Tr*»: CT»\»LQTtB «nBW9. NOVfcM LINEN SHOWER FOR MISS M’NELIS. LMt night at their home on E. Liberty street Misses Mary and Clara tjHve a linen show«r in hon or 01 Miss Helen McXelis who is to he marrlefl to Mr. Leo H. Phelan at St. Peter’s Catholic church on Xo- venil>er 8. The home was very attrac tively decorated with cut flowers. Whist was played and Miss Annie Grove won the prize for the highest prnic. After the .Karnes were played tb^ plu^-;ts formed in line and marched Into the dininp room, to the strains of the wedding march, where delight ful refreshments were served. The Ruests of the evening w'ere:: Mi-s llclon .McNeils, guest of honor, Mlf^E^es Annie Grose, Kate Grose. Nell Price. Susie VVilllams, Nell Williams, l^rritio I’obb. Helen Clifford, Mary nifford. f’auline Clifford. Mary Milli gan, .\nnie McCane, Grace Webber, .Margery Phelan, Madeline Phelan. Deli- Schachtner, Catherine Schact- ner, Helen Kidd, Mary Miller, Larietto ne?mcMi(l, rkMtba Suggs. Uertey Gil- ligan and .Mesd:iines Prank Zemose, .lames .Montague, J. W. Shaughnessy and Sam Uiggle. SATURDAY AFTERNOON TEAS AT COUNTRY CLUB. Beiinninc tomorrow afternoon the rnimtry riub, to the northeast of the city, will be the scene of pleasant series of social events that will last through the winter season. It is plan ned to have a series of Saturday after- n«^on teas troughout the winter and hs the initial event. Mrs. .Ino. M. t^cott and .Mrs. Ur. R. L. Gibbon will have charge of and will preside over the first of the series tomorrow after noon at 1 o’clock. The chib members and their guests will compose the personnel of the ^r?f of the teas eomorrow afternoon. Tho hours of the event will be all evening. The Club's carriages will meet all f’»elmont cars and transport all the pucst.s to the club house. MISS BERRYHILL RETURNS TOMORROW .Mi«!s Frances Berry hill in this city tomorrow morning from New York. She has been the guest of her sister, -Mrts. K. J. I^angford. In the metropolis, i=r the past fime months. MRS. HAYES’ BEAUTIFUL ROSE. Mr.Tof Haynes brought into t)ie of fice rhi.! morning one of the most • xrpiisite roses ever raised in Char- lo'te It i.«! a Paul Neron, perfect in = orm. delicate In color and on a per- fecti> -itraii^ht wtem seven feet and ^ix inches long. The bunch that bore this flower was raised from a clip ping by Mrs. C. C. Hayes and thig Ifi the first and only flower that it has ever produced. MISS QUINCE GUEST OF MISS NANCY BROWN. Miss Nancy Brown has as her guest Miss Sue Quince, of Wilmington. Miss Qtiince arrived herel ast night and will spend Rome time in the city. She has visited Miss Brown several times previously and has made a host of friends in the city who will be glad welcome her here again and do all they can to make her visit as pleas ant as possible. TO WINTER IN CHARLOTTE Mrs. Mlnie Bynnm and Miss Susan Bynum are expecting to spend the coming winter in Charlotte. They are now visiting Mrs. Minnie Bynum’s brother-in?law Dr. Archibald Hender son in Chapel Hill. It is expected that they will return to the city some time soon. Miss Theresa McCubbins, a student at the Presbyterian College, will spend Sunday and Monday In Salis bury with her parents. Mf. and Mrs. P. W. Few, of Dur ham, spent yesterday In the city. Mr. P'ew is president of Trinity College. RETURN FROM BALTIMORE. Dr. and Mrs. W, O. Nisbet have re turned from Baltimore where they have been about two weeks. Cramp Nearly Causes Death Thermometer Was 29 this Morning The coldest period of the last 24 hour* in Charlotte and vicinity was this morning between 6 and 7 o'clock when the delicate instrument at the )(Kal weather bureau recorded the fact that at that hour the tempera ture was 29 degrees. This temperature was never recorded here, during the 33 years that the bureau has been established, so early in the season ex cept once. At that time, however, the temperature was 28 degrees and It was hIso earlier than this date, being on the 29th of October. Mrs. Godfrey Well Again Vineland. N. J.—Mrs. Allen T. God frey, who has been in bad health for some time, has just written the fol lowing letter telling of her recovery; "Everyone who ig in broken health ought to know that Vinoi will build *hem up and make them strong. It restored my strength and vigor after 1 had been in a badly run-down con dition for several months, and I nev er fail to give Vlnol a good word now.’ This Is one more proof that our de licious cod liver and iron remedy, V-Jnol, which is free from cod liver oil, i» a remarkably strengthening and vitalizing medicine. Men and women who are weak and in poor health, unable to sleep or eat well, and who have given up hope of ever being strong again should cer tainly take Vinol, without waiting another day, for it is exactly what thy need. There is no risk at all, for it is so sure to do good that we guarantee it absolutely and wilt refund the money if you are not satiafled. R. H. Jordan & Co. Lady in Board Camp, At tacked by Cramp, Says She Felt As if She Were Dead. Board Camp, Ark.—“When I was just fifteen years old,” says Mrs. Vir- gie Bain, of this place, "I suffered awfully with a cramp in my stomach, about once a month, and I had a dead feeling, all the time—no life to do anything. I took two bottles of Cardui, and I felt like a different person. I had tried all kinds of medicine for over a year, but not a thing helped me, until I took Cardui. A short time ago, I suffered again. I would ache and hurt till I couldn’t stand on my feet a minute to do my work. My back ached and my head hurt all the time. I was glad I knew about Cardui I I took three bottles, and now I never have any ache or pain, and I am cheerful and happy.” If you have wondered where you could find a remedy to ease your pain and relieve the torment which goes with so many forms of womanly trouble—here is your answer 1 Take Cardui, the w’oman's tonic, and be relieved, as Mrs. Bain was. Cardui is just the medicine every woman needs, to help her over her womanly troubles. Try Cardni. N. B.—WMte to: Indies’ Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special In structions, and 64-page book, “Home Treatment for Women,” sent in plain wrapper, on request. The weather bureau sent put this morning a report of killing frost for this vicinity. Although the coat of white was not copious, on account of the wind that prevailed till after midnight, there was enough to do damage to any thing green and ten der that happened to be out in the open. Weather Observer Atto states that he saw turnip tops, okra and several other plants this morning frozen stiff as pasteboard. The wind in the forepart of the night howled through the autumn leafage at the rate of between 12 and 14 miles and hour. After midnight it slowed down to 5 or 6 miles on hour leaving the possibility of the forma tion of frost. Asheville had a temper ature this morning of 22 degrees AVilmington 34, Raleigh 30, Memphis 32 and Louisville 26. No zero w'eather is reported on the map. The cold snap prevails over the middle Atlantic and New England states. The cold areao is moving eastward from the direction of the Ohio valley. The weather here tonight will be not far different tonight from that of last night, hays Forecaster, A. A. Atto. To Welcome New Comets Charlotte National Bank Resources $2,000,000.00 Pays 4 per cent per annum on Time Deposits. Rents Safe Deposit Boxes for |2.00 per year. Glad to know and advise with any one interested in opening a bank account. OFFICERS; J. H. Little. President. J. F. Robertson, Vice Pres. 117E are in position to rent or lease a person with ref erence one of the most beautiful homes on Char lott’s fashionable Street The place is elegantly furn ished and in every detail a most desirable and attractiv home. Upon inquiry at this office we will give the particulars. e you Jno. M. Scott, Vice Pres. W. H. Twitty, Cashier. The meeting of the Newcomers w’hich is to be held on next Tuesday night, is exciting interest and prepara tions are being made for a full house. The meeting is to have some different features from any that has as yet been a part of a Greater Charlotte Club meeting. In fact the entire idea is new and by being well attended is sure to prove profitable. The set program will be short and will consist of a speech delivered by Judge Armistead Burwell, introducing Major J. C. Hemphill, and a speech by Mr. T. C. Guthrie, introducing Mr. A. E. Gonzales. Of course each of the gentlemen thus Introduced will be ex pected to say something. Aside from this, the meeting will be very informal and will be a get together meeting sure enough. A list is being prepared and an ef fort is to be made to get the name of a new man who will help along the work by sending it to the office of the Great er Charlotte Club. The meeting will take place in the Selwyn hotel at 8:30 and any one who desires to attend whether a mem ber of the club or not will be very welcome. ECZEMA SUFFERERS Find Quick Relief and Permanent Cure by Using Hokara the Wonder ful New Cure for Skin Diseases. Hokara is recognized by the medical profession and skin specialists as the ideal treatment for eczema, ulcers, pim pies, blackheads, acne, salt rheum, etc., and is sold on guarantee by