’S WAISTS $1.50 VALUE 98c Very fine lawn in stylish new modelA, trimmed with fine Val and Cluny lace. Saturday and Monday 98c. GOOD SHEETS 50C. VALUE 39c Good bleached muslin, free from dress ing, full size. Saturday and Monday .. .. .. .. 39c. At 11 A. M. Untn Sold: One Lot Ladies’ Fast Black Seam less Hose; limit one pair to cus tomer .. .. Pair, 1c. At 2 P. M. Until Sold: One Pair Full Size Cotton Blankets Limit, one pair to Customer .. Palp, 25c. At 3 P. M., Until . Sold: WoAien’s Heavy Ribbed, fleeced Un dervest and Pants. Limit, One Suit to Customer Suit, 25c. COMFORTS VALUE $1.25 98c Good size comforts, nicely covered and well filled. Saturday and Monday 98c. N. C. WOOL BLANKETS $2.95 Full size, all- wool blankets;" |5.00 quality. “Slightly damaged. Saturday and Monday .. .. .. $2.95 NO POLICE; NO POSTOFFICE. No Mall and Not a Stamp Sold For Five Weeks in Busy Town (New York World.) Joseph Barney, postmaster of Irons- port, a village of 700 inhabitants, sev eral miles east of here, today closed his office. He said he had not sold a single stamp in five weeks nor receiv ed any incoming or outgoing mail. The people explain that they have no friends to write to and that they don’t receive any mail. There has not been an idle man in Ironsport since 1909. The mines are running full time and every miner in town owns his own home. Three weeks ago the entire police department was discharged. The chief of police declares that not one arrest has been made within the last six months and that it is a waste of the taxpayers’ money to keep up a police depai'tment. A recent census showed that the population is composed of 637 Irish men, 1 Welshman and 52 Germans, Ironsport has yet to have its first taste of scandal. Hard Requirements. (Cleveland Plain Dealer.) There was a queer old specimen of humanity brought to the Cuyahoga county jail. He had been convicted of the crime- of cruelty to animals and there was no doubt in anybody s mind that he richly deserved the pen alty infiicted. It is the custom to ex amine prisoners, however, berore they are assigned to their cells. Wheu this old reprobate was brought up the interrogation went thus. “What is your name?” “Budd Dobbs.*’ “What i3 your age?” “Sixty-eight.” “What is your religion?” “Great snakes! Does a tnan hafter git religion before they’ll let him in ter jail in this county?” Tact sometimes consists of knowing enough not to know too much. Many a fellow with a big bank ac count Is of not much account other wise. Doffffett-MobIey Co. 39 EAST T_^>ADE STREET AGENTS FOR PICTORIAL nEVIEW PATTEI^NS. BABY AND GUN ROUT THIEF. Plucky Woman Backs Up Stratagem With Weapon and Eurglar Fleet. Catesville, Pa., Nov. 3.—Alone in her home with her baby by her side, Mrs. Earl McClellan awoke at 2 o’clock to her a naan moving in her room. She pulled a revolver from beneath her pillow, but feared to move to switch on the lights lest the thief pounce upon her. She pinched her baby, making the infant cry lustily. “All right, dear. 1 will get up and get you something to eat,” she said aloud, then rose, turned On the electric light and covered the amazed burglar. “Throw up your hands!” she said. The burglar did. He marched down stairs and out the front door, his arms above his head and Mrs. McClellan marching behind him. After her plucky feat Mrs. McClellan collapeed. Her husband, who is employ ed at night work, found her when he reached home suffering from a nervous collapse. ONLY HALF ARE IN SCHOOL BROTHER SERVES FOR BOTH. 3RIEF TRANSIT. lovei.' woman stoops to iol’y s lilctured on some “yeiiow’ very Ions, by golly; * she’s starring on th'i etage. In the Burly House,, Ticonderga, N y.: “All persons using this tub are requested to leave* It clean. ^ In Brooklyn: dli«‘"toe«l'san“other similar at R. H Jordan ft Co.’i, ani S’” New York Mall. ' druglat* everywhere. Catarrh Gone No More Hawking and Snuffling When You Breathe Hyomei. HYOMEI (pronounce it High-o-me) is guaranteed to- end the misery of c&tftrli* Breathe it, destroy the catarrh germs and soon hawking and snuffling will cease. Breathe it, and crusts will no longer form in the nose; mucus will not lodge in the throat; all inflammation will leave the membrane of the nose and throat and your head will feel clear and fine. Breathe it for coughs, colds and sore thrdat; its soothing, healing, antistptic action is better than all the stomach dosing remdeies in creation, and there Isn’t a particle of opium, cocaine ar other habit forming drug in it. Complete outfit, which includes in haler, $1.00. Extra bottles of HYOMEI Fifty Per Cent of Nation’s Children not Attendants, Says Expert. Washington, D. C., Nov. 3.