IS i 5 ! i C5i tti;i , :--. tiP3 Win S.: " I '. ;f SI-- I vs i ' mm 3 . : Sx v r -ice : GOV iJOHN N. SLA rots - 5 'iS nEVr lrrS- l jfi'i M VI fiv ill tSS 0? w. woors wHire- CHAIRMAN-- fe' DR KCLWAY. PR.HEN fy F. doPE WASHINGTON, P. c CHldQO, I L i. m i m i ii f - i. - Bishop wilbur, THIRKI ELD. : r.V." . . cr iA T-T" ' REV iVl I niiD r- -ZZ . rrn V f I A- ; i- ' y, " m 5?sn5Si . -at if tPw . m -A r. WILBUR F." Pcu . vr- yAw..w.- 'PROFdHASs Potto .1 v-5 I iBB&fSS fcs2 Wm LOU 15 POTFAr. I- L V. DR. C.S. M4C PR l A ri p. "fcW r(7RK ClTy4 PR W. &. RQNKIN. ""ai- a. A j Messages and Speakers for the j tion- Dr- wickiiffe Rose, washinston. j y. Address of welcome. Gov. Joseph M. Sroivn of Georsla. j Address, Chancellor Jas. H. Kirklat.d. V"anderbilt Universliy. Nashville. C President's annual message. Gov. r.n IJT. Hooper of Tennessee. P"The South'a Challenge for a Dctitr iSatlOn," Dr. S. C. Milche:i. rhanli..r arniversity of South Carolina. Columbia. i jiue social procram or the state: "The Social Prosram of the Church." ur. waiter iiaschenbusch. Rn?hMtr n: C -Movement for the Total smi vssion of Segregated Vice," Cliffcrd G. Roe. Chl caso. J 11. S'The Gospel for 'Modern Industry," 1 JDwen R. Lovejoj", New York Citv. K"A Cathedral of Co-on'-ration." Disliop j Mrs. l'atlv B Se . uiii n.v u, irw leans, l.a. 3 "The Great Uestroyer." Hon. Richmond I?. Hobsor:. Greensboro. Ala. 5 "The Efficiency Test in Negro Prog SBe." Miss Julia Laf.iroi-. Washington. !. C. C'The Relation of Kducatirn to Social ' 5?rogTess." Dr. Henry K. Cope. ChU-ago. Bl. t"The Program of th Federal Childrrn s Bureau," Miss Julia L.athroj, Washins bn. D. C. "The Message of National Civic Fed SBrfltion." Mrs. J. K. Utti-y, Atlanta, ia. J5 "The Prevention of Feeble-Mindodn e." ffetereopticon;. Alexanu- r Johnson." An Jfolla, ind. "The Future of the Ai '- rican Negro," JJPr. Booker T. Washington. ?"The White Man's Tasli in the Uplift jf f the Ncsro. Dr. A. J. i'arton. Waco. exas. - 2 "Treatment of th Juyenile Tfclinquent !3?id the Work of the Juvei ile Coirt." IJon. Mornay Williams, New York .City. JJ"The Travelers' Aki Work of America." JOrin C. -Baker, New York City. ' i? "The Dras on Modem A'ivllizatlon." Dr. aenry 'Stiles Bradley Worcester. Mass.. "Z "The Hour of Opportunity .or t'.;e South lirn Church for Sooial Service." Dr. John SS. Rice. Ft. Worth, Texas. "The Call and Qualifications of tr.e -ftccial' Worker." Dr. Henry F. Cope. Chi cago. III. r-C SouUi'a Interest in Rural Sauiu.- "The Full Time County Health Officer a Necessity for Conservation of Heaith In Rural Districts." Dr Seale Harris. .Mo bile. Ala. "The South's Greatest Health Need." Dr. Cressy L,. Wilbur, Washington, D. C "ifjiv Wilmington Was Made a Healthy City." Dr. Chas. T. Nesbitt. Wilming ton. N. C. "Th Soc?al Task . of the Board of Health State. City and County." Dr. Oscar DowIIns, New Orleans, La. The city program for public health: "Health and Social Efficiency," CoL J. I.. L.udlow, Winston-Salem, N. C. "ManaKC-ment and Control of Social Diseases." Dr. Towhatan S. Schenck, Norfolk. Va. "So'ial Hygiene." leader of discussion, mple, Louisville. Ky. . Illustrated lecture on the "Care of the Feeble-Minded," Prof. A. C. Ellis. Uni versity of Texas. Austin. Texas. Destruction by Industrial diseases and acident: "Medical Inspection of School Chil dren." Dr. L. T. Royster. Norfolk. Va. "The So;lnl Work of the Physician and Visiting Nurses." Dr. Douglas S.. Freeman. Richmond. "How to Enlist All Social . Agencies of th South in a Crusade of Public Health." (Conference.) "A Community's. Prnpram for Exter jninatlns the Whit Plague.". Mr. . .1. D. Strain, field secretary Tennessee T. B. Association. "Kentucky's Fight for Health." Dr. J. N. McCormack, Bowling- . Green, Ky. , "The Convict Lease and the System of Contract Prison Labor Their Place in History." Hon. Hooper Alexander, Atlanta, Ga. "The P-est Substitute for the. Convict Lease System. " E. Stapg Whitin. Co lumbia University. N.' Y. " j "The Prevention of Lynching." Gov. Wm. H.Mann of Virginia. "The Imperative Demand for Prompt and Impartial Enforcement of Law." Gov. Emmet O'Neal of Alabama. "Is Capital Punishment Justified?" Dr. F. Emory Lyon. Chicago. 