R. H. Jordan & Co. the local agents for Ho kara. If you have any form of skin disease or irritation, do not neglect purchasing a jar of Hokara today. In spite of its unusual curative pow er, the price is trifling. To convince you of its merits R. H. Jordan & Co. will sell a liberal jar for 25c. Larger sizes, 50c. and $1. “Chinaman." (From the London Chronicle.) On the subject of surprising modem words it is notable that the Oxford Dictionary finds no earlier instance of “Chinaman,” in the sense of a native of China, than 1864, when Emerson so used it. The previous word was Chi nese,” from which the plural “Chi- nesea*’ was formed by Milton and his contemporaries, and the false sin gular “Chinese” by modern Americans. But “Chinaman” in another sense, that of a dealer in china, was in use long before 1854. The- Oxford Dictionary gives three instances of it.from Lon don directories of 1772, 1801, 1819, hut does not notice that in 1763 one ‘John Crowther, “Chinaman,” was gazetted bankrupt. “Chinawoman” in a similar sense goes back to Ben Jonson. Not Exactly. Conductor—Did you get out and stretch your legs when we stopped at the Junction?’ Passenger—Well, not exactly; 1 went into the dining car and had them pulled.—Brooklyn Life. Party that lost purse containing |20 need worry no longer; it has been found. — Brooklyn Life. Mt, E. A. Cole to Address Boys* Meeting Sunday Mr. E. A. Cole, of the Cole Manu facturing Company, will address tlie boys’ meeting at the Young Men's Christian Association Sunday aftei- noon at 5 o’clock. Every Sunday sees a large number of boys in attendance at these meet ings and it is expccted a large num ber will be out to hear Mr. Cole as he is an mierestlng speaker ana many of the boys have never heard him be fore. The address will be preceded by the usual song service and musical prcgram. Oh, girly with the powdered face, So ghastly and so white. Perhaps you think it lends you grace, But you are just a fright. Douglas For Men THE BEST IN' THE WORLD. $3, $3.50, $4, $5 Every good leather and correct last. A Full Line of LADIES' AND CHILDaEN’S SHOES. Overcoats and Suits $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00 In Style, Quality and Beauty these Coats and Suits are equal to any sold in Charlotte at 50 per cent more than our prices. HATS AT $1.00 TO $2.50 You can pay a lot more for your hat without getting a bit more style or quality than we sell you, at these modest prices. Underwear aad Furnishings Everything you need for colder weather at a Price Saving. Nathans 38 E. TRADE ST. Easily adjusted to fit the body; con venient to perfection, combining strength, durability and beauty; the acme of comfort; that’s the Royal Rest Chairs. We have a large stock and shall be pleased to have you make a careful comparison with other makes. We are the most reasonable in med ium and Fine Furniture. "RishAe Button andl\est” Nv 'V'. r PUSH BUTTON K/ND Lubin Furniture Co. Everything for tho Mom© Start a Savings Account Yoa can sp9,re a dollar today and that is enough for a beginning. The account will grow surprisingly faat after you have once formed the saving habit and we will help its g^rowth by paying you four per cent interest. Southern Loan & Savings Bank CHARLOTTE, N. C. JNO. M. SCOTT. President. . W. L. JENKINS, Cashier. W. S. ALEXANDER. v,.rv*s. Real Estate Investment Four 4-room houses, city water, fine renting property, nearly new, offered at price of $2900.00—no less. Annual rent $296.40 and it stays rented. This is a bargain. It cost $3,450.50. A G. CRAIG Phone 1436. REAL E8TAE AND INSURANCE Trust Building, FARM BARGAINS 150% acres well located near church and school, macadam road, tw'o tenant houses and barns, 25 acres original forest. Ex cellent cotton farm with plenty of pasture and corn land. Will pay 10 per cent on price asked if properly managed. $40 per acre. Terms reasonable. Also many other excellent farms. Peoples Loan & Realty Go. W. L. Nlchoison, Manager. C. R. McGinn, Salesman. 309 Realty Building. Phone 313. He Did Fly, Fellows and it was as graceful as a bird. Here’s my hat off to his daring and ability to do what he claims. When a man delivers the goods I believe in giving him due credit and praise. THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN doubtless make mistakes, but they’re honest and have good intentions, and, when you remember they get nothing for their services, too »much should not be expected at their hands. I^et’s be just and not forget our municipal system is passe, and begin to realize that up-to-date government is not to be expected from an antiquated method. Some COMMISSION FORM has long been imperative, and until we get it, confusion is inevi table. THE MUJq^L BUILDif^G A LOAN For Rent OFFICE ROOMS One Store or Office room, located one and one-half blocks from Square; floor space 25x70, "Oirlth electric lights, steam heat, vault, and shelves Price at office. One office room in McKinnon Bldg .. .. Store room, 701 W. Trade St.. RESIP«5.NCES. 5 rooms, 308 Elizabeth Ave. .. 