(XB&iUiOT!? , \. V- ■> ■- f -^-C :V ;..... ‘. '"^■^*“18(1011 »,.^ lrji fjfiifjgfeaiiiaMappi 3 y ^uRE. •d... ■ '"’-i* ■■' tr :il o« DACHE •,V -i> LjCXi* bles ind tht >.n.i tl’.o ■ifair. • I:*; to tnd tr“ ira in th»v '*inR -i'.^ th' " Va,, e troj he .!( aaC ,* but-! ■i '(in • .dQU.li ^iTERS vann^h, »'t Of ^et, • 4uto> .-IV.ut hern ^ pouna i- .S'Ov*'35 - tl Ss:ii I t; ;.iriof (• IB «■« WUi'« I b> »v‘ A«t . C lie \qiiIj Cast Region j[itracttng Settlers (i Press. Nov. 6.—Agricultural in the ?ulf coast r«gion ; , r -^t of the Mississippi attracting many people ,r»' according to a report . f Soils of the Depart- rii ulture just made public, i i railroad :md industrial in ndvortising the resour- i:!or.. have been very i,o past few years. .f the immigrants who » loMd for general farm- little exi»erlenc€ with inionly occur In this .. .ist country. While 1 >ns. such as general ion? of a locality, ac- and transporta- important, the soil 'ho first consldera- lU’tau. which reference Is southern thfrd of t . adjoining portion south; that part of ••Rlack Belt;" the of Georgia, and the t iorlda. «... ation of the north- m is 400 to 500 feet, o toward the south. .0 uplands have an f 100 foet or more ■s of the coast. ;iriP9 from very id. undulating di- . .'S considerable lev- nf long leaf pine ; lly all of the hils :>rras. while In the .^ti ams there was o decidluous trees, varied by cane- rane largely has ii the lowland still . -• i\. •1,' Mississippi river , . St ward the pre- ;ii ’ravish sands, or I- loams are limited T in - rtain locatlities. ,i K =■’ ui.lnnd types range through various \vn U' K6 doubtf if you yourself don’t kno^^ ^ ^a^ny^ar^lous cufcs of St^acli,^iver, Blodd and Sfcin^aiFections that have been made by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Goltleii Medicd Discovery, for it has a most successful record of^ over 40 years. These GfURBS embrace 9I96 many bad cases of Weak Lun^St Goochs, bronchial. Throat and Lun^ affections, some of which^*"no donbt, would have ran into Gonsumption, had they been ne^ected or badly treated* We don*t mean to say that the ** Golden Medical I^iseovery ** wilt care Qonsumption when fally seated, bat it will strengthen weak lan^^ . improve digestion, and ntake pure, rich, red blood thereby overcominji afkd casting oat disease^p^ddacin^ bacteria and ^tvin^ robust, vigorous healths ' t - • '* .1 . All particulars about the “Discovery,” its composition and uses, in Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1000 pages, revised up-to-date, sent for 31 cents, in one-cent stamps in cloth covers, or 21 cents for paper covered, to pay cost of moling only. Or send post card request for free’bodklet to World’s Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R. V. Pierce, President, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. , . Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are little in size but greut in gentle acting sanitary results; cure cohstipatioiu ASK YOUR neighbors JBmbind Dr. Pi»rc»‘s M»dicinma vtMBds th» ZnTMJidLs? Eotal Mad Sur gical lastJtute, At Butf.%2o, thOT- •ughly •quipped ttnd vnth m Stuff of SMil2»d ^eci»2ists to tr3a.t tb« JBOT0 difticvM cafios of Chronic ifi»0»s99i -whether requizing 2€9d~ fdml or 'Siireica.1 sJcill for thoJr cure. Send for free INVALIDS' GUIDE BOOK. If You Don’t KING’S GRADUATES are above par in the business world because of their through training and superior qualifications. We do not tolerate lax methods, incompeteot teachers or short, superficial courses of study. Success is our aim and motto^ il you want the best businear and stenographic training that ex* perience, money anti brains can provi^tk write |pr our handsome cata* loeue. No vacation. Enter any time. CHARLOTTE, N. a RAL.EIGH, N. a MORE MOEY FOR CROPS. Farmer* Now at the Mercy of Big Money Centers—Financial Expert Shows How Foreign Banks Always Provide For Agricultural Needs— Says National Reserve Association Will Make Farmers Independent of Wall Street.. V “V New York, Nov. 6.