f, CHARLOTTE NEWS NOVEM BES 16 Terribfe Suffering Eczema All Over Raby’s Body. “When my bJtby was four month* old his fac# broke out with eczema, and at sixteen monthf of a^ei his facei hands and arms wera In a dreadful etate. Th© eczema spread all over his body. We had to put a mask or cloth over hlB face and tie up his hands. Finally we gave him Hood’s Sarsapft- rllla and In a f^'w months he was en tirely cured. Today he Is a healthy boy." Mrs. Inez Lewis, Baring, Maine. Hood’s Sarsaparilla cureo 'blood dla- ea'jf's and builds up the system. rv-- it today in usual liquid form or chocolatfd tablets called S«f9atllb9. Change Made in Chatham Car Line Section o) Track Moved—New Car, the Second One, Will Arrive m Four Days—Line May he in Operation by Sat w day. Owing to the objection of a few of the owners of property abutting on the Lawyers’ road between the cxij limits and Broadway avenue and the objection of the township otliclals to having tne road torn up for a car track, the Charlotte Rapid Transit rompnny is. taking up the track it rcccntly laid on the stretch of road named above and moving it several hundred feet back into the city. Mr. n. D. Heath and others, who own the property along Thomas street, have made an offer to the company to use that street for the new location for a part of the track, which has been accepted, and the company ex pects to have the short section of trnck changed and the cars in opera tion by Saturday afternoon. The cars to beu sed on the new line are the storage-battery type, the new type of car that is rapidly com ing into f?vor everywhere. One car has alrrady been purchased and giv en a try-out on the line, giving en- tir ■ satisfaction. Another car Is due to arrive in the city in four days, having been shipped from the fac tory today. A 30*mlnute schedule will be maintained on the line to the Country Club, a distance of two and a half miles, when the system gets into operation. The cars will make connection with the present street railway system where the systema are joined near Elizabeth College, a transfer from one line to the other having been arranged for. A trip from any point of thep resent street railway t/> the Country Club over the Rapid Transit Company’s line will cost only 5 cental The completion of the new line means a great deal toward the devel opment of the section through which It passes. The section Is even now building up rapidly in modern dwell ings and the excellent schedule of the new car system and Its penetra tion of the best residential sites will be ^ factor In adding a new suburb to the city. Lecture-Reciial Tonight at 8:30 Mr, Arthur L, Manchtstet 0/ Converse College Will Give Leciure-Recital Tonight at Hanna Hall The Treble Cleb Club, of this clty( has arranged for tonight a mu Bical treat of rare pleasure. It thel ecture-recital by Mr. Arthur U Manchester, director of muilc at Converse College, Spartsinburg, S. C. Mr. Manchester will give his lecture o nthe musical works of , Robert Franz. Mr. Manchester has an ex cellent baritone voice. Mr. Manchester has been sponsor of the Music Festival that is annu ally held at Converse College and the excellent quality and high standard set in the work at this celebration under the direction of Mr. Manches ter has made Converse famous all over the South as 'a musical center. The recital tonight will be a clas sic and on a subject that will de light lovers of classic music. He has an excellent voice both for lecturing and singing. liis pianist will be Mr. Robert Hood Simpson. The admission is twenty-five cents. Auto Accident Yes- teiday Afternoon An automobile accident that might have been serious occurred yester day near Croft, between this city and Huntersville, when the car of Mr. Lester Cross, of Huntersville, ran oft a bridge. In the car were two or three ladies, Mr. Cross driving. One of the ladies sustained a severe cut across the face, but otherwise ther was very slight damage to the occu pants and very little to the car. Close New York Spots. New York, Nov, 16.—Cotton spot closed unchanged; middling uplands 9.50; do gulf 9.75; sales 601 bales. FOOTBALL JOY KILLS GIRL Concord, N. H. Nov. 16.