7 rooms, 1204 N. Caldwell St. .. 5 rooms, 202 S. Harrill St 8 rooms, modern, 1012 West 4th St 7 rooms, modern, 423 Elizabeth . . • • . . • . 6 rooms. Apartment; 415 N. Col lege St 6-room apartment, 419 N. College St 4 rooms, corner West 8th St. and R- R- • • 4 rooms, 213^-8. Graham St 6 rooms, modern, 213 West Trade St 4 rooms 200. S. Harrell St., Bel- 10.00 15.00 13.50 12.00 7.00 27.50 30.00 r. . 31.00 30.00 7.00 12.50 31.00 mont 6.00 Brown & Co. would never have reached its present state of recognized strength, reliabil ity and popularity if it had not been ever alert to'progressive ideas and methods. We do what we say—we do more than most other financial insti tutions for that large class whicli needs the opportunities we furnish. ISN'T THIS THE NAKED TRUTH We furnish a savings institution without a superior in the United States. The man who pays 25 cents or niore per week gets nearly 6 1-2 per cent from the moment these weekly payments' are made. This is non- taxable, and we rise to ask where else can this be equaled? New series now open. Come any day. E.L. Keesler, Sec. & Treas. Phont 344. 25 S. Tryon St. For Rent 805 North Church, 8 rooms. Nov. 1st ......... $30.00 Modern 6-room apartment, 210 W. 7th 30.00 7-room house, 1223 E. 10th St. .. 12.50 6-room house, 902 N. Davidson . 10.00 Several small store rooms. 6 South Graham, 8 rooms, modern 3q qq 305 East 9th, 8 rooms, modern . ..j .. 30!00 1003 South Tryon, 6 rooms, modern 25.00 214 Tenth Avenue, 8 rooms, Nov. 1st [ ssioo 700 North Poplar, a rooms, modern .... ’ ’' ’ ’ ocioo 313 East Ninth, 8 rooms, modern 3s!00 411 West 12th, 6 rooms, modern 15.00 411 West llth, 6-room'Tat,mew .... ^8 00 9 West Liddell, 6 rooms 15^00 4 West Liddell, 4 rooms .... .... lo!oo 504 West Tenth, 4 rooms ..... ’’’* ** in 00 908 North Caldwell, 4 rooms .... .... **..*..*.! slso J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. 219- N. Tryon. '^Fire Insurance” Southern Real Estate, Loan & Trust Company. % A Special Bargain ^ attractive bungalow that we can now offer at a S?E CIAL BARGAIN. It is as cosy and nice as can be. All modern imDroTP. ^“‘^juding screens. It is a splendid opportunity for some one. HL’t LITTLE CASH REQUIRED. See us .at once. The McClung Realty Co. No. 25 S. Tryon St. Phone 12S4. Real Estate Investment i/e offer ’^ou four cottage houses well located, good neighbor hood, one-half block from car line, city water, and electric lights. Houses practically new and in good condition, innupl rent $516, and good renting property. Owner anxious to sell, and if bought within the next few days can be had for $5,5t)U on good terms. Carolina Realty Co. 211 N. Tryon St. Phone 609, Fourth Ward Home ' FOR SALE On North Pine street we have an eight-room modern home, on shady side of street, house comparatively new. And in a good neighborhood. Price for next few days is $4,000. J. E. MURPHY & CO Phone 842. 229 8. Tryon St. The Mechanics Perpetual B. & L. Association Is still open and will continue the remainder of this month and October and November, for all who desire to secure shares. So far the Association has enrolled a good number of shares, but PROGRESS is the word and the directors want more and expect to reach 3,000 shares. J. H. WEARN, President. D. E. COCHRANE, Secretary and Treasurer. For Satie ELMORr: FRUIT GARDENS, Sunnyside, 3-»:oom cottage with basement, fine well of water, large number of strawberry plants, raspberry, fruit t'-ee^, 1-2 acre of land; Price ^ $2 000 4-Rocm house Ip Fourth Ward, Price $i 45C Lar^c and small tracts of land on Macadam roads, from 4 to 9* miles of city. See U8, W. T. Wilkinson & Co. J. A. BROWN, Notary Public. CITY LOTS On the Bast side of North Davidson Street, between Bast Avenue and Street, we have several very desirable Building Lots which we can sell At a very reasonable figure. ^ This is part of the olcj LUCAS property and because of its location, conven ience to the car line and short distance from the business section, will no doubt dispose of it at a very early date. If you are interes^t' call to see us TODAY. F. C. Abbott & Go. Everything in Real Estate. High-Grade Investments. Don’t Forget That We Write Fire Insurance in Strong Companies. L .1-Mi