j luest Edition T^*FT"[7^ hatest Edition TWELVE IMAGES. QL. 45. NO. 8O79 ocks Rally as Result r Decision In Case Of Tobacco Tmst CHARLOTTE N. C., THURSDAY EVENING, NpVbMfER^ |fe>i i ' ' '— »■ lll'fll^ ly H If lllttl I of Reorganization U.S. Circuit Court ^ect of Boosting n Wail Street-Steel ; ^ect. * V All of Receiverships Has Vu^::sUJ And Investors in Jot, xo Stocks Feel Easier i .Had Been Content- r .i Press. \ov. 9.—So much uneasl* .lU that there would be 0 ,a. CO trust re-organi* decision of the United t c.'urt accepting the - CO rompan.Vs plan was Wall street today with r; relief. The effect of ne securities of the^to- hnd its subsidiaries iting apparently than -• sfneral market. .'e«to'*s Feel Easier. . may be taken by the , ( CO men to review the . 6 action of the clr- ; s to have stopped talk a hu^bear that has .-•nrs since the inde- ,t'ieir active fight r -c’ nization plans pro- t’' .T'-pany. ni'orators as a rule, HEflEUUnS Two Most Prominent Republi can Chiejtains Murdered— Ejfort to Control Sit ^ tion Republican Govs. .tor is Proclaimed Dictator, Canton Lowers Dragon Flag And Salutes New Govern- ment—Fu Chow in Bands of Revolutionists—Situation at Amoy is Quiet. By Asosciated Press. Chang Sha, Province of Hunan, Chi na, Nov. 1. — A condition bordering on anxiety exists here owing to the desperate rivalry of the revolutionary leaders, who took possession of the city a few days ago. The two most nepubUcan chieftains, Gener- .ated the action of the , chiao and Tseng, were both mur- f nfThi Rphpmp soldiers today. They had been n of each other’s positions y Slight quarrel had been taken up by moui«.cations made by the followers. In an effort to control, the situation. Than Tsuan, the republican governpr, h«8 been proclaimed dictator. But he is a scholar and not a leader and is re ported as anxious to escape the re sponsibility. His family has left Chang bha and some of the members of the provisional cabinet, including the head ■niere ^as"a rush customs and the foreign minister IT'-;- h a v(> ^ition submitted by nipht forth no ex- . - , iPtment or disap- >' -rs and counsel • _;RTPi1 trust. Stoc'“ Market Affected. 'k niar’.ct made an emphat* - y to the court's approv* in Tobacco Company a r-.iening and prices A i. n TobaccoT^fer- . ’ . r oints, the common ’i» svx per ur per cent have fled.. Rioting and indiscriminate fighting are feared. f'Qreign women and children have wng even more pro- stocks. especially ' !'l. on account of ihe 1 recently instituted ’’•at ion. United'States 'f'f the sales of 20,000 - r>o 3-8, a maximum ■^he stock was bought Miies and was forc- oints. Reading gained t^QQfl^been ordered to leave Slang Tang and nds a similar order has been sent to Chang Li. Other Important cities in this prov ince have joined the revolt but in all of them the revolutionists are con ducting the government peacefully. Canton Declares Independence. Hong Kong, Nov. 9.—Canton, th6 capital of Kwang Tung province and the largest city In China, formal ly declared its independence at noon today when the dragoon ilfiig was low ered and a salute in Honor of the new Charlotte 2 Cents a X'JVlV^'fOtitside Charlotte 6 C©at8a^ pf Cents Sunda^f. Sunday. made a strong appeal for aid for the ^rium Springs orphanage/ going into some detail as to its -needs. An effort was made to raise ?50,000 and 113,500 was subscribed on the flopr. This amount is consi(fered, a very good start and it is hoped that the balance can be raised some time in the near future. The. committee on nominatipns, named this morning consist’8 ot Messrs. A. M. Scales, W. A. Aydelette, A. C. Miller. J. H. McClelland, J. P. Patterson, A. H. Belk and Revs. R. M. Rose, C. M. Richards, W, D. Mor ton, J. W. Wells ( F. p. Jones, E. K. Leybum and^ S. E. Cathey. The music*^ is to be one of the feat ures of the Synod and the special choir which has been organized for the oc casion by Prof. Zehm of Elizabeth iol lege, rendered music of a high order last night'. The choir sang last night twd anthems: “God Be Merciful,-by Mr. Zehm, and “The Lord is Exf^Ited,” by West., The congregations joined heartily in the singing of the hymns. Continued on Page 12. Laid Douglas In Seattle By Associated Press. Seattle, Wash., Nov. 9.