—Barbara Newbold, a senior in the Concord High School, died it is believed as the re sult of the celebbration of victory of the football team over Nashua High. The students turned out in unusual numbers and Miss Newbold partici pated in the school songs and cheers throughout the contest. Just as the game w^as about to end, a celebration was begun, wljich lasted nearly two hours. The students paraded the streets, cheering and Binging. Miss Newbold was rather delicate and of a very excitable nature, and she became much wrought up and fa tigued by the excitement. Early to day she was seized with hemorrhages of the lungs and died before her pa rents could reach her at the home of a girl friend with whom she had spent the night. HGYAL iAICING POWDER Abmo/uie/y Puro The Baking Powder made from f^oyai Orape Cream ofTartar L. KO ALUM, NO LIME PH06PHATS Local Nimrods Re- tum From Shoot Party of Charlotte Sportsmen Return From Currituck County Laden With Spoils- Killed 400 Ducks in 4 Days. The hunting party that left here ^bout a week ago made a record in the matter of duck hunting. They kill ed 400 ducks in four days. There were eight men in the party, Messrs. jno. M. Scott, A. B. Reese, Dr. R. L. Gibbon, Dr. W. O. Nesbitt, R. F. Stokes, Bu ford Patterson, C. W. Johnston and J. W. Zimmerman, all of this city. They returned to the city last night and reported that they had had the ftneat sport in the vorld, and lots of it. The state law is so stringently en forced that only the residents of thiE- state can shoot ducks on Currituck Sound from a battery as this i.party did. The battery w as sunk iri ;the marsh so that the water came up to the very edge of the boat and the least little movement sent the water slush ing in. When the guns were fired the water would come in in waves. There were about 100 decoys s-pread about the battery and the live ducks were plentiful. There is only four hunting days in each "vv'eek there and the party took advantage of these four days. They report that geese, swans, fish and other sporting game were as plen tiful as the ducks. The birds killed by the party arriv ed here this morning and duck din ners will be the order of the day for the next week at the homes of the hunters. I ease Let loday Fo) New Garage The old Wallace garage has been bought out by Messrs. Charles and Morson McManaway and will hereaf ter be known as the McManaway garage. The new firm today leased the old W'adsworth stables building and will begin work Immediately on the repair work and interior Hnirhing for an up-to-date garage. They will buve a complete repair shop where the old Wallace garage now is, while ibeir rent and sales place will be In the ne"iy fixed quarters. The only car that this firm now Intend to sell la the Marlon and they have a car !oad of them ordered which they e*:pect to arrive In a few days. My Corn? Don’t Hurt A Bit Tlrtd, Ailing, Swollen, Smelly, Sweaty Feet, Cornt, Callouses and Bunions, TIZ Cures Rifbt Off. HOW BEST TO DISTRIBUTE IMMIGRANTS By Asociated Press. Washington. D. C., Nov. 16.—The best means of establi&hing close co-op eration between the federal and state governments in the distribution of Im migrants, settlers and the unemployed to localities where they are needed was the chief subject under discussion to day at the opening of the conference between federal and state officials In terested in the immigration ques>tIon. The feature of the session was the address of Secretary of Commerce and Labor Nagel, who declared that the importation of skilled labor for the farms was the greatest thing desired In this country. Some may hold that the farmer is not a skilled laborer, said Secretary Nagel, “but I maintain that if a man knows how to feed a horse he is a skilled laborer and I think that restric tions against immigration of this class should be removed.’ ’ Secretary Nagel said it was the duty of the United States after an alien w’as admitted to the port -to see to it that he was protected until he arrived at his de.stination. good-bye to your corns the very flrst time you use TIZ. You will nev- nr know you have had a corn, bun ion or callous, or sweaty, tired, swol len, aching feet any more. It’s Just v.onderful.the way the pain vanishes. • «>t If you wish—hammer It with your ^■rat If you wish—no more pain after t:z than If there had never been a 1 ■ mlBh on your feet. Doesn’t that •cund good to you? Doesn’t it? Then read this: “The corns on either of my toes were as large as the tablets you make to cure them. Today there is no sign cf corns on either foot and no sore ness. It's an up-to-date Godsend. Sam. A. Hoover, Progress, N. C. Just hee TIZ. It’s not like anything els© for the purpose you ever heard of. It’s the only foot remedy ever made which acts on the principle of drawing out all the poisonous exuda tions which causni» sore feet. Powders { and other remedies merely clog up th© pores. TIZ cleans them out and keeps them clean.' It works right off , You will feal better the very first ’ time It’s used. Use it a week and ; you ran forget you ever bad tore feet. There la nothing on earth- that can c->mpare with it. TIZ Is for sale at all . druggists, 25 cents per box, or direct. If you wish, from Walter Luther Dodge & Co., Chicago, ni. ON TRIAL FOR CORRUPT SOLICITATION. Wllkesbarre. Pa,, Nov. 16.-Accused of corrupt solicitation, Joseph Dun- fe, of Syracuse, N. Y., was placed on trial here today. It is alleged that he gave William B. McGuire $4,000 in cash and $20,000 In bonds of an electric lighting company he was promoting with which to bribe Mayor Kniffen to sign an ordinance giving the light company a franchise In Wllkesbarre. Mayor Kniffen wae the principal wit ness for the prosecution today. He said McGuire came to his office and de posited cn the table of the office 5)4,000 and the bonds with the understanding that the new light company was to be taken care of. RATES ON PACKING HOUSE PRODUCTS. By Associated Press. Washington, D. C., Nov. 17.—By or der of the interstate commerce com merce commission today packing house products and fresh meats may be trana- ported from packing points in Texas to Atlantic seaboard points generally at less than the rates to some inter mediate points. Permission was granted to the South western lines, the St. Louis and San Francisco, the Southern and the Sea board Air Line and their connections, to adjust their tariffs accordingly. The REPORT OF UNION PACIFIC. By Associated Press. New York, Nov. 16.—The 14th annual, report of the Union Pacific Railroad Company for the fiscal year ended June 30th, last. Issued today, gives the total revenue for operation as $88,- 983,107, a decrease of $i,244,984 com- P^retf with the previous year. Total income derived other than from transportation operations amount ed to $18,396,571, a decrease of $1,115,- 480, Net earnlnga on the common stock were 16.61 per cent. In 1909-10 a total of 19.17 per cent. was earned on the common shares. Operating expenses in creased $2,759,601. White Sqmnel Among Gray Ones Mr. W. C. Bradford, who lives about four miles from Huntersville, has a pet that is attracting the at tention of his neighbors and passers- by. It is a w’hite squirrel. Mr. Brad ford has a fine oak grove in front ot' his residence where a number of gray squirrels make their home. A gun is tabooed where the squirrels frequent and Mrv. Bradford takes a great pride in his pets. Recently a white squirrel put in its appear ance in the grove and is very friend ly both with the other squirrels and with i)eopie around the premises, it is only once in a long while that the white squirrel is found in a flock of gray squirrels and the animal causes ag reat deal of curiosity in the locality. Prayer Service Today At 1st, Baptist Church In preparation for the Missionary Jubilee which is to be held at the First Presbyterian church on Decem ber 13 the inter-denominational pray er services have been held at the dif ferent churches of the city all this week. ■ This afternoon the services will be held at the First Baptist church and conducted by Miss Eva Uddell. Tomorrow afternoon the services will be held at the Lutheran church and conducted by Mr. Williard G. Rogers. These meetings will be held every day this week at 4 p. m. All the^ ladies of the city are invited to be present. (£h&o if-.., VIRQINIA DARE CIRCLE rO MEET. The Virginia Dare Circle will cpicet tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock with Miss Matt Dov/d oti North street. SOLDIERS WILL NOT GO TO CHINA UNLESS ORDERED By Associated PresE. Washington, Nov. 16.