■ i V.v MlliS OiSON WITH as Dinner Durham Mam Cards li poiflble for ihankiad to “llvl 'without bookB” at Ohrt«tma« tlm«, ^ut no oii« hu ever had a good ChrlitdUii “without cooka." Thole who have homea look lor- irsrd to the chrlatmaa dinner ; with »plcurttaD relieh. But dot alone in the home dlnlns room afe there royal featta at Christ mas time. In the hotels, cafes and restaurants, where the stranger is ott » fuest. th« 'Christmas • menus are ■umptuous spreads. AS evidence of this*afe the-citds given below. Mine host Perkins, of the Central Hotel, will serve tor his big household tomorrow the follow ing Christmas dinner. Dinner. Oyster cocktalh ‘ Boudin Blanc Pure© a la Paulett - Consomme Calcutta bread sticks ^ Michigan celery Salted almonds Queen olives ‘ Pin modey picqies Lettuce Broiled Pompano Montpelier, Butter Pommes Parisienne Sugar cured ham, Champagne Sauce Beef Mlngnons aux Trutfles ; Ftesh Lobster a ,1a Newburg- Blfnets aux Confltures Roast prime ribs of wiestem beef dnp gravy ' Roast young turkey stuffed * With • * Chestnuts* Cranberry Sauce Suckling pig, apple-sauce . Mashed potatoes . .. Stewed rlQe New Grurden ^eas . New asparagus on toast Candled yams Roast venison bread sauce 'Opossum with sweet potatoes • B?nglish plum puddla*, brandy.sauee Hot mince pie Pumpkin pJe Bisque ice cream Pound cake Fruit cake silver cake Maccaroons * ' Roquefort cheese American cneese Bents blsqqit v Mixed nuts Layer raisins Oranges Banannas Applas Tea Coftee Milk After dinner mints. - The menu card is particularly, pret ty. Qem Dining Roonn. :. The Oem Dining Room, one of the best patronlied restaurants the city has ever had, bas an elaborate menu for Christmas day. Mr. J.- N/ JOBee^ caterer and atewr ard, will serve things in season and out of season, and in the best of style. The card follows; Menu—Oem Dining Room Dinner 12 to 3. Fruits Soups Asparagus soup I^ee of vegetable Chicken gumbo Queen olives Mixed Pickles California celery Florida head lettuce Stuffed Mangoes Baked Salmon trout with cream gravy Fresh Shrimps Hollandalae sauce Prime rib roast of western beef Browned gravy Roast* Young-’tnrkey wttii oyster - dreesThg cranberry sauce Roast saddle of lamb. Russian fastiion iHirry of Tennessee milk fed. chicken Smothered caille on toa^Tt Chicken salad Hot com bread buttermilk Mashed potatoes Saratoga chips Steamed rice French peas ' Mammoth * asparagus eimdied yacns v • Cream-cqitn,. Stewedton\^tpes. Fresh opple j)ie ,al a‘ mode ■'TUlBce pie Orange ' Wir _• c4ke PTOoapple’Sherl5^rt •' I American ^fese • • Saltines S'chwitter cheese French drip “cottee' ‘ South Carolina grown tea MMk SelWyn. The famous criislirie al the Selwyn Hotel will measure up'tomorrow to its usual hi|b' rftand'ard. * InstMd of the regular K Ik Cane’menu. theire'Will be two table 'd’hote dinned, ona at ‘ 12 a. m.. the Other* at 9 p. nl.. The con- leses will be n¥iany anff of 'the choicest brands. ‘tionewatl Ncftel. • Special ctre has been expended 4)y caterer Wright upon the Christmas dinner. It is a la carte, and everything that an epleure ooul} -wish will be on the card. Repojrt ojDr.Yatsen*s Election Prmature Ban mnclaoo, Dec. 23.-—The Chin ese national association here receiv ed R cablegraci today stating that the report announcing the election orf JPr. Bun Yatsen.a*) president of the revo lutionary assembly at Nanking was premature. The-^ message, which was In response to a ■ query sent from here, said a test*.vote was xaken In- rormalljr among the delegates showing that Dr.- Sun w«s strongly favored above tb^. other,candidates. This In formal vote was also extended to the question of ministers. PRin y. WEDplNlfil AT LBN^IR. Lenoir, 23.