W.-Y' V I me 0 CO i' .0 jO. Insur.inC’ lAt^i j^ted, For Sale, For Rent,^Lo^ and J/«a* nd TW Edition ELVE pages. THE *y‘. Latest Edition TWELVE PAOES. vou 45. NO. 8096 CHARLOTTE N. C., TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 28, 191 1 PH 1/^1? I In Charlottip 2 Cent* a Copy Dally—* Cmta SvtiAay. I Outside Charlotte 6 Cents a Gk>py Dally and Stmd^. Ifjiomasvitte Man pound Mwdered In Nearby Woods SUllEHEB Great Opportunity Is Knocking At The Door Of The City fystertou^^y Disapp Saturday Morning Found pu Milts From Tom wtth hfiicoticn of Foul Play. Habbit Bunters Led to Sitsi-idtd -Robert Leonard isst Seet B it ft Him Held on Stspicion- ATNyKINE By Associated Press. San Francisco, Nov. 28.—Territlc slaughter has marked the fighting at Nanking, according to a cablegram received here today. The report says that 3,600 regular soldiers and 300 civilian volunteers have been killed. Dispatches received by the Chin ese Free Press state that the impe rialists and rebels are fighting to day inside Nanking. The revolution- Does Charlotte Want The Noijolk Southern Railway WIDE TERRtTOSY GLOTHEDIN 10- Three Men Charged With Biibejy In McNamara Tnal SIK NEGROES V Nov. 28.—The body of who mysteri- ;red !»o suddenly Sat- v.TB found late yes- ] .11 arly three miles ;,:a,e in a patch or ary navy is preparing to bombard ■. o iiovs while out rab-j^tje suburb Shia Kwan, occupied by p dogs JJftthe Manchus. . , ^ number of people Shanghai. Nov. 28.—Rear Admiral guarded the body and I Joseph B. Murdock, U. S. N., Is send- Opportuity to Bring 7 ^ Road to Charlotte is ented ij Certain LonditicS^^^ —Great Propc ^on, Hon. E. C. bu,.can and Ex- Govemor Aycock Here Jo- day to Talk Matter Over With Charlotte Business Men Opportunity is knocking at Char lotte’s door today. Fighting North of City. I Duncan, director, and ex- Nanking Nov. 28,-Some aghtlng P®''-C-B, Aycock, attorney, represent. Tii’ hodv'»“ taken’place to the northward of *"* Norfolk Southern railway, ► body la>. The bod> , io iwiminoflt *re In the city to find whether or not u. fan* i:non exami- the city. A bombaxdment la imminent. « ».-n Shootln* has bMn h«uxl luid. the|?« ’“A! city. TH^ WEATHER. - oroner Peacock, with * j f ':d. „•«: wing facta were found: ^ 3 “.aces were found, one,cruiser Saratoga. - " :r from the body, one gun was laying -a t body. No blood was ing a company of marines from here to Peking on board the United States ; u 119 face. Upon exami lae body a number of 'f« wer# found in the pocJists, but aenev was, found. It is reported • tne dect?.sed had more than one 1 ,i. lis with him when last - Si i lie was on his way . ihcf'' nc match. It was found •he tad been shot Just below and of ‘be ear. coming • • through tne face, tearing away I?. . and terribly disfiguring the «* T»'f. oodv was turned over to ’ oreen. until 8 o'clock ■ morning, when the coroner’s Jury thpir verdict. • if> ' r T.ponard. w^ho was last ' K’-rrhart. was arrested on ^ ri h 1 Ipd to Islington i, I. :• and placed in jail for :» -‘i.ninciry hearing will be : ’ V ! o'clock and Interest 1 hearing. ' ih5 to have left Ever- n>'n fif Frank Work- , nnd it was just at that . p .irr ! ’:it nil trace of the •: ■ vipf'd out until yes- -hn his dead body was WAy system extended to tbe Queen City. The New's la a\ithorized by them to say that if the people of Charlotte will provide a right of way into the dty and reasonable site for depots that By Asocitfted Press, Washington, Nov, 28.—Fore cast : North Carolina:—Rain ' and much colder tonight, probably ^ snow in the mountaina; Wednesday fair and much cold er; cold waT«; high northwest winds. Seth Low Jells How Jo Control Trusts W/io Gave Acid To Irish Singer? atcd Press. Nn- 2S.—Who put a • I 1 Vernnouth.” but really inicciant containing car ’ u inicctant containing car- : on the table before Alice' passing along the river . the Irish singer, was the I ■ troner tried to solve to-J inqurv-t into Misis Tristram’s • e Oman drank out of the , ?; i:"(lay night at the golf ^ -n ' 'mnlandt Park and died There i» reaaon to believe th&t the commander of the Imperial troops has discovered ft treacherous plot to open the gates of the city. Oooupiea Whole of City. , i u —. ,. r, -r j X I this road will certainly be extended Peking, Nov. 28.