10 CHARLOTTE EWS, AFRrL M 1913 ... , , I it sal Adh eresemeecs I? TRUSTEE'5 SALE. " .Whereas, S. 'McDonald execute! talthe undersigned Trustee a certain Re-Sale. (Resale.) COMMISSIONERS SALS VALUABLE COMMISSIONER S SALE VALU A CITY PROPERTY. . BLE REAL ESTATE Deed of Trust dated 16th day of April. 1 Under and bv virtue of a decree ot Under and by virtue of a decree of 1310. -which is duly recorded in book re-sle. made by the Superior Court Mecklenburg Superior Court ia the par- 2S0, Page 642 in the Office of the Keg- cfr Mecklenburg" County, in Special titicn proceedings entitle'! .1. A. I'airt a ister of Deeds for MeckVrburg Coun- Proceeding, entitled '"Llzr-it O. "W il and others, Plaintiff -, acains C. S. ty to which reference is hereby made; liams. Executrix of the iast Will and Pritchett arid others, Dt,fenJ?nvsi the. acd on account of defauii in the pay- Testament of Dr. Geo. V. Williams, undersigned, as Commissioner of said ment of the rote thereb.- secured and deceased, plaintiff: vs. Dr. Peter II. Court, will on Monday, the "tht day by -virtue of the power nnd authority Williams and ' ethers, defendants," I of AppJ. 1013, at 12 o'cloci; M.', ex to me given under the ?aia Deed of .will expo.se to sale, at public auction, pose -to sale to the highest bidder -it Trust above set fourth. iLe undeisUn- at the. Countv Court House door, in :he public auction, at the County Court COMMISSIONERS' SALE OF VALUA- ed .Trustee ill fell, tor cash, to the highest bidder at Puolic Auction, at the Court House Door in Charlott?. X. C: on Tuesday, the 14th nay of April. 1313, for cash at 12 II.. the follow inj described real estate: :Lots Nos. 13 and 14 in Block No. 2'J as -shown on Geo. M. Pnift-r's Map. East Page 3 Register of City of Charlotte, at 12 o'clock M.. on House door in Charlotte, that tract Monday, the 7th day f April, 1315, of land lying in the Connry r Meck that certain lot of land, located - at lenburg and State of North Oarclir.a, the South-nest corner of Dast Second in Mallard Creek Township, and and South Caldwell street. n the City bounded . as follows: of Charlotte, said lot fronting fifty ; Beginning at a stone, a corner of G. (50) feet on said Second street, and S. Hunter and John A. Faires, and run extending back with that width and be-, ning thence with said Faires line N. 230, 1 tween and adioinins: Dr. J. C. Williams : 51 1-2 W. 46 poles to a stone, with f Deeds Office for lint on the West side and the North-. with White Oak and Black Gum Point- .Mecklenburg County. -;aid Lot No. 13 j vest line of South Caldwei! street on'ers; thence N. 75 3-4 W. 90 G- i poles to Vfonts thirty (30 feet on Char.'otte the East side. One hundred and four "a stone, Frank Jordan's joiner; thence Avenue and extends back- with that ' (104). feet Southwestwardly to the ! "with his line S. 11 W. 4- :t-2 poles to width one hundred and dfty (130) feet: line of John Connor lot; upon said a stone; thence S. 24 E. 7S poles -with .,' Together with ihe right to use the lot being located a frame duelling ' John Ritch's line to a Dogwood, a alley along the fide of the said lot house and other improvements. The corner of the McCombs Mine' Ti act; in common with the other lot owners bidding will be commenced at the ad- thence "N. 56 1-4 E. 21 poles to a Sweet in said block, fcaid Loc li fronts vanced bid filed of Twenty-four Him- Gum on South bank ol a branch; fifty (50) feet on Charlotte Aveuue dred and Thirty-one ($2431.00) Dollars, j thence S. 53 E. 15 poles to ; stone; nnd extends back with that width one Terms of sale one-third cash, bal- thence N. 43 E.2S poles to a toae hundred and fifty (150) feet. It is nn- ance upon a credit of :ix (6) and in fork of branch; rheuce N. 55 1-4 derstood and agreed th y th above t twelve (12) months, equajayments, E. 6S 4-5 poles. to the point of begin rots shall not be sold to nor occupied ; the deferred payments to be evidence! 'nine, and containing 3fty-f-ur (51) by a person or persons cf tr- colore!, by sealed promissory notes of the pur-! acres and known as .he 'Faires Mine BLE FARMING LAND Under and by .virtue of an order end decree of sale made in Special Pro ceeding entitled Mrs. Carrie Citon and husband T. L. Caton and Airs. . A. L. McNeely and husband R. W.. McNeely and others, Plaintiffs, against 'hoinas J. Black and wife md Dens, ' ury and Harris Cashion, and others De fendants, the undersigned Commission ers will expose to public sale at the County Court House door in tho City of Charlotte, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock M., on Monday the 7th Jay of April, 1913, that valuable tract of land in Mallard Creek Townshir. siid Meck- lenburir County, known cs the ' lOmeinns- anH whsreas. the