—Lord Shol- to' Douglass is in Seattle. He read in last night’s paper , that the body of a New York suicide had been Identi fied as his and decided not to contra- dj,ct-the report. Lord Sholto has been conducting a small cigar business in Seattle under his own name. Killed in Pistol Duel. By Associated Press. 'Monroe, La., Nov. 9.—In a pistol duel in a drug store here this morn ing Charles* B. Wolfson, of Monroe solicitor ^ for a Cincinnati life insur ance company, was shot and killed by Dr. A. H. Gladden ,a physician ot this city. A dispute about the bus iness dealings of another represen tative of the insurance company re suited in ill feeling between th^ two men. , ' Bishop Hoss Conducts Call 6n Twenty Secoj^d Ques tion - After Devotional Exer- cises—Funds for Represent- ^ dti^ Church at Washington. General view of the presentation eei^emony on board the battleship Utah, the ftrboklyn navy when Governor William Spry of the State of Utah forn^erly pretanted a KandSoma. silver servlo«i the state for which the vessel is nanned, arid Wh^h yvras" the gift of nnon^ than 30,0d0 school chiltf;reh. *T+ie Insert •hows Miss Hazel Tout, Who uhveiled the elaborate silver serve, and presented it tos Captain William 8v Ben* son, commanding the vessel, who in turn accepted It for the navy department. Postal tletk Undet Arrest and practically all of government wa^flred. gained a point or Fire In Mine Six Men Missing Pun; br.. Ri ' ■ . i Press. n , pa., Nov. 9.—Ftre i"’ the Adrian mine of tne and Pittsburg Coal and ny near here today and ■ re rescued by first aid •t^'-TS are missing and It jf'oy have been overcome me remote part of the a? located io a remote ■ in- later in the day, ml; ‘HR men being found •ef' through old work- • f' ~h‘ the other three ine the mine. TO GREET PRESIDENT TAFT. •Vov. 9.—Nashville Rebel. H.V. Fu Chow. Awoclated Press.; Amoy, China, Nov. 9.-The city of Lynchburg, Va., Nov. ^.-r-Late today Fu Chow is today in the hands of the George E. Huffman, a-vppstallclerk-on revolutionists. After taking it theySouthern* Railw^iy* between Wasli- wlped out the entire Manchu district. The foreign settlements have not been disturbed but fires have broken out in several sections of thf native city, threatening its destruction. Fu Chow is one of the most import ant citiej in the south, having a popu lation of 700,000. It is the seat of a naval arsenal, government shipyards, a mint^ school of navigation and a large drydock. . . Situation at Amoy., The situation in Amoy is quiet to day but a serious state of affairs is threatened owing to the scarcity of provisions. Moat of th^ city’s supply junks were captured by pirates In a spectacular raid yesterday, the entire crew of one ship being massacred. ■The American cruisftr Albany arriv ed here today with a Japanese de stroyer. A revolt of troops in the village of Anhai, 60 mllea north of this city is causing’^rouble there. The soldiers have bufned the. magistrate’s yamen and the provincial customs house. Intend to Selie Tien Tsin. London, Nov. 9.—A dispatch from P’ aft this evening Tien Tsln says that the revolutionaries '■ ' "! gims and he willmorning posted manifestos f'f honor at a banquet. The throughout the oity declaring their in- ' ill arrive at 7j30 l^^ntion of seizing Tien Ttfln today. anil ' ii| ride in a parade ^ rium w re tlfc president scor leing an uniformed t Con ; rate veterans and J. M Dickinson, • sf - I ;.iry of war. will t>e at the lianquet. •: Vi s a 2 a. m. tomorrow ^rs'ty of the South, Se- L:utt> alma mater, where will be spent. ‘ D SWEEDEN PEAL TO UNCLE SAM. or 0; "Uiy ’,15: •: Press. ’ Nov. 0.—Norway and 0Ui,h their diplomatic here, have requested s to grant them, un nation clause of their :ne privileges given ’ion two of the reci- ‘ *)y which wood i r are admitted the United States. HING for THREE '^ater Logged schooners They called upon all sympathizers to wear the white irm band of the revo lutionary movement. The latest Bdrices. from Peking say that tlW*8lt¥»tlon is quiet there. Ref ugees are^pvaring out of the gates. A cablegtapi from Nlu Chwang, the chief " port of Manchuria, predicts an u prising' jin MuUden shortly. *Eiccltamant Growing. Peking, Noi^9.