111. "Needed Reforms, in Criminal Proced ure." . Prof. Maurice Parmalee. Univer sity of Missouri. "A National Movement to Suppress Segregated Vice." Dr. "W. F. Crafts. Washington. D. C. Illustrated lecture on "The District of Columbia Prison Farm and the Honor System," Y. H. Whlttaker. Occoquan. Va. ' "Council of War on How to Enlist the 1 Courts and Prison Authorities of the South In Working for Reforms: "The Work of the Kentucky. State Re formatory," Warden A. J. G., Wells. Frankfort, Ky. ' ' "A Community Program for Child Welfare." Dr. Hastings II. Hart. New York City. Illiteracy and social efficiency: "Child .Hygiene." Miss Agnes Morris. Baton Rouge, La. . "School Efficiency." Dr. Bruce R. Payne, Nashville, Tenn. "The . Tennessee Industrial School," President W. C. Kilvington. "The Fight for Better Homes," John Ihlder, New York City. "The Extent of Child Labor in the South and Needed Legislation," Dr. A. J. McKelway. "Washington.,. D. C. ' "The Placing Out System." Marcus Fagg. Jacksonville, Fia. ' : "The Social Penalty of Robbing the C.iltrenof The,r R,ht to Play: The Care of Neglected and Delin quent Children." .' Bernard Flesner.' Louisville, Ky. "The Children of the Southern High lands." Principal " J. A." Burns, Oneida. Ky. ''The Cooperative' Work of the Church and School in Education," Prof. R C. Stearnes. Richmond. Va. CoimciPof War on -"How to Enlist Social Agencies of the South in a Cru sade for Child Welfare." " of ".Mother and Illegiti mate Child." Mrs. Kate Waller Barrett. Alexandria. Va.- l2i,B',."Ub- SR a Preventive-of Juvenile Delinquency."- Mrs. W. U' Murdock. . : !:i.5rfi" ,f?r Organized Char- City "" wcLan, xew York "State Boards of Charities and State Boards of Control." Prof. Chas. S Potts bniversity of Texas. otts, - tors .in Orgnizad' Chltles." James P Iv y-a n T r.-.n-. ,1.. -r Hits I . ..77 1 enn. wV.. ' A,"-r?"'e"se and Needed Rer Ala. i. . Little Rock.' "The Field Visit; Its Value to a Com munity." Maurice Willows. Birmingham, Ala- ""Tests or Efficiency In Organized Charity."- Miss Helen B. Pendleton. Savannah, Ga.; Walter G. Ufford,. Wash ington. D. C. "The Value of Team Work in Organ ized Charities." R. T. Solersten. Jack sonville, Fla. - . "How to. Enlist the Social Agencies of the South in Developing Efficiency In Or ganized Charities." W. M. McGralh, Hir mingham. Ala. ' Publicity in Social Work." H. . VVlrt Steele. Bait! more.-Md. "The Work of the Southern Coiymission on the Race Problem." Prof. C. H. Brotigli. University of Arkansas "The Economic Status of the Negro," Prof. W. M. . Hunley.- University of Vir ginia. - -. . . "The Negro Working Out His Own Sal vation," Prof. E. C; Branson, Athens. Ua.' "Rural Education and Social S.r ficiency," Jackson Davis, Richmond. "The Negro as a Farmer." Dr. J. H. DeLoach, University of Georgia, "Land Ownership and Efficiency of Ne gro Farmers.". T. c. Walker, Glocester, C. II., Va. "The Religious Condition of the Negro." C. T. Walker, Augusta. Ga. -' "Open Church Work for the Negro," Rev. John Little, Louisville, Ky, . "Desirable Civic Reforms in the Treat ment of the Negro," Prof. W. O. Scroggs, University of , Louisiana. ' "The Jeanes and- Slater Funds and What They Are Accomplishing." Dr. J. II. Dil lard. New Orleans, Lav "The Prevalence of Contagious and in fectious Diseases Among Negroes and the Necessity of Preventive Measures," Dr. Geo. W. Hubbard, Nashville Tenn. ."Problems of Rare Adjustment," Prot. jdmes M. Fjifr, University- of Florida. "The Social and Hygienic Conditions of the Negro and Needed Reforms." Prof. Josiah Morse, University of South Caro lina. . - "How to Enlist Welfare Agencies of the South for the improvement of Civic Conditions Among- Negroes," Dr. W. D. Weatherford, Nashville, Tenn. "The White Man's Debt to the