—“One- half the children of the nation are out of school,” said P. P. Claxton, United States Commissioner of Educa tion “One of the great problems of the a?e is to k«t boys and girls in the school^ and Keep them there until they secure a taii.- education.” Mr. Claxtqn who .'cenUy assumed his work as head v* the bureau of education, said: “More than 4,250,000 children have Bluffed It Out, (Chicago. Evening Post.) The stories of the embarras^ent of unsophisticated diners when faced by highly sophisticated menu cards are endless—and usually amusing. A man whose career bad confined his knowledge of things to eat to such standard products as ham and eggs and pork and beans found him self among a company who ordered intelligently from an extensive bill of fare. It contained so many classi fied dishes as to make a fair-sized book, the pages of which he pawed aimlessly and in dismay. The waiter, w'ho needed only his order to go to the kitchen, was standing at one side deferentially, with his order slip aud ! ^ftter of no moment to them, Mr. M-Cimball said, which went to prison. gained' 450 FRANCS. William Goes to Prison so That John Xlumsy Man’s Fall Through Window Can Support Mother. (New York Sun.) When William O’Donnell, 22 years old, and his brother, John, a year youpger, were arraigned for sentence bgfore Judge O’Sullivan, in general sessions, yesterday, Mr. Kimball, the probation officer, told the court that the young men were anxious that one of them should escape a prison sentence so that their mother would not be deprived oT her suppor. They had pleaded guilty to assault. They live at 277 East One Hundred and Forty-cightth street. It was a pencil in hand. The delay was noticeable and irri tating to the unskijled diner and fin ally he pointed blindly to the mid dle of a page with his finger. “Give me some of that,” he saul. The waiter looked over his should er and remarked: “That’s mayonnaise dressing, sir." “I know it. I can read.” “But”—apologetically — “what will you have it on, sir!” “On a plate, you bonehead! Do you feed your customer in troughs here?” but one of them must have his lib erty. He added that John’s employer was willing to take him back. As there was work waiting for him sen tence was suspended on John. j-- • • . .vinp When William learned that hia. air. Snortly aftei«ard the ^^ine shop brother was to be released to take Followed by Clever Swindle (New York Herald.) While passing in front of a wine shop in the Rue de Passy a well- dressed man slipped and tell, break ing a window of the wine shop. The wine shop keeper rushed out and grabbed the clumsy individual by the collar. A heated dispute followed and a crowd quickly collcoted. “Search him!” suddenly shouted some one in the crowd.. The \Viny shop keeper and a few helpers found the idea a good cue and quickly went through the man’s pockets. In his possession was found a 500 franc note. “My wcndow cost 50 francs.” said the wine shop keeper. ‘’There's 4ri*> francs change. Now we're quits.” The man who had broken the win dow slipped away with a dejected care of their mother he grasped his hand and the two brothers stood side by side while Judge O'Sullivan com- pliniented them on their devotion to keeper sent to the hank to change the 500 franc note. It ^^as a bogus one. ROCKEFELLER WINS $25 Brother William Gets Prize Offered By Archbold at Flo ver ^how. (New York Woi’ld.) When William Rockefe.ler and Jo seph Eastman learned last alglit that they Tiad won the $25 cash t'rize of- quit" school after finishing their educa- fered by John p. Archbold ror the Quit school after finishing their elemen-! best 12 chrysanthemum blooms at t e tary education, who ought to be in the' thirteenth annual high school. The pupils in high schools Tarrytown Horticultural ^ represent less than a fourth of the which opened yesterday children who ought to be there.” WEDDED JUST BEFORE DAWN Dispensation Keeps Couple Waiting Until Unusual Hour. Wilmington, Del., Nov. 2.