-—Not a sol dier will leave the Philippines for China, except upon ordera fron^' President Taft. Such orders have not yet been given. It is said that before acting the president is awaiting the arrival in Washington late today of Secreta ry of War Stimson and Major Gener al Leonard Wood, chief of staff, in anticipation of the issue of the order the Avar department has made every preparation for a speedy movement of a regiment from Manila to Chlng Wing Tao. The organization v/hich will be sent has not yet been selected. Reprecentations vv^ere made in an unofficial manner to the state depart ment several days ago by some oi: the foreign ministers in China through the American legation that it was incumbent upon the United States to furnish troops as part of an international police force to keep open the railroadsf rom Peking to the sea and also to protect foreigners in the event of anarchy. RICHARD TIDDY BOOK CLUB. The meeting c! the Richard Tiddy^ Book Club, which was to have been* held tomorrow, has been postponed till the 24th of this month, when it will meet with Mrs. E. T. Cansler at her home on East avenue. Crude Cotton Seed Oil, Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 16.—Crude cotton seed oil 32 1-2. 8- Bad Taste in the Mouth Dizziness, and a general “no account” feeling is a sure 8i^ of a torpid liver. The remedy is Simmons Red Z Liver Regulator (The Powder Form). It ‘exercises its great^t restorative effect in the liver, yet it is effective in the stomach and bowels. Indi gestion, constipation and their attendant evils disap pear before its powerful, regulating influence. Try its wholesome purifjdng proper ties. It will give you a good appetite, sound digestioii and make you feel well. Sold by Dealers PrU», Large ^ickage, $1.00 Atk lor the eennlne wtoli the Red Z oa tne label. If you cannot get it. ;einit to na. we will lend It by mall, poapaid. Simmons Liver RecuiAtor it alae put up in liquid form for tbeae wbo prefer k. Price SLOO per botde. Look for tb* Rod 2 label. J. ■. ZEaiN A CO., PropHatora St. Lovls*'MImovH 1 Free tessons in Wood Burniog, Carving, Jeweling We teach you free of charge how to carve, burn jewel or tinsel Pyrography goods. It is fascinating work. Learn to make all kinds of Xmas presents. So simple anyone can learn. Free lessons every afternon from three to six o’clock. ROBINSON’S BOOK STORE 30 West Trade 8t. Dispute Ovisr Seizure of Property. By Associated Press. St. Petersburg, Nov. 16.—A tele gram from Teheran today indicates that W. Morgan Shustar, American financial adviser to the Persian gov ernment has no intention of receding from his position in the dispute aris ing over the seizure by the govern ment of the property of Shua Jtfis Sultaneh because of the latter’s sup port of his brother’s attempts to re gain the throne. Mr. Shuster holds that the order for the confiscation of Shua Es Sul- taneh’s property was signed by ail the Persian ministers and he cannot comply with a counter order signed by the premier alone. ELECTtC 800K CLUB TO M5BT WITH MRS. HAWKINS. The Eclectic Boojt Clul) will meet with Mrs. T, W. Hawkina tomorrow afternoon at 4 o^clock at her home,' on North Tryon street. ENTERTAINMENT AT 8R6VARD STREEt CHURCH. At Brevafd Street Methodist church tonight-at 8:80 o’clock the Ladie&’ Aid Society of the church v/ill' provide an attractive entertainment consist ing of songs, recitations, solos, vocal and instrumental, and a play, “Henry's Return.” A brass bend and the Bara- ca orchestra will furiish music for the ocasion. A sliver offering will be taken at the door. The public is cor dially. Invited. McDQN .iD SENDS LETTER TO THE VORWAERTS. By AsoBciated Press. Beilin, Nov. 16.