said-R. Mai Place of the late Ezekiel Black, ad- ver g. Company . having opened a NOTICE; OF EXTENSION OF ; LI M- ITED-PARTINtnonir yr R. MALEVER & COMPANY ' Whereas, - R. Malever of Mecklen burg County, North Carolina, and Neal Finkelstein of Jacksonville, Florida, did," on the 1st day of January, '1911, enter into a limited partnership un der the firm ' name cf R. Malever & Company, at No.; 9 Eqst Trade Street, in the City of Charlotte. North Caro lina, for a term of cue yar beginning Jan. 1st, 1911, and ending January 1st, 1912, the said partnership was. extend ed under proper articles of agreement for another year? beginning January 1st. 1912. and ending . January wi. joining the lands of Dr. S. M. Hender- branch house under the' firm name son, and being located on the States- 0f tne Carolina Pawn ;&' Loan Com ville Public Road about 7 miles North nanv'at 217 West Trade Street, in'the e rae. -- This the 14th day of March. 1313. ALFRED W. BROWN, A7-4t-oaw. Trustee. COMMISSIONER'S SALE Under end by virtue of a decree of i he Superior Court of Mecklen burg County, in Special Pro ceedings entitled "W. F. Baker. Admr. cf . W. L. Baker. Plaintiff, vs. W. F. Baker. C. W. Bakers heirs. Clovis Ba er and others, Defendants," we will sell at public auction at the County Ccurt House Door in the City of Char lotte, Mecklenburg County, N. C. at 12 o'clock M.. to the highest bidder on the 5th day of May. 1913. that cer tain tract of land, Beginning at a stone in the line of Flannigan tract, a corner of Lot No. 7. and runs with said line N. 3 1-2 W. 6 3-4 poles to a stone, corner of Lot No. 9, and runs with the lines of Lot No. 9, 1st N. 75 1-2 E. ?1 1-2 poles to a stone. 2nd S. 67 1-2 E. 47 1-2 poles to a stone, 3rd N. 45 1-2 E. 45 1-4 poles to a stone on N. side of a branch; thence with 8 lines cf the Byrum land. 1st S. 16 W. 7.40 poles to a small ash on the South side of the branch, 2nd S. 5 E. 15.S0 poles to a Foplar. 3rd S, "3 E. 10 75 poles to a stone and small Poplar. 4 N. 37 3-4 E. 9.50 poles to. a stone and bunch of small ashes; 5th S. 27 3-4 E. 22 1-4 poles to a stone; 6th S. S5 3-4 E. 12 poles to a stone on S. bank of a ditch; 7th S. 19 E. 6 poles to a bunch of small willows rm the W. bank of the ditch; Sth S. 5 E. 12. SO poles to a Poplar, a cor OET of Lot No. 7, and runs with two iines of same, 1st, S. 54 1-2 W. 6 3-4 poles to two small poplars and stone, 2nd S. 79 1-2 W. 164 poles to the Beginning, containing twenty-five acres, more or less. Excepting from the operation of thi? deed an undivid ed 8-9 interest in all the minerals, ores and deposits, of every kind on said land with the right of ingress and egress to operate the - same if de sired. Terms of sale, one-third Cash, bal ance one and two years. ' ' W. F. BAKER, chasers, bearing interest from the "date of confirmation of sale until paid. at the rate of 6 per cent per annum; the title to be reserved until the pur chase price is all paid. This March 7th, 1913. LIZZIE O. WILLIAMS, 7-4toaw. Coicmiesioner. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE Having qualified as administrators of Jane Renwick Wilkes, deceased, this is to give notice to all perrcs having claims against Eaid estate or the Mecklenburg Iron Works, to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before March 1st, 1914. All persons indeb'ed to said estate or the Mecklenburg Iron Works,' are requested to make immediate pay ment. This February 20th, 1913. J. FRANK WILKES. J. RENWICK WILKES, Administrators cf Jane Renwick Wilkes. 26-6t-oaw 26-4t-oaw. Commissioner. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator the estate of Mrs. Texana "rown, de North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of. said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Charlotte, N. C, on or before the 27th day of Febru ary, 1914, or this notice wiil be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate will plea?e make immediate payment. This 26th day of February, 1913. L. F. BROWN, - Admr. of Mrs. Texana trown. COMMISSIONER'S SALE Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg County, in Special Proceedings enti tled "W. M. Smith, Admr of Logan Smith. Plaintiff, vs. Minnie Smith, Jas per Smith, Augusta McCullough. et al.. Defendants." we will tell at pub lic auction at the County Court Housa door in City of Charlotte, Mecklen burg Countj-, N. C at 12 olock M., on the 19th day of April, 1913, chat certain tract cr parcel of land in Meck lenburg County and i? described as foi lows: Beginning at a stone cn the ea?t side of the public road, Garrison's cor ner and runs N. 41 1-2 -E. 9 3-4 poles to a stone in the road; thence N. 22 1-4 El 26 poles to a stone in the public road: thence N. 61 3 4 W. 4 poles to a stae. m the Great Road thence N. 33 E. 24 1-2 poles to a ctate: thence with three of Mary Lentiie's lines, N. 72 W. 31 poles to a W. O. (down); thence S. S3 W. 26 poles to a r take near the house; thence W. 48 poles to a R. O., Jno. Herron's corner; "thence w ith his line S. 42 E. 19 poles to 4he beginning corner. containing 20 1-4 acres, less" so much of said land as lis ccmDrised in th the. l.irrt snlr! m T?. Bidgood and others by Logan Smith .r I by deed recorded in Office of Register of Deeds of Mecklenburg ounty in Book 25?, page 259, containing one acre. Terms of Sale One-third Cash, bal ance in twelve (12) months. HERIOT. CLAKSON, Commissioner. W. M. SMITH, Commissioner. 