—“The American farmer demands a banking system that will always provide credit for his legitimate needs. irres’peeti\e of mon ■ L'ht bed. There I ey distuibances in financial conters,” the depth of N^iys Edmund D. Fisher,' in compient- ing upon the recent amendments to the plan of banking and currency reform as proposed by the national monetary commission Great good, according to Mr. Fish er, should result from the public hearings now being held by the mon etary commission. These hearings should bring out the business and faming needs of the country and go a long ways toward securing the right kind of banking legislation. Mr. Fisher is deputy comptroller of fn a hand sample I the city of New York and a director u'fo a clay with but little of the recently organized New York ,le to a ciaj ^un out | branch of the National Citizens’ League for the promotion of a sound banking system. He Is well oknwn as able and impartial authority on (Iraitiape be so effective that condition of the soil can- ->u HI unlands and higher! he larger streams and 1 hn: >’teristics of the ,f n field the ^ soli and. graduating at A inches to clay ma-1 n r.rby L^and may be 2 or] The extreme range is clav to a loose quartz azricultural value. Sach p the exception. A clay- ^ h enough sand to give It, corrse. gritty feel and a I the annual pv- ria ;ne drainage. about 60 Inches. There ortant that I of national trade and finance. “In 1907," said Mr. Fisher, “we had seven billion dollars’ worth of crops to market and our banking system broke down. Today we have nine bil lions’ worth and we are saddl^ with the same defective system. What we need is a co-operative association that shall discount for all the member banks’ and trust companies' notes and bills drawn for agricultural, com mercial or industrial purposes, and not for carrying stocks, bonds, or other investment securities. This regulation it lsne of the most ments to the plan of the National Re serve Association. It genders the whole scheme one for the better de I velopment of the natural resources *and day-to-day business of the coun- trj', and*.ft will be k very definite ben efit to farinlng interests all over the country. . ^ As a matter of fact, it has been only recently that proper attention has be«n paid to farming interests, even hy tfie bankers of Europe “Pretloiis to 1900 the farmer had no credit at the Bjmk of Belgium. In that;y«w, however, this bank-amend ed ita*^ .by-laws - so - that, ihe phrase opeiutlons of commerce’ as a basis for credit, sfiould be construed to In clude ♦pui'dliaaes and sales made W farmers' and to them of cattle,- cultural implements, fertilizer, seed, crops -and generally merchandise rela tive to the exercise try ^ “Then the Swiss National followed. Upon bund, it incorporated in its by-laws the irovision that ‘bills arising of ngricuitural business conditi9n bas^ upon a genuine business oper- xccytional fertility require . should be placed upon an equai .1 hnt «n ' foQtlAe With Other billS.’ “France has a banking tion whteli aetfl for the exclusive ben- e«?oT farmers. It is “"'d Cred.t Agrlcole. Now the Bank of ^^nc®. through the medium of the ^en ^ government, has even as to make direct advances of capi tal to thfe- Credit Agrlcole- - “So it will be seen that, in PO^JJ^ time the United States is not so far behind mropean ine adequate oauking facilities lo Us ^torSng interests. But the point of the^tter to that we shovild be country need, ^ese fadlities TXTi» atand first in agricultural , vr-il in normal seasons, p. »he other hand, should I My retentive of moisture to, , =:fely through a dry pe-| ! i occur. The Ideal soil '.