^t the home of the bride’s parents, .Me, and Mrs. T. C. Wakefield, on North M^n street, their oldest daughter, P^ru waa united in marriage to' Mr. J. H. Beard, the cere mony being perfsrmed by the Rev. C^ M. Plckehi, pastor of the Methodist church. Oily a very few Intimate friends wer# present to wttneta the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Beard left on the morning train to spend their honeymoon #lth relRtlves of the gix>om In Rowan and Iredell counties, after which they will return to Lenoir to make their future* Ifomei Th» brldfl iiiES-iiirco. Tbe Liles-Nlx Compamy h^ve made a ^eOHp d'etat in securing as head of their mllUnery department Mias Mary Dawsdn. . ' Mlse Dawson has been known to the -mniinery trade rf Charlotte and vicinity for six years. She not only has the milliner’s touch, but has exeo uttve ability, and the art of pleasing. She haa a large' following and will bring to this new firm which Mst year added to Charlotte's mercantile life, the help which in a clever, Ul- ented, popular bualnesa woman alone can ^ve. Miss Dawson goes with the Ules- Nix Company January 1. BRlBf='S. —Prof. Wyche, principal of the South Qnuied School, Is up again af ter having been indisposed. • —Miss Anna Murry, stenographer of the Good lU^ds Machinery Company, has gone to Burlington to spend Xmas, —Thcf world at^d his wife were In the shops yeaterday. It was a great day with the jnerchaots. —Mr. Henry Belk, of Belk Mros., will spend Xmas with hla mother in Monroe. ' —Mr. Rowland Pruett arrived in the city yesterday from Wake Forest to spend the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Pruett. , Y* -7-Mr, S. 0. Alexander, representing the* Fraternal Order of Eagles, was out yesterday afternoon distributing gifts to the poor and needy of the city. —The ladles of the Westminster Presbyterian church made $3S yester day by the sale. Th^y could have doubled the amount nad not the sup ply bMn cxhattttad. —Mr. John Parks of Atlanta, former ly of this city, la spending the Christ mas holidaya in this city with friends. Mr. Parks was connected with the Tryon Street Drug Co., but is now traveling for tbe National Biscuit Company. —Mr. Theodore Lucas arrived in the city from Trinity Friday. He will spend the Christmas holidays with his mother, Mrs. Montie Lucas, at her home on North College street. —Mr. ^j. L. Jones ii home from Trinity to spend the Christmas holi days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones, at their home on South •Tryon street. —During the week the matrimo nial knot was tied 50 times in Mecky lenburg county. That was the number of licenses issued by Register of Deeds Moore. —One of the brightest young men to enter the buslnes world during the holiday season is Master John Mel lon, son of Mrs. Ed. Mellon. He be gins his mercantile career as elevator boy. That isn’t a« high as being boss,” but if ha runs the elevator — aa he doea—he may some day run the store. , —Mr. EUi McNinch is home for the hoUdl^a from.Vv P. I. to spend the holidays ^h hto'ijarents, Mr. and Mrs S- S. McI^Qeh at their home on North Churdi ^r^t. . —Mr. Nortoan jQhnson, of Lynch- bu^. arrived yesterday to join his famU/ and. MaJ. J. O.. S^ird. Mrs. Johnson , is mating with great success in his Wdrk in .Lynchburg. —Mr.' Manlius. Orr arrived home yes terday to sj^d the holidays with his fkfhes. Mr. John F. On% Mr. Orr is connected/with the state laboratory at iRa'lelgh. Statesville is a poptliar young woman has host of' fnends who wish them’^^T. The groom is machine loom foraman at the Cdnwell Furniture JFtetory and has many Irlends i^o. wish t^e happy' young omU a long and happy life to gether. On their return thes^^wlll board Ipr twhile wlth.Mra..J. W. Tol bert, ti ptt/tl^ home Which wiM- formeHy lcnoini aa the Wilson A«a4 amy. ^ PtnetnaMr Oe^.Ugly : Last niflit about t o’clock Annie 'Wiiiiaias, oblored, aasnmed the role }t peaoema]i«r: iaid^«at U In tba nmk. ro negroiT and t^ StatesvHle, DecI 23.