17-4t-oaw. Tract." The bidding will begin at Thirty eight and 5-100 ($3S.05) DcTiara per acre, the amount of an advance bid for the property. Terms of Sale One-third of the pur chase money in cash; the balance by note with approved security, parable after twelve months, with interest from date, the title being retained until full payment of the purchase money. This .27th day cf February, 1913. CHAS. H. DUL3. HUGH W. HARRIS, 6-4toaw. . Commissioners. i NOTICE. tae of . North Carolina. County of Mecklenburg. In Superior Court, Term. 1913. r: Ralph Frazier, Plaintiff, ' vs. T' Electa Frazier, Defendant. The Defendant above named Mil take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in said court to obtain a dissolution of the bonds of matrimony existing between th Plaintiff and herself, ana the De fendant will further take notice that she. is required to appear at the next Term of the said Court to be held on the 4th Monday in April, 1913, and an swer or demur to the complaint therein-filed, or the relief therein sought wH be granted. This the 17th day of March. 1913. -.' C. C. MOORE, H3-4t-oaw. Clerk Superior Court. i EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned, having qualified ss executor of the will of David Perry Lee, deceased, late of Mecklenburg County. N. C. hereby gives uctice to TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of authority contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed to the undersigned Trustee, by Miss Dora Hawkinsf on the 12th day of February. 1912, recorded in Book 292. page 3S, of the Register's o3iee for Mecklenburg County, and default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness therein se cured, I will sell : at public auction on Monday, April. 21st. 1913, at 12:00 o'clock, M., at the Court House Door, in the. City of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County. North Carolina, for cash, the following described real estate in Charlotte Township, Mecklenburg County, and more particulfcrly de- I scribed as follows: Being situated in Ward No. 6 of the City of Charlotte, in the Y suburbs known as Oakhurst and being lots No. 4 and 5, in Biock No. 43 in said Oak hurst as shown on Map of the same, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg County atoresaid. in Book 19 NOTICE OF SALE Whereas Thomas Covington kCoi.) executed to the undersigned Trustee a certain Deed of Trust dated Nor. 4th, 190S, which Is recorded :n Sook 243, page 474,. in the : office of the ltegiser of Deeds of Mecklenburg County, N. C, and to which reference is hereby made, and on account of default by said Thomas Covington in the per formance of the conditions as set o.vc in said Deed of Trust as to tho pay ment of the indebtedness thereby se cured, and by virtue cf the power a?-d authority to the Executors rf the un dersigned Trustee given under the s&d Deed of Trust above set. torth; the Executors of the Undersigned Trus tee will sell, for cash, to the highest bidder at Public Auction, at, or near the County Court House door of Mecklenburg County, and in the City of Charlotte, on Tuesday Sth day of April, 1913, at or socn after 1 o'clock M., the following escribed real estate: "Beginning at a stone in rablic road and runs 'with said public rond North 46 3-4 East 39 1-2 poles; thence North 44 1-4 East 55 poles; 'hence North G7 East 26 1-2 roles to a stake in said road. 19 feet from a rei oak and 13 feet from an iron stake in line next mentioned; thence North 2S 50' West 16S.S poles to a stake by a white oak and post oak; thence South 22 1-4 West 129 poles to a .itone: thence South 55 East 4 1-2 poles to a hick ory; thence South 5 1-2 att 35 1-2 poles to a Spanish oak; thence south 23 East 8S 1-4 poles to the beginning, containing 102 1-2 acres, being a part of the tract conveyed oy Mrs. Montie Lucas to G. A. Marsh by D.?ed dated December 12th, 1905, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Mecklenburg County, N. C, on Dec. 20th, 1905, in Book 204, page 447. and conveyed by G. A. Marsh and wife to Thomas Covington by Deed md being the land for the purchase money of which this Deed of Trust is executed together with the six notes or bonds hereinbefore described. This the 4th day otlJarch, 1913. CHAS. & M. A. HUNTLEY, Executors of H. G. Marsh CDeceas ed), Trustee. 