—Ldeutenant General * " , L/l . I, _ „ to Charlotte without delay. Feng Kwo Chang, commander of the ^ ^ ^ ^ -i* , , ^ ^ i 1 i 1 V j 1 Mr. Duncan le vested with authority yesterd^ afteraoOT. 1 extended to this point if Charlotte will Wu Chang capitulated to the impen-^'''’““T* al troops today, the revoluUonary lead- ers expressed a desire to negotiate for I Jhe Norfolk ^thera s m^ a compromise and suggested some »fe now extends from Norfolk to .,«^t.r.U». M th. Sovar^meJllg., ^ The liovemment is endeavoring toTj>rt» wl?h^*fftnrt*and secure an i«mediate cessation of hosti- Itneufrom Newbern litife at Nanking where the fall of the another branch line to JX has Pitv is threatened [recently purchased the Raleigh and 'There l7 much jubilation in official Southport Hennig’s road fro«a Colo^ circles over the sudden successes of to Troy, Pages road Lieutenant General Feng Kwo Chang, to Asheboro, and from Biscoe to Mt. The merchants are overjoyed at the Gile^. , , . , ,, , . . prospect of a resumption of businees It has already been decided to build and the re-establishment of order a wnnectmg link from a p^t nea with the removal of the tribal menace Varina on the Raleigh and South^rt to the lives of foreigners in the interior to Colon oi. the Sanford and p'oy nf thP country^ railway, a distance of only about 20 of the countiT. . I West River Unsaf^ I ^ Sanford and Troy railway will Hong Kong, Nov. 28.—The W«t used. Arrangements are now under river is still regarded as unsafe wr ^ ^ link from Troy mercantile and passenger traffic b^ through Afbemarle, and Mt. Pleas: cause of the continued presence of Concord, a distance of about pirates who frequently attack vessels By AssooialBd Press. Waihlngt#n, Nov. 28.—Regulation rather thaip^ repression of trusts was urged upl»Br the interstate commerce committee of the senate today by Seth Low, president of the National ‘Civic Federation “The tendency of trade comblna tions is universal,” Mr. Low de!lar- ed, ‘/and the government is attempt ing the impossible if it tries to pre vent the: Mr. declared he thought many trade agllneiitii, limiting output, are in the pflpc interest and should be regulate^pther than prohibited Mr. LcKBaid Jie thought publicity • good tAngv many institutions Iw big safes are gnaa-ded not by a watchman but by nn eleo; trie light. I think that should »eH an object lesson .to the American government.” Of 1,006 merchants and banks polled by Mr. Low as to what addi tional anti-trust legislation was nec essary 209 favored legalizing farmers’ combinations for holding corps or re stricting output and 828 opposed the measure. WITHKNUXE By Associated Press. Lafayette, La., Nov. 28.—^in in their beds with an axe th^ bodies of six negroes, Norbert Randall and his wife and four children were found In their home yesterday. Officers A blizzard with snow and high winds raging today oyer a large portion of the country, extending from Minneso- j working on the case arrested Clemen- ta t^o Northern Texas. Zero tempera- tine Bamabel, a young negress who, turfes have been recorded in the more when confronted with her own cloth- northerly states and freezing weather hug soaked with blood laughed at the is reported from points as far south 1 officers who charged her with butch- as northern Louisiana. The cold wave Lring the Randall family. Her IS sweeping eastward rapidly. Snow u i is predicted tonight for Kentucky, Ten- Prother, Zephring Bamabel. was also nessee and Western North Carolina held, together with tw’o others as ma- \ with a decided drop in temperature in terial witnesses. The crime w.as com- Missipippi, Alabama. Georgia. South ^ ^ Saturday night. Carolina and Florida. ' Trial oj Chorm Gitls Witt Go On New- York, Nov. 28.