Negro." Mrs. J. D. Hammond, Augusta, Ga. " "Racial Self Respect and Racial An tagonism." Dr. C . V. Roman, Nashville, Tenn. - - ' -'. . "Social Service Defined in Terms of the Church," Dr. Samuel. Z. Batten, Phila delphia, Pa. . . - "The Social Task of the Modern Church," President W. L. . Poteat. ' Wake Fre!et. N. C. ; "The Social Mission of the Church to the Factory . People of the South," Rev. Henry Phillips, LaGrange. Ga. ' "How to" Relate Church Activities to, Social Service." Bishop Robert Strange, wnrmngton. i. u. "The -Sunday ' School as an Agency for Social Betterment," F. M. Crouch, New York City. . ' "The Efficient : Socialized Countrv Church," J. B. Gambrill, Dallas, Texas'; Rev. W. H. '-Wilson, New York City. "Denominationalism as an Aid and as a Hindrance- to the . Kingdom of God.' Dr. C. B. Wilmer. Atlanta. Ga. "The Demand for Co-operatior the White and Negro Chur"' forts for Social Bettermen' White, Atlanta. Ga. ' - "The Catholic Church Work," Dr. Leo L. Dubois, Atlanta . "The Protestant. Church and Socuu Work," Dr. Chas. S Macfarland. New York City. N. Y. "The Jewish Church and Social Work." Rabbi 1 Lewinthal Tenn. "The Young Men's Christian Associa tion and Social Work." S.'W. McGiil "The Young Women's-Christian Asso ciation and Social. Work," Miss Anna D. Caster. Charlotte. N. CV "Council of War on 'How to Enlist the Church Agencies of the South in Provid ing Qualified Social Workers." : ."Co-operative Efforts of -the Church and Organized Labor in Behalf of So cial Health and -Justice," Mr. Henry A. Atkinson, Chicago, ill. ; -r "The South's Immigrant Problem," Dr. J. M. Moore, Nasiiville, Tenn.. ' Some of the Notables. Gov. Joseph M. Brown, of Georgia, who will deliver the address of welcome on Friday evening, April - 2. - . Chancellor J. H. ,Kirkland, Ph.D., . t , Vanfierbilt University, is recognized as the foremost educator of the south. His interest, however, is not confined to hts profession. He is 'a leader in - the Con ference for 'Education '-'in the South and was last year president of the Religious Education Association of America.. Gov. Ben. W. Hooper, of Tennessee, has within five years come from com parative obscurity to a position of na tion-wide influence, not only .because of his political , success.: but because of his ' Citv, is " the' general secretary of the ': national child labor committee, who will . o . i C a 1 nlT-At'C Nashville, deliver one oi - I'uuu . or tne congress. on . juiJrj rounced a classic. It is probably the best -work of this eloquent man. Miss Julia Lathrop, who was appoint ed by President Taft as the director of the newly-established ' children's bureau. She is the first and only woman to hold a federal office in Washington. She is one of the leading . social workers of, A merica. Br. Henrv F. Cope, of Chicago, gen eral secretary of the Religious Educa tion Association of America, will deliver the closing address of the congress on "The ' Call and Qualification of SocHl workers." ' ' . Mr. Alexander Johnson is secretary of the National Conference of Charities and Corrections. He is one .of the best au thorities in America on social conditions and movements. . - "The White Man's Task is the Uplift of the Negro," Dr. A. J. Barton, Waco, leadershin in social betterment. Jio south- Texas. Dr Barton is superintendent of ern governor ever rendered a more time J education for the Baptist church in Tex- f-rn Tnd-Jstrv. "A Cathedral of Co-operation," Bishop W. L.. Thirkield,- New Orleans, La. Bishop Thirkield - is recognized not or.iy as a lesdfcr in the Methodist. Episcopal church, i . . .. np , n-ieoct arH safest MWoin tbe siorinl movements : School Etficieno , i". 1 of our day h . Nashviile, Tenn.. preside ' "The Great Destroyer." Hon. Richmond Pea body Collect for Teac.... t- tt,-. nn.i,rn Aio Tbi? irreat "The Co-oneratlve oriv " T I 1 . I i J . 1 1 , I . (Tl Vi - . . . - t ' I - . . . . 1 V. . 4.-. - ' acaress ot Air. hodsoiis na. umi spe the- south's . leaduij i:ation. "A National Movement Segregated Vice." Dr. V-'. Washington, D. C. preside 1 ticnal reform bureau. Wa.