■ct Is a loam, or sandy i!i-- a moderately compact! Bu'^oil. The soil and sub- have the power of main- i^or.ably uniform moisture ouKhout considerable ex- ->:i>)iiation. Heavy clay-1 . mor. difficulji to keep ini ;n regions of less rainfall, surface is hilly terracing is are mnre desirable, other ifing equal, than , B'r -\i sand, if the color is due ! i ; ' admixture of muck, will ^'ravish tint after a few ' of niltivation. Calcareous soils : It. rl to a comparatively few" lo- t - '=c:me of them are very pro- difllcult to handle, llv til of the well drained i’ ncient in organic matter, t;.: holds true of virgin land as irrmind that has been under ! nn for several years. On ac- •hp high average temperature, h!i .Tnd the absence of a win- *he decay of organic debris Mveiy rapid. The process Is ht colored soils of op^ = • ’r in in heavy, dark colored ('■' of organic components 1 hr considered a serious or u (Infect In any type ii ■ fertilizers are in uni- thioughout this section. = ' (i land, some of the val ' and a few of the upland Ity require i'u uil enrichment, but an appli of some kind of fertilizer on • .‘s is necessary. Nitrogen, fu and potash should be sup- ■ to *hese lime may be added, ‘ fertilizer Is one containing ' 8 mc quantity of each of the •f th i «* elements. HEALTHY MOTHERS Duy ^ansiaction As Well As Styl6 Buy n Garmoiit that you know will hold its and dainty loveliness until worn out. You can find such a garment in our garment Depart ment. They are tailored from .wool mater ials in all of the desirable &hades and we think enough of our garments to guarantee them to you for two reas ons. Neat In Style. Lowest in Price. See our leader at ... $16.50 IF THIS COAT WERE'-VlOURS You kno^ that you would be proud of it. Proud of the warm wool ma terial from which it is fashioned, and of the ciiirving style lines of its beauty. \ You can own this coat or onfe of its si:ter styles, and you’ll find the own* fng easy. We ftre leaders and every garment we offer has been priced with the idea of a quick sale in view. The descriptions ought to interest every well-dressed woman. • you We a^o offering the be^ Coat ever saw at “ •$10.00 iite$- Nix Co. CHARLOTTE'S AufHORITY ON .• WOMEN'S WEAR ^ * 17 and 19 West Trade Street 'Phones 776 and 777." WAS NOT AFRAID TO,^ One-Man Power. ARMED ROBBER. jjj speech at ‘Denver, Nat C.. Chicago, Nov. 6.-Charles SohTifee. Goo'i’'l" remarked on the snuill a banker, made good a boast last night means wherewith Washington hft'd that he would not be afraid to “tacKle achieved such great ends, says the an armed robber” and today Ues per-; w3,shingtpn Star. ' haps fatally wounded in a hospital ^ “When I think,” said Goodwin, “of a consequence. Schultze had barely ^ ^ - ■ - Washington’s terrible handicaps my Chairs. Inadvisable. News Want Ads Neva Fail to ' i j Bring Results to Advertisers. THE Mon itor WITH IT'S FIVE RADIATING FLUES makes- warm friends in cdd weather. It Is the greatest improve ment in Stoves since the invention of the Base Burner. Economical in fuel —superlative iu heating. Let us show you this wonderful stove. N. McCausland t Coppaoy 221 South Tryon Street Easily adjusted to fit the body; con* to perfection, conlbining strength, durability and beauty; the acme of comfort; that’s the Royal Rest We have a large stock and ; shall be pleased to have you make a i^reful comparison with other makes. We are the most ifeasonable in med« ium and J^ne Fumltilre. Sisliflielm ^ndi\est 'THE PUSH- BUTTON KIND' We a.re reliably ^formed that John Frankliii Baker will not make his stage debut in New York. Co. of their Indus- Bank out if Every thi ng:- Ipr tHo Ho m© spoken the words when two highway men armed with revolvers walked into a Wentworth avenue saloon and order ed the banker with several other men to throw up their hands. True to his steel. Schultze sprang upon one of the thugs and tried to wrencch the wea pon from him. In the struggle that followed he was shot twice. Schultze noon. Have stage manager, stage lives next door to the saloon. His wife carpenter, property man and all stege heard the shots and running to. til hands of theatre prompt to hour.