—The jury box Kans: - City, Mo., Nov. 28.—With! laree parts of Missouri, Kansas, Ne braska, Iowa, Arkansas, Oklahoma and I northern Texas cbvered with snow] from two to five inches in depth, the' storm' which yesterday ^wept over the I Missouri valley and the Southwest I _ abated t-xis morning. The wind which hn ^ftl stokes shooting case was re last nigtt became almost a blizzard 1 gugjj today and attorneys began to had died down. Wire service in thejpr^g^Q^ ^11 over again the testimony Southwest was demoralized. Stock rais- -vjrhich is already on the records. W. B. ers suffered the greatest dama.ge in Stokes, the millionaire horseman fanning conimunities. Temperatures •w'ho charges the defendants, Elthel ranged from 10 to 12 degrees in Ne* conrad and Lillian Grahiam with in braska, from 10 to 18 in Iowa, 14 to 20 Ugnt to take his life when they shot 'nection with the McNamara case.” Ike Men Artested Are Bert FrankJm Empky0 by De- fense, George Lockwood a Venireman, and^*C^*"White^ Unknown Character. Counsel For Defense Deny AHy Knowledge of Casc--Detec-^ tive Indicates That Etjm More Dramatic Developmaiis are Expected a Little Later. By Associated Press. Los Angeles, Cal., NOv. 28.— tives of the state atotmey’s office headed by Samuel L. Brown, chief of investigation, arrested three men here today charging attempted bribery in the McNamara murder trial. The men arrested are Bert Frankltn, a former United States deputy mar shal now employed employed by the McNamara defense in looking up t3ie antecedents of prospective jurorsSt George N. Lockwood, a venireman summonde to appear before Judge Bordwell today for preliminary exami nation; “Cap” White, a character of whom not much is known. Counsel for the defense said theyi knew nothing of the case. “I saw Franklin give Lockwood $500 which was on his person when ar rested,” said Brown. “White had $3,500 on his person. I saw the money pass from Franklin to Lockwood. I know it was in con- PBEVII NT Asisociat^ press. HlnefS men who were drink- ‘ he Rinvter, thp waiter and a ?n i jiiod when the woman drop- " )or have been subpoenaed • 'Ihe idea of either sui- I first entertained, has ■ the belief that the wo- h-r the result of her V a clumsy attempt at a mm FRIEND OF IIFEHNO iT LETTER F HENRy BEHTTIE TO W. R. GIITES :.-d Press. ^ 1= ;>F. Kia.. Nov. 28.—Perhaps for J'* fli’ t !i~e in this county, a arand ■^’ Kissimmee, Fla., was asked ■-do if thp practice of euthana- r, rr ;ne. The case is that ot ' ' Ui and Elizabeth '•'‘■nibers of a Shaker col- ' '0 admitted having chloroform- y,' tod out of life” a co- ^ 1 ‘ S .^er Sadie Marchant, i IT; ■ » J 7 r ' ^rdofpd held after a ^ igatioh and has been ‘ ■ *on, Fla. Miss Seares, ir is under bond to a' thr jury hearings. I " accused (ontend they ■ • ' **^slstlnR in the passing ' r.f) and declare it was at ■ I - H! boraiiBP she was in the ' ■ tiiberrulosis. 'I’he •' are held is that inMi;;iion disclosed the woman was not as 40 miles. It will be seen from the foregoing that only about 60 miles of new road will have to be built to con nect up all the roads mentioned above and at the same time give the Nor folk Southern a direct line from Concord to Norfolk. The condition upon which it was de cided to extend the road through Albe marie, I-t. Pleasant and Concord was that each of these towns should pro vide the right of v^ay in said town and reasonable sites for depots in each tov- and the road will be extended to Charlotte if Charlotte will meet the , ^ , same conditions, that is, give the road By Associated Press. \ ^he city and a Richmond, Va., Nov. 28.~Another let-1 gjte for a depot. The Norfolk ter written by Henry Clay Beattie, jr., southern asks no bond issues to shortly before he was executed for assist in building t^ road, and it u A f 1,1- made nub- secure its own right of way put- the murder of his wife, was maae puo- lie today by W.’ H. Gate», who took means business, it has am- a deep interest in Beattie while the pi© financial backing and proposes to youth awaited execution. build Its lines into Concori whether The letter, apparently expressing full ^“ot* Tu/mLh‘ralrelSy S“et confidence felt by Beattie that peace irrevocably settled. The only had been made with his Maker, reads: unsettled proposition is as to whether “Dear Mr. Gates: I am unable to “ot It will be extended to Char think of Duncan and Aycock arUere presk my ^ tr, try- to consult with the business men of est which S- Charlotte; they are here with power to Ing to ^ou that act, and if they meet with the proper yond; though I ^ encouragement they are reAdy to say your you that the road will be extended to.Char- expUlnTto mi whlfh I »ev®r „ndV lotte. What will Charlotte'. hu.lnesB Stood before. I only This rJ>ad would open up to Charlotte that trade rich undeveloped territory in Ca- wouW SSk for noUarnis, Stanly. Montgomery and “If I were free I would Mk for L^^^e counties; would give Charlotte greater joy than to bring others to Raleigh and Nor- . V* T ^11 forcet andUolk, and also direct connection with “One night I will never Jojget, ana^ Nfiwbema. Kinston, .l^eau- that was the occasion when your FOR GEBMUNY AND GREUT BRITHIN By Associated Press. Berlin, Nov. 28.—^While the concil iatory tone of Sir Edward Grey’s speech urging closer relations be tween Germany and Great Britain are cordially received here, it is slgnill cantly added that the British soon will have a chance to demonstrate the sincerity^ expressed in the shlb in Kansas. 16 to 26 in Missouri and 16 him last July was the first witness to 24 in Oklahoma. It was 24 at Abe-jin the new trial, line, Texas. ( Mr. Stokes had completed his direct testimony and was well into his cross- examination wben the case was halted yesterday by the discovery that a juror hflri talked too much outside the court room. New York, Nov. 28.—Attorneys in the W. B. D. Stclves shooting case today started to select another Ju ror to take the place of the indis creet member who was dismissed yesterday because the court heard be had sa4d outside the jury room that tlMi 'def^daoets would be found guilty. i , WhlliB technically this made a mis- New Orieans, Nov. 28*^Ocfld weather I trial, both sides agreed to retain the prevailed generally over the west gulf I jurors already chosen and instead of statfes today with -freezing tenjjpera- yg^ja,illng all the witnesses to let tures extending well southward, Uiie new members catch up by read ly to the Texas coast. Tonight accord- jjjg to him the testimony already ing to the local weather bureau, it will taken. be some colder, except over the north- jj© ^one today and the west portion of the district and freez- attorneys hope to go on with the ex- ing will extend to the' gulf coast. famination of witnesses tomorrow. Rainfall occurred generally yester- 6ross-examination of W. E. D day and last night fro mthe Mississippi gtokes, who charged Lillian Graham valley eastward to the Atlantic coast Ethel Conrad with trying to mur- The 24 hour record up to 7 a. m. today jg incomplete and Stokes the west guf states tonight and Wed- -v^in be the first witness lows: New Orleans 5.52 inches; Mobile I ^ 3.24; Pensacola, Fla., 2.82; Meridian, Miss., 1.30; Montgomery, Ala., 1.02; Macon, Ga., 1.06; Jacksonville, Fla., 1.72. Snow was rieported falling this morn ing as far south as Arkansas. The forecast is for fair weather over the west gul states tonight and Wed nesday. Brown refused to say how he knew. Detective Brown indicated that he expected even ip6re dramatic develop ments. C. E. (Cap) White, for many 3rears was an under sheriff and jailer in this county, ^cently he served on the jury which acquitted C. E. Reynolds, indicted for wife murder. Browne declared today that he first began to watch White when White served on that juryL and it was a re sult of. this sutveillance that he tracked White’s movements in alleged, connection with the McNamara case. Brown said today’s incidents had been expected to develop for nearly a week and claims that his detectives were at work on other alleged attempts to bribe. “This is not the big smash,” he said. “That will come in court just a little later.” Cold Wave Predicted For Charlotte Tmight FIRHRLE VIEW OF SIR E GREY'S SPEECH Four Sailots Lost In Heavy Seas f By Associated Press. New York, Nov. 28.