—Waiting . until 2:30 o’clock in the morning for of the wealthiest people in the coun Society in Music Hall, they enjoyed a laugh. They im mediately called Mr. Archbold on the telephone and thanked him for the donation of “easy” money. The flower show is ag reat success and the best ever given by the so ciety. Among the exhibitors are some The trick had been cleverly woii- ed by the clumsy Individual and the other H"e man In tl.e.^owd w.o hal then sentenced William to the Elmi' ra reformatory. After a hearty hand shake William was led back across the Bridge of Sighs and .John left the court to tell his mother the news. Dog’s Appendix is Cut Out. (New York Herald.) Spot, a fox terrier belonging to Western Pacific headquarters, in Oro* searching him. “Generally debintated for years. H«f sick headachcs, lacked ambition, wa:i w'orn-out and ell ruu-do«\'n. HiirdoCK Blood Bitters made me a well '.vo:uh3.” —Mrs. Chaa. Freitoy, Moosup, Conn. Bilious? Feel heavy after dinner? Tongue coated? Bitter taste? Coni- a •dispensation that would permit them to be married in this ciay, Dr. James Brickhead, a New York phy sician, and M|ss Helene Bilodeau, ty. William Rockefellers silver cup was won ’oy A. Lewisohn and F. ft. Vallis with a chrysanthemum bloom of Montreal, decided to postpone their that measured 12 inches from tip to wedding no longer and accordingly tip. . ^ ^ in * --- -- " A special feature for today will be the competition by wealthy women for the best decorated table. Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish, of Garrison, will be present to aesist the judges. Rev. George L. Wolfe was summoned from his home to the receptipn room in the Clayton House Hotel, where the ceremony was performed. A Nature Study. “Witnessed any sporting events lately?” “Only one.” “What was that?” “A stiff battle in a \ moving p?clure marry a rich between a water bug larve and a sala- manufacturer: .c i mander. I won some money on the “She very wisely preferr^ a Dusi- larve,” ness nlant to a family tree. A Wise Choice. Miss Ethel Barrymore, at a g»ijen party in Los Angeles, said of a Cali fornia girl who had refused an earl to ■ young San Francisco ville is the first dog in California to plexion sallow? Liver needs wakin-^ submit to an operation for appen- up. Doan’s Rcgulets cure bilious at- dicitis. Dr. Thompson, of that city, tacks 25 cents at an> driis store, was the surgeon. Trainmen took up ' - a subscription to pay him.'Th# opera-j Don't think that piip' cant be cur* tlorwas successful. ed bj Doan’s Ointmem. oO cents at any drug stove. ■•What Tm irth* d>ou kSp clapptn* ' Farmert, “’f fctr'> Th«t last sinecr was awful!” borers relit on Dr, Thomas Kciectif '^•TknowfU riikTthe^.^^^^ of Oil. Takes the out of cut., her clothes, and I want to have an- hums or other look at them.”—London Opinion, not stay where it is used. MA Tke SiicceiifdiEiinipeaaRe®ci|r^Ws»deifBl n Most StiAbora Caiet! TO THE PUMJC Pleue distinguish STOMAUX fnm the host of componnds prepared by irresponsi ble layniea aod advertised W conaoerci*! ventures. STOMAUX is Prtwed by » dHttn- fished European Physicisa and Fb»riD»- ceuiist. Dr. Sai* de CarloA. wbese mne ts a ffoSraBty of its worth aad its freedom from Aoytbing barmfUL Ai Pn»ggUti». it CSO«» AfpotB NEW YORK* TO PHYSrciANS Physicians orescnbiaf STOMAUX have reported meet cratifyia« results in Chronic Osstritisi Gsrtraliria and Dy^psia (c«n- bioed with Chlorosis), Chronic Gastro- l^Bteritis, Ancrmif. Gaatric Neurastheiia, OyicnteiT. HypecWorbrdria. DiiaUtion of the Stomach, and in Gastro-lntestmal Dis eases of Children, cases of very lon^ stana inr yieldioff to the trcatfocnt. J