5-4toaw of the City of Charlotte, -and which c.nv nf Charlotte: and, whereas, th place is leased ior me year lyu oy ga(j parties desire to extena me optuci Henry M. Armstrong, -Esquire. tinn nf the said Dartnership for a pe Terms of sale one-third cish, bal- rjrm of twelve months beginning the a"nce on a credit of 12 months deferred hst day. of . January, .1913. and ending payment to De securea Dy seaiea prom- tne jay of January, laii, tne piaces issory note or bond of the purchase nf business to be located at No. 9 or purchasers with interest from date East Trade and . No. 217- West Trade to connrniation ot sale nt o pe cent street in the City of Charlotte: per annum with privilege to purchaser Now. therefore, this is to uotify a to anticipate payment of th3 uote or parties dealing with said' R. Malever oona at any time ana uue ta oe reserv- g. (jompany, ' the Charlotte rawa oc ed until purchase ' money is all paid, Loan Company and the Carolina Pawn and purchaser or purchasers to have & Loan Company,' that the said firm is the rents for the year 1913. n limited nartnershiu. and that each This the 27th day of Februiry, 1913. partner is liable tor the debts of the 6-lt-oaw. THOS. J. BLACK, T. L. CATON, Commissioners. nartnershin only to the extent as set out in the original articles or partner -shin agreement, which are duly, filed in the oflice of the Register of Deeds 'of Mecklenburg County, reference to which is hereby made. The Company win do a genera .TRUSTEE'S SALE OF CITY PROPERTY. Under and by virtue of the power veated in me by a deed executed by pawn broking and jewelry business un G. A. Law ins and wife. Mary C. Law- der the general management of R incr. on the 26th day jf March, 1907, Malever. who is the sole general part which deed is registered in book 221 ner of R. Malever '& Company, the at page 20S". in the office of the Regis- said Neal Finkelstein - being the sole ter of Deeds for Mecklenourg Coun- special partner and is "not liable. for ty. N. C, I will sell at public auction any of the debts of the company ex at the Court House door in the City cept to the amount of; capital actually of Charlotte,. N. C, at noon on Mba- contributed by him 7hich is act out day, the 7th day of April, 1913, a a'- in the original articles yf agreement uable lot in the City of Charlotte, a e- before . referred to. scribed as follows: - . This the-27tb day of February, 1913 Situate on the North side of the Roz- R. MALEVER & COMPANY. zelle's Ferry Road in the City of . Char lotte adjoining the lands of K. M Irwin and others, beginning it a stake in the center of the Great Road lead ing to Rozzelle's Ferry, the intersec tion of same with Jackson street, and runs r.orth 30 east in a northerly direc tion with Jackson St., to a stake cn the new street, West Trade Street Ex tended, and runs thence, with said street south 72 1-2 east 99 feet to a stake; thence with H. M. Irwin's line south 30 west to a stake in the Roz zelle's said 27-6t-oaw. -NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE North Carolina, Mecklenburg Couuty, J. N. McCauslana and A. E. McCaus- : land, trading as J; N. McCausland & Company, Plaintiffs, . . - vs: : George E. Maynard and wife, "May Ashpole Maynard, Defendants. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from - the superior road about 99 feet to the begin- v,nva T .-m r,. g, the same being known as tne L9V th 7th Hax, f r,r,-i. iqiq nm Home Place of G. A. Lawmg, and it twelve o'clock M.,.at the Court House 1SJt Z tro-I deed,e5e,ut?d Door of said County, sell to the highest by J H. Emery assignee or trustee in bidder for to gatis gai(i eecu bankruptcy of G. A Lawmg, to Mrs. tion all ; the right, title and interest iuai; kj. ijdwiut, uitu aeeii is regis' tered in Book 129 at page 4 in the Of fice of the Register of Deeds for Meclc- lenburg County. - Sale fcKmade after the 2ef suit made in the pavment of the bond secured by; said deed of trust. Terms of sale Cash. W. D. WILKINSON, l-4t-oaw Trustee. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT. North Carolina, , Mecklenburg .County; In the Superior Court, April Term. which, the said" George E. Maynard and May A. Maynardvthe defendants, have in the following described real vstate, towit: . Lying and being in the State of North . Carolina, County of Mecklen burg, Pineville Towrnship, and bound ed and described as follows: ;r f irst Tract: Beginning, at. a stone pillar, C. M. Campbell's , corner, and runs with his line S. 82 1-2 E. 74 1-4 poles to a stone, Willis Vail's corner; thence with four of his lines (1) N. 69 E. ,46 1-2 poles to a sassafras stump (2) S. 66 3-4 E. 41,2-5 poles to a Hack- berry Tree (3) S: S6 1-2 E. 19 1-2 poles TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of a certain Deed of Trust executed to ine, which Deed of Trust is dated 3rd day cf July, 1912, recorded in Book 296, Page 410, of the Registry of Mecklenburg County, and default having been made in payment of the 5 debt secured there in, and iu complying with the terms thereof, I will sell nt public auction on Monday, April 7th, 1913. , at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House door in Mecklenburg County, N. C, ior cash, the following described real estate, in Charlotte Township, Mecklenburg County and more particularly describ ed as follows: Beginning at the stake on Jones Street and corner of Phillips' lot, and runs in a Southerly lirectioa with Phillips' lot, -247 feet to a stake on IPark Street, thence with Park Street side of Spring corner of Park and Cherry Streets; fronting each 50 thence with Cherry 'olreet -'n a North- o. naie L'S and 29, and being adjoining lots situated iia a westerly direction 320 ,eet to the on the Southern Street? said 1nt frnntiTip- feet in width on said Street and ex- erly direction 370 feet and two (2) tending back with that width 150 feet' tenths to an iron stake, the corner of in a Southern direction to a ten foot '. Cherry and Jones Streets; thence with allev. Together ith the ns unH hrn-1 Jones Street in an Sasterlv ilirertion alli persons having -Maims against the ? eQt of the alleys in said block or 316 feet to the beginning; beins the etite of said deceased to exhibit tir.m i square in- common w ith other abutting ! remainder of Block No. 12. as shown to him for payment on cr before the! property owners and together with the i and designated on the map of the prop- mprovemeut 5th day of March, 1914. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to. said ostate win make payment to me or to.Ed-.;ar W.: Paarr, Atty. . .. This 5h day cf March. 1913. : THOS.i J. SAMONDS; Executor of the will of Darid Perry Lee, deceased. ' EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor of the estate of R. M. Armour, deceased, late of Mecklenburg County, North Caroli na. ;this is to notify all persons having claims against the -estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Davidson N. C, cn or be fore the 19th day -of February, 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make im mediate payment. -. I Signed; WALTER H. THOMPSON, Executor of R. M. Armour. This 19th day of February.' 1913. 19-6t-oaw. "Pride goeth before a fall!" quoted the Wise Guy. "Yes. and it doesn't often the bumps any. at that," added tlfe Simple Mug. - risht to use all th streets and al- erty of the Interstate leys in Oakhurst as will appear in a ! Company, registered In deed insaid Register's qffice'in Book Pages 92 and 93 in the o Book 230, BVB; Butt. Plaintiff, -vs. J. C. Gray,to a stone pile. (4) S. 727 -.W. 113 1- .... poles to a stone, Zenas Porter's cor- Will I ri cvr iVionro .urifh n-r linoo nf VAT" T take , notice that a summons in the Ardrey (1) N. 74:W. 28 3-4 poles' to a above entitled fUon was issued stone (3) S. 32 W. 66 poles to a stone agamst said Defendant on the . first in a meadow, W. E. Ardrey's corner day of March 191o, by the Clerk of and MiES Susan Hartgrove's corner; the Superior Court of Mecklenburg thence with three of Miss Susan Hait- L ounty. North Carolina, m an action o-mve'e line n tj tq w ic i ioe by said Plamtift for tho recovery of to a stone (2) N. " 22" 1-2 W. 99 1-4 the sum of ?d00.00 due c.aid P aintitf poles to a hickory. (3) N. 84 3-4 W. by said Defendant for which Plaints 4 6 poles to a stake in the C. C. & A. by said Defendants Promissory Note, R. R., thence with the said R. R. N. which is now past due, and unpaid, 7 w 31 V2 poles to a -stake. Miss Su- which summons is returnable before ,- Rarf'c .rnrror th0rQ ih the Superior Court of Mecklenburg two o hor iines (1) S.' 83 E; 47 1-2 iqiT tvT la;Ht ".ir , i es to a stone (2) N. 5 1-2 W. 35 1-2 1913. The defendant will also take Lnioc tn rtB he-inn.w. rnnti,i nna notice that a warrant of attachment h7rird anr fiftor, Tii .a , " was issued by said Court on the first or iess. And being thefsame lands day of March, 191o, against the prop- conveyed to Lilla M. Black by the Mu erty of sa d Defendant, which war- tual Trust Company by deed register- rant is returnaoie Deiore tne sani tv, rtn e td sr Court at the time and place above n" CLX,. "1?. "A named for the return of the .summons. aidT in Book 254, page 154 