>,. place to see if her husband was in- “He received this telegram in jured, was knocked down by one of the P^y thieves, both of whom escaped. mind goes back to the town of Nola Chucky. “An actOT-manager was to appear for one night in Nola Chucky. and ac cordingly wired the proprietor of the Nola Chucky opera house: “ ‘Will hold rehearsal tomorrow BLOTTER ADVERTISING PAYS YOU r^* ‘He will be there.’ \Voraen who bear children and re- n h .;thy are those who prepare I most. We stand first .r P., ,tuns in advance of baEy•. 1 produrt^ >y Unless the mother aids -y-. in it-, pre-natal work the crisis - ' r . ystem unequal to the de- ’ !r adc upon it,’ and she is often V w til %'= v.ikened health or chronic nt,. No remedy is so truly a ■ p to nalure as Mother’s Friend, 1^0 expectant mother should fail ■ u ie it. It relieves the pain and ‘ »m(ort caused by the strain on pliant and elas- ■ t... ,e and muscles which re is p'^panding, prevents numb- ^ of .imks, and soothes the inflam- ‘Ou of brea.st jrlands. The system V’' *', t)re'.arp'J by Mother’s t!’,c fv.;;r that the crisis not w: r.aiMy m^^t. Mother’s - iid assure'^ a speedy and complete ■ n."itLcr, and she is I- a tealthy wouiiiii to enjoy the ■ ’■'ng of her rug stores. -y,-, , , „ MEND s. mothers which contains-much management. The j ^ business has become national ana m will have the under the Reserve Association under amended plan/’ - . BUI Minor Will Be Jreateras a Des- perado. ®'tti^U Bin Minor „u‘not >>e^«n.n^ther ^»oe to^e^ SmiilaSon ot rado as Ion* •» “'^(“vigilance watched over with esp whether a. a deadly “5ie^~" in convict farm camp There will be no to tlie hospital ward» they will either ^ u.ible information, and many sug-lput a with,a gun to nurse him, ^ of a helpful nature. or fasteni.1^ by the ankle to the ftHAL-HELD XECUUTOR CO., AOmlt, Cm. | foot of. tfid Uric Acid, Gout. Etc. yield to MILAfM when all else fall Eminent Divine Testifies at JRiffitons,, Porfolk, Va., July 7, 1911* W W EOYALL. D. P.. 9eer% «he Mllaa Medlolne~eo.» Zbo«i» 0«nvlll«» ^mtlenent-', It give* me pleasure to tell you how much good your !«llllam* ha« done ne. I have had more or less uric acid trouble for ten or fifteen years, and at tlaea I had attaoka of rhev^tlo gout that were not only ezcruoiatlngly painful, but that laid a* up in bed for a week at a tine. I used eve^thing the doctors reconunendeds but-obtained only a little .relief* ,^i«Mt I was •o fortunate as to try Milan, and having procured thro^ you a case of a half a dozen, I uaed it faithfully. I canwot tell you ^hat relief it has given me. It my '7,!® Deraanent oureu but X aean to keep up the treataent, fj»ol glad to think I have found a thing to^free me enable me to keep up ay work in ay expdrienoe, you will not have to refund aucn aoney* Very respectfully youra,-^ P- I)"- ■ Bwtiber Virginia Conference, M. B. C. AOt yom-druesut M six hiittnefMUan^ ow Wttral guarmtm^ tHOMty Uuklfnot bmufiUd. M yoM me BLOTTERS to adwirise yomjbusmess it is money well invested, heckuse'^BLOTTER ADVER^ TISING is good. You should see to ittliat they are judicious ly dist^buted however.-With your blotters on practically every desk in town you you are reaching the business men in the surest and i^ost profitable ^way. ,We print BLQTTBRS, We know how to print than to please you and your customer*;« It 4s a good time now' to have us print your suj^ly for 1^12. Come to our office and have' us place a special order for just the kind^4 blotter stock you want and then we will dedgn and print Aem for you at a price that’s reasonable. . > E>on t scad your orders'^t 61 town, because we guarantee to makegood. If you have nev^«sed SL07’7'^K5 to ad vertise your business, just tiy it during ) 912 you wiM find it a business builder at a very^'smaH cost Get some BLOT- printed—Do It Now. REMEMBER—We Prird Anything i NEWS PRIIITING HOUSE 11^ ooo VRYON ST. TELEPHONE 1530