OHABLOTTE, NEWSAPBIL 9, 11)13 JJL Report of the Condition of The Mcrclrants x r ar mors National Bank the State of North 'J.r.:'i ' ti;.; close of business. :1 1, lOis. kS?o:t.ce. . . . f s-'ev -ired and U11' , s' "to secure tir ''..s "to secure U. S. .51.193,530.83 125,70 200,000.00 u.Uies. ct.- ... rurniture -, . . . . .. stale owned . . . - t not , .i-' STO.'M'.'.SS :ate i v u t f t I t.'.V- ti.sM.22 - v. 1" C . . ;iS.s5S.l . .... 10.019-iy i.o ;.'.." 1.000.00 3,500.00 22, 107.12 1,337.11 i e- U'.-? 5,000.tf'J "-j" lt'.OOi'.vO 275.497.13 less ex :.. riii'l v ji.-tcs out 's: 1J. 2 -' . .$1,697,43.27 . . $ "'."i.oxO.OC roo.ooo.oo 21.237.12 : oo, oo o.oo Report Of The Condition of the Charlotte Na tional Bank at Charlotte, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, April 4, 1913. 1-oans ami discounts Overdrafts, secured unsecured . . DOLLARS. . . .$1,520,315.3: and 1,6S5.5 224,000.00 1,000.00 1.61D.0S L.. t?. bonds to secure cir culation L. S. bonds l deposits .". Bankinsr house, furniture and lix lures Duo from nation al banks (not reserve agents) $3$,55S.72 Due from State and private banks and bank ers, trust com panies and sav ings banks . . 73,156.70 Due from approv ed reserve agents .... S3, 543. 13 Checks and other cash items . .. 23,414.23 Notes of other na tional banks . . 10,665.00 Fractional paper currency, nick els and cents.. 327.06 Lawful money re serve in bank viz i Specie 77.405.01 Legral-tendcr notes 23,000.00 Itcdemption- fund with U. JS. Treas urer (5 per cent of circulation) 11,200.00 338,272.26 Total ..$2,146,595.17 LIABILITIES. DOLLARS. Capital stock paid in $ 250.000.00 Surplus fund 100,000.00 Undivided profits, less cx- . , 9, -- I .:: I . - I -v i j -; 701.7V . . l.iH .;"" 909,222.20 Ure?:t lor i : il inter- !i"Ml?5"s ;nrl Invpt; r:iiH National bank notes out standing Vvc to other na tional bunks ..$13,772.53 Hue to State and private banks 1 and bankers.. 36,355.01 ! I'tie to approved 71,092.61 1,000.00 $1,697,15S.27 ;U Carolina. County of 1 reserve agents.. 9,431.21 !i:-!;vidu:l tlepos- ; us subject to Tine tt-rtitieaics of deposits.. ..3S4.599.37 Certified checks 93.22 Cashier's checks outstanding .. 3.130.S3 j posits 1.000.00 1,274. SSI. 59 0 nipii.Ofl I Bonds borrowed .. .. .. 30,'J0 J.t'O iuaoie, liiciuuiiiK certificates of deposit for money borrowed 185.000.00 Reserved for interest ac crued 10,967.97 .93S.9; :,. cashier oi tnei " u do soleninlv swear State of North Carolina. County or -' ''. Me is true to the) Mecklenburg, ss: .,l-e und belief. I I. W. II. T witty, Cashier of the Vl-' c. WILKINSON. ! abovo-iKLP.ied t ank, do solemnly swear Casliicr. I inac me awve sia lcmiicmi i is true ici inc oest ot niv kncwledcru ana ielier. W. II. TWITTi'. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Sth lay of April. 1913. TIIOS. C. HAYES. Notary Public. Correct Attest: w. h. bi:lk. Y. J. CHAMBKRS, OEO. P. WADS WORTH, C. VALAKR, Directors. Total $2,146,895.17 me ' worn to before : April. 1313. baxtki: ROSS. Notary Public. DO WD. H r.KLK. Directors. Report ot The Condition of iho Union National Bank :;:e State of North close of business, :.4 1. 1912. OOLLAHS. .$ 653,259.54 1 and un j ti u:e cir- u- e pos- . .'. .nil. 3 t 61.23 100,000.00 6 000.00 Report of The Condition of The First National Bank at Charlotte, it: the State of "orth Carolina, at the close of busintss, April 4, 1313. RESOURCES. DOLLARS. .457. '") 172,311.72 5.000.00 :n . . : ex paid. Oil- . .$ 065,235.55 DOLLARS. . . . $ioo,ooy.oo '. 77,303.11 100.000.03 Loans and discounts $1,571,009.S1 Overdrafts. secured and unsecured 1,40j..O U. S. bends to secure cir- dilation 300,000.00 Lankinc house. furniture .nnnnnn and tixtures v.yuv.uu Due from nation al banks (not reserve agents) $19,362.13 .,e from State and private banks and bank ers, trust com panies and sav- iianks .... 45,125.79 '.'ie from ap-;.;-oced reserve an"- nts o6,9 3.9.1 Checks a:ul other . :.sh items.... 9.55S. I.j Notes of other na ' t.onal bniiks .. 23,3i9.'" Fractional paper currency, nick els and cents.. 431.3.1 Lawful money re servo in bank, viz: Specie 51.20'VfO l Kal-tender notes 5,000.