--James Ramsey Mc- Do^iald, socialist and labor member of the British house of commons for Leceisted, has sent a letter to the Vor- waerts, in which he aeserts that the speech made by Chancellor Lloyd Gec«se on July 21st, and ivhich is the cause of the prgvailing anti-English outbursts in tte Reichstag and throughout the nation, was delivered after Great Britain had waited tv/o weeks ^or Germany to reply to the British.request for an explanation of the meaning of Germany’s occupation of Agadir, Morocco. UNSAFE FOR FOREIGNERS IN TORRREON, MEXICO. By Associated Press. El Paso, Texas, Nov. 16.---Fifty-four refugees from Torreon, Mexico, who ar rived here today say all foreigners will get out of Torreon today or tomorrow, as it is not safe for foreigners to be there, despite the retention of the garrison. Eight thousand strikers are in Tor reon and their number is augmented hourly from the surrounding camps. Steamer Not Stranded. By Associated Press. London, Nov. 16.—The admiralty received a wireless message this morning from the steamer Medina, upon which King George and Queen Mary are on their way to India for the Indian durbar, the message prov ing untrue a report that the steamer had stranded in the Mediterranean. WHY IT SUCCEEDS. Because It’s for One Thing Only, and Charlotte People Appreciate This. Nothing can be good for everything. Doing one thing w^ell brings success. Doan’s Kidney Pills do one thing only. •They help sick kidneys. They relieve backache, kidney and bladder trouble. Here is Charlotte evidence to prove It. Mrs. S. W. Beattie, 807 E. Ninth St., Charlotte, N. C., says: “Since Doan’s Kidney Pills cured me of kidney trou ble two years ago, my system has been as free from kidney complaint as if I had never had it. I got Doan’s Kid ney Pills at R. H. Jordan & Co.’s Drug Store soon after I began suffering from kidney complaint and although I had previously been unable to get relief from other remedies, this one corrected my trouble. I am only too glad to advise all kidney sufferers to gl^ Doan’s Kidney Hlls a trial.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s—and take no other. THE SELWYN HOTEL eUROPSAN Only fir«-proof botal in Ohft^ lotte; supplied entirely with war ter from its own deep wall. CAFE OPEN NIGHT. Water analyzed «^ily 8, 1911, by Director 9tate Lnhomtory of Hygiene an« pronounced pure. Pure Water tiom our Artesian^ Well, 303 1-2 feet deep, lor salew Sc gallon at Hotel. 10c gallon la 6-galh>j lota. Lielivered In Charlotte or at R. R. matlon. ^DQAR 9. MOORSf PK^h|ter« [he Quickas! Ceugli Gure- Ghesp, Biit^Onsqyaled A Whole Pint cf it for 5Qc. Saves You $2. Does the Work Quickly or Money Refunded. For quick and poaftire results, the pint of ccugh syrup tliat you make •with a 50- ccnt bottle of Pines cannot be equaled. It takes-hold instantly and will usually stop the most obstiaate deep-se&ted cough Inside of 24 hours. Even croup and ■whoopinj coush yield to it quickly. Tile user of Piu3X mixes Tt with home made sugar syrup. This gives you a full pint—a family supply—of better cough reme^ than you could buy ready mixed for $2.1)0. Easily prepared in 5 minutes —full directjMis in package. Pines soothes and heals the inflamed membranes with remarkable rapidity. It stimulates the appetite, is siightly laxa tive. and tastes good—children like it. Excellent for hoar3eaess.^a.sthma, bron chitis, and other throat troubles, and has a wonderful record in casas of incipient lung trouble. Pinex is a specie] and highly concen trated compound of Norway White Pine extract, rich in s^iaip.col and other natu ral healing pina elements. Simply _mis with sujrar syrup or strained honey, in a pint bottle, a^id it is ready for use. Used in more homes in the U. S. and Canada than any other rough I'eiaedy. Piaex has often bemi imitated, but never successfully, for nothing else will produce the same results. The genuine is guaranteed to give ahsdlute satisfaction Read What This Oirl Says Appleton, Wis. — “ I take pleasure in T.-ritir- an account of my sickD.es?5. I toid a frie-’d ^ how I felt and she said I tiad female advised me to use Lydia K. Pinkham’y Compound, as she had taken 4t herself fo-t'- « “ trouble, with wonderful results. 