—Mr. and Mrs. Thos. M. Phifer hava issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter. Miss Bessie Mae Phifer and Neal Sum* ter Sharpe. The ceremony will take place Wedneaday evening, 27th, at the home of the bride on West Front street. Miss Janie Leonard entertained a ■party of friends at her home on Stock ton street last Friday evening. The playing of games fui'nished amuse ment for the young people. RefTesh- metits were served. Out-of-town members of Statesville Female College have gone to, their homes for the holiday vacation as fol lows: Miss Boardman to Qreensborb, Ala.; Mias Bishop to Fredericksburg, Va., and Miss Williams to Richmond. The college suspended Thursday and practically all of the out-of-town stu dents left that day for their homea. ' Mrs. J. H. Hoffman haa returned from an extended visit to points in Pennsylvania, New York and Vir ginia. Miss Lola Lore is at home from Lex ington to apend the holidays. Shd is accompanied by Mlsa Price, « Vir ginia, who is-a teacher in the Lexing ton schools. Mrs. W. w. Hanks and child, of Charlotte, are visiting Mrs. Hank’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Jenkins. Miss Nell Armfleld wll spend Christ mas with friends at Morganton. Mra. Julia Jackson and Miss Hattie Sloan are visiting Mrs. Blythe at Hun- tersvilleu* Mrs. H. M. EUbanks haa. gone td 'Monroe to spend the holiday season with relatives. Mr. Bubanks will join hat i^.ext w.eek., Mr*. E. R. Rankin and little son, Ed gar, ^ who spend some time here with Mrs. Rankin’a parenta, Mr. tad Mrs. X C. Steele, have gone to Aaheville to -join-Mr.'Rankin and apettd some time wttb hia pjarenta there before go ing to their bOflM at^Tryon. ' Mr. -and Mra. !• P. He&fel and Miss Christine HetiMl, of Lieiioir, Mr. and Mra. Henry Rhyne, of Mt. Hdlly, and Mr. a^ Mra. J. A. 0. Wadairorth, Of ChariDtta. art fuiita or Ht. aad Mra. c. y. Henkel tot thO holMaya. Miaa Im Mcjj^ugald today for umn% to a»ond awkila with Mlaa »or»a Wl. . Mlaa Rm ia at home W to 1m holiday Mlsaaa jfeaalo Blnkl^, Myrtle QrUj^th* of Winaton* and Ma^ kch. LtQ iBda me from 8hel- garet M Albamarla, win ftrrl?« di Stctiaavllii Totadav to be gnaata of Mlsa Itfai^ 'Austin ll^r. l^f. tmi itra. H;'V, ^raytn are at thraa- Aa&ebon^, jto^. Mrs. Cravm'a with pMpie. Wtntama fa ilaitinc.te Durham, Deo. 28.—Chriatmas of aic- clptional gayety is promised as the day approachea and n^xt week will be literally crowded with events of large akd small fmportance. For tha social side of the church ^rt of It the Brwln Sunday school Cmrlstmas tree, the Blks offering to t^e poor, the stereopticon lecture to the deaf and dumb In their tongue, the aahool exercises In church, all theae a^ to figure. A remarkable event is t|e Brwin Christmas tree, the entire _ ft of the genius of the Brwin Cot- tOn Mllla and it attracts more atten tion than any secular event that can ba named. Outside the social realm of the church, there are numberless parties, Itinoheons and kindred things for next week. One of the noti^)le parties will be that of Mrs. George H. Nash to Mrs. W. T. Bost, who leaves the first of the yaar for Raleigh. Mrs. Bost also haa har literary club, the jHalcyona with har and entertains tl»e Tuesday After noon Bridge Club of which she Is a niember. A Joint event to Mrs. W. L. Wall and to Mrs. Bost is to be given, Mrs. Wall having determined to move to Hillsboro, her old home, the first of the year also. These are but a few of the parties already announced. The two dances for the holidays, tha meeting of the clubs in their regular session, the en- tartaidment of the new brides, Mrs. Clalborn^M. Carx^nd Mrs. W. T. Minor are among the scheduled ehrents. Mrs. P. W. Vaughan has returned from New York city where she recent ly went to attend the wedding of her cousin, Miss Helen Vaughan. Mrs. Vaughan spent two weeks in the big city and reached Durham Wednesday of this week. Misses Ellse Lloyd, Janet Mason and Lillian Fuller, Durham roses at Sweet Bflar College, Virginia, are at home fof tha holidays. They will return to thalr booka Jan. 8. One of the pleasing events of the waek closed was the entertainment of a few college friends by Miss Lucile Hundley at ber home on Cleveland street Wednesday evening. The guests were largely of Trinity-s classes, the pretty co-eds making up the girl contingent. , A delightful el^ht-course luncheon was served and mhslc was rendered by members of the party. Pendergrass-Matthews. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.’ H. Miitthews, parents ot^the bride, last night, Miss Bessie Anna Matthews and mF. D. p. Pendergrass were married, R^v. Dr. E. R. Leyburn officiating. The ceremony began promptly at >> o’olock with Miss Anna Nowell play ing Mendelssohn’s march. The couple were attended by Miss Mattie Matth ew#, sister of the bride, who wore yel low marquisette over satin. She car ried a shower bouquet of -carnations and ferns and served her sister aa maid Of honor. Mr. Wallace Tuck was beatt man. The other attendants were^ Mils Hattie Howard and Mr. Fred Lea, Mlsa Hattie Cole and Mr. Henry Pen dergrass, Miss Beulah Andrews and Mr, Lonnie Matthews. The bri^ wore wlUte jnesi^pOlnet sind carried bilde's roses and carMftildhs. The ODuple will live here.) Miss Sharpe ,Qoes to Renton. Miss Lottie Sharpe, whose engage ment to Mr. Kemp P. Lewis was an* nounced last week, left today for her hoine in Edenton where she will re main until the marriage in April. Miss Sharp has been several years stanographer in the Southern office and is one of the ^ost popular girls who ever lived in Durham. She comes ^very near the point of absolute a.dora- tioh, being blessed with the rarest popularity In all quarters of tha city. Mr. Lewis is a son of Dr. Rictiitrd H. I«wis. of Raleigh, treasurer of St. Plill- llp’s Bpiscopal chnrch and private sac- retary to Mr. W. A. Erwin of the Brwin Cotton Mills. Their announcement last week haa (been the social item of several months. 0ance Postponed by Death. The dance, which was to have been giVen to the young ladies of the city and to their guests, has been postpon ed until tha middle of next week. The cause of Its being called off was the death of Mr. W. F. Patton, a son-in- lafr of Oen. and Mrs. Julian S. Oarr, whose funeral takes place today. Weddlnfi ^vent of Much Interest. A wedding event, not announced by interest, is to be that of Miss Jessie "Booker Lloyd, of Danville, and Mrs. C. Foard Fowler, of Rowan county, Dec. 27, at Danville. Mr. Fowler is not ki^wn generally in Durham, but was formerly auper- intendent of one of the^j^boro cot- tod mills and Waa known ^oughout Pefson county. He is. prominently con nected over the state, is a brother of Mft H. B. Fowler, one of Charlotte’s belt known young buslnes men, a brdther of Mr. Jr c. Fowler, promi* noAt In f Statesville business, and a brdther of Mra. Whitney L' Bridgefs, of JTarboro. He Is a graat friend of all thO Rowan contingent in Durham. Miss Lloyd comes of Virginia’s finest yotng womanhood, has lived in Boyd- tori, Clarksyllle iind Danville and has he# home in the latter place. She wlU be married at her home and tl^s brijlal trip .will be succeeded by a* gr^t reception at South River, the home of Mr. Fowltr, where he is liv- inf In lordly atylo upon the farm of hit, boyhood days. Mtt. Caiherah MofHaon •pedal 43uea«. The deterred meeting of the Up^ D«U lilterary Olttb took place yeater^ daf. afternoon with Mrs. G. W. Watts, holfess. 4n. the absence of A. G. Cair, president, Mrs. L. L. -Morehead, vi^-president. preaided. The study, of tht Greek drama was continued with Mm. 3i M. Maning and Mrs. 8. W. V^lkable preaentlaig papers on the two Oo|npanion plays of Eluripides. Mrs. read an eaaay on “Iphlgania. in la" and' Mra. Mnrray 'Iphlgenia In rts.'-* lota tha lltOrary profMuoil; Mrs. ;ta aarvad a ai»«ottraa itnolMon. .playad tta portion in the 'al aohaina. |n thO oantra Of the was plaood t iarga vmae of i»in- tha ■aaiottal iower artth red ahadaa making fc wettjr aooaa- 4 yta«a ^rda gt ta# indliddaal During t|ia aftentecm. Mra. _ and Mrs.. 8. W. Venabla iava r pfog!