to which when and wnere the Defcncant is re- deeds and the deeds therein referred quired to appear and answer or de- to rpferoT.cA is herphv ma tho 41 1 ;. Sloan VLiniment is the best remedy for sprains and : bruises. , It ; quiets the pain, relieves congestion and reduces the swellingvery.quickly. HERE'S PROOF Mr. Hexrt A.Voehl, 84 Som erset S.t.,.P!aiiitiJd, N.J.,trrites: 'A' friend sprained his ankle so badly that it went black. He laughed when I told him I would have him out in a week, but I soaked his foot and then applied Sloan'e liniment, and in four days, he was working, and said that was a right good liniment." Mr. Jos. Hatches, of elma, K.O., R.F.D. No. 4. writes: "My daughter sprained her wrist and she applied Sloan's Liniment and it has not hurt her since." is unequalled as an antiseptic heals cuts, wounds" and burns, and will draw the poison from sting of poisonous insects. At all dealers. Price 25c., 50c. and $1.00. DR. EARL S. SLOAN, BOSTON. MASS. TRUSTEE'S SALE.. . Whereas, H. G. Rogers and wife, ex ecuted to the' undersigned Trustee aj certain Deed of Trust dated August 14,! 1911, which is duly recorded in Book 2S4. page 292 in the office of Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg County, topwith Eection 442, (3)',' (5), (&), of Re- which reference is hereby made, and oh account of default in the payment of the note thereby secured aud by virtue of the power .and authority to me given under said Deed of Trust, above, set forth, the undersigned Trus tee, will sell for cash to the hishest bidder at Public Auction, at the Court House door in Charlotte, N. C, on the 1st day of May, 1913, at 12 M., the following described real estate. . Being lot No. 5 in Block No. 11 front ing bv teet on Allen street and run- NOTICE OF DEPbSITION. Mrs. Girlie Putnam, Plaintiff, - vs. J. B. Putnam, Defendant. Purusant to the affidavit made bj Mrs. Girlie Putnam,, iu accordance visal, and Sec. SS2 of Revisal, it is or dered that publication be made once a week for four successive weeks iu the Mecklenburg" Times-Democrat, a newspaper - published in . the city of Charlotte, that the deposition of Mr?, Mary Babb and James Hotton, of Co lumbus, Kansas, will be taken before Guy Cooter, at his office in Columbus. Kansas, on the Monday, May -oth, 1915. to be read as evidence for the Plain ti rf in the. above entitlcdv action, which U now pending in the Superior Court of ning back with that width 143 feet.UIeckenbu rg Count y, N. C. and you References is had to Spratt's map of 'East End recorder m Book 173 page 5S2 and 5S3 of Rigetter of Deeds office for 'Mecklenburg county. This the 23th day of March. 1913. JOHN L. BENTZ, 2-4t-oaw. -. . Trustee, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. - Notice is hereby given to the public that the undersigned has qualified as Administrator with the will annexed ef the estate of S. H. Hilton, deceased, and all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to file their claims with me on or before the 26th day of -March. 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of ' their re covery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please pay promptly. This the 26th day of March. 1913. JNO. A. McRAE, Administrator with, the Will At tached. . 2-6t-oaw wTrl. further take riotiee. that if the taking of said .deposition is not com pleted on the said day, the same will be continued from day to day until completed. March 26tb, 1913. . C. C. MOORE. C..S. C..-Mecklenburg County. Brevard Nixon, Attorney. 2-4t-car' mur to the Complaint, or the relief de manded will be granted. This 15th Cay-of March. 1913. C. C. MOORE, Clerk cf the Superior Court. 17-4t-oaw. , SALE OF REAL ESTATE. North Carolina, Mecklenburg County In the matter of Mary M Kennedy, running from charlotte to Pineville same land conveyed to the said May A. Maynard and George E. Maynard by Lelia M. Black and husband Charles A. Black by deed bearins: date the 7th day of January, 1911, and recorded in Book 268,'page 117 in said Register of Deeds office. Second Tract Beginning at a stone on the East ' side -of -the public road Non Compos Mentis. and commonly known as the Charlotte By irtue of a decree of the Superior t r . i, Court of Mecklenburg County, entitled U-Hh n tt nflthJiv. J?Zle'"n fFfd co,mmif- the C. C.-& A. R. R.. . (now Southern rnrLu.HLr irtwnule' fH R?) .tracks, S. 6S . 1-2 E. 68 ooles Ztl LJ'tll Set?y l ?h"- to a Red Oak;, thence .with G. E. May- ini l' S velrt2A-dray,f Ap"lf nard's line S. 5 1-2 E. 35 3-5 eoles to to ?hJ A ' 0n C-Sh a stone pilej.-thence with the lines of ? ?.!gi iidJJhf. Llo,W1 G. E. Maynard and the church N;S3 1-2 MburTountr1 BtaS of SfirS Jnf arpiina. I;n r j . 