1 bad V'cenViSS for two j^ears and overworked myself, and had bad feehn^ every month that I (joulcl hardiv’^. tor pain. I was very nervous and easily tired S and could not sleep night^j. I h:>d dizzv sppik >iniplos camo cn my face. But I hrive't uiiiuy un uiy ityjt;. i nave t.ake'i m-.. vegetable Compound and lam ciUireiv piir-rri- thmk it is the best medicino in existence.”—]51iss CecUia" Vv,;., ; 1161 Lawrence St., Appleton, Wis. THIS Glltlj SAYS IT IS ‘WOM.VI-r'G Chicago, 111.- feeUng stroi shall pra?se woman’s be?. me.”-;-Miss Maggio Isbauer,2418 So. Yvliipple Lciimor, Iowa.—had a hea\y cold in the rrinr; and giro ■’ do^ and was irregular. I had no stren^^ih and had I'carin™ pains in my sides and back, and wa3 very nervous a::d cxv iia!r took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Yc^otable Compound, and I am di V’.- again, and stronger than before.”—;ilis.«51. E. lov? Is it not reasonable to suppose that a medicine thatd^d so much for these girls Vvnll benefit any other pirl who is suffering with the same troubles ? Does it not seem the only sensible thing to give ?ucr. a medicine at least a trial? You may be sure that it can do you no harm, and there is lots of proof that it you much good. For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham’? Te^^etable Compound lias ocen tli© standard remedy for lexoale ills. No sick woman does Jifetfee to nerMlf who will not try tliis famous medicinc. Made exdusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to ite ci’edit. Mrs. Pinkham InTites all sick women wnte her for advice. Shft has guided thoni^nds to health free of charge. Address Mrs# PinkJuim, Hiynu, ^'ill GO 'THOBE \ or money refunded. Certificate of ^ar- antee is yrap^d in each packafie. Your dmspst ftn* Wnex or will^ gl^ly ge^ it for you. If not, «end to The Pinex Co., JFt. Wayne, Ind. The World And Its Troubles The grafters go on grafting and the bribers bribe aw^; The bosses still grow fatter and the people have to pay; Men with schemes that are anteir. Keep on thriving everywhere. But the world goes on conlrivmi; to get better day by day. The thugs are busy shooting, and the gangster's arm is strong; The men we choose for office are in clined to wink at wrong; Though we do our best to drive Out the crooks and thieves, they thrive. But the world keeps bravely getting somewhat better right along. The rich lawbreakers calmly keep pur suing the old game: They are ever busy claiming what they have no right to claim; They take tribute day by day And the public has to pay. But the world, with all its troubles, keeps Improving just the same. The insurance agent has more trou bles than anybody else, still be Is willing to offer himself, a willing sac rifice upon the altar of *‘More busi ness." You can get the best insurance on the market, at insurance headquar ters* . C. N. G. Butt % Co. iNftURANCE headquarters X 113.000 ENVELOPES are betag sold. Yes they are be- ii^ sold, and in orders as big as 10.000 at a time. We have seve ral tkousands yet and will still sell them at the following prices, 1000 at $ at $2.25 per thous- and, 3000 at $2.00 per thousand, 5000at $.175 per thousand and lOjOOOat $1.50 per thousand. These envelopes are not an old shelf worn stock, but are white, a good weight and regular business size. They have a smooth jFinish and the gumming is good. It will pay you to place an order for some of them. A 5,000 or 10.000 order may last you a good long time, but you will save money by ordering so many. Call us up and we will be glad to send you samples, We Ouaran- tee Quick Delivery, Remem6€r-- fVe Print jinything ♦tl ♦ji t! m 'ii k a h\ v’i! ANTAL-MiDY - & 1^1 29 S. Tryoa St. Pfioae 1530 T-be nier, a tors I'i’OSSUl inonr variatl in? hj Gulla o at the to gOT heart nerve functlo betTvee blood atniosj ®xercig llvity cauteri with t; tion r once, Permai nionthi tor, [ "fort "formei dli Thot ^OT th^ has bllity lately crank had, ir tlons, the ed fr inch. STidg contini It has] appllc Pound! made ei>ar and ^5aeaa#| Two! r fai *tallatl ator tleat tiOfl diai * at 1, about Pulli years., tbe Bfi,| vaael piigh

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