“-8:54 p. citemwjt here »jfJowing tonight. The residents of th.6 forbidden city are taking in great quantities of rice and other stores. Fifteen hundred Infan try and 500 cavalry of the Manchu first division who fled, from Shi Kia Chang after- the assassination of Gen eral Lu Cheag arrived here today. The legations consider that all hopo for the Manchu dynasty has vanish ed. All Quiet. Tien Tsin. Nov. 9.—All was quiet here at 3 o’clock this afternoon. The city has not yet gone over to the revolutionists. Pre-.s. r F,' r- revenue ror-A rd w.ts ordered from Key o search for three water I v. hieh have been =“•1 off the .'southern coast of Cox Cate Continued. By Associated Press. ^ Miami, Bla., Nov. 9.—The sheriff having been unable to summon the special venire of thirty needed to complete the jury which is to try P. C. Cox, on the chargd of murdering Miss ^ V,. Hettie Percell here last April, the hey are now reported to' case was continued this miorning until 'erouB dereiK is in the path df|this afternoon. . It is expected the fotmeen miles aouthwest! rest of the week will be consumed In ‘O.tugaa, Fla. aQmnl*tln«.tiie>toty. Ington aijd'Charlotte,, N.-C;, was arfesft- e’d here on th'e chVfge of stealing a registered package from the mails here during the night of October 28, He was confined in the city*’jail^to await ex amination' ' before ^Commissibner O' Brien. ' 1. Huffman,- who has b^en under sup« velllan'ce 'by postal inspectors' since the theft was reported, was brought here steveraj days ago: ostensibly to aid the inspectors. The ■ inspectors Huffman was spending m?ney freely the day. following the rqbj)ery;^d th^t this,led up to his arrest. Up^to tonight however,;,they seem to haVe no, trace of the stolen money.' ' : . • The registered package st^olen,.which.; was insured .by. a private company./jy^s consigned l^y^ a Keystone- (W. Vh-). bank, to a respondent’ in Philadelphia., Huffman , is 31 years old'and. lives-in Penn Laird, vRockinghani cotinty, thif state and has had a gpod ,record in* the railway mail service for ten years. : ? Engineer Killed in Ti am Collision I)i^is,Strike 2 I In^^ew Yotk Union Iheologi* c^p:^minary was Beard 4^ Ni^t'^Iinpressive vi^f at^Cammmoratroe Ex- mMis-at Center Church. r-: By Associated iJ^ess. : .^New^ Yopk, Nov.. 9.—The. driyerV, strike on the street ,cl(&ai!iing depart- ideiaitsbegkn 'tcr’maiie itself felt today \^en ashes ahd garbage ^i^ccumulated in\ severar huijdred thousand houae- hplijs. A.ltJiougl^;the|idr^xers quit; only last night fa^cii^es |br taking care*of reluse 'in the;'ay§^^ a,hd japartment iare so limited that, if .tie,>.8trike '■cc^ntinues;' for 24 hou^ it; will ca^se itfconvenifence, and-' Ipiig-; er ;than that; may develop a serious V. At the opening of tliilp^iBH^fr se^, ndenaceito. health.. . .. ; /.. j / i- . •/(’sion W. R. Capi^ge &v^e • 2*500 carts operat- Igessional in aeVbtibnaf^S^^i|»i' H ed by the. department-,went ^out this ^ momW/and these .were used' in an ‘ ^ T^.®, effort to. collect>ashes, and, garbage in 1 some ,of, the.; naost;. crowded districts .1^* Alamance churci^ In# ^ GWU o of the. east side'. ' -» Matter of: F^dpig^jOk^Gr^ ■Prds^ JJni^^ i1?y ts JMcmsM--Last Night was Fonign Mmidn “Ni^ Cd^. tribiitions Show^ctease. T Enthusiastic Session Yesterday —StatesviUe Thronged With Visitofi at Conjerence' And Every Train Ad^ to Nvm- bet. , . special to The Newsv’ Statesville, N. C-, Nov. 9.—After a brief devotiolial service which Bishop Hoss conducted, the call on’the twenty- second question continued and the characters of the pre&iChers of the Asheville and Charlotte districts, were passed. ReV. D. B. Coltfane submitted the report of the Advo^te Publishing Com pany showing an increase in the sub scriptions and receipts b£ the job de partment. ^ Seven hundred and. twenty dollars was'appropriated to the fund for super annuated preachers from the Advo cate’s earnings. H. M. Blair was nominated editor Jq succeed himself. The work, of Rev W. L.