4.1 sn. u - Beginning at a stone on the East Us w . si o,. ' iium ii. d. neitub corner ana runs oQJ Movornin : ,v.si. , a new line &. cs,.io hi. bii -io feet to io -mart' fn Q Afn a r a stone; thence N. 7 degrees 45 primes ?r:;"7:"l . 400 feet to a stone; thence N. 82 n txt vl6i tco V. iv. oil --XU ieet IO fiBftWO U7 HTQno K 'Hfie.,,.. C. a stone on the East side of Beatty's glf tZ0' bV deeH t Tith Ford Road 87 degrees 45 primes W. S July 1911 Sd rlcordM in COMMISSIONER'S RE-SAE OF LAND, Under and . by virtue of an . order of : resale of the . Superior Court ;of Mecklenburg .Count3 North Carolina, made in the special proceeding enti tled, "Jennie .. Lineberg-er. et al. vs. Mrs. L. E. Friday,'et al," I will on Mon day, April 7th, 1913, t 'he hour of 12 o'clock, M., at the Court House Door in the- city of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County;. North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction -to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate situate, in the city of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, and Bounded as follows: ' ' Beginning at a stone, Houston's cor ner on Pine street, and runs with Houston's. line 99 feet to Grey's, With ers', and Houston's corcer on Hous ton's line; thence with Gray's line 60 feet to J. S. Collins' corner; thence with Collins' line 99 feet to a stone,'; corner -on. Pine street; thence with said street 60 feet to the beginning. The' same being designated rs a part of lot number-441. in square number 64" of the city of Charlotte. There is ;i dwelling house located .upen said lot. This being a re-sale, the bidding will commence at the sum of $2,200.00. This the 7th day of March. 1913. . CARL E. CARPENTER, 12-4t-oaw. Commissioner. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given S acres. t?ArleA, nAi4e. . IT i-1 Ji 1 .L?i.; Sil ori3r;tS 212, page 279. Reing the same. prop- Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg March, 1913 erty conveyed -by John W Daniel and County, North Carolina, together with; wife, to Jos. , A. - & . Hettie J. Smith 'tne rights to use the streets in com- 19-lt-oaw, ffice of the $150.00 per acre. This the 12th day of madP by deed ' recorded in said- Register's m on w ith the express conditions that office in Book 262, page 76. jneitner ot the said lots shall ever be Being the same. lots of land convey-; owned or. occypied by any.nerson of ed to the" party of the first part by the colored race. And the parties of the said Jas. A. Smith and Hettie J., the first part, obligate and bind them Smith" by deed duly recorded in the; selves, tha none of the lots as shown Register's office of Mecklenburg coun- by the sad map shall ever Le owned ty. - ' - ' v jor occupied by any person tf the col- This sale is made subject," only, to a.ored race, and said conditions ..hall ba certain Deed of Trust for". $ embraced in ,all deeds of said proper- recorder in said Registers omce in.i. A. B. WELCH, Commissioner. Book -2C6. rage S4. This the 20th dav of March, 1913. T. J. GATTIS. 20-4t'-oaw.: - Trustee." THE CHARLOTTE. HUMANE - ASSOCIATION -requests that ycu call MR. TRAYWICK (Special Officer.) Phone 83. For any case of cruelty to or neglect for a belt. Galveston News or. children -and animals. This 1st day of-March. 913.- . . : C. F. rilNSON, 3-4-oaw - Trustee . Speaking of Ellen. Another reason a girl is afraid she is going to get large and lumpy like ber-Aunt Ellen is because Aunt Ellen is always telling her that she used to be so slim she could wear her collar SOUie T)COrln onlv linlinvo Viair The only proof of the bluffer is in hear, and others believe twice as niaiinz sood. much. This the 11th day. of February, 1913. ,N. W. WALLACE. 12-4toaw.' 'Sheriff. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Having duly qualified as executors ot tne last will and testament of R. G. Kendrick, deceased, all persons hold. ing claims against the estate of nur testator are hereby notified to present rue same to us, or to Tillett & Guthrie, uur attorneys, amy ventirl xiMthir, NOTICE. ' ; North Carolina, -Mecklenburg County: Mrs.- Annie Tompkins, -v'-. ' . 'vs. .... Joseph-P. Tompkins, " The- defendant above-named - will take notice that an action entitled as in the Su- . - . UVLll-U mat dil aVl iOll in eive momns from tne date hereof. 5 .S? MJS - ba1-!? All persons indebted to said testa- groundVF 1 i Tt . - v-i.u ojjpca.i-a.L iue x.erni of the Superior Court of said County to be held on the second Mnnrtnv in June, 1913, af the Court House of said County, in Charlotte, North Carolina, and answer or, demur to the complaint ims tne; 4tu day of March, 19X3.' C. C. Mnnnw 2-4t-Da.u'. Cleric SnncHr,. Cn,! Z. V. KENDRICK. R. G. KENDRICK, JR.. M. A. EDWARDS. Tillett & Guthrie, Attys 19-4t-oaw. : ' ' Brood over your troubles, if want lq hatch out more.