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Trcas- iiT'ci (5 per cent of circulation) 15.000.00 206,041.03 COMMENCED BUSINESS MAY 4, 1912 Report of the Condition of the OHIO Sliy at Close of Business on April 4th, 1913 8 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $804,876.36 Overdrafts . . . . . 447.21 Banking House, Furni ture and Fixtures . . 346,200.54 Cash oh Hand and due from Banks . . . . 179,639.95 $1,331,164.06 LIABILITIES Capital Stock . . . $500,000.00 Undivided Profits Bonds . . . . Bills Payable . . Deposits . . . . 131,982.13' 125,000.00 . None . 574,181.93 $1,331,164.06 E RECEIVE ACCOUNTS of Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals on favorable terms and shall be pleased to meet or correspond with those who contemplate making changes or opening new accounts. . . W. A. WATSON, V.-Pres. W. M. LONG, V.-Pres. OFFFICERS: J. H. LITTLE, President E. O. ANDERSON, Cashier J. H. WEARN, Ch. of the Board E. E. JONES, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS: I J A. ABERXETHY W. H. BELK J. M. DAVIS J. A. DURHAM W. W. 11AGOOD A. J. HACOOD J. W. HASTINGS W. J. HUTCHISON C. W. JOHNSTON J. A. JONES W. M. LONG J. H. LITTLE CHAS. P. MOODY j. b. Mclaughlin W. L. NICHOLSON C. W. ROBINS.ON , G. W. RAGAN 1 J. L. STATEN 4 A. L. SMITH S. B. TANNER J. H. WEARN W. A. WATSON Report Of The' Condition of The Southern Loan & Savings Bank at Charlotte, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, April i, l'JlS. RESOURCES. DOLLARS. Loans and discounts .. 345.S27.lo All other stocks, bonus ana mortgages Iic.nkinsr house. furniture i nd fixtures . i'eniand loans Lue fron banks ana bank ers 1 1,046.75 1,500.00 S5, 225.47 .:4.0D Total .$2,128,156.57 DOLLARS. . .$ 300.000.00 306,524.82 300,000.00 t.j 1 ?,2 .!;. S7 c-j ,. 5.'.3".12 0, OC't'. 00 ..oncy t i.OE -3 100.000.00 1.931.02 LT ANILITIES. - . Capital stock paid in Surplus lunu Undivided prolits, less ex panses and taxes paid.. National bank notes outstanding i Due to other na ' tionnl banks . 1 Due to State and . private banks j wild bankers LJs-'I- i Dividends unpaid : Individual depos- I its subject . to check lob, i -i.) Demand certlfl- rates Ot rieposit o,oc.J Time certilicatcs of deposits . . .418.4S6.16 Cashier's checks J1Cft. ... ... outstanding.. . 4.316.00 921.91.. o Bills payable. including 1nornlfiyCabCoSrroidcaP0.Sl! f.r. 200.000.00 .$ 3??, 235.55 . ."iro;:r.a. County of "ashici of the rt t- : solemnly swear ' r.fr.t is true to the ' :c lso and belief. !'. P. TILLKTT. Cashier, "'.ni to before me i ; i!. !'.n::. lUj-i. . 1 1 AYES. Notary TuMic. ;v. WADE. I" L.VTTA. JR., I' ALEXANDER. Directors. Ir.ted.gent Manager. "r.e e pro- iOst nart v.-nrthv i - - - - - -. vion recently gave the I Ae-v nrk- a lam- Total .$2,125,456.57 State of North Carolina, County of Merklenburg:. ss: I Henry M. McAden. President of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of ketobeuef. President. Subscribed and sworn to before m this 8th day of -Tr,r ALLISON. Notary Public Correct-Attest: WILtjIAMSf j II. M'ADKN, FRANK GILRKATH. GEO. VT. BRYAN. Directors. Cash items . . . . (Jold coin Silvtr coin. in cluding all mi nor coin curren rv National bank notes and other U. S. notes. . . Total .31 .00 95.15 450.00 575. 6 .$ 410,061.75 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided rrofits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid Time certificates of deposit Demand ccrtifi rates of deposit $40.,Jo.-.8; Savings deposits 245,039.4. Cashier's checks onrsta-.idins' 6b5.fii Accrued interest due de DOLLARS. . $ 50,000.00 . .. 30,000.00 21.739.91 50,000.00 :?6,65S.90 1.662.91 Total. .$ 440,061.75 -state of North Carolina, County of Mecklenburp. ss: I W. L. Jenkins, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge end, belief Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Sth day ofTApril, Notary Public. Correct Attest: rI,TX v. s. J. A. ALEXANDER. BELL, Directors. I- . - w. . U.'UU ros:r-c V ex(''v,'' a f(-xv from his one iVfl'T'rC' :- 1 ;' the most part blow l::crml doesn't criti- man T;5!,.!30. . bed ta-;'S6 V Ith exceptions, of "aVrst" (Vera;:e nianaxer's idea Sivase-, lv,e Clitic is a bost. Col. to'4 y.ri,srivS recall an old storv iion Laekaye, the actor. He n".; av- "The Law and the W Mi- n,'Aas founded on Huso's : tarr:-U t -ou Preserve the orlgi' '! trid".ac:,1..a fr.i1end' "Cou,;-. 