—A tremendous sea which swept the decks of the Fabre line steamship Santa Anna caused the death of four seamen and the serious injury of three others. News of the disaster was brought to port when the liner arrived to day from Marseilles and Naples. The ihipe passage as a whole was stormy and unpleasant but it was not until November 23 that the heaviest sea was encoimtered. C. A. NICHOLS DROPPED DEAD. ' L Goldsboro, Newbeme, Kinston, fort and all eastern North Carolina, le8th as they reported. endorsed IN ILLINOIS. Press. '■ ■■iEn'lrtll''' 28—The Illinois reto ‘'»«8ociation today V“' iua,. 0? n ^fpr^vlng the ■■ '’ilridt wife and dear little I put it on the main line of another Give my love to them ^ ^l^^hat U^eat railway system that will even- that I am praying for you all, gij probability, extend its ‘God be with yoji 'till we meet again. I ijirough Charlotte further South. Farewell ‘HBNRY BEATTIE, JR.’ Opportunity is knocking at lotte’s door today. Char- Mr. O. O. Atto of the local w-ea- ther bureau, has advised that the wea-1 By Associated, Pres*. Lue ther w^ill be colder tonight with more London, Nov. 28.—Overnight consld- boleth sounded yesterday by him in rain and will continue cold and rainy gf gjj. ^^dward Grey's speech the house of commons. all day tomorrow. It is prophesied that yesterdar in the house of commons The touchstone perhaps will be the mercury will drop 28 degrees In I qjj international situation has found in the Bagdad railway. ILis the next 24 hours from the 54 whwhjggj.yg^ to femphasize the favorable announced today that Emperor w il- it registered at 8 this morning. Tms taken here of the effect of his liam has asked the Deutsche bank, w'ill bring the thermometer down to which is financially interested in the 26 degrees Fahenheit for tomor- U ^here is some disappointment at Bagdad project, to prepare a report row at 8 a. m. A cold wave has swept I the rather acrid comment of the and submit it to him after his re- over the northwest and is coming this j joan newspapers but it is realized turn to Berlin on December 12. t way. For the past two day» it has been that their criticisms were written b^ If, as Premier Asquith says. Great cold in the northwestern section of the I the full text of the speech haa Britain does not desire to stand in country. 1 reached B^lin and it is hoped that a the light of any other nation, it is :— '' further study of Sir Edward Grey s possible to manifest this by the at-p - , [remarks will lead to a more OTrmai titude Great Britain takes toward the ^CCfUtl Oj [reception of Great Britain s proffer completion of t' e big railway pro-, * ---• ' , [of friendship. %^"G^rn fo^lS^ifflee doe, not| MwdeTing WhitokeT^ ™ wish to comment in more detail on affected. yesterday’s debate in the house oi special to Daily News, commons, as it is heartily desirous of winston-Salem, Nov. 28.—The jury having a clean slate' m re^rd to the case of the commonwealth vs past events. MRS. VERMILYA MAY NOT BE BROUGHT TO TRIAL I Alleged Briber Arrested By Associated Press. Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 28.—S. I*- By Associa^d „ j Brown,”ch'ief of the department of in- pica^, Noj. 28~Mrs. ^uiM^^ attorneys milya, charged with having arrested Bert Franklin, ah ex- Policeman Arthur States marshal today on the ?' K*“ ”ni ?t1s unliJTy ol>»ree >* >>»’>“* attempted to bribe ported to be so ill that It is unii^yi ® luror in the McNamara ehe ever will be ^ Brown asserted that he caught Franklin attempting to p«..;.4.000. to a; bi brought to trial. She|pn»p«tiye J“>-or J". the atly 1 c.'“" «»- eudo, »i„g Ms ai“,;in^:'rhicr.h"e" wa’.‘ helf to j ^Wtth ‘^^Ire; and_^tt«_ the money Prcfiidpnt. Taft for re-iing it was not-becauM of j*’vMir^a summoned on v^ict by which she was held to theltwelfth venire a, nand luir by a coroner’* Jury. 