- Sherrill, as assistant Editor was commended and regret,was expressed that he will not continue in this capac ity... '.. . Rev. G. H, Secton, of Texas spoke in the -interest of the representative church at Washington, D. C., to cost 1275,000 shqwihg $207,000 already-sub scribed. A resolution was adopted recommending that this conference take part in ttjis enterprise. Bishop ^Igp and Bishop Hpss, spoke in the interest of thla enterprise. Bishop Hoss urged prompt attend ance' ot the preachers upon the deva ^tkwa^aerviee everjr morntng^ ainr Thf impcirtSKca af siiiging the old hymns, He said Revival hy^n singing was grektly needed in the church. Seyei^l other connectional offlccre addi'essed th^ conference. > Continued on Page Five. By Associated Press. ' Dalton,' Ga., Nov. 9.—Engineer P. V. Rhodes, of Atlanta, was killed, and Engineer T. L. Hamby, of Smj^a, and Fireman Barney Bridges,. of. Rocky. Face,‘^were injured-when two freight -pnY«M,c! tho ktvndinted trains collided head-on near.'here this, strike ;as..sooji„as they .sa.w; fit. The morning on the Western and Atlantic strike i» organized by the internatiohal ta^^ mto^he^^^ ibrotlierhobd oi teamster$. railroad. ' * r ibrotherhood or leamscerp. * v - a A heavy fog prevented the-engine- Geo^-ge W. Prescott, seicretary-treas- ^ men from seeing the danger until urer. and vb-usiness - Av S F they were close together. There was intern.ational.brptherhoQd bf t^msters • tnd ^iSces only time, to reverse the engines and said that if neces^y.,^eyery1)ody affiU- Ste tflk ^ the pat on brakes. Engineers and firemen ated with the^^on would ,be Vcailed jumped but Rhodes was caught be- out to make,the'sti;Ike, a success for ieath the wreckage and killed. ' the men.' . . r^rXa The collision Which was between an ; , ——t—- . . extra V northbound. freight and ‘ the ‘ ^elM ran the regular southbound train, is alleged New Yoiit, Nov.-9.j-An grades of; r^ to have been due to the failure.'.oi: fined sugar were redup^ ten cents « ig the sortth bound train-to receive‘ or- hundred pounds today.,' trv. Thev lack oDDortunity an reds to w^it^at Dalton for the ex- , ^ tra- By Associ&ted Press. Washington, Nov. 9.—One the most notable cases ever brought' uh^r the Sherman anti-trust act was on the docket for consideration today th the supreme court of the United States under t*he popular title of the ' “cotton corner case.” -V The case arose out of the indict ment in New York of Janies A. Patten, Eugene G. Scales, Frank ^B^ Hay he , and William P. Brown on a charge spiracy in violation of the Sherman anti-trust law. Several counts qf th^ Indictment were held by the United States circuit court for southern New York to be invalid. The government appealed to the, supreme court from this holding and the technical legal questions arising out of that appeal were up for ar^ment today before the court. I The indictment charged the defehdi ants Vith conspiring to buy enough cotton on the New York cotton change to control the price and then to sell |t at. arbitrary prices. .The de fendants effete charged-with knowing that tW natural result^ of their acts would be to obstruct, trade in. cotton and injure bona tide spinners and man- Ufaqturers'by compelling then^, in' btfW ing cotton to compete with “short sell ers” who would be purchasing uhdeT the abnormal conditions produced by the “corner.” ~ ‘ Tl^e lower court held, that “running a: corneif^^ on the market was not a violation of the Sherman anti-trust law.. T^is holding was based on the theory that the “corner” had no direct'ef^eC^; commerce, defendant^ ex-Si^atdr: Jpi jnp ™si aiue — - !:coimty as it at th|t plac? that uui™ The drivers^ struck because they did interstate npt, like/theVnew .nieth6d of removing - , , refuse at'-night. The then werecrcalled ^ C. Spooner an^ (3eorge.P. Merrick a^‘ out after Mayor G^nor had tqld-toe So«th Carol^^M Tjhilj^^^^^^^^ - - ^ street, cleaning commission ,to .notify « in the street cleaning employes that the. ^ ivmod city was not v in the -Position ., of a private, employer, and that they >^ld possibly othets are to appear, Solicitor C{eheral Lehmahn represents the government. ■'* THE WEATHER. Lynching Case In Progress. By Associated Press. • ' ♦ , _ _ ; Cameron, Texas;, Nov. S.'