^ fnd the bagaa lUtr tli# noaahiaiitt of iundiaon v^oh waa appoint^ tor |0 in tha We M MdPatroJig V y f . I Charlotte’s Authority on Women’s Wear 17 and 19 West Trade Street Phqnes 776-777 \ Cidssificd in Today’s NEWS Hand-Painted Chiii^ Adda to .t^a be-'ty of any Dining Room. Pickard’-* » most art&le line On the market; We have just or>pn/r» Mtonn^ntof the ^west shapes and designs which we are piiiyl^gLln 'ni ^!*es. Will glad to show anyone interested Garebaldi, Bruns & Dixon JEWELERS AND SILVERSMITHS Wagons Also Automobiles and Irish^ Mails We have thdm to se'l and we will sell them. SEE US before buying. WEDDINGTON HARDWARE COMPANY T w e n t y-N i o e E a s t Trade Street 65—PHONES—75 Carr, Mrs. Watt’s house guest, was W. T. Bost, who leave iSurham in a one of the honored* i^eaterday. The feW days to beconcie residents of Ral club members present were: Met* «l^h. Two automobiles bore tha party dames J. M. Manning^' J. C. Michie, L. 'out in a blinding rain and back in a L. Morehad, E. C. Murray, Harper Er- skiedlng iaiud. The three hours In the win; J. M. Sasser, Qilbert White, W. L. cabin were spent in music, furnished Wall, S. W. Venable, Mrs. Morrison by members of .the party and by a and Mias Carr. ^ Victrola which the OlendiUe preserves Oiilet Marriage constant operation. A five Af Trtnltj- u4thodUit church ‘““kwo ‘"kw sonaee last ni^ RPv R_ n Craven centre from whlch all the accesdi^ M?tomed th?^?e4i^^^^ radiated, was produced from the with Isaac. Judal.Uc of nam*. Miss Beulah Barbee and Mr. Marahallr both of this city. bat Afticanus of complexion, catering th Bankjand Dr. H. k Satterfleld. -Whll* J?. Mr Craven wrh reneatintf the VOWS »lth "ri. Pl*y*d “Hearts and Flowers.** uii wav thrn«i»h In A# Mi> Mm Party plOUghOd itt WaX thrOUgh At rSTttrtJIiv R shlbboleth of the gaaoltna go-cart, r midnight. Thoae who '»^«ra lnlt were; Mr. and Mra. W. T. S Mlaue^P Annie Louise and Llde Vnuglian, Mesat^. Sidney W. Mi- dlM8?l,Jty7t?i?hourth.«oodcoJ. try folks of the ho$t’B' old home are ^ »v«wi. saying their evening prayers prepargt! tory to retiring. —County offloars and oity officials The party waa given to Mr. and Mra. "all Imook off tomorrow. i HOLIDAY BARGAINS We have a large assortment of Drummers’ Samples Solid Gold and Filled goods; as Broaches, Bracelets, Lockets^ Lavelelrs, stick Pins. Cuff LlnkS^ mostly studded with diamonds, Cfih 1^ bought for less than factory price. We have a fine line of out of pawn Diamonds, Rings, fxom $o.7S to$fi50,00. TIRADE WITH US AND SAVE DOLLARS. R. Malever j& C9.. Prop. Charlotte Pawn and Loan Co. 9 E. Trade Street Our Qooda Is aa We Tell You or Money Back. J^ORRIS Xmas Packages RegXr Line FINE CANDIES now on Display at Reese & Alexander's Drug Store Special Sale COMPLIMENT^ OF THE $iA90N Wa alntf^rely thaitk eur frtanda far fthair moat liberal patronage durin(j| the holldaira, and tha year that la 4fawlrif to ita eloae, and join In wfahlng ana and all a "Mairy ChrMmaa.** W. T. MaCOY A 60. $1.50 Sillc Half Hose 75c 1 ■f Blacks and oolara In Wilson Bros, best 11.50 pure thread Silk, with } lisle tiaal, toa and sole. ONB-f|rOURTH OFF AU. 8WEATEHS THIS WEEK Man’s, Wom^% and Children^ the nv^est styles for Fail 19H- ^ •MART SHOWING FELT SUPPERS Ladi^* and MisaiR* $1.26 and |1.50. Men’s House Slippers, Indian , and fiiith Room SU^para '11.50 to $2.50. LEATHER 00008 flOVELTIES ♦ ♦ $1.50. ♦ a •f 4 4 a ♦ ♦ a ♦ a ♦ IMetetDooks, C»ra« til Leather Owes. Bffl Bpok^ ‘ miskey , Ctothei W MUltiir Ooat»a|i»«ri la SeU. Collar w and Wns, Sox ud T>m to match to leattier ca»e, i Bmji tfult OMei; »5 0« to lfSO Samp e * eholee WelUjt SUc.MnMer atd Initial Hao^R'I, J chtellh Ink OttUtM in HoUday Bo»>. « W0Yn 0Ri, Sdl^^^nyx”'Silk HtoSO, 50c to |2.00j Auto D -Qleraa II to. Id; fettp for Boya Um iHlfe $150 to, $TJR); , Oratitella and Mxtnotm for Mw; Shoes for all, $6.00 ana ? > ^ |l0tt)aio«9lM»aa,i6M } J ♦ a s ror ♦ Suita, ♦ Co. tiM