iO f l>OV c:1Va^^c:.H I4r i li. ♦|#B ♦■♦■♦■ ♦■♦■♦■♦■*♦■ ♦■•♦■♦•■♦■♦■^ S Letters To Santa Claus \ ^ A ' , Charlotte, N. C. Dec. 8 1911 IVar old SantA Clause 1 will write you a little letter to (let yoii know what I want for Chrlst- rnas I want you to bring me some toys «u.''a 35 a jumping Jack and a bycicle brJns: me some nuts, apples, and some oranges and a aack of candy. This Is a very short letter so I will close now Your little friend Claude Wilaon I My address is North Charlotte. Dear Santa Claus ' I will write a letter to tell you what I w:^nt you to brtng me. ■*Iea»e bring me a billey goat and a ’• ’700 and hamees then bring me a i!e and a white rabbit and «ome ( ' works then bring me some nuts and candy, apples, oranges and some ral- •ons this is a short letter but I will cloee yours from • Charlie WUlch. Charlotte. N. C. Dec, the 6 1911 Dear Sender Claws I ■will write you a line I Dout wont you to forget me xams I want a wagon an home an ap ples an arnges We have ftll Bln sick an cant got much I will be aatlsfled with most eney thing. Be sure an come to my house. Clide Watts. North Charlotte, N. C., Mecklenburg mill. Dear Santle CUuise I ^11 write you a letter to tell ’you what I want you to bring me I want a doll and a cart and some candy and some nuts and omgee and some rasens and I will be ever much a bilge Ola Ballard 9 years old i^iih Charlotte. North Chartotte, N. C. Dec. 6 191L Dear Santa ClftUB I will write a letter to ten yon what I want vou to brtng m© please a new doll and a bed for my doll to sleep In and come candy and mitfl and brluA elBter a ratler to play with and eanu‘ pleai dont for get prother and elstef and mama and papa I will dose 'for tail time. Ines Orr. Oharlotte, V. O. Doc. 7 1911 ©ear Santa daoae ^ . Will^you htlag n» a bydcle and a pair ofTihoee amt «r rifle and lotoof candy and nuta to dorangee. Good bye. PYom Jamea Sinunona North Ohmariotte, N. C. ■ ■■"r _ North Oharfotte» N. C. Dec. 8 19U I>ear Santa Claua 1 want ytm to pleaae bring me a /pycicle and ■ome cindji^ apples, orang es and nuU, pleaaa bring me some raisins tnd plenty" of Are works. Prom jrour' friend Harry Orr. Charlotte, Dec. 11, 1911. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a ring and a don and some nuts and candy. Yours truly, Blla Bobinett, Elizabeth Mill. I am a little giri 12 years old. North Charlotte, Dec. 9, 1911- Dear Mr. Saute Claus: I am Just a UtUe girl 11 years old and I want you to brtng me a doll baby that can open an shut her eyes and a bed for her to sleep in, and a carriage for her to ride in, and some candy, nigertoes, raisins, nuts and applies, and this all I want you to bring me. Carrie Lee Stutts. Charlotte, Dec. 9, 1911. Dear Mr. Santa Claus: I will write you a little letter to let you know what I want I want you to bring me a little riflel* and a box of bulets to shoot. And I want you to bring me some nuts and oranges and some nuts and a box of candy. I will not ask for all you can cary because you want to bring some one else some, I will close for this time. Your dear little friend. Douglas Oates, North Charlotte. I want you to bring my teacher some nice Christmas present to. Siie is a nice teacher. Her name is Mar garet Hilton Erwin. Chartotte, Dec., 1911. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl seven years old, I go to school. I love my teacher. I want you to bring me a doll that closes Its eyes, and a carriage to ride it, please bring me some candy and nuts. Oood bye, Bessie Kelley. Dear Santa Claus: I will write you a letter to let you know what I want you to bring me a little doll I want you to* bring me /a sleeping doll, bring me a locket and^ a chain, bring me a cart and a trunk and a few thin^ In it for my doll, gring my littl^ brother a little kite, bring him a rubber doll and a wagon bring him a little horse, bring me a bucket and a dipper and a cow and l want you to bring me a table and a cart please bring me a little stove and a tea set I will close for this time good by your friend. Florence Miagatter. Charlotte, N. C., Dec. 9. 