- you that the Eoard of Aldermen of the City of Char, lotte, .N. C, have laid out the following permanent improvement districts or sections: Euclid Avenue between East Boule vard and Park Avenue' (street . and sidewalks). Euclid. Avenue from the intersection of Euclid Avenue with WTorthington Avenue to the intersection of Euclid Avenue with .East . Boulevard (street and sidewalks). .. . Springdale. Avenue between Worth ington and Kingston Avenues (street and sidewalks). . f . . . . , Cleveland . Avenue . between - East Boulevard; and W'orthington Avenue (street ,and sidewalks). Lyndhurst, Avenue between Park Avenue" and Wortjiington Avenue ( street . and sidewalks) . . Winthrop Avenue from Kingston Avenue to East . Boulevard, (street and sidewalks). . .The sidewalks' oij both sides of -Park Avenue from the Boulevard to Lynd hurst Avenue. . ' All owners qf property abutting on said sidewalks or street in such im provement districts or sections and. all : persons interested in the said respective improvement r dis tricts ' or v, sections - are i noti fied 1 that the assessments , of" spe cial benefits to sad property by rea son of said improvements wilLbe made and determined by the Board of Alder men of the City of Charlotte, N; C at the Council Chamber, in the City Hall in said ' City on the 7th day of April 1913, at . 8 : 00 o'clock P. M., at which time and place all such persons are notified to appear and show cause-if any, why such aesemments shall not be made. 1 K By ; order o the Board of Aldermen of :the City ;of Charlotte; N. G.," this-the-20th day-of March. 1913. ' ' A. H. WEARN, oc, t City-Clerk and Treasurer. - There are times when we , must all bow to the inevitable, but don't make SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Bv virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain Deed of Trust ex ecuted by W. H. Hinkel and wife, Ella E. Hinkel. to W. F. Harding. Trustee, securing an inde"btedness therein de scribed which said Deed of Trust iu recorded in' the office of the Register of Deeds of Mecklenburg County in Book' 235. page 558, and whereas the said Deed of Trust contained a elauss authorizing the trustee therein, upon default of payment of said indebted ness, when it became due, to sell said land at. public pale - and apply the proceeds of the payment of said indebt- ness, and whereas default of payment of said indebtedness has been made, the undersigned ill expose to public sale, on the 1st Monday in' May. 1913, it being the 5th day of May, 1913, to public sale aC the-Court House door, in" the City of Charlotte, at Twelve o'clock M., for cash, to the highest bidder, the following described piece or parcel of land. lying and being in Mecklenburg County;- State of North Carolina. Paw Creek township, adjoin ing the lands of Johnston Neal, Link GrasSi Enslcy Hipp aud others, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron post on the Rozzell Ferry Road, Neal's corner, and runs along - said road . South 36, East 404 rods to a stake: thence S. 37 W. 5 8-4 rods to a stake on the C. C. Railroad; thence with the Railroad 73 3-4 rods to a stake in Neal's line; thence with his line N..S2 -1-2 W. 20 rods to the beginning, ttie same being the parcel of land on which Peter Os borne formerly lived, about 4 1-2 acres, conveyed to James Douglas by Mattle L. Mattoon. Administratrix of Stephen Mattqo-i by deed recorded in Book 69.-page 126 of the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Mecklenburg County, and being the same this day conveyed by W. F. Harding and Brevard Nixon, commissioners, to W. H. Hinkel. This the 26th day of March. 1911?. " W. F. HARDING, 2-4t-oaw. Trustee. Old Meaning of "Imp!" .In the sixteenth century the word "imp" had a very different meaning from that which it bears now, One sentence of a prayer composed under Henry VIII for generalise in church es ran: "Let us pray for the presena tion of the king's most excellent maj esty, and for the prosperous success of ' his entirely beloved' sop, . Edward, our- prince, that-, most .'angelic - imp." The' word "brat", has also changed its meaning. A sixteenth century hymn writer, George Gascoine, . refers to Abraham's brats, that brood of bless ed seed. London Chiouicle, For Gonorrhoea and Oieet get pa bs ts Oka Specific. It is the ONLY medicine which Will cure each and every case. NO CASS known it has ever failed to cure, nc matte how serious or of how long standing. Ra eults from its use will astonish you. If U absolutely safe. prevent stricture, and can be taken without in- fa ff eoovenience and detention . jtoj U 3 from business. . Price- itLn W00DALL & SHEFPAR3 '1