1"st' said Lackaye. Py.;rs.V.-'0i a manager to x0' not r nortetl Tckaye. "I t7" Yr,- -r. no to Pronounce it." managers )me a really ioi!ed in oil, if ?l-Ieafet jh the wor The Frankness of Youth. Supper ras in progress and the fa ther was telling about a row which took place in front oi ms biiu c.. morning: "The first thing I saw was man deal tne oiuei own ,i (knn o nwd rratherinsr. The struck ran and grao- i d,nvpi hp had been using on the etreet and rushed back his eyes blazing fiercely, i iuuu6ui. furely knock the other man's rams out and I stepped right m between thThe young son of the family had become so hugely interested in the narrative as it proceeded that he had stopped eating his pudding. So proud was he of his father's valor his ejes fairly shone and he cried: "He couldn't knock anybrains out of you could he, father? Fathtr looked at him long and ear. nestly. but the lad's countenance as frank and open. . MBmtA Father gasped slightly and resumed his 6pper. Lippincott s. foivine- moving pictures m . . . . riii the man """'uuiinave been mirouuccu, " c to the occas-i moving picture have any chance 'against the woman moving picture. Excuses for Absence from Office. One prolific source of clerical hu mor, says a writer in the April Strand, consists of excuse-making for nonattendance at the office. A favor ite formula for several generations has been. "I should like to attend my grandmother's funeral, sir." Some times this touching request occasions mild surprise. "I thought Mr. Brown, you buried one grandmother last year and an other the year before?" . "That is true, sir,' was the response "It's my poor grandather's fault; he married again." "Very well. Let this be the last mntiioi- dnrinsr thfi btisv season. ji aiiuuiu t..-. " ' - - ' Mr. Brown." lover, who had granted one of his clerks leave of absence to attend the . funeral of an aunt, was shortly afterward surprised to meet the young gentleman enjoying him self at a well-known cricket ground. "You've made quick work of your aunt, Meadows," he remarked grimly. "Oh, I found I'd made a mistajse-i-n the hour. The funeral isn't until this afternoon, sir. I felt very low and thought I'd come here to get cheered up " And Meadows heaved a sigh. By an odd chance that afternoon the emplover again encountered his clerk in the vast crowd surging from the matCn - J' J 4. " h I'm very glad I didn t go to the fuiteral, sir," said the latter bright ly. 'My tailor didn't send my clothes. I hear it was, a most afflicting affair, and I should have been most coirplte ly incapacitated tomorrow. Now I'm fresh as a lark." ' Report of the Condition of the COMMERC-AL NA TIONAL BANK. at Charlotte, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, April 4, 1D13. RESOURCES. DOLLARS. Loans and discounts .. . . ?1, 830,982. 33 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 966.86 LT. S. bonds to secure cir culation 500,000.00 LT. y. bonds to secure U. S. deposits 50,000.00 Premiums of U. S. bonds.. 3,000.00 Bonds, securities, etc 6,300.00 Banking' house, furniture and lixtures 372,224.76 Due from national banks (not re serve agents) $56,S56.12 Due from State and private banks and bank ers, trust com panies ana sav ings banks . . Due from approv-e-d reserve . agents . . . . Cheeks and other 'vash items . . . 14,659.93 Notes of other na tional banks . . 10,000.00 Fractional paper currency, nick els and cents . Lawful money re serve in bank, viz: Snecio Leg-al-tencicr notes iu.uuu.uu Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer (5 per cent. Of circulation) 25,000.00 354,534.29 Total 53,118,008.04 6S.941.69 93,779.95 .510.00 74,786.60 DOLLARS. $ 500,000.00 ioo.ooo.uu 308,149.47 500,000.00 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in. Surplus fund Undivided profits less ex penses and taxes paid . National bank notes outstanding- nne tn other Na tional banks . .$15,696.91 Due to State and private banks and bankers . . 44,320.31 Due to trust com panies and sav ings banks . .. 567.99 Individual depos its subject to 4 check . . .804,326.55 Demand certifi cates of deposit 15,000.00 Time certificates of deposit . . .427,623.27 Certified checks.. 