1911. Dear Santa Claus I will write you a letter to let you know what I want you to bring me I want a baby doll and carrige and some candy and apples and some ortnges and some nuts pleas bring me a doll that can open and shut her eyes so geed gy and I will ge to sleep Annah Ballard irorth Charlotte N. C. Charlotte, N. O. Deo. 7, 1911. Dear Santa Clause: I will write and tell you what I want you to bring me a bracelte a pair of white shoes and some kid gloves and lots of nice things to eat dont forget my teacher and my sweet little broth er John he wants a drum and a rat tle I will close your dear friend. Annie Lou Simmons, North Charlotte. N. C. Dec. 6 1911. Dear Sandy Clatis. 1 am a little girl 7 yeara old I want you to bring me a baby doll and a doll bed and carage and other things. Qodd by Annie Liyhrand. Charlotte, N. C. Mecklenburg Mlllls Hr. Santy Clause Dear Santy I want you to brtng me a big stick of candy and a rag doll and a pop gun and a cap gun and a little trolly line and a street car Miss Erwin to ride on and 1 want you to bring me a bay of nuts and a bag ot candy and a bag of marbles and a bag of n'.gertoee and I want you to bring me a cannon eo I can com mit murder so I will close Your Prtend. Charlotte, N. C. Dec. 7, 1911. Dear Santa Clause. I want you to brtng me a baby doll and a cart for it to ride in and some ortnges and a hole lots of things 1 will ring off from your little friend Qey Nell Martin North Charlotte, N. U. Charlotte, Deo. 12, 1911. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a doll and go- cart and a little bed, and some candy and nuts. Bye bye from Janie Alexander, 1,014 North Brevard street Charlotte, Dec. 9, 1911. Dear Santa Clause: I will write and tell you what l would like to have. Please bring me a pair of kid gloves and a large doll and somiB candy, nuts, oranges and lots of good things to eat, and dont forget my teacher. Miss Eh'win, she lives on S, Tryon, in a big white house. I will close your dear little friends, Flora Simmons, Dear Santa Clause: I will Wright you a lette to let you know what I want you to brtng me. I want you to brtng me a pair ot spits and a twenty-two riffel, a bag of nuts and nlgro toes and some candy, apples and oranges, and 1 want some Are crackers and some roman cannons, and a magic lantern, and please dont forget to brtng me a riflel. Will close now, Good bye Your frtend Wade Welch. North Charlotte, Deo. 7, 1911. Dear Santa Clause. I am a little boy 4 years old aad I want you to brtng me a billy goat and wagon and a little trysicle and some oranges, banannas and apples and nuts. Prom your little boy. Curtis Oravln. North Charlotte, Dec. 7, 1911. I am a little boy 11 years old and I am in the second grade at school. I want you to bring me a little cap buster and some caps and a new pair f shoes and candies, nuts, oranges and appleh. From your little boy, Jesse Burgin. North Charlotte, Dec. 7, 1911. Dear Santa Clause. I am a little boy eight years old and I want you to please bring me a horse and wagon and a top, some fruit and nuts and a lot of other nice thing. Horace Sudderth. Charlotte, Dec. 9, 1911. Dear Santa Clause. I am a little boy eight years old. I go to school in North Charlotte. 1 have a littleb rother three years old. Pies brtng us some nuts and some candy and some raisins. We do not want muc. Save some for the other little boys and girls. Thanking and wishlns you a merry Christmas. Your little friend, Belmonte Hollingsworth. Chartotte, Dec. 11, 1911. Dear Santa Clatis: I am a little girl 7 years old. 1 want you to brtng be a doll and carriage and a little doll house Yourg truly, Nola Roblnett. Elizabeth Mill. Chartotte, Dec. 12, 1911. Dec^‘l2^ 1911 Dear Santa Claus; Dear Santa Claus- If you please bring me a little red . piease bring me'a doll baby and go- wagon and candj^^and^nuts^^ bye. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy 6 years old. I want you to bring me an auto-be-a-mule with four seats In its, and also a street car, a train with tracks, some candy, ap ples, oranges, bannas, raisins and nig- ger toes, please don’t forget to bring Marie a coat and Papa a bucket of Karo molasses, and oblige your little friend. Henry Reid Coffey. Mathews N. C. R. F. D. No. 17 Hoil Faulkenbury, 1,005 North Brevard street. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 14 years old. Please bring me a doll, a gocart and a little bed, some dishes and a set of furniture. Some candy and nuts, a whole lot of fruit and a little stove. My name is Edna Morgan, 1,014 North Brevard street Dear Santa Claus: Pleafls send me a horn and a drum and some candy and some oranges and nuts, 80 good bye Santa. From Johnnie Alexander, 1,014 North Brevard street. North Charlotte, Dec. 7, 1911. Dear Mr. Santa Claus: I am just a little boy 6 years old and I want you to bring me a wagon and a dram, and candy, nuts, ap ples, raisins and a gun to shoot. Thig Is all I want you to bring me. From Devoe Stutts. CASTOR IA ?or Infiuiti and Ohildran. Thi Uid Yoa Han Alwayt Bought Bears ths Bignatnrr of oblige. Lee Own Barrett. •Charlotte, N. C., Dec 11 1911 Dear Friend Santa Clause :- 1 am a little boy 6" years old, please bring me an automobile, air ship, a horn what don’t sound ugly, some nuts and candy and apples, you can give the oranges to another little boy, as my dady is In Fla. and he will bring oranges when he comes home Christ mas. Bring my sweet little sister a rubber doll what she cant tear up, as she is only six months old, and bring both of us some pretty picture books, and me a whip for my goat they are not ugfy to scare my little sister Santy please don’t forget us Lovelngll your little Friend. Allan Tye. 200, N. Allan St. P. S. Please remember our mail man, Mr. Hawkins, as he brings letters from my dear daddy, when he is away Fill his little childrens stockens plumb full, Allan Tye. Charlotte, N. C. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a cowboy suit and air rifle and flre crackers and some sparklers and nuts of all kinds. : oW. Good by, Dear San ta Clause. I forgot to tell you I. want oranges, raisins, candles of all kinds. Your friend, Howard Crowell. Charlotte, N. C., Dear Santa Claus: I will write a letter to tell you what 1 want you to bring me. Please brtng me a new doll I want one that can open and shut her eyes you bring me a little bed for her to sleep in. Be sure that the doll you bxing me can open and shut her eyes now I will go to sleep. GOOD NIGHT. Sarah. Chartotte, N. C. Dec. 13, 1911. Dear Santa Claus: I am a Utile girl 7 years old. I am in the second grade. Will you bring me a doll carriage, a brass bed and a little piano. I have a little brother 5 years old. He wants a Indian suit, a tool box with tools in it and a train with tracks. W~e want some E^lish walnuts and some negro toes, some oranges, ap ples and bananas. Good-bye Santa. EYom your little friends, Murl and Quinton Conner. 500 North Pine St. Charlotte, N. C. Dec. 13, 191. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 9 years old. I am in the fourth grrade. Will you bring me a trunk, a story book, a sradle and a set of dishes. I have a little brother 3 years old. He wants a bicycle, a doll, a automobile and a wagon. We want some English walnuts, plenty of raisins, negro toes, some or anges, apples, candy and bananas. Good-bye, Santa. Prom your little friends, Nell and Arthur Connor. 505 North Pine St. Dear Santa Claus: Charlotte, N. C. I want you to brtng me a baby doll and carrtage and a little white chair for it to sit in and a little piano'and candy, oranges and nigger toes. I am a little girl 2 and a half years old. Your little friend, Mary White. 907 N. Caldwell St,, Charlotte, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Dear Santa Clans: I am a little girl 7 years old. I want you to bring me a bracelet and a pair of skates and a stocking full of candy and nuts, applet and oranges and bananas. Your little friend, Sara McNeely. No. 507 West 9th street. Charlotte, N. C., Dec. 12. Dear Santa Claus: I am five years old. Please bring me a doll, a toy pistol, a train like my dad runs, a doll cart, a cradle and a whole lot of fruit. Take the little orphans something nice too. Your lit tle friend, Ralph McNeely. Dear Santa Claus: Charlotte, N. C. I am a little boy 4 years old. I want you to bring me a stopper gun and a cap pistol, all kinds of fruits and nuts. Your little friend, Wade White. 