^The ease ■ of the'lynching of a Mexican boy was ♦' . v . marked today, the fourth of the trial,® ♦ .By Adsoclated,,Press. ‘ by the gathering of the fourth panel of veniremen from which to seiect . Wa^tagton, Nov. 9.—Fore- ft jury. Eleven jurors have been s^'-♦ ^*®t: ' « ^ cured out ot 195 talesmen examined, f ♦ CarollM .l^in tonight Z. T. Gore, the first of four det’e®^* i ♦v .Friday, cooler in eztrettie ants, , is /sharged with'the feutder east ^pdrtioia ^tonight. Fernando Gomez, lynched at Thoirn* ♦ dala. ^Caxaa,.Jaat Jun*. ' try. They lack. oppo,rtunity ,j the du^ ajid privilege of the Presby- teirii^S’to give it. tov jhem. ♦ ; Dr. ' Boggs also made aiv apeclal plea work the University 01 North;Carolina, where, there has-been no rejpitor minister in-charge for al- most two years. ■ He gave vartous sttistics on the :^prk at Univer sity and explainieid 13iat the. boys there are not sdch heathen as’ it is usual ly . retibrtefd that they ate., There are ■140 ^?boya W Chapel Hill who' are memWfeifa of ^ the Presbyterian church and^ thejr need a , man there who is ' able to look after the flock., I At M." Scales^ of SaJjBbunr« THOUGHT A “LITTLE CHANQE” WdULO HELP 8ENTiMteNT By Associated Press. v, ~i - Chicago, Nov.^.—Former Stat«‘1teiH resentative V^alter Lantz of La&raUge, ni., testified before the ^rimer^^i- atorial tnvestigatin^ committee toda^ that a former Springfield corresp^;^' ent of the Chicago Tribune, Joh:^^ (^-. wlni 90W of .Baltimore', ca^ to hiiA in 1909 and suggested the use of mon ey to elect ^e late Robert W. Patter son, of the Tribune as . United States senator. Corwin came to me and DEFENDS MOROCCO- CONGO AGREEMENT . , . . * By Associated Press. Berjin,;;^ Nov. 9.—Chancellor von ]^bmaiixi>No^egg appeared before a hostile ^housie : today to defend the Morbe^-Congo agreement. He ex hausted his :^kill ill ^explaining the great Ji^ahtagee of a friendly settle- medt Jjgh France to the future value of ^n^^l ac()ulsitions and to dis- prow' ui# reports that Germany ha& ba^e'd down before British menace. He sas allowed to .finish \^^lth scarce ly a sign ^ applause in approval. The ^.wn priiice> whose publicity reproted disapproval pf jthe Franco-German agVeeiQ^t hilfi not been denied, ap- pearedth^ royal bpx with Prince Au^tuyt William. Three. Persons Cremated. i By )i^9(^iated Press, iSioUx City, Iowa, New. 9.—Mrs. John Davis, wife of, a fariner living n€ar hefe, hre three months old baby and Mias Lucy Hodger, ag^ed 22, an auni, If^ere burned to death a fire which destroyed their farm hptne t^)day. The es^plosion of an oil cian is supppeed to have caused the fire. SAVANNAH'S COTTON RECEIPTS. By Associated Pfcesj|.i Savannah, Ga.,, Nov.^ &^.^JSavannah'« cbttpn receipts for tjje ^w season reached a total of 1,000,329 ,^les today. This is earliest in history of 0e port that such a record has beea made the nearest approach to it being De cember 10£h, J904, B|' As0i>eiated Press. Chicii|p>^rNoy:'9.—Coroner Hol^nan prepai^. tb take another bod3^trota the i^v% for the piirpdse of addh^ to the chain of evideniee againiit JUrt- lidtiist^ Yerdlilya, noir held in the coim- ty Jail charged with the naurder ^pf i^^r ]^sa^i^tte. tiier grave . which will be opened ia o^ Charles Ver^Iya, second hus- change might affect the 'sentlmaiit the forty-sixth general assefnb" asked me if I thought we cbul Patterson to t^^ senate,” said Laqta. Lantz did not say what reply he madei to Corwin. He ild^elie^ Engineer and Freman Killed. By iisi^iated Press. Scott; Kas., Nov, 9.—^John. F. Degrost, e^neer and J. W. PapI^ fireman, i)otb this city, were kil^ today when a locomotive drawing-.'a JVised paaiaenger train from Kansad C^ty. «xj2ioded. Hoffiqutn to^ ^detectives wemt to brystal Lake" for thjB pmpose v of «x- hofiiiiig tibe body a^d iuipldent^ly to make: ii^uiriis regarding tt|e court ship of Louii^ Vermilya and hier &as- ^nd and%f^»* Spnoected with the dMth of the ^st\Mrs. Vermilj^ « . Dowmentary evidence to a!um’'Uiftt UndeHaker C. G. Boysen had been en- gagped to Mrs. V«n)eii)ya and was naxned aa beneficiary in her insurance policy was receii!^ by th^ coroner from J. W. Uvana,. snpi^^ne secretary of tha' BoiM Ckuurd of Aid^cIu

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