-I-"A Comnur.jily I'ropram I "fere," Dr. Hastings H. H' ' Citv, director of child hclfi- of the Russell Sage fo"; -::'lnr. I'- . ' . . . V , Ar- '",1 ..ynartm'Bl ' ray:' n U : I-L' ...IM ,- . -:ce t. C. " T'Tll' ly or important service to his country than was performed by Governor Hooper in inaugurating the Southern Sociologi cal Congress. . -- . Dr. s. C. liitchell, Ph.D., LL.D., chan cellor of the University of South Caro lina, is one of America's : educational .leaders who is helping to transform the edivcatlonai system of the south - into a niore efficient agent - in developing -our national life. s . .... .-. - Dr. Walter Rauschenbuseh; of Roches ter, N. . Y., is the most powerful influ ence, in America for social reforms-.' His bocks have caused, more men to believe in the . modern . social, movement than e ny other agency. 'He speaks witn apos-tov'c-authority. His address at the fed eral council in Chicago was pronounced by many w-ho -he"ard it as the most relo qutnt speech they . had .ever heard. - Ifie Is regarded in . Germany as America's leading sociologist." ' Clifford G. Roe, a brilliant, young law yer of Chicago, who has become bo pro foundly - moyed by the appalling revela tions of the white slave traffic -in Amer ican cities that he has. given up his suc cersful lsw practice to devote- all his timo to fighting the social : evil. '. Dr. Owen R. Lovejoy, ef New York as. - - ' - "The- Travelers' Aid Work of Amer ica." Orin C. Baker. New York City. Mr, Baker is th-3 leading authority in Amer ica -on travelers' aid work. He has not only studied this question in - America, but hss traveled largely in Europe, studying- conditions and methods for travel ers' aid work. "The Full Time County Health Officer, a Necessity .for Conservation of Health in Rural Districts," Dr. Seale Harris, Mo bile, Ala. Dr. Harris . is secrgtary of the Sotthem Medical association. - "The South's Greatest - Health Need," Dr. Creasy L, Wilbur, Washington, D. C, director, of ehe department of vital statistics of the' United States census bureau. - '- "How Wilmington Was Made a Healthy City." Dr. Chas. T. Nesbitt. Wilmington, N. C, the man who made Wilmington a clean and ' healthy city. - "The Social Task of the Board- of Health State. City and County." Dr. Os car Dowllng, New Orleans, , La. Dr. Dowline; has won a national reputation ir. fighting dieeases in Louisiana. "The City Program for-Public Healt--Htalth and Social Efflclenoy." Col. J. Ii. IiUdlow, Wlnstcte-flalem. N. C. one ot and School in Education. Stearnes, Richmond. Va.. of public instruction for t h ginia. "After Care of Mother Child." Mrs. Kate Walla i ' andria Va.. the head of tenden Mission Work of , "A City Program ffr ties," Francis IT. Mc-Lear. retary of the Association -Oresrized Charity. "The -Work of the So' slon on the Race ProM'i'1. Btou eh, professor of '-'"' " slty of Arkansas. f "The Economic Status Prof. . W. M. Hunley. j i ciology, University of yri-:,'; "The Negro AVorklng '" - V; vation," Prof. E. C. J:"2 .: Ga., supe.ten(5ent of ? ' - T Normal scnooi "DesirabI rc nf of tin nrofessor of SOcIolc-S' T.oniclana . .- .7e6i "Tin. Prsvalr nee .cf ''. '-'.ri Amir-. .rtiret 7 m School. , , .ft TrJ ble Civic Retrr -crctfj ;he Negro." Pro; . ;;;,;.;r'r fAeilon Diseases the Necessity of Tr?":r Dr. Geo. W. Hubbard. V dean of . Meharry "f ,'.:'. "Problems of Race AO i-. .Tames M. Farr. prof--Univefsity of Plorida. "The White Man's De lfts. J. D. Hammw'l- ; prfPldent of Falne rrn.- .Cnotnl T a PIC Ci Church," Pr!dent(;r U f Forest, N. C pru-.., College. . . r. A?ers( "The Sunday school a yn Social Betterment. JTtr.W of Ttton on social service - - ,j ant Episcopal cnurt .i. ea -The JrTOi-ef"- ,rrZiT-T.H York City. N- P n-, cr.'"" ine icucii , Chrtt In Amertea. TtoL' Soutn s i"V"m; TPTii.. zrv? J. M. Moore. Nasnv u., ;fatl0fl The of hpmq lcn'Sl copal ehurcn, box-

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