'was now in hi. possession. THE FOURTH OHY IN HYRE TRIHLI By Associated Press. { Kansas City, Mo., Nov; 28.—For the fourth successive court day. Miss Pearl Kellar, the nurse, who attended Col. Thomas H. Swope in his la«t illness took the witness stand in the Hyde murder case today. It was predicted at the opening of court that her testi mony would be completed in a few hqlars. At the first Hyde trial Miss Kellar was on the stand only two days: Then too the entire case was in the jurys handa In sii^ weel^. .iThls is the' sixth jreek of the second trial ai^ Miss Ket iar Is. the flrst niaterial witness'^;itainr ■ined. - ' . V' ' t' Thomas W. Kellam^ charged with mur dering H. G. Whitaker on Main street in Pilot Mountain on Thursday morn ing. October 12, acquitted the defend ant, returning their verdict Sunday morning at 9 o’clock. The> defendant is an attorney and also editor of the Pilot Mountain News. the NEWS is recognized in «this section as the paper that - carries the greatest amount of ■ legal advertising. Every Wed nesday will be found the majc.- ity of the sales of real estate advertised under execution; by commissioners; by court ap- pointCMd tiTisteee; and by ad ministrators. It pays real es tate dealers and others desir ing to purchase real estate to follows The News’ advertising /columns. Some “best buys” are sometimes picked up at these “under the hammer” . sales.” if y;®® •re interested 'icHp these ads ftoni the paper 4knd note the sale d^s. AMERICAN GOVERNMENT WILL NOT INTERFERE. By Associated Press. Muskogee, , Okla., Nov. 28.—C. A. i^ichols, president of the Guaranty State Bank, United States commission, er at Muskogee and wealthy property owner at Muskogee and in Asheville, N. C., dropped^ dead on the street here today of heart failure. -Wben Ger^ reached By Associated Press. London, Nov. 28.—An official diS' patch from St. Petersburg states that the American government has notified Russia that it does not in tend to interfere in support of W. Morgan Shuster, financial adviser to the Persian government. The present intention of the Hussian government is understood to be that it will de mand the dismissal of Mr. Shuster. An indemnity will be demanded in order to recoup the cost of th^ dis patch of troops to Persia. The latter will remain where they are at pres ent assembled unless it should be necessary for them to advai^ce so as to enforce Russia’s wishes. SUiCIDES IN HOTEL WHERE HE WEDDED. By Associated Press. Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 28.-^In a rooni at a local hotel where three years ago Christ Goehringer, aged 20, and Minnie Gamelgard, aged 22, were wedded, l oehringer killed himself ear ly today ^ter inflicting mortal wounds upon big wif^ By Associated Press. Denver, Col., Nov. 28.- trude "Gibson Patterson court today for resumption of her trial on the charge of slayin* her husband, she was pale and wan; and deep circles about her eyes gave mute evidence of a sleepless , worried night. An unpleasdnt seen© marked t€Stl- mony of the first witness who had been originally called for th# de fense. 'The witness was Mrs. C. A. Jones and she was compelled to ad mit Jonies was not her real name nor her husbands. The state brought out that the witness had been mar ried to a man named Bumwell and counsel for the state indirectly stat ed the man had been tried for horse stealing in several counties of Colo rado. ^ ^ , Mrs. Jones testifiedr yesterday that she witnessed An assault by Patter son on his wife. Mrs. Mary K. Patterson, mother of the slain man, being recalled, testified that she had paid ^1 the ex penses f,ttenda.nt .upon her sob’s illness excepting those for two weeks. Attorney Hilton asked that the jury be taken to the scene of the shooting but Judge Allen said he could see no valid reason for such i action and began readings his instruc tions to the jury .

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