1,097.69 , Cashier's checks outstanding . . ' 1,225.85 United States de posits 50,000.00 1,359, SaS. 5 i Notes and bills redis- counted 150,000.00 Bills payable, including certificates of deposit . for money borrowed .... 50,000.00 Liabilities other than those above stated . 150,000.00 Report of The Condition of The American Trust Co at Charlotte, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business. April 4, 1913. RESOURCES. DOLLARS. Loans and discounts . . . Overdrafts secured . . . All other stocks, bonds and mortgages ' Demand loans on cotton $26,299.77 Due. from banks and bankers. . 121.23S.37 Cash items .... 27,ilS..J4 $1,667,513.60 3,430.54 .. 32,750.00 Oold coin Silver coin, in cluding all mi nor coin curren cy - National bank notes and other U. S. notes . . . Total 240.00 8,374.25 44,916.00 22S, 386.73 .$1,932,050.87 LIABILITIES. DOLLARS Capital stock paid in $ 3o0,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes r paid ",,0S2-i, Dividends unpaid Bills payable aO.OOO.OO Time certificates of deposit.. . $169,915.95 Deposits subject to check . . - .1,067,104.21 Due to banks and bankers.. 37,466.99 Cashier's checks outstanding . . 5,973.39 Certified checks . 59.25 l,2S0,ol9. , 9 Total-. , ..$1,932,0S0.S7 Total . .$3,118,008.04 State of North Carolina, County of Mecklenburg-, ss: I, A. T. Summey, Cashier ot the above-named bank, do "solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. T. SUMMEY, Cashier. Subscribed and" sworn to before me this 8th day of April, 1913. THOS. C. HATES, Notary Public. Correct Attest: , - J. A. C. WADSWORTH, WILLIS BROWN, L. W. SANDERS, R. A. DUNN, A. G. BRENIZER, Directors. Why of Course.; "Stockings?" said the v salesman, "Yes, ma'am. What number do you wear?" "What number?" snapped the stern visaged lady. "Why two of course. Do yo utake me for a centipede?" Ladies' Home Journal. State of North Carolina, County of Mecklenburg, ss: . ,. I W H. Wood, Treasurer of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledg-e and belief. W. II. WOOD, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of April. "13 Notary Public. Correct-Attest:s A. J. DRAPER, J. N. MCAUSLAND, Directors. Trust Department. Trust funds uninvested $ 2,286.59 Investments. Mortgage notes and bonds $1,044,156.30 Other securities iteal estate 22S, 537.50 Personal property 1,479.00 Total . . .$1,413,190.12 Swapping Yarns, stories of Booth Tarkington are many and varied, and to the long list Jean Galbreath and Lowell Sherman added a late one while "swapping vams" and waiting for their cues the other day at the arlem. opera house. "While Tarkmgton was on nis last stay in Paris," , said Sherman, "some people from his home town, old neigh bors in fact, looked him up, and after exchanging the usual pleasantries of the season, one of them said: "By the way, Booth did you know that some of the important citizens have placed a tablet in your old home?" ' 'No, I wasn't aware of- the honor' replied Tarkington; ('and what does it say?' " 'Why, it's very : simple, said , the other, it just reads, 'To Let," New York Telegraph. - If 5 PLf cCAUSLAND 221 South Tryon THE PILGRIM I GRAND - A Strictly Modern Sanitary,, High-Class REFRIGERATOR: Provision chamber lined with Pure White Solid Stone, as easily cleaned as a china : plate. This splendid refrig erator is in some of the fin est houses in Charlotte. May,, we put one in yours? Inspection cordially invited. & CO. - 1 Charlotte, N. C! JOB I FOR IM MEDIATE SERVICE Paradoxical as it may seem, the average man will stand up for himself even when lie has to lie to do it. More Respebtful. A story about Chas. M. Schwab has been going the rounds,. of Wallstreet. Mr. Schwab, who is very fond of farce comedy, one day bade his secretary to get him two tickets for Charlie's Aunt. ' The secretary summoned a page and said: ' . "Go 'round to the theatre and get two tickets for Charlie's Aunt, please." The page hesitated and said: "But hadn't I better say Mr. Schwab's aunt, sir 2" Washington Stars - Special Springtime Suits For Men and Young Men These include Worsteds, Cash meres, Cheviots, Serges, and Crashes in all the newly decreed shades and patterns. They are worth going after. P. i $15 to $35 me Tate-Brown Co. i