907 N. CaldweU St., Charlotte, N. C. Charlotte, N. C.^ Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a cap pistol and some caps and a little air rifle, some candy, oranges, apples ani all kinds of nuts. From your little friend, John White. 907 N. Caldwell St. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a train car, a pair of shoes, an overcoat and some fruit. Your friend. Whitman Neal. 1713 E. 8th. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 5 years old and I want you to bring me a big doll, a doll bed and some nuts, apples, or anges and bananas. Your little girl, Isabel Smith. No, 1711 E. Tenth St. Ext Charlotte, N. C., Dec. 12, Dear Santa: I will try and write you a letter and tell you what I want, a doll and a cart, a pair of velvet shoes and velvet ooat, and a lot of fruit. Your lovely friend, Maud Sinclair. McNinch St. Charlotte, N. C., Dec. 12. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me for Christmas a box of 50-cent water colors, a bottle of mucilage and some white drawing pa per. Goodbye, Your little friend, Ruth McCarver. Age 9. 309 W. 12th street. P. S.—Please bring me a brush with the paints. 1 Dear Santa Claus: 11 want you to bring me a bunch of flre crackers and a little train and some candy and apples and ora;nges, nuts and nigger toes and two or three or more things. Don’t foget mo for I will hang my atocklng up for you. So I will close ^or thW time ' Clyde Edwards, \I3hfUL GIFT'S FOR HIM Buy Them Buy Them Now Smoking Jackets .... .... .... v... $5 to $18.50 Night Shirts .... .... 50c to $2.50 Pajamas .... .... $1.00 to $7.50 Raincoats $12.50 to $35.00 Dress Shirts $1.00 to $2.50 Hosfery .... .... .... .... .... 25c to $1.50 ^^les ...., ..... ..'.. V.-.. .... .... .... .... .... 25c to $3.50 Silk Mufflers $1.00 to $10.00 Stick Pins 50c to $5.00 Cuff Links 25c to $5.00 Collar Buttons 10c to 25c Watch Fobs ..1... 50c to $7.50 Suspenders ,, 25c to $4.00 Clothes Brushes 50c to $2.50 Hat Brushes .. 50c to $1.50 Collar and Cuff Boxes $1.00 to $4.00 Medicine Cases $8.50 Cigar Cases ... 50c to $2.50 Poker Sets $5.00 Flesh Brushes .... .... $1.50 and ^.50 ' ED MELLON lather Collar,.^Cuff and Handkerchief Sets ... Bath Robes , W.OO Handkerchiefs ir?. Automobile Gloves ka x Fur Gloves J® ^15.oo Kid Gloves *‘‘‘..VV..V.V ”■ Full Dress Gloves • • • • ♦ .00 to $3,50 Suit Cases Hand Bags y TrunHs ..** I?m t Gart;€rs ^75.00 Underwear ” Thermos Bottles !; ^ ° Travelling Sets Umbrellas tTnn Purses ^ Bill Books to "** * 25c to $5.00 fdS COMPANY N. Charlotte, N. *C. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 6 years old. I want you to bring me a doll, a carrtage, a little cradle, a set of dishes, some nuts and fruit. I live in North Char lotte on 31st street, Louise Suddreth. Dear Santa Claus: I am a litle gin 12 years old and I am in the fourth gr^e at school, and I don’t want yon to forget me be cause I am too large,. I want you to bring me a little doll about one-half a foot high and a new hat and some new shoes and some candies, nuls, or anges and apples. From your little girl, Lucy Burgin, , -North Charlotte, N. C. Dear Santa Claus: I will write you a letter to tell 370U what I wont you to bring me. I want a cap pistol and some caps and I want a little horn and a little poke of nuts and two or three oranges and some niggertoes and I want a little wagon. Yours truly, Gordon Oates. I am seven years old. North Charlotte, N. C; Charlotte, N. C. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a horn and a tool box and some oranges, apples and candy and nuts. Your little friend George McLellan. Dear Santa Claus: I will write you a little letter to let you know that I was still here yet, Santa I want you to bring me a little train, and a little automobile and some candy and nuts and negro toes. Now Santa don’t forget to bring me what I told you. I Isaac Eld wards, Jr. Dear aSnta Claus: I am a little girl 8 years old and I want you to bring me a doll two feet high and a carriage and nuts, candies oranges and apples. From your little girl Sadie Lybrand. North Charlotte, N, C. My Dear Santa Claus. Please send me a doll and a car riage, My name is Edith Kennington. Charlotte, N. C. Dear Santa Claus: Please send me a drum and a wag on and some candy and nuts. Truly yours, Henry Btirkhead. Charlotte, C. Dear Santa Claus: ' I am little boy just 12 years old. I want you to bring me a rubber ball, a toy wagon and dear old Santa do not forget my little sweetheart, Mary Tor rence. She wants a baby doll and some nigger tx>es. Your friend, Willie Dodenhofif. And my sweetheart, Mary Torrence, 30 South Fox St. Charlotte, N. C. Dear Santa Clans: I am a little boy 4 years old. I want you to bring me a little train, a picture book, horn, some nuts and candy. Your little friend, James TurbyfUl. 20 S. Allen St Charlotte, N. C. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a tricycle and a cap pistol and some caps so I can shoot. Goodbye, Santa. Clarence Gray. 1008 North Church St. P. S.—Don’t forget me Santa. Charlotte, N. C. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a little chew-chew train with a bell on it and a little pop gun. I go to school every day and I am in Miss Seay’s room. I am 15 years old. Good by Santa, Jack Christenbury. 1005 North Church St. Charlotte, N. C. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 6 years old, and I want you to please bring me a leath er go-cart and a big doll and a set of furniture and some candy and nuts. By, by. Your little friend, Bessie Hyman, 316 E. 12th St, Charlotte. N. C. And don’t forget to bring me a horn. Dear Santa Claus: \ PPlease bring me a drum, a hook and ladder and nuts and candy and some oranges. Your little friend, Olin Berryhill. Charlotte, N, C. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy 3 years old. Please bring me a little horse and wagon, a cap plstpl and Some caps and all kinds of candies, nuts and fruits. From your little friend, Fleet eHron Crowell. A woman’s mirror is always a peer glass. Ideal Christmas Gifts To Suit Any Purse For a nice Ineatpenslve gift, what do you think of a pretty one-motion folding card table? We have them in oak and ma hogany finish at $3.50. Other style folding tables from |2.00 to $6.00. A Pullman Davenport would not only prove to be a most ac ceptable present but would prove to be a great convenience In your home as welL We have them from $30.00 to $85,00. 1- \ 3 W. T. McCOY & CO Read the Little Classified Ads. in Today’s NEWS Typewriters For Rent I have on hand at all times the largest stock to select from of an makes of typewriters of any dealer in the city (make a personal investiea- tlon and see), including Remingtons, Olivers, Underwood, L. C Smiths Smith Premiers and other makes. Each rental typewriter is kept properlv oiled and cleaned, and supplied with new ribbon. Those I rent look like new, and write like new ones. My rate is $3 per month, delivered any where in the city, and I allow 2 months’ rent to apply on the purchase of ANY typewriter you buy from me ANY TIME IN THE FUTURE. When you want to rent any kind of a typewriter, telephone me 243. I JONES—The Typewriter Man—Biggest Dealer In Carolinas. Office 225 North Tryon Street. A Big Busines! 1st, We have a nice ^rge fresh stock 2d. Prices Right, LINEBACK & ELAM The Jewelry Store of Quality Havf? Vou Tried \ THE SANITARY WAY? I |Why take chances with your family washing? Send it to us, ^ it will'-be laundered in a sanitary, satisfactory manner. Our 4 charges may be a little higher than a “washwoman,” but think of ^ the dil(£erence in the service. TRY IT. ^ Sanitary Steam Laundry \ ^ 392 —Phones—393 | ORDER COAL NOW I and take advantage of the present low rates Coal Screened Lump Screened Bliie Gem Screened Jelico Block Screened Va. Splint ^ Screened Foca Lump Poca Egg Va. Blue Gem At $6.00 per Ton, 2,000 lbs. Anthracite at $8.50 Poca Steam at $5.00 HEATER WOOD—Oak tnd Pine Split Stove W 00 per Cord, Our wood is dry m urder Order early and secure quick @